Article INSTRUCTION. ← Page 2 of 2 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article New Zealand. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC PRESENTATION. Page 1 of 1
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PRINCE FREDERICK WILLIAM LODGE ( No . 7 S 3 ) -A meeting was held on Tuesday , the 14 th inst ., at the Eagle lavcm , Clifton-road , Maida-hill . Present : Bros . j . J . Thomas , VV . M . ; S | . Humfress , S . W . ; E . V . New , J . W . ; F . G . Baker , P . M ., Treas . ami Preceptor ; VV . J . Stratum , Sec . pro tem . ; C . R . Wickcns , S . D . ; M . | . Green , J . D . ; C . Coleman , I . G . ; C . Stallibrass , W . S . ; F . Foxlev , P . M . 173 ; E . W . Scattergood , VV M 753 ; H . Conollv , VV . Chappie , f . H . Gluckstcin , J . Dillon ,
| . Stephens , W . M . HH ; A . E . Hubert , C . I . Biorn , E . J . Day , ( .:. J . Grove , J . VV . Curtis , and Nightingale . The lodge ' was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The 1 st Section of the Lecture was worked by the Preceptor , Bro . Baker , assisted by the brethren ; The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , lico . Conolly candidate . Bro . Nightingale answered the questions leading to the Second Degree . The 2 nd Section of the Lecture was worked
bv Bro . Baker , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Nightingale was elected a joining member . Bro . Humfress was elected VV . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation . The votes of the lodge were handed to Bro . Baker . It was proposed , s-conded , and carried unanimously , that a letter of sympathy be sent to Bro . Holden , P . M ., expressing the regret the members felt on hearing of his severe illness , and hoping that he would soon be restored to health . All Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed .
A meeting was also held ' on Tuesday , the 21 st inst ,, when there were present Bros . E . VV . Scattergood , W . M . ; H . Conolly , S . W . ; R . Dii on , J . W . ; F . G . Baker , P . M ., Treas ., and Preceptor ; J . J . Thomas , Sec . ; C . Coleman , S . D . ; A . I . Hubert , J . D . ; A . G . Hayman , I . G . ; C . Stallibrass , Stwd . ; S . J . Humfress , E . J . VValford , VV . Chappie , F . Briggs , R . Pelling , VV . P . Clarke , and VV . J . Stratton . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last initiation
meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of was rehearsed , Bro . Chappie candidate . Bro . Stratton was examined , and entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , nnd the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Stratton candidate . Bro . Chappie was examined . The 2 nd Section of the Lecture was worked by Ero . Baker , assisted by the brethren . Bros . Pelling and Clarke were elected members . Bro . Conolly , S . W ., was elected VV . M . for the ensuing week , and the officers were appointed in rotation . All Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed .
HYDE PARK LODGE ( No . 1425 ) . —A meeting was held on Monday , the 20 th insf ., at the Porchester Hotel , Leinster-place , Cleveland-square , Porchestcr-terrace , Paddington , VV . Present : Bros . Charles Powell , VV . M . 1425 , VV . M . ; H . Crookes , S . W . ; E . F . Ferris , J . W . j H . Dehane , P . M . 1 S 43 , Sec . j O . VV . Battley , S . D . ; E . M . Daniel , J . D . ; A . Hardy , I . G . ; J . Laurence , Stwd . ; J . Stephens , I . P . M . ^ 25 ; S . Sones , P . M . 1435 ; M . S . Speigel , P . M . 1 S 8 ; Capt . A . Nicols , P . M . ro 74 , P . D . G . S . of VV . Punjab ; J . C . Conway , W . Chappie , J . Cruttenden , C . J . Morse , E . C . Mulvey , F . Chandler , and VV . H . VVadham . Bro . A . ' S . de Fivas , W . M . elect 1074 , was a visitor .
The lodge was opened in dnc form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . de Fivas being candidate . At the request of the W . M ., Bro . Cruttenden gave the charge . The rst and 2 nd Sections of the Lecture were worked by Bro . Mulvey , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Crookes was elected VV . M . for the next meeting , and appointed the officers in rotation . Bro . de Fivas was elected a member . A vote of thanks was ordered to be recorded on the minutes to Bro , Mulvey for his readiness at all times to render valuable assistance to the lodge of instruction when called upon . After ' * Hearty good wishes , " the lodge was closed .
WANDERERS LODGE ( No . 1604 ) . —A meeting was held on Wednesday , the 22 nd inst ., at the Victoria Mansions Restaurant , Victoria'street , S . W . Present : Bros . Bowen , W . M . j G . E . Saunders , S . W . ; Salter , J . W . ; Brindley , P . M ., acting Preceptor ; Musson , Sec ; Restcll , S . D . ; Jackson , J . D . ; Wombell , I . G . ; Weeks , Tyler ; Coughlan , Hayes , Goode , Jardine , Whitehead , and Clarkson .
The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Goode being the candidate . Bro . Jardine answered the questions leading to the Second Degree , and was entrusted . The lodge was then opened in the Second Degree , and Bro . Jardine duly passed to the Degree of a F . C . The lodge was closed down . The S . W . was elected W . M . forthe ensuing week . All Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed .
COVENT GARDEN LODGE ( No . 1614 ) . —The usual weekly meeting of this lodge of instruction was held at the Criterion , ( Masonic Temple ) , Piccadilly , W ., on the 16 th inst ., when there were present Bros . VV . P . Rogers , W . M . ; E . J . D . Bromley , S . W . ; VV . Ham , I . W . ; Howard Sammons , S . D . ; Frank Gulliford , l . D . ; A . Gammcll , I . G . ; E . C . Mulvey , acting as Preceptor ; G . Reynolds , Treas . and Sec . j T . E . Weeks , Tyler ; Robert Fcndick , E . Spon , J . E . Laurence , Henry Crookes , L . Cunzel , VV .
Culverhouse , james Watts , B . Kauffman , R . J . Harnell , Charles Richards , James Woodward , A . Clark , VV . Hancock , VV . H . VVadham , and E . J . Day . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , Bro . E . I . D . Bromley worked the 1 st Section of the First Lecture , Bro . E . C . Mulvey worked the 2 nd Section of the First Lecture . Bro . Kauffman offering himself as a candidate for initiation , the W . M . was pleased to
rehearse the ceremony . Bro . R . J . Harnell worked the 3 rd Section of the First Lecture . Bro . E . C . Mulvey worked the 4 th Section of the First Lecture . On rising for the first time , the following brethren were unanimously elected joining members of this lodge of instruction : —Bros . E . Spon , 1987 ; W . H . VVadham , 1643 ; and E . 1 . Day , 1641 ; proposed by Bro . G . Reynolds , and seconded by Bro . E . C . Mulvey .. On rising for the second time , Bro . E , J . D . Bromley , S . W ., was unanimously elected VV . M . for the ensuing week , being proposed by Bro . E . C . Mulvey , and seconded by the J . W . The VV . M . elect was pleased to appoint his officers in rotation .
On rising for the third time , Bro . E . C . Mulvey proposed that a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes of this lodge of Instruction to Bro . VV . P . Rogers , VV . M ., for the very able and efficient manner in which he had carried out the duties of the chair for the first time in this lodge of instruction—seconded hy the J . W ., and carried unanimously . The VV . M . made a suitable reply . Bro . R . J . Harnell proposed that a vote of thanks also be recorded on the minutes to Bro . E . C . Mulvey for the able manner in which he had acted as Preceptor in the absence of Bro . VV . C . Smith—seconded by the J . W ., and carried unanimously . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed .
KENSINGTON LODGE ( No . 1767 ) . —A meeting was held on the sist inst ., at lhe Conrtticld Hotel , Earl's Court , S . W . Present Bros . Craggs , VV . M . ; Lovett , S . W . ; Windsor , J . W . j W . B . Neville , S . U . ; Aslett , J . D . ; Heath , I . G . ; Read , P . M . ; Hnbbard , lion . Sec . ; VV . C . Wiiliams , Sims , Keene , Kingsiey , Cochrane , and Dury . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Keene being candidate . The lodge was called oil and o » . Bro . Cochrane having answered the questions leading to
the Second Degree , was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and the ceremony of passing was rchean-ed . Lodge was resumed to the First Degree . Bro . Lovett was elected W . M . for next meeting , and the officers were appointed in rotation . A vote of thanks was proposed , and carried , to Bro . Craggs , for the able manner In which he had carried out the duties of VV . M . in tins lodge for the first time . It WJS proposed , and carried , that assistance be granted to a distressed brother from the lodge funds , Lodge closed in due form .
UB 1 QUE LODGE ( No . 1580 ) . —A meeting was held on Friday , tne ijth inst ., at the Crown and Anchor , 79 , Ebury-strcet , S . W , Present : Bros . Mason , VV . M . j Coleman , S . W . ; Wade , P . M .,
I . W . ; Boulton , P . M ., Preceptor ; Gibson , P . M ., Treas . ; Coughlan , Sec ; Gibson , S . D . ; Purnell , | . D .: Grist , I . G . ; and Waklcy . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read am ! confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . VVakley candidate . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . Bro , Purnell , a candidate to be raised to the Third Degree , answered the usual questions , and was entrusted .
The lodge was opened in the Third Degree . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Purnell being the candidate . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree , and Bro . VVakley was unanimously elected a joining member . Bro . Coleman was unanimously elected VV . M . for the ensuing fortnight . Nothing further ottering , the lodge was closed . A meeting of the Charitable Association was afterwards held , which proved favourable to Bro . Mason .
CREATON LODGE ( No . 1701 ) . — -A meeting was held on Thursdav , the 16 th inst ., at the Wheatsheaf Hotel , Goldhawkroad , Shepherd ' s Bush , VV . Present : Bros . Craggs , VV . M . ; VV . Williams , S . W . ; Austin , J . W . ; Chaltont , P . M ., Sec . ; Bnrton , P . M ., S . D . ; Purdue , P . M ., \ . D . ; Whittle , I . G . ; Spiegel , P . M . ; Sims , P . M . ; Josey , P . M . ; J . Davies , P . M ., Preceptor ; Jennings , Stonhill , Cavers , Brictbart , Burbrook , VV . VV . Williams , and Head . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last
meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Jennings being candidate . The lodge was called off and on . The VV . M . intimated his intention to work the ceremony of passing . Bro . Stonhill offered himself as candidate , answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . The lodge was opened to the Second Degree , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree . Bro . Burbro ik , 66 , was elected a joining member . Bro . Williams was elected VV . M . for the next meeting , and appointed the officers in rotation . The lodge was then closed .
CHISWICK LODGE ( No . 2012 ) . —A meeting was held at the Windsor Castle Hotel , King-street , Hammersmith , on Saturday , the iSth inst . Present : Bros . ] . Davies , VV . M . ; V . Wing , S . W . ; VV . VV . Williams , J . W . ; A . Williams , Sec . ; J . Brown , S . D . ; D . Stroud , J . D . ; ' C . B . Corston , I . G . ; J . Sims , P . M . ; H . Purdue , P . M . ; and Craggs . The lodge was opened in the First Degree , nnd the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and Bro . C . B . Corsto" , P . M ., offering himself
as candidate , was examined and entrusted . Ledge was opened in the Third Degree , when the VV . M . eloquently rehearsed the ceremony of raising , Bro . C . B . Corston , being the candidate . Lodge was then closed in the Third and Second Degrees . The VV . M ., with the brethren , then worked the 2 nd Section of the First Lecture . The VV . M . rose for the first and second times , when Ero . Ayling proposed , and Bro . VV . VV . Williams seconded , that Bro . Wing be W . M . for the next meeting—carried unanimously . The W . M . rose for lhe third time , and after " Hearty good wishes" were given and acknowledged , the ledge was closed .
CANTERBURY . —Royal Military Lodge ( No . 1449 ) . —A meet , ing was held on Monday , the 20 th inst ,, at the Masonic Temple , 38 , St . Pcter ' s-street . Present : Bros . Cockersell , as VV . M . ; Tomblings , S . W . ; Dcvclin , J . W . ; R . D . Simms , Sec . ; Pepper , S . D . ; McClintock , J . D . ; Abbs , D . C ; Beckett , I . G . ; Nay lor and Clavdon , Stwds . ; Blake , Tyler ; Blamicrs , W . M . 1449 ; and E . Beer , P . M .
The lodge was opened in the First Degree , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , was raised to the Third Degree , and then lowered to the Second and First Degrees . " Hearty good wishes " were given from Bro . Blamiers , VV . M . 1449 , and also from officers of the lodge of instruction . Nothing further having been offered for the good of Freemasonry , or of this lodge of instruction in particular , the same was closed in due form .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
HORNSEY CHAPTER OF IMPROVEMENT ( No . 890 ) . —A convocation was held at the Porchester Hotel , Leinster-place , Cleveland-square , Paddington , VV ., on Friday , the 17 th insr . Present : Comps . G . Gregory , P . Z . and Z . elect 1538 , J . 704 , P . S . 1048 , M . E . Z . ; VV . H . Dean , P . Z . 77 , P . P . G . R . Dorset , H . ; j . Cruttenden , 779 , J . ; H . E . Dehane , J . 890 , 862 , S . E . ; Capt . A . Nicols , P . Z ., Z . 890 , P . D . G . S . of W . Punjab , S . N . j F . VV . Levander , P . Z . 142 , 1 st A . S . 2048 ( visitor ) , P . S . ; and W . E . Jameson . The chapter was declared opevi lor improvement , and the minutes
of the last convocation were read and confirmed . Notice of motion for the alteration of a bye . law , given by Comp . Edmonds on the 20 th August , was read , lhe ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Jameson being candidate . The companions expressed great regret at the alarming nature of the illness of Comp . Capt . li . S . Andrews , the Treasurer of the chapter of improvement . A vote of thanks to Comp . Levander for the able manner in which he had rehearsed the duties of P . S . was passed , and after the ballot had proved unanimous , he was elected a member . After " Hearty good wishes , " the chapter was closed .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
CHISWICK LODGE ( No . 357 ) - —The usual meeting of this lodge was held at the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , on Saturday , the 18 th inst . The lodge was opened in ancient form by the VV . M ., Bro . Geo . Gardner , P . G . D . C , who , owing to indisposition , then vacated the chair , which was then occupied by Bro . Dr . F . Lawrance , P . P . G . M . O ., who performed the ceremony of advancement in
his usual able and impressive manner . The candidates were Bros . VV . H . Ellis , Yarborough Lodge ; H . Hartley , Kilburn Lodge ; G . Thomas , Villiers Lodge ; and N . Defries , P . M ., Tranquillity Lodge . The W . M . again resumed the chair , and proceeded to close the lodge in the usual manner . In so doing , he referred to the proposed testimonial to Bro . F . Binckes , G . S ., P . G . S ., alluding in graceful terms to the services rendered by him to Mark and
Craft Masonry , but more especially as Secretary to the Boys' School , which had attained its present flourishing position under his guidance . It was proposed by the W . M ., seconded by the S . W ., Bro . F . Tyler , " That the sum of two guineas be subscribed towards this fund by the Chiswick Lodge . " The banquet that followed was provided by the host , Bro . J . Brill , in his usual satisfactory manner . At the conclusion , the customary loyal and Masonic toasts were
given . The W . M . proposed "The Queen and Mark Masonry , " and in so doing said the Mark Master Masons were second to none for their appreciation of her many virtues , and hoped that she might be spared many years to reiyn over this vast empire . In proposing "The M . W . G . M ., H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " the W . M . said he was totally unable to express the qualities which the Grand Master possessed , and the
Mark Masonry.
hold which he had not only upon the hearts of Mark Master Masons , but upon Masons in general . He then referred to the installation of his Royal Highness as G . M . of M . M . M ., and to the value which Mark Masonry would receive hy it . "The Pro G . M ., the Right Hon . the Earl of Kintore , and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past , " was next given , coupled with the names of Bros . 1 \
Binckes , Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , P . G . W ., and F . Hogard , P . G . S . Bro . F . Binckes , in responding to this toast , said that he had no intention of making a long speech , but it would be an injustice not to acknowledge the courtesy with which the Chiswick Lod ge always received him and other visitors . He would also like to call the attention of Die brethren to the services which the Pro G . M ., the Earl of Kintorehad
, rendered to Mark Masonry , and the gracious manner in which he had shortened his term of office to make way for H . K . H . the Prince of Wales , and the assistance he so joyfully rendered to his Royal Highness as G . M . Bros . Col . Shadwell H . Clarke and F . Hogard also responded . In proposing " The Health of the R . W . Bro . Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., Prov . G . M . M . M ., and the Prov . Grand
Officers , Past and Present , of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey and Middlesex , " the VV . M . stated that their Prov . G . M . M . M . was prevented from being present that evening by being absent in Wilts . Bro . F . Lawrance , P . P . G . M . O ., responded . "The Health of the W . M . " was proposed by Bro . Dr . Lawrance , who in doing so said and , the VV . M . had fully realised the term " mark well , " that though only a young
Mason of seven years' standing , byhis indomitable courage and perseverance had raised himself to the chairs of the Chiswick Mark and Craft Lodges , as well as to provincial rank , and had been primarily instrumental in forming both of these lodges . In concluding he trusted that young Masons in the room would endeavour to follow his example . The other toasts followed in due order , and a most successful meeting was brought to a close .
New Zealand.
New Zealand .
GREYMOUTH . —Greymouth Lodge ( No . 1233 , E . C)—A meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , July 13 th , at the Freemasons' Hall , when there were present Bros . Thomas Woods , VV . M . j C . Wainwright , S . W . j T . A . Murphy , J . W . j Rev . T . B . MacLean , Chap . ; P . B . Cameron , Treas . j R . Wilson , Sec . j C . Hawsen , S . D . j W . Tewsdale , J . D . j J . Stephens , I . G . ; E . Ashtons , Stwd . j M . McLaren , Tyler j J . Kerr , P . M ., D . D . G . M . of
Westland j E . J . Lord , P . M ., D . G . J . W . j J . G . Thomas , P . M . j W . B . Barkley , P . M . j Greenwood , P . M . j Skoglund , P . M . j Wellby , P . M . j Bish , P . M . j Arnold , P . M . j and others . There was an unusually large attendance of visitors . Bro . J . Kerr , D . D . G . M . of Westland , acted as Installing Officer , and performed the whole ceremony in a most earnest and impressive manner , and received a vote of
thanks on the proposal of the W . M ., who paid him a well-deserved and graceful compliment on the force and beauty of his working . The officers appointed and invested were Bros . Rev . B . J . Westbrook , W . M . j Thos . Woods , I . P . M . j T . B . MacLean , S . W . j E . Ashton , J . W . j R . W . Greenwood , P . M ., Sec . j H . VV . Robinson and C . Hawsen , Stwds . j VV . Tewsdale , J . D . j J .
Stephens , I . G . j and M . McLaren , Tyler . lhe following lodges were . represented : Southern Star , 735 ( E . C ) j Robert Burns , 692 ( E . C . ) j Lazar , 16 S 9 ( E . C . ) j lotara , 1241 ( E . C . ) j St . Thomas Kilwinning , 6 59 ( E . C ); Cargill Kilwinning , 632 ( E . C ); Pacific , 1229 ( E . C . ); St . John's , 610 ( S . C . ); St . Andrew Kilwinning , 4 S 1 ( S . C ); and Masterton , 1430 ( E . C . ) The lodge was then closed .
Masonic Presentation.
There was a large attendance at the monthly meeting of the Star in the East Lodge , No . 650 , held at the Great Eastern Hotel , Harwich , on Tuesday , the 14 th inst . The business included the election of Worshipful Master , to succeed Bro . M . L . Sanders , whose year of office expires ;
the unanimous choice of the brethren fell upon Bro . Parsons , S . W ., and he will be installed at the next meeting . Before the lodge closed , Bro . R . CLOWES , P . M ., presented at his own cost to Bro . Sanders , W . M ., a very handsome silver cup suitably engraved , and in making the presentation Bro . Clowes spoke in the highest terms of the great interest Bro . Sanders had always taken to promote the good of the lodge , and to advance Masonry .
MASONRY AS AN INSTITUTION . Many Masonic writers employ much time and expend much labour and ink , to prove or disprove , the antiquity of Masonry . There is no doubt that the Institution is ancient , as it has existed from time immemorial , and there is abundant proof that no one living can tell the exact period of its first foundation . This being the fact , and few we think will dispute it , why waste time and labour upon what cannot be
positively proven ? It is the Masonry of to-day that should engage the attention of Craftsmen j its purposes , advantages , and aims , not when and where it existed in the past . 1 hat Masonry has done much to enlighten the world , must be apparent even to the youngest made member . Its teachings of reverence for the Deity , and brotherly love towards every man , has made it the Institution that has outlived even dynasties and nations . Its principles of morality ,
equality , and rectitude of life and conduct , have supported it amid many trials and persecutions j so that to-day the Institution flourishes all over the world , wherever civilisation extends , and is respected and esteemed alike by prince , peer , and peasant . Let every brother practise out of the lodge what is taught within it , and leave the question of the antiquity of Masonry to the past . Let them look
to the present and see if they cannot perform the true Masonic pait in some way or other . We are sure there are , many opportunities constantly presented to view , without Masons taking much trouble to find them , and by following them out they can prove to the world that Masonry is , indeed , the Institution it claims to be . —New Zealand Mail . v
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PRINCE FREDERICK WILLIAM LODGE ( No . 7 S 3 ) -A meeting was held on Tuesday , the 14 th inst ., at the Eagle lavcm , Clifton-road , Maida-hill . Present : Bros . j . J . Thomas , VV . M . ; S | . Humfress , S . W . ; E . V . New , J . W . ; F . G . Baker , P . M ., Treas . ami Preceptor ; VV . J . Stratum , Sec . pro tem . ; C . R . Wickcns , S . D . ; M . | . Green , J . D . ; C . Coleman , I . G . ; C . Stallibrass , W . S . ; F . Foxlev , P . M . 173 ; E . W . Scattergood , VV M 753 ; H . Conollv , VV . Chappie , f . H . Gluckstcin , J . Dillon ,
| . Stephens , W . M . HH ; A . E . Hubert , C . I . Biorn , E . J . Day , ( .:. J . Grove , J . VV . Curtis , and Nightingale . The lodge ' was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The 1 st Section of the Lecture was worked by the Preceptor , Bro . Baker , assisted by the brethren ; The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , lico . Conolly candidate . Bro . Nightingale answered the questions leading to the Second Degree . The 2 nd Section of the Lecture was worked
bv Bro . Baker , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Nightingale was elected a joining member . Bro . Humfress was elected VV . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation . The votes of the lodge were handed to Bro . Baker . It was proposed , s-conded , and carried unanimously , that a letter of sympathy be sent to Bro . Holden , P . M ., expressing the regret the members felt on hearing of his severe illness , and hoping that he would soon be restored to health . All Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed .
A meeting was also held ' on Tuesday , the 21 st inst ,, when there were present Bros . E . VV . Scattergood , W . M . ; H . Conolly , S . W . ; R . Dii on , J . W . ; F . G . Baker , P . M ., Treas ., and Preceptor ; J . J . Thomas , Sec . ; C . Coleman , S . D . ; A . I . Hubert , J . D . ; A . G . Hayman , I . G . ; C . Stallibrass , Stwd . ; S . J . Humfress , E . J . VValford , VV . Chappie , F . Briggs , R . Pelling , VV . P . Clarke , and VV . J . Stratton . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last initiation
meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of was rehearsed , Bro . Chappie candidate . Bro . Stratton was examined , and entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , nnd the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Stratton candidate . Bro . Chappie was examined . The 2 nd Section of the Lecture was worked by Ero . Baker , assisted by the brethren . Bros . Pelling and Clarke were elected members . Bro . Conolly , S . W ., was elected VV . M . for the ensuing week , and the officers were appointed in rotation . All Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed .
HYDE PARK LODGE ( No . 1425 ) . —A meeting was held on Monday , the 20 th insf ., at the Porchester Hotel , Leinster-place , Cleveland-square , Porchestcr-terrace , Paddington , VV . Present : Bros . Charles Powell , VV . M . 1425 , VV . M . ; H . Crookes , S . W . ; E . F . Ferris , J . W . j H . Dehane , P . M . 1 S 43 , Sec . j O . VV . Battley , S . D . ; E . M . Daniel , J . D . ; A . Hardy , I . G . ; J . Laurence , Stwd . ; J . Stephens , I . P . M . ^ 25 ; S . Sones , P . M . 1435 ; M . S . Speigel , P . M . 1 S 8 ; Capt . A . Nicols , P . M . ro 74 , P . D . G . S . of VV . Punjab ; J . C . Conway , W . Chappie , J . Cruttenden , C . J . Morse , E . C . Mulvey , F . Chandler , and VV . H . VVadham . Bro . A . ' S . de Fivas , W . M . elect 1074 , was a visitor .
The lodge was opened in dnc form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . de Fivas being candidate . At the request of the W . M ., Bro . Cruttenden gave the charge . The rst and 2 nd Sections of the Lecture were worked by Bro . Mulvey , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Crookes was elected VV . M . for the next meeting , and appointed the officers in rotation . Bro . de Fivas was elected a member . A vote of thanks was ordered to be recorded on the minutes to Bro , Mulvey for his readiness at all times to render valuable assistance to the lodge of instruction when called upon . After ' * Hearty good wishes , " the lodge was closed .
WANDERERS LODGE ( No . 1604 ) . —A meeting was held on Wednesday , the 22 nd inst ., at the Victoria Mansions Restaurant , Victoria'street , S . W . Present : Bros . Bowen , W . M . j G . E . Saunders , S . W . ; Salter , J . W . ; Brindley , P . M ., acting Preceptor ; Musson , Sec ; Restcll , S . D . ; Jackson , J . D . ; Wombell , I . G . ; Weeks , Tyler ; Coughlan , Hayes , Goode , Jardine , Whitehead , and Clarkson .
The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Goode being the candidate . Bro . Jardine answered the questions leading to the Second Degree , and was entrusted . The lodge was then opened in the Second Degree , and Bro . Jardine duly passed to the Degree of a F . C . The lodge was closed down . The S . W . was elected W . M . forthe ensuing week . All Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed .
COVENT GARDEN LODGE ( No . 1614 ) . —The usual weekly meeting of this lodge of instruction was held at the Criterion , ( Masonic Temple ) , Piccadilly , W ., on the 16 th inst ., when there were present Bros . VV . P . Rogers , W . M . ; E . J . D . Bromley , S . W . ; VV . Ham , I . W . ; Howard Sammons , S . D . ; Frank Gulliford , l . D . ; A . Gammcll , I . G . ; E . C . Mulvey , acting as Preceptor ; G . Reynolds , Treas . and Sec . j T . E . Weeks , Tyler ; Robert Fcndick , E . Spon , J . E . Laurence , Henry Crookes , L . Cunzel , VV .
Culverhouse , james Watts , B . Kauffman , R . J . Harnell , Charles Richards , James Woodward , A . Clark , VV . Hancock , VV . H . VVadham , and E . J . Day . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , Bro . E . I . D . Bromley worked the 1 st Section of the First Lecture , Bro . E . C . Mulvey worked the 2 nd Section of the First Lecture . Bro . Kauffman offering himself as a candidate for initiation , the W . M . was pleased to
rehearse the ceremony . Bro . R . J . Harnell worked the 3 rd Section of the First Lecture . Bro . E . C . Mulvey worked the 4 th Section of the First Lecture . On rising for the first time , the following brethren were unanimously elected joining members of this lodge of instruction : —Bros . E . Spon , 1987 ; W . H . VVadham , 1643 ; and E . 1 . Day , 1641 ; proposed by Bro . G . Reynolds , and seconded by Bro . E . C . Mulvey .. On rising for the second time , Bro . E , J . D . Bromley , S . W ., was unanimously elected VV . M . for the ensuing week , being proposed by Bro . E . C . Mulvey , and seconded by the J . W . The VV . M . elect was pleased to appoint his officers in rotation .
On rising for the third time , Bro . E . C . Mulvey proposed that a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes of this lodge of Instruction to Bro . VV . P . Rogers , VV . M ., for the very able and efficient manner in which he had carried out the duties of the chair for the first time in this lodge of instruction—seconded hy the J . W ., and carried unanimously . The VV . M . made a suitable reply . Bro . R . J . Harnell proposed that a vote of thanks also be recorded on the minutes to Bro . E . C . Mulvey for the able manner in which he had acted as Preceptor in the absence of Bro . VV . C . Smith—seconded by the J . W ., and carried unanimously . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed .
KENSINGTON LODGE ( No . 1767 ) . —A meeting was held on the sist inst ., at lhe Conrtticld Hotel , Earl's Court , S . W . Present Bros . Craggs , VV . M . ; Lovett , S . W . ; Windsor , J . W . j W . B . Neville , S . U . ; Aslett , J . D . ; Heath , I . G . ; Read , P . M . ; Hnbbard , lion . Sec . ; VV . C . Wiiliams , Sims , Keene , Kingsiey , Cochrane , and Dury . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Keene being candidate . The lodge was called oil and o » . Bro . Cochrane having answered the questions leading to
the Second Degree , was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and the ceremony of passing was rchean-ed . Lodge was resumed to the First Degree . Bro . Lovett was elected W . M . for next meeting , and the officers were appointed in rotation . A vote of thanks was proposed , and carried , to Bro . Craggs , for the able manner In which he had carried out the duties of VV . M . in tins lodge for the first time . It WJS proposed , and carried , that assistance be granted to a distressed brother from the lodge funds , Lodge closed in due form .
UB 1 QUE LODGE ( No . 1580 ) . —A meeting was held on Friday , tne ijth inst ., at the Crown and Anchor , 79 , Ebury-strcet , S . W , Present : Bros . Mason , VV . M . j Coleman , S . W . ; Wade , P . M .,
I . W . ; Boulton , P . M ., Preceptor ; Gibson , P . M ., Treas . ; Coughlan , Sec ; Gibson , S . D . ; Purnell , | . D .: Grist , I . G . ; and Waklcy . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read am ! confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . VVakley candidate . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . Bro , Purnell , a candidate to be raised to the Third Degree , answered the usual questions , and was entrusted .
The lodge was opened in the Third Degree . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Purnell being the candidate . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree , and Bro . VVakley was unanimously elected a joining member . Bro . Coleman was unanimously elected VV . M . for the ensuing fortnight . Nothing further ottering , the lodge was closed . A meeting of the Charitable Association was afterwards held , which proved favourable to Bro . Mason .
CREATON LODGE ( No . 1701 ) . — -A meeting was held on Thursdav , the 16 th inst ., at the Wheatsheaf Hotel , Goldhawkroad , Shepherd ' s Bush , VV . Present : Bros . Craggs , VV . M . ; VV . Williams , S . W . ; Austin , J . W . ; Chaltont , P . M ., Sec . ; Bnrton , P . M ., S . D . ; Purdue , P . M ., \ . D . ; Whittle , I . G . ; Spiegel , P . M . ; Sims , P . M . ; Josey , P . M . ; J . Davies , P . M ., Preceptor ; Jennings , Stonhill , Cavers , Brictbart , Burbrook , VV . VV . Williams , and Head . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last
meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Jennings being candidate . The lodge was called off and on . The VV . M . intimated his intention to work the ceremony of passing . Bro . Stonhill offered himself as candidate , answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . The lodge was opened to the Second Degree , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree . Bro . Burbro ik , 66 , was elected a joining member . Bro . Williams was elected VV . M . for the next meeting , and appointed the officers in rotation . The lodge was then closed .
CHISWICK LODGE ( No . 2012 ) . —A meeting was held at the Windsor Castle Hotel , King-street , Hammersmith , on Saturday , the iSth inst . Present : Bros . ] . Davies , VV . M . ; V . Wing , S . W . ; VV . VV . Williams , J . W . ; A . Williams , Sec . ; J . Brown , S . D . ; D . Stroud , J . D . ; ' C . B . Corston , I . G . ; J . Sims , P . M . ; H . Purdue , P . M . ; and Craggs . The lodge was opened in the First Degree , nnd the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and Bro . C . B . Corsto" , P . M ., offering himself
as candidate , was examined and entrusted . Ledge was opened in the Third Degree , when the VV . M . eloquently rehearsed the ceremony of raising , Bro . C . B . Corston , being the candidate . Lodge was then closed in the Third and Second Degrees . The VV . M ., with the brethren , then worked the 2 nd Section of the First Lecture . The VV . M . rose for the first and second times , when Ero . Ayling proposed , and Bro . VV . VV . Williams seconded , that Bro . Wing be W . M . for the next meeting—carried unanimously . The W . M . rose for lhe third time , and after " Hearty good wishes" were given and acknowledged , the ledge was closed .
CANTERBURY . —Royal Military Lodge ( No . 1449 ) . —A meet , ing was held on Monday , the 20 th inst ,, at the Masonic Temple , 38 , St . Pcter ' s-street . Present : Bros . Cockersell , as VV . M . ; Tomblings , S . W . ; Dcvclin , J . W . ; R . D . Simms , Sec . ; Pepper , S . D . ; McClintock , J . D . ; Abbs , D . C ; Beckett , I . G . ; Nay lor and Clavdon , Stwds . ; Blake , Tyler ; Blamicrs , W . M . 1449 ; and E . Beer , P . M .
The lodge was opened in the First Degree , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , was raised to the Third Degree , and then lowered to the Second and First Degrees . " Hearty good wishes " were given from Bro . Blamiers , VV . M . 1449 , and also from officers of the lodge of instruction . Nothing further having been offered for the good of Freemasonry , or of this lodge of instruction in particular , the same was closed in due form .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
HORNSEY CHAPTER OF IMPROVEMENT ( No . 890 ) . —A convocation was held at the Porchester Hotel , Leinster-place , Cleveland-square , Paddington , VV ., on Friday , the 17 th insr . Present : Comps . G . Gregory , P . Z . and Z . elect 1538 , J . 704 , P . S . 1048 , M . E . Z . ; VV . H . Dean , P . Z . 77 , P . P . G . R . Dorset , H . ; j . Cruttenden , 779 , J . ; H . E . Dehane , J . 890 , 862 , S . E . ; Capt . A . Nicols , P . Z ., Z . 890 , P . D . G . S . of W . Punjab , S . N . j F . VV . Levander , P . Z . 142 , 1 st A . S . 2048 ( visitor ) , P . S . ; and W . E . Jameson . The chapter was declared opevi lor improvement , and the minutes
of the last convocation were read and confirmed . Notice of motion for the alteration of a bye . law , given by Comp . Edmonds on the 20 th August , was read , lhe ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Jameson being candidate . The companions expressed great regret at the alarming nature of the illness of Comp . Capt . li . S . Andrews , the Treasurer of the chapter of improvement . A vote of thanks to Comp . Levander for the able manner in which he had rehearsed the duties of P . S . was passed , and after the ballot had proved unanimous , he was elected a member . After " Hearty good wishes , " the chapter was closed .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
CHISWICK LODGE ( No . 357 ) - —The usual meeting of this lodge was held at the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , on Saturday , the 18 th inst . The lodge was opened in ancient form by the VV . M ., Bro . Geo . Gardner , P . G . D . C , who , owing to indisposition , then vacated the chair , which was then occupied by Bro . Dr . F . Lawrance , P . P . G . M . O ., who performed the ceremony of advancement in
his usual able and impressive manner . The candidates were Bros . VV . H . Ellis , Yarborough Lodge ; H . Hartley , Kilburn Lodge ; G . Thomas , Villiers Lodge ; and N . Defries , P . M ., Tranquillity Lodge . The W . M . again resumed the chair , and proceeded to close the lodge in the usual manner . In so doing , he referred to the proposed testimonial to Bro . F . Binckes , G . S ., P . G . S ., alluding in graceful terms to the services rendered by him to Mark and
Craft Masonry , but more especially as Secretary to the Boys' School , which had attained its present flourishing position under his guidance . It was proposed by the W . M ., seconded by the S . W ., Bro . F . Tyler , " That the sum of two guineas be subscribed towards this fund by the Chiswick Lodge . " The banquet that followed was provided by the host , Bro . J . Brill , in his usual satisfactory manner . At the conclusion , the customary loyal and Masonic toasts were
given . The W . M . proposed "The Queen and Mark Masonry , " and in so doing said the Mark Master Masons were second to none for their appreciation of her many virtues , and hoped that she might be spared many years to reiyn over this vast empire . In proposing "The M . W . G . M ., H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " the W . M . said he was totally unable to express the qualities which the Grand Master possessed , and the
Mark Masonry.
hold which he had not only upon the hearts of Mark Master Masons , but upon Masons in general . He then referred to the installation of his Royal Highness as G . M . of M . M . M ., and to the value which Mark Masonry would receive hy it . "The Pro G . M ., the Right Hon . the Earl of Kintore , and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past , " was next given , coupled with the names of Bros . 1 \
Binckes , Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , P . G . W ., and F . Hogard , P . G . S . Bro . F . Binckes , in responding to this toast , said that he had no intention of making a long speech , but it would be an injustice not to acknowledge the courtesy with which the Chiswick Lod ge always received him and other visitors . He would also like to call the attention of Die brethren to the services which the Pro G . M ., the Earl of Kintorehad
, rendered to Mark Masonry , and the gracious manner in which he had shortened his term of office to make way for H . K . H . the Prince of Wales , and the assistance he so joyfully rendered to his Royal Highness as G . M . Bros . Col . Shadwell H . Clarke and F . Hogard also responded . In proposing " The Health of the R . W . Bro . Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., Prov . G . M . M . M ., and the Prov . Grand
Officers , Past and Present , of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey and Middlesex , " the VV . M . stated that their Prov . G . M . M . M . was prevented from being present that evening by being absent in Wilts . Bro . F . Lawrance , P . P . G . M . O ., responded . "The Health of the W . M . " was proposed by Bro . Dr . Lawrance , who in doing so said and , the VV . M . had fully realised the term " mark well , " that though only a young
Mason of seven years' standing , byhis indomitable courage and perseverance had raised himself to the chairs of the Chiswick Mark and Craft Lodges , as well as to provincial rank , and had been primarily instrumental in forming both of these lodges . In concluding he trusted that young Masons in the room would endeavour to follow his example . The other toasts followed in due order , and a most successful meeting was brought to a close .
New Zealand.
New Zealand .
GREYMOUTH . —Greymouth Lodge ( No . 1233 , E . C)—A meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , July 13 th , at the Freemasons' Hall , when there were present Bros . Thomas Woods , VV . M . j C . Wainwright , S . W . j T . A . Murphy , J . W . j Rev . T . B . MacLean , Chap . ; P . B . Cameron , Treas . j R . Wilson , Sec . j C . Hawsen , S . D . j W . Tewsdale , J . D . j J . Stephens , I . G . ; E . Ashtons , Stwd . j M . McLaren , Tyler j J . Kerr , P . M ., D . D . G . M . of
Westland j E . J . Lord , P . M ., D . G . J . W . j J . G . Thomas , P . M . j W . B . Barkley , P . M . j Greenwood , P . M . j Skoglund , P . M . j Wellby , P . M . j Bish , P . M . j Arnold , P . M . j and others . There was an unusually large attendance of visitors . Bro . J . Kerr , D . D . G . M . of Westland , acted as Installing Officer , and performed the whole ceremony in a most earnest and impressive manner , and received a vote of
thanks on the proposal of the W . M ., who paid him a well-deserved and graceful compliment on the force and beauty of his working . The officers appointed and invested were Bros . Rev . B . J . Westbrook , W . M . j Thos . Woods , I . P . M . j T . B . MacLean , S . W . j E . Ashton , J . W . j R . W . Greenwood , P . M ., Sec . j H . VV . Robinson and C . Hawsen , Stwds . j VV . Tewsdale , J . D . j J .
Stephens , I . G . j and M . McLaren , Tyler . lhe following lodges were . represented : Southern Star , 735 ( E . C ) j Robert Burns , 692 ( E . C . ) j Lazar , 16 S 9 ( E . C . ) j lotara , 1241 ( E . C . ) j St . Thomas Kilwinning , 6 59 ( E . C ); Cargill Kilwinning , 632 ( E . C ); Pacific , 1229 ( E . C . ); St . John's , 610 ( S . C . ); St . Andrew Kilwinning , 4 S 1 ( S . C ); and Masterton , 1430 ( E . C . ) The lodge was then closed .
Masonic Presentation.
There was a large attendance at the monthly meeting of the Star in the East Lodge , No . 650 , held at the Great Eastern Hotel , Harwich , on Tuesday , the 14 th inst . The business included the election of Worshipful Master , to succeed Bro . M . L . Sanders , whose year of office expires ;
the unanimous choice of the brethren fell upon Bro . Parsons , S . W ., and he will be installed at the next meeting . Before the lodge closed , Bro . R . CLOWES , P . M ., presented at his own cost to Bro . Sanders , W . M ., a very handsome silver cup suitably engraved , and in making the presentation Bro . Clowes spoke in the highest terms of the great interest Bro . Sanders had always taken to promote the good of the lodge , and to advance Masonry .
MASONRY AS AN INSTITUTION . Many Masonic writers employ much time and expend much labour and ink , to prove or disprove , the antiquity of Masonry . There is no doubt that the Institution is ancient , as it has existed from time immemorial , and there is abundant proof that no one living can tell the exact period of its first foundation . This being the fact , and few we think will dispute it , why waste time and labour upon what cannot be
positively proven ? It is the Masonry of to-day that should engage the attention of Craftsmen j its purposes , advantages , and aims , not when and where it existed in the past . 1 hat Masonry has done much to enlighten the world , must be apparent even to the youngest made member . Its teachings of reverence for the Deity , and brotherly love towards every man , has made it the Institution that has outlived even dynasties and nations . Its principles of morality ,
equality , and rectitude of life and conduct , have supported it amid many trials and persecutions j so that to-day the Institution flourishes all over the world , wherever civilisation extends , and is respected and esteemed alike by prince , peer , and peasant . Let every brother practise out of the lodge what is taught within it , and leave the question of the antiquity of Masonry to the past . Let them look
to the present and see if they cannot perform the true Masonic pait in some way or other . We are sure there are , many opportunities constantly presented to view , without Masons taking much trouble to find them , and by following them out they can prove to the world that Masonry is , indeed , the Institution it claims to be . —New Zealand Mail . v