Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
consecrated . There was not time however , after all the business of the Province had been transacted , to instal the first W . M ., B ro J . S . Short , and consequently the ceremony was deferred till September the 9 th , when it was performed by Bro . Cann , of Exeter . The officers
•weie appointed and invested , and no reason remained why operations should not be commenced forthwith . The W . M . did not long defer the performance of his duties , for he summoned his brethren to meet at the rooms in the Town Hall , appropriated to the purpose , on Wednesday ,
September the 17 th , when all who had been concerned in forming the lodge met to work the ceremonies for the first time . The lodge having been opened by the W . M ., a ballot was taken for four candidates , which proved unanimous in their favour , and they were at once conducted
through the ceremony ) of initiation , which was very creditably worked by the W . M . and jhis officers , most whom were quite new to their duties . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., P . Z ., P . Prov . G . S . W ., at the request of the W . M . delivered the charge to Bros . S . J . Whidborne , J .
D ; Smith , H . L . Friend , and R . Tripe , and also the lecture on the first tracing board . Some arrangements were made in reference to the compilation of bye-laws , a candidate was proposed , and no other business offering , the first labours of the lodge terminated in peace and harmony .
The members of the Salem Lodge assembled for their second meeting on Wednesday , October , the 15 th , all the officers being in their places , viz .: —Bros . J . S . Short , W . M . ; S . Loram , S . W . ; W . Ball , J . W . ; Tomes , Sec . ; G . B . Avant , S . D . ; C . W . H . Spencer , J . D . ;
Hullett , W . M . 303 , l . G . ; P . Haggerty , Tyler . By request of the W . M .. Bro . Dr . Hopkins occupied the chair of I . P . M . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Mr . James Horsham , as a
candidate for Masonry , which proved unanimously favourable . Bros . Widborne , Smith , and Friend were then examined as to their proficiency in knowledge of the 1 st degree , entrusted , and dismissed for preparation . The lodge was opened in the 2 nd degree , the
candidates were re-admitted , and passed to the rank of Fellow-Craft , the ceremony being commenced by the W . M ., but , owing to his sudden indisposition , completed b y Bro . Dr . Hopkins , who also gave the charge and the lecture on the second tracing board . The lodge was then
closed in the second degree by Bro . Short , who had resumed the chair of W . M . The candidate for initiation named above was admitted properly prepared , and received the benefit of the first step in Freemasonry at the hands of Bro . Dr .
Hopkins , ( owing to the continued indisposition of the W . M . ) who also gave him the charge . Again the W . M . took his position and conducted the remainder of the business , which consisted mainly in the reading and adoption of the proposed bye-laws , and the consideration of some
communications on Masonic business from various quarters . Several candidates were proposed , whose claims for the privileges of Masonry will of course be considered at the November meeting . The lodge was finally closed and the brethren dispersed at about ten o ' clock .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
LION AND LAMB CHAPTER ( No . 192 ) . —A meeting of the Lion and Lamb Chapter was held on Wednesday , the 15 th inst . Present Comps . Roberts , M . E . Z . ; Newman , Copstick , Birdseye , Cook , Muggeridge , Yeoman , Cann , Figes , Jones , Cox , Chapman , and Kenning . Visitors
, Comps . Boyd , Little , Thiellay , Archer , Taylor . Bro . Bartholomew of the Vitruvian Lodge was exalted , the officers for the ensuing year was then balloted for , the result being unanimous in favour of Comps . King , M . E . Z . ; Roberts , and Newman , the usual banquet and toasts followed .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
BOLTON . —Rose and Thistle Lodge , ( No . 158 , ) - —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in Freemasons' Hall , Bolton , on Thursday , 2 nd
Mark Masonry.
October , when there were present Bros . G . P . Brockbank , Past G . Mark Warden , W . M ; John Tunnah , P . Prov . M . O ., S . W ; Robert Harwood , P . Prov . G . Mark Deacon , as J . W ; Thomas Entwistle , P . Prov . Mark Master . ( Lancashire , ) Wilson , Rutter , Sharpies , Newton , Brown ,
James Horrocks , Thomas Morris , Prov . G . Mark Sword Bearer , and others . The lodge being opened in due form and the minutes confirmed , the W . M . elect , Bro . John Tunnah , P . Prov . Grand Mark Overseer , was installed into the chair by Bro . Entwisle , P . Prov . G . M . M .,
and the following brethren appointed and invested as officers of the lodge viz . —Bros . T . H . Winder , S . W . Thos . Wilson , J . W . ; Martin Rutter , M . O . ; Jas . Brown , S . O . ; Jas . Pilington , J . O . ; Rev . E . J . Boiling , Chaplain ; John Sharpies , Treas . ; Robt . Harwood , Reg . of
Marks ; Jas , Newton , Sec . ; R . Knill Freeman , S . D . ; Samuel Crowther , J . D . ; Thomas Entwistle , Dir . of Cers . ; J . W . Taylor , Org . ; Frank Ainsworth , l . G . ; Wm . Dawson , Tyler . A cordial vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Entwistle for his services as Installing Officer .
A Past Mark Master ' s Jewel was ordered to be presented at the cost of the lodge , to Bro . J . P . Brockbank , the retiring Master , as a mark of appreciation for his valuable services in the chair . A candidate was proposed for advancement and the lodge was then closed .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
CAMBUSCAN . —The Knights Templar of the No . 3 , Encampment here ( by virtue of charter from the Grand Conclave of Scotland , dated 1812 ) held their annual meeting on Fiiday . the 1 oth inst ., for the election of office-bearers for
ensuing year . Ihe Sentinels being posted , the encampment was opened in due and ancient form , when the election took place , and stands as follows-. —Sir Knts . W . Jarvie , M . N . C . ; J . larvie , P . C . ; G . Brown , C . G . ; Jas . King , First A . P . C . ; J . Fulton , Second A . P . C . ; Jas
Twaddell , Third A . P . C ; Wm . Burns , U . C . ; E . Rennie , Treasurer ; A . M . Young , Recorder John Paterson , Prelate ; Robt . Weir , Standard Bearer , Jas . Punn , Sword Bearer ; Jas . Burns , P . C ; John Jarvi , J anitor . The Sir Kni ghts
were afterwards called from labour to refreshment , and spent ' the night harmoniously together until hi gh twelve , when the encampment was closed in due form , and the Sentinels called in , the encampment broke up , each one being seemingly well pleased .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
BOLTON . —St . Peter s Chapter , 18 . —A convocation of this chapter of Rose Croix was held on Saturday , the 4 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Bolton , where there was the largest gathering of the Order yet held in this part of the country . The chapter was opened ,
according to the old established ceremonial of the Order , by Bro . Thomas Entwistle , 18 , M . W . S ., shortly after four o ' clock , supported by the following officers and members of the Order : —Bros . G . P . Brockbank , 31 ° , P . M . W . S . ; the Rev . P . Hains , acting P ; C . F . Matier , 0 0
30 , 1 st Gen . ; Dr . J . D . Moore , 30 , 2 nd Gen . ; R . Harwood , 18 , Raphael ; Reginald Young , 18 , C . of Guard ; J . W . Taylor , 18 ° , H . ; J . Martin Rutter , 18 , Registrar ; J . Newton , 18 ; J . Brown , 18 ; S . Chatwood , 18 ° ; J . Lloyd , 18 ; Dr . ] . Kellett Smith , 18 ° ; J . E . Hall , W .
Pennington , Joseph Wood , J . 1 . Poulter , A . Midgley , F . Ainsworth , T . Clark , W . Doyle , J . E . Jackson , T . Morris , 18 ; T . Ashmore , W . Shortis , T . W . Brockbank , J . T . Poulter , and others . The records of the previous convocation were read and confirmed . The following
candidates for installation were ballotted for and declared duly elected : —J . C . Lunt , T . Ashmore T . Clark , W . Doyle , J . E . Jackson , and W . Shortis ( Liverpool ) , W . Hewitt , W . H . J . Jones , andR . K . Freeman ( Bolton ) , J . Hall , ( Salford ) ,
A . Midgley ( Huddersfield ) , and J . K . Poulter ( Leeds ) . Eleven candidates being in attendance , were dul y installed , the principal portion of the work being done by Bro . C F . Matier , assisted by Bro . Entwistle . There being no other
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
business of importance the chapter was closed and the sovereign princes sat down to an excellent and substantial tea .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
EDINBURGH . —Si . Gues s Conclave ( No . 103 ) The second monthly meeting of this new conclave was held on Thursday evening , the 16 th inst ., when there were present Em . Sir . Knts . H » E . Jones , M . V . S ; R . Irlam , E . V . E ; Sir . Knts . A . M . Bruce , S . G ; J . M . Thuson , H . P ; A . W .
Rennie , Treasurer ; D . Shearer , Rec ; J . Clark , Prefect ; E . Sellentin , S . B ; W . Schintzter , S . S ; and a large attendance of Sir . Knights . There were also present as visitors V . Em . Sir . Knts . J . B . Mercer , K . G . C , P . S . No . 4 ; and Em . Sir Knts : J . Taylor , E . V : E . No . 4 . ; The
Conclave having been opened by the M . P . S ., the following brethren viz : —Thomas Davie , M . M . No . 39 , S . W : Haywood , M . M . No . 145 , and Brownlie M . M . No . 392 , were after due examination admitted and duly installed as Knights Companions of this illustrious Order . After the
minutes had been read and confirmed , the Recorder submitted a code of Bye Laws , prepared by the committee appointed for that purpose , which after careful discussion and some sli ght alterations were finally adopted . The altar , a
very chaste piece of workmanship , presented by the E . V . E ., was greatly admired by all present , as was also a handsome Testament , presented b y the High Prelate . Several proposals for admission were then made , and the conclave thereafter closed in ancient form .
LEICESTER . —Byzantine Conclave ( No . 44 ) . — —The regular meeting took place on Wednesday , the 8 th instant , at Freemason ' s Hall , Leicester , when there was a full attendance of officers and members . As however none of the
candidates on the roll were in attendance , the time was principally occupied with arrangements for the forthcoming visit of the Grand Council on the 21 st instant . LIVERPOOL . —Skelmersdale Conclave ( No . 77 , ) —An assembly of the Masonic Knights of Rome
and of the Red Cross of Constantine , connected with this flourishing conclave , was held at the Masonic Temple , Liverpool , on Monday , 6 th inst . Em . Sir . Knt . Henry Nelson , M . P . S ., occupied the throne , and in the conclave chamber were assembled the following members of the
Knightly Order : —Sir . Knights J . T . Callow , V . E . ; J . Banning . S . G . ; W . Cottrell , J . G . ; H . Jackson , H . P . ; T . Ashmore P . S ., Treas . ; J . McCarthy , Rec . ; J . Skeaf , P . S . ; W . H . Corbin , S . B . ; H . Morris , O . ; C . Leighton , Org . ; W . Quayle , H . ; P . Ball , S ; J . C . Lunt , M . P
S . 97 . ; J . Dawson , W , Oldham , C . Clements , H . Jones , H . Burrows , J . Lolley , J . Atkinson , and J . Wood , Treas , 55 . III . Sir . Knts . Dr . J . Kellett Smith , Dep . Int . Gen . for West Lancashire , and Past Sov . 55 ; and Sir . Knts . R . Washington , H . P . <<;; were present as visitors ,
After the records had been read and confirmed and the muster roll called , several candidates were ballotted forand approved , and Bros . Large and Gordon , being in attendance , were installed as Knights of the Order . The whole of the ceremony was admirably performed by the M . P .
S . and his officers , but special mention is due to Sir . Knt . H . Jackson , H . P ., who gave the oration and historical lecture in a manner which could not possibly have been excelled . After the labours of the evening the Knights sat down to refreshments , and during the evening after
the loyal toasts , Em . Sir . Knt . Nelson , M . P . S ., proposed " The Rt . Hon . the Earl of Bective and the Supreme Grand Council . " In responding to the toast , 111 . Sir . Knt . Smith , D . I . G . for W . L ., referred with great satisfaction to the progress which the Order had made in West
Lancashire , the manner in which the work of the conclave was done , the furnishing , and the clothing , all of which were most unquestionably the best out of London . He had also the greatest pleasure in notifying the
fact that the Rt . Hon . Lord Skelmerdsale had kindly consented to take the Intendant Generalship of the two provinces of West and East Lancashire . Ill Sir Knt . Smith then proposed " Em . Sir Knt . Nelson , M . P . S ., " to whom , he
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
consecrated . There was not time however , after all the business of the Province had been transacted , to instal the first W . M ., B ro J . S . Short , and consequently the ceremony was deferred till September the 9 th , when it was performed by Bro . Cann , of Exeter . The officers
•weie appointed and invested , and no reason remained why operations should not be commenced forthwith . The W . M . did not long defer the performance of his duties , for he summoned his brethren to meet at the rooms in the Town Hall , appropriated to the purpose , on Wednesday ,
September the 17 th , when all who had been concerned in forming the lodge met to work the ceremonies for the first time . The lodge having been opened by the W . M ., a ballot was taken for four candidates , which proved unanimous in their favour , and they were at once conducted
through the ceremony ) of initiation , which was very creditably worked by the W . M . and jhis officers , most whom were quite new to their duties . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., P . Z ., P . Prov . G . S . W ., at the request of the W . M . delivered the charge to Bros . S . J . Whidborne , J .
D ; Smith , H . L . Friend , and R . Tripe , and also the lecture on the first tracing board . Some arrangements were made in reference to the compilation of bye-laws , a candidate was proposed , and no other business offering , the first labours of the lodge terminated in peace and harmony .
The members of the Salem Lodge assembled for their second meeting on Wednesday , October , the 15 th , all the officers being in their places , viz .: —Bros . J . S . Short , W . M . ; S . Loram , S . W . ; W . Ball , J . W . ; Tomes , Sec . ; G . B . Avant , S . D . ; C . W . H . Spencer , J . D . ;
Hullett , W . M . 303 , l . G . ; P . Haggerty , Tyler . By request of the W . M .. Bro . Dr . Hopkins occupied the chair of I . P . M . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Mr . James Horsham , as a
candidate for Masonry , which proved unanimously favourable . Bros . Widborne , Smith , and Friend were then examined as to their proficiency in knowledge of the 1 st degree , entrusted , and dismissed for preparation . The lodge was opened in the 2 nd degree , the
candidates were re-admitted , and passed to the rank of Fellow-Craft , the ceremony being commenced by the W . M ., but , owing to his sudden indisposition , completed b y Bro . Dr . Hopkins , who also gave the charge and the lecture on the second tracing board . The lodge was then
closed in the second degree by Bro . Short , who had resumed the chair of W . M . The candidate for initiation named above was admitted properly prepared , and received the benefit of the first step in Freemasonry at the hands of Bro . Dr .
Hopkins , ( owing to the continued indisposition of the W . M . ) who also gave him the charge . Again the W . M . took his position and conducted the remainder of the business , which consisted mainly in the reading and adoption of the proposed bye-laws , and the consideration of some
communications on Masonic business from various quarters . Several candidates were proposed , whose claims for the privileges of Masonry will of course be considered at the November meeting . The lodge was finally closed and the brethren dispersed at about ten o ' clock .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
LION AND LAMB CHAPTER ( No . 192 ) . —A meeting of the Lion and Lamb Chapter was held on Wednesday , the 15 th inst . Present Comps . Roberts , M . E . Z . ; Newman , Copstick , Birdseye , Cook , Muggeridge , Yeoman , Cann , Figes , Jones , Cox , Chapman , and Kenning . Visitors
, Comps . Boyd , Little , Thiellay , Archer , Taylor . Bro . Bartholomew of the Vitruvian Lodge was exalted , the officers for the ensuing year was then balloted for , the result being unanimous in favour of Comps . King , M . E . Z . ; Roberts , and Newman , the usual banquet and toasts followed .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
BOLTON . —Rose and Thistle Lodge , ( No . 158 , ) - —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in Freemasons' Hall , Bolton , on Thursday , 2 nd
Mark Masonry.
October , when there were present Bros . G . P . Brockbank , Past G . Mark Warden , W . M ; John Tunnah , P . Prov . M . O ., S . W ; Robert Harwood , P . Prov . G . Mark Deacon , as J . W ; Thomas Entwistle , P . Prov . Mark Master . ( Lancashire , ) Wilson , Rutter , Sharpies , Newton , Brown ,
James Horrocks , Thomas Morris , Prov . G . Mark Sword Bearer , and others . The lodge being opened in due form and the minutes confirmed , the W . M . elect , Bro . John Tunnah , P . Prov . Grand Mark Overseer , was installed into the chair by Bro . Entwisle , P . Prov . G . M . M .,
and the following brethren appointed and invested as officers of the lodge viz . —Bros . T . H . Winder , S . W . Thos . Wilson , J . W . ; Martin Rutter , M . O . ; Jas . Brown , S . O . ; Jas . Pilington , J . O . ; Rev . E . J . Boiling , Chaplain ; John Sharpies , Treas . ; Robt . Harwood , Reg . of
Marks ; Jas , Newton , Sec . ; R . Knill Freeman , S . D . ; Samuel Crowther , J . D . ; Thomas Entwistle , Dir . of Cers . ; J . W . Taylor , Org . ; Frank Ainsworth , l . G . ; Wm . Dawson , Tyler . A cordial vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Entwistle for his services as Installing Officer .
A Past Mark Master ' s Jewel was ordered to be presented at the cost of the lodge , to Bro . J . P . Brockbank , the retiring Master , as a mark of appreciation for his valuable services in the chair . A candidate was proposed for advancement and the lodge was then closed .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
CAMBUSCAN . —The Knights Templar of the No . 3 , Encampment here ( by virtue of charter from the Grand Conclave of Scotland , dated 1812 ) held their annual meeting on Fiiday . the 1 oth inst ., for the election of office-bearers for
ensuing year . Ihe Sentinels being posted , the encampment was opened in due and ancient form , when the election took place , and stands as follows-. —Sir Knts . W . Jarvie , M . N . C . ; J . larvie , P . C . ; G . Brown , C . G . ; Jas . King , First A . P . C . ; J . Fulton , Second A . P . C . ; Jas
Twaddell , Third A . P . C ; Wm . Burns , U . C . ; E . Rennie , Treasurer ; A . M . Young , Recorder John Paterson , Prelate ; Robt . Weir , Standard Bearer , Jas . Punn , Sword Bearer ; Jas . Burns , P . C ; John Jarvi , J anitor . The Sir Kni ghts
were afterwards called from labour to refreshment , and spent ' the night harmoniously together until hi gh twelve , when the encampment was closed in due form , and the Sentinels called in , the encampment broke up , each one being seemingly well pleased .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
BOLTON . —St . Peter s Chapter , 18 . —A convocation of this chapter of Rose Croix was held on Saturday , the 4 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Bolton , where there was the largest gathering of the Order yet held in this part of the country . The chapter was opened ,
according to the old established ceremonial of the Order , by Bro . Thomas Entwistle , 18 , M . W . S ., shortly after four o ' clock , supported by the following officers and members of the Order : —Bros . G . P . Brockbank , 31 ° , P . M . W . S . ; the Rev . P . Hains , acting P ; C . F . Matier , 0 0
30 , 1 st Gen . ; Dr . J . D . Moore , 30 , 2 nd Gen . ; R . Harwood , 18 , Raphael ; Reginald Young , 18 , C . of Guard ; J . W . Taylor , 18 ° , H . ; J . Martin Rutter , 18 , Registrar ; J . Newton , 18 ; J . Brown , 18 ; S . Chatwood , 18 ° ; J . Lloyd , 18 ; Dr . ] . Kellett Smith , 18 ° ; J . E . Hall , W .
Pennington , Joseph Wood , J . 1 . Poulter , A . Midgley , F . Ainsworth , T . Clark , W . Doyle , J . E . Jackson , T . Morris , 18 ; T . Ashmore , W . Shortis , T . W . Brockbank , J . T . Poulter , and others . The records of the previous convocation were read and confirmed . The following
candidates for installation were ballotted for and declared duly elected : —J . C . Lunt , T . Ashmore T . Clark , W . Doyle , J . E . Jackson , and W . Shortis ( Liverpool ) , W . Hewitt , W . H . J . Jones , andR . K . Freeman ( Bolton ) , J . Hall , ( Salford ) ,
A . Midgley ( Huddersfield ) , and J . K . Poulter ( Leeds ) . Eleven candidates being in attendance , were dul y installed , the principal portion of the work being done by Bro . C F . Matier , assisted by Bro . Entwistle . There being no other
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
business of importance the chapter was closed and the sovereign princes sat down to an excellent and substantial tea .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
EDINBURGH . —Si . Gues s Conclave ( No . 103 ) The second monthly meeting of this new conclave was held on Thursday evening , the 16 th inst ., when there were present Em . Sir . Knts . H » E . Jones , M . V . S ; R . Irlam , E . V . E ; Sir . Knts . A . M . Bruce , S . G ; J . M . Thuson , H . P ; A . W .
Rennie , Treasurer ; D . Shearer , Rec ; J . Clark , Prefect ; E . Sellentin , S . B ; W . Schintzter , S . S ; and a large attendance of Sir . Knights . There were also present as visitors V . Em . Sir . Knts . J . B . Mercer , K . G . C , P . S . No . 4 ; and Em . Sir Knts : J . Taylor , E . V : E . No . 4 . ; The
Conclave having been opened by the M . P . S ., the following brethren viz : —Thomas Davie , M . M . No . 39 , S . W : Haywood , M . M . No . 145 , and Brownlie M . M . No . 392 , were after due examination admitted and duly installed as Knights Companions of this illustrious Order . After the
minutes had been read and confirmed , the Recorder submitted a code of Bye Laws , prepared by the committee appointed for that purpose , which after careful discussion and some sli ght alterations were finally adopted . The altar , a
very chaste piece of workmanship , presented by the E . V . E ., was greatly admired by all present , as was also a handsome Testament , presented b y the High Prelate . Several proposals for admission were then made , and the conclave thereafter closed in ancient form .
LEICESTER . —Byzantine Conclave ( No . 44 ) . — —The regular meeting took place on Wednesday , the 8 th instant , at Freemason ' s Hall , Leicester , when there was a full attendance of officers and members . As however none of the
candidates on the roll were in attendance , the time was principally occupied with arrangements for the forthcoming visit of the Grand Council on the 21 st instant . LIVERPOOL . —Skelmersdale Conclave ( No . 77 , ) —An assembly of the Masonic Knights of Rome
and of the Red Cross of Constantine , connected with this flourishing conclave , was held at the Masonic Temple , Liverpool , on Monday , 6 th inst . Em . Sir . Knt . Henry Nelson , M . P . S ., occupied the throne , and in the conclave chamber were assembled the following members of the
Knightly Order : —Sir . Knights J . T . Callow , V . E . ; J . Banning . S . G . ; W . Cottrell , J . G . ; H . Jackson , H . P . ; T . Ashmore P . S ., Treas . ; J . McCarthy , Rec . ; J . Skeaf , P . S . ; W . H . Corbin , S . B . ; H . Morris , O . ; C . Leighton , Org . ; W . Quayle , H . ; P . Ball , S ; J . C . Lunt , M . P
S . 97 . ; J . Dawson , W , Oldham , C . Clements , H . Jones , H . Burrows , J . Lolley , J . Atkinson , and J . Wood , Treas , 55 . III . Sir . Knts . Dr . J . Kellett Smith , Dep . Int . Gen . for West Lancashire , and Past Sov . 55 ; and Sir . Knts . R . Washington , H . P . <<;; were present as visitors ,
After the records had been read and confirmed and the muster roll called , several candidates were ballotted forand approved , and Bros . Large and Gordon , being in attendance , were installed as Knights of the Order . The whole of the ceremony was admirably performed by the M . P .
S . and his officers , but special mention is due to Sir . Knt . H . Jackson , H . P ., who gave the oration and historical lecture in a manner which could not possibly have been excelled . After the labours of the evening the Knights sat down to refreshments , and during the evening after
the loyal toasts , Em . Sir . Knt . Nelson , M . P . S ., proposed " The Rt . Hon . the Earl of Bective and the Supreme Grand Council . " In responding to the toast , 111 . Sir . Knt . Smith , D . I . G . for W . L ., referred with great satisfaction to the progress which the Order had made in West
Lancashire , the manner in which the work of the conclave was done , the furnishing , and the clothing , all of which were most unquestionably the best out of London . He had also the greatest pleasure in notifying the
fact that the Rt . Hon . Lord Skelmerdsale had kindly consented to take the Intendant Generalship of the two provinces of West and East Lancashire . Ill Sir Knt . Smith then proposed " Em . Sir Knt . Nelson , M . P . S ., " to whom , he