Article INSTRUCTION. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article Allied Masonic Degrees. Page 1 of 1 Article The Craft Abroad. Page 1 of 2 →
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ture . Bro . Fowles worked the Third Section of this lecture . Lodge closed in the Third and then the Second Degree . Bro . Mullens ( Concord , 332 , Grand Lodge of Ireland ) was unanimously elected a joining member of this lodge of instruction , being proposed by Bro . W . C . Smith ,
Preceptor , and seconded by Bro . Graham . Bro . Frank Gulliford , S . W ., was unanimously elected VV . M . for the ensuing week , and was pleased to appoint his officers in rotation . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed in ancient form with peace and harmony , and adjourned .
UBIQUE LODGE ( No . 1789 ) . —A meeting was held on Friday , the 10 th inst ., at the Crown and Anchor , 79 , Ebury-street , S . W ., when there were present Bros . Brindley , VV . M . ; Gibson , S . W . ; Taylor , J . W . ; Boulton , P . M ., Preceptor ; P . Coughlan , Sec ; Glover , S . D . ; Green , J . D . ; McCullagh , I . G . ; Wade , P . M . ; Bunce , Harvey , Foulson , Pernell , and Woodlock .
The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Bunce , a candidate to be passed to the Second Degree , answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and the ceremony of passing was most ably rehearsed , Bro . Bunce acting as candidate . Bro . Bunce answered the questions leading to the Third Degree
and retired . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree , and the ceremony of raising—with the traditional historywas rehearsed , Bro . McCullagh acting as candidate . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree , and the W . M . having risen for the second time , it was proposed , seconded , and unanimously carried that Bro . Gibson , S . W ., be elected W . M . for the ensuing week . The W . M . rose for the third
time , and all Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony . A meeting was also held on Friday , the 17 th inst ., when the following brethren were present : Bros . Gibson , W . M . Taylor , S . W . ; Glover , J . W . ; Boulton , P . M ., Preceptor ; Capt . Butterworth , Treas . ; Coughlan , Sec . ; Green , jun ., S . D . ; Arduino , J . D . ; Wade , P . M ., I . G . ; Edwards , Brindley , Bunce , Luckhurst , F . Pernell , J . Pernell , and Hayes . The lodge was opened and the minutes of the last
meeting confirmed . Bro . Bunce was passed to the Second Degree . The ceremony of passing was very ably rehearsed , Bro . Bunce acting as candidate . Bro . Luckhurst was entrusted , and acting as candidate , the ceremony of raising , with the traditional history , was rehearsed . Bro . Taylor , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Bro . Taylor returned thanks , and appointed officers in rotation . All Masonic business being ended the lodge was closed .
ST . AMBROSE LODGE ( No . 1891 ) . —A meeting was held on Monday , the 20 th inst ., at Baron ' s Court Hotel , West Kensington , S . W . Present : Bros . S . Keene , W . M . ; H . Harris , P . M ., S . W . ; J . Brown , J . W . ; Harris , Treas . ; Jno . W . Morley , Sec . ; R . Wimpey , S . D . ; G . Gardner , J . D . ; P . Skar , I . G . ; H . E . Francis ,
P . M ., Preceptor ; P . Burton , H . Conway , Barnikel , Hicks , and Sharratt . Bro . Sims was a visitor . The lodge was opened and the minutes read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed by the VV . M ., Bro . Burton candidate . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed by the VV . M ., Bro . Dr . Pocock candidate .
CHISWICK LODGE ( No . 2012 ) . —A meeting was held on Saturday , the iSth inst ., at the Hampshire Hog Hotel , King-street , Hammersmith . Present : Bros . G . Gardner , W . M . ; F . R . Hayes , S . W . ; J . Brown , J . W . ; G . Gardner , Treas . ; H . Furze , acting Sec . ; W . Wilson , S . D . ; A . Williams , J . D . ; W . D . Stroud , I . G . ; E . Ayling , P . M ., Preceptor ; Johnson , P . M . ; Horton ,
P . M . ; J . Davis , Sims , H . Wimpey , Smither , and others . Bro . C . H . Nottley was a visitor . Lodge was opened and the minutes confirmed . The initiation ceremony was given by the W . M ., Bro . Nottley candidate . The W . M . worked the Second Degree , J . Davis candidate . Bro . Notley was elected a joining member . Bro . F . R . Hayes was elected to fill the chair at the ensuing meeting . A vote of thanks to Bro . Wilson for presenting two M . M . ' s aprons to the lodge was passed .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
JERUSALEM CHAPTER ( No . 185 ) . —A meeting of this chapter was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on the 14 th inst . Among those prewere Comps . Stewart , M . E . Z . ; Davis , I . P . Z ., acting H . ; J . Davis , J . ; Davage ; P . Z ,, S . E . ; Cleghorne , S . N . ; E . A . Harris , P . S . ; Harfeld , P . Z ., Treas . ; Holbrook , P . Z . ; T . C . Walls , P . P . G . D . C Middx ., P . Z . ; and
Moss , P . Z . The visitors were Comps . Dehane , 8 G 2 ; Underwood , 1366 ; Webster , 1642 , and others . The minutes of the previous convocation having been read and confirmed , Bro . J . Ensenmann and S . Rosenfeld , both of 1 S 5 , were balloted for and exalted to the Degree of a R . A . M ., the ceremony being well performed . Letters of apology for non-attendance having been read , the chapter
was closed in due and ancient form , and the companions adjourned to the banquet . Upon the removal of the cloth the usual toasts followed . "The Health of the M . E . Z . " was flatteringly proposed by the I . P . Z . Comp . Stewart having replied , then gave "The Exaltees . " Comps . Ensenmann and Rosenfeld having responded , the toast of "The Second and Third Principals " followed ,
which was acknowledged , in the absence of Comp . Elltorn , H ., b y Comp . Davis , J . " The Health of the Visitors " was warmly proposed by the M . E . Z ., and , in reply , Comps . Underwood , Webster , and Dehane made some very flattering allusions to the working and hospitality of the chapter . Comp . Davis responded upon behalf of " The Past Principals , " and Comps . Davage , Harfeld , Cleghorne , and Harris acknowledged at length the toast of " Th e Officers . ' The proceedings then terminated .
LION AND LAMB CHAPTER ( No . 192 ) . — The regular convocation of this chapter was held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Wednesday , the 15 th inst . The Principals' chairs were occupied by Comps . C . B . Cheese , M . E . Z . ; Thos . Cohn , H . ; and Herbert Cuff , J . ; and there were also present Comps . Charles
Royal Arch.
Arkell , P . Z ., S . E . ; William Medwin , Pr . Soj . ; John Taylor , 1 st A . S . ; H . Hughes , 2 nd A . S . ; George Kenning , P . Z ., Treas . ; Henry Birdseye , P . Z . ; F . D . B . Copestick , P . Z . ; E . F . Storr , P . Z . ; Fred . Orchard , George Potter , R . Powell , T . Holland , W . R . Dixon , E . S . Bigley , J . L . Carr , Henry D'Arcy , and others . After the confirmation of the minutes Comp . Herbert Cuff was
installed in the chair of J . by Comp . F . D . R . Copestick , P . Z ., who played his part exceedingly well . Bro . James Power , of Lodge No . 1622 , was balloted for and elected , but his exaltation will not take place till the next meeting in consequence of his unavoidable absence . Comp . Henry D'Arcy , of Chapter No . 1056 , was balloted for and elected a joining member , and the date of meeting of the Audit
Committee fixed for the second Monday in December . The following are the officers elect for the next year , namely , Comps . Thos . Cohu , Z . ; H . SCuff , H . ; W . Medwin , J . ; George Kenning , P . Z ., Treasurer ; Charles Arkell , P . Z ., S . E . ; W . Darnell , S . N . ; John Taylor , P . S . ; and Marsh , Janitor . The chapter having been closed , dinner followed , and then the usual toast list , to the principal items in which due honour was paid .
WEST KENT CHAPTER ( No . 1297 ) . —A meeting of j this chapter was [ held at the Thicket Hotel , Anerley , on Saturday , the nth inst ., when there were present Comps . W . Lake , Z . ; T . Perrin , J . ; J . C . Woodrow , ScribeE . ; J . Crowden , Prin . Soj . ; Finch , 2 nd Asst . Soj . ; and R . H . Crowden , P . Z . Visitors : Comps . Fox and Bellis . The minutes of the convocation held on the 5 th of April were read and confirmed . Letters were read from
Comps . FuIIwood , H . / and Dr . Basley , Org ., excusing their attendance owing to indisposition . Several other companions were also unavoidably absent . Two brothers were then introduced , and duly exalted to the Supreme Degree of Royal Arch , Comp . R . H . Crowden , P . Z ., rendering valuable assistance during the ceremony in the absence of the Second Principal . The companions then adjourned to a banquet , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and duly honoured .
MANCHESTER . — Affability Chapter ( No . 317 ) . —The bi-monthly meeting was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , on Thursday , the 16 th inst . Present : Bros . J . E . Steward , Z . ; Jas . Wilson , H . ; Chas . Oldham , J . ; VV . J . Cunliffe , S . N . ; J . G . Elderton , 1 st A . Soj . ; John Garside , 2 nd A . Soj ., acting P . S . ; J . Sly , Janitor ; Jas . Dawson , P . Z ., P . G . 1 st A . Soj . ;
W . P . Norris , P . Z . ; J ohn Bladon , P . Z . ; W . R . Sowter , P . P . S . ; H . R . G . Bayley , Thomas Sumner , W . A . Akerman , Harry Smith y H . Walmsley , VV . Hardcastle , and R . R . Lisenden , S . E . { Freemason ) . The chapter was opened in the usual manner , at 6 . 15 , and after confirming the minutes of the previous meeting , Bro . Thomas Black , of No . 163 , was balloted for and
elected . The companions then adjourned to tea , and resumed labour at 7 . 30 , when Bro . G . C . Fruhling ' , No . 317 , who had been elected a member of the chapter at a previous meeting , was exalted to the Holy Royal Arch Degree by the Excellent First Principal , Comp . J . E . Steward , assisted by his officers . Comp . Chas . Oldham , J ., subsequently delivered the Historical Lecture ; Comp .
James Dawson , P . Z ., the Mystical Lecture ; and Comp . . E . Steward , Z ., the Symbolical Lecture . There being no further business the chapter was closed with the usual beautiful charge . At the social board " The Health of the Newly-exalted , Comp , G . C . Fruhling" was p roposed by Comp . J . E . Steward , and drank with enthusiasm .
Comp . Fruhling , in reply , said that he had long wished to take the Royal Arch Degree , in order to finish his Masonic advancement . He had been considerably impressed with the beautiful ceremony , and was pleased and gratified to notice the religious vein running through the whole of it , thereby giving the lie to those who asserted that Freemasonry was allied to Atheistic principles .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
MOUNT CALVARY ENCAMPEMNT ( D ) A meeting of this old and distinguished preceptory was held at the Masonic Hall , Red Lion-square , on the 10 th inst . Among those present were Sir Knights R . Berridge , E . C . ; F . Driver , 1 st Capt . ; Gravely , 2 nd Capt . ; W . Paas , P . E . C , & c , Treas . ; T . C . Walls . P . E . C , G . C . G ., Reg . ; J . H . Dodson , C of G . ; H . J . Lardner , H . ; E . Baxter , P . E . C . ; Charles Driver , P . E . C ., P . G . A . D . C ; A .
Williams , P . E . C . ; Dr . Sanders , M . D ., & c ; Harris , E . Storr , and others . Sir Knight Capt . Nicols , P . E . C , & c , of the Kemeys Tynte , was a visitor . The minutes of the previous encampment having been read and confirmed , the election of E . C . and Treasurer for the year ensuing resulted unanimously in favour of Sir Knights F . Driver and W . Paas respectively . Sir Knights Harris , Freer , and Storr were elected as Auditors . A vote of condolence was passed , and ordered to be forwarded to
the widow and family of the late Sir Knight D . M . Dewar , whose services to the Mount Calvary were of long duration , and will not soon be forgotten . A grantor money was also voted from the alms box towards the fund now being raised for the benefit of Mrs . Dewar . A Past E . C . 's jewel having been unanimously voted to the outgoing E . C , the encampment was closed , and the Sir Knights adjourned to the Holborn Restaurant . Upon the removal of the cloth the usual toasts followed .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
LANCASTER . —Red Rose Conclave ( No . 12 ) . —A meeting was held on Thursday , the gth inst ., when Emnt . and Perfect Sir Knight Garnett was unanimously elected M . P . S ., and Sir Knight Armitage , S . G . E ., for the ensuing year . Emnt . and Perfect Sir Knights Longman and Stanton were again re-elected Treasurer and Recorder , There being no other business , the conclave was closed in due form .
Bro . the Grand Duke of Hesse , with his daughter the Princess Irene and the Prince and Princess Louis of Battenberg , left London for Flushing en route for Germany on Monday , the 20 th inst . They visited the Prince and Princess of Wales at Marlborough House previous to their departure .
Allied Masonic Degrees.
Allied Masonic Degrees .
GRAND COUNCIL . A council of the above orders was held on Saturday last , at the Masonic Hall , Red Lion-square , when the Degrees of the Grand High Priest , St . Lawrence the Martyr , the Red Cross of Babylon , and the Knights of Constantinople were conferred upon Bros . Dr . Stewart , Rev . Lemon , and George Kenning , by Bros . C . F . Matier and Chas . H . Driver . " ¦ ¦
LANCASTER . —Garnett Council ( No . 8 ) . —A regular meeting of this conncil , working under the authority of the Grand Council of the Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales , Sic , was held on Thursday , the 9 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Athenaeum , when there were present Bros . C H . Garnett , W . M . ; H . Longman , S . W . ; W . HalLJ . W . ; T . Atkinson , Treas . ; R . Stanton , Sec ; B . Gregson , I . G . ; J . Stanley , and A . K . AUinson , Tyler .
A lodge of St . Lawrence was duly opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . A council of Knights of Constantinople was then opened , and Bro . Gregson was duly admitted by the Grand Potentate . The new bye-laws were read , and , after some discussion , ' agreed to . The council was then closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to the King's Arms Hotel for supper , where a very pleasant evening was spent .
The Craft Abroad.
The Craft Abroad .
THE GRAND LODGE OF CANADA . The Grand Lodge of Canada evidently has some able and discreet brethren in charge of its financial administration . It can boast of a considerable amount of invested property ; its dole of charity is on a liberal , but not an exravagant , scale , and its expenditure is kept within due limits , showing a proper sense of economy , but without
any approach to cheese parings . We gather this much from the published proceedings—copy of which has just reached us—of the annual communication held in Toronto during the month of July last . These proceedings make a goodly volume of some 250 pages , the bulk of which , however , is of little interest outside the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge . It is the report of the Financial Committee
which has induced us to speak so favourably of its monetary affairs , and this of course is based on the Grand Treasurer ' s statements . During the financial year , extending from the 1 st June , 1 S 83 , to 31 st May , 18 S 4 , the receipts amounted to 16 , 479 dollars , and the expenditure to 16 , 505 dollars , the balance in bank to the credit of Grand Lodge at the close of the period being 12 , 293 dollars . The funds
at the same date amounted to 6 7 , 693 dollars ( £ 13 , 538 ) , of which 55 , 400 dollars ( £ 11 , 080 ) , on special deposit in the Canadian Bank of Commerce , bears interest at the rate of 4 \ per cent ., while the remaining 12 , 293 dollars is in the same bank on current account . Of the 16 , 505 dollarsstated above as representing the year ' s expenditure , only 6680 dollars were absorbed for general purposes , while the sum of
9 S 25 dollars (^ 1965 ) was voted away in respect of Benevolence . The iatter is a heavy amount , if we bear in mind that this Grand Lodge has not been in existence for quite three years as yet , and that the number of lodges on its roll is only about 400 . These figures contrast very favourably with the accounts of most of the North American Grand Lodges , but then , with so many of the latter , a
large portion of the receipts is swallowed up in " Mileage Allowances . " Here , the Grand Master's allowance for enpenses is only £ 100 per annum , and the expenses of the Board of General Purposes somewhat exceed a further £ 200 . We commend this matter to the notice of some of our American brethren in the United States . The following are the principal Grand Officers of Canada for the new vear .
namely : Bros . Hugh Murray , M . W . G . M . ; Henry Robertson , D . G . M . j G . R . Vanzant , G . S . W . ; W . A . Green , G . J . W . ; Rev . Geo . Chrystal , G . Chap . ; E . Mitchell , G . Treas . ; F . C . Martin , G . Reg . ; andj . J . Mason , G . Sec . Before the meeting of Grand Lodge came to an end , a
Committee was appointed to select and present . to Bro . Daniel Spry , Immediate Past Grand M 2 ster , a testimonial in recognition " of the respect and esteem in which he is held by the members of Grand Lodge , and of the able manner in which he has presided over the Craft during the past two years . "
FREEMASONS IN AMERICA . The "Canadian Craftsman " for last month contains a tabular statement , compiled by Bro . Josiah Drummond , of Maine , that most indefatigable of Masonic statisticians . From this it appears that in the jurisdictions of the several Grand Lodges of North America there is an . aggregate of 587 , 321 , while 30 , 620 were raised to the Degree of M . M .
during the past year . These returns contrast favourably with the previous year , when the numbers were respectively 579 , 826 members , and 28 , 374 raised . New York heads the list with 70 , 700 members , and then , but at a very long distance , follows Illinois with 44 , 007 , Pennsylvania standing third with 35 , 829 , and Ohio fourth with 31 , 359 ; Michigan 27 , 181 members , Massachusetts 26 , 583 , Missouri 24 , 594 ,
and Indiana 23 , 700 , occupy the next highest positions ; while Iowa , 19 , 715 . and Maine , 19 , 650 , follow , and then Canada 18 , 442 and Texas 17 , 514 . ihe Grand Lodge of Quebec , which is so partial to attacking our Grand Lodge , can boast of a total membership of 2840 , that of Nova Scotia of 2801 , New Brunswick of 1961 , and Manitoba of 1092 . The smallest of all is the Grand Lodge of British Columbia , which has 293 members .
THE QUEBEC-ENGLAND DISPUTE . The " Liberal Freemason , " of Boston , Mass ., for last month , contains an article on " The Mark Degree in England and Quebec , " in which it states very fairly the circumstances in dispute between the Grand Chapter of Quebec and our Mark Grand Lodge . Our contemporary offers no opinion , but concludes with the words— " Our readers will
be able to form their own conclusions . " As one of its readers , we may state that one of the conclusions we have arrived at in respect of this squabble is , that Lords Henniker and Kintore , Immediate Past Grand Master and Grand Master respectively of our Mark Grand Lodge ; Canon Portal , Past Grand Master and President of the General Board ; and Bro . Binckes , Grand Secretary ,
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ture . Bro . Fowles worked the Third Section of this lecture . Lodge closed in the Third and then the Second Degree . Bro . Mullens ( Concord , 332 , Grand Lodge of Ireland ) was unanimously elected a joining member of this lodge of instruction , being proposed by Bro . W . C . Smith ,
Preceptor , and seconded by Bro . Graham . Bro . Frank Gulliford , S . W ., was unanimously elected VV . M . for the ensuing week , and was pleased to appoint his officers in rotation . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed in ancient form with peace and harmony , and adjourned .
UBIQUE LODGE ( No . 1789 ) . —A meeting was held on Friday , the 10 th inst ., at the Crown and Anchor , 79 , Ebury-street , S . W ., when there were present Bros . Brindley , VV . M . ; Gibson , S . W . ; Taylor , J . W . ; Boulton , P . M ., Preceptor ; P . Coughlan , Sec ; Glover , S . D . ; Green , J . D . ; McCullagh , I . G . ; Wade , P . M . ; Bunce , Harvey , Foulson , Pernell , and Woodlock .
The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Bunce , a candidate to be passed to the Second Degree , answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and the ceremony of passing was most ably rehearsed , Bro . Bunce acting as candidate . Bro . Bunce answered the questions leading to the Third Degree
and retired . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree , and the ceremony of raising—with the traditional historywas rehearsed , Bro . McCullagh acting as candidate . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree , and the W . M . having risen for the second time , it was proposed , seconded , and unanimously carried that Bro . Gibson , S . W ., be elected W . M . for the ensuing week . The W . M . rose for the third
time , and all Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony . A meeting was also held on Friday , the 17 th inst ., when the following brethren were present : Bros . Gibson , W . M . Taylor , S . W . ; Glover , J . W . ; Boulton , P . M ., Preceptor ; Capt . Butterworth , Treas . ; Coughlan , Sec . ; Green , jun ., S . D . ; Arduino , J . D . ; Wade , P . M ., I . G . ; Edwards , Brindley , Bunce , Luckhurst , F . Pernell , J . Pernell , and Hayes . The lodge was opened and the minutes of the last
meeting confirmed . Bro . Bunce was passed to the Second Degree . The ceremony of passing was very ably rehearsed , Bro . Bunce acting as candidate . Bro . Luckhurst was entrusted , and acting as candidate , the ceremony of raising , with the traditional history , was rehearsed . Bro . Taylor , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Bro . Taylor returned thanks , and appointed officers in rotation . All Masonic business being ended the lodge was closed .
ST . AMBROSE LODGE ( No . 1891 ) . —A meeting was held on Monday , the 20 th inst ., at Baron ' s Court Hotel , West Kensington , S . W . Present : Bros . S . Keene , W . M . ; H . Harris , P . M ., S . W . ; J . Brown , J . W . ; Harris , Treas . ; Jno . W . Morley , Sec . ; R . Wimpey , S . D . ; G . Gardner , J . D . ; P . Skar , I . G . ; H . E . Francis ,
P . M ., Preceptor ; P . Burton , H . Conway , Barnikel , Hicks , and Sharratt . Bro . Sims was a visitor . The lodge was opened and the minutes read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed by the VV . M ., Bro . Burton candidate . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed by the VV . M ., Bro . Dr . Pocock candidate .
CHISWICK LODGE ( No . 2012 ) . —A meeting was held on Saturday , the iSth inst ., at the Hampshire Hog Hotel , King-street , Hammersmith . Present : Bros . G . Gardner , W . M . ; F . R . Hayes , S . W . ; J . Brown , J . W . ; G . Gardner , Treas . ; H . Furze , acting Sec . ; W . Wilson , S . D . ; A . Williams , J . D . ; W . D . Stroud , I . G . ; E . Ayling , P . M ., Preceptor ; Johnson , P . M . ; Horton ,
P . M . ; J . Davis , Sims , H . Wimpey , Smither , and others . Bro . C . H . Nottley was a visitor . Lodge was opened and the minutes confirmed . The initiation ceremony was given by the W . M ., Bro . Nottley candidate . The W . M . worked the Second Degree , J . Davis candidate . Bro . Notley was elected a joining member . Bro . F . R . Hayes was elected to fill the chair at the ensuing meeting . A vote of thanks to Bro . Wilson for presenting two M . M . ' s aprons to the lodge was passed .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
JERUSALEM CHAPTER ( No . 185 ) . —A meeting of this chapter was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on the 14 th inst . Among those prewere Comps . Stewart , M . E . Z . ; Davis , I . P . Z ., acting H . ; J . Davis , J . ; Davage ; P . Z ,, S . E . ; Cleghorne , S . N . ; E . A . Harris , P . S . ; Harfeld , P . Z ., Treas . ; Holbrook , P . Z . ; T . C . Walls , P . P . G . D . C Middx ., P . Z . ; and
Moss , P . Z . The visitors were Comps . Dehane , 8 G 2 ; Underwood , 1366 ; Webster , 1642 , and others . The minutes of the previous convocation having been read and confirmed , Bro . J . Ensenmann and S . Rosenfeld , both of 1 S 5 , were balloted for and exalted to the Degree of a R . A . M ., the ceremony being well performed . Letters of apology for non-attendance having been read , the chapter
was closed in due and ancient form , and the companions adjourned to the banquet . Upon the removal of the cloth the usual toasts followed . "The Health of the M . E . Z . " was flatteringly proposed by the I . P . Z . Comp . Stewart having replied , then gave "The Exaltees . " Comps . Ensenmann and Rosenfeld having responded , the toast of "The Second and Third Principals " followed ,
which was acknowledged , in the absence of Comp . Elltorn , H ., b y Comp . Davis , J . " The Health of the Visitors " was warmly proposed by the M . E . Z ., and , in reply , Comps . Underwood , Webster , and Dehane made some very flattering allusions to the working and hospitality of the chapter . Comp . Davis responded upon behalf of " The Past Principals , " and Comps . Davage , Harfeld , Cleghorne , and Harris acknowledged at length the toast of " Th e Officers . ' The proceedings then terminated .
LION AND LAMB CHAPTER ( No . 192 ) . — The regular convocation of this chapter was held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Wednesday , the 15 th inst . The Principals' chairs were occupied by Comps . C . B . Cheese , M . E . Z . ; Thos . Cohn , H . ; and Herbert Cuff , J . ; and there were also present Comps . Charles
Royal Arch.
Arkell , P . Z ., S . E . ; William Medwin , Pr . Soj . ; John Taylor , 1 st A . S . ; H . Hughes , 2 nd A . S . ; George Kenning , P . Z ., Treas . ; Henry Birdseye , P . Z . ; F . D . B . Copestick , P . Z . ; E . F . Storr , P . Z . ; Fred . Orchard , George Potter , R . Powell , T . Holland , W . R . Dixon , E . S . Bigley , J . L . Carr , Henry D'Arcy , and others . After the confirmation of the minutes Comp . Herbert Cuff was
installed in the chair of J . by Comp . F . D . R . Copestick , P . Z ., who played his part exceedingly well . Bro . James Power , of Lodge No . 1622 , was balloted for and elected , but his exaltation will not take place till the next meeting in consequence of his unavoidable absence . Comp . Henry D'Arcy , of Chapter No . 1056 , was balloted for and elected a joining member , and the date of meeting of the Audit
Committee fixed for the second Monday in December . The following are the officers elect for the next year , namely , Comps . Thos . Cohu , Z . ; H . SCuff , H . ; W . Medwin , J . ; George Kenning , P . Z ., Treasurer ; Charles Arkell , P . Z ., S . E . ; W . Darnell , S . N . ; John Taylor , P . S . ; and Marsh , Janitor . The chapter having been closed , dinner followed , and then the usual toast list , to the principal items in which due honour was paid .
WEST KENT CHAPTER ( No . 1297 ) . —A meeting of j this chapter was [ held at the Thicket Hotel , Anerley , on Saturday , the nth inst ., when there were present Comps . W . Lake , Z . ; T . Perrin , J . ; J . C . Woodrow , ScribeE . ; J . Crowden , Prin . Soj . ; Finch , 2 nd Asst . Soj . ; and R . H . Crowden , P . Z . Visitors : Comps . Fox and Bellis . The minutes of the convocation held on the 5 th of April were read and confirmed . Letters were read from
Comps . FuIIwood , H . / and Dr . Basley , Org ., excusing their attendance owing to indisposition . Several other companions were also unavoidably absent . Two brothers were then introduced , and duly exalted to the Supreme Degree of Royal Arch , Comp . R . H . Crowden , P . Z ., rendering valuable assistance during the ceremony in the absence of the Second Principal . The companions then adjourned to a banquet , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and duly honoured .
MANCHESTER . — Affability Chapter ( No . 317 ) . —The bi-monthly meeting was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , on Thursday , the 16 th inst . Present : Bros . J . E . Steward , Z . ; Jas . Wilson , H . ; Chas . Oldham , J . ; VV . J . Cunliffe , S . N . ; J . G . Elderton , 1 st A . Soj . ; John Garside , 2 nd A . Soj ., acting P . S . ; J . Sly , Janitor ; Jas . Dawson , P . Z ., P . G . 1 st A . Soj . ;
W . P . Norris , P . Z . ; J ohn Bladon , P . Z . ; W . R . Sowter , P . P . S . ; H . R . G . Bayley , Thomas Sumner , W . A . Akerman , Harry Smith y H . Walmsley , VV . Hardcastle , and R . R . Lisenden , S . E . { Freemason ) . The chapter was opened in the usual manner , at 6 . 15 , and after confirming the minutes of the previous meeting , Bro . Thomas Black , of No . 163 , was balloted for and
elected . The companions then adjourned to tea , and resumed labour at 7 . 30 , when Bro . G . C . Fruhling ' , No . 317 , who had been elected a member of the chapter at a previous meeting , was exalted to the Holy Royal Arch Degree by the Excellent First Principal , Comp . J . E . Steward , assisted by his officers . Comp . Chas . Oldham , J ., subsequently delivered the Historical Lecture ; Comp .
James Dawson , P . Z ., the Mystical Lecture ; and Comp . . E . Steward , Z ., the Symbolical Lecture . There being no further business the chapter was closed with the usual beautiful charge . At the social board " The Health of the Newly-exalted , Comp , G . C . Fruhling" was p roposed by Comp . J . E . Steward , and drank with enthusiasm .
Comp . Fruhling , in reply , said that he had long wished to take the Royal Arch Degree , in order to finish his Masonic advancement . He had been considerably impressed with the beautiful ceremony , and was pleased and gratified to notice the religious vein running through the whole of it , thereby giving the lie to those who asserted that Freemasonry was allied to Atheistic principles .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
MOUNT CALVARY ENCAMPEMNT ( D ) A meeting of this old and distinguished preceptory was held at the Masonic Hall , Red Lion-square , on the 10 th inst . Among those present were Sir Knights R . Berridge , E . C . ; F . Driver , 1 st Capt . ; Gravely , 2 nd Capt . ; W . Paas , P . E . C , & c , Treas . ; T . C . Walls . P . E . C , G . C . G ., Reg . ; J . H . Dodson , C of G . ; H . J . Lardner , H . ; E . Baxter , P . E . C . ; Charles Driver , P . E . C ., P . G . A . D . C ; A .
Williams , P . E . C . ; Dr . Sanders , M . D ., & c ; Harris , E . Storr , and others . Sir Knight Capt . Nicols , P . E . C , & c , of the Kemeys Tynte , was a visitor . The minutes of the previous encampment having been read and confirmed , the election of E . C . and Treasurer for the year ensuing resulted unanimously in favour of Sir Knights F . Driver and W . Paas respectively . Sir Knights Harris , Freer , and Storr were elected as Auditors . A vote of condolence was passed , and ordered to be forwarded to
the widow and family of the late Sir Knight D . M . Dewar , whose services to the Mount Calvary were of long duration , and will not soon be forgotten . A grantor money was also voted from the alms box towards the fund now being raised for the benefit of Mrs . Dewar . A Past E . C . 's jewel having been unanimously voted to the outgoing E . C , the encampment was closed , and the Sir Knights adjourned to the Holborn Restaurant . Upon the removal of the cloth the usual toasts followed .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
LANCASTER . —Red Rose Conclave ( No . 12 ) . —A meeting was held on Thursday , the gth inst ., when Emnt . and Perfect Sir Knight Garnett was unanimously elected M . P . S ., and Sir Knight Armitage , S . G . E ., for the ensuing year . Emnt . and Perfect Sir Knights Longman and Stanton were again re-elected Treasurer and Recorder , There being no other business , the conclave was closed in due form .
Bro . the Grand Duke of Hesse , with his daughter the Princess Irene and the Prince and Princess Louis of Battenberg , left London for Flushing en route for Germany on Monday , the 20 th inst . They visited the Prince and Princess of Wales at Marlborough House previous to their departure .
Allied Masonic Degrees.
Allied Masonic Degrees .
GRAND COUNCIL . A council of the above orders was held on Saturday last , at the Masonic Hall , Red Lion-square , when the Degrees of the Grand High Priest , St . Lawrence the Martyr , the Red Cross of Babylon , and the Knights of Constantinople were conferred upon Bros . Dr . Stewart , Rev . Lemon , and George Kenning , by Bros . C . F . Matier and Chas . H . Driver . " ¦ ¦
LANCASTER . —Garnett Council ( No . 8 ) . —A regular meeting of this conncil , working under the authority of the Grand Council of the Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales , Sic , was held on Thursday , the 9 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Athenaeum , when there were present Bros . C H . Garnett , W . M . ; H . Longman , S . W . ; W . HalLJ . W . ; T . Atkinson , Treas . ; R . Stanton , Sec ; B . Gregson , I . G . ; J . Stanley , and A . K . AUinson , Tyler .
A lodge of St . Lawrence was duly opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . A council of Knights of Constantinople was then opened , and Bro . Gregson was duly admitted by the Grand Potentate . The new bye-laws were read , and , after some discussion , ' agreed to . The council was then closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to the King's Arms Hotel for supper , where a very pleasant evening was spent .
The Craft Abroad.
The Craft Abroad .
THE GRAND LODGE OF CANADA . The Grand Lodge of Canada evidently has some able and discreet brethren in charge of its financial administration . It can boast of a considerable amount of invested property ; its dole of charity is on a liberal , but not an exravagant , scale , and its expenditure is kept within due limits , showing a proper sense of economy , but without
any approach to cheese parings . We gather this much from the published proceedings—copy of which has just reached us—of the annual communication held in Toronto during the month of July last . These proceedings make a goodly volume of some 250 pages , the bulk of which , however , is of little interest outside the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge . It is the report of the Financial Committee
which has induced us to speak so favourably of its monetary affairs , and this of course is based on the Grand Treasurer ' s statements . During the financial year , extending from the 1 st June , 1 S 83 , to 31 st May , 18 S 4 , the receipts amounted to 16 , 479 dollars , and the expenditure to 16 , 505 dollars , the balance in bank to the credit of Grand Lodge at the close of the period being 12 , 293 dollars . The funds
at the same date amounted to 6 7 , 693 dollars ( £ 13 , 538 ) , of which 55 , 400 dollars ( £ 11 , 080 ) , on special deposit in the Canadian Bank of Commerce , bears interest at the rate of 4 \ per cent ., while the remaining 12 , 293 dollars is in the same bank on current account . Of the 16 , 505 dollarsstated above as representing the year ' s expenditure , only 6680 dollars were absorbed for general purposes , while the sum of
9 S 25 dollars (^ 1965 ) was voted away in respect of Benevolence . The iatter is a heavy amount , if we bear in mind that this Grand Lodge has not been in existence for quite three years as yet , and that the number of lodges on its roll is only about 400 . These figures contrast very favourably with the accounts of most of the North American Grand Lodges , but then , with so many of the latter , a
large portion of the receipts is swallowed up in " Mileage Allowances . " Here , the Grand Master's allowance for enpenses is only £ 100 per annum , and the expenses of the Board of General Purposes somewhat exceed a further £ 200 . We commend this matter to the notice of some of our American brethren in the United States . The following are the principal Grand Officers of Canada for the new vear .
namely : Bros . Hugh Murray , M . W . G . M . ; Henry Robertson , D . G . M . j G . R . Vanzant , G . S . W . ; W . A . Green , G . J . W . ; Rev . Geo . Chrystal , G . Chap . ; E . Mitchell , G . Treas . ; F . C . Martin , G . Reg . ; andj . J . Mason , G . Sec . Before the meeting of Grand Lodge came to an end , a
Committee was appointed to select and present . to Bro . Daniel Spry , Immediate Past Grand M 2 ster , a testimonial in recognition " of the respect and esteem in which he is held by the members of Grand Lodge , and of the able manner in which he has presided over the Craft during the past two years . "
FREEMASONS IN AMERICA . The "Canadian Craftsman " for last month contains a tabular statement , compiled by Bro . Josiah Drummond , of Maine , that most indefatigable of Masonic statisticians . From this it appears that in the jurisdictions of the several Grand Lodges of North America there is an . aggregate of 587 , 321 , while 30 , 620 were raised to the Degree of M . M .
during the past year . These returns contrast favourably with the previous year , when the numbers were respectively 579 , 826 members , and 28 , 374 raised . New York heads the list with 70 , 700 members , and then , but at a very long distance , follows Illinois with 44 , 007 , Pennsylvania standing third with 35 , 829 , and Ohio fourth with 31 , 359 ; Michigan 27 , 181 members , Massachusetts 26 , 583 , Missouri 24 , 594 ,
and Indiana 23 , 700 , occupy the next highest positions ; while Iowa , 19 , 715 . and Maine , 19 , 650 , follow , and then Canada 18 , 442 and Texas 17 , 514 . ihe Grand Lodge of Quebec , which is so partial to attacking our Grand Lodge , can boast of a total membership of 2840 , that of Nova Scotia of 2801 , New Brunswick of 1961 , and Manitoba of 1092 . The smallest of all is the Grand Lodge of British Columbia , which has 293 members .
THE QUEBEC-ENGLAND DISPUTE . The " Liberal Freemason , " of Boston , Mass ., for last month , contains an article on " The Mark Degree in England and Quebec , " in which it states very fairly the circumstances in dispute between the Grand Chapter of Quebec and our Mark Grand Lodge . Our contemporary offers no opinion , but concludes with the words— " Our readers will
be able to form their own conclusions . " As one of its readers , we may state that one of the conclusions we have arrived at in respect of this squabble is , that Lords Henniker and Kintore , Immediate Past Grand Master and Grand Master respectively of our Mark Grand Lodge ; Canon Portal , Past Grand Master and President of the General Board ; and Bro . Binckes , Grand Secretary ,