Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF DERBYSHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article ILLEGALITY. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ured by the following visitors : Bros . Ascot , Thompson , ° nd Brown , 733 ; Woodstock , 749 ; Fitzjohn , 192 . The 1 dge was opened to the Second Degree at 3 . 45 , when n , , Mcek having proved efficient was raised to the Sublime Third Degree . The lodge was then resumed , and Bros . Marshall , Clark , Fradelle , Brick , Johnson , and Darby having been duly examined , were afterwards
, oassed to the Second Degree . The lodge closed at 6 . 30 , and the brethren adjourned to banquet and an enjoyable evening , under the able presidency of the I . P . M . At the closing meeting on the 3 rd Oct ., the chair of K . S . was occup ied by the W . M ., who was unavoidably deprived of the assistance of his J . W ., J . D ., and Organist , besides several brethren , through illness and pressing emergencies ;
he had , however , many able assistants , Bro . Squire , P . M . ggn , visitor , and opened his lodge with the usual form and prayer at 3 . 45 . After disposing of the preliminary business Bros . Marshall , Fradelle , Johnson , Brick , and Darby having been duly proved were separately raised to the Third Degree , and afterwards jointly invested and enlig htened by the I . P . M . with the full traditional history .
The usual enquiries for the good of the Craft were then made by the W . M ., and the lodge was closed in peace and harmony at 3 . 50 . The brethren afterwards adjourned to banquet , which gave general satisfaction . The usual Masonic and complimentary toasts were well given by the VV . M ., and heartily responded to . Much regret was expressed at the absence of Bro . Winter , Organist , as it
deprived the brethren of much . high-class music , but withal they had a very social gathering , many of the members contributing vocally for their enjoyment . The progress of the lodge during its second season may be considered highly gratifying—twelve brethren have been added to the rank ' s , nine new and three joining members , and it may be taken as a proof of the satisfaction given to the
Prov . Grand Master on his visiting the lodge in July last , that he has since selected Bro . R . Helsdon , the highly respected I . P . M ., as a Prov . Grand Officer , and bestowed upon him the first purple collar , to the honour of the lodge , and satisfaction of the brethren . The next season commences on the first Tuesday in April , 1877 . MORECAMBE . — -Morecambe Lodge ( No .
15 , 61 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Edward-street , on the 3 rd inst ., Bro . Capt . Garnett , the W . M ., presiding . There was a very fair attendance of members and visiting brethren . The lodge was opened in the First Degree with the usual formalities , and the regular routin : business transacted . A discussion took place relative to the formation of a Lodge
of Instruction , with Bro . Dr . Moore as Preceptor , and the matter was subsequently left in the hands of that distinguished brother for arrangement . The working of the various degrees was then gone through , and the lodge having resumed working in the First Degree the usual proclamations were made and responded to , and the lodge was closed in peace , love , and harmony . This was the first meeting
of thc lodge in their new Masonic Hall , and although it can scarcely be said to be in a finished state , the members were anxious to occupy it , owing to the inconvenience they have hitherto experienced in not having a suitable place in which to hold their lodge . When finished and completely furnished it will be a very neat ' and commodious lodge room .
INSTRUCTION . LODGE OF FELICITY ( No . 5 8 ) . — The first meeting of this lodge of instruction took place on Monday , the 13 th inst ., at the London Masonic Club , 101 , Queen Victoria-street , E . C . Present : Bros . C . J . Hogg , P . G . S ., P . M . 3 6 , P . M . 1273 , ( Hon . Treas . ) , W . M . ; E . W . Hubbuck , " P . M . 58 , S . W . ; N . Reed , J . D . 7 ! , ! . J . W . j F . T .
Kingsford , 58 , S . D . ; J . D . Tickle , 1163 , J . W . ; Geo . Briggs , I . G . 1372 , I . G . ; John G . Shand , Hon . Sec ; Edell , Langton , Fuller , F ' ord , Kimpton , Guthrie , Jardinc , Walker , Rumming , Dobbing , Chas . Smith , Jno . White , and others . Visitors : Bros . Stibs , I . G . 1307 ; Green , W . M . 1275 ; Whitakcr , 1372 , W . M . elect ; Taylor , 1572 ; Davage , 7 ; Sadler , 183 ; Captain Williams , Past Grand Organist Middlesex . The lodge was opened
in due form with prayer , and the initiation ceremony rehearsed . The Preceptor , Bro . Mander , P . M . 1201 , gave the Lecture of the First Tracing Board . The bye-laws were read . Votes of thanks were accorded and placed upon the minutes to the W . M ., Preceptor , and the Committee and Directors of the Club . The lodge closed in solemn prayer and perfect harmony , and adjourned till Monday , 27 th inst ., at 6 p . m .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
SOUTH MOLTON . —Fortescue Lodge ( No 9 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall on Monday , 13 th inst ., when a large muster of the members of the lodge attended , it Icing- the day of installation of Bro . J . Wood as W . M . for the year ensuing . Bro . J . T . Shapland , W . M ., having opened the lodge , "le P . G . M . M . M ., R . W . Bro . Capt . JTanner Davey
. , My installed Bro . Wood as W . M . for the year ensuing . He thereupon invested the following brethren as his officers : —Bros . J . T . Shapland , I . P . M . ; J . Brewer , S . W . ; Wm . Cole , J . W .: John Galliford , M . O . j J . Widgery , ° - ° . ; R . L . lticcard , J . O . j Rev . F . Kine , Chaplain
J- t-alhford , Treas . ; A . E . Galliford , Sec . ; J . Widgery , ™ g- of Marks ; Britton , S . D . ; Oliver , J . D . ; Hancock , ' G . ; and R . Kingdon , Tyler . The brethren afterwards dined together at Bro . Cole ' s , Unicorn Hotel , whose caterln g was all that could be desired , and a very pleasant evening was spent .
w — The Patent Office in Washington has decided w register British trade marks in America .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Derbyshire.
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Derbyshire held its annual meeting at the Masonic Hall , Gower-street , Derby , on Wednesday , Nov . 13 th , under the presidency of Bro . H . C . Okeover , P . J . G . W . England , and R . W . D . P . G . M . of Derbyshire The lodge was opened in ample form at two D . m .. nraver beine offered up by Bro . A . A . Bagshawe
M . A ., P . P . G . S . W . and Past Grand Chaplain . The usual business of the Grand Lodge was then proceeded with . The W . M . ' s of the various Craft lodges presented their . reports , from which it appeared that Freemasonry is satisfactorily progressing in the province . The reports of the Masonic Hall Committee , and the Audit Committee were read and confirmed , after which the acting Grand Master proceeded
to appoint and invest his Provincial Grand Officers as follows : —Henry Turner , P . S . G . W . ; G . T . Wright , P . J . G . W . ; Rev . J . Francis Nash Eyre , LL . D ., P . G . C . ; Thos . Cox , P . G . T . ; J . M . Stafford , P . G . R . ; W . Naylor , P . G . S . ; S . Pipes , P . S . G . D . ; E . C . Milligan , P . J . G . D . ; R . Bennett , P . G . S . of W . ; J . Fearn , P . G . D . of C . ; J . T . Hale , P . G . A . D . cf C .: W . Wise , P . G . Sword B . ; W . L . Dodd ,
P . G . O . ; J . J . Bingham , P . G . P . ; E . Manners , P . G . Standard B . ; T . Slinn , P . G . Tyler . Stewards : Laing , Flint ( Tyrian ) , T . Day , A . Fraser ( Arboretum ); J . Heathcote , J . H . Biggs ( Hartington ) . Alter the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed , the brethren adjourned to the lower hall , were a sumptuous banquet was served up . The repast over , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly given and responded to .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
The monthly meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence was held on Wednesday evening at Freemasons' Hal ) , and was very numerously attended . Bro . Joshua Nunn , Senior Vice-President , took the President's chair , Bro . James Brett , Junior Vice-President , took the Senior Vice-President ' s thair ; and Bro . S . G . Foxall , A . G . P .,
the Junior Vice-President ' s . Among the other brethren present ' were the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , P . G . C . ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P . ; II . Bartlett , P . M . 147 ; Chas . F . Hogard , P . M . 203 ; W . Mann , P . M . 186 ; Joseph Smith , P . G . P . ; James Mason , P . G . S . B . ; Herbert Dicketts , P . M . ; Wm . Stephens , P . M . ; W . H . Myers , P . M . ; John Wright , P . G . P . ; W . T . Howe , P . M . ;
Wm . Hilton , P . M . ; J . R . Weston , W . M . 1336 ; Wm . S . Cackett , W . M . 1338 ; H . S . Somerville Burney , W . M . 1613 ; John Robbins , D . D ., W . M . 1633 ; Frederick Binckes , P . G . S . ; J . M . Jolley , P . M . 8 7 ; W . J . Murlis , W . M . 1642 ; T . Knowles , W . M . 8 34 ; J . H . Wynne , P . M . 101 ; Thos . Brett , W . M . 700 ; Octavius II . Pearson , W . M . 10 ; Charles Birch , W . M . 236 ; S '
H . Rowley , P . M . 174 ; Alfred Allworth , W . M . 1261 J . Chambers Roc , W . M . 780 ; Francis Bonncy , W . M . 193 ; W . R . Morton . 'W . M . 26 3 ; John Green , W . M . 27 ; W . A . Tinncv , W . M . 1319 ; Thomas Munro , P . M . 179 ; T . J . Whitmarsh , W . M . 1130 ; W . R . Marsh , I . P . M . 9 ; Geo . Brocks , W . M . 902 ; Thos . James , W . M . 2 ? 7 ; W . Andrews , W . M . 147 ; H . D . M . Littler , W . M .
1 O 10 ; James West , W . M . 890 ; II . T . Thompson , P . M . 742 ; John Bingemann , W . M . 1399 ; C . P . Cobham , I . P . M . 757 ; P . Cook , W . M . 1044 ; J- R . "W . Hobl s , W . M . 748 ; George Allen , W . M . 144 ; Chas . J . Livctt , W . M . 133 r ; J . C . Warkell , P . M . 193 ; C . Burmeister , W . M . 338 ; J . J . Bcny , W . M . 554 ; Geo . Andrews , P . M . 871 ; M . S . Lirlham , W . M . 1216 ;
J . L . H . Vokins , W . M . 1461 5 A . J . Hollmgton , W . M . 3 8 ; James Hewitt , W . M . 898 ; John Roper , " W . M . 1133 ; J . Newton , W . M . 1607 ; Peter Wagner , W . M . 201 ; Thos . Robinson , P . M . 709 ; John Secx , W . M . 1426 ; J . R . Gallant , W . M . 813 ; B . H . Swallow , W . M . 1363 ; J . A . Hudson , P . M . 819 ; Thos . Rcilly , W . M . 13 . 27 , P . G . P . Hants ; A . Southam ,
W . M . 1420 ; Geo . Bolton , 169 ; John Geo . Marsh , P . M . 28 ; T . J . Barnes , P . M . 22 ; H . W . Hemsworth , P . M . 1193 ; J . A . Farnfield , P . M . 907 ; G . R . Shervill , P . M . 23 ; ' John Gibson , Dep . M . 239 ; H . Massey , P . M . 619 ( " Freemason " ) j and Thos . Cohu , W . M . 192 . Bro . John Hervey , G . Sec , attended , and was assisted by Bros . H . G . Buss and W . Dodd . Bro . C . B . Payne was
I . G . At the Board ol Masters , which was first held , the agenda paper for next Grand Lodge was settled . Afterwards grants to the amount of £ 173 , made at former Lodge of Benevolence , were confirmed . The new cases were afterwards taken up . Of these there were 32 on the list . Two cases were dismissed . The rest
were relieved with sums amounting in all to XSS 4- One grant was for £ 100 , and two were for £ 50 each . One was for £ 40 , and one for £ 23 . Nine were for £ 20 each ; one was for £ 13 ; seven were for £ 10 ; four for £$ each , and two for £ 3 each . The brethren were in session for four hours . Lodge was then closed in due form .
THE COMINO LIVERPOOL MASONIC BA 1 . 1 .. —Arrangements are in active progress for the forthcoming 28 th annual Masonic Ball in Liverpool , which will , as usual , be in aid of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution . The Mayor and Corporation have again generously granted the use of the Town Hall , including the Council Chamber , for the ball , which will take place
on the 9 th January , 1877 ; and his Worship , the Mayor ( Alderman A . A . Walker ) has not only given his patronage , but has also promised his presence , along with the Mayoress . An energetic committee is now at work to make the ball a complete success , Bro . R . Wilson , P . P . G . J . D ., being Chairman ; Bro H . Nelson , P . M . 1305 , Vice Chairman ; Bro . J . Hutching , W . M . 241 , Secretary , and Bro . Pemberton , P . G . S . of Works , the Treasurer .
We call attention to an article from the London " Freemason , " in relation to the initiation into one of tlie Hungarian lodges of a woman , Countess Hadick ; the " Freemason " taking the ground that the action of the Grand Orient of Hungary in declaring the initiation " null and void" to be wrong-. The " Freemason" admits the
gross wrong on the part of the lodge initiating , but insists that " once a Mason , always a Mason , " and that the action cannot be made " null and void . " Here we must differ with our respected English contemporary . The action of the lodge was all wrong and illegal , and therefore the Grand Body did right in declaring it , so far as the Masonic rights of the lady are
concerned , " null and void , " and having violated their Master Mason ' s obligation , the charter of the lodge should have been forfeited and the entire membership declared expelled by the Grand Orient . But the " Freemason " says that it is unjust to declare the lady still a profane , because she got her degree honestly and that none but the Master of the lodge should be
punished ; that she was a constant reader and admirer of Masonic law and literature , and from this knowledge applied for the degrees . It would be better for his client had he pleaded ignorance for her , for being read in Masonry she knew that she could not lawfully be initiated , and could not be recognized by any legal body of Masons . Then if the Grand Orient of Hungary has done its duty
and refused to recognize her legal initiation , has it not done right ? Yea , verily . The Grand Orient does not say she has not received the secret of Masonry in a regular Lodge , but adheres to the law that she is not entitled to it and received it illegally , and therefore , shall not be recognized as a legal Mason . We ask our distinguished contemporary how can a Grand Body wink at an open
known illegal action of a subordinate lodge , and make an exception in behalf of an illegal subject ? It cannot . The Grand Master is pledged against it and the Grand Orient is bound to sustain him . Again we ask our Brother , the warrant of the lodge being necessarily arrested , and the officers and members being expelled for violation of an unalterable landmark ,
what other lodge will be silly enough to affiliate the nondescript female Mason ? Would he vote to affiliate her in his lodge ? We think not . And further , we think that he could not recognize her as a Mason , even for two reasons . If her lodge goes she goes with it . And not being legally made she must necessarily be a clandestine , and he knows his duty in such matters .
We are opposed to all" New Day—New Duty " schemes that may spring up all over the world in contravention of plain , well known and well understood Masonic Law , and our most anciently established landmarks . In this we are no opponents of woman ' s true rights in her every proper sphere , but Masons know that a woman cannot , lawfully , be a Mason , and our seal is set against making Masons
of men in their dotage , men in nonage , madmen , libertines , atheists , women and fools , and if made we will not recognize them ; and we believe every American Mason will agree with us . To illustrate : Suppose some man should steal fifty thousand dollars and give it to some favourite woman , would she be entitled to it by law , and to its benefits by
right ? And if she was well read and knew it to be fraudelHly obtained , would she not be particcps criminis by receiving , and more by usinr ; it ? So thc Countess Hadick knows she is not entitled to the rights , lights and benefits of Masonry , and can raise no objection to her nor . recognition by the Grand Orient of Hungary , and she and her coadjutors in Masonic crime should go to the wall together . Countess or peasant , no woman can
legally be made a Mason—no legally rejected material can be allowed to remain in the great Masonic edifice , but must come out and take its proper place among the rubbish—and we believe that no woman , or other baned subject , will ever become a Keystone for the completion of our mystic arch . And finally , it will never do to establish any such precedent as the " Freemason " suggests , by making the case of this lady an exception . — " Mai mic Journal . "
The marriage of Lord Balfour of Burleigh , P . G . S . W . of England , R . W . Substitute Grand Master of Scotland , and Lady Katherine Eliza Gordon , youngest daughter of the late George John James , fifth Earl of Abtrdeen , and sister o ! the present peer , was celebrated on Tuesday at the parish church of St . Mary Abbott's , Kensington . The bride was accompanied by her mother ,
the Countess , and her brother , the Earl of Aberdeen . The bridesmaids were the Ladies Margaret and Mary Ashburnhim , Misses Katherine and Louise Gordon and Miss Gordon ( cousins of the bride ) , Madle . de Witt , Lady Grace Gordon , Miss Hamilton , Miss Bruce , I Ion . Miss Scott , and Miss Lindsay . The bride wore a dress of Velours Inclten , trimmed with Louis XIV . brocaded silk
and Brussels lace , and over a wreath of natural flowers a tulle veil . The bridesmaids' dresses were of turquoise blue Cashmere , trimmed with a scaif of white broche ' silk , and a bouquet of ivy leaves on the corsage , beaver hats trimmed with feathers , and each lady wore a locket , the eift ol the bridecroom . Lord Balfour was
attended by Lord Cochrane , as best man . 1 he Archbishop of Canterbury performed the ceremony , assisted by the Hon . and Rev . Canon Gordon , the uncle of the bride , and the Rev . W . D . Maclagan , vicar of St . Mary Abbott ' s . Early in the afternoon Lord Balfour and his bride left for Lady John Scott ' s seat near Rugby , to SDcnd thc honevmoon .
The Goldsmiths' Company have presented £ 1000 to the Chemical Society as a contribution to the fund being raised by that society for the promotion o { chemical research .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ured by the following visitors : Bros . Ascot , Thompson , ° nd Brown , 733 ; Woodstock , 749 ; Fitzjohn , 192 . The 1 dge was opened to the Second Degree at 3 . 45 , when n , , Mcek having proved efficient was raised to the Sublime Third Degree . The lodge was then resumed , and Bros . Marshall , Clark , Fradelle , Brick , Johnson , and Darby having been duly examined , were afterwards
, oassed to the Second Degree . The lodge closed at 6 . 30 , and the brethren adjourned to banquet and an enjoyable evening , under the able presidency of the I . P . M . At the closing meeting on the 3 rd Oct ., the chair of K . S . was occup ied by the W . M ., who was unavoidably deprived of the assistance of his J . W ., J . D ., and Organist , besides several brethren , through illness and pressing emergencies ;
he had , however , many able assistants , Bro . Squire , P . M . ggn , visitor , and opened his lodge with the usual form and prayer at 3 . 45 . After disposing of the preliminary business Bros . Marshall , Fradelle , Johnson , Brick , and Darby having been duly proved were separately raised to the Third Degree , and afterwards jointly invested and enlig htened by the I . P . M . with the full traditional history .
The usual enquiries for the good of the Craft were then made by the W . M ., and the lodge was closed in peace and harmony at 3 . 50 . The brethren afterwards adjourned to banquet , which gave general satisfaction . The usual Masonic and complimentary toasts were well given by the VV . M ., and heartily responded to . Much regret was expressed at the absence of Bro . Winter , Organist , as it
deprived the brethren of much . high-class music , but withal they had a very social gathering , many of the members contributing vocally for their enjoyment . The progress of the lodge during its second season may be considered highly gratifying—twelve brethren have been added to the rank ' s , nine new and three joining members , and it may be taken as a proof of the satisfaction given to the
Prov . Grand Master on his visiting the lodge in July last , that he has since selected Bro . R . Helsdon , the highly respected I . P . M ., as a Prov . Grand Officer , and bestowed upon him the first purple collar , to the honour of the lodge , and satisfaction of the brethren . The next season commences on the first Tuesday in April , 1877 . MORECAMBE . — -Morecambe Lodge ( No .
15 , 61 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Edward-street , on the 3 rd inst ., Bro . Capt . Garnett , the W . M ., presiding . There was a very fair attendance of members and visiting brethren . The lodge was opened in the First Degree with the usual formalities , and the regular routin : business transacted . A discussion took place relative to the formation of a Lodge
of Instruction , with Bro . Dr . Moore as Preceptor , and the matter was subsequently left in the hands of that distinguished brother for arrangement . The working of the various degrees was then gone through , and the lodge having resumed working in the First Degree the usual proclamations were made and responded to , and the lodge was closed in peace , love , and harmony . This was the first meeting
of thc lodge in their new Masonic Hall , and although it can scarcely be said to be in a finished state , the members were anxious to occupy it , owing to the inconvenience they have hitherto experienced in not having a suitable place in which to hold their lodge . When finished and completely furnished it will be a very neat ' and commodious lodge room .
INSTRUCTION . LODGE OF FELICITY ( No . 5 8 ) . — The first meeting of this lodge of instruction took place on Monday , the 13 th inst ., at the London Masonic Club , 101 , Queen Victoria-street , E . C . Present : Bros . C . J . Hogg , P . G . S ., P . M . 3 6 , P . M . 1273 , ( Hon . Treas . ) , W . M . ; E . W . Hubbuck , " P . M . 58 , S . W . ; N . Reed , J . D . 7 ! , ! . J . W . j F . T .
Kingsford , 58 , S . D . ; J . D . Tickle , 1163 , J . W . ; Geo . Briggs , I . G . 1372 , I . G . ; John G . Shand , Hon . Sec ; Edell , Langton , Fuller , F ' ord , Kimpton , Guthrie , Jardinc , Walker , Rumming , Dobbing , Chas . Smith , Jno . White , and others . Visitors : Bros . Stibs , I . G . 1307 ; Green , W . M . 1275 ; Whitakcr , 1372 , W . M . elect ; Taylor , 1572 ; Davage , 7 ; Sadler , 183 ; Captain Williams , Past Grand Organist Middlesex . The lodge was opened
in due form with prayer , and the initiation ceremony rehearsed . The Preceptor , Bro . Mander , P . M . 1201 , gave the Lecture of the First Tracing Board . The bye-laws were read . Votes of thanks were accorded and placed upon the minutes to the W . M ., Preceptor , and the Committee and Directors of the Club . The lodge closed in solemn prayer and perfect harmony , and adjourned till Monday , 27 th inst ., at 6 p . m .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
SOUTH MOLTON . —Fortescue Lodge ( No 9 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall on Monday , 13 th inst ., when a large muster of the members of the lodge attended , it Icing- the day of installation of Bro . J . Wood as W . M . for the year ensuing . Bro . J . T . Shapland , W . M ., having opened the lodge , "le P . G . M . M . M ., R . W . Bro . Capt . JTanner Davey
. , My installed Bro . Wood as W . M . for the year ensuing . He thereupon invested the following brethren as his officers : —Bros . J . T . Shapland , I . P . M . ; J . Brewer , S . W . ; Wm . Cole , J . W .: John Galliford , M . O . j J . Widgery , ° - ° . ; R . L . lticcard , J . O . j Rev . F . Kine , Chaplain
J- t-alhford , Treas . ; A . E . Galliford , Sec . ; J . Widgery , ™ g- of Marks ; Britton , S . D . ; Oliver , J . D . ; Hancock , ' G . ; and R . Kingdon , Tyler . The brethren afterwards dined together at Bro . Cole ' s , Unicorn Hotel , whose caterln g was all that could be desired , and a very pleasant evening was spent .
w — The Patent Office in Washington has decided w register British trade marks in America .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Derbyshire.
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Derbyshire held its annual meeting at the Masonic Hall , Gower-street , Derby , on Wednesday , Nov . 13 th , under the presidency of Bro . H . C . Okeover , P . J . G . W . England , and R . W . D . P . G . M . of Derbyshire The lodge was opened in ample form at two D . m .. nraver beine offered up by Bro . A . A . Bagshawe
M . A ., P . P . G . S . W . and Past Grand Chaplain . The usual business of the Grand Lodge was then proceeded with . The W . M . ' s of the various Craft lodges presented their . reports , from which it appeared that Freemasonry is satisfactorily progressing in the province . The reports of the Masonic Hall Committee , and the Audit Committee were read and confirmed , after which the acting Grand Master proceeded
to appoint and invest his Provincial Grand Officers as follows : —Henry Turner , P . S . G . W . ; G . T . Wright , P . J . G . W . ; Rev . J . Francis Nash Eyre , LL . D ., P . G . C . ; Thos . Cox , P . G . T . ; J . M . Stafford , P . G . R . ; W . Naylor , P . G . S . ; S . Pipes , P . S . G . D . ; E . C . Milligan , P . J . G . D . ; R . Bennett , P . G . S . of W . ; J . Fearn , P . G . D . of C . ; J . T . Hale , P . G . A . D . cf C .: W . Wise , P . G . Sword B . ; W . L . Dodd ,
P . G . O . ; J . J . Bingham , P . G . P . ; E . Manners , P . G . Standard B . ; T . Slinn , P . G . Tyler . Stewards : Laing , Flint ( Tyrian ) , T . Day , A . Fraser ( Arboretum ); J . Heathcote , J . H . Biggs ( Hartington ) . Alter the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed , the brethren adjourned to the lower hall , were a sumptuous banquet was served up . The repast over , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly given and responded to .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
The monthly meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence was held on Wednesday evening at Freemasons' Hal ) , and was very numerously attended . Bro . Joshua Nunn , Senior Vice-President , took the President's chair , Bro . James Brett , Junior Vice-President , took the Senior Vice-President ' s thair ; and Bro . S . G . Foxall , A . G . P .,
the Junior Vice-President ' s . Among the other brethren present ' were the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , P . G . C . ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P . ; II . Bartlett , P . M . 147 ; Chas . F . Hogard , P . M . 203 ; W . Mann , P . M . 186 ; Joseph Smith , P . G . P . ; James Mason , P . G . S . B . ; Herbert Dicketts , P . M . ; Wm . Stephens , P . M . ; W . H . Myers , P . M . ; John Wright , P . G . P . ; W . T . Howe , P . M . ;
Wm . Hilton , P . M . ; J . R . Weston , W . M . 1336 ; Wm . S . Cackett , W . M . 1338 ; H . S . Somerville Burney , W . M . 1613 ; John Robbins , D . D ., W . M . 1633 ; Frederick Binckes , P . G . S . ; J . M . Jolley , P . M . 8 7 ; W . J . Murlis , W . M . 1642 ; T . Knowles , W . M . 8 34 ; J . H . Wynne , P . M . 101 ; Thos . Brett , W . M . 700 ; Octavius II . Pearson , W . M . 10 ; Charles Birch , W . M . 236 ; S '
H . Rowley , P . M . 174 ; Alfred Allworth , W . M . 1261 J . Chambers Roc , W . M . 780 ; Francis Bonncy , W . M . 193 ; W . R . Morton . 'W . M . 26 3 ; John Green , W . M . 27 ; W . A . Tinncv , W . M . 1319 ; Thomas Munro , P . M . 179 ; T . J . Whitmarsh , W . M . 1130 ; W . R . Marsh , I . P . M . 9 ; Geo . Brocks , W . M . 902 ; Thos . James , W . M . 2 ? 7 ; W . Andrews , W . M . 147 ; H . D . M . Littler , W . M .
1 O 10 ; James West , W . M . 890 ; II . T . Thompson , P . M . 742 ; John Bingemann , W . M . 1399 ; C . P . Cobham , I . P . M . 757 ; P . Cook , W . M . 1044 ; J- R . "W . Hobl s , W . M . 748 ; George Allen , W . M . 144 ; Chas . J . Livctt , W . M . 133 r ; J . C . Warkell , P . M . 193 ; C . Burmeister , W . M . 338 ; J . J . Bcny , W . M . 554 ; Geo . Andrews , P . M . 871 ; M . S . Lirlham , W . M . 1216 ;
J . L . H . Vokins , W . M . 1461 5 A . J . Hollmgton , W . M . 3 8 ; James Hewitt , W . M . 898 ; John Roper , " W . M . 1133 ; J . Newton , W . M . 1607 ; Peter Wagner , W . M . 201 ; Thos . Robinson , P . M . 709 ; John Secx , W . M . 1426 ; J . R . Gallant , W . M . 813 ; B . H . Swallow , W . M . 1363 ; J . A . Hudson , P . M . 819 ; Thos . Rcilly , W . M . 13 . 27 , P . G . P . Hants ; A . Southam ,
W . M . 1420 ; Geo . Bolton , 169 ; John Geo . Marsh , P . M . 28 ; T . J . Barnes , P . M . 22 ; H . W . Hemsworth , P . M . 1193 ; J . A . Farnfield , P . M . 907 ; G . R . Shervill , P . M . 23 ; ' John Gibson , Dep . M . 239 ; H . Massey , P . M . 619 ( " Freemason " ) j and Thos . Cohu , W . M . 192 . Bro . John Hervey , G . Sec , attended , and was assisted by Bros . H . G . Buss and W . Dodd . Bro . C . B . Payne was
I . G . At the Board ol Masters , which was first held , the agenda paper for next Grand Lodge was settled . Afterwards grants to the amount of £ 173 , made at former Lodge of Benevolence , were confirmed . The new cases were afterwards taken up . Of these there were 32 on the list . Two cases were dismissed . The rest
were relieved with sums amounting in all to XSS 4- One grant was for £ 100 , and two were for £ 50 each . One was for £ 40 , and one for £ 23 . Nine were for £ 20 each ; one was for £ 13 ; seven were for £ 10 ; four for £$ each , and two for £ 3 each . The brethren were in session for four hours . Lodge was then closed in due form .
THE COMINO LIVERPOOL MASONIC BA 1 . 1 .. —Arrangements are in active progress for the forthcoming 28 th annual Masonic Ball in Liverpool , which will , as usual , be in aid of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution . The Mayor and Corporation have again generously granted the use of the Town Hall , including the Council Chamber , for the ball , which will take place
on the 9 th January , 1877 ; and his Worship , the Mayor ( Alderman A . A . Walker ) has not only given his patronage , but has also promised his presence , along with the Mayoress . An energetic committee is now at work to make the ball a complete success , Bro . R . Wilson , P . P . G . J . D ., being Chairman ; Bro H . Nelson , P . M . 1305 , Vice Chairman ; Bro . J . Hutching , W . M . 241 , Secretary , and Bro . Pemberton , P . G . S . of Works , the Treasurer .
We call attention to an article from the London " Freemason , " in relation to the initiation into one of tlie Hungarian lodges of a woman , Countess Hadick ; the " Freemason " taking the ground that the action of the Grand Orient of Hungary in declaring the initiation " null and void" to be wrong-. The " Freemason" admits the
gross wrong on the part of the lodge initiating , but insists that " once a Mason , always a Mason , " and that the action cannot be made " null and void . " Here we must differ with our respected English contemporary . The action of the lodge was all wrong and illegal , and therefore the Grand Body did right in declaring it , so far as the Masonic rights of the lady are
concerned , " null and void , " and having violated their Master Mason ' s obligation , the charter of the lodge should have been forfeited and the entire membership declared expelled by the Grand Orient . But the " Freemason " says that it is unjust to declare the lady still a profane , because she got her degree honestly and that none but the Master of the lodge should be
punished ; that she was a constant reader and admirer of Masonic law and literature , and from this knowledge applied for the degrees . It would be better for his client had he pleaded ignorance for her , for being read in Masonry she knew that she could not lawfully be initiated , and could not be recognized by any legal body of Masons . Then if the Grand Orient of Hungary has done its duty
and refused to recognize her legal initiation , has it not done right ? Yea , verily . The Grand Orient does not say she has not received the secret of Masonry in a regular Lodge , but adheres to the law that she is not entitled to it and received it illegally , and therefore , shall not be recognized as a legal Mason . We ask our distinguished contemporary how can a Grand Body wink at an open
known illegal action of a subordinate lodge , and make an exception in behalf of an illegal subject ? It cannot . The Grand Master is pledged against it and the Grand Orient is bound to sustain him . Again we ask our Brother , the warrant of the lodge being necessarily arrested , and the officers and members being expelled for violation of an unalterable landmark ,
what other lodge will be silly enough to affiliate the nondescript female Mason ? Would he vote to affiliate her in his lodge ? We think not . And further , we think that he could not recognize her as a Mason , even for two reasons . If her lodge goes she goes with it . And not being legally made she must necessarily be a clandestine , and he knows his duty in such matters .
We are opposed to all" New Day—New Duty " schemes that may spring up all over the world in contravention of plain , well known and well understood Masonic Law , and our most anciently established landmarks . In this we are no opponents of woman ' s true rights in her every proper sphere , but Masons know that a woman cannot , lawfully , be a Mason , and our seal is set against making Masons
of men in their dotage , men in nonage , madmen , libertines , atheists , women and fools , and if made we will not recognize them ; and we believe every American Mason will agree with us . To illustrate : Suppose some man should steal fifty thousand dollars and give it to some favourite woman , would she be entitled to it by law , and to its benefits by
right ? And if she was well read and knew it to be fraudelHly obtained , would she not be particcps criminis by receiving , and more by usinr ; it ? So thc Countess Hadick knows she is not entitled to the rights , lights and benefits of Masonry , and can raise no objection to her nor . recognition by the Grand Orient of Hungary , and she and her coadjutors in Masonic crime should go to the wall together . Countess or peasant , no woman can
legally be made a Mason—no legally rejected material can be allowed to remain in the great Masonic edifice , but must come out and take its proper place among the rubbish—and we believe that no woman , or other baned subject , will ever become a Keystone for the completion of our mystic arch . And finally , it will never do to establish any such precedent as the " Freemason " suggests , by making the case of this lady an exception . — " Mai mic Journal . "
The marriage of Lord Balfour of Burleigh , P . G . S . W . of England , R . W . Substitute Grand Master of Scotland , and Lady Katherine Eliza Gordon , youngest daughter of the late George John James , fifth Earl of Abtrdeen , and sister o ! the present peer , was celebrated on Tuesday at the parish church of St . Mary Abbott's , Kensington . The bride was accompanied by her mother ,
the Countess , and her brother , the Earl of Aberdeen . The bridesmaids were the Ladies Margaret and Mary Ashburnhim , Misses Katherine and Louise Gordon and Miss Gordon ( cousins of the bride ) , Madle . de Witt , Lady Grace Gordon , Miss Hamilton , Miss Bruce , I Ion . Miss Scott , and Miss Lindsay . The bride wore a dress of Velours Inclten , trimmed with Louis XIV . brocaded silk
and Brussels lace , and over a wreath of natural flowers a tulle veil . The bridesmaids' dresses were of turquoise blue Cashmere , trimmed with a scaif of white broche ' silk , and a bouquet of ivy leaves on the corsage , beaver hats trimmed with feathers , and each lady wore a locket , the eift ol the bridecroom . Lord Balfour was
attended by Lord Cochrane , as best man . 1 he Archbishop of Canterbury performed the ceremony , assisted by the Hon . and Rev . Canon Gordon , the uncle of the bride , and the Rev . W . D . Maclagan , vicar of St . Mary Abbott ' s . Early in the afternoon Lord Balfour and his bride left for Lady John Scott ' s seat near Rugby , to SDcnd thc honevmoon .
The Goldsmiths' Company have presented £ 1000 to the Chemical Society as a contribution to the fund being raised by that society for the promotion o { chemical research .