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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . ST . JOHN'S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE . PATRON ' S : H . R . H . THE . PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M ., PRESIDENT . H . R . H . THE PRINCESS OF WALES . The NINETY-THIRD ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL of this Institution will take place on Wednesday , iSth MAY next , on which occasion the Right Hon . SIR MICHAEL E . HICKS-BEACH , Bart ., M . P ., R . W . Prov . G . M . for Gloucestershire , has kindly consented to preside . Brethren willing to act as Stewards are much needed , and will greatly oblige by forwarding their names as early as possible to the Secretary , who will gladly give any information required . F . R . W . HEDGES , Secretary . Ofiice—5 , Freemasons' Hall , Great Oueen-strcet , London , E . C .
LONDON MASONIC CHARITY ASSOCIATION . APRIL ELECTIONS , 1 SS 1 . 'Die Association has selected the following Candidates and requests the votes of the London Brethren on their behalf : — GIRLS . BOYS . 24 . Anscomb , L . M . 3 . Fellows , A . 21 . March , E . J . 59 . March , G . A . 15 . Penny , E . M . 13 . Estlin , C . N . First and Final Applications . 24 . Carey , S . D . 3 <> . Alfred , Lucas Lewis . Proxies to be sent to Bro . A . TISLEY , Hon , Secretary L . M . C . A ., No . 1 , Clifford's Inn , Fleet-street , London , E . C .
ROYAL , MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . —APRIL ELECTION , 1 SS 1 . The favour of your Votes and Interest is earnestly solicited on behalf of STEPHEN DARCY CAREY , Aged Ten Wars , son of the late Bro . Stephen Carey , who was initiated in the City of London Lodge , No . 901 , on the 20 th January , iSfiS , and remained a full Subscribing Member until his death , which took place on the 26 th July , 1 S 79 , after a long illness , which prevented him making any provision for his Widow and Six Children , who are left totally unprovided for . The case is strongly recommended , and Proxies will be thankfully received by the Widow , Mrs . M . A . Carey , 43 , Devonshire Road , Seven Sisters' Road , Holloway , N .
TO THE GOVERNORS AND SUB . SCRIBERS TO THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . APRIL ELECTION , 1 SS 1 . Your Votes and Interest are earnestly solicited on behalf of GRANTLEY WICKS , No . 75 on the List of Candidates . Proxies will be thankfully received by the Mother of the Child , Mrs . Wicks , Challoner-street , Cockermouth , Mr . T . Mason , Secretary , Skiddaw Lodge , No . 1002 , Cockermouth ; or by the Rev . II . L . Puxley , Catton Rectory , Yorks .
WOKING COLLEGE , WOKING , SURREY . Head Master , the Rev . C . W . ARNOLD , M . A ., Trinity College , Cambridge , late Head Master of the Royal Naval School , New Cross , and formerly Head Master of King Edward ' s School , Edinburgh . Second Master , the Rev . A . J . MINTON , M . A ., late Scholar of Syd . Coll ., Cambridge . In the Upper School boys are prepared for the Universities , Army , and Professional Examinations . There is a Special Class for boys destined for Commercial Life . In the Lower School boys are prepared for the Navy and for the Public Schools . There are three Resident Masters ; detached infirmary ; large play / ields ; good bathing ; workshops and gardens or boys . Situation very healthy—on Bagshot Sand , Terms moderate and inclusive . Prospectus and report on application .
TO CORRESPONDENTS . The largely increased circulation of the Freemason necessitates our going to press at an earlier hour on Thursdays . It is therefore requested that all advertisements and reports intended to appear in the current number may be sent to our offices not later than 5 p . m . on Wednesdays . Short notices of importance received up to 12 o ' clock noon on Thursdays .
TO OUR READERS . THE FKF . EM . ISOX is published every Friday morning , price 3 d ., and contiins the fullest and latest information relating to Freemasonry in every degree . Subscriptions , including Postage : — United States , , ,. ,,. . .... United Kingdom . Canada , the Conti . '"''¦ f . Chma , Australia nent , & c . Ncw -iraland , & c . 13 s . 15 s . 6 d . 17 s . 6 d . Remittances may lie made in Stamps , but Post Olficc Orders or Chcrjncs are preferred , the former pavable to GEOHCE KENNINO , ( , 'hief Ofiice , London , the latter crossed London Joint Stock Bank
TO ADVERTISERS . THE FREEMASON lias a large circulation in all parts of the Globe . In it the ollicial Reports of the Grand Lodges of England , Ireland , and Scotland arc published with the special sanction of the respective Grand Masters , and it contains a complete record of Masonic \ voric in this country , our Indian Empire , and the Colonies . The vast accession to the ranks of the Order during the past fewyears , and the increasing interest manifested in its doings , has given the Freemason a position and influence which few journals can lay claim to , and the proprietor can assert with conlidcnce that announcements appearing in its columns challenge the attention of a vcry large and influential body of readers . Advertisements for the current week ' s issue arc received up to six o ' clock on Wednesday evening .
THE FREEMASON . SATURDAY , MARCH 26 , 1881 . 4 ) . to Correspondents * P . M . 3 S . —His Grace tlie Duke of Richmond is a member of the Order . The following' stands over : United Pilgrims , No . 507 . BOOKS , & c , RECEIVED . " Debrett ' s House of Commons and the Judicial Bench for 1 SS 1 , " "Keystone , " "Jewish Chronicle . " "Hull Packet , " "Sunday Times , " "Citizen , " "New York Dispatch , " "The Mahratta , " "Die Bauhutte , " "Boletin Oficial del Gr . Orient de Espana , " " Allen's Indian Mail . " "Hebiew Leader , " " Der Long Islaender , " "Masonic Age . "
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
[ We do not hold ourselves responsible for , or even approving nf f the opinions expressed by ourcorrespondents , hut we wish in a spirit of fair play to all to permit—within certain neccssarv limits—free discussion . !
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — I have no possible objection so to alter the notice of motion which stands in my name for next Quarterly Court of the R . M . I . 15 . so that it may read , after
"livelihood , " in any of which cases , except that of sudden death , the father must have been a subscribing member to a lodge for three years . " 1 have written to this effect to the Secretary , and have no doubt the whole question will be fully discussed on the nth April . I have to thank you for your kind suggestion , and remain , Yours faithfully and fraternally , C . F . MATIER .
NEW CHAPTER WARRANTS . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — Would it not be to the interest of Royal Arch Masonry generally , if Grand Chapter required from each petitioner for a new chapter a clearance receipt for all fees
due to his old chapter , same as is , I believe , the case with petitioners for a new lodge ? It is not altogether a solitary occurrence to find a companion who is considerably in arrears in his old chapter , figuring amongst the petitioners for a new one , and in some cases placed high in office . Should such be permitted ? Yours fraternally , P . Z .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — Asa phrase of an editorial paragraph in last week ' s issue might , I think , give its readers a wrong impression
may I be allowed to say , that no one connected with the Institution has ever to my knowledge imputed that my " work" there was not done in an "efficient and economical way ?" I remain , dear Sir and brother , yours faithfully , THOS . MASSA .
Reviews .
ABSTRACT OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE GRAND LODGE OF PENNSYLVANIA FOR 1 SS 0 . We have received , and read , this admirably drawn up report with feelings of pleasure and admiration . We a ' re pleased to note the very fraternal spirit in which our most distinguished Bro . Richard Vaux , P . G . M ., and Chairman of Committee on Correspondence , does , we feel sure , no more than justice to the abilities and services of our
excellent confrere , and valued friend , Clifford P . M'Calla . The Grand Lodge of Ohio seems in a most flourishing condition , 554 lodges and 34 , 77 s members being under its jurisdiction . As something is sometimes said about the " Charity " voted by American Grand Lodges and lodges , we beg to note that 326 G dollars were granted by the Almoners to 295 applicants in 1 SS 0 . Of these 255 came from Pennsylvania , and thirty-seven came from other American States , one from Canada , threefrom Ireland , and
four from the West Indies . There is also , as we tinderstand the report , the "Stephen Girard's Charity Fund , " which dispensed 30 C 5 . 75 dollars to iSS applicants from Pennsylvania , and 145 dollars to seven from other American jurisdictions , and one from Canada . Nothing apparently is more satisfactorily or systematically arranged , and we offer our "hearty good wishes " to the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania , among whose members we count many cherished and sincere friends .
BIBLIOTHECA RABBINICA . Parts . By DR . Auo . WUNSCHE . Leipsic : Otto Schulze . Messrs . Williams and Norgate have made us cognizant of this most interesting German work , which , if its completion carries out the promise of its inception , will be a most valuable aid , as well for the Masonic as the archaeological and theological student . As the learned editor truly says , the Talmudic-Midrasch literature is of the
greatest value for the universal history of religion , and of religious thought . This work is a translation of certain Hebrew Talmudic works , hitherto untranslated , such as the " Midrasch Rabboth , " the " Midrasch Tanchuma , " ( Telamdeun ) , and the " Pesikta' / of " Rab Kahana , " and will contain Rabbinial commentaries on portions of the Old Testament , Genesis , for instance , on the "Song of Songs , "
Ecclesiastes , Ruth , and Esther , Sic . This is the firit instalment , and perhaps the translator may be tempted to give us more . In the meantime we think it well to make the lact known to any Talmudic students amongst us . Eight parts have appeared , each two marks . The work can be obtained at Williams and Norgate ' s , 14 , Henrietta-street , Covent Garden .
THE BENGAL FREEMASONS' ALMANACK , & c ., FOR 1 SS 1 . Published under the patronage of the District Grand Master of Bengal , and edited by Bro . A . L . LEFKAXC , P . M . and P . D . J . G . D . Black and Co ., Calcutta . 'This valuable "vade mecum" and "aide memoire " for all Freemasons in " Hindostan , " deserves both attentive perusal and warm commendation . It is most
admirably arranged , and contains an amount of interesting and important information , which it will do us all good to note , and to realize . There are , it seems , six District Grand Lodges in and connected with British India : 1 . The District Grand Lodge of Bengal has twenty-eight lodges under it , and evidences its activity by a Bengal Masonic Fund of Benevolence , and a Bengal Masonic Association for educating the children of indigent
Freemasons . 2 . The District Grand Lodge of Madras has eighteen lodges under it , and also , very happily , a Madras Masonic Fund of Benevolence , and a Madras . Masonic Educational Institution . 3 . The District Grand Lodge of Bombay has twenty lodges under it , with four in abe } 'ance , and also possesses , we are pleased to note , a Bombay Masonic Fund of
Benevolence , and a Bombay Educational Institution for Children . 4 . The District Grand Lodge of British Burmah has ten lodges under it , a District Grand Lodge Benevolent Fund , and the Greenlaw Masonic Orphan Fund . 5 . The District Grand Lodge of the Punjab has seventeen lodges , one in abeyance , and also the Punjab Masonic Fund of Benevolence , and the Punjab Masonic Institution
for Children . C . 'The District Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago has four lodges under it . There is also a Grand Lodge of Scottish Masonry in India with twenty-eight lodges , two not working , and the "Scottish Freemasons' Benevolent Society . " In all we see 129 lodges , more or less . There is also an Irish United Grand Lodge of Ceylon , with four lodges working underit . There
are also six District Grand Chapters under the Grand Lodge of England , with thirty chapters ; there are also eleven chapte . s under the Provincial Grand Chapter of Scottish Royal Arch Masons of West India , and one under the Grand Chapter of Ireland , making in all forty-two chapters , we would beg to remark by no means a sufficient
or satisfactory proportion to the Craft Lodges . We may add that the Mark , the Templars , and High Grades , are all represented in British India . We should like to know what is the proportion of lodges to the population , if any Indian brother or correspondent can tell us . But these statistics are very striking , as snowing the thorough character of Freemasonry inlndia .
A ROSICRUCIAN ESSAY . BY R . W . ERA . T . B . WHYTEHEAD , York . This is a very interesting little essay on an old Rosicrucian work of lGig , written with all the ability and lucidity for which Bro . Whytehead is well-known . We have perused it with pleasure , interest , and profit .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
Masonic Notes and Queries .
THE TEMPLARS . In the notes on the "Templars" I note the following trilling "erratum , " and which arose from the foreign names , " Archambaud de St . Aigrian , " " proprie . " "St . Aignan . " ** V M . S . THE EUPHUISTS . Does not G . H . J . H . mean " Euphuists " instead of " Euphuists ? " and is not such a word a mistake ?
ENQUIRER . SIR CHRISTOPHER WREN . Forfearof mistake , the "special enquiry " I talk of in my last " note " is among old papers , and other " evidences " too often overlooked by Masonic writers . A MEMBER OF NO . 2 .
MASONIC EMBLEMS . My attention has been called to an octavo edition of Camden ' s Remains of 1674 , published by Harper , Fleur de Luce , over against St . Dunstan ' s Church , and edited by " l'hilipot , " the 7 th edition . On the plate of Camden on
the frontispiece , with his arms on one corner , appears on the other a Delta , or hollow triangle , with a five-pointed star at each of the three angles . Can any brother tell me whether Camden was a member of an Hermetic Society , or is their anything to link him with Freemasonry ? MASONIC STUDENT .
J OURNEYMAN ' . — A question has arisen whether the name was given from the old custom of journeying Freemasons , or from "journee , " a day—a day's man , in fact . We think that there can be no doubt that the word came from " journee , " and not from a iournev . or iournevinc
man . As Bro . Mackey points out , the evidence of the minute books of Mary ' s Chapel , so ably edited by Bro . D . Murray Lyon , seems decisive on the subject . An apprentice in Scotland , having served his time , was call ed a "journeyman , " but it was understood that within two
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . ST . JOHN'S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE . PATRON ' S : H . R . H . THE . PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M ., PRESIDENT . H . R . H . THE PRINCESS OF WALES . The NINETY-THIRD ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL of this Institution will take place on Wednesday , iSth MAY next , on which occasion the Right Hon . SIR MICHAEL E . HICKS-BEACH , Bart ., M . P ., R . W . Prov . G . M . for Gloucestershire , has kindly consented to preside . Brethren willing to act as Stewards are much needed , and will greatly oblige by forwarding their names as early as possible to the Secretary , who will gladly give any information required . F . R . W . HEDGES , Secretary . Ofiice—5 , Freemasons' Hall , Great Oueen-strcet , London , E . C .
LONDON MASONIC CHARITY ASSOCIATION . APRIL ELECTIONS , 1 SS 1 . 'Die Association has selected the following Candidates and requests the votes of the London Brethren on their behalf : — GIRLS . BOYS . 24 . Anscomb , L . M . 3 . Fellows , A . 21 . March , E . J . 59 . March , G . A . 15 . Penny , E . M . 13 . Estlin , C . N . First and Final Applications . 24 . Carey , S . D . 3 <> . Alfred , Lucas Lewis . Proxies to be sent to Bro . A . TISLEY , Hon , Secretary L . M . C . A ., No . 1 , Clifford's Inn , Fleet-street , London , E . C .
ROYAL , MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . —APRIL ELECTION , 1 SS 1 . The favour of your Votes and Interest is earnestly solicited on behalf of STEPHEN DARCY CAREY , Aged Ten Wars , son of the late Bro . Stephen Carey , who was initiated in the City of London Lodge , No . 901 , on the 20 th January , iSfiS , and remained a full Subscribing Member until his death , which took place on the 26 th July , 1 S 79 , after a long illness , which prevented him making any provision for his Widow and Six Children , who are left totally unprovided for . The case is strongly recommended , and Proxies will be thankfully received by the Widow , Mrs . M . A . Carey , 43 , Devonshire Road , Seven Sisters' Road , Holloway , N .
TO THE GOVERNORS AND SUB . SCRIBERS TO THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . APRIL ELECTION , 1 SS 1 . Your Votes and Interest are earnestly solicited on behalf of GRANTLEY WICKS , No . 75 on the List of Candidates . Proxies will be thankfully received by the Mother of the Child , Mrs . Wicks , Challoner-street , Cockermouth , Mr . T . Mason , Secretary , Skiddaw Lodge , No . 1002 , Cockermouth ; or by the Rev . II . L . Puxley , Catton Rectory , Yorks .
WOKING COLLEGE , WOKING , SURREY . Head Master , the Rev . C . W . ARNOLD , M . A ., Trinity College , Cambridge , late Head Master of the Royal Naval School , New Cross , and formerly Head Master of King Edward ' s School , Edinburgh . Second Master , the Rev . A . J . MINTON , M . A ., late Scholar of Syd . Coll ., Cambridge . In the Upper School boys are prepared for the Universities , Army , and Professional Examinations . There is a Special Class for boys destined for Commercial Life . In the Lower School boys are prepared for the Navy and for the Public Schools . There are three Resident Masters ; detached infirmary ; large play / ields ; good bathing ; workshops and gardens or boys . Situation very healthy—on Bagshot Sand , Terms moderate and inclusive . Prospectus and report on application .
TO CORRESPONDENTS . The largely increased circulation of the Freemason necessitates our going to press at an earlier hour on Thursdays . It is therefore requested that all advertisements and reports intended to appear in the current number may be sent to our offices not later than 5 p . m . on Wednesdays . Short notices of importance received up to 12 o ' clock noon on Thursdays .
TO OUR READERS . THE FKF . EM . ISOX is published every Friday morning , price 3 d ., and contiins the fullest and latest information relating to Freemasonry in every degree . Subscriptions , including Postage : — United States , , ,. ,,. . .... United Kingdom . Canada , the Conti . '"''¦ f . Chma , Australia nent , & c . Ncw -iraland , & c . 13 s . 15 s . 6 d . 17 s . 6 d . Remittances may lie made in Stamps , but Post Olficc Orders or Chcrjncs are preferred , the former pavable to GEOHCE KENNINO , ( , 'hief Ofiice , London , the latter crossed London Joint Stock Bank
TO ADVERTISERS . THE FREEMASON lias a large circulation in all parts of the Globe . In it the ollicial Reports of the Grand Lodges of England , Ireland , and Scotland arc published with the special sanction of the respective Grand Masters , and it contains a complete record of Masonic \ voric in this country , our Indian Empire , and the Colonies . The vast accession to the ranks of the Order during the past fewyears , and the increasing interest manifested in its doings , has given the Freemason a position and influence which few journals can lay claim to , and the proprietor can assert with conlidcnce that announcements appearing in its columns challenge the attention of a vcry large and influential body of readers . Advertisements for the current week ' s issue arc received up to six o ' clock on Wednesday evening .
THE FREEMASON . SATURDAY , MARCH 26 , 1881 . 4 ) . to Correspondents * P . M . 3 S . —His Grace tlie Duke of Richmond is a member of the Order . The following' stands over : United Pilgrims , No . 507 . BOOKS , & c , RECEIVED . " Debrett ' s House of Commons and the Judicial Bench for 1 SS 1 , " "Keystone , " "Jewish Chronicle . " "Hull Packet , " "Sunday Times , " "Citizen , " "New York Dispatch , " "The Mahratta , " "Die Bauhutte , " "Boletin Oficial del Gr . Orient de Espana , " " Allen's Indian Mail . " "Hebiew Leader , " " Der Long Islaender , " "Masonic Age . "
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
[ We do not hold ourselves responsible for , or even approving nf f the opinions expressed by ourcorrespondents , hut we wish in a spirit of fair play to all to permit—within certain neccssarv limits—free discussion . !
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — I have no possible objection so to alter the notice of motion which stands in my name for next Quarterly Court of the R . M . I . 15 . so that it may read , after
"livelihood , " in any of which cases , except that of sudden death , the father must have been a subscribing member to a lodge for three years . " 1 have written to this effect to the Secretary , and have no doubt the whole question will be fully discussed on the nth April . I have to thank you for your kind suggestion , and remain , Yours faithfully and fraternally , C . F . MATIER .
NEW CHAPTER WARRANTS . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — Would it not be to the interest of Royal Arch Masonry generally , if Grand Chapter required from each petitioner for a new chapter a clearance receipt for all fees
due to his old chapter , same as is , I believe , the case with petitioners for a new lodge ? It is not altogether a solitary occurrence to find a companion who is considerably in arrears in his old chapter , figuring amongst the petitioners for a new one , and in some cases placed high in office . Should such be permitted ? Yours fraternally , P . Z .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — Asa phrase of an editorial paragraph in last week ' s issue might , I think , give its readers a wrong impression
may I be allowed to say , that no one connected with the Institution has ever to my knowledge imputed that my " work" there was not done in an "efficient and economical way ?" I remain , dear Sir and brother , yours faithfully , THOS . MASSA .
Reviews .
ABSTRACT OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE GRAND LODGE OF PENNSYLVANIA FOR 1 SS 0 . We have received , and read , this admirably drawn up report with feelings of pleasure and admiration . We a ' re pleased to note the very fraternal spirit in which our most distinguished Bro . Richard Vaux , P . G . M ., and Chairman of Committee on Correspondence , does , we feel sure , no more than justice to the abilities and services of our
excellent confrere , and valued friend , Clifford P . M'Calla . The Grand Lodge of Ohio seems in a most flourishing condition , 554 lodges and 34 , 77 s members being under its jurisdiction . As something is sometimes said about the " Charity " voted by American Grand Lodges and lodges , we beg to note that 326 G dollars were granted by the Almoners to 295 applicants in 1 SS 0 . Of these 255 came from Pennsylvania , and thirty-seven came from other American States , one from Canada , threefrom Ireland , and
four from the West Indies . There is also , as we tinderstand the report , the "Stephen Girard's Charity Fund , " which dispensed 30 C 5 . 75 dollars to iSS applicants from Pennsylvania , and 145 dollars to seven from other American jurisdictions , and one from Canada . Nothing apparently is more satisfactorily or systematically arranged , and we offer our "hearty good wishes " to the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania , among whose members we count many cherished and sincere friends .
BIBLIOTHECA RABBINICA . Parts . By DR . Auo . WUNSCHE . Leipsic : Otto Schulze . Messrs . Williams and Norgate have made us cognizant of this most interesting German work , which , if its completion carries out the promise of its inception , will be a most valuable aid , as well for the Masonic as the archaeological and theological student . As the learned editor truly says , the Talmudic-Midrasch literature is of the
greatest value for the universal history of religion , and of religious thought . This work is a translation of certain Hebrew Talmudic works , hitherto untranslated , such as the " Midrasch Rabboth , " the " Midrasch Tanchuma , " ( Telamdeun ) , and the " Pesikta' / of " Rab Kahana , " and will contain Rabbinial commentaries on portions of the Old Testament , Genesis , for instance , on the "Song of Songs , "
Ecclesiastes , Ruth , and Esther , Sic . This is the firit instalment , and perhaps the translator may be tempted to give us more . In the meantime we think it well to make the lact known to any Talmudic students amongst us . Eight parts have appeared , each two marks . The work can be obtained at Williams and Norgate ' s , 14 , Henrietta-street , Covent Garden .
THE BENGAL FREEMASONS' ALMANACK , & c ., FOR 1 SS 1 . Published under the patronage of the District Grand Master of Bengal , and edited by Bro . A . L . LEFKAXC , P . M . and P . D . J . G . D . Black and Co ., Calcutta . 'This valuable "vade mecum" and "aide memoire " for all Freemasons in " Hindostan , " deserves both attentive perusal and warm commendation . It is most
admirably arranged , and contains an amount of interesting and important information , which it will do us all good to note , and to realize . There are , it seems , six District Grand Lodges in and connected with British India : 1 . The District Grand Lodge of Bengal has twenty-eight lodges under it , and evidences its activity by a Bengal Masonic Fund of Benevolence , and a Bengal Masonic Association for educating the children of indigent
Freemasons . 2 . The District Grand Lodge of Madras has eighteen lodges under it , and also , very happily , a Madras Masonic Fund of Benevolence , and a Madras . Masonic Educational Institution . 3 . The District Grand Lodge of Bombay has twenty lodges under it , with four in abe } 'ance , and also possesses , we are pleased to note , a Bombay Masonic Fund of
Benevolence , and a Bombay Educational Institution for Children . 4 . The District Grand Lodge of British Burmah has ten lodges under it , a District Grand Lodge Benevolent Fund , and the Greenlaw Masonic Orphan Fund . 5 . The District Grand Lodge of the Punjab has seventeen lodges , one in abeyance , and also the Punjab Masonic Fund of Benevolence , and the Punjab Masonic Institution
for Children . C . 'The District Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago has four lodges under it . There is also a Grand Lodge of Scottish Masonry in India with twenty-eight lodges , two not working , and the "Scottish Freemasons' Benevolent Society . " In all we see 129 lodges , more or less . There is also an Irish United Grand Lodge of Ceylon , with four lodges working underit . There
are also six District Grand Chapters under the Grand Lodge of England , with thirty chapters ; there are also eleven chapte . s under the Provincial Grand Chapter of Scottish Royal Arch Masons of West India , and one under the Grand Chapter of Ireland , making in all forty-two chapters , we would beg to remark by no means a sufficient
or satisfactory proportion to the Craft Lodges . We may add that the Mark , the Templars , and High Grades , are all represented in British India . We should like to know what is the proportion of lodges to the population , if any Indian brother or correspondent can tell us . But these statistics are very striking , as snowing the thorough character of Freemasonry inlndia .
A ROSICRUCIAN ESSAY . BY R . W . ERA . T . B . WHYTEHEAD , York . This is a very interesting little essay on an old Rosicrucian work of lGig , written with all the ability and lucidity for which Bro . Whytehead is well-known . We have perused it with pleasure , interest , and profit .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
Masonic Notes and Queries .
THE TEMPLARS . In the notes on the "Templars" I note the following trilling "erratum , " and which arose from the foreign names , " Archambaud de St . Aigrian , " " proprie . " "St . Aignan . " ** V M . S . THE EUPHUISTS . Does not G . H . J . H . mean " Euphuists " instead of " Euphuists ? " and is not such a word a mistake ?
ENQUIRER . SIR CHRISTOPHER WREN . Forfearof mistake , the "special enquiry " I talk of in my last " note " is among old papers , and other " evidences " too often overlooked by Masonic writers . A MEMBER OF NO . 2 .
MASONIC EMBLEMS . My attention has been called to an octavo edition of Camden ' s Remains of 1674 , published by Harper , Fleur de Luce , over against St . Dunstan ' s Church , and edited by " l'hilipot , " the 7 th edition . On the plate of Camden on
the frontispiece , with his arms on one corner , appears on the other a Delta , or hollow triangle , with a five-pointed star at each of the three angles . Can any brother tell me whether Camden was a member of an Hermetic Society , or is their anything to link him with Freemasonry ? MASONIC STUDENT .
J OURNEYMAN ' . — A question has arisen whether the name was given from the old custom of journeying Freemasons , or from "journee , " a day—a day's man , in fact . We think that there can be no doubt that the word came from " journee , " and not from a iournev . or iournevinc
man . As Bro . Mackey points out , the evidence of the minute books of Mary ' s Chapel , so ably edited by Bro . D . Murray Lyon , seems decisive on the subject . An apprentice in Scotland , having served his time , was call ed a "journeyman , " but it was understood that within two