Article Scotland. ← Page 2 of 2 Article West Indies. Page 1 of 1 Article THE LATE BRO. CARL BERGMANN. Page 1 of 1 Article THE LATE BRO. CARL BERGMANN. Page 1 of 1 Article THE LATE BRO. CARL BERGMANN. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article Births, Marriages, and Deaths. Page 1 of 1
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by the mother lodge so far back as A . D . 1 G 77 , and is the " eldest daughter " of this prolific Alasonic parent . We svish every success to thc undertaking , because it deserves to succeed .
West Indies.
West Indies .
TRINIDAD . —Hervey Lodge ( No . 17 SS ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge svas held at the lodge rooms on the evening of the Gth ult . Notsvithstanding the inclemency of the sveather a very fair attendance of brethren svas registered , though many residing in the country districts and at a distance from the lodge rooms were unable to attend , and some disappointment has been expressed by those svho svere thus unable to take part in a fraternal
gathering of more than ordinary interest . T he ostensible purpose svas for the selection of a VV . AI . for the ensuing year . Before proceeding to the election , the S . VV ., Bro . Gray , presented an address to the W . AI ., VV . Bro . C . H . Phillips , expressive of the high appreciation of the members of the lodge of his Alasonic abilities and thc very able manner in svhich he had discharged the onerous and important duties of his ollice as W . AI . of the lodge , and
further expressing the desire of all the members that Bro . Phillips for the benefit of thc lodge svould accept reelection as W . AI . Accompanying this address , svhich svas very tastily inscribed on parchment svith Alasonic emblems , by Bro . Eversley , svas an antique massive silver tankard presented on behalf of thc members by the S . VV ., svith an inscription as follosvs : — " Presented to W . Bro . Chas . Hy . Phillips , by his brethren of Lodge 17 SS , as a token of
esteem and as a permanent record of his valuable services rendered to thc lodge . December Oth , 1 SS 3 . " VV . Bro . Phillips might be said to be thc founder of thc Hervey Lodge , as it svas at his suggestion and under his auspices the svarrant svas applied for , and to give an impetus to the ss'orking of the new lodge hc consented to accept thc first year the office of S . W ., svhen VV . Bro .
Prizgar svas installed as the first W . AL , and Bro . Phillips ' energy greatly contributed to place thc lodge in a high position of Alasonic intelligence . Bro . Phillips having consented to accept thc chief office , to the joy of all thc brethren , hc was unanimously re-elected W . M ., and Bro . Alills was re-elected Treasurer . A fesv most pleasant hours svere aftersvards passed svith fraternal feelings and in a true Alasonic spirit .
The Late Bro. Carl Bergmann.
COAIAIEAIORATION CEREMONY . The Pilgrim Lodge , No . 23 S , held an emergency meeting at Freemasons' Hall , on Friday , the iSth inst ., in commemoration of the death of Bro . Karl Bergmann , P . AI . and Secretary of the lodge . 'There svas a good assemblage of brethren , amongst svhom sverc Bros . Ii . li . Wcndt , D . L . I ..,
Grand Sec . for German Correspondence , representing the Grand Lodge of England ; Wilhelm Ganz , P . G . Org ., & c . Bro . F . Wagner had very tastefully decorated thc lodge . 'The svalls svere draped in black , as svell as svands and other svorking tools , & c In the centre stood thc catafalque , and upon it svas resting a svreath of laurel and camelias , svith the apron , jewels , scarves , and insignias of thc many lodges
of svhich he svas honorary member . _ Thc brethren assembled in an adjoining room , and svere summoned by Bro . Orator Gliiser and the tsvo Deacons to the lodge , svhere the officers svere in their places to receive the procession . 'The lodge svas then opened by Bro . C . KupferschmiJt , VV . AI ., with the ritual in use in German lodgts , after which Bro . Dr . Charles I Iarrcr addressed the lodge as follows :
"Thc days of our age are threescore years and ten , and though men be so strong that they come to fourscore ycars , yet in their strength it is but labour and sorrow ; so soon passcth it asvay , and sve arc gone . "—Psalm xc , verse x . 'The life of thc man and thc beloved brother , in svhose memory sve arc assembled to-day to commemorate his demise , has not been so long as threescore
years and ten ; much shorter indeed svas the spaceof time svhich an inexorable destiny measured out to him ; not indeed tsvo score ycars and ten svas allotted to him to svalk upan earth , and a life full of trouble and svork it has been in truth , even in that span o ( time . 'The high mission svhich the Almighty in I lis inexhaustible Grace laid in his heart , reiiuircd the strcneth and unbending svill of an entire man .
It svas not for himself , indeed , but for the svcllare of the community he toiled and laboured , and hosv unselfish must be thc mind to do justice to such a gigantic task . In the prime of life he had to leave us in the lullest possession of his strength as Alan , and only partly svas it vouchsafed to him to see the results of his labours , branching off in many svays . 'The seed svas sosvn , but he did not live to see it
grosv , expand , and bear fruit . He may have taken the hope full of blessings into his lonely grave , that his doing and striving may not have been in vain ; and it must have proved soothing and consolatory in his last hour . Not unprepared , he entered into the realms of Eternity ; his teaching , thoughts , and feelings gleaned of the transitorv nassinn- awav of all thines of this earth ; svith aviesv
of a better svorld to come he left us for the Realms of the East . We svho knesv him , and so highl y esteemed his noble qualities , may be proud to have called him one of us . To see retrospectively gliding before our mind ' s eye the life of him sve mourn , must nevertheless fill us svith the purest joy and admiration . Let us see at the same time an admonition to r / o and do likewise svith all our strength . Carl Bergmann ,
born . at Hanover , Germany , January Sth , 1 S 35 , one of a family of seven children , the father a highl y educated man of cultivated mind and learning and a magistrate , and a mother of truly excellent head and heart , under svhose svatchful eye he passed his childhood . He svent to school at the College Lyceum , at Hanover , and in his iGthyear , in consequence of delicate health , he svas placed in the country at the house of aclergyman to continue his studies .
The Kev . Air . Thotle was a good man acting on broad principles of a loving heart , deep learning , and a svise and conscientious teacher . 1 le impressed his pupil greatly with a high moral courage and laid , no doubt b y his training , the foundation-stone for high mental capacities . His open and impressionable heart svas impregnated svith thoughts and highly idealistic feelings , and his enthusiastic expressions at times can all be traced back from the source they sprang . The reverend gentleman had a marked and lasting influence upon the young man ' s career and after life . His
The Late Bro. Carl Bergmann.
nesv surroundings stormed upon him overposveringly , at times so much so that he almost decidesl to study theology svith a viesv of entering the church . Not long aftersvards , hosvever , he svent to Bremen and chose a mercantile career , remaining a considerable length of time ; and later changed to Hamburg to take up his residence there in the same occupation . In the year 1 S 57 he came to London in his 23 rd year , finding an engagement at the svell knosvn
firm of Frederick Huth and Co . Here he unfolded his posverful mental capacities for the benefit and blessing of all svho came in contact with him . He found to his chagrin the Teutonic order very defective , and his energetic mind soon found svays and means to raise its developement to the benefit of his countrymen , leading them onsvards to higher and better aims . Soon after his arrival in London he became a member of the Tollington Alusical Society , and as he made
his presence felt svherever he shosved himself , svith his rare qualities and capabilities , hc shortly became a leading member of the society . His love of learning and burning desire for improvement made him dissatisfied svith orations only , and he svas anxious to make himself useful by svriting . A fesv members of the Gcsang Vercin joined in an undertaking to start the first German nesvspaper ever published here , namely , the Brennessel ( Stinging Nettle ) .
Herein the faults and foibles of their countrymen svere svhipped svith scorpions , but their virtues and pre-eminence also placed in the strongest light , and by these means he tried to raise the German community in London , to strengthen them and give them a firmer basis of alliance in a strange country . After this he joined" TheLiedenkranz , " rcmainingonc oi its svorking * members till the day of his demise , enhancing and ever doing for its svelfare . Again
he benefited the German Legal Society of Protection by becoming a member , also the German Gymnasium , and becoming the Secretary of the German ( Society of Art and Science ) Athenieum for a period of four years , a most laborous and trying task . The German Benevolent Society he assisted , and the youngest creation , thc German Orphanage , enjoyed the benefit of having him for a correspondent . It is not my object to give you thc
statistics of the services this excellent man gave to the different societies , as only a fesv hours ago it svas minutely and ably given elscsvhcre . I have a distinct task before mc , a task indeed svhich appeals to my heart in these sanctioned svalls . A man so gifted , and svith so keen an appreciation of all the higher faculties of mind and heart , found amidst all these occupations a void and an emptiness at heart , although success crosvned his endeavours ,
until the doors of the lemplc of Humanity and Love of Alankind sverc opened to him . The son of a distinguished Alason , brother to tsvo men initiated into thc mysteries of Freemasonry , he longed to unite himself svith those into the yet dimly shrouded assurance , and of revealing the treasures of his inmost being . Not knosving that a German lodge svas in existence , founded long ago , hc applied to the Whittington Lod ^ e , No . SO 2 ,
svhere he took his rirst Degree , December ioth , 1 SO 7 ; soon follosved that of Fellosv Craft , January 20 th , iSOS ; and he became VVorshipfuI Alaster February 17 th , iSGS . But soon he longed to hear Freemasonry expounded in his osvn language , his soul and mind thirsting for that brotherly love svhich he felt to the core of his being . Particularly svas this thc case in the ycars 1 S 70-71 , svhen sudden events shook thc civilised svorld to its foundations , and a lodge of
instruction svas founded under thc svarrant of the Pilgrim Lodge at thc German Gymnasium , svhich hc soon joined , and became one of its principal supporters . At this time the " Pilgcr Loge" svas counting 12 members and prolonging a miserable existence . With a sense of divination peculiar to himself , he cast the regard of his longing eyes to this lodge ; that here he svould find a resting place , and here he svould find a blissful field for ideal flights of his fancy , and became affiliated April 15 th , 1 S 70 . As if a
bright meteor had suddenl y descended , illuminating surrounding clouds svith a brilliant and unusual light , he appeared among his German brethren , and delivered on the first night "Statistics on the Lasvs of Freemasonry , " composed by his osvn father , svorthy of imitation . And nosv began in reality the svork of love , casting all else into thc background , svhich sve can testify svith joyfull y beating hearts . This lodr / c . svhich is mourning in the
decucst sorrosv for the loss of him svho elevated it to its exalted position , svith thc help of thc Almighty , can be called in thc fullest sense of thc svord its reformer . Deeply versed in thc teachings of the Craft , hc slu . svercd the horn of plenty svith the innermost feelings of his soul over his brethren . The description of festivity of thc centenary of the founding of the " Pilgcr Loge , " svith many more of his svorks , svill mauc his name immortal in thc annals of
Freemasonry . He gave us nesv energy by his foremost example ; hc strengthened and raised the institution to a height it had not previously risen to , so that sve may now look into the future with assurance . He tendered help svhencver it vas required ; hc svas the strong man at the helm to guide our svants and our endeavours safely into thc haven . Hc took thc envied position of a counsellor , and svas the sympathising and helping friend to every one .
No one left his presence svithout tokens of admiration for the advice given ; and of the protocols of our meetings he made truly gems of high and exalted sentiment and poetical value . Hc possessed a deep veneration for the muse of harmony , and introduced music into the lodge ; neither svould hc spare trouble or expense in svriting or procuring suitable arrangements . His researches for manuscripts and svorks on Alasonic lore lasted for many
ycars , and he endured heavy sacrifices , not only in giving his time to laborious examinations , but also incurring heavy expenses to procure for our lodge a library in a comparatively short space of time . This courageous and energetic man laid before us svith sublime satisfaction a catalogue svritten by himself of a valuable collection . But enough of svords , you all knesv him , and his kind and amiable disposition , his svisdom and nobility
of heart , svho could not bear ijlsvill tosvards any man svho had gone astray , as it is only human to fail . Hc sasv at a glance svhere the fault lay , and svas ever ready to forget and forgive , or to acknosvledgc his osvn faults and stretch forth his hand in good fellowship . His charitable mind
sasv a brother in the poor , suffering , and needy , and he not only gave freely , but tried to befriend them , advise , and console . Him sve have lost svas great in his manhood , true in friendship , exalted as a Mason , the true type of a brave and valiant German . And nosv 1 svill speak to you svho stood so near to my heart , svho personall y gave me your earnest and truly great example in many vital questions . In this
The Late Bro. Carl Bergmann.
heartrending hour in which sve mourn for you I svill repeat to you the words of the poet" Und ist es VVahrheit svas der Glaube lehrt Und svas erhaffend du als mensch begehrst Das deinen nach des Daseins Gcgensvart Ein andres Sein noch , einc Zukunft harrt ? Dann svird we ' ll freien Willen du gcsvollt Was du nach dem Gebet tier Pflicht gesollt
Dir audi der Weltenmeister gnadig sein , Und svas du mcnschlich fchltest dir verzeil ' . rt . " And nosv svhile these softly sounding chords are yet ringing I bid you , my dearly beloved brother , the last farewell svithin this solemn hour and these sanctioned walis . Your immortal soul hovers around us and is svith us ; ir . ay your pure spirit look dosvn upon us from those ethereal heights , from those plains of the immortals , in this holy liou : *
consolingly and friendly from the Eternal East , and obta ' . n the blessing from the Almighty for us . We mourn to part from you , but make a solemn vow that sve svill keep and testif y to your svill , and try to emulate you in purity , love , nobility of heart , relief , and truth . Herewith I lay the jesvels of everlasting peace upon your grave ; sleep gently , Carl Bergmann , noblest of men and true brother . Our honest love and reverence , our svarm and heartfelt thanks ,
for all you have done and been to us upon earth follosvs you to the grave . Peace be to your ashes . Amen . A choral "Wie sie so sanft ruhn" follosved , end the VVorshipfuI Alaster asked the Orator , Bro . F . A . Glaeser , to make his Masonic charge , which he did in the follosving svords : —As soon as a great lifc ends unexpectedly , the first impression is that of sorrosv , a pain svhich is greater and more lasting when thc loss suffered is a great one .
We have been bereaved of a true and faithful fr : end , a dear link of the chain of brotherly los'e . Our loss is irreparable , but our allliction receives a glorifyin-r consecration svhen sve contemplate his life and his virtues . We may here say " his svorks do follosv him . " Mourning for our deceased brother gathered us here to-day and in this hour every one of us is reminded of his own death hour t * ¦ svhich he is brought closer by each minute part of time . 'There is
no fear of death in us , for sve knosv death , but nevertheless the point which borders our life on this earth svill always be a serious contemplation for us . Until very lately sve sasv our beloved brother svho nosv rests from his labours amongst us ; sve heard his friendly \ -oice , hc shared our joy and sorrosv , his brotherly advice and beneficial comfort svent straight to our hearts . Nosv everything is changed . A Heavenly Father has led him to beatitude , svhich is also
promised to all svho live and toil like he did . The hour of faresvell from this life svill strike for any one of us sooner or later , svhen sve svill have to take our judgment . This solemn svarning take close to your hearts in this sublime hour . Make good use of time in fulfilment of duties , svork for your osvn svelfare and for that of your fellosv-man . Our laments cannot express the sorrosv sve feel in losing our beloved brother , but sve look up to the eternal lovo and
svisdom of the Great Architect , svho sends into our heatts a ray of his Heavenly p lory svhich makes it beat higher for all elevating sentiments , for love and friendship , for truth and justice . Let the earnest thought of this hour be as germs * for future ripening . At the tomb of the deceased let us firmer connect the chain of brotherhood and rencsv thc vosv of love , the immutable brotherly love , svhich unites us for ever and ever . Amen .
The choral Es ist bcstimmt in Gottcs Rath " was given in thc most solemn manner , and the lodge was closed . Bro . Ganz , P . G . O ., officiated at the organ and Bro . AL Muller conducted thc chorals . The svhole ceremony svent off in thc most impressive manner , and not a fesv of those present sverc deeply touched . The Dead Alarch in " Saul" brought the ceremony to a close .
Obituary .
BRO . J . VV . J . FOWLER , P . P . G . D . C . On the morning of Saturday sveek Hro . James William Joseph Fosvler , for many ycars connected svith the Lancashire constabulary , died at his residence , 24 , Shakespearestreet , Southport . Thc deceased , svho svas 70 ycars of age , entered the metropolitan police force svhen young , and subsequently became one of thc members of thc I-aticasliire constabulary on its formation in 1 S 42 . Hc svas gradually promoted , and previous to his retirement on a pension ,
eight ycars ago , hc svas for twenty years superintendent of thc county police in thc Prescot division . In that capacity he conducted thc police cases at Woolton sessions , and svas highl y respected b y thc magistatcs , thc local practitioners , and the general public , and during his term as superintendent he received several presentations . Deceased svas P . AI . of the Lodge of Loyalty , No . SG , and held the office of P . G . D . C . at one time in the Province of West Lancashire , being highly-respected and esteemed by many members of thc Craft .
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
Births , Marriages , and Deaths .
BIRTHS . FERRY . —On the iGth inst ., at 49 , Linton-street , Nesv Northroad , London , N ., thc wife of Richard Ferry ( formerly of Truro ) , of a daughter . CRIBBLE . —On the 21 st inst ., at Ivy Lodge , Scvcnoaks , the svife of T . G . Gribble , of a daughter .
A 1 ARRIAGE . SIGEL—THORNTON ' . —On the 19 th inst ., at St . Luke ' s , Chelsea , Ashford Henry , son of the late C . G . Sigel , of Ashford Ford , Aliddlesex , and Kensington , to Laurie Louise , daughter of the late II . 'Thornton , of Chelsea .
WHITE—SPR . ECKI . BY . —On the ioth inst ., at Holy Trinity Church , Eltham , by the Rev . T . Norman Rosvsell , Vicar , William , second son of Bro . Samuel White , of Highbury New-park and Cannon-street , to Fanny , daughter of Air . Thomas Sprcckley , of Clayton House , Eltham , and Cannon-street .
DliATHS . ABBOTT . —On the iGth inst ., at 33 , Alelrose-gardens , Shepherd's Bush-road , W ,, Mary Ann Alargarct , svidosv of Charles Abbott , of Fairlight , Hastings . STVLES . —On the 17 th inst ., at 1 , St . Faith's-road , Lower Norsvood , Emily , thc beloved svife of Alfred Styles , and second daughter of the late Henrv Pope , of Nesvroad , Brighton , and Preston .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
by the mother lodge so far back as A . D . 1 G 77 , and is the " eldest daughter " of this prolific Alasonic parent . We svish every success to thc undertaking , because it deserves to succeed .
West Indies.
West Indies .
TRINIDAD . —Hervey Lodge ( No . 17 SS ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge svas held at the lodge rooms on the evening of the Gth ult . Notsvithstanding the inclemency of the sveather a very fair attendance of brethren svas registered , though many residing in the country districts and at a distance from the lodge rooms were unable to attend , and some disappointment has been expressed by those svho svere thus unable to take part in a fraternal
gathering of more than ordinary interest . T he ostensible purpose svas for the selection of a VV . AI . for the ensuing year . Before proceeding to the election , the S . VV ., Bro . Gray , presented an address to the W . AI ., VV . Bro . C . H . Phillips , expressive of the high appreciation of the members of the lodge of his Alasonic abilities and thc very able manner in svhich he had discharged the onerous and important duties of his ollice as W . AI . of the lodge , and
further expressing the desire of all the members that Bro . Phillips for the benefit of thc lodge svould accept reelection as W . AI . Accompanying this address , svhich svas very tastily inscribed on parchment svith Alasonic emblems , by Bro . Eversley , svas an antique massive silver tankard presented on behalf of thc members by the S . VV ., svith an inscription as follosvs : — " Presented to W . Bro . Chas . Hy . Phillips , by his brethren of Lodge 17 SS , as a token of
esteem and as a permanent record of his valuable services rendered to thc lodge . December Oth , 1 SS 3 . " VV . Bro . Phillips might be said to be thc founder of thc Hervey Lodge , as it svas at his suggestion and under his auspices the svarrant svas applied for , and to give an impetus to the ss'orking of the new lodge hc consented to accept thc first year the office of S . W ., svhen VV . Bro .
Prizgar svas installed as the first W . AL , and Bro . Phillips ' energy greatly contributed to place thc lodge in a high position of Alasonic intelligence . Bro . Phillips having consented to accept thc chief office , to the joy of all thc brethren , hc was unanimously re-elected W . M ., and Bro . Alills was re-elected Treasurer . A fesv most pleasant hours svere aftersvards passed svith fraternal feelings and in a true Alasonic spirit .
The Late Bro. Carl Bergmann.
COAIAIEAIORATION CEREMONY . The Pilgrim Lodge , No . 23 S , held an emergency meeting at Freemasons' Hall , on Friday , the iSth inst ., in commemoration of the death of Bro . Karl Bergmann , P . AI . and Secretary of the lodge . 'There svas a good assemblage of brethren , amongst svhom sverc Bros . Ii . li . Wcndt , D . L . I ..,
Grand Sec . for German Correspondence , representing the Grand Lodge of England ; Wilhelm Ganz , P . G . Org ., & c . Bro . F . Wagner had very tastefully decorated thc lodge . 'The svalls svere draped in black , as svell as svands and other svorking tools , & c In the centre stood thc catafalque , and upon it svas resting a svreath of laurel and camelias , svith the apron , jewels , scarves , and insignias of thc many lodges
of svhich he svas honorary member . _ Thc brethren assembled in an adjoining room , and svere summoned by Bro . Orator Gliiser and the tsvo Deacons to the lodge , svhere the officers svere in their places to receive the procession . 'The lodge svas then opened by Bro . C . KupferschmiJt , VV . AI ., with the ritual in use in German lodgts , after which Bro . Dr . Charles I Iarrcr addressed the lodge as follows :
"Thc days of our age are threescore years and ten , and though men be so strong that they come to fourscore ycars , yet in their strength it is but labour and sorrow ; so soon passcth it asvay , and sve arc gone . "—Psalm xc , verse x . 'The life of thc man and thc beloved brother , in svhose memory sve arc assembled to-day to commemorate his demise , has not been so long as threescore
years and ten ; much shorter indeed svas the spaceof time svhich an inexorable destiny measured out to him ; not indeed tsvo score ycars and ten svas allotted to him to svalk upan earth , and a life full of trouble and svork it has been in truth , even in that span o ( time . 'The high mission svhich the Almighty in I lis inexhaustible Grace laid in his heart , reiiuircd the strcneth and unbending svill of an entire man .
It svas not for himself , indeed , but for the svcllare of the community he toiled and laboured , and hosv unselfish must be thc mind to do justice to such a gigantic task . In the prime of life he had to leave us in the lullest possession of his strength as Alan , and only partly svas it vouchsafed to him to see the results of his labours , branching off in many svays . 'The seed svas sosvn , but he did not live to see it
grosv , expand , and bear fruit . He may have taken the hope full of blessings into his lonely grave , that his doing and striving may not have been in vain ; and it must have proved soothing and consolatory in his last hour . Not unprepared , he entered into the realms of Eternity ; his teaching , thoughts , and feelings gleaned of the transitorv nassinn- awav of all thines of this earth ; svith aviesv
of a better svorld to come he left us for the Realms of the East . We svho knesv him , and so highl y esteemed his noble qualities , may be proud to have called him one of us . To see retrospectively gliding before our mind ' s eye the life of him sve mourn , must nevertheless fill us svith the purest joy and admiration . Let us see at the same time an admonition to r / o and do likewise svith all our strength . Carl Bergmann ,
born . at Hanover , Germany , January Sth , 1 S 35 , one of a family of seven children , the father a highl y educated man of cultivated mind and learning and a magistrate , and a mother of truly excellent head and heart , under svhose svatchful eye he passed his childhood . He svent to school at the College Lyceum , at Hanover , and in his iGthyear , in consequence of delicate health , he svas placed in the country at the house of aclergyman to continue his studies .
The Kev . Air . Thotle was a good man acting on broad principles of a loving heart , deep learning , and a svise and conscientious teacher . 1 le impressed his pupil greatly with a high moral courage and laid , no doubt b y his training , the foundation-stone for high mental capacities . His open and impressionable heart svas impregnated svith thoughts and highly idealistic feelings , and his enthusiastic expressions at times can all be traced back from the source they sprang . The reverend gentleman had a marked and lasting influence upon the young man ' s career and after life . His
The Late Bro. Carl Bergmann.
nesv surroundings stormed upon him overposveringly , at times so much so that he almost decidesl to study theology svith a viesv of entering the church . Not long aftersvards , hosvever , he svent to Bremen and chose a mercantile career , remaining a considerable length of time ; and later changed to Hamburg to take up his residence there in the same occupation . In the year 1 S 57 he came to London in his 23 rd year , finding an engagement at the svell knosvn
firm of Frederick Huth and Co . Here he unfolded his posverful mental capacities for the benefit and blessing of all svho came in contact with him . He found to his chagrin the Teutonic order very defective , and his energetic mind soon found svays and means to raise its developement to the benefit of his countrymen , leading them onsvards to higher and better aims . Soon after his arrival in London he became a member of the Tollington Alusical Society , and as he made
his presence felt svherever he shosved himself , svith his rare qualities and capabilities , hc shortly became a leading member of the society . His love of learning and burning desire for improvement made him dissatisfied svith orations only , and he svas anxious to make himself useful by svriting . A fesv members of the Gcsang Vercin joined in an undertaking to start the first German nesvspaper ever published here , namely , the Brennessel ( Stinging Nettle ) .
Herein the faults and foibles of their countrymen svere svhipped svith scorpions , but their virtues and pre-eminence also placed in the strongest light , and by these means he tried to raise the German community in London , to strengthen them and give them a firmer basis of alliance in a strange country . After this he joined" TheLiedenkranz , " rcmainingonc oi its svorking * members till the day of his demise , enhancing and ever doing for its svelfare . Again
he benefited the German Legal Society of Protection by becoming a member , also the German Gymnasium , and becoming the Secretary of the German ( Society of Art and Science ) Athenieum for a period of four years , a most laborous and trying task . The German Benevolent Society he assisted , and the youngest creation , thc German Orphanage , enjoyed the benefit of having him for a correspondent . It is not my object to give you thc
statistics of the services this excellent man gave to the different societies , as only a fesv hours ago it svas minutely and ably given elscsvhcre . I have a distinct task before mc , a task indeed svhich appeals to my heart in these sanctioned svalls . A man so gifted , and svith so keen an appreciation of all the higher faculties of mind and heart , found amidst all these occupations a void and an emptiness at heart , although success crosvned his endeavours ,
until the doors of the lemplc of Humanity and Love of Alankind sverc opened to him . The son of a distinguished Alason , brother to tsvo men initiated into thc mysteries of Freemasonry , he longed to unite himself svith those into the yet dimly shrouded assurance , and of revealing the treasures of his inmost being . Not knosving that a German lodge svas in existence , founded long ago , hc applied to the Whittington Lod ^ e , No . SO 2 ,
svhere he took his rirst Degree , December ioth , 1 SO 7 ; soon follosved that of Fellosv Craft , January 20 th , iSOS ; and he became VVorshipfuI Alaster February 17 th , iSGS . But soon he longed to hear Freemasonry expounded in his osvn language , his soul and mind thirsting for that brotherly love svhich he felt to the core of his being . Particularly svas this thc case in the ycars 1 S 70-71 , svhen sudden events shook thc civilised svorld to its foundations , and a lodge of
instruction svas founded under thc svarrant of the Pilgrim Lodge at thc German Gymnasium , svhich hc soon joined , and became one of its principal supporters . At this time the " Pilgcr Loge" svas counting 12 members and prolonging a miserable existence . With a sense of divination peculiar to himself , he cast the regard of his longing eyes to this lodge ; that here he svould find a resting place , and here he svould find a blissful field for ideal flights of his fancy , and became affiliated April 15 th , 1 S 70 . As if a
bright meteor had suddenl y descended , illuminating surrounding clouds svith a brilliant and unusual light , he appeared among his German brethren , and delivered on the first night "Statistics on the Lasvs of Freemasonry , " composed by his osvn father , svorthy of imitation . And nosv began in reality the svork of love , casting all else into thc background , svhich sve can testify svith joyfull y beating hearts . This lodr / c . svhich is mourning in the
decucst sorrosv for the loss of him svho elevated it to its exalted position , svith thc help of thc Almighty , can be called in thc fullest sense of thc svord its reformer . Deeply versed in thc teachings of the Craft , hc slu . svercd the horn of plenty svith the innermost feelings of his soul over his brethren . The description of festivity of thc centenary of the founding of the " Pilgcr Loge , " svith many more of his svorks , svill mauc his name immortal in thc annals of
Freemasonry . He gave us nesv energy by his foremost example ; hc strengthened and raised the institution to a height it had not previously risen to , so that sve may now look into the future with assurance . He tendered help svhencver it vas required ; hc svas the strong man at the helm to guide our svants and our endeavours safely into thc haven . Hc took thc envied position of a counsellor , and svas the sympathising and helping friend to every one .
No one left his presence svithout tokens of admiration for the advice given ; and of the protocols of our meetings he made truly gems of high and exalted sentiment and poetical value . Hc possessed a deep veneration for the muse of harmony , and introduced music into the lodge ; neither svould hc spare trouble or expense in svriting or procuring suitable arrangements . His researches for manuscripts and svorks on Alasonic lore lasted for many
ycars , and he endured heavy sacrifices , not only in giving his time to laborious examinations , but also incurring heavy expenses to procure for our lodge a library in a comparatively short space of time . This courageous and energetic man laid before us svith sublime satisfaction a catalogue svritten by himself of a valuable collection . But enough of svords , you all knesv him , and his kind and amiable disposition , his svisdom and nobility
of heart , svho could not bear ijlsvill tosvards any man svho had gone astray , as it is only human to fail . Hc sasv at a glance svhere the fault lay , and svas ever ready to forget and forgive , or to acknosvledgc his osvn faults and stretch forth his hand in good fellowship . His charitable mind
sasv a brother in the poor , suffering , and needy , and he not only gave freely , but tried to befriend them , advise , and console . Him sve have lost svas great in his manhood , true in friendship , exalted as a Mason , the true type of a brave and valiant German . And nosv 1 svill speak to you svho stood so near to my heart , svho personall y gave me your earnest and truly great example in many vital questions . In this
The Late Bro. Carl Bergmann.
heartrending hour in which sve mourn for you I svill repeat to you the words of the poet" Und ist es VVahrheit svas der Glaube lehrt Und svas erhaffend du als mensch begehrst Das deinen nach des Daseins Gcgensvart Ein andres Sein noch , einc Zukunft harrt ? Dann svird we ' ll freien Willen du gcsvollt Was du nach dem Gebet tier Pflicht gesollt
Dir audi der Weltenmeister gnadig sein , Und svas du mcnschlich fchltest dir verzeil ' . rt . " And nosv svhile these softly sounding chords are yet ringing I bid you , my dearly beloved brother , the last farewell svithin this solemn hour and these sanctioned walis . Your immortal soul hovers around us and is svith us ; ir . ay your pure spirit look dosvn upon us from those ethereal heights , from those plains of the immortals , in this holy liou : *
consolingly and friendly from the Eternal East , and obta ' . n the blessing from the Almighty for us . We mourn to part from you , but make a solemn vow that sve svill keep and testif y to your svill , and try to emulate you in purity , love , nobility of heart , relief , and truth . Herewith I lay the jesvels of everlasting peace upon your grave ; sleep gently , Carl Bergmann , noblest of men and true brother . Our honest love and reverence , our svarm and heartfelt thanks ,
for all you have done and been to us upon earth follosvs you to the grave . Peace be to your ashes . Amen . A choral "Wie sie so sanft ruhn" follosved , end the VVorshipfuI Alaster asked the Orator , Bro . F . A . Glaeser , to make his Masonic charge , which he did in the follosving svords : —As soon as a great lifc ends unexpectedly , the first impression is that of sorrosv , a pain svhich is greater and more lasting when thc loss suffered is a great one .
We have been bereaved of a true and faithful fr : end , a dear link of the chain of brotherly los'e . Our loss is irreparable , but our allliction receives a glorifyin-r consecration svhen sve contemplate his life and his virtues . We may here say " his svorks do follosv him . " Mourning for our deceased brother gathered us here to-day and in this hour every one of us is reminded of his own death hour t * ¦ svhich he is brought closer by each minute part of time . 'There is
no fear of death in us , for sve knosv death , but nevertheless the point which borders our life on this earth svill always be a serious contemplation for us . Until very lately sve sasv our beloved brother svho nosv rests from his labours amongst us ; sve heard his friendly \ -oice , hc shared our joy and sorrosv , his brotherly advice and beneficial comfort svent straight to our hearts . Nosv everything is changed . A Heavenly Father has led him to beatitude , svhich is also
promised to all svho live and toil like he did . The hour of faresvell from this life svill strike for any one of us sooner or later , svhen sve svill have to take our judgment . This solemn svarning take close to your hearts in this sublime hour . Make good use of time in fulfilment of duties , svork for your osvn svelfare and for that of your fellosv-man . Our laments cannot express the sorrosv sve feel in losing our beloved brother , but sve look up to the eternal lovo and
svisdom of the Great Architect , svho sends into our heatts a ray of his Heavenly p lory svhich makes it beat higher for all elevating sentiments , for love and friendship , for truth and justice . Let the earnest thought of this hour be as germs * for future ripening . At the tomb of the deceased let us firmer connect the chain of brotherhood and rencsv thc vosv of love , the immutable brotherly love , svhich unites us for ever and ever . Amen .
The choral Es ist bcstimmt in Gottcs Rath " was given in thc most solemn manner , and the lodge was closed . Bro . Ganz , P . G . O ., officiated at the organ and Bro . AL Muller conducted thc chorals . The svhole ceremony svent off in thc most impressive manner , and not a fesv of those present sverc deeply touched . The Dead Alarch in " Saul" brought the ceremony to a close .
Obituary .
BRO . J . VV . J . FOWLER , P . P . G . D . C . On the morning of Saturday sveek Hro . James William Joseph Fosvler , for many ycars connected svith the Lancashire constabulary , died at his residence , 24 , Shakespearestreet , Southport . Thc deceased , svho svas 70 ycars of age , entered the metropolitan police force svhen young , and subsequently became one of thc members of thc I-aticasliire constabulary on its formation in 1 S 42 . Hc svas gradually promoted , and previous to his retirement on a pension ,
eight ycars ago , hc svas for twenty years superintendent of thc county police in thc Prescot division . In that capacity he conducted thc police cases at Woolton sessions , and svas highl y respected b y thc magistatcs , thc local practitioners , and the general public , and during his term as superintendent he received several presentations . Deceased svas P . AI . of the Lodge of Loyalty , No . SG , and held the office of P . G . D . C . at one time in the Province of West Lancashire , being highly-respected and esteemed by many members of thc Craft .
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
Births , Marriages , and Deaths .
BIRTHS . FERRY . —On the iGth inst ., at 49 , Linton-street , Nesv Northroad , London , N ., thc wife of Richard Ferry ( formerly of Truro ) , of a daughter . CRIBBLE . —On the 21 st inst ., at Ivy Lodge , Scvcnoaks , the svife of T . G . Gribble , of a daughter .
A 1 ARRIAGE . SIGEL—THORNTON ' . —On the 19 th inst ., at St . Luke ' s , Chelsea , Ashford Henry , son of the late C . G . Sigel , of Ashford Ford , Aliddlesex , and Kensington , to Laurie Louise , daughter of the late II . 'Thornton , of Chelsea .
WHITE—SPR . ECKI . BY . —On the ioth inst ., at Holy Trinity Church , Eltham , by the Rev . T . Norman Rosvsell , Vicar , William , second son of Bro . Samuel White , of Highbury New-park and Cannon-street , to Fanny , daughter of Air . Thomas Sprcckley , of Clayton House , Eltham , and Cannon-street .
DliATHS . ABBOTT . —On the iGth inst ., at 33 , Alelrose-gardens , Shepherd's Bush-road , W ,, Mary Ann Alargarct , svidosv of Charles Abbott , of Fairlight , Hastings . STVLES . —On the 17 th inst ., at 1 , St . Faith's-road , Lower Norsvood , Emily , thc beloved svife of Alfred Styles , and second daughter of the late Henrv Pope , of Nesvroad , Brighton , and Preston .