Article BRITISH EQUITABLE. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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British Equitable.
DIRECTORS . William Macdonald Basden , Esq ., Great Saint Helen's and Lloyd's . George Thomas Dale , Esq ., Bayswater . William Sutton Gover , Esq ., 4 , Queen-street Place ( Member of the London School Board—Deputy-Governor of the Honourable Irish Society )
John Middleton Hare , Esq ., btoke Newington . Fountain John . Hartley , Esq ., Addle-street ( Hon .-Sec . — Sunday School Union ) . William George Lemon , Lincoln ' s Inn . William Smith , Esq ., Upper Norwood . Edward Bean Underbill , Esq ., LL . D ., Hampstead ( Hon .-Sec . —Baptist Missionary Society ) .
SOLICITOR , henry Gover , Esq ., 40 , King William-street , E . C . ( Member of the London School Board ) . BANKERS . London and Westminster Bank , Lothbury . MANAGING DIRECTOR AND ACTUARY .
William Sutton Gover , Esq ., F . S . S ., F . I . A . SUB-MANAGER . John Wilkinson Fairey , Esq . ¦ AUDITORS .
Alfred Henry Baynes , Esq ., Putney ( Secretary—Baptist Missionary Society ) . James Clarke , Esq ., Fleet-street , City ( Proprietor and Editor Christian World . Henry Gould Sharp , Esq ., Tunbridge Wells .
TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL REPORT—MAY , 18 IJ . NEW BUSINESS . —2348 New Policies have been issued , assuring £ 449 , 410 ,- yielding a new Annual Premium Income of £ 12 , 950 . BUSINESS IN FORCE . —The Policies in force at the end of the year were 22 , 594 assuring' £ 4 , 014 , 886 , and
yielding an Annual Premium Income of £ 124 , 810 . DEATH CLAIMS , including Matured Policies and Bonuses . —The amount of Death Claims admitted , Matured Policies and Bonuses , has been £ 41 , 869 , and from the commencement of the Company > £ 389 , 411 have been paid for Claims and Bonuses under Policies . THE ACCUMULATED FUND . — £ 60 , 255 have been added to the Accumulated Fund , which is thus raised to
£ 500 , 097 . THE THANKS OF THE BOARD ARE PRESENTED TO THE POLICY-HOLDERS for their invaluable aid in extending the Company ' s business . A copy of the new Report , containing full Particulars of the proceedings at the Twenty-second Annual Meeting , forwarded on application to thc Office , or to the Agents ; also Particulars of Eighteen hundred Death Claims paid by the Company .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY ( Limited ) , J , Bank Buildings , Lothbury , E . C . General Accidents . j Personal Injuries Railway Accidents . | Deaths by Accident . C . HARDING , Manager .
MASONIC CANDLES . For Craft Lodges , Ionic , Doric and Corinthian , Emblematically arranged for the Worshipful Master Senior and Junior Wardens . 6 s . 6 d . PER SET OF 3 ONE POUND CANDLES . Packing Cases 6 d . each . DITTO FOR ROYAL ARCH CHAPTERS ios . 6 d . per set of 6 Candles . Packing Cases is . Wholesale and Retail at Bro . GEORGE KENNIKG ' Masonic Depots , London , Liverpool , Manchester , and Glasgow .
W . FIGES , 80 , CANNON-STREET , LONDON , E . G . . MANUFACTURER OF THB LOCK-RIB , UMBRELLA , Unequalled for Strength and Neatness . Also the NEW DAGMAR CLOTH UMBRELLA , more durable than silk and equal in appearance .
Second Edition . Pi ice 6 d . MASONIC CHARITY , WITH PROPOSAL FOR EXTENSION . By Bno . EDWIN HARDON , P . M . Dedicated ( by permission ) to Major Starkie , Prov . G . M . East Lancashire . Manchester : Thos . J . Day , 53 , Market-street . London : Publisher Freemason , 198 , Fleet-street . I
A BEAUTIFUL SET OF TEETH . JOHN GOSNELL AND CO . 'SIf you have never tried . __ _ *^?^ as __ O K you have never tried JOHN GOSNELL & CO . 'S g _^^^^^_ > JOHN GOSNELL & CO . 'S CHERRY TOOTH PASTE , | g A ^^^ ^^ % t ^^^ _ hs , w CHERRY TOOTH PASTE , Do so at once , a _ ti _ ^ _^^ ' ^_ l _____ J ^^_^_ 5 > Do so at once , And you will never use any other preparation rj _! ____ W / ^_ f' ^^ Ma _^ SS ^ B . _ ¦ _ # »« r"Z And youwill never useanyotherpreparation for the Teeth . <_ *** IBS fr . ^ gJHggHy ^ ( Pic . for the Teeth . I £ your Chemist or Perfumer does nst keep it , '' ^ B pe ^ W ^^ r * * jjy 8 Hg : > - ' If your Chemist or Perfumer does not keep It , you will greotly oblige by torwarding his H * 5 f | tH | - ^@ fe % |? l || iL */_??_ 5 *' '" _ reat ' y oblige by forwarding his Name and Address , with 18 stamps , to gttl Bi ^ wS ^ illilsllilla 4 f _ 8 _» ^ H Name and Address , with 18 stamps , to JOHN GOSNELL & CO ., _ t T &&* 3 r JflEf 5 JOHN" GOSNELL k CO ., 93 , UPPER THAMES-STREET , « s ^ mmki / o _* , . „ C K < $% @§ W w 93 , UPPER THAMES - STREET , LONDON , * § ^ - - ^^^^^^^ F § LONDON , And you will receive , prepaid , a Pot by return s , ^^ sMSiMsiWislir 5 And you will receive , prepaid , a Pot by return of Post . ^ " * 5 ^ £ gi _ Si ? "S ""*^ en oiPost .
GEORGE KENNING , MANUFACTURER . Masonic Aprons . Epaulettes . Masonic Publisher . „ Jewels . Buttons . Gold and Silver Laces . , Medals . Swords . „ Fringes . „ Banners . Belts . ,, Braids . _„ Furniture . Fishing Gimp . „ Tassels . Tracing Boards . Ball Favours . ,, Embroidery . Insignia for all Societies . i , a , 3 , LITTLE BRITAIN , and 175 , ALDERSGATE-ST ., LONDON . BRANCHES—198 , Fleet-st ., London ; 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool ; 47 , Bridge-st ., Manchester 9 , West Howard-st ., Glasgow .
fr LANTERN READINGS , 1877-78 . , a T ;;_ TAvcnT ( . -. - ' r .. _ r . LIGHT" Attention is directed to the many advantages offered for the Season now com-, '_ . i '" ... ' .--n ™ mencing-, and the large and varied arrangements made . Among the general sub-! _ '_ '"'' * . '" J ects of interest the RUSSO-TURKISH WAR takes prominent place . A ,-.. :: :-. '' SY ^ Kl s _ Tj _>_ rJk supplemental volume to No . 3 is issued at is . iL . ir . 4 |[ vQ-P * LANTERN TRANSPARENCIES " 'r '* 'i * y ^ l-ili £ 4 ^ L _ ^ ^ ' or Hire , at large reduction in price . ^^^ M / W LANTERNS AND APPARATUS f ____ sls __ ., 1 1 , .-Br For the Oil or Lime Light on Hire or Sale . Full particulars from E . MARSHALL , Office ofthe " LANTERN READINGS , * 7 , QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , LONDON , E . C .
ELECTRIC HOUSE BELLSA COMPLETE SET , SUITABLE FOR FRONT DOOR , OFFICES OR STABLE , Tlie Trade Supplied . ON RECEIPT OF 25 s Catalogues Three Stamps , FRAMIS AND COMPANY , EAGLE TELEGRAPH WORKS , LAWFORD ROAD , N . W . All Communications to be addressed to the Offices—52 and 85 , HATTON GARDEN , E . C .
LAMPLOUGH'S PYRETIC SALINE . . -T _ ~ ?> . T _ "fAVE IT IN YOUR HOUSES ; it gives instant relief in Headaches , Sea or Bilious Sickness , ^_ rsr ? 3 ^ Mp r"i $ &\ aiu ' I 1 "' 1 "' * ' ** cures the worst form of Eruptive or Skin Complaints . The various diseases /^ % ? HS ? 5 \ foA ) f . _ T $ J ** V arising Irom Constipation , the Liver , or Blood Impurities , Inoculation , the resultsof breathing air / o / y * <&* * ai \ A 1 . / yXJeJ- ^ a *! infected with FEVERS , M EASLES , or SMALL-POX , are frequently prevented and certainly cured /_ AC-JLJilA ,. yyj ¦ T'F & l'M b- * its use- 2 V _> 'S = ^' V ?>) ' _ > x * 4 *& y *« 7 So ! t * by a" C 1 , emists i an , i the Maker , in patent glas _ -stoppered bottles , at as . 6 d ., 43 .-d ., ns ;; and Vj ^ WLSS ^ V w ^ W a is . each \ si § i _ ~* 23 */ ^ SSjfSS- ^ . The great reputation of this remedy having called forth spurious imitations , whose only merit ^§ jg **"" S >>' S £ ? is a transposition of the words of iry label ana wrappers , without any of the health restoring /> ro- ^ K 5 ferties , it is needful to observe my name and trade-mark as above , on a BUFF-COLOURED WRAPPER . without which the Saline cannot be genuine . —113 , HOLBORN HILL . LONDON . E . C .
j B§ fPhl JOHN TANN'Sj |§ RELIANCE SAFES , j 7 ^ 3 fS 11 , NEWGATE STREET , E. C. f _ . Car . ia ' ge Paid . PRICE LISTS FREE BY POST .
CHATWOOD'SPATENT SAFE & LOCK COMPANY , LIMITED , LANCASHIRE SAFE AND LOCK DEPOT , 120 , CANNON STREET , LONDON . SAMUEL CHATWOOD , Managing Director . CAUTION . —Pawnbrokers are respectfully cautioned against the fraudulent representations which have been circulated in the trade * hat Chatwood ' s Patents for his Safe with "Solid Flange Lock Case and Tee Frame" have expired , such Patents being still in full force , the exclusive license to use which is vested in Chatwood Patent Safe and Lock Company ( Limited ) , who alone can supply Safes under these Patents . CAUTION . —Chatwood Patent Safe and Lock Company ( Limited ) have never at any time authorised the Servants or Agents of the Company to deal in Second-hand Safes , cither real or falsely so-called . Pawnbrokers and others having purchased such are requested to communicate with SAMUEL CHATWOOD , Patentee , Bankers' Safe and Loc Engineer , 120 , Cannon Street , London , E . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
British Equitable.
DIRECTORS . William Macdonald Basden , Esq ., Great Saint Helen's and Lloyd's . George Thomas Dale , Esq ., Bayswater . William Sutton Gover , Esq ., 4 , Queen-street Place ( Member of the London School Board—Deputy-Governor of the Honourable Irish Society )
John Middleton Hare , Esq ., btoke Newington . Fountain John . Hartley , Esq ., Addle-street ( Hon .-Sec . — Sunday School Union ) . William George Lemon , Lincoln ' s Inn . William Smith , Esq ., Upper Norwood . Edward Bean Underbill , Esq ., LL . D ., Hampstead ( Hon .-Sec . —Baptist Missionary Society ) .
SOLICITOR , henry Gover , Esq ., 40 , King William-street , E . C . ( Member of the London School Board ) . BANKERS . London and Westminster Bank , Lothbury . MANAGING DIRECTOR AND ACTUARY .
William Sutton Gover , Esq ., F . S . S ., F . I . A . SUB-MANAGER . John Wilkinson Fairey , Esq . ¦ AUDITORS .
Alfred Henry Baynes , Esq ., Putney ( Secretary—Baptist Missionary Society ) . James Clarke , Esq ., Fleet-street , City ( Proprietor and Editor Christian World . Henry Gould Sharp , Esq ., Tunbridge Wells .
TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL REPORT—MAY , 18 IJ . NEW BUSINESS . —2348 New Policies have been issued , assuring £ 449 , 410 ,- yielding a new Annual Premium Income of £ 12 , 950 . BUSINESS IN FORCE . —The Policies in force at the end of the year were 22 , 594 assuring' £ 4 , 014 , 886 , and
yielding an Annual Premium Income of £ 124 , 810 . DEATH CLAIMS , including Matured Policies and Bonuses . —The amount of Death Claims admitted , Matured Policies and Bonuses , has been £ 41 , 869 , and from the commencement of the Company > £ 389 , 411 have been paid for Claims and Bonuses under Policies . THE ACCUMULATED FUND . — £ 60 , 255 have been added to the Accumulated Fund , which is thus raised to
£ 500 , 097 . THE THANKS OF THE BOARD ARE PRESENTED TO THE POLICY-HOLDERS for their invaluable aid in extending the Company ' s business . A copy of the new Report , containing full Particulars of the proceedings at the Twenty-second Annual Meeting , forwarded on application to thc Office , or to the Agents ; also Particulars of Eighteen hundred Death Claims paid by the Company .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY ( Limited ) , J , Bank Buildings , Lothbury , E . C . General Accidents . j Personal Injuries Railway Accidents . | Deaths by Accident . C . HARDING , Manager .
MASONIC CANDLES . For Craft Lodges , Ionic , Doric and Corinthian , Emblematically arranged for the Worshipful Master Senior and Junior Wardens . 6 s . 6 d . PER SET OF 3 ONE POUND CANDLES . Packing Cases 6 d . each . DITTO FOR ROYAL ARCH CHAPTERS ios . 6 d . per set of 6 Candles . Packing Cases is . Wholesale and Retail at Bro . GEORGE KENNIKG ' Masonic Depots , London , Liverpool , Manchester , and Glasgow .
W . FIGES , 80 , CANNON-STREET , LONDON , E . G . . MANUFACTURER OF THB LOCK-RIB , UMBRELLA , Unequalled for Strength and Neatness . Also the NEW DAGMAR CLOTH UMBRELLA , more durable than silk and equal in appearance .
Second Edition . Pi ice 6 d . MASONIC CHARITY , WITH PROPOSAL FOR EXTENSION . By Bno . EDWIN HARDON , P . M . Dedicated ( by permission ) to Major Starkie , Prov . G . M . East Lancashire . Manchester : Thos . J . Day , 53 , Market-street . London : Publisher Freemason , 198 , Fleet-street . I
A BEAUTIFUL SET OF TEETH . JOHN GOSNELL AND CO . 'SIf you have never tried . __ _ *^?^ as __ O K you have never tried JOHN GOSNELL & CO . 'S g _^^^^^_ > JOHN GOSNELL & CO . 'S CHERRY TOOTH PASTE , | g A ^^^ ^^ % t ^^^ _ hs , w CHERRY TOOTH PASTE , Do so at once , a _ ti _ ^ _^^ ' ^_ l _____ J ^^_^_ 5 > Do so at once , And you will never use any other preparation rj _! ____ W / ^_ f' ^^ Ma _^ SS ^ B . _ ¦ _ # »« r"Z And youwill never useanyotherpreparation for the Teeth . <_ *** IBS fr . ^ gJHggHy ^ ( Pic . for the Teeth . I £ your Chemist or Perfumer does nst keep it , '' ^ B pe ^ W ^^ r * * jjy 8 Hg : > - ' If your Chemist or Perfumer does not keep It , you will greotly oblige by torwarding his H * 5 f | tH | - ^@ fe % |? l || iL */_??_ 5 *' '" _ reat ' y oblige by forwarding his Name and Address , with 18 stamps , to gttl Bi ^ wS ^ illilsllilla 4 f _ 8 _» ^ H Name and Address , with 18 stamps , to JOHN GOSNELL & CO ., _ t T &&* 3 r JflEf 5 JOHN" GOSNELL k CO ., 93 , UPPER THAMES-STREET , « s ^ mmki / o _* , . „ C K < $% @§ W w 93 , UPPER THAMES - STREET , LONDON , * § ^ - - ^^^^^^^ F § LONDON , And you will receive , prepaid , a Pot by return s , ^^ sMSiMsiWislir 5 And you will receive , prepaid , a Pot by return of Post . ^ " * 5 ^ £ gi _ Si ? "S ""*^ en oiPost .
GEORGE KENNING , MANUFACTURER . Masonic Aprons . Epaulettes . Masonic Publisher . „ Jewels . Buttons . Gold and Silver Laces . , Medals . Swords . „ Fringes . „ Banners . Belts . ,, Braids . _„ Furniture . Fishing Gimp . „ Tassels . Tracing Boards . Ball Favours . ,, Embroidery . Insignia for all Societies . i , a , 3 , LITTLE BRITAIN , and 175 , ALDERSGATE-ST ., LONDON . BRANCHES—198 , Fleet-st ., London ; 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool ; 47 , Bridge-st ., Manchester 9 , West Howard-st ., Glasgow .
fr LANTERN READINGS , 1877-78 . , a T ;;_ TAvcnT ( . -. - ' r .. _ r . LIGHT" Attention is directed to the many advantages offered for the Season now com-, '_ . i '" ... ' .--n ™ mencing-, and the large and varied arrangements made . Among the general sub-! _ '_ '"'' * . '" J ects of interest the RUSSO-TURKISH WAR takes prominent place . A ,-.. :: :-. '' SY ^ Kl s _ Tj _>_ rJk supplemental volume to No . 3 is issued at is . iL . ir . 4 |[ vQ-P * LANTERN TRANSPARENCIES " 'r '* 'i * y ^ l-ili £ 4 ^ L _ ^ ^ ' or Hire , at large reduction in price . ^^^ M / W LANTERNS AND APPARATUS f ____ sls __ ., 1 1 , .-Br For the Oil or Lime Light on Hire or Sale . Full particulars from E . MARSHALL , Office ofthe " LANTERN READINGS , * 7 , QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , LONDON , E . C .
ELECTRIC HOUSE BELLSA COMPLETE SET , SUITABLE FOR FRONT DOOR , OFFICES OR STABLE , Tlie Trade Supplied . ON RECEIPT OF 25 s Catalogues Three Stamps , FRAMIS AND COMPANY , EAGLE TELEGRAPH WORKS , LAWFORD ROAD , N . W . All Communications to be addressed to the Offices—52 and 85 , HATTON GARDEN , E . C .
LAMPLOUGH'S PYRETIC SALINE . . -T _ ~ ?> . T _ "fAVE IT IN YOUR HOUSES ; it gives instant relief in Headaches , Sea or Bilious Sickness , ^_ rsr ? 3 ^ Mp r"i $ &\ aiu ' I 1 "' 1 "' * ' ** cures the worst form of Eruptive or Skin Complaints . The various diseases /^ % ? HS ? 5 \ foA ) f . _ T $ J ** V arising Irom Constipation , the Liver , or Blood Impurities , Inoculation , the resultsof breathing air / o / y * <&* * ai \ A 1 . / yXJeJ- ^ a *! infected with FEVERS , M EASLES , or SMALL-POX , are frequently prevented and certainly cured /_ AC-JLJilA ,. yyj ¦ T'F & l'M b- * its use- 2 V _> 'S = ^' V ?>) ' _ > x * 4 *& y *« 7 So ! t * by a" C 1 , emists i an , i the Maker , in patent glas _ -stoppered bottles , at as . 6 d ., 43 .-d ., ns ;; and Vj ^ WLSS ^ V w ^ W a is . each \ si § i _ ~* 23 */ ^ SSjfSS- ^ . The great reputation of this remedy having called forth spurious imitations , whose only merit ^§ jg **"" S >>' S £ ? is a transposition of the words of iry label ana wrappers , without any of the health restoring /> ro- ^ K 5 ferties , it is needful to observe my name and trade-mark as above , on a BUFF-COLOURED WRAPPER . without which the Saline cannot be genuine . —113 , HOLBORN HILL . LONDON . E . C .
j B§ fPhl JOHN TANN'Sj |§ RELIANCE SAFES , j 7 ^ 3 fS 11 , NEWGATE STREET , E. C. f _ . Car . ia ' ge Paid . PRICE LISTS FREE BY POST .
CHATWOOD'SPATENT SAFE & LOCK COMPANY , LIMITED , LANCASHIRE SAFE AND LOCK DEPOT , 120 , CANNON STREET , LONDON . SAMUEL CHATWOOD , Managing Director . CAUTION . —Pawnbrokers are respectfully cautioned against the fraudulent representations which have been circulated in the trade * hat Chatwood ' s Patents for his Safe with "Solid Flange Lock Case and Tee Frame" have expired , such Patents being still in full force , the exclusive license to use which is vested in Chatwood Patent Safe and Lock Company ( Limited ) , who alone can supply Safes under these Patents . CAUTION . —Chatwood Patent Safe and Lock Company ( Limited ) have never at any time authorised the Servants or Agents of the Company to deal in Second-hand Safes , cither real or falsely so-called . Pawnbrokers and others having purchased such are requested to communicate with SAMUEL CHATWOOD , Patentee , Bankers' Safe and Loc Engineer , 120 , Cannon Street , London , E . C .