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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
JUBILEE YEAR . NEW MASONIC HALL , For Festival Banquets , Dinners , Balls , & c . ABERCORN HOTEL , STANMORE . BRO . CHARLES VEAL , Proprietor .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY , LIMITED . 10 , ST . SWITHIN'S LANE , LONDON , E . C . General Accidents . 1 Personal Injuries Railway Accidents . Deaths by Accident . 1 C . HARDING , Manager .
BRO . BINCKES' PRESENTATION FUND . President— THE EARL OF LATHOM , D . G . M ., & Prov . G . M . W . Lancashire . Treasurer—Bro . GEORGE PLUCKNETT , P . G . D . England , and Treasurer of the R . M . I . B . Hon . Secretary—Bro . C . F . HOGARD , P . M ., P . Z ., & c . Subscriptions to the above Fund will be received by Bro . GEO . PLUCKNETT , 46 , Connaught-sq ., W ., or by Bro . C . F . HOGARD , 45 a , Cheapside , London , E . G ., by whom also all further particulars will be furnished . The Fund will close in April .
FUNERAL REFORM . Simple , Reverent , and Inexpensive Funerals . Explanatory Pamphlet gratis . LONDON NECROPOLIS CO ., 2 , LANCASTER PLACE , STRAND , W . C . PATENT EAKTH TO EARTH PERISHABLE COFFINS .
TO FREEMASONS—Owing to depression in trade , Advertiser ( Brother ) having lost an appointment held for many years , is urgently in need of EMPLOYMEN T in any capacity of trust . Undeniable references . —Address S . S . S ., Freemason .
WANTED — Second-hand , but in good condition , THREE CHAIRS for VV . M ., S . W . and J . W . j in oak preferred ; also OBLIGATION PEDESTAL . State price and other particulars to Mr . A . WHITEHORN , 13 , Camden-street , North Shields .
ST . LEONARD'S & HASTINGS . — Bro . HENRY KIMM will , on receiptor Post Card , forward post free his REGISTER OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS , together with statistics and useful information on these fashionable Seaside resorts .
BOARD AND RESIDENCE . —The Daughter of a deceased Freemason , who had obtained very high Masonic distinction , desires the patronage of the Craft . —Address M , care of Westcombe Park Estate Office , 2 , Mycenae-road , Blackheath .
BRO . TOM LAWLER begs to announce that he has returned to Town , and is now open to accept Engagements for the MANAGEMENT OF MUSIC AT MASONIC BANQUETS , CITY DINNERS , CONCERTS , & . C . —66 , Tonsley-hill , Wandsworth , S . W .
TO LET—The UPPER PART of a HOUSE near the General Post Office . Eight Rooms , together or separate . —Apply B . J ., Office of this Paper .
CLOSE to Piccadilly and West End Clubs . APARTMENTS FURNISHED with Attendance for Gentlemen . Terms moderate . —H . AMELOT , 45 , Brick-street , Piccadilly .
A CAMBRIDGE GRADUATE ( P . M . and P . Z . ) .-PRIVATE TUITION in the CLASSICS , MATHEMATICS , ENGLISH , & c . Lectures on various subjects . Schools visited . Foreigners taught English by means of French . —Address , F . D ., 62 , Lancaster-road , Notting-hill , W .
A PAST MASJL . & K ( K . JE . ; Ot long standing , stranger in London , now in great distress owing to cupidity of supposed friend , by whose action endowment was lost , appeals to worthy Brethren to assist him in finding EMPLOYMENT ; is honest , energetic , temperate ; large varied experience as Merchant , Colonies and America . Good references . Confirmation by Brethren . —Address ROYAL ORDER , The Freemason Office .
LODGE OF THE QUATUOR CORONATI , No . 2076 , Freemasons' Hall , Sir CHARLES WARREN , G . C . M G ., W . M . A Paper " On the Orientation ° f Temples " will be read by the W . M ., on Thursday , 3 rd "larch , at 5 30 p . m . precisely . Visitors are hereby invited t ° attend . Tickets for Dinner , 3 s . 6 d . each , exclusive of Wine , may be obtained of the Secretary in the Lodge Room . Brethren intending to be present will oblige by informing 'he Secretary , G . VV . SPETH , Streatham House , Margate , Previously ; but this is not absolutely necessary .
Estab . j DUER , [ 1749 . / < L / 146 , NEW BOND ST ., W . V ^ CALLARD & CALLARD , ^^ Queen ' s Terrace , St . John ' s Wood . S ^^^ / Vans to all parts Daily . Hampers & Tins " \ 1 / packed for the country with Biscuits , & c , V / French & Vienna Fancy Rolls & Bread . •WEDDING BREAKFASTS SUPPLIED
4g*kCHARLESLANCASTER, ifmoM-FouL-Nc : !] ( Awarded 15 Frizes and Medals . ) yv , SMOOTH , 'a VSM-VAL DOBEW INVENTOIl ASD PATENTEE OY THK « sS * BtFLINCj «* ' ^^^^ 4-BAREE 1 BREECHLOABINGr HAMMERLESS FOR ROOK , GUN , RIFLE , & PISTOL RABBIT , ( Weight 71 b . loz . ) ( Weight Mil ) . ) ( -170 tore , 21 b . doz . ) E SS?" THE COLINDIAN , " MILITARY A RIFLED GUN FOR SHOT AND BALL . and Illustrated Detailed Price Lists Free on Application . LARGE BORE Special l ' riees / or Cask , RULES . 151 , NEW BOND ST ., W . EstaUislicaTSM
~~ v \ $ * Moule ' s EARTH system 1 / 1 oftf J . W . Girdlestone's Patent , £ ^ -x £ TA' 5 a » GARRICK STREET , 8 COVENT GARDEN , LONDON .
TELEGRAPHICADDRESSES(Inland). For the Freemas on Printing Works—FREEMASON , LONDON . For Jewels , Clothing , Banners , and Furniture—KENNING , LONDON .
THE QUEEN'S JUBILEE . Secretaries of lodges desiring to distribute the circular of the Pro Grand Master amongst the members of their lodges , may obtain copies on application to the Publisher of the Freemason , who will supply them at the rate of five shillings per 100 .
TO OUR READERS . THE F REEMASON is published every Friday morning , price 3 d ., and contains the fullest and latest information relating to Freemasonry of every degree . Subscriptions , including Postage : — United States , United Kingdom . Canada , the Continent , India , China , Ceylon , the Colonies & c . Arabia , & c . 13 s . 6 d . 15 s . 6 d . 17 s . 6 d . _ Remittances may be made in Stamps , but Post Office Orders of cheques are preferred , the former payable to' GEORGE KENNING , Chief Office , London , the latter crossed London Joint Stock Bank .
( Do ( Eorresponunitg , "No C OLLARS" has not conformed to our invariable rule by sending his name , The following , amongst other communications , unavoidably stand over : —
CRAFT LODGES—Mid-Sussex , No . 1141 ; Duke of Cornwall , No . 1529 ; St . Dunstan's , No . 1589 . ROSICRUCIAN S OCIETY—York College . Consecration of the Adair Lodfre , No . 2187 , at Henfield . Masonic Ball of the Lodge of Freedom , No . 77 .
BOOKS . & c . RECEIVED . " Die Bauhtttte , " " Lancaster Daily Examiner , " " Cassell ' s National Library , " "Jewish Chronicle , " " Freemasons * Journal " ( New York ) , " Texas Masonic Journal , " "Sunday Times" ( New York , " " Masonic Journal , " " New York Dispa-ch , " " Sunday Times " ( London ) , " Court Circular , " " Hull and East Yorkshire Times , " and " The Canadian Freemasons' Pocket Book . "
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
[\ Ve do not hold ourselves responsible for , or even approving of theopinionsexpressedby our correspondents , but we wish in a spirit of fair play to all to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussion , ] "
THE BATTLE OF THE COLLARS . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , In the Freemason of the 4 th December last it was remarked that the new Rule 30 S had been very little observed in the provinces , either from ignorance that such a rule existed , or that the brethren had turned towards it " their blind eye . " But ' tis not only in the provinces that 308 has failed to
gain observance ; it has been entirely ignored by one of the largest executive departments of Grand Lodge , viz ., the Board of Benevolence . The new Rule 308 forbids a Worshipful Master to wear his collar at any other than the following times and places : ist , at the Grand Lodge ; 2 nd , at a Provincial or District Grand Lodge ; and , 3 rd , at his own private lodge . At all other places and meetings the collar by this rule is absolutely prohibited .
According to 308 , a worsniptul Master attending tne Board of Benevolence ( see Rule 223 ) is forbidden to wear his collar , although down to the 5 th December , 188 3 , it was the time-honoured and constitutional practice to wear this badge of rank and office at the Board meetings .
Original Correspondence.
Since the 5 th December , 1 SS 3 , every Worshipful Master who has worn his collar at the Board has violated this new rule , and this violation has taken place not only in the precincts of Grand Lodge , but probably in the very room where this unfortunate rule was formulated . If the amendment 10308 be confirmed at the next Grand Lodge , Past Masters who wear their collars at this Board
will be guilty of a like " violation of the Constitutions , " and the only members who may constitutionally wear collars at the Board of Benevolence will be Present and Past Officers of Grand Lodge , and Present and Past Officers of Piovincial or District Grand Lodges . This forbidding- rule strips the collar from Worshipful Masters and Past Masters attending the Board , and who may not be
•ntttied to wear garter blue or purple . It may be said—but only by a lawyer , who is an adept in making words say contrary things , according to circumstances—that the term " Grand Lodge " means not only Grand Lodge , but any Committees or Boards appointed by it , and that " Board of Benevolence" or " Board of General Purposes" is equivalent to , and synomymous with ,
" Grand Lodge . " But one might just as honestly and truthfully say that a Parliamentary Committee of 30 or 40 members is equivalent to , and synonymous with , "the House of Commons . " The Craft can hardly be imposed on by such special pleading . If 30 S becomes law , a large number of the members of the Board of Benevolence must doff their collars , or persist in open violation of the new rule , or another new rule , or
new addition to an old one , will have to be made to indemnify their practice . The more 308 is examined , tne more clearly one perceives that if it is strictly applied , it will largely interfere with old and long-established customs , and if it is only partially enforced , much mischief will result from the vexatious uncertainty and capriciousness of its application . For the harmony of the Craft , the sooner 308 is modified or repealed the better . —Yours truly and fraternally , E . T . BUDDEN .
JUBILEE MEETING . To the Editor ofthe "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , The project of holding a meeting with a view of benefiting our Charities , is so good , that it should be as widely extended as possible . I believe the smaller fee tor admission—say £ 1 is . will attract more than double the number who would pay £ 2 2 s ., and if one meeting would
not accommodate all applicants , why not have two , at different hours on the same day , so arranged that the M . W . the Grand Master could attend the second at the termination of the first ; or perhaps better still , the meeting might be held at the Crystal Palace , and the general public
admitted , to which there would be no more objection than to a similar course at Masonic stone layings . The expenses would be small , and a magnificent result ( why not £ io , ooo ?) realised for the grand Charities of which we are so justly proud . —Yours fraternally , A . H . BATEMAN , P . M . 1073 .
BRO . BELL'S LETTER OF 1 754 . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , In your editoiial of January 15 th , last , regarding the late bubble of Philadelphia Mothership of legalised American Freemasonry , you say ,
"Unfortunately , this letter ( Bro . Bell ' s letter of 1 754 ) , has been lost , and cannot now be produced as a witness . " Now , as i have never before heard that the said Bell ' s letter was lost , I would like to know -when it was lost ? and by -whom it was lost ? Your answer to the above questions , will much oblige your old friend and brother . JACOB NORTON .
Boston , U . S . A ., February 2 nd . [ In the introduction to the reprint oi the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania ( 1 S 77 ) , it is stated ( by Bro . C . E . Meyer , we believe)— " We have endeavoured to obtain this letter to make a fac simile of , but have
failed up to the present time . The letter was exhibited in 1872 , in the Grand Secretary ' s office , and then and there copied .. * * * * We , at the present time , under the circumstances , place only so much value on it , as far as it is corroborated by other facts . "—If this does not mean that it is lost , so much the better . ED . F . M . j
A TRUE MASONIC JUBILEE . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , Although such a grand success attended the dinner for the Benevolent Institution , it was distressing somewhat to find so many approved applicants both male and female waiting to get on the pension list .
Now , as everything is Jubilee , I thought I might suggest through the columns of your valuable journal , a means whereby additional funds may be obtained for our female aged widows , and that is to get our brethren with wives to become Life Governors by payment of five guineas , and the privilege of four votes at all elections . Vide Clause 10 .
IE we could only get a thousand such ladies it would enable the executive to take more cases for the next May election . I find on comparing notes that there are more lady supporters ofthe Schools than of the Benevolent , and my sympathy is with the old people . I shall be pleased to make one of the thousand on my wife ' s behalf . —I am , dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , THOS . L . WELDON .
guineas ) Wardens who will be in office at the time of the Masonic celebration of the Jubilee . These brethren are , above all others , the direct representatives of the Craft for the time being , and they should be the first to receive the jewel . The other members of the Craft could also obtain the "Jubilee jewel ; " but only on payment of—say five
to the Masters and THE JUBILEE JEWEL . To the . Editor of the "Freemason . " ' Dear Sir and Brother , A simple and , I believe , very effective way of limiting the wholesale distribution of the " Jubilee jewel " would be to restrict the first issue ( at cost price of jewel—say two
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
JUBILEE YEAR . NEW MASONIC HALL , For Festival Banquets , Dinners , Balls , & c . ABERCORN HOTEL , STANMORE . BRO . CHARLES VEAL , Proprietor .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY , LIMITED . 10 , ST . SWITHIN'S LANE , LONDON , E . C . General Accidents . 1 Personal Injuries Railway Accidents . Deaths by Accident . 1 C . HARDING , Manager .
BRO . BINCKES' PRESENTATION FUND . President— THE EARL OF LATHOM , D . G . M ., & Prov . G . M . W . Lancashire . Treasurer—Bro . GEORGE PLUCKNETT , P . G . D . England , and Treasurer of the R . M . I . B . Hon . Secretary—Bro . C . F . HOGARD , P . M ., P . Z ., & c . Subscriptions to the above Fund will be received by Bro . GEO . PLUCKNETT , 46 , Connaught-sq ., W ., or by Bro . C . F . HOGARD , 45 a , Cheapside , London , E . G ., by whom also all further particulars will be furnished . The Fund will close in April .
FUNERAL REFORM . Simple , Reverent , and Inexpensive Funerals . Explanatory Pamphlet gratis . LONDON NECROPOLIS CO ., 2 , LANCASTER PLACE , STRAND , W . C . PATENT EAKTH TO EARTH PERISHABLE COFFINS .
TO FREEMASONS—Owing to depression in trade , Advertiser ( Brother ) having lost an appointment held for many years , is urgently in need of EMPLOYMEN T in any capacity of trust . Undeniable references . —Address S . S . S ., Freemason .
WANTED — Second-hand , but in good condition , THREE CHAIRS for VV . M ., S . W . and J . W . j in oak preferred ; also OBLIGATION PEDESTAL . State price and other particulars to Mr . A . WHITEHORN , 13 , Camden-street , North Shields .
ST . LEONARD'S & HASTINGS . — Bro . HENRY KIMM will , on receiptor Post Card , forward post free his REGISTER OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS , together with statistics and useful information on these fashionable Seaside resorts .
BOARD AND RESIDENCE . —The Daughter of a deceased Freemason , who had obtained very high Masonic distinction , desires the patronage of the Craft . —Address M , care of Westcombe Park Estate Office , 2 , Mycenae-road , Blackheath .
BRO . TOM LAWLER begs to announce that he has returned to Town , and is now open to accept Engagements for the MANAGEMENT OF MUSIC AT MASONIC BANQUETS , CITY DINNERS , CONCERTS , & . C . —66 , Tonsley-hill , Wandsworth , S . W .
TO LET—The UPPER PART of a HOUSE near the General Post Office . Eight Rooms , together or separate . —Apply B . J ., Office of this Paper .
CLOSE to Piccadilly and West End Clubs . APARTMENTS FURNISHED with Attendance for Gentlemen . Terms moderate . —H . AMELOT , 45 , Brick-street , Piccadilly .
A CAMBRIDGE GRADUATE ( P . M . and P . Z . ) .-PRIVATE TUITION in the CLASSICS , MATHEMATICS , ENGLISH , & c . Lectures on various subjects . Schools visited . Foreigners taught English by means of French . —Address , F . D ., 62 , Lancaster-road , Notting-hill , W .
A PAST MASJL . & K ( K . JE . ; Ot long standing , stranger in London , now in great distress owing to cupidity of supposed friend , by whose action endowment was lost , appeals to worthy Brethren to assist him in finding EMPLOYMENT ; is honest , energetic , temperate ; large varied experience as Merchant , Colonies and America . Good references . Confirmation by Brethren . —Address ROYAL ORDER , The Freemason Office .
LODGE OF THE QUATUOR CORONATI , No . 2076 , Freemasons' Hall , Sir CHARLES WARREN , G . C . M G ., W . M . A Paper " On the Orientation ° f Temples " will be read by the W . M ., on Thursday , 3 rd "larch , at 5 30 p . m . precisely . Visitors are hereby invited t ° attend . Tickets for Dinner , 3 s . 6 d . each , exclusive of Wine , may be obtained of the Secretary in the Lodge Room . Brethren intending to be present will oblige by informing 'he Secretary , G . VV . SPETH , Streatham House , Margate , Previously ; but this is not absolutely necessary .
Estab . j DUER , [ 1749 . / < L / 146 , NEW BOND ST ., W . V ^ CALLARD & CALLARD , ^^ Queen ' s Terrace , St . John ' s Wood . S ^^^ / Vans to all parts Daily . Hampers & Tins " \ 1 / packed for the country with Biscuits , & c , V / French & Vienna Fancy Rolls & Bread . •WEDDING BREAKFASTS SUPPLIED
4g*kCHARLESLANCASTER, ifmoM-FouL-Nc : !] ( Awarded 15 Frizes and Medals . ) yv , SMOOTH , 'a VSM-VAL DOBEW INVENTOIl ASD PATENTEE OY THK « sS * BtFLINCj «* ' ^^^^ 4-BAREE 1 BREECHLOABINGr HAMMERLESS FOR ROOK , GUN , RIFLE , & PISTOL RABBIT , ( Weight 71 b . loz . ) ( Weight Mil ) . ) ( -170 tore , 21 b . doz . ) E SS?" THE COLINDIAN , " MILITARY A RIFLED GUN FOR SHOT AND BALL . and Illustrated Detailed Price Lists Free on Application . LARGE BORE Special l ' riees / or Cask , RULES . 151 , NEW BOND ST ., W . EstaUislicaTSM
~~ v \ $ * Moule ' s EARTH system 1 / 1 oftf J . W . Girdlestone's Patent , £ ^ -x £ TA' 5 a » GARRICK STREET , 8 COVENT GARDEN , LONDON .
TELEGRAPHICADDRESSES(Inland). For the Freemas on Printing Works—FREEMASON , LONDON . For Jewels , Clothing , Banners , and Furniture—KENNING , LONDON .
THE QUEEN'S JUBILEE . Secretaries of lodges desiring to distribute the circular of the Pro Grand Master amongst the members of their lodges , may obtain copies on application to the Publisher of the Freemason , who will supply them at the rate of five shillings per 100 .
TO OUR READERS . THE F REEMASON is published every Friday morning , price 3 d ., and contains the fullest and latest information relating to Freemasonry of every degree . Subscriptions , including Postage : — United States , United Kingdom . Canada , the Continent , India , China , Ceylon , the Colonies & c . Arabia , & c . 13 s . 6 d . 15 s . 6 d . 17 s . 6 d . _ Remittances may be made in Stamps , but Post Office Orders of cheques are preferred , the former payable to' GEORGE KENNING , Chief Office , London , the latter crossed London Joint Stock Bank .
( Do ( Eorresponunitg , "No C OLLARS" has not conformed to our invariable rule by sending his name , The following , amongst other communications , unavoidably stand over : —
CRAFT LODGES—Mid-Sussex , No . 1141 ; Duke of Cornwall , No . 1529 ; St . Dunstan's , No . 1589 . ROSICRUCIAN S OCIETY—York College . Consecration of the Adair Lodfre , No . 2187 , at Henfield . Masonic Ball of the Lodge of Freedom , No . 77 .
BOOKS . & c . RECEIVED . " Die Bauhtttte , " " Lancaster Daily Examiner , " " Cassell ' s National Library , " "Jewish Chronicle , " " Freemasons * Journal " ( New York ) , " Texas Masonic Journal , " "Sunday Times" ( New York , " " Masonic Journal , " " New York Dispa-ch , " " Sunday Times " ( London ) , " Court Circular , " " Hull and East Yorkshire Times , " and " The Canadian Freemasons' Pocket Book . "
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
[\ Ve do not hold ourselves responsible for , or even approving of theopinionsexpressedby our correspondents , but we wish in a spirit of fair play to all to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussion , ] "
THE BATTLE OF THE COLLARS . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , In the Freemason of the 4 th December last it was remarked that the new Rule 30 S had been very little observed in the provinces , either from ignorance that such a rule existed , or that the brethren had turned towards it " their blind eye . " But ' tis not only in the provinces that 308 has failed to
gain observance ; it has been entirely ignored by one of the largest executive departments of Grand Lodge , viz ., the Board of Benevolence . The new Rule 308 forbids a Worshipful Master to wear his collar at any other than the following times and places : ist , at the Grand Lodge ; 2 nd , at a Provincial or District Grand Lodge ; and , 3 rd , at his own private lodge . At all other places and meetings the collar by this rule is absolutely prohibited .
According to 308 , a worsniptul Master attending tne Board of Benevolence ( see Rule 223 ) is forbidden to wear his collar , although down to the 5 th December , 188 3 , it was the time-honoured and constitutional practice to wear this badge of rank and office at the Board meetings .
Original Correspondence.
Since the 5 th December , 1 SS 3 , every Worshipful Master who has worn his collar at the Board has violated this new rule , and this violation has taken place not only in the precincts of Grand Lodge , but probably in the very room where this unfortunate rule was formulated . If the amendment 10308 be confirmed at the next Grand Lodge , Past Masters who wear their collars at this Board
will be guilty of a like " violation of the Constitutions , " and the only members who may constitutionally wear collars at the Board of Benevolence will be Present and Past Officers of Grand Lodge , and Present and Past Officers of Piovincial or District Grand Lodges . This forbidding- rule strips the collar from Worshipful Masters and Past Masters attending the Board , and who may not be
•ntttied to wear garter blue or purple . It may be said—but only by a lawyer , who is an adept in making words say contrary things , according to circumstances—that the term " Grand Lodge " means not only Grand Lodge , but any Committees or Boards appointed by it , and that " Board of Benevolence" or " Board of General Purposes" is equivalent to , and synomymous with ,
" Grand Lodge . " But one might just as honestly and truthfully say that a Parliamentary Committee of 30 or 40 members is equivalent to , and synonymous with , "the House of Commons . " The Craft can hardly be imposed on by such special pleading . If 30 S becomes law , a large number of the members of the Board of Benevolence must doff their collars , or persist in open violation of the new rule , or another new rule , or
new addition to an old one , will have to be made to indemnify their practice . The more 308 is examined , tne more clearly one perceives that if it is strictly applied , it will largely interfere with old and long-established customs , and if it is only partially enforced , much mischief will result from the vexatious uncertainty and capriciousness of its application . For the harmony of the Craft , the sooner 308 is modified or repealed the better . —Yours truly and fraternally , E . T . BUDDEN .
JUBILEE MEETING . To the Editor ofthe "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , The project of holding a meeting with a view of benefiting our Charities , is so good , that it should be as widely extended as possible . I believe the smaller fee tor admission—say £ 1 is . will attract more than double the number who would pay £ 2 2 s ., and if one meeting would
not accommodate all applicants , why not have two , at different hours on the same day , so arranged that the M . W . the Grand Master could attend the second at the termination of the first ; or perhaps better still , the meeting might be held at the Crystal Palace , and the general public
admitted , to which there would be no more objection than to a similar course at Masonic stone layings . The expenses would be small , and a magnificent result ( why not £ io , ooo ?) realised for the grand Charities of which we are so justly proud . —Yours fraternally , A . H . BATEMAN , P . M . 1073 .
BRO . BELL'S LETTER OF 1 754 . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , In your editoiial of January 15 th , last , regarding the late bubble of Philadelphia Mothership of legalised American Freemasonry , you say ,
"Unfortunately , this letter ( Bro . Bell ' s letter of 1 754 ) , has been lost , and cannot now be produced as a witness . " Now , as i have never before heard that the said Bell ' s letter was lost , I would like to know -when it was lost ? and by -whom it was lost ? Your answer to the above questions , will much oblige your old friend and brother . JACOB NORTON .
Boston , U . S . A ., February 2 nd . [ In the introduction to the reprint oi the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania ( 1 S 77 ) , it is stated ( by Bro . C . E . Meyer , we believe)— " We have endeavoured to obtain this letter to make a fac simile of , but have
failed up to the present time . The letter was exhibited in 1872 , in the Grand Secretary ' s office , and then and there copied .. * * * * We , at the present time , under the circumstances , place only so much value on it , as far as it is corroborated by other facts . "—If this does not mean that it is lost , so much the better . ED . F . M . j
A TRUE MASONIC JUBILEE . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , Although such a grand success attended the dinner for the Benevolent Institution , it was distressing somewhat to find so many approved applicants both male and female waiting to get on the pension list .
Now , as everything is Jubilee , I thought I might suggest through the columns of your valuable journal , a means whereby additional funds may be obtained for our female aged widows , and that is to get our brethren with wives to become Life Governors by payment of five guineas , and the privilege of four votes at all elections . Vide Clause 10 .
IE we could only get a thousand such ladies it would enable the executive to take more cases for the next May election . I find on comparing notes that there are more lady supporters ofthe Schools than of the Benevolent , and my sympathy is with the old people . I shall be pleased to make one of the thousand on my wife ' s behalf . —I am , dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , THOS . L . WELDON .
guineas ) Wardens who will be in office at the time of the Masonic celebration of the Jubilee . These brethren are , above all others , the direct representatives of the Craft for the time being , and they should be the first to receive the jewel . The other members of the Craft could also obtain the "Jubilee jewel ; " but only on payment of—say five
to the Masters and THE JUBILEE JEWEL . To the . Editor of the "Freemason . " ' Dear Sir and Brother , A simple and , I believe , very effective way of limiting the wholesale distribution of the " Jubilee jewel " would be to restrict the first issue ( at cost price of jewel—say two