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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
JOHNGOW, t \ $ & ' NEW BROAD ST ., E . C . ^ r ( . Outside Rai vay Stition ) . i \\ V \ i ^ ' HONEY fiATJE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . " 5 VJ " 93 , THEOBALD'S B . D ., HOLBORN , W . C . . - 125 , BROMPTON EOAD , S . W . r * \ MP > IOHN GOW always has on sale the yi' * ' Lanjest Stock in London of the Very Best rt Quality at Lowest Prices . Barrelled O ' i ^ PERFECTLY -F ITTED OYSTER SALOON Now Open at New Broad Street .
THY I . BEASLEY'S BOOTS , BOOTS i And ensure Ease and Elegance , combined with _ ___ , TRUE FIT , BOOTS ! 28 . QUEEN VICTORIA ST . year the Mansion House ) . Specialities—Hand-Sewn . Special Orders in BOOTS I a few days . Large Stock to select from . Gold Medal Awarded at the London International Exultation , Crystal Palace , 1 SS 1 .
ARTIFICIAL TEETH ^•O Such as have hecn found to be the most useful "V s \ and durable , SUPPLIED by the actual makers y * -Ov * x * rora -B-6 tL each ' . upper 01 * lower set Evom s TC > \} ^ X * 2 ns . upwards . Teeth extracted by gas . War-. V- . O JC V ranted to Rive perfect satisfaction . No pain Cj « tiy y- V given . Advice free . Mr . STENT , Dental ' ^ - y . Sui-KOon , 5 , Coventi'ySti-cet . W ., and 537 , l " ulliiim V * c" Road , S . W . Established 50 years . Numerous i \ testimonials may be seen from ladies and gentlemen .
SMITH'S LONDON BLUE is Unequalled for Laundry Work . Sold by Oilmen , in bottles , id . jnd 6 d . each , or by the Gallon , at Estab . 1 S 79 . ] No . 2 , Finsbury Sq ., London .
co J . G . CORDING AND Co . g ^ y FOR THE BEST #WATERPROOFS ^ V / to' F 0 R § ^ SHOOTING , A ? 3 FISHING . . § * TRAVELLING . £ ? 9 £ ^ f Only Address—^ Corner of AIR STREET , PICCADILLY .
A . & S , TO LANDLORDS AND OTHERS . JL VVhy ; suffer with Smoky Chimneys ? ¦"" hen a Xlemodv is provided in TAYLOR'S GORDON TERRA COTTA WIND GUARD , A CERTAIN CURE , and INEXPENSIVE . l lalis aild Testimonials at W . PECK TAYIOR'S , 65 & 66 , CHANCERy IANE , IONDON , W . C .
MASOSS' CERTIHCATES , & c , FRAMED TO ANY DESIGN . H.MORELL, 17 and 18 , Great St . Andrew St ., Bloomsbury , W . C , London . Manufacturer and Importer of all kinds of Picture Frame and Decorative Mouldings ( Two Million Feet always in stock ) . Every requisite for the Trade and Exportation , illustrated Book of Patterns post free for three penny stamps .
^VjoTilbury'sWarehouses, ^ 0 * ^ MARYLEBONE , LONDON < C ^ s / Shi ( The oldest Store Warehouses , Es-^\\ > K / V ^ tablished 7 oyears ) , forStorinp ; Furniture & V - \ j f * Household Effects , Plate , Luggage , & c . " V ... r .. Specially-built Warehouses and Fire-proof Xj- Strong Rooms . Office—EDWD . TILBURY & c ° . » 3 $ , High-st ,, St . Marylebone , W .
By Appointment to H . R . H . the Princess of Wales , gMAISON ISIDORE , g tf \ ( ESTABLISHED 1837 ) . /^ i —> Ladies' and Children' :- M aircutting on Scientific ^ < J Principles . Latest improvements in Coverings Q ZJ for Baldness . Baume ' s Med . cnl Extrait Vegetal — J 5 j Pommade a la Reine for the Hair , ( f ) 14 , BEMTIMCK STREET , MANCHESTER SQUARE , W * -
A NEW VARNISH * * ( A SPIRIT COPAL ) , \ p » Clear as water or pla'e-glass ; never before r * V »> produced ; dries in five minuies . Hard , ''Tift v £ ^ durable , and brilliant . A bottle , po .-t f ee , >& ^* I 3 i stamps . —Mr . STENT , 5 , Coventry \ Street , London , W . Established 30 years ,
ELECTION OF GRAND TREASURER , MARCH 2 nd , 1887 , At FREEMASONS' HALL , at 7 p . m . BRO . A . F . GODSON'S COMMITTEE SITS DAILY , At 2 , PUMP COURT , TEMPLE , E . C , From 2 . 0 to 4 . 0 . All communications addressed there will receive immediate attention . NOTICE—Arrangements have been made for the Brethren to record their Votes immediately on the assembling of Grand Lodge , to enable those from a distance to return by early trains if necessary .
ELECTION OF GRAND TREASURER , 2 nd MABGH , 1887 , At FREEMASONS' HALL , at 7 o ' clock . The Committee for securing the : election of BRO . RICHARD EVE , will meet at FREEMASONS' TAVERN , On SATURDAY and MONDAY , the 26 th and 2 Sth of FEBRUARY instant , and on TUESDAY , ist of March next , from 2 to 4 , and on WEDNESDAY , the 2 nd of March , from one o ' clock until the opening of Grand Lodge on that day . Particular attention is called to an important speech by Bro . A . M . BROADLEY , D . P . G . M . Malta , at the Grand Masters' Lodge , No . 1 , on Monday last , and to observations by Bro . bVE at the meeting of the King ' s Cross Lodge , on the 19 th instant , reported in this day ' s issue of the Freemason . Great influence has been brought to bear at this election of Grand Treasurer by Grand Officers of Masonic Degrees outside the Craft , upon Brethren of those extraneous Degrees . The office of Grand Treasurer is the one elective office in the Craft which should be decided upon Craft considerations alone . Bro . EVE , in writing to a Brother , denying certain un-Masonic allegations , says : — " The one great charm Craft Masonry has had for me is that men of all colours in all climes who hold the trust expressed at initiation , whether they be Christian , Mahommedan , J ew , Parsee , or otherwise , can meet on the Level and part on the bquare . " Copies ot circulars and correspondence can be supplied at the Committee Room at Freemasons' Tavern , or sent to any Brother interested in Bro . EVE ' S candidature on application to Bro . HENRY HACKER , ( P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . Hampshire ) , Avenue Road , Aldershot , Hon . Sec . It is necessary to secure success that all Bro . EVE ' S Committee and friends should make a point of personally attending Grand Lodge to record their votes in his favour .
THE MASONIC AND MILITARY ORDERS OF KNIGHTS OF ROME AND OF THE RED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE , K . H . S ., AND ST . JOHN THE EVANGELIST . COLONEL SIR FRANCIS BURDETT , BART ., M . 111 . Grand Sovereign , & Grand Commander of St . John , THE ANNUALASSEMBLY OF THE GRAND IMPERIAL CONCLAVE will be holden at 16 a , GREAT QUEEN STREET , W . C , On MONDAY , thc 7 th MARCH , 188 ' / , At FIVE o ' clock in the Afternoon . Nominations for Grand Senate , Executive Committee , and Grand High Almoner ' s Fund , to be sent to the Grand Recorder . A BANQUET will be provided at half-past Six o'clock . Tickets , One Guinea each ; and it is requested that every Knight Companion intending to dine will forward his name to the Grand Recorder with as little delay as possible . Knights will not be admitted unless they appear in the insignia of their rank in the Order , Knights of St . John in White Sashes . CHAS . FRED . HOGARD , Grand Recorder and Registrar General . 1
DLECTION OF GRAND J - ' TREASURER , Wednesday , March 2 nd , 1887 . The Famous Tabic d'Hote at THE HOLBORN RESTAURANT , Will be served on the occasion of the above from FOUR O'CLOCK To meet the requirements of visiting Brethren . The Menu will be as follows : — POTAGES . Queue de Boeuf Liee . Printaniere Royale . POISSONS . Saumon , Sauce Homard Pommes de Terre Bouilli . Blanchaille . ENTREES . C 6 telettes d'Agneau au Points d'Aspergc . Poulet Saute a la Marengo . Pommes de Terre Saute . Haricots Verts . R ELIVES , Aloyau de Breuf au Raifort . Selle de Mouton a la Gelee . Pommes de Terre au Nature ! . Choufleur a la Bechamel ENTREMETS . Abricots Meringues . Tartelettes Victoria . Bavarois k la Vanillc . Ponding Glace . Fromage . Salade h . la Franchise . DESSERT .
ROYAL MASONICBENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . THIRD APPLICATION . To THE G OVERNORS AND S UBSCRIBERS OF THE R OYAL M ASONIC B ENEVOLENT I NSTITUTION FOR A GED FREEMASONS AND THEIR WIDOWS . The favour of your Vote and Interest is earnestly solicited on behalf of MRS . MARY WHITE , Aged 64 Years , 115 , Toronto-road , Buckland , Portsmouth , Widow of the late Bro . George White , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Hants and Isle of Wight , of the Esplanade Hotel , Ventnor . He was tinitiated in No . 175 , Ryde , ioth December , 1843 , and paid to December , 1 S 04 . joined No , 551 , Ventnor , 61 h February , 1 S 61 , and paid two years , through the death of her husband by accident in 1 S 6 7 , Mrs . White was left totally unprovided ior , and is now , through infirmity , unable to earn a livelihood . The case is strongly recommended by Bro . G . S . STOBBS , P . M . East Medina Lodge , No . lit , Ryde , P . P . G . S . Hants and Isle ot Wight . * „ F . Toi'iUM J ONES , W . M . Yarborough Lodge , No . 551 , Ventnor . * „ G . MOLESWORTH , P . M . Lodge of Union , No . ? 8 , Chichester , P . P . G . D . Sussex . * „ H . E . BREACH , W . M . Lodge of Union , No . 38 , Chichester . * » J . H . HAWES , S . W . Lodge of Union , No . 38 , Chichester . „ A . HEARN , Treas . Howard Lodge of Brotherly Love , No . 5 < i > Arundel . Proxies ivill be thankfully received by those marked * .
NOW READY . MASONIC~RECORDS, 1717-1886 , Comprising a complete List of all the Lodges warranted by the Four Grand Lodges and the United Grand Lodge of England , with their Dates , Places of Meeting , Successive Numbers , & c , & c , by JOHN LANE , F . C . A ., P . M . 1402 , Torquay . The work is dedicated , by gracious permission , to H . R . H . the Prince o £ VVales , K . G ., K . T ., & c , & c , M . W . Grand Master , and contains a fat simile of fine ' s Engraved List of 1725 , and an introduction by W . Bro . VV . J . HUGHAN , P . G . S . D . England . It contains 340 pages , and is handsomely bound in H * it cloth , bevelled boards , with top edge only gilt . In consequence of the work containing 40 pages more than originally contemplated , the expense of production has been very considerably increased , and the price is now necessarily increased to £ 1 lis . 6 d . nett . GEORGE KENNING , "Freemason" Office , 16 & 16 A , Great Queen Street , London , W . C . The cost of postage or carriage not being included * ' * the above price , must be added m all cases wnere prepay ' ment of postage , & c , is necessary . The weight of th * book , without packing , is nearly 516 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
JOHNGOW, t \ $ & ' NEW BROAD ST ., E . C . ^ r ( . Outside Rai vay Stition ) . i \\ V \ i ^ ' HONEY fiATJE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . " 5 VJ " 93 , THEOBALD'S B . D ., HOLBORN , W . C . . - 125 , BROMPTON EOAD , S . W . r * \ MP > IOHN GOW always has on sale the yi' * ' Lanjest Stock in London of the Very Best rt Quality at Lowest Prices . Barrelled O ' i ^ PERFECTLY -F ITTED OYSTER SALOON Now Open at New Broad Street .
THY I . BEASLEY'S BOOTS , BOOTS i And ensure Ease and Elegance , combined with _ ___ , TRUE FIT , BOOTS ! 28 . QUEEN VICTORIA ST . year the Mansion House ) . Specialities—Hand-Sewn . Special Orders in BOOTS I a few days . Large Stock to select from . Gold Medal Awarded at the London International Exultation , Crystal Palace , 1 SS 1 .
ARTIFICIAL TEETH ^•O Such as have hecn found to be the most useful "V s \ and durable , SUPPLIED by the actual makers y * -Ov * x * rora -B-6 tL each ' . upper 01 * lower set Evom s TC > \} ^ X * 2 ns . upwards . Teeth extracted by gas . War-. V- . O JC V ranted to Rive perfect satisfaction . No pain Cj « tiy y- V given . Advice free . Mr . STENT , Dental ' ^ - y . Sui-KOon , 5 , Coventi'ySti-cet . W ., and 537 , l " ulliiim V * c" Road , S . W . Established 50 years . Numerous i \ testimonials may be seen from ladies and gentlemen .
SMITH'S LONDON BLUE is Unequalled for Laundry Work . Sold by Oilmen , in bottles , id . jnd 6 d . each , or by the Gallon , at Estab . 1 S 79 . ] No . 2 , Finsbury Sq ., London .
co J . G . CORDING AND Co . g ^ y FOR THE BEST #WATERPROOFS ^ V / to' F 0 R § ^ SHOOTING , A ? 3 FISHING . . § * TRAVELLING . £ ? 9 £ ^ f Only Address—^ Corner of AIR STREET , PICCADILLY .
A . & S , TO LANDLORDS AND OTHERS . JL VVhy ; suffer with Smoky Chimneys ? ¦"" hen a Xlemodv is provided in TAYLOR'S GORDON TERRA COTTA WIND GUARD , A CERTAIN CURE , and INEXPENSIVE . l lalis aild Testimonials at W . PECK TAYIOR'S , 65 & 66 , CHANCERy IANE , IONDON , W . C .
MASOSS' CERTIHCATES , & c , FRAMED TO ANY DESIGN . H.MORELL, 17 and 18 , Great St . Andrew St ., Bloomsbury , W . C , London . Manufacturer and Importer of all kinds of Picture Frame and Decorative Mouldings ( Two Million Feet always in stock ) . Every requisite for the Trade and Exportation , illustrated Book of Patterns post free for three penny stamps .
^VjoTilbury'sWarehouses, ^ 0 * ^ MARYLEBONE , LONDON < C ^ s / Shi ( The oldest Store Warehouses , Es-^\\ > K / V ^ tablished 7 oyears ) , forStorinp ; Furniture & V - \ j f * Household Effects , Plate , Luggage , & c . " V ... r .. Specially-built Warehouses and Fire-proof Xj- Strong Rooms . Office—EDWD . TILBURY & c ° . » 3 $ , High-st ,, St . Marylebone , W .
By Appointment to H . R . H . the Princess of Wales , gMAISON ISIDORE , g tf \ ( ESTABLISHED 1837 ) . /^ i —> Ladies' and Children' :- M aircutting on Scientific ^ < J Principles . Latest improvements in Coverings Q ZJ for Baldness . Baume ' s Med . cnl Extrait Vegetal — J 5 j Pommade a la Reine for the Hair , ( f ) 14 , BEMTIMCK STREET , MANCHESTER SQUARE , W * -
A NEW VARNISH * * ( A SPIRIT COPAL ) , \ p » Clear as water or pla'e-glass ; never before r * V »> produced ; dries in five minuies . Hard , ''Tift v £ ^ durable , and brilliant . A bottle , po .-t f ee , >& ^* I 3 i stamps . —Mr . STENT , 5 , Coventry \ Street , London , W . Established 30 years ,
ELECTION OF GRAND TREASURER , MARCH 2 nd , 1887 , At FREEMASONS' HALL , at 7 p . m . BRO . A . F . GODSON'S COMMITTEE SITS DAILY , At 2 , PUMP COURT , TEMPLE , E . C , From 2 . 0 to 4 . 0 . All communications addressed there will receive immediate attention . NOTICE—Arrangements have been made for the Brethren to record their Votes immediately on the assembling of Grand Lodge , to enable those from a distance to return by early trains if necessary .
ELECTION OF GRAND TREASURER , 2 nd MABGH , 1887 , At FREEMASONS' HALL , at 7 o ' clock . The Committee for securing the : election of BRO . RICHARD EVE , will meet at FREEMASONS' TAVERN , On SATURDAY and MONDAY , the 26 th and 2 Sth of FEBRUARY instant , and on TUESDAY , ist of March next , from 2 to 4 , and on WEDNESDAY , the 2 nd of March , from one o ' clock until the opening of Grand Lodge on that day . Particular attention is called to an important speech by Bro . A . M . BROADLEY , D . P . G . M . Malta , at the Grand Masters' Lodge , No . 1 , on Monday last , and to observations by Bro . bVE at the meeting of the King ' s Cross Lodge , on the 19 th instant , reported in this day ' s issue of the Freemason . Great influence has been brought to bear at this election of Grand Treasurer by Grand Officers of Masonic Degrees outside the Craft , upon Brethren of those extraneous Degrees . The office of Grand Treasurer is the one elective office in the Craft which should be decided upon Craft considerations alone . Bro . EVE , in writing to a Brother , denying certain un-Masonic allegations , says : — " The one great charm Craft Masonry has had for me is that men of all colours in all climes who hold the trust expressed at initiation , whether they be Christian , Mahommedan , J ew , Parsee , or otherwise , can meet on the Level and part on the bquare . " Copies ot circulars and correspondence can be supplied at the Committee Room at Freemasons' Tavern , or sent to any Brother interested in Bro . EVE ' S candidature on application to Bro . HENRY HACKER , ( P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . Hampshire ) , Avenue Road , Aldershot , Hon . Sec . It is necessary to secure success that all Bro . EVE ' S Committee and friends should make a point of personally attending Grand Lodge to record their votes in his favour .
THE MASONIC AND MILITARY ORDERS OF KNIGHTS OF ROME AND OF THE RED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE , K . H . S ., AND ST . JOHN THE EVANGELIST . COLONEL SIR FRANCIS BURDETT , BART ., M . 111 . Grand Sovereign , & Grand Commander of St . John , THE ANNUALASSEMBLY OF THE GRAND IMPERIAL CONCLAVE will be holden at 16 a , GREAT QUEEN STREET , W . C , On MONDAY , thc 7 th MARCH , 188 ' / , At FIVE o ' clock in the Afternoon . Nominations for Grand Senate , Executive Committee , and Grand High Almoner ' s Fund , to be sent to the Grand Recorder . A BANQUET will be provided at half-past Six o'clock . Tickets , One Guinea each ; and it is requested that every Knight Companion intending to dine will forward his name to the Grand Recorder with as little delay as possible . Knights will not be admitted unless they appear in the insignia of their rank in the Order , Knights of St . John in White Sashes . CHAS . FRED . HOGARD , Grand Recorder and Registrar General . 1
DLECTION OF GRAND J - ' TREASURER , Wednesday , March 2 nd , 1887 . The Famous Tabic d'Hote at THE HOLBORN RESTAURANT , Will be served on the occasion of the above from FOUR O'CLOCK To meet the requirements of visiting Brethren . The Menu will be as follows : — POTAGES . Queue de Boeuf Liee . Printaniere Royale . POISSONS . Saumon , Sauce Homard Pommes de Terre Bouilli . Blanchaille . ENTREES . C 6 telettes d'Agneau au Points d'Aspergc . Poulet Saute a la Marengo . Pommes de Terre Saute . Haricots Verts . R ELIVES , Aloyau de Breuf au Raifort . Selle de Mouton a la Gelee . Pommes de Terre au Nature ! . Choufleur a la Bechamel ENTREMETS . Abricots Meringues . Tartelettes Victoria . Bavarois k la Vanillc . Ponding Glace . Fromage . Salade h . la Franchise . DESSERT .
ROYAL MASONICBENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . THIRD APPLICATION . To THE G OVERNORS AND S UBSCRIBERS OF THE R OYAL M ASONIC B ENEVOLENT I NSTITUTION FOR A GED FREEMASONS AND THEIR WIDOWS . The favour of your Vote and Interest is earnestly solicited on behalf of MRS . MARY WHITE , Aged 64 Years , 115 , Toronto-road , Buckland , Portsmouth , Widow of the late Bro . George White , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Hants and Isle of Wight , of the Esplanade Hotel , Ventnor . He was tinitiated in No . 175 , Ryde , ioth December , 1843 , and paid to December , 1 S 04 . joined No , 551 , Ventnor , 61 h February , 1 S 61 , and paid two years , through the death of her husband by accident in 1 S 6 7 , Mrs . White was left totally unprovided ior , and is now , through infirmity , unable to earn a livelihood . The case is strongly recommended by Bro . G . S . STOBBS , P . M . East Medina Lodge , No . lit , Ryde , P . P . G . S . Hants and Isle ot Wight . * „ F . Toi'iUM J ONES , W . M . Yarborough Lodge , No . 551 , Ventnor . * „ G . MOLESWORTH , P . M . Lodge of Union , No . ? 8 , Chichester , P . P . G . D . Sussex . * „ H . E . BREACH , W . M . Lodge of Union , No . 38 , Chichester . * » J . H . HAWES , S . W . Lodge of Union , No . 38 , Chichester . „ A . HEARN , Treas . Howard Lodge of Brotherly Love , No . 5 < i > Arundel . Proxies ivill be thankfully received by those marked * .
NOW READY . MASONIC~RECORDS, 1717-1886 , Comprising a complete List of all the Lodges warranted by the Four Grand Lodges and the United Grand Lodge of England , with their Dates , Places of Meeting , Successive Numbers , & c , & c , by JOHN LANE , F . C . A ., P . M . 1402 , Torquay . The work is dedicated , by gracious permission , to H . R . H . the Prince o £ VVales , K . G ., K . T ., & c , & c , M . W . Grand Master , and contains a fat simile of fine ' s Engraved List of 1725 , and an introduction by W . Bro . VV . J . HUGHAN , P . G . S . D . England . It contains 340 pages , and is handsomely bound in H * it cloth , bevelled boards , with top edge only gilt . In consequence of the work containing 40 pages more than originally contemplated , the expense of production has been very considerably increased , and the price is now necessarily increased to £ 1 lis . 6 d . nett . GEORGE KENNING , "Freemason" Office , 16 & 16 A , Great Queen Street , London , W . C . The cost of postage or carriage not being included * ' * the above price , must be added m all cases wnere prepay ' ment of postage , & c , is necessary . The weight of th * book , without packing , is nearly 516 .