Article ROPORTS OF MASONIC MEEINGS. ← Page 4 of 6 →
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Roports Of Masonic Meeings.
as follosvs : Bros . G . C Matthews , S . W . ; H . Brosvn , I . W . ; VV . AlcDougall , Treas . ; N . Green , P . AL , Sec . ; Sandle , S . D . ; H . J ' . Tasman , J . D . ; L . J . Walker , I . G . ; J . AIcAIpin , D . C ; J . VV . Smith , Org . ; J . C . Tilt and J . Green , Stsvds . The other brethren present svere Bros . C . Stein , N . 11 . Taylor , E . Beard , D . AL Nash , G . Gregory , TI . L . Thomas , H . VV . Hutchingman , II . G . Lowe , H .
Chapman , Felix Bell , R . | . Ssvinsrosv , G . P . Reid , II . Cowling , R . F . Bing , S . W . Morris , R . A . Hancock , and Chas . Levy , P . AL The visitors comprised Bros . G . Houlton Bishop , 19 G 5 ; S . McDowall , 539 ; J- 'Thomas , 1733 ; 1 . Gordon , 14 S ; D . M . Desvar , P . M . 1415 ; R . Burrard , 1 OG 2 ; J . G . Prickett , G 13 ; VV . J . Nudding , 231 ; William VVriirht . 171 : Svdney Clarke , P . AL 70 G ; W . J .
Rowan , 17 S 9 ; J . Scully , 706 ; Lieut . Henry Wright , T . H . R . B ., 1 S 27 ; G . . Mickley , P . AI . 449 ; B . Haywood , 20 G ; G . T . S . Warne , P . AI . 193 ; VV . Rosvley , 1924 ; G . Ward Verry , P . AL 554 ; R . C . Robinson , P . AI . 13 G ; and C . E . Barrett , W . AI . 1673 . „ , ,. . ^ Previous to thc closing of the lodge thc W . M . pinned a Past Alaster ' s jesvel on the breast of Bro . AIcDosvall . After the banquet the usual loyal and Alasonic toasts
svere given . The LP . AL in assuming the gavel told the brethren they might be almost sure svhat svas the toast he svas about to propose . Thc VV . AI . installed that day svas a founder and acting Secretary before founding the Rifle Brigade Lodge , and svhat he did at thc consecration and svhat he had done since they all knesv , and the members svere fortunate in having him as Secretary . He alsvays
discharged his duties svith satisfaction to the lodge and himself . He ( the LP . AL ) therefore called on the brethren to drink "The Health of thc VV . AI . " The Worshipful Master returned thanks , and then proposed " Thc Health of the LP . AL" He had served the regiment for ycars and nosv threatened to resign , but they svould not let him . Besides , all the officers of the lodge
svanted all the assistance hc could give them . Ihcy had had evidence that day of svhat he could do . From the way thc brethren accepted thc toast it svas plain that Bro . AIcDosvall is vcry popular . Thc LP . AL said he svas afraid thc W . AL svas getting a little mixed through there being so many Alacs in the corns . In the camp at Wimbledon they svere nearly all
Macs , for they svere alsvays next to the London Scottish . He svas glad to find his services svere appreciated . Had hc known Bro . 'Terry svas coming that afternoon he might not have attended , as he svas so unwell . 'The brethren svould knosv he had no svish to put thc work on to other shoulders , as hc had installed many brethren before .
The Worshipful AIaster said thc next toast was an important one , one the London Rifle Brigade Lodge svas alsvays glad to drink . He could not expect all the 20 visitors to respond , but svould ask Bros . Sergt . Robinson , Desvar , and Ward Verry to reply . Bro . Ward Verry felt almost out of place as a visitor , for he had been so often to to the lodge . As an old member of thc regiment it gave him much pleasure to rencsv
his acquaintance svith his old comrades . Bro . Serjeant Robinson , in a humorous speech , said he svas one ofthe few members left of Serjeants' Inn ; but hc had no wish , though over 40—he meant 40 ycars in Alasonry —to be the next to go . Hc looked round the table and thought thc brethren seemed as if they svould not tread on a svorm , thev looked so gentle ; yet in io _ minutes they
mightall be transferred into warriors and shedders ot blood , but only thc blood of their enemies . 'The members of the London Rifle Brigade Lodge gave a double allegiance—to the Queen as soldiers , and to thc Prince of Wales as Grand Master , and doubtless they did both well . , Bros . Barnett , Capt . Sculley , and Warne having each said fesv svords
a , ,...,.,, Bro . Dewar responding said hc svas reading in that day s issue of the Freemason an account of the Scotch lodges , and how they sent out deputations to visit other lodges , svho svent from one lodge to another throughout the night . Here they did not keep quite such late hours , but it was interesting to knosv svhat other lodges did . and
Thc other toasts were "The Treasurer , Secretary , Past Alasters , " " The Installing Master , " " I hc Charities ' ( the W . AL remarking in proposing thc latter toast that he purposed to act as Sttsvardfor next year ' s festival of the Benevolent lnstitutior ) , acknowledged by Bro . Terry ; " The S . VV ., J . W ., ard other Officers , " thc Tyler ' s toast bringing the list to a close .
HONOR OAK LODGE ( No . 19 86 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge svas held on Wednesday , the oth inst ., at the Aloore Park Hotel , svhen the W . M ., Bro . Walter Hopekirk , P . AL , svas supported by the follosving officers and brethren : R . W . Bro . Col . Al . Ramsay , P . D . G . AL Puniaub , LP . AL ; V . W . Bro . John Hammond , P . P .
G . D . Middx ., S . VV . ; Bros . C . H . Phillips , J . VV . ; E . Bye , sen ., Treas . ; H . Maunder Williams , Sec . ; Jos . VV . Har ley , J . D . ; H . Hooper , LG . ; G . W . Knight , W . S . ; Aug . Darch , P . M ., A . W . S . ; R . R . Johnston , C-rg . ; A . F , Crofts , jun ., F . France , Thos . Cox , W . H . Simons , I * . Wootton , J . A . Gilbert , T . VV . Aldsvincklc , and James Worstcncroft . Visitors : Bros . Jas . Letchford , 1 G 5 S ; and
Bartlett . , , . t . „ Lodge svas opened and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed ; after svhich the ballot svas taken for three candidates , Alessrs . Jas . luller , Thos . Letchford , and Robt . Ncilans , and proving unanimous they sverc initiated by the W . AI . into thc mysteries and privileges of antient V reemasonry . Lodge svas opened in and Gilbert
the Second and Third Degrees , Bro . was raised by the W . AL to thc Sublime Degree of a AIaster Mason . Lodge being resumed in the First Degree , and this meeting being the last of thc current year , thc elections for W . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler sverc proceeded svith , svhen Bro . John Hammond , thc S . VV ., svho had already filled the chair several times , and other brethren
svho were similarly eligible , having svithdrawn their claims , the ballot proved unanimous in favour of Bro . C . H . Phillips , J . W ., who acknowledged with a fow earnest svords thc honour done him . Bro . Hopekirk , VV AL , for many ycars Treasurer of thc Alanchestcr Lodge , 1
No . 177 , svas elected Treasurer ; ana uro . c . nomas , P . G . Tyler Herts ., svas re-elected Tyler , with every token of approval from thc brethren . It svas unanimously decided to present a Past Master ' s jesvel to Bro . Hopekirk , the W . AL , on thc completion of his year of office , as a mark of esteem of the brethren , and in appreciation of his valuable services to thc lodge , firstly as a founder , and
secondly as its first VV . M . Bros . Bartlett and Cullen sverc proposed as joining members , and othcr _ routine business being transacted , the lodge svas closed in due form and adjourned in perfect harmony . An excellent repast svas aftersvards partaken of , supplied by thc svorthy host , Bro . Bye . Time did not permit of
many speeches , but the usual loyal and Alasonic toasts svere received most heartily . Bros . Crofts , Simons , and other brethren favoured the brethren svith several songs and pieces of much beauty . Bro . Williams , thc Secretary , officiated as pianist , and Bro . R . Ralli Johnston proved a most efficient director of music .
HASTINGS . —Derwent Lodge ( No . 40 ) . —Thc installation meeting of thc above flourishing old-established lodge svas celebrated on Alonday , the 14 th inst ., at the Castle Hotel . Lodge svas opened punctually at four o ' clock by Bro . John Pearce , W . AL , supported by the follosving officers and brethren : Bros . Capt . E . VV . J . Hennah , LP . AL ; Councillor VV . 11 . Russell , S . VV ., VV . AI .
elect ; F . Plowman , J . W . ; the Rev . J . Puttick , Chap , j F . Rossiter , P . AL , Treas . and D . C . ; G . F . VVood , Sec . ; F . H . Hallett , S . D . and Org . ; H . F . Crossthwaitc , J . D . ; T . VV . Alarkwick , I . G . ; VV . Leslie , Tyler ; Thomas Trollope , M . D ., P . P . G . S . W ., P . AI . 1820 , 1 S 42 ; C . VV . Duke , P . P . G . D ., P . AI . 11 S 4 ; T . H . Cole , ALA ., P . P . G . A . D . C , P . AI . ; CAI . Norris , P . P . G . S . B ., P . AL ; Rev .
E . F . Cave Brosvnc-Cave , ALA ., P . P . G . Chap ., P . AL ; J . Hirst , P . P . G . D . Herefordshire , P . M . 338 ; C . J . Lcsvns , J . C . Kenwood , C Hallett , G . Gaze , S . T . Weston , John Bray , R . E . Wilson , Fred . Duke , G . Roddis , A . G . Gush , H . Gloyns , S . Chandler , J . D . Hunter , W . S . Allen , J . B . Foord , 11 S 4 ; A . Bray , and H . Kimm , I . G . 11 S 4 ( Freemason ) , Amongst the visitors svere Bros . V . P . Freeman , Prov . G .
Sec , P . AL 732 , & c ; J . Campbell , P . P . G . S . W . Kent , 1 S 42 ; Alajor F . de B . Cooper , Prov . G . Stsvd ., P . AL 1 S 42 ; VV . Dasvcs , P . P . G . R ., P . AL 341 , & c ; H . G . Shorter , 757 , Bombay ; Richard Pidcock , P . AL 91 G ; C . W . Tomes , Prov . G . Stive ! ., P . M . mo ; J . Bond , P . M . 101 ; T . H . Wadd , W . AL 1 S 42 ; A . R . Lye , W . M . 1110 ; Edward Histed , VV . AI . 732 ; J- Cole , VV . AI . 341 ; C . R . Chandler ,
P . P . G . P ., P . AL 11 S 4 ; J . B . Sargent , P . AL 11 S 4 ; the Vcry Rev . E . R . Currie , ALA ., Prov . G . Chap . 38 , Chap , and S . O . 1184 ; T . VV . Jordan , 11 S 4 ; Peter Robinson , P . AI . 201 j VV . Bealon , 1423 ; W . Lcauman , and others . The minutes of the previous meeting having been passed , a successful ballot svas taken for Bro . Peter Robinson , 201 . as a Joining member , after svhich thc Auditors' report
svas read and approved . The W . AL in consequence of indisposition , then vacated thc chair in favour of Bro . Hennah , I . P . M ., svho had kindly undertaken thc onerous duties of Installing AIaster , and installed the W . AL elect , Councillor Russell , into thc chair of K . S . svith full rite and ceremony . After the customary salutations thc W . AL appointed and invested his officers as follosvs for the
ensuing year , delivering a short but most appropriate address to each on thc nature of his office : Bros . J . Pearce , LP . AL ; F . Plowman , S . W . ; F . II . Hallett , J . VV . ; the Rev . J . Puttick , Chap . ; F . Rossiter , Treas . ; Capt . E . W . J . Hennah , Sec ; C J . Lcsvns , S . D . ; T , W . Alarkwick , J . D . ; F . H . Hallett , Org . ; C . VV . Duke , D . C ; F . Rossiter , A . D . C ; H . Gloyns , I . G . ; H . F ,
Crossthwaitc and S . Chandler , Stsvds . ; and Leslie , 'Tyler . 'The addresses to the W . AL , Wardens , and brethren svere ably given by Bro . F . Rossiter , P . AL , D . of C , aftcrsvhich a handsome Past Alaster ' s jesvel svas presented by Bro . Russell to the retiring AIaster , in accordance with a vote of the lodge on thc occasion of thc last regular meeting . 'The iesvcl . svhich was greatly admircd . svas manufactured by Bro .
George Kenning . Bro . C . VV . Duke , P . AL , svas then elected to represent thc lodge on the Prov . Charity Committcc . It svas unanimously resolved that some suitable acknosvlcdgmcnt be made to Bro . G . F . Wood on his retirement from thc office of Secretary , and in consideration of his valuable services for several ycars past . " I Icarty good svishes " svere given by the visiting brethren , and a
candidate having been proposed for initiation the lodge svas closed in peace and harmony , thc brethren adjourning to the banqueting-room , which svas elegantly and appropriately arranged svith banners , devices , & c . 'The various courses sverc served up in Bro . Eaton ' s best style , and gave universal satisfaction to thc numerous company . After the toasts in honour of the "Queen and the Craft , "
the Grand AIaster , and the Grand Officers , had been briefly given , " The R . W . Prov . G . AL , Sir W . VV . Burrell , Bart ., M . P . ; thc Deputy Prov . G . AL , Bro . J . H . Scott ; and officers of Prov . G . Lodge , present and past , " was proposed from the chair , and svas responded to by the Prov . G . Sec , and the Vcry Rev . E , R . Currie , ALA ., Dean of Battle , Prov . G . Chap . thc latter btother in a vcry trite and
, effective address defending thc Order from the ignorant and vulgar attacks it is at times subjected to . We regret thc pressure on our space svill not admit of our giving thc speech in full . Other toasts follosved and were duly honoured including "The W . AL , " "The LP . AL , " " The Visitors , " "The
Past Masters , " "The Officers of thc Lodge , " "The Stesvards , " " Thc . Masonic Charities , " and the' 1 ylcr'stoast . The meeting svas a most successful one , whilst the speeches sverc agreably interspersed by an excellent programme of music and songs , carried out under thc direction of Bro . F . H . Hallett , L . AIus . T . C . L ., assisted by Bro . Lcsvns , Marksvick , Hunter , Rossiter , and Gloyns .
SUNDERLAND . —Palatine Lodge ( No . 97 ) . --The regular monthl y meeting of the above lodge svas held at the Alasonic Hall , Park-terrace , on Thursday evening , the ioth inst ., svhen there svas a large attendance of members and visitors from other lodges . The lodge svas opened in due form b y the W . AL , Bro . John C . Aloor , svho svas supported by the follosving officers : Bros . C AlcNamara ,
I . P . M . ; J . R . Pattison , S . VV . ; K . Singleton , J . VV . ; ll . Tonkinson , P . AL , Treas . ; G . C Watson , P . AL , Prov . G . J . D ., Sec ; VV . Birch , acting S . D . ; Christopher Al . Wake , J . D . ; John Geo . Nasbet , I . G . ; John J . Clay , P . AL , P . P . G . S . of VV ., Dir . of Cer . ; VVm . A . O . Sutcliffe , Stesvard ,- and J . Brown , Tyler . There svere present the follosving visitors : Bros . R . Simpson , 949 ; H . H .
Pinkney , J . D . 1389 ; T . H . Curry , So ; R . de Clare Yeld , P . M . So ; Geo . Hardy , W . AI . 1 G 43 , Prov . G . A . D . C ; J . E . Nelson , W . AL So ; R . Harrison , 1 C 43 ; A . T . Alunroe , P . M . 949 , P . P . G . S . B . ; J . Wethcrell , Sec . 531 ; K . Murray , 1 O 43 ; Henry Parker , 1643 ; J . AlcCulIoch , P . AI . 1 G 43 , P . P . G . J . W . ; J . J . Wilson , S . D . So ; J . Dixon , W . M . 94 ; T . G . Garrick , J . W . 94 ; James Hudson , So ; H . Chrisp , 949 j L , R , Davies , 949 ; R . C . Robinson , 949 ;
Mark Frampton , P . M ., Prov . G . S . B . ; John Deans , J . VV . So ; AL Douglas , P . AL So ; VVm . Carr , 1 G 43 ; and P . Maddison , 13 S 9 . The ballot svas taken for Bro . James Henderson , 949 , as a joining member , and Alessrs . Robert Lee , Henry Lee . John Craighead , and Philip Williams Atkins Pearccy , as candidatesforinitiation . andall svere duly elected . Air . R . Lee svas andinitiated
proposed ; into Alasonry by Bro . J . J . Clay , P . AL , D . of C ; Mr . H . Lcc was aftersvards initiated by Bro . G . Hardy , VV . M . 1 G 4 * , P . G . A . D . of C , and Air . Pearcey svas initiated hy the W . AI ., Bro . J . C Aloor , the N . E . address being being given by Bro . G . C Watson , P . AI ., P . G . J . D ., Sec , to the three newly initiated brethren . Bro . Anderson ss-as aftersvards passed to thc Second Degree by Bro . C . AlcNamara , LP . AL , and the Iodn-c svas " then
reduced by thc W . AL , svho proposed Bro . R . de Clare Yeld , LP . AL , as a joining member . Thc VV . AI . next spoke upon the special Prov . Grand Ijitl ge to be held at Durham on thc 30 th inst ., to receive a visit from H . R . H . the Duke of Albany , K . G ., and gave a thorough statement regarding the arrangements for thc attendance of Prov . G . Lodge members and brethren . The lodge svas aftersvards closed in due form svith peace and harmony .
BOLTON . —St . John's Lodge ( No . 221 ) . —Thc installation meeting of this lodge svas held on VVednesday , thc iGth inst ., at the Commercial Hotel , svhen there svere present Bros . John Ishersvood , W . AL ; Jabez Boothroyd , P . M . ; Edwin Alelrosc , S . W . ; Beter Bradburn , J . W . ; G . P . Brockbank , Treas . ; Charles Crompton , S . D . ; Jas . Walker , J . D . ; J . VV . Taylor , D . C ; VV . F . Chambers ,
I . G . j IL J . Briscoe , Org . ; VVm . Siddorn and Richard Guerdon , Stsvds . ; Thomas Higson , Tyler ; Thomas Morris , P . AL ; George Ferguson , P . M ., P . G . S . of VV . ; J . AL Rutter , P . AL , P . P . G . Stsvds . ; Thomas Whittaker , P . AL ; also Bros . R . J . Chirnsidc , John Ssvarbrick , J . R . Haslam , J . F . Elliston , II . B . 'Truman , Jonas Fletcher , William Forrest , and William Crompton . Visitors : Bros .
John Booth , W . AI . 31 ); Henry Broughton , W . AL 146 "; / . F . Skelton , S . VV . 140 ; Thomas Nightingale , 14 G ; R . II . Ssvindlehurst , P . AI . 320 ; A . E . Chambers , I . G . 430 ; Ebenezer Alelrosc , S . VV . 1144 ; Robert Latham , W . AL 1723 j John Barrett , S . VV . 1723 ; E . G . Harsvood , J . VV . 1723 ; Nathaniel Nicholson , P . AL , Sec . 1723 ; Alexander Cosgrave , S . D . 1723 ; and James Parkinson , 1723 .
lhc lodge svas opened in the First Degree and the minutes of the last regular meeting read and confirmed . Proceeded to thc Second Degree svhen thc chair svas taken b y Bro . G . P . Brockbank , Senior Past Alaster , and a Board ot Installed Alasters formed . The W . AL elect , Bro . Edsvin Alelrosc , svas presented by Bro . Ishersvood , the retiring W . AL , and svas forthsvith installed , proclaimed , and saluted
in ancient form as AIaster for thc ensuing year . Bro . Thomas Alorris , P . AL , was rc-appointcd Charity Representative , and Bro . 'Thos . I Iigson re-elected 'T yler . Bro . Boothroyd , P . AL , invested for the W . AI . the following brethren as the officers for 1 SS 4 , and instructed them severally as to thc nature of their duties : Bros . Peter Bradburn , S . W . ; Charles Crompton , J . W . ; G . P . Brockbank , Treas . ; Thomas Mitchell , Sec ; James . Walker ,
S . D . ; W . II . Chambers , J . D . j William Siddorn , I . G . j J . VV . Taylor , P . AL , D . of C ; J . R . Haslam , Org . ; R . Cuerdcn and II . I . Briscoe , Stesvards . Thc final addresses to the W . AL , Wardens , and brethren svere delivered by Bro . Brockbank . " Hearty good Wishes " sverc expressed b y the visiting brethren . The S . W . read a portion of the ancient charges , after svhich thc lodge svas closed .
LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude ( No . 281 ) . — 'The regular meeting of this lodge svas held on the 9 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , AtheiKuum , Bro . T . Bayley , W . AL , in the chair . After the lodge had been opened in due form , it svas unanimously resolved on the motion of Bro . E . Simpson , P . AL , P . P . G . P ., seconded by Bro . Thistlcthsvaitc , J . D ., that thc sum of £ 10 ios . be voted from the lodee funds for thc nurnosc of tircsf-ntintr a suit .
able testimonial to Bro . John I latch , P . AL , on his resignation as Secretary of thc lodge , after a period of nine ycars . A committee svas aftersvards formed for thc purpose of taking steps to augment thc above amount , and decide svhat form the testimonial should take . After transacting other business , thc usual proclamations ss-cre made eliciting hearty good wishes from the visiting brethren , and the lodge svas closed in peace and harmony .
LIVERPOOL—Lodge of Sincerity ( No . 292 ) . — Thc members of this good old lodge met for installation purposes at the Adelphi Hotel , on Monday evening , the 14 th inst . Though nearly approaching its " centenary , thc retiring W . AL has conducted thc lodge through a prosperous year Masonically and financially , and there is every reason to suppose that under the guidance of the nesv
W . AL , svho is highl y popular in the lodge , its p rogress svill continue . The chair svas taken b y tne W . AL , Bro . VV . Constable , supported by Bros . Reginald Young , P . P . G . S . D ., P . AL ; VV . O . Jones , P . AI . ; Robert Wylie , P . P . G . S . D ., P . AI . ; VV . Hughes , P . AL , Treas . ; T . Armstrong , P . P . G . T ., P . AL , and others . The chair svas aftersvards taken by Bro . Wylie , svho gave an admirable
rendering of the ceremony as performed a quarter of a century ago , thc VV . AI . elect , Bro . Christopher Wadssvorth , being presented by Bros . Reginald Young and J . Armstrong . Among thc visitors sverc Bros . J . White , P . M . 13 S 4 ; K . Armitagc , S . VV . 1 G 20 ; J . T . Ingham , D . C . 1 G 20 J J . D . Davies , J . VV . 1325 ; W . E . Coxon , W . AL 1675 ; John Houlding , P . P . G . R . ; and Aid . E . Grindley , 1547- After
the usual honours thc following officers svere invested for thc ensuing year : Bros . VV . Constable , LP . AL ; R . Crockett , S . VV . ( by proxy ); F . J . Foulkes , J . VV . ; VV . Hughes , P . AL , Treas . ( re-elected ); J . VV . Page , Sec ; f . W . Wensley , S . D . ; J . K . Evans , J . D . ; C . IL Jones , I . G . ; G . S . Shcnton , Org . ; II . E . A . Playford , S . S . ; and VV . C Briggs , J . S . Bro . VV . II . Ball svas re-elected
lylcr . Dinner svas afterwards served in his usual excellent style by Bro . Ludlosv , and the usual loyal and Alasonic toasts sverc duly and heartily honoured . During thc evening a beautiful drasving-room timepiece , svith accompanying vases , svere presented to the LP . AL by the W . AL , on behalf of the brethren , as a mark of their esteem and in recognition of his services during thc past year . LEWES . —South Saxon Lodge ( No . 311 ) . —Thc annual meeting of this lodge svas held at the Freemason ' s Hall on the 16 th inst ., svhen Bro , Bridges was installed in
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Roports Of Masonic Meeings.
as follosvs : Bros . G . C Matthews , S . W . ; H . Brosvn , I . W . ; VV . AlcDougall , Treas . ; N . Green , P . AL , Sec . ; Sandle , S . D . ; H . J ' . Tasman , J . D . ; L . J . Walker , I . G . ; J . AIcAIpin , D . C ; J . VV . Smith , Org . ; J . C . Tilt and J . Green , Stsvds . The other brethren present svere Bros . C . Stein , N . 11 . Taylor , E . Beard , D . AL Nash , G . Gregory , TI . L . Thomas , H . VV . Hutchingman , II . G . Lowe , H .
Chapman , Felix Bell , R . | . Ssvinsrosv , G . P . Reid , II . Cowling , R . F . Bing , S . W . Morris , R . A . Hancock , and Chas . Levy , P . AL The visitors comprised Bros . G . Houlton Bishop , 19 G 5 ; S . McDowall , 539 ; J- 'Thomas , 1733 ; 1 . Gordon , 14 S ; D . M . Desvar , P . M . 1415 ; R . Burrard , 1 OG 2 ; J . G . Prickett , G 13 ; VV . J . Nudding , 231 ; William VVriirht . 171 : Svdney Clarke , P . AL 70 G ; W . J .
Rowan , 17 S 9 ; J . Scully , 706 ; Lieut . Henry Wright , T . H . R . B ., 1 S 27 ; G . . Mickley , P . AI . 449 ; B . Haywood , 20 G ; G . T . S . Warne , P . AI . 193 ; VV . Rosvley , 1924 ; G . Ward Verry , P . AL 554 ; R . C . Robinson , P . AI . 13 G ; and C . E . Barrett , W . AI . 1673 . „ , ,. . ^ Previous to thc closing of the lodge thc W . M . pinned a Past Alaster ' s jesvel on the breast of Bro . AIcDosvall . After the banquet the usual loyal and Alasonic toasts
svere given . The LP . AL in assuming the gavel told the brethren they might be almost sure svhat svas the toast he svas about to propose . Thc VV . AI . installed that day svas a founder and acting Secretary before founding the Rifle Brigade Lodge , and svhat he did at thc consecration and svhat he had done since they all knesv , and the members svere fortunate in having him as Secretary . He alsvays
discharged his duties svith satisfaction to the lodge and himself . He ( the LP . AL ) therefore called on the brethren to drink "The Health of thc VV . AI . " The Worshipful Master returned thanks , and then proposed " Thc Health of the LP . AL" He had served the regiment for ycars and nosv threatened to resign , but they svould not let him . Besides , all the officers of the lodge
svanted all the assistance hc could give them . Ihcy had had evidence that day of svhat he could do . From the way thc brethren accepted thc toast it svas plain that Bro . AIcDosvall is vcry popular . Thc LP . AL said he svas afraid thc W . AL svas getting a little mixed through there being so many Alacs in the corns . In the camp at Wimbledon they svere nearly all
Macs , for they svere alsvays next to the London Scottish . He svas glad to find his services svere appreciated . Had hc known Bro . 'Terry svas coming that afternoon he might not have attended , as he svas so unwell . 'The brethren svould knosv he had no svish to put thc work on to other shoulders , as hc had installed many brethren before .
The Worshipful AIaster said thc next toast was an important one , one the London Rifle Brigade Lodge svas alsvays glad to drink . He could not expect all the 20 visitors to respond , but svould ask Bros . Sergt . Robinson , Desvar , and Ward Verry to reply . Bro . Ward Verry felt almost out of place as a visitor , for he had been so often to to the lodge . As an old member of thc regiment it gave him much pleasure to rencsv
his acquaintance svith his old comrades . Bro . Serjeant Robinson , in a humorous speech , said he svas one ofthe few members left of Serjeants' Inn ; but hc had no wish , though over 40—he meant 40 ycars in Alasonry —to be the next to go . Hc looked round the table and thought thc brethren seemed as if they svould not tread on a svorm , thev looked so gentle ; yet in io _ minutes they
mightall be transferred into warriors and shedders ot blood , but only thc blood of their enemies . 'The members of the London Rifle Brigade Lodge gave a double allegiance—to the Queen as soldiers , and to thc Prince of Wales as Grand Master , and doubtless they did both well . , Bros . Barnett , Capt . Sculley , and Warne having each said fesv svords
a , ,...,.,, Bro . Dewar responding said hc svas reading in that day s issue of the Freemason an account of the Scotch lodges , and how they sent out deputations to visit other lodges , svho svent from one lodge to another throughout the night . Here they did not keep quite such late hours , but it was interesting to knosv svhat other lodges did . and
Thc other toasts were "The Treasurer , Secretary , Past Alasters , " " The Installing Master , " " I hc Charities ' ( the W . AL remarking in proposing thc latter toast that he purposed to act as Sttsvardfor next year ' s festival of the Benevolent lnstitutior ) , acknowledged by Bro . Terry ; " The S . VV ., J . W ., ard other Officers , " thc Tyler ' s toast bringing the list to a close .
HONOR OAK LODGE ( No . 19 86 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge svas held on Wednesday , the oth inst ., at the Aloore Park Hotel , svhen the W . M ., Bro . Walter Hopekirk , P . AL , svas supported by the follosving officers and brethren : R . W . Bro . Col . Al . Ramsay , P . D . G . AL Puniaub , LP . AL ; V . W . Bro . John Hammond , P . P .
G . D . Middx ., S . VV . ; Bros . C . H . Phillips , J . VV . ; E . Bye , sen ., Treas . ; H . Maunder Williams , Sec . ; Jos . VV . Har ley , J . D . ; H . Hooper , LG . ; G . W . Knight , W . S . ; Aug . Darch , P . M ., A . W . S . ; R . R . Johnston , C-rg . ; A . F , Crofts , jun ., F . France , Thos . Cox , W . H . Simons , I * . Wootton , J . A . Gilbert , T . VV . Aldsvincklc , and James Worstcncroft . Visitors : Bros . Jas . Letchford , 1 G 5 S ; and
Bartlett . , , . t . „ Lodge svas opened and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed ; after svhich the ballot svas taken for three candidates , Alessrs . Jas . luller , Thos . Letchford , and Robt . Ncilans , and proving unanimous they sverc initiated by the W . AI . into thc mysteries and privileges of antient V reemasonry . Lodge svas opened in and Gilbert
the Second and Third Degrees , Bro . was raised by the W . AL to thc Sublime Degree of a AIaster Mason . Lodge being resumed in the First Degree , and this meeting being the last of thc current year , thc elections for W . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler sverc proceeded svith , svhen Bro . John Hammond , thc S . VV ., svho had already filled the chair several times , and other brethren
svho were similarly eligible , having svithdrawn their claims , the ballot proved unanimous in favour of Bro . C . H . Phillips , J . W ., who acknowledged with a fow earnest svords thc honour done him . Bro . Hopekirk , VV AL , for many ycars Treasurer of thc Alanchestcr Lodge , 1
No . 177 , svas elected Treasurer ; ana uro . c . nomas , P . G . Tyler Herts ., svas re-elected Tyler , with every token of approval from thc brethren . It svas unanimously decided to present a Past Master ' s jesvel to Bro . Hopekirk , the W . AL , on thc completion of his year of office , as a mark of esteem of the brethren , and in appreciation of his valuable services to thc lodge , firstly as a founder , and
secondly as its first VV . M . Bros . Bartlett and Cullen sverc proposed as joining members , and othcr _ routine business being transacted , the lodge svas closed in due form and adjourned in perfect harmony . An excellent repast svas aftersvards partaken of , supplied by thc svorthy host , Bro . Bye . Time did not permit of
many speeches , but the usual loyal and Alasonic toasts svere received most heartily . Bros . Crofts , Simons , and other brethren favoured the brethren svith several songs and pieces of much beauty . Bro . Williams , thc Secretary , officiated as pianist , and Bro . R . Ralli Johnston proved a most efficient director of music .
HASTINGS . —Derwent Lodge ( No . 40 ) . —Thc installation meeting of thc above flourishing old-established lodge svas celebrated on Alonday , the 14 th inst ., at the Castle Hotel . Lodge svas opened punctually at four o ' clock by Bro . John Pearce , W . AL , supported by the follosving officers and brethren : Bros . Capt . E . VV . J . Hennah , LP . AL ; Councillor VV . 11 . Russell , S . VV ., VV . AI .
elect ; F . Plowman , J . W . ; the Rev . J . Puttick , Chap , j F . Rossiter , P . AL , Treas . and D . C . ; G . F . VVood , Sec . ; F . H . Hallett , S . D . and Org . ; H . F . Crossthwaitc , J . D . ; T . VV . Alarkwick , I . G . ; VV . Leslie , Tyler ; Thomas Trollope , M . D ., P . P . G . S . W ., P . AI . 1820 , 1 S 42 ; C . VV . Duke , P . P . G . D ., P . AI . 11 S 4 ; T . H . Cole , ALA ., P . P . G . A . D . C , P . AI . ; CAI . Norris , P . P . G . S . B ., P . AL ; Rev .
E . F . Cave Brosvnc-Cave , ALA ., P . P . G . Chap ., P . AL ; J . Hirst , P . P . G . D . Herefordshire , P . M . 338 ; C . J . Lcsvns , J . C . Kenwood , C Hallett , G . Gaze , S . T . Weston , John Bray , R . E . Wilson , Fred . Duke , G . Roddis , A . G . Gush , H . Gloyns , S . Chandler , J . D . Hunter , W . S . Allen , J . B . Foord , 11 S 4 ; A . Bray , and H . Kimm , I . G . 11 S 4 ( Freemason ) , Amongst the visitors svere Bros . V . P . Freeman , Prov . G .
Sec , P . AL 732 , & c ; J . Campbell , P . P . G . S . W . Kent , 1 S 42 ; Alajor F . de B . Cooper , Prov . G . Stsvd ., P . AL 1 S 42 ; VV . Dasvcs , P . P . G . R ., P . AL 341 , & c ; H . G . Shorter , 757 , Bombay ; Richard Pidcock , P . AL 91 G ; C . W . Tomes , Prov . G . Stive ! ., P . M . mo ; J . Bond , P . M . 101 ; T . H . Wadd , W . AL 1 S 42 ; A . R . Lye , W . M . 1110 ; Edward Histed , VV . AI . 732 ; J- Cole , VV . AI . 341 ; C . R . Chandler ,
P . P . G . P ., P . AL 11 S 4 ; J . B . Sargent , P . AL 11 S 4 ; the Vcry Rev . E . R . Currie , ALA ., Prov . G . Chap . 38 , Chap , and S . O . 1184 ; T . VV . Jordan , 11 S 4 ; Peter Robinson , P . AI . 201 j VV . Bealon , 1423 ; W . Lcauman , and others . The minutes of the previous meeting having been passed , a successful ballot svas taken for Bro . Peter Robinson , 201 . as a Joining member , after svhich thc Auditors' report
svas read and approved . The W . AL in consequence of indisposition , then vacated thc chair in favour of Bro . Hennah , I . P . M ., svho had kindly undertaken thc onerous duties of Installing AIaster , and installed the W . AL elect , Councillor Russell , into thc chair of K . S . svith full rite and ceremony . After the customary salutations thc W . AL appointed and invested his officers as follosvs for the
ensuing year , delivering a short but most appropriate address to each on thc nature of his office : Bros . J . Pearce , LP . AL ; F . Plowman , S . W . ; F . II . Hallett , J . VV . ; the Rev . J . Puttick , Chap . ; F . Rossiter , Treas . ; Capt . E . W . J . Hennah , Sec ; C J . Lcsvns , S . D . ; T , W . Alarkwick , J . D . ; F . H . Hallett , Org . ; C . VV . Duke , D . C ; F . Rossiter , A . D . C ; H . Gloyns , I . G . ; H . F ,
Crossthwaitc and S . Chandler , Stsvds . ; and Leslie , 'Tyler . 'The addresses to the W . AL , Wardens , and brethren svere ably given by Bro . F . Rossiter , P . AL , D . of C , aftcrsvhich a handsome Past Alaster ' s jesvel svas presented by Bro . Russell to the retiring AIaster , in accordance with a vote of the lodge on thc occasion of thc last regular meeting . 'The iesvcl . svhich was greatly admircd . svas manufactured by Bro .
George Kenning . Bro . C . VV . Duke , P . AL , svas then elected to represent thc lodge on the Prov . Charity Committcc . It svas unanimously resolved that some suitable acknosvlcdgmcnt be made to Bro . G . F . Wood on his retirement from thc office of Secretary , and in consideration of his valuable services for several ycars past . " I Icarty good svishes " svere given by the visiting brethren , and a
candidate having been proposed for initiation the lodge svas closed in peace and harmony , thc brethren adjourning to the banqueting-room , which svas elegantly and appropriately arranged svith banners , devices , & c . 'The various courses sverc served up in Bro . Eaton ' s best style , and gave universal satisfaction to thc numerous company . After the toasts in honour of the "Queen and the Craft , "
the Grand AIaster , and the Grand Officers , had been briefly given , " The R . W . Prov . G . AL , Sir W . VV . Burrell , Bart ., M . P . ; thc Deputy Prov . G . AL , Bro . J . H . Scott ; and officers of Prov . G . Lodge , present and past , " was proposed from the chair , and svas responded to by the Prov . G . Sec , and the Vcry Rev . E , R . Currie , ALA ., Dean of Battle , Prov . G . Chap . thc latter btother in a vcry trite and
, effective address defending thc Order from the ignorant and vulgar attacks it is at times subjected to . We regret thc pressure on our space svill not admit of our giving thc speech in full . Other toasts follosved and were duly honoured including "The W . AL , " "The LP . AL , " " The Visitors , " "The
Past Masters , " "The Officers of thc Lodge , " "The Stesvards , " " Thc . Masonic Charities , " and the' 1 ylcr'stoast . The meeting svas a most successful one , whilst the speeches sverc agreably interspersed by an excellent programme of music and songs , carried out under thc direction of Bro . F . H . Hallett , L . AIus . T . C . L ., assisted by Bro . Lcsvns , Marksvick , Hunter , Rossiter , and Gloyns .
SUNDERLAND . —Palatine Lodge ( No . 97 ) . --The regular monthl y meeting of the above lodge svas held at the Alasonic Hall , Park-terrace , on Thursday evening , the ioth inst ., svhen there svas a large attendance of members and visitors from other lodges . The lodge svas opened in due form b y the W . AL , Bro . John C . Aloor , svho svas supported by the follosving officers : Bros . C AlcNamara ,
I . P . M . ; J . R . Pattison , S . VV . ; K . Singleton , J . VV . ; ll . Tonkinson , P . AL , Treas . ; G . C Watson , P . AL , Prov . G . J . D ., Sec ; VV . Birch , acting S . D . ; Christopher Al . Wake , J . D . ; John Geo . Nasbet , I . G . ; John J . Clay , P . AL , P . P . G . S . of VV ., Dir . of Cer . ; VVm . A . O . Sutcliffe , Stesvard ,- and J . Brown , Tyler . There svere present the follosving visitors : Bros . R . Simpson , 949 ; H . H .
Pinkney , J . D . 1389 ; T . H . Curry , So ; R . de Clare Yeld , P . M . So ; Geo . Hardy , W . AI . 1 G 43 , Prov . G . A . D . C ; J . E . Nelson , W . AL So ; R . Harrison , 1 C 43 ; A . T . Alunroe , P . M . 949 , P . P . G . S . B . ; J . Wethcrell , Sec . 531 ; K . Murray , 1 O 43 ; Henry Parker , 1643 ; J . AlcCulIoch , P . AI . 1 G 43 , P . P . G . J . W . ; J . J . Wilson , S . D . So ; J . Dixon , W . M . 94 ; T . G . Garrick , J . W . 94 ; James Hudson , So ; H . Chrisp , 949 j L , R , Davies , 949 ; R . C . Robinson , 949 ;
Mark Frampton , P . M ., Prov . G . S . B . ; John Deans , J . VV . So ; AL Douglas , P . AL So ; VVm . Carr , 1 G 43 ; and P . Maddison , 13 S 9 . The ballot svas taken for Bro . James Henderson , 949 , as a joining member , and Alessrs . Robert Lee , Henry Lee . John Craighead , and Philip Williams Atkins Pearccy , as candidatesforinitiation . andall svere duly elected . Air . R . Lee svas andinitiated
proposed ; into Alasonry by Bro . J . J . Clay , P . AL , D . of C ; Mr . H . Lcc was aftersvards initiated by Bro . G . Hardy , VV . M . 1 G 4 * , P . G . A . D . of C , and Air . Pearcey svas initiated hy the W . AI ., Bro . J . C Aloor , the N . E . address being being given by Bro . G . C Watson , P . AI ., P . G . J . D ., Sec , to the three newly initiated brethren . Bro . Anderson ss-as aftersvards passed to thc Second Degree by Bro . C . AlcNamara , LP . AL , and the Iodn-c svas " then
reduced by thc W . AL , svho proposed Bro . R . de Clare Yeld , LP . AL , as a joining member . Thc VV . AI . next spoke upon the special Prov . Grand Ijitl ge to be held at Durham on thc 30 th inst ., to receive a visit from H . R . H . the Duke of Albany , K . G ., and gave a thorough statement regarding the arrangements for thc attendance of Prov . G . Lodge members and brethren . The lodge svas aftersvards closed in due form svith peace and harmony .
BOLTON . —St . John's Lodge ( No . 221 ) . —Thc installation meeting of this lodge svas held on VVednesday , thc iGth inst ., at the Commercial Hotel , svhen there svere present Bros . John Ishersvood , W . AL ; Jabez Boothroyd , P . M . ; Edwin Alelrosc , S . W . ; Beter Bradburn , J . W . ; G . P . Brockbank , Treas . ; Charles Crompton , S . D . ; Jas . Walker , J . D . ; J . VV . Taylor , D . C ; VV . F . Chambers ,
I . G . j IL J . Briscoe , Org . ; VVm . Siddorn and Richard Guerdon , Stsvds . ; Thomas Higson , Tyler ; Thomas Morris , P . AL ; George Ferguson , P . M ., P . G . S . of VV . ; J . AL Rutter , P . AL , P . P . G . Stsvds . ; Thomas Whittaker , P . AL ; also Bros . R . J . Chirnsidc , John Ssvarbrick , J . R . Haslam , J . F . Elliston , II . B . 'Truman , Jonas Fletcher , William Forrest , and William Crompton . Visitors : Bros .
John Booth , W . AI . 31 ); Henry Broughton , W . AL 146 "; / . F . Skelton , S . VV . 140 ; Thomas Nightingale , 14 G ; R . II . Ssvindlehurst , P . AI . 320 ; A . E . Chambers , I . G . 430 ; Ebenezer Alelrosc , S . VV . 1144 ; Robert Latham , W . AL 1723 j John Barrett , S . VV . 1723 ; E . G . Harsvood , J . VV . 1723 ; Nathaniel Nicholson , P . AL , Sec . 1723 ; Alexander Cosgrave , S . D . 1723 ; and James Parkinson , 1723 .
lhc lodge svas opened in the First Degree and the minutes of the last regular meeting read and confirmed . Proceeded to thc Second Degree svhen thc chair svas taken b y Bro . G . P . Brockbank , Senior Past Alaster , and a Board ot Installed Alasters formed . The W . AL elect , Bro . Edsvin Alelrosc , svas presented by Bro . Ishersvood , the retiring W . AL , and svas forthsvith installed , proclaimed , and saluted
in ancient form as AIaster for thc ensuing year . Bro . Thomas Alorris , P . AL , was rc-appointcd Charity Representative , and Bro . 'Thos . I Iigson re-elected 'T yler . Bro . Boothroyd , P . AL , invested for the W . AI . the following brethren as the officers for 1 SS 4 , and instructed them severally as to thc nature of their duties : Bros . Peter Bradburn , S . W . ; Charles Crompton , J . W . ; G . P . Brockbank , Treas . ; Thomas Mitchell , Sec ; James . Walker ,
S . D . ; W . II . Chambers , J . D . j William Siddorn , I . G . j J . VV . Taylor , P . AL , D . of C ; J . R . Haslam , Org . ; R . Cuerdcn and II . I . Briscoe , Stesvards . Thc final addresses to the W . AL , Wardens , and brethren svere delivered by Bro . Brockbank . " Hearty good Wishes " sverc expressed b y the visiting brethren . The S . W . read a portion of the ancient charges , after svhich thc lodge svas closed .
LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude ( No . 281 ) . — 'The regular meeting of this lodge svas held on the 9 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , AtheiKuum , Bro . T . Bayley , W . AL , in the chair . After the lodge had been opened in due form , it svas unanimously resolved on the motion of Bro . E . Simpson , P . AL , P . P . G . P ., seconded by Bro . Thistlcthsvaitc , J . D ., that thc sum of £ 10 ios . be voted from the lodee funds for thc nurnosc of tircsf-ntintr a suit .
able testimonial to Bro . John I latch , P . AL , on his resignation as Secretary of thc lodge , after a period of nine ycars . A committee svas aftersvards formed for thc purpose of taking steps to augment thc above amount , and decide svhat form the testimonial should take . After transacting other business , thc usual proclamations ss-cre made eliciting hearty good wishes from the visiting brethren , and the lodge svas closed in peace and harmony .
LIVERPOOL—Lodge of Sincerity ( No . 292 ) . — Thc members of this good old lodge met for installation purposes at the Adelphi Hotel , on Monday evening , the 14 th inst . Though nearly approaching its " centenary , thc retiring W . AL has conducted thc lodge through a prosperous year Masonically and financially , and there is every reason to suppose that under the guidance of the nesv
W . AL , svho is highl y popular in the lodge , its p rogress svill continue . The chair svas taken b y tne W . AL , Bro . VV . Constable , supported by Bros . Reginald Young , P . P . G . S . D ., P . AL ; VV . O . Jones , P . AI . ; Robert Wylie , P . P . G . S . D ., P . AI . ; VV . Hughes , P . AL , Treas . ; T . Armstrong , P . P . G . T ., P . AL , and others . The chair svas aftersvards taken by Bro . Wylie , svho gave an admirable
rendering of the ceremony as performed a quarter of a century ago , thc VV . AI . elect , Bro . Christopher Wadssvorth , being presented by Bros . Reginald Young and J . Armstrong . Among thc visitors sverc Bros . J . White , P . M . 13 S 4 ; K . Armitagc , S . VV . 1 G 20 ; J . T . Ingham , D . C . 1 G 20 J J . D . Davies , J . VV . 1325 ; W . E . Coxon , W . AL 1675 ; John Houlding , P . P . G . R . ; and Aid . E . Grindley , 1547- After
the usual honours thc following officers svere invested for thc ensuing year : Bros . VV . Constable , LP . AL ; R . Crockett , S . VV . ( by proxy ); F . J . Foulkes , J . VV . ; VV . Hughes , P . AL , Treas . ( re-elected ); J . VV . Page , Sec ; f . W . Wensley , S . D . ; J . K . Evans , J . D . ; C . IL Jones , I . G . ; G . S . Shcnton , Org . ; II . E . A . Playford , S . S . ; and VV . C Briggs , J . S . Bro . VV . II . Ball svas re-elected
lylcr . Dinner svas afterwards served in his usual excellent style by Bro . Ludlosv , and the usual loyal and Alasonic toasts sverc duly and heartily honoured . During thc evening a beautiful drasving-room timepiece , svith accompanying vases , svere presented to the LP . AL by the W . AL , on behalf of the brethren , as a mark of their esteem and in recognition of his services during thc past year . LEWES . —South Saxon Lodge ( No . 311 ) . —Thc annual meeting of this lodge svas held at the Freemason ' s Hall on the 16 th inst ., svhen Bro , Bridges was installed in