Article INSTRUCTION. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 2 →
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Cochrane , W . M ., acting Preceptor ; Simms , P . M . ; Wilton , W . B . Neville , Pellet , Weeks , P . M .-, Dresden , Craggs , P . M . ; Weise , Stroud , P . M . ; and J . H . Neville . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and Bro . J . H . Neville having answered the questions leading to the Third Degree , was entrusted . Lodge was opened in thc Third Degree , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed . Lodge was resumed lo the First Degree , and Bro . Dresden having
answered the questions leading to the Second Degree , was entrusted . Lodge was resumed to the fecund Degree , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed . Lodge was resumed to the First Degree , and Bro . Keene was e ' ected W . M . for next meeting , and the officers were appointed in rotation , lt was proposed by Bro . Craggs , P . M ., seconded by Bro . P . J . Davies , and supported by Bro . Stroud , P . M ., that a vote of thanks be reconhd on the minutes to Bro . Hubbard for his present to the lodge of a handsome volume of the Sacred Law , and that an inscription be inserted in the volume of the name of the giver and date of presentation . Lodge was then closed .
CREATON LODGE ( No . 1791 ) . —A meeting was held on Thursday , the 17 th inst ., at the Wheatsheaf Hotel , Goldhawkroad , Shepherd ' s Bush , W . Present : Bros . Cochrane , W . M . ; Childs , P . M ., S . \ V . ; P . J . Davies , | . VV . ; Austin , Treas . ; Chalfont , P . M ., Sec . ; Cross , S . D . '; Stonehi ' ll , J . D . ; Cavers , I . G . ; Davies , P . M ., Preceptor ; Speigel , P . M . ; Sims , P . M . ; Craggs , Bull , Cockrell , Benton , Schwerz , Lindlield , Jenning , Love , and lionham . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes were read
and confirmed . The ist Section was worked by Bro . Speigel , P . M . The W . M . announced his intention to work thc ceremony of passing . Bro . Bull , as candidate , answered the usual questions , and the lodge opened to the Second Degree , and the ceremony was - rehearsed . The lodge opened in the Third Degree , and the ist and 3 rd Sections of this Lecture were worked by Bro . Davies . The lodge
was resumed to the First Degree . Bro . P . J . Davres , J . W ., was elected VV . ftl . for next meeting ( the S . W . announced being unable to be in attendance ) , proposed by Bro . Davies , and seconded by the S . W . The lodge was then closed . The Secretary announced that at the next meeting there will be a ballot for the Benevolent Fund .
ST . AMBROSE LODGE ( No . 1891 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , 21 st inst ., at the Baron ' s Court Hotel , West Kensington . Present : Bros , [ esse Collings , P . M ., W . M . ; J . H . Wood , S . W . ; R . H . Williams , J . W . ; Harris , P . M ., Treas . ; F . Craggs , Sec . ( pro tem . ); James Sims , P . M ., S . D . ; Wood , J . D . ; Worth , I . G . j VV . H . Chalfont , P . M . ; Cochrane , Hardy , J . Davies , Lindlield , Cockercll , Stonnil , Skar , and P . J . Davies . The ceremony of installation was rehearsed , Bro . Collings , P . M .,
acting as Installing Master , and Bro . Cochrane as W . M . elect . Bro . Cochrane , having been placed in the chair of K . S ., appointed and invested his officers . Bro . J . H . Wood was unanimously voted W . ft'I . for the next meeting . As will be seen from the number of brethren present , this lodge of instruction is recovering from the lethargy which had sway for some time , and there is little doubt that it will in time become an important feature at Baron's Court , the conveniences of the house being very numerous , and the lodge rooms very appropriate .
CHISWICK LODGE ( No . 2012 ) . —A meeting was held at the Windsor Castle Hotel , King-street , Hammersmith , on Saturday , the 19 th inst . Present : Bros . D . S . Long , W . M . ; J . Davies , S . W . ; H . F . Williams , J . W . ; j . Sims , acting as Preceptor ; A . Williams , Sec . ; D . Stroud , S . D . ; J . Brown , j . D . ; Gammell , I . G . j Craggs , Stwd . ; ] . S . Wood , Cochrane , N . D . Fracis , W . G . Coat , and P . J . Davies , The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last
meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and resumed to the First Degree . The W . M . then worked the 4 th Section of this Lecture , und < r the direction of Bro . J . Davies . Bro . J . S . Wood , offering himself as candidate for initiation , the Wlftl . rehearsed that cerem my , afterwards giving the ancient charge . The brethren , under the direction of the VV . M ., then worked the ist , 2 nd , and 3 rd Sections of this Lecture . The
W . M . rose for thc lirst time , and Bro . S . Cochrane , W . M . 6 , J . W . 3 , was unanimously elected a member of this lodge . The W . M . rose for the second time , when Bro . | . Davies , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the next meeting . The W . M . rose for the third time . A telegram was received irom Bro , A . li-ig announcing a sudden bereavement , and the Secretary was directed to send to him a letter of condolence . The lodge was then closed .
LOUGHBOROUGH LODGE . —A meeting was held at the Gauden Hotel , Clapham-road Station ( L . C . & D . R . ) , on Monday , the 21 st instant . Present : Bros . Boulton , W . M . ; Eslir . g , S . W . ; Gibbs , J . W . ; Glover , S . D . ; Ruffle , | . D . ; Steele , I . G . ; Johnson , Preceptor ; Westley , Treas . ; Andrews , Sec . ; Capt . Butterworth , I . avingtcn , Crouch , sen ., Partridge , Smith , Wright , Burnett , Beavan , C . Woods , Rowe , Wildbore , Burn , Folkard , Lyle , Luckhurst , Perkins , Hurst , R . Harvey , and Coe .
The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge was opened in the Second and Third Degrees . The 1 st Section of the Lecture was worked by Bro . Westlev , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was resumed to the Second Degree , and Bro . Rowe , having proved his proficiency , was entrusted . Lodge was resumed to the 'Third Degree , and thc ceremony of raising was ably rehearsed by the
VV . ftl ., Bro . Boulton , with Bro . Rowe as candidate . Bro . Westley worked the 3 rd Section of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was resumed to the First Degree . The VV . ftl . rose for the lirst time , and dues were collected . Bro . Evans , ig ; g , was elected a joining member . The W . M . rose for the second time , and Bro . Esling was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing fortnight . The annual supper having been arraiged for Monday next , the W . M . rose for the third time , and the lodge was closed .
THE QUEEN'S WESTMINSTER AND MARYLEBONE LODGE . —Thc usual weekly meeting of the above lodge was held at the Criterion , Piccadilly . W ., on the 21 st inst . Present : Bros . H . J . Pellatt , W . M . ; F . Smith , S . W . ; L . Gunzeli , | . W . ; C . Bellerby , Sec ; W . Brown , S . D . ; Bonham , J . D . ; ' Rowe , I . G . ; Tlvim , Preceptor ; Woodruff , Artand , Schwarz , Durrans , Ealey , Dusterwald , R . J . Harnell , Von Joel , and Grassi . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last
meeting were read and confirmed . The ist Section ofthe Lecture was worked ny Bro . Thorn . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . Bro . F . Dusterwald , having offered himself as a candidate to he raised to the Third Degree , was entmsted and retired . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree , and the ceremony rehearsed , Bro . Dusterwald candidate . The lodge resumed to the Second
Degree . The i > . t Section of the Lecture was worked by Bro . Thorn . The lodge resumed to the First Degree . On the W . M . rising for the first time , Bros . Ealey , Durrans , and Schwarz , of the M -rylebone Lodge , were elected members . Bro . F . Smith was elected W . M . for the enduing week , and the officers appointed in rotation . After the transaction of other business , the lodge was closed .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
JERUSALEM CHAPTER ( No . 18 5 ) . —This chapter met at Freemasons' Tavern on the Sth instant . Among those present were Comps . T . Davis , M . E . Z . ; Cleghorne , H . ; J . Mander , P . Z ., acting J . ; G . Davis , acting S . E . ; E . A . Harris , S . N . ; Rest , P . S . ; Kimpton , ist A . S . ; Isaacson , 2 nd A . S . ; Harfeld , P . Z ., Treas . ;
Holbrook , P . Z . ; T . C . Walls , P . P . G . P . S ., Middlesex , P . Z . ; N . Moss , P . Z . ; Stewart , P . Z . ; Ellborn , P . Z . ; J . Harris , H . Harris , R . Harris , Peacock , Hardy , and others . Comp . Chandler , 1642 , was a visitor . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The election of officers for the year ensuing then took place , which resulted as follows : Comps . Cleg-
Royal Arch.
horne , M . E . Z . ; Staley , H . ; Rest , J . ; G . Davis , S . E . ; E . A . Harris , S . N . ; Kimpton , P . S . ; Isaacson , ist A . S . ; Boher , 2 nd A . S . ; Harfeld , Treasurer ; and Parkinson , Janitor . Comp . Davaee on his retirement was elected as honorary member . A Past Principal ' s jewel having been voted to the outgoing M . E . Z ., the chapter was duly closed , the companions adjourned to the banquet . The customary toasts followed .
CHELMSFORD . —Essex Chapter ( No . 276 ) . — At a meeting of this chapter held on Monday , the 14 th inst ., the following elections were made : Comps . J . P . Lewin , to fill the chair of Z . for the ensuing year ; A . Mead , H . ; J . J . Cavill , J . ; R . G . Kellett , P . S . ; the Rev . F . B . Shepherd , S . E . ; A . Durrant , Treas . ; and E . Shedd , S . N . The business of the evening also included
the election of Comp . H . VVelton as a joining companion and the exaltation of Bro . E . W . Holland . An excellent banquet was afterwards served at the White Hart Hotel . Among those present were Comps . A . Goodchild , G . Copas , F . Whitmore , F . P . Sutthery , and F . H . Meggy . It was announced that Comp . A . C .
Durrant would represent the chapter as Steward for the Old Folks' Charity , in connection with which Comp . Lewin made an eloquent appeal during the evening . The response was worthy of the chapter , the Steward ' s list , after it had been handed round the table , showing contributions amounting to over £ 36 .
LANDPORT . —Carnarvon Chapter ( No . 804 ) . —The installation meeting of this chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , in consequence of the Masonic Hall , Havant , being in a state of re-construction and untenantable . Amongst those present were Comps . W . Dart , Z ., P . S . Std . Br . ; T . D . Askew , H . ; T . U . Price , J . j J . N . Hillman , P . Z ., P . P . G . P . S ., Treas . ; J . Collings , S . E . ; H . W . Smith Parsons , S . N . ; C . V . Birch , P . S . ; F . V . Paxton , ist A . S . ; P . H . Emanuel , 2 nd A . S . ; T . Francis ,
P . Z ., P . P . G . 2 nd A . S . ; E . E . Street , P . Z ., P . P . G . Std . Br . ; E . S . Main , P . Z ., P . P . G . W . ; E . Boorman , A . March , E . Hopkins , C . Courtes , J . Prior , and T . H . Smith . Visitors : Comps . J . Jackson , J . 1428 ; J . Lind , P . Z ., 142 S , P . P . G . P . S . ; T . H . Woodrow , 142 S ; and J . Westaway , J . 342 . The chapter was opened in due form , and the minutes of the regular chapter were read
and confirmed . Two brethren were elected as candidates for exaltation . Comp . Dart then proceeded to instal the Principals in their respective chairs which he did in a very satisfactory manner : Comps . T . D . Askew , Z . ; T . U . Price , H . ; J . Collings , J . The following officers were then invested : Comps . J . Smith Parsons , S . E . ; C . V . Birch , S . N . ; F . V . Paston , P . S . ; E . Boorman , ist A . S . ;
A . March , 2 nd A .. S . ; and J . N . Hillman , P . Z ., Treas . ; Comp . Askew , Z ., moved a hearty vote of thanks to Comp . Dart for the admirable and impressive manner he had delivered the installation ceremony . Comp . Hillman seconded and it was carried unanimously . Comp . Dart returned thanks , and expressed the pleasure he felt in performing the beautiful ceremony , and he would always be
pleased to attend the chapter and give his general support . Comp . Smith Parsons , S . E ., proposed , Comp . Askew , Z ., seconded , that the sum of £ \ o ios . be voted from the funds to the Benevolent Institution , and that the same be placed on the list of Como . Dart , P . Z . This was carried
unanimously , and Comp . Dart briefly returned thanks . Several candidates were proposed for exaltation , and the chapter was closed in due form . The companions afterwards adjourned to a banquet at which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured .
NORTH WOOLWICH . —Henley Chapter ( No . 1472 ) . — I he usual quarterly meeting of the above promising chapter was held at the Three Crowns Hotel , on Wednesday , the 16 th inst . There were present Comps . A . Penfold , P . Z . 13 and 913 , P . P . G . ist Asst . S . Kent , Z . ; Warren , H . ; J . Ailiud , j . ; Ii . West , P . Z . ; C . Jolly , S . N . ; B . Brayshaw , S . E . ; C . Wood , Treas . ; C .
Canning , P . S . ; C . T . Lewis , 2 nd Asst . Soj . ; J . Ives , Janitor ; and others . 'Ihe chapter having been duly opened , and the companions admitted , the ballot was taken for Bros . J . Savage , J . W . 1472 , and VV . S . Tyler , 1472 , and , proving unanimous , those brethren were exalted to the Supreme Degree with the full ritual . The following companions were then
elected ollicers for the ensuing year : Comps . Warren , as Z . ; Ailiud , H . ; Jolly , J . ; Canning , P . S . ; Lewis , ist Asst . S . ; Savage , 2 nd Asst . S . ; and Ives , Janitor . It was then unanimously resolved that a P . Z . ' s jewel , of the value of 10 guineas , should be presented to Comp . Penfold , to mark the esteem and affection in which he is held by the
companions , and likewise as some recognition of his invaluable services as the first Z . and founder of the chapter . Comp . Penfold having feelingly returned thanks , the chapter was closed , and the companions partook of one of Host West ' s perfect little suppers , and then passed a few hours in social chat and harmony , the usual loyal and Royal Arch Masonic toasts being especially honoured .
HORNSEY CHAPTER OF IMPROVEMENT ( No . 890 I .-A convocation was held on Friday , the 18 th inst ., at the Porchester Hotel , Lcinster-place , Cleveland-square , Paddington , W ., when there were present Comps . Capt . A . Nicols , P . Z ., ' / .. Sou , P . D G . S . of VV . Punjab , M . E . Z . ; E . Child , P . Z . $ 38 , H . ; \ V . H . Chalfont , J . ; H . Dehane , J . S 90 , S . E . ; and G . N . Watts , H . 1196 , P . S . The chapter was declared open , and the minutes of the last
convocation were read and confirmed . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , and special instruction given in H . duties . A communication was read fr : m Comp . Mickleburg , Treasurer , thanking tne companions for their sympathy . After the M . E . Z . had risen the usual number of times , " Hearty good wishes " were accorded , and the chapter was closed .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
PRINCE LEOPOLD LODGE ( No . 238 ) . — This lodge met at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 15 th inst . Among those present were Bros . VV . E . Farrington , W . M . ; T . O . Harding , M . A ., S . W . ; F . H . Clemow , J . W . ; T . R . Richnell , P . P . G . S . B . Middlesex and Surrey , P . M ., Treas . ; Codd , S . O . ; H . Harris , I . G . ; T . C . Walls , P . G . S . B ., P . M . ; F . Farrington , P . M . ; and others .
Mark Masonry.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and con . firmed . Bro . T . O . Harding was unanimously clecrM W . M . ; Bro . T . R . Richnell , Treasurer ; and Norri s Tyler . Bro . RichneU was announced as a Grand Steward ' 1887-8 . A P . M . ' s jewel having been voted to the W . M and a name for advancement handed in , the lodge v
duly closed . Bro . T . R . Richnell , P . M ., was also eler to represent the lodge at the Mark Benevolent Festiva . An Ark Mariners' Lodge was held on the same evenY Among those attending were Bros . T . C . Walls , P . G C W . C . N . ; F . H . Clemow , acting J . ; T . O . Hardin ? M . A ., S . ; F . Farrington , S . D . ; W . E . Farrington , I . D . Codd , I . G . ; T . R . Richnell , Warder ; and others .
The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Alfred Tisley was unanimouslv elected W . C . N . ; Bro . T . R . Richnell , Warder ; and Bro . Norris , Tyler . A Past Commander ' s jewel having been voted to the W . C . N ., the lodge was closed , and the hre . thren of both Degrees adjourned to the banquet , under the presidency of Bro . W . E . Farrington . The customary toasts were duly honoured .
CHISWICK LODGE ( No . 357 ) . —This lod ge met at the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , on the 19 th inst when Bros . G . Gardner , Prov . G . D . C , W . M . ; Dickey , and Coat were advanced . It being election night , Bro ! F . Tyler , S . W ,, was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and the esteemed Treasurer , Bro . Dr , Laurence , was re-elected . The Audit Committee was then appointed , and a P . M . ' s jewel voted to Bro . George Gardner .
The brethren then retired to a banquet , provided by Bro . John Brill in his well-known style . Suggestions for the alteration of the night of meeting and the formation of a lodge of instruction in connection with the lodge were then discussed . It was resolved that with regard to the latter , the brethren should solicit their friends to meet at the above
hotel , in order to carry out the idea of meeting once a fortnight , and the esteemed Secretary , Bro . J . L . Mather , Grand Treasurer designate , offered his services as Precep . tor . This would prove a great advantage to brethren of this Degree , and any brother who would like to assist in the formation of the above should communicate with Bro , J . L . Mather , York Villa , Grange-road , Canonbury , N .
HASTINGS . —East Sussex Lodge ( No . 166 ) , —The quarterly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 15 th instant , at the Castle Hotel . The W . M ., Bro . Councillor , W . H . Russell , Prov . S . G . O ., presided , supported by Bros . Capt . E . W . ( . Hennah , R . N ., Prov . S . G . W ., l . P . M . ; T . W . Markwick , Prov .
S . G . D ., S . W . ; R . Pidcock , P . P . G . R ., P . M ., as J . W . ; F . H . Hallett , Prov . G . Org ., M . O . ; S . Chandler , as S . O . ; J . B . Foord , J . O . ; John Bray , Sec ; Henry Kimm , J . D . ; and Leslie , Tyler . The minutes of last meeting were conSrmed and
communications read . The W . M . then presented the l . P . M . with a jewel , after which the election of W . M . fell upon Bro . Markwick , S . W . Bro . Rossiter was re-elected Treasurer ; and Leslie , Tyler . After discussion in a few matters the lodge was closed .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
PROVINCIAL PRIORY NORTHUMBER . LAND , DURHAM , AND BERWICKUPON-TWEED . The priory was held under the banner of the St . Cuthbert ' s Preceptory , Darlington , on Tuesday , the 15 th inst . The Very Eminent Sir Knight Charles James Banister , Provincial Prior , and the Great Officers were received under an arch of steel . The Pro Prior ascended the throne
with his Sub-Prior , Sir Knight R . A . Lusk on his left . Sir Knight Henry Maddison , in the unavoidable absence of the Prelate , Sir Knight Canon Tristram , acting as Prelate . The other Provincial Officers in their places . The Prov . Priory was opened in due and solemn form . The muster roll of the sir knights was called . The minutes of the last Provincial Prior were read and confirmed . The Very
Eminent Provincial Prior was saluted . I he Eminent Prov . Sub-Piior was also saluted . The roll of Preceptories was called , and the Eminent Commanders reported to the V . E . Provincial Prior the condition of each . The Very Eminent Prov . Prior addressed the Knights assembled , the Prov , Treasurer ' s accounts having been previously audited they were passed . Sir Knight Chailes Rutter Fry was re-elected
Treasurer . Notes of apology were read from a number of sir knights explaining the cause of their absence . The following sir knights were appointed Prov . Grand Officers : Sir Knight R . A . Luck , J . P ., Sub-Prior ; Sir Knig ht Canon Tristram , Prelate ; Sir Knight Charles Rutter Fry , Chancellor ; Sir Knight T . M . Watson , Constable ; Sir Knight J . J . Wilkes , Marshal ; Sir Knight T . Ness ,
Registrar . The Provincial Officers were Sir Knights s . j Wilson , Sub-Marshal ; Rev . C . Jackson , Chaplain and Almoner ; T . M . Barron , Herald ; A . L . Armstrong ) Std . Br . ; Edwin Cooper , Aid de Camp ; William Logan , Captain of Guard ; J . Burns , Swd . Br . ; F . ToveV , Org . ; J . Tresholme , and Wm . Kennedy , ist and 2 nd Esquires . Business of the province concluded , it was closed in due and solemn form , and the Prov . Prior and
Prov . Great Officers retired under an arch of steel . i The banquet was held at the King's Head Hotel , under the presidency of Sir Knight S . Wilson , Eminent Commander of St . Cuthbert ' s Preceptory , having on his rig ht the Very Eminent C . J . Banister , Prov . G . Prior ; Em inent P . P . Prior Sir Knight Col . James Monks , 30 ° , P- ' ' S . B . of England ; Sir Knight C . R . Fry , J . P ., 30 , P «* 0
Chancellor ; Sir Knight T , Ness , 30 , Prov . Keg istrar ; Sir Knight R . L . Armstrong , S . D . ; Sir Knig ht Cooper , Aide-de-Camp ; F . Tovey , Prov . Org . ; and others ; and on his left Eminent Sir Knight R . A . Luck , J . P ., Zo ° , , ' Sub-Prior ; Sir Knight J . J , Wilkes , 30 , Prov . Marshal , Sir Kr . ight T . M . Watson , Prov . Constable ; Sir Knig " T . M . Barron , Prov . Herald ; Sir Knight Armstrong ,, 3 ° ' t
Sir Knight Warwick ; Sir Knight Wm . Logan , Prov . Cap . of Guard ; Sir Knight J . Burns ; and others . . 1 The loyal and Masonic toasts were were duly g iven a " responded to . n „ Eminent Sir Kni g ht Charles Rutter Fry , J . P ., 30 > * ! f Treasurer , in felicitous terms proposed " The Health their very dear and Eminent Provincial Prior , " vy hich w received by acclamation . Sir Knight C . J . Banister , 33 '
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Cochrane , W . M ., acting Preceptor ; Simms , P . M . ; Wilton , W . B . Neville , Pellet , Weeks , P . M .-, Dresden , Craggs , P . M . ; Weise , Stroud , P . M . ; and J . H . Neville . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and Bro . J . H . Neville having answered the questions leading to the Third Degree , was entrusted . Lodge was opened in thc Third Degree , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed . Lodge was resumed lo the First Degree , and Bro . Dresden having
answered the questions leading to the Second Degree , was entrusted . Lodge was resumed to the fecund Degree , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed . Lodge was resumed to the First Degree , and Bro . Keene was e ' ected W . M . for next meeting , and the officers were appointed in rotation , lt was proposed by Bro . Craggs , P . M ., seconded by Bro . P . J . Davies , and supported by Bro . Stroud , P . M ., that a vote of thanks be reconhd on the minutes to Bro . Hubbard for his present to the lodge of a handsome volume of the Sacred Law , and that an inscription be inserted in the volume of the name of the giver and date of presentation . Lodge was then closed .
CREATON LODGE ( No . 1791 ) . —A meeting was held on Thursday , the 17 th inst ., at the Wheatsheaf Hotel , Goldhawkroad , Shepherd ' s Bush , W . Present : Bros . Cochrane , W . M . ; Childs , P . M ., S . \ V . ; P . J . Davies , | . VV . ; Austin , Treas . ; Chalfont , P . M ., Sec . ; Cross , S . D . '; Stonehi ' ll , J . D . ; Cavers , I . G . ; Davies , P . M ., Preceptor ; Speigel , P . M . ; Sims , P . M . ; Craggs , Bull , Cockrell , Benton , Schwerz , Lindlield , Jenning , Love , and lionham . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes were read
and confirmed . The ist Section was worked by Bro . Speigel , P . M . The W . M . announced his intention to work thc ceremony of passing . Bro . Bull , as candidate , answered the usual questions , and the lodge opened to the Second Degree , and the ceremony was - rehearsed . The lodge opened in the Third Degree , and the ist and 3 rd Sections of this Lecture were worked by Bro . Davies . The lodge
was resumed to the First Degree . Bro . P . J . Davres , J . W ., was elected VV . ftl . for next meeting ( the S . W . announced being unable to be in attendance ) , proposed by Bro . Davies , and seconded by the S . W . The lodge was then closed . The Secretary announced that at the next meeting there will be a ballot for the Benevolent Fund .
ST . AMBROSE LODGE ( No . 1891 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , 21 st inst ., at the Baron ' s Court Hotel , West Kensington . Present : Bros , [ esse Collings , P . M ., W . M . ; J . H . Wood , S . W . ; R . H . Williams , J . W . ; Harris , P . M ., Treas . ; F . Craggs , Sec . ( pro tem . ); James Sims , P . M ., S . D . ; Wood , J . D . ; Worth , I . G . j VV . H . Chalfont , P . M . ; Cochrane , Hardy , J . Davies , Lindlield , Cockercll , Stonnil , Skar , and P . J . Davies . The ceremony of installation was rehearsed , Bro . Collings , P . M .,
acting as Installing Master , and Bro . Cochrane as W . M . elect . Bro . Cochrane , having been placed in the chair of K . S ., appointed and invested his officers . Bro . J . H . Wood was unanimously voted W . ft'I . for the next meeting . As will be seen from the number of brethren present , this lodge of instruction is recovering from the lethargy which had sway for some time , and there is little doubt that it will in time become an important feature at Baron's Court , the conveniences of the house being very numerous , and the lodge rooms very appropriate .
CHISWICK LODGE ( No . 2012 ) . —A meeting was held at the Windsor Castle Hotel , King-street , Hammersmith , on Saturday , the 19 th inst . Present : Bros . D . S . Long , W . M . ; J . Davies , S . W . ; H . F . Williams , J . W . ; j . Sims , acting as Preceptor ; A . Williams , Sec . ; D . Stroud , S . D . ; J . Brown , j . D . ; Gammell , I . G . j Craggs , Stwd . ; ] . S . Wood , Cochrane , N . D . Fracis , W . G . Coat , and P . J . Davies , The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last
meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and resumed to the First Degree . The W . M . then worked the 4 th Section of this Lecture , und < r the direction of Bro . J . Davies . Bro . J . S . Wood , offering himself as candidate for initiation , the Wlftl . rehearsed that cerem my , afterwards giving the ancient charge . The brethren , under the direction of the VV . M ., then worked the ist , 2 nd , and 3 rd Sections of this Lecture . The
W . M . rose for thc lirst time , and Bro . S . Cochrane , W . M . 6 , J . W . 3 , was unanimously elected a member of this lodge . The W . M . rose for the second time , when Bro . | . Davies , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the next meeting . The W . M . rose for the third time . A telegram was received irom Bro , A . li-ig announcing a sudden bereavement , and the Secretary was directed to send to him a letter of condolence . The lodge was then closed .
LOUGHBOROUGH LODGE . —A meeting was held at the Gauden Hotel , Clapham-road Station ( L . C . & D . R . ) , on Monday , the 21 st instant . Present : Bros . Boulton , W . M . ; Eslir . g , S . W . ; Gibbs , J . W . ; Glover , S . D . ; Ruffle , | . D . ; Steele , I . G . ; Johnson , Preceptor ; Westley , Treas . ; Andrews , Sec . ; Capt . Butterworth , I . avingtcn , Crouch , sen ., Partridge , Smith , Wright , Burnett , Beavan , C . Woods , Rowe , Wildbore , Burn , Folkard , Lyle , Luckhurst , Perkins , Hurst , R . Harvey , and Coe .
The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge was opened in the Second and Third Degrees . The 1 st Section of the Lecture was worked by Bro . Westlev , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was resumed to the Second Degree , and Bro . Rowe , having proved his proficiency , was entrusted . Lodge was resumed to the 'Third Degree , and thc ceremony of raising was ably rehearsed by the
VV . ftl ., Bro . Boulton , with Bro . Rowe as candidate . Bro . Westley worked the 3 rd Section of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was resumed to the First Degree . The VV . ftl . rose for the lirst time , and dues were collected . Bro . Evans , ig ; g , was elected a joining member . The W . M . rose for the second time , and Bro . Esling was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing fortnight . The annual supper having been arraiged for Monday next , the W . M . rose for the third time , and the lodge was closed .
THE QUEEN'S WESTMINSTER AND MARYLEBONE LODGE . —Thc usual weekly meeting of the above lodge was held at the Criterion , Piccadilly . W ., on the 21 st inst . Present : Bros . H . J . Pellatt , W . M . ; F . Smith , S . W . ; L . Gunzeli , | . W . ; C . Bellerby , Sec ; W . Brown , S . D . ; Bonham , J . D . ; ' Rowe , I . G . ; Tlvim , Preceptor ; Woodruff , Artand , Schwarz , Durrans , Ealey , Dusterwald , R . J . Harnell , Von Joel , and Grassi . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last
meeting were read and confirmed . The ist Section ofthe Lecture was worked ny Bro . Thorn . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . Bro . F . Dusterwald , having offered himself as a candidate to he raised to the Third Degree , was entmsted and retired . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree , and the ceremony rehearsed , Bro . Dusterwald candidate . The lodge resumed to the Second
Degree . The i > . t Section of the Lecture was worked by Bro . Thorn . The lodge resumed to the First Degree . On the W . M . rising for the first time , Bros . Ealey , Durrans , and Schwarz , of the M -rylebone Lodge , were elected members . Bro . F . Smith was elected W . M . for the enduing week , and the officers appointed in rotation . After the transaction of other business , the lodge was closed .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
JERUSALEM CHAPTER ( No . 18 5 ) . —This chapter met at Freemasons' Tavern on the Sth instant . Among those present were Comps . T . Davis , M . E . Z . ; Cleghorne , H . ; J . Mander , P . Z ., acting J . ; G . Davis , acting S . E . ; E . A . Harris , S . N . ; Rest , P . S . ; Kimpton , ist A . S . ; Isaacson , 2 nd A . S . ; Harfeld , P . Z ., Treas . ;
Holbrook , P . Z . ; T . C . Walls , P . P . G . P . S ., Middlesex , P . Z . ; N . Moss , P . Z . ; Stewart , P . Z . ; Ellborn , P . Z . ; J . Harris , H . Harris , R . Harris , Peacock , Hardy , and others . Comp . Chandler , 1642 , was a visitor . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The election of officers for the year ensuing then took place , which resulted as follows : Comps . Cleg-
Royal Arch.
horne , M . E . Z . ; Staley , H . ; Rest , J . ; G . Davis , S . E . ; E . A . Harris , S . N . ; Kimpton , P . S . ; Isaacson , ist A . S . ; Boher , 2 nd A . S . ; Harfeld , Treasurer ; and Parkinson , Janitor . Comp . Davaee on his retirement was elected as honorary member . A Past Principal ' s jewel having been voted to the outgoing M . E . Z ., the chapter was duly closed , the companions adjourned to the banquet . The customary toasts followed .
CHELMSFORD . —Essex Chapter ( No . 276 ) . — At a meeting of this chapter held on Monday , the 14 th inst ., the following elections were made : Comps . J . P . Lewin , to fill the chair of Z . for the ensuing year ; A . Mead , H . ; J . J . Cavill , J . ; R . G . Kellett , P . S . ; the Rev . F . B . Shepherd , S . E . ; A . Durrant , Treas . ; and E . Shedd , S . N . The business of the evening also included
the election of Comp . H . VVelton as a joining companion and the exaltation of Bro . E . W . Holland . An excellent banquet was afterwards served at the White Hart Hotel . Among those present were Comps . A . Goodchild , G . Copas , F . Whitmore , F . P . Sutthery , and F . H . Meggy . It was announced that Comp . A . C .
Durrant would represent the chapter as Steward for the Old Folks' Charity , in connection with which Comp . Lewin made an eloquent appeal during the evening . The response was worthy of the chapter , the Steward ' s list , after it had been handed round the table , showing contributions amounting to over £ 36 .
LANDPORT . —Carnarvon Chapter ( No . 804 ) . —The installation meeting of this chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , in consequence of the Masonic Hall , Havant , being in a state of re-construction and untenantable . Amongst those present were Comps . W . Dart , Z ., P . S . Std . Br . ; T . D . Askew , H . ; T . U . Price , J . j J . N . Hillman , P . Z ., P . P . G . P . S ., Treas . ; J . Collings , S . E . ; H . W . Smith Parsons , S . N . ; C . V . Birch , P . S . ; F . V . Paxton , ist A . S . ; P . H . Emanuel , 2 nd A . S . ; T . Francis ,
P . Z ., P . P . G . 2 nd A . S . ; E . E . Street , P . Z ., P . P . G . Std . Br . ; E . S . Main , P . Z ., P . P . G . W . ; E . Boorman , A . March , E . Hopkins , C . Courtes , J . Prior , and T . H . Smith . Visitors : Comps . J . Jackson , J . 1428 ; J . Lind , P . Z ., 142 S , P . P . G . P . S . ; T . H . Woodrow , 142 S ; and J . Westaway , J . 342 . The chapter was opened in due form , and the minutes of the regular chapter were read
and confirmed . Two brethren were elected as candidates for exaltation . Comp . Dart then proceeded to instal the Principals in their respective chairs which he did in a very satisfactory manner : Comps . T . D . Askew , Z . ; T . U . Price , H . ; J . Collings , J . The following officers were then invested : Comps . J . Smith Parsons , S . E . ; C . V . Birch , S . N . ; F . V . Paston , P . S . ; E . Boorman , ist A . S . ;
A . March , 2 nd A .. S . ; and J . N . Hillman , P . Z ., Treas . ; Comp . Askew , Z ., moved a hearty vote of thanks to Comp . Dart for the admirable and impressive manner he had delivered the installation ceremony . Comp . Hillman seconded and it was carried unanimously . Comp . Dart returned thanks , and expressed the pleasure he felt in performing the beautiful ceremony , and he would always be
pleased to attend the chapter and give his general support . Comp . Smith Parsons , S . E ., proposed , Comp . Askew , Z ., seconded , that the sum of £ \ o ios . be voted from the funds to the Benevolent Institution , and that the same be placed on the list of Como . Dart , P . Z . This was carried
unanimously , and Comp . Dart briefly returned thanks . Several candidates were proposed for exaltation , and the chapter was closed in due form . The companions afterwards adjourned to a banquet at which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured .
NORTH WOOLWICH . —Henley Chapter ( No . 1472 ) . — I he usual quarterly meeting of the above promising chapter was held at the Three Crowns Hotel , on Wednesday , the 16 th inst . There were present Comps . A . Penfold , P . Z . 13 and 913 , P . P . G . ist Asst . S . Kent , Z . ; Warren , H . ; J . Ailiud , j . ; Ii . West , P . Z . ; C . Jolly , S . N . ; B . Brayshaw , S . E . ; C . Wood , Treas . ; C .
Canning , P . S . ; C . T . Lewis , 2 nd Asst . Soj . ; J . Ives , Janitor ; and others . 'Ihe chapter having been duly opened , and the companions admitted , the ballot was taken for Bros . J . Savage , J . W . 1472 , and VV . S . Tyler , 1472 , and , proving unanimous , those brethren were exalted to the Supreme Degree with the full ritual . The following companions were then
elected ollicers for the ensuing year : Comps . Warren , as Z . ; Ailiud , H . ; Jolly , J . ; Canning , P . S . ; Lewis , ist Asst . S . ; Savage , 2 nd Asst . S . ; and Ives , Janitor . It was then unanimously resolved that a P . Z . ' s jewel , of the value of 10 guineas , should be presented to Comp . Penfold , to mark the esteem and affection in which he is held by the
companions , and likewise as some recognition of his invaluable services as the first Z . and founder of the chapter . Comp . Penfold having feelingly returned thanks , the chapter was closed , and the companions partook of one of Host West ' s perfect little suppers , and then passed a few hours in social chat and harmony , the usual loyal and Royal Arch Masonic toasts being especially honoured .
HORNSEY CHAPTER OF IMPROVEMENT ( No . 890 I .-A convocation was held on Friday , the 18 th inst ., at the Porchester Hotel , Lcinster-place , Cleveland-square , Paddington , W ., when there were present Comps . Capt . A . Nicols , P . Z ., ' / .. Sou , P . D G . S . of VV . Punjab , M . E . Z . ; E . Child , P . Z . $ 38 , H . ; \ V . H . Chalfont , J . ; H . Dehane , J . S 90 , S . E . ; and G . N . Watts , H . 1196 , P . S . The chapter was declared open , and the minutes of the last
convocation were read and confirmed . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , and special instruction given in H . duties . A communication was read fr : m Comp . Mickleburg , Treasurer , thanking tne companions for their sympathy . After the M . E . Z . had risen the usual number of times , " Hearty good wishes " were accorded , and the chapter was closed .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
PRINCE LEOPOLD LODGE ( No . 238 ) . — This lodge met at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 15 th inst . Among those present were Bros . VV . E . Farrington , W . M . ; T . O . Harding , M . A ., S . W . ; F . H . Clemow , J . W . ; T . R . Richnell , P . P . G . S . B . Middlesex and Surrey , P . M ., Treas . ; Codd , S . O . ; H . Harris , I . G . ; T . C . Walls , P . G . S . B ., P . M . ; F . Farrington , P . M . ; and others .
Mark Masonry.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and con . firmed . Bro . T . O . Harding was unanimously clecrM W . M . ; Bro . T . R . Richnell , Treasurer ; and Norri s Tyler . Bro . RichneU was announced as a Grand Steward ' 1887-8 . A P . M . ' s jewel having been voted to the W . M and a name for advancement handed in , the lodge v
duly closed . Bro . T . R . Richnell , P . M ., was also eler to represent the lodge at the Mark Benevolent Festiva . An Ark Mariners' Lodge was held on the same evenY Among those attending were Bros . T . C . Walls , P . G C W . C . N . ; F . H . Clemow , acting J . ; T . O . Hardin ? M . A ., S . ; F . Farrington , S . D . ; W . E . Farrington , I . D . Codd , I . G . ; T . R . Richnell , Warder ; and others .
The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Alfred Tisley was unanimouslv elected W . C . N . ; Bro . T . R . Richnell , Warder ; and Bro . Norris , Tyler . A Past Commander ' s jewel having been voted to the W . C . N ., the lodge was closed , and the hre . thren of both Degrees adjourned to the banquet , under the presidency of Bro . W . E . Farrington . The customary toasts were duly honoured .
CHISWICK LODGE ( No . 357 ) . —This lod ge met at the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , on the 19 th inst when Bros . G . Gardner , Prov . G . D . C , W . M . ; Dickey , and Coat were advanced . It being election night , Bro ! F . Tyler , S . W ,, was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and the esteemed Treasurer , Bro . Dr , Laurence , was re-elected . The Audit Committee was then appointed , and a P . M . ' s jewel voted to Bro . George Gardner .
The brethren then retired to a banquet , provided by Bro . John Brill in his well-known style . Suggestions for the alteration of the night of meeting and the formation of a lodge of instruction in connection with the lodge were then discussed . It was resolved that with regard to the latter , the brethren should solicit their friends to meet at the above
hotel , in order to carry out the idea of meeting once a fortnight , and the esteemed Secretary , Bro . J . L . Mather , Grand Treasurer designate , offered his services as Precep . tor . This would prove a great advantage to brethren of this Degree , and any brother who would like to assist in the formation of the above should communicate with Bro , J . L . Mather , York Villa , Grange-road , Canonbury , N .
HASTINGS . —East Sussex Lodge ( No . 166 ) , —The quarterly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 15 th instant , at the Castle Hotel . The W . M ., Bro . Councillor , W . H . Russell , Prov . S . G . O ., presided , supported by Bros . Capt . E . W . ( . Hennah , R . N ., Prov . S . G . W ., l . P . M . ; T . W . Markwick , Prov .
S . G . D ., S . W . ; R . Pidcock , P . P . G . R ., P . M ., as J . W . ; F . H . Hallett , Prov . G . Org ., M . O . ; S . Chandler , as S . O . ; J . B . Foord , J . O . ; John Bray , Sec ; Henry Kimm , J . D . ; and Leslie , Tyler . The minutes of last meeting were conSrmed and
communications read . The W . M . then presented the l . P . M . with a jewel , after which the election of W . M . fell upon Bro . Markwick , S . W . Bro . Rossiter was re-elected Treasurer ; and Leslie , Tyler . After discussion in a few matters the lodge was closed .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
PROVINCIAL PRIORY NORTHUMBER . LAND , DURHAM , AND BERWICKUPON-TWEED . The priory was held under the banner of the St . Cuthbert ' s Preceptory , Darlington , on Tuesday , the 15 th inst . The Very Eminent Sir Knight Charles James Banister , Provincial Prior , and the Great Officers were received under an arch of steel . The Pro Prior ascended the throne
with his Sub-Prior , Sir Knight R . A . Lusk on his left . Sir Knight Henry Maddison , in the unavoidable absence of the Prelate , Sir Knight Canon Tristram , acting as Prelate . The other Provincial Officers in their places . The Prov . Priory was opened in due and solemn form . The muster roll of the sir knights was called . The minutes of the last Provincial Prior were read and confirmed . The Very
Eminent Provincial Prior was saluted . I he Eminent Prov . Sub-Piior was also saluted . The roll of Preceptories was called , and the Eminent Commanders reported to the V . E . Provincial Prior the condition of each . The Very Eminent Prov . Prior addressed the Knights assembled , the Prov , Treasurer ' s accounts having been previously audited they were passed . Sir Knight Chailes Rutter Fry was re-elected
Treasurer . Notes of apology were read from a number of sir knights explaining the cause of their absence . The following sir knights were appointed Prov . Grand Officers : Sir Knight R . A . Luck , J . P ., Sub-Prior ; Sir Knig ht Canon Tristram , Prelate ; Sir Knight Charles Rutter Fry , Chancellor ; Sir Knight T . M . Watson , Constable ; Sir Knight J . J . Wilkes , Marshal ; Sir Knight T . Ness ,
Registrar . The Provincial Officers were Sir Knights s . j Wilson , Sub-Marshal ; Rev . C . Jackson , Chaplain and Almoner ; T . M . Barron , Herald ; A . L . Armstrong ) Std . Br . ; Edwin Cooper , Aid de Camp ; William Logan , Captain of Guard ; J . Burns , Swd . Br . ; F . ToveV , Org . ; J . Tresholme , and Wm . Kennedy , ist and 2 nd Esquires . Business of the province concluded , it was closed in due and solemn form , and the Prov . Prior and
Prov . Great Officers retired under an arch of steel . i The banquet was held at the King's Head Hotel , under the presidency of Sir Knight S . Wilson , Eminent Commander of St . Cuthbert ' s Preceptory , having on his rig ht the Very Eminent C . J . Banister , Prov . G . Prior ; Em inent P . P . Prior Sir Knight Col . James Monks , 30 ° , P- ' ' S . B . of England ; Sir Knight C . R . Fry , J . P ., 30 , P «* 0
Chancellor ; Sir Knight T , Ness , 30 , Prov . Keg istrar ; Sir Knight R . L . Armstrong , S . D . ; Sir Knig ht Cooper , Aide-de-Camp ; F . Tovey , Prov . Org . ; and others ; and on his left Eminent Sir Knight R . A . Luck , J . P ., Zo ° , , ' Sub-Prior ; Sir Knight J . J , Wilkes , 30 , Prov . Marshal , Sir Kr . ight T . M . Watson , Prov . Constable ; Sir Knig " T . M . Barron , Prov . Herald ; Sir Knight Armstrong ,, 3 ° ' t
Sir Knight Warwick ; Sir Knight Wm . Logan , Prov . Cap . of Guard ; Sir Knight J . Burns ; and others . . 1 The loyal and Masonic toasts were were duly g iven a " responded to . n „ Eminent Sir Kni g ht Charles Rutter Fry , J . P ., 30 > * ! f Treasurer , in felicitous terms proposed " The Health their very dear and Eminent Provincial Prior , " vy hich w received by acclamation . Sir Knight C . J . Banister , 33 '