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Recently enlarged by the erection of three additional School-rooms , Students' Hall , Theological and Scientific Lecture Hall ( including Reading Room ) , Chtrtlcal Laboratory , Private Studies , Dining Halls , laxgt Swimming Bath , Gymnasium , and spacious Dormitories , as well as separate Bedrooms .
RECTOR : BRO . REV . T . ABBOTT PETERS , M . A . VICE-P RINCIPAL : Rev . J . S . SKINNER , B . A . MASTERS : Rev . T . ABBOTT PETERS , M . A ., Divinity . Rev . J . S . SKINNER , B . A ., the Classics and Ancient History . Mr . H . J . HENDERSON , M . A ., Junior Classics . Mr . T . HVMERS JACKSON , B . A ., Mathematics , Navigations
and the English Language , History and Literature . Mr . E . CLEMENT , Ph . D ., The Natural Sciences ( Experimental and Mathematical ) , French and German . Mr . J . HOCHFORT , CM ., English Subjects generally , and Junior Mathematics . Mr . G . CLIFFORD , Junior English and Junior Mathematics . Mr . F ' LOVU . C . E ., Land Surveying and Levelling with the use of Theodolite , Mechanical Drawing . Mr . W . H . J ONES , Music ( Organ and Piano ) and Singing ,
Mr . R . NICHOL , Librarian . Sergeant BRADY , Military Drill , Gymnastics , and Swimming . There are in connection with the College
THREE ANNUAL EXHIBITIONS , open for general competition to all students , and tenable for three years . Special Classes are formed for preparing students for the Legal , Medical , Home , Colonial , and Indian Civil Service Examinations ; and for entrance to Woolwich , Coopershill , and the Universities of Oxford , Cambridge , London ,
Dublin , Durham , and Edinburgh . The Religious Teaching is based on strictly Protestant Principles , in accordance with the Doctrines and Litv rgy of the Church of England . Students requiiing a commercial education only , are exempt from the classical course , if desired . The year consists of two terms , during which there are
no holidays , the only vacations being at Midsummer and Christmas . The use of all class books , valuable library , stationery ( except mathematical instruments ) laundry , & c , is included in the teims . No Extras of any kind .
The I ligh School—Students from lb to 23 years of age . The Middle School—Students from 12 to 16 years of age . The Preparatory School—Students under 12 yeais of age . The College is divided into three sections . In the
PREPARATORY SCHOOL ( entirely distinct , but contiguous ) Boys are well gruuinicii 111 the elements of a sound English Education , with Fieneb and German ( also in Latin and Greek if for the learned professions ) , and prepared for the High or Middle School . lathe High School the course of studv is a piiparatinti fur the Universities and the
various competitive examinations ; while the Middle School trains pupils in such sjlijects as will ijualify them for scientific and comnieicial pursuits . Alston College is pleasantly situated , about six miles from Pieston , and half a mile Irom Longridge Railway Station ; is in immediate proximity to beautiful mountain scenery , within half an hum ' s lideof the chief watering
dlacrs on the western coast of Lancashire , and is consideied by Medical I'rolessois to be in one of the healthiest localities in England—a fact sufficiently proved by tlit lemaikably good health enjoyed by tlie Mullen ' s and regularly eonnimc . l by the half-yearly medical repoits . Extensive Cricket Giouuds aie attached to the College Farms , whilst a spacious cuveicd Gymnasium and
Student ' s Hall , available fin recie . itiou , drill , \ c , adjoin . Repoits of all cv . mvm . itH >» s , together with the names of those students who have distinguished themselves at the College and the Universities , as Exhibitioneis , Medalists and Prizemen , also the repoits of the late examinations , together with views of the College buildings , and al necessary iufoiniatiou , foiwauled on application to the
Rector , or to Mu . GEORGE CLIFrORD . Secretary . Refeiences kindly pciinitted to Bio . Masons , and to the late Examiueis : Uev . T . II . Lindsay Leary , M . A ., D . C . L , ( Oxon ) , Assistant Examinei to Her Majesty ' s Civil Service Ccnimissicn , Ciawfoid Cottage , Epsom ; T . W . Eyre Evans , lisij ., LL . D . T . C . D ., Nightingale Villa , Lower
Norwood ; and other University Examiners ; Piofessor Pagel , Liveipool ; R . Routledge , Esip , B . S . F . C . S ., Manchester ; also the I'rottstai . t Cleigy , Nobility , and P 10-fes . sional Gentlemen ( parenis of present pupils ) in Lon on , Manchester , Li \ ei ,, ool , Biimiiigi . am , Leeds , Biadford , Bognor , Pieston , Biiiiney , Ci . c .-tei , Lancaster , Boston
( Lincoln ) , V \ j < ran , llaiivwgiirc , Acciingtun , llaslingden , Kendal Southpoit , 'I inlmuiden , Ac ., and various other towns ; the Continent cif buiope , tlie colonies , New Yolk , and the United . States , h . azil , Cuba , Ac , who can bear ample testimony to Ihe incuts and success of this College . Next term commences the th August , 18 73 .
City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , LONDON . "V ^ ELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur Dramatic Entertainments , Public Meetings , and Arbitrations . The large Hall is capable of seating upwards of Twelve Hundred people . SYDNEY SPEHCER , Proprietor . The Alexandra Restaurant , jr , CONDUIT-STREET , REGENT-STREET . Public and Private Dining Rooms . First-class Cooking and Wines . . Open for Suppers after the Theatres . Bro . F . HILFREICH , Proprietor .
, QENTLEMEN and Families visiting London
will find every accommodation , combined with comfort and moderate charges , at the above Hotel . Beds from zs . ; Sitting Rooms from 3 s . ; Breakfasts from as . Table d'Hote 6 . 30 , 3 s . 6 d . Every accommodation for Masonic Meetings and Banquets for the Craft , Arch and High Grades .
A Spacious and Cheerful Coffee Room overlooking the Victoria Embankment . BRO . GEORGE STATES , Manager .
THE ROEBUCK GARDENS AND GROUNDS See " Epping Forest Reminiscences "—have always been historically associated with the adjacent Forest from time immemorial . Patronised by the far famed " Riding Forester , " Baron Suasso ; from here he hunted the stag for more than fifty years . Hall to dine 500 persons . Banquets , Dinners , Fetes , & c . From Fenchurch or Bishopsgate . Ordinary every Sunday at Half-past One . BUCKHURST HILL , N . E .
DR . HAYWAKD'S NEW DISCOVERY . SELF AID FOR INVALIDS . The Treatment and Mode of Cure . How TO USE SUCCESSFULLY . TI 7 TTH Safety and Success , in all cases of Weakness , low spirits , despondency , languor , exhaustion , muscular , debility , loss of strength , appetite , & c . WITHOUT MEDICINE , or recourse to unqualified men and others who practice " The Healing Art" without leave or licence . Full printed instructions , diagrams , & c ., for Invalids , post free , fico stamps , from Dr . HAYWARD , M . K . C . S ., L . S . A ., & c , 14 , York-street , Portman-scjuare , London , W .
104 CHURCH SERMONS , By EMINENT CLERGYMEN . In Two Volumes , Handsomely Bound in Cloth , each , 4 / REEVES , SON , and Co ., Playhouse-yard London . £ HEAPEST GAS BATH £ 6 13 s . od . ( advanced 10 percent . ) Cas Conservatory Boilers . Gas Ovens , £ . \ o Gas IIIMIIC !) * G . SHREWSBURY . 59 , Old Bailey , factory 98 , Harrington road . Kast IJrixion .
VIENNA KXHIHITION , r PHE Diploma of Honour , being tlie highest distinction , has been awarded to LIEIIIG COMPANY ' S EXTRACT OK MEAT . Kei ] uiie the facsimile , in blue , of the inventor's ( Baron Justus v . Liebig ) signature on the Trade Mark label .
Supplied by » p DRISCOLL . Wholesale Newsagent , 87 , A •Farringdon-st ., E . C . South London Branch , 416 , Waudswcrth-road , SAW , eight doors from the London Chatham and Dover Railwa ) Station . Wholesale Publisher to the Trade .
CITY . pOTTLE & SON , 14 and 15 , Royal Exchange City Agents for " THE FREEMASON " AND "The Israelites found in the Anglo-Saxons , " Just published , price 2 s . 6 d .
. "
SWANSEA Agent for the Freemason . RRO . CHAS , MAGGS . 24 , Oxford-st ., Swansea , A large stock of Aprons , Jewels , Clothing , and every requisite for all Degrees of Freemasonry . Agent for Kenniiiy ' s Masonic Note Paper , Envelopes , Books , Candles , Perfumes , fee . Advertisements received for "The Freemason . "
tt 'J'HE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS The Largest Masonic Monthly in the World Pnhii . t , J St . Louis , Mo , by George Frank Gonlcy , Grand Secretary %$ Recorder of the four Grand Bodies of Missouri . ^ "etary and The Freemason contains tidings from every quarter or the W „ , IJ and will be found of great advantage to all Masons , especially th interested in American affairs . Terms Sa per annum , and to rh „ who subscribe for the London Freemason the price will h ,. i . * currency . Postage free . D ( - " •# » Subscriptions received at the Office of the London " Freemason " IQ 8 , Fleet-street . THE LONDON MIRROR " Published every Saturday ; price 4 d . The object of this journal is to set forth the claims or the manv Religious , Educational , Benevolent , and Prudential Institutions of the United Kingdom , and week by week to report their proceedines whether as Meetings , Sermons , Anniversaries , or Elections , so as to present these National Institutions to the favour ofthe Public . — - Office , 50 , Southampton-row , Russell-snuare , London , W . C ?*"
THE BIRKBECKT ~~ Is the only Building Society whose Annual Receipts exceeds ONE MILLION ! Horn to Purchase a House for Tivo Guineas per Month , With immediate possession and no Rent to pav . Apply atthe Officeof the BIRKBECK BUILDING SOC 1 ETY , ap & jo Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . ' Hotu to purchase a Plot 0 / laud for Five Shillings per Month , With immediate possession , either forBuildingorGardening purpose * apply at the Office of the BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LANS * SOCIETY , 29 & 30 Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . ttoiu to Invest Money ivith safety at £ 4 per cent Interest . Apply to the Office or the BIRKBECK BANK . All sums under £$ a repayable upon demand . Current accounts opened similar to Ordinary Bankers . Cheque Books supplied . Office hours from 10 till 4 daily , on Mondays from 10 till 9 , and on Saturdays from 10 till 2 . A small pamphlet , containing full par . oculars , may be obtained gratis , OT sent Post-free on application to __^ FRANCIS RAVEN-SCROI r . Manager .
TS ELECTRICITY LIFE ?—This question is treated upon in a little work , which may he obtained ( . for three stamps ) from J . L . PULV ' ER MACHER , 104 , Regent-street , VV , London , Entitled MEDICAL ELECTRICITY : ITS USE x x and ABUSE , HOW to CURE RHEUMATIC NERVOUS , MUSCULAR , and FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS , & c , by SELF-APPLICATION ( for three stamps ) , through all booksellers . WOW to CURE Rheumatic , Nervous , Muscular and FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS , & c . bv SELF-APPLICATION . Read "MEDICAL ELECTRICITY ; LIS USE AND ABUSE , " three stamps . —J . L . PULVERMACHEll 194 , Regent Street , London , W .
Just published , Free Edition , flUIDETO HEALTH ; or ADVICE AND ^^ INSTRUCTIONS for THE CURE of NERVOUS , MEN I'AL , and PHYSICAL DEBILITY , Indigestion , and all diseases of the Nervous Svstem , resulting from exhaustion of Nerve Power Uy OR . HENRY ' SMITH , GIVES / iV . STK UCT / O . VS for ( he Development and Strengthening the Human Body , how to Acquire Health and Strength , Secure Long Life , and' Avoid the Infirmities of Old Age . Illustrated with Testimonials , with means ol" Cure used in each case . The pamphlet will be sent free by post to any address on receipt ol two pennv stamps . A . lilress . Or . II . SMITH . 8 . Burton-crescent , London . W . C . QTJINTESCENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER V 3 fc and CAMOMILE . WILKINSON'S Preparation of Ginger and Camomile has long been deservedlv known as an excellent domestic medicine . It is a most efficient Stomachic Tonic , and Ihe best rem : dy for Flatulency and disorders arising from impaireu digestion , and is not aff- 'cted by climate . No European in India ortropical climates should be without it . In one-eighth , quarter , and hall-pint bottles .
SARSAPARILLA . WILKINSON'S ESSENCE , OR FLUID EXTRACT OK RKO JAMAICA SARSAI'ARILLA , prescribed by the I ' acnUy for VvnnYiMi rue UI . OOI > , DEUIUTV , Livtn I ' . MI'I . . VIK , and freeing the system from etlects of Mercury . Inclusively used in India ami the Colonies as a prevention lo Tropical diseases . " superior preparations that may always be relied upon . "—Sir Aslley Cooper . " " \ V'c are in every respect satisfied with it . "—Lancet . "We recommend voms as the best , " —Medical Review . In ( Jnarter , Mall " , and Tint Mottles . CAUTION . —Spurious and injuiunis preparations are offered , to the public . See that Bottle and Label Have the name and Ad uress , "T . Wilkinson , late Wilkinson , Urklgc , and Co ., No . 250-Re ^ ent-strcetj London , "
VV H 1 TMORES STOMACHIC DINNER wv PILL-. No Pill is so efficacious in promoliugdigcstion . strengtheningtbe Stomach , correcting acidity , preventing or removing Headache Giddiness & c . arising from a Costive Habit , Debilitated Stomach or 'I nipid Liver . They require no change of diet , and those of the most delicateconstitution can take them with safety . Taken as an adjunct with Wilkinson ' s Sarsaparilla with th greatest success .
SECOND EDITION . —NOW READY . Price One Shilling , Post-free , Kevised and Enlarged . Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , BY BHO . CHALMERS I . PATON . ( Past Master , No . 31 ) 3 , England . ) PHIS work is a perfect handbook of the principles of Freemasonry , lounded on the Ancient Chaiges and . symbols , and will be found to be eminently practical and useful in the vindication and support ol the Ordei . Bro . GEO . KKNNINC , 108 , Fleet-stieet , London , E . C .
Pr . .. led and I ublishcd by tlie rupnetor , Kroiller ( Jt . uwnt KKN . MNG , at his Ulliers ; 19 S , Fleei-m-et and 2 , 3 , ami 4 , Little Biiiain , in the c ity of London ; a , AlomuneiU-plUL-c , Liveipool ,. i < . die i . ouim 01 LaiK-a > iei , and 145 , Argyle-sireet , Lilase , ovc . — SATURDAY , t'CrouER 25 , 187 J .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Recently enlarged by the erection of three additional School-rooms , Students' Hall , Theological and Scientific Lecture Hall ( including Reading Room ) , Chtrtlcal Laboratory , Private Studies , Dining Halls , laxgt Swimming Bath , Gymnasium , and spacious Dormitories , as well as separate Bedrooms .
RECTOR : BRO . REV . T . ABBOTT PETERS , M . A . VICE-P RINCIPAL : Rev . J . S . SKINNER , B . A . MASTERS : Rev . T . ABBOTT PETERS , M . A ., Divinity . Rev . J . S . SKINNER , B . A ., the Classics and Ancient History . Mr . H . J . HENDERSON , M . A ., Junior Classics . Mr . T . HVMERS JACKSON , B . A ., Mathematics , Navigations
and the English Language , History and Literature . Mr . E . CLEMENT , Ph . D ., The Natural Sciences ( Experimental and Mathematical ) , French and German . Mr . J . HOCHFORT , CM ., English Subjects generally , and Junior Mathematics . Mr . G . CLIFFORD , Junior English and Junior Mathematics . Mr . F ' LOVU . C . E ., Land Surveying and Levelling with the use of Theodolite , Mechanical Drawing . Mr . W . H . J ONES , Music ( Organ and Piano ) and Singing ,
Mr . R . NICHOL , Librarian . Sergeant BRADY , Military Drill , Gymnastics , and Swimming . There are in connection with the College
THREE ANNUAL EXHIBITIONS , open for general competition to all students , and tenable for three years . Special Classes are formed for preparing students for the Legal , Medical , Home , Colonial , and Indian Civil Service Examinations ; and for entrance to Woolwich , Coopershill , and the Universities of Oxford , Cambridge , London ,
Dublin , Durham , and Edinburgh . The Religious Teaching is based on strictly Protestant Principles , in accordance with the Doctrines and Litv rgy of the Church of England . Students requiiing a commercial education only , are exempt from the classical course , if desired . The year consists of two terms , during which there are
no holidays , the only vacations being at Midsummer and Christmas . The use of all class books , valuable library , stationery ( except mathematical instruments ) laundry , & c , is included in the teims . No Extras of any kind .
The I ligh School—Students from lb to 23 years of age . The Middle School—Students from 12 to 16 years of age . The Preparatory School—Students under 12 yeais of age . The College is divided into three sections . In the
PREPARATORY SCHOOL ( entirely distinct , but contiguous ) Boys are well gruuinicii 111 the elements of a sound English Education , with Fieneb and German ( also in Latin and Greek if for the learned professions ) , and prepared for the High or Middle School . lathe High School the course of studv is a piiparatinti fur the Universities and the
various competitive examinations ; while the Middle School trains pupils in such sjlijects as will ijualify them for scientific and comnieicial pursuits . Alston College is pleasantly situated , about six miles from Pieston , and half a mile Irom Longridge Railway Station ; is in immediate proximity to beautiful mountain scenery , within half an hum ' s lideof the chief watering
dlacrs on the western coast of Lancashire , and is consideied by Medical I'rolessois to be in one of the healthiest localities in England—a fact sufficiently proved by tlit lemaikably good health enjoyed by tlie Mullen ' s and regularly eonnimc . l by the half-yearly medical repoits . Extensive Cricket Giouuds aie attached to the College Farms , whilst a spacious cuveicd Gymnasium and
Student ' s Hall , available fin recie . itiou , drill , \ c , adjoin . Repoits of all cv . mvm . itH >» s , together with the names of those students who have distinguished themselves at the College and the Universities , as Exhibitioneis , Medalists and Prizemen , also the repoits of the late examinations , together with views of the College buildings , and al necessary iufoiniatiou , foiwauled on application to the
Rector , or to Mu . GEORGE CLIFrORD . Secretary . Refeiences kindly pciinitted to Bio . Masons , and to the late Examiueis : Uev . T . II . Lindsay Leary , M . A ., D . C . L , ( Oxon ) , Assistant Examinei to Her Majesty ' s Civil Service Ccnimissicn , Ciawfoid Cottage , Epsom ; T . W . Eyre Evans , lisij ., LL . D . T . C . D ., Nightingale Villa , Lower
Norwood ; and other University Examiners ; Piofessor Pagel , Liveipool ; R . Routledge , Esip , B . S . F . C . S ., Manchester ; also the I'rottstai . t Cleigy , Nobility , and P 10-fes . sional Gentlemen ( parenis of present pupils ) in Lon on , Manchester , Li \ ei ,, ool , Biimiiigi . am , Leeds , Biadford , Bognor , Pieston , Biiiiney , Ci . c .-tei , Lancaster , Boston
( Lincoln ) , V \ j < ran , llaiivwgiirc , Acciingtun , llaslingden , Kendal Southpoit , 'I inlmuiden , Ac ., and various other towns ; the Continent cif buiope , tlie colonies , New Yolk , and the United . States , h . azil , Cuba , Ac , who can bear ample testimony to Ihe incuts and success of this College . Next term commences the th August , 18 73 .
City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , LONDON . "V ^ ELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur Dramatic Entertainments , Public Meetings , and Arbitrations . The large Hall is capable of seating upwards of Twelve Hundred people . SYDNEY SPEHCER , Proprietor . The Alexandra Restaurant , jr , CONDUIT-STREET , REGENT-STREET . Public and Private Dining Rooms . First-class Cooking and Wines . . Open for Suppers after the Theatres . Bro . F . HILFREICH , Proprietor .
, QENTLEMEN and Families visiting London
will find every accommodation , combined with comfort and moderate charges , at the above Hotel . Beds from zs . ; Sitting Rooms from 3 s . ; Breakfasts from as . Table d'Hote 6 . 30 , 3 s . 6 d . Every accommodation for Masonic Meetings and Banquets for the Craft , Arch and High Grades .
A Spacious and Cheerful Coffee Room overlooking the Victoria Embankment . BRO . GEORGE STATES , Manager .
THE ROEBUCK GARDENS AND GROUNDS See " Epping Forest Reminiscences "—have always been historically associated with the adjacent Forest from time immemorial . Patronised by the far famed " Riding Forester , " Baron Suasso ; from here he hunted the stag for more than fifty years . Hall to dine 500 persons . Banquets , Dinners , Fetes , & c . From Fenchurch or Bishopsgate . Ordinary every Sunday at Half-past One . BUCKHURST HILL , N . E .
DR . HAYWAKD'S NEW DISCOVERY . SELF AID FOR INVALIDS . The Treatment and Mode of Cure . How TO USE SUCCESSFULLY . TI 7 TTH Safety and Success , in all cases of Weakness , low spirits , despondency , languor , exhaustion , muscular , debility , loss of strength , appetite , & c . WITHOUT MEDICINE , or recourse to unqualified men and others who practice " The Healing Art" without leave or licence . Full printed instructions , diagrams , & c ., for Invalids , post free , fico stamps , from Dr . HAYWARD , M . K . C . S ., L . S . A ., & c , 14 , York-street , Portman-scjuare , London , W .
104 CHURCH SERMONS , By EMINENT CLERGYMEN . In Two Volumes , Handsomely Bound in Cloth , each , 4 / REEVES , SON , and Co ., Playhouse-yard London . £ HEAPEST GAS BATH £ 6 13 s . od . ( advanced 10 percent . ) Cas Conservatory Boilers . Gas Ovens , £ . \ o Gas IIIMIIC !) * G . SHREWSBURY . 59 , Old Bailey , factory 98 , Harrington road . Kast IJrixion .
VIENNA KXHIHITION , r PHE Diploma of Honour , being tlie highest distinction , has been awarded to LIEIIIG COMPANY ' S EXTRACT OK MEAT . Kei ] uiie the facsimile , in blue , of the inventor's ( Baron Justus v . Liebig ) signature on the Trade Mark label .
Supplied by » p DRISCOLL . Wholesale Newsagent , 87 , A •Farringdon-st ., E . C . South London Branch , 416 , Waudswcrth-road , SAW , eight doors from the London Chatham and Dover Railwa ) Station . Wholesale Publisher to the Trade .
CITY . pOTTLE & SON , 14 and 15 , Royal Exchange City Agents for " THE FREEMASON " AND "The Israelites found in the Anglo-Saxons , " Just published , price 2 s . 6 d .
. "
SWANSEA Agent for the Freemason . RRO . CHAS , MAGGS . 24 , Oxford-st ., Swansea , A large stock of Aprons , Jewels , Clothing , and every requisite for all Degrees of Freemasonry . Agent for Kenniiiy ' s Masonic Note Paper , Envelopes , Books , Candles , Perfumes , fee . Advertisements received for "The Freemason . "
tt 'J'HE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS The Largest Masonic Monthly in the World Pnhii . t , J St . Louis , Mo , by George Frank Gonlcy , Grand Secretary %$ Recorder of the four Grand Bodies of Missouri . ^ "etary and The Freemason contains tidings from every quarter or the W „ , IJ and will be found of great advantage to all Masons , especially th interested in American affairs . Terms Sa per annum , and to rh „ who subscribe for the London Freemason the price will h ,. i . * currency . Postage free . D ( - " •# » Subscriptions received at the Office of the London " Freemason " IQ 8 , Fleet-street . THE LONDON MIRROR " Published every Saturday ; price 4 d . The object of this journal is to set forth the claims or the manv Religious , Educational , Benevolent , and Prudential Institutions of the United Kingdom , and week by week to report their proceedines whether as Meetings , Sermons , Anniversaries , or Elections , so as to present these National Institutions to the favour ofthe Public . — - Office , 50 , Southampton-row , Russell-snuare , London , W . C ?*"
THE BIRKBECKT ~~ Is the only Building Society whose Annual Receipts exceeds ONE MILLION ! Horn to Purchase a House for Tivo Guineas per Month , With immediate possession and no Rent to pav . Apply atthe Officeof the BIRKBECK BUILDING SOC 1 ETY , ap & jo Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . ' Hotu to purchase a Plot 0 / laud for Five Shillings per Month , With immediate possession , either forBuildingorGardening purpose * apply at the Office of the BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LANS * SOCIETY , 29 & 30 Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . ttoiu to Invest Money ivith safety at £ 4 per cent Interest . Apply to the Office or the BIRKBECK BANK . All sums under £$ a repayable upon demand . Current accounts opened similar to Ordinary Bankers . Cheque Books supplied . Office hours from 10 till 4 daily , on Mondays from 10 till 9 , and on Saturdays from 10 till 2 . A small pamphlet , containing full par . oculars , may be obtained gratis , OT sent Post-free on application to __^ FRANCIS RAVEN-SCROI r . Manager .
TS ELECTRICITY LIFE ?—This question is treated upon in a little work , which may he obtained ( . for three stamps ) from J . L . PULV ' ER MACHER , 104 , Regent-street , VV , London , Entitled MEDICAL ELECTRICITY : ITS USE x x and ABUSE , HOW to CURE RHEUMATIC NERVOUS , MUSCULAR , and FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS , & c , by SELF-APPLICATION ( for three stamps ) , through all booksellers . WOW to CURE Rheumatic , Nervous , Muscular and FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS , & c . bv SELF-APPLICATION . Read "MEDICAL ELECTRICITY ; LIS USE AND ABUSE , " three stamps . —J . L . PULVERMACHEll 194 , Regent Street , London , W .
Just published , Free Edition , flUIDETO HEALTH ; or ADVICE AND ^^ INSTRUCTIONS for THE CURE of NERVOUS , MEN I'AL , and PHYSICAL DEBILITY , Indigestion , and all diseases of the Nervous Svstem , resulting from exhaustion of Nerve Power Uy OR . HENRY ' SMITH , GIVES / iV . STK UCT / O . VS for ( he Development and Strengthening the Human Body , how to Acquire Health and Strength , Secure Long Life , and' Avoid the Infirmities of Old Age . Illustrated with Testimonials , with means ol" Cure used in each case . The pamphlet will be sent free by post to any address on receipt ol two pennv stamps . A . lilress . Or . II . SMITH . 8 . Burton-crescent , London . W . C . QTJINTESCENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER V 3 fc and CAMOMILE . WILKINSON'S Preparation of Ginger and Camomile has long been deservedlv known as an excellent domestic medicine . It is a most efficient Stomachic Tonic , and Ihe best rem : dy for Flatulency and disorders arising from impaireu digestion , and is not aff- 'cted by climate . No European in India ortropical climates should be without it . In one-eighth , quarter , and hall-pint bottles .
SARSAPARILLA . WILKINSON'S ESSENCE , OR FLUID EXTRACT OK RKO JAMAICA SARSAI'ARILLA , prescribed by the I ' acnUy for VvnnYiMi rue UI . OOI > , DEUIUTV , Livtn I ' . MI'I . . VIK , and freeing the system from etlects of Mercury . Inclusively used in India ami the Colonies as a prevention lo Tropical diseases . " superior preparations that may always be relied upon . "—Sir Aslley Cooper . " " \ V'c are in every respect satisfied with it . "—Lancet . "We recommend voms as the best , " —Medical Review . In ( Jnarter , Mall " , and Tint Mottles . CAUTION . —Spurious and injuiunis preparations are offered , to the public . See that Bottle and Label Have the name and Ad uress , "T . Wilkinson , late Wilkinson , Urklgc , and Co ., No . 250-Re ^ ent-strcetj London , "
VV H 1 TMORES STOMACHIC DINNER wv PILL-. No Pill is so efficacious in promoliugdigcstion . strengtheningtbe Stomach , correcting acidity , preventing or removing Headache Giddiness & c . arising from a Costive Habit , Debilitated Stomach or 'I nipid Liver . They require no change of diet , and those of the most delicateconstitution can take them with safety . Taken as an adjunct with Wilkinson ' s Sarsaparilla with th greatest success .
SECOND EDITION . —NOW READY . Price One Shilling , Post-free , Kevised and Enlarged . Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , BY BHO . CHALMERS I . PATON . ( Past Master , No . 31 ) 3 , England . ) PHIS work is a perfect handbook of the principles of Freemasonry , lounded on the Ancient Chaiges and . symbols , and will be found to be eminently practical and useful in the vindication and support ol the Ordei . Bro . GEO . KKNNINC , 108 , Fleet-stieet , London , E . C .
Pr . .. led and I ublishcd by tlie rupnetor , Kroiller ( Jt . uwnt KKN . MNG , at his Ulliers ; 19 S , Fleei-m-et and 2 , 3 , ami 4 , Little Biiiain , in the c ity of London ; a , AlomuneiU-plUL-c , Liveipool ,. i < . die i . ouim 01 LaiK-a > iei , and 145 , Argyle-sireet , Lilase , ovc . — SATURDAY , t'CrouER 25 , 187 J .