Article Masonic Notes and Queries. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article RAVENSBOURNE LODGE BALL, No. 1601. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC BALL IN LIVERPOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER OF HERTFORDSHIRE. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
years in Scotland he should be openly received in a lodge , and " proceed" to the Degree of Fellow or Fallow of Craft . Up to this time he ' was only "booked , " " buiket , "—i . e ., registered , —and at the Swalwell Lodge paid a small fee of is . or is . Gel . at his registration , and 5 s . on . his reception , or the balance . We do not quite agree with Mackey that Craftsmen and journeymen became opposite terms , implying legal and illegal associates of the
lodge , for it is quite clear from Bro . D . Murray Lyon's history , that so early as 1 S 62 , "journeymen " who did not belong to the lodge were permitted to work along with regularly passed fellows ( journeymen or masters , as the case might be ) on payment of twelve shillings Scots yearly , deducted from their first month ' s wages . No doubt , 1 S 61 , December 27 , the " Deacons and Masters " had made " an act" that whereas there are several entered prentices
continues in their employment as journeymen without passing of themselves , from that date no Masters shall employ one of the foresaid persons , they being two years after the date of their discharge unpast : the Master that employs them shall pay in to our Warden , for each day they employ them , 20 sh . Scot . " In the records of the Aitcheson Haven Lodge , 1719 , it was made imperative on entered apprentices , those who " take work , " and those who
" do not take work , " to make themselves Fellow Crafts not later than the third St . John ' s Day after the expiry of their apprenticeship , and it is urged that compliance with this order is necessary "in consequence of the lodge's poverty , a condition into which it had been brought through the increase of unpassed journeymen . " And , therefore , though Mackey is right in stating that journeymen who had not " passed " were not Fellow Crafts , and vice versa , there is also evidence to prove , as on the minute
at Maries Chappell , December 27 , 1712 , that the journeymen were in some way members of the lodge , as they are expressly said to have deserted the Deacon and Masters , except two of them , named James Mack and Alexander Baxter . But it is quite correct to say that those who did not pass did not become actually "free of the guild , " freeman Masons . It is most important , even on what seem trifling matters of difference , to be absolutely correct . —Kenning ' s Cyclopaedia of Freemasonry .
A MASONIC BOOK . I have a book ( boirowed only ) the title page of which I give . Is it of any real value ? I trust you will allow me to offer an apology for troubling you . " The Pocket Companion and History of Freemasons , containing their Origine , Progress , and Present State : An Abstract of their Laws , Constitutions , Customs , Charges , Orders , and Regulations for the Instruction and Conduct of the brethren : A Confutation of Dr . Plot ' s False
Insinuations : An Apology Occasioned by their Persecution in the Canton of Berne , and in the Pope ' s Dominions : And a select Number of Songs and other Particulars for the Use of the Society . "Per bonam famam et infamiam . " London : Printed for J . Scott , at the Black Swan , in Duck-lane , near West Smithfield ; and sold by R . Baldwin , at the Rose , in Pater-Noster-Row . MDCCLiV . " The "Apology , " which commences on p . 237 , is stated to have been " Printed at Frankfort , MDCCXLVIII . " . A FRIEND , BRIGHTON .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
CAMBRIDGE LOCAL E XAMINATION . . SENIORS : H . B . Brock , Tredegar , Monmouthshire , 2 nd Class Honours .
A . H . Stephenson , Ripon , W . York ; and E . L . Price , Highbury , London , 3 rd Class Honours . J UNIORS : A . R . Parker , Peckham , London ; G . S . Robinson , Brighton , Sussex ; R . G . Head , Liverpool ; C . D . Barrett , Wimbourne , Dorsetshire ; and H . Williams , Rhyl , Carnarvon , 1 st Class Honours .
VV . H . Shipway , Hereford ; and M . B . Ellis , Wimbourne , Dorsetshire , 2 nd Class Honours . W . H . Date , Moscley , Birmingham ; H . L . Carter , Belgrave , London ; S . G . Nash , Bath , Somcrtshire ; VV . Meacock , Birkenhead , Cheshire ; E . Davenport , Oxford ; and J . S . Pilling Colne , Lancashire , 3 rd Class Honours .
PASSED : F . P . Dunaway , Chelsea , London ; S . Woodhouse , Leeds , Yorks ; and C . E . Armitage , Bradford , VV . Yorks , Certificated . The majority of the boys ( sixteen out of nineteen that passed ) , and for the first time in the history of the School , all the Seniors , are in the honour list .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
The monthly meeting of this lodge took place on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B ., Senior Vice-President , occupied the President ' s chair , Bro . James Brett , P . G . P ., Junior Vice-President , took thesenior Vice-President ' s chair , and Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P ., took the chair of junior Vice-President .
Bros . H . G . Buss , Asst . G . Sec , VV . Dodd , and Neville Green , attended from G . Secretary ' s ofiice . There were also present Bros . VV . VV . Perryman , Thomas Cubitt , S . Rawson , Henry Garrod , William Wilson , G . P . Britten , Charles Dairy , John Constable , William Stephens , Charles Frederick Hogard , VV . Mann , G . D . Collier , Samuel S . Turquand , J . H . Matthews , H . C . Green , Charles Clayden ,
George H . Smith , G . J . Jeffery , Arthur E . Gladwell , John Weston , H . T . Wood , Richard VV . Philpott , B . C . Wemyss , Charles Sevin , E . VV . Walters , John D . Carter , VV . C . Maddever , Frederick Binckes , S . Gardiner , Ernest E . Smith , Charles Wyatt Smith , Henry Shaw , W . Hammond , B . R . Bryant , Charles H . Webb , C . VV . De Bernardy , G . C . Andrew , 1 . H . Watts , John Hammond
Walter Hopekirk , James Terry , C . G . Payn , David Roberts , Robert Roberts , Ernest Schismann , James Chapman , G . R . Shervill , Charles E . Lloyd John M . Burt , Thomas VV . Murley , R . P . Middlemist , H . Sadler , Grand Tyler , and H . Massey ( Freemason ) . The brethren first confirmed recommendations of grants made at last meeting to the amount of £ 445 . There were forty-four new cases on the list . The brethren in disposing of these sat four hours-and-a-quarter . Two cases were
Lodge Of Benevolence.
dismissed , and one was deferred . The remaining fortyone were relieved as follows : £ 100 recommended by Bro . Clabonat Grand Lodge , in order to repay brethren who had advanced money for Bro . Edwards' relief before he died , and for the expenses of his funeral , was confirmed . One recommendation was made for £ 250 ( £ 250 ); two recommendations were made for £ 150 each ( £ 300 ); two for each
£ . 100 (^ , 200 ); two For ^ , 50 ( £ . 100 ); two for £ 40 each ( £ So ); one for X ' 35 ( £ 35 ) , ' three for £ 30 each ( £ 90 ); one for £ 25 ( £ 25 ); seven for £ 20 each ( £ 140 ); five for £ 15 each ( £ 75 ); eleven for £ . 10 each ( £ ? no ); and two for £ 5 each ( £ 10 ); or a total sum , exclusive of the £ 100 confirmation , of , £ 1435 . The lodge was then closed .
Ravensbourne Lodge Ball, No. 1601.
The second annual ball of the above lodge took place at the offices of the Lewisham Board of Works , Catford , on Friday , the iSth inst ., when there was an attendance of about one hundred and fifty ladies and gentlemen , and it proved to be a highly successful affair . The proceeds were for the benefit of the Benevolent Fund , and we trust the Templars will make a substantial addition to it .
The Stewards were Bros . Francis Burdett , John Claricoats , B . Horton , Edwin Howard , A . Gordon Hennell , J . A . P . Ingoldby , Henry VV . Jackson , S . J . Jerrard , W . G . Lemon , G . VV . Muriiane , Magnus Ohren , VV . B . Roberts , Alfred Thompson , C . VV . Thompson , and F . E . Wilkinson . M . C . ' s , Bros . A . Gordon Hennell , and C . W . Thompson" . The guests were Bro . and Mrs . Burdett , Bro . and
Mrs . C . J . G . Eveniss , Bro . and Mrs . Claricoats , Miss Claricoats , Mr . and Mrs . E . Terry , Mr . Slater , Bro . B . Noakes , Mr . G . V . A . Schofield , Bro . and Mrs . A . Gordon Hennell , Miss Hennell , Mr . P . Smith , Bro . and Mr . Jas . Curtis , the Misses Curtis , Mr . and Miss Harrison , Mr . E . Harrison , Mr . S . and Miss Rideal , Mr . H . Grellick , Dr . and Mrs . Ellison , Mr . Fry , Miss Williams , Miss Blanch , Mr . T . J . Williams , Mr . D . Cowie and the Misses
Cow ; e , the Misses Adamson , Mr . P . G . Robertson , Mr . Glanville , Mr . ] . Jolly , Mr . and Mrs . Phillips , Miss Fox , Mr . H . Ingall . ' Mr . Doxet , Mr . Foster , Mr . Church , Bro . and Mrs . C . VV . Thompson , Mr . and Mrs . E . C . Silverthorne , Miss Trickett , Mr . and Miss Howcroft , Mr . and Mrs . Coltart , Bro . E . C . Davies , Mr . E . Walbridge , Mr . and Mrs . Hewitt , the Misses Hewitt , Mr . and Mrs . Maas , the Misses Rhodes , Bro . and Mrs . Alfred Thompson , Bro .
and Mrs . Corder , Mr . Goune , Mr . H . B . Horton , Bro . Ingoldby , Mr . Buckley , Bro . Wilkinson , Mr . and Mrs . Hurles , the Misses Poisdeven , Miss Corner , Bro . Lemon , Mr . VV . Kent Lemon , Bro . and the Misses Roberts , Mr . " and the Misses McKcnna , Dr . Conolly , Mr . Gold , Mr . and Mrs . Couchman , Bro . Murnane , Miss Church , Bro . Magnus Ohren , Bro . and Mrs . F . A . Manning , Mrs . Rumball , Mr . Lewing , Bro . H . VV . Jackson , Mr . Gee , Mr . Waghorn ,
Mr . Christie , Mr . Ingleback , Mr . Salburg , Mr . T . Jerrard , Bro . VV . Smith , and Bro . VV . Lake ( Freemason ) . The arrangements were admirably carried out , and reflect great credit on the Stewards . From the fact that on the last occasion the rooms were somewhat inconveniently crowded , it was thought advisable to limit the number to 150 , the result being that those who were present were
enabled to enjoy themselves thoroughly . The beautiful suite of rooms was very tastefully embellished , the floral decorations being supplied by Messrs . Carter and Co ., Perry-hill , and the supper and refreshments by Messrs . Harris Bros , of Blackheath-hill . Sibbold ' s City of London Band , led by Bro Sibbold , supplied the music . Bros . A . Gordon Hennell and C . VV . Thompson proved very efficient Masters of Ceremonies .
Masonic Ball In Liverpool.
The annual ball of the members of Lodge of Israel , No . 1502 ( the sixth of a brilliant series ) , took place at the Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool , on Tuesday evening , the 15 th inst ., and the enjoyment of the brilliant company was greatly enhanced by the excellent arrangements which had been made for their reception and entertainment . The ball was given in aid of the Fund of Benevolence attached to
the lodge , which has in a very short space of time reached a financial position which is highly creditable to all who have had to do with it . This lodge was the first in the province to establish a fund of this nature , and as the result of hard and earnest work there is now in hand a sum of no less than £ 230 . By means of the fund distressed brethren are relieved by the Committee of Benevolence without the knowledge of the general members of the
lodge . Upwards of 170 ladies and gentlemen attended the ball , the brethren being distinguished by wearing Masonic costume . Bro . Ludlow , the manager of the hotel , catered , and gave general satisfaction ; and Mr . Hoare's band provided the music for dancing , which was continued until an advanced hour in the merning . The following are the names of the brethren who looked after the various arrangements , and in a thoroughly
satisfactory manner : Bros . H . M . Silver , the Hon . Ball Sec . j L . Jackson , R . Robinson , J . Phillips , M . Aronsberg , S . Schonstadt , B . Woolf , M . P . Tueski , VV . Levy , E . Caostick , T . Henry , J . A . Dear , H . Ellis , H . T . Wright , H . A , Tobias , H . Gabriel , A . Schonstadt , A . Aronsberg , and G . Schonstadt , Stewards ; Bros . B . Woolf , II . Gabriel , and VV . Levy were in charge of the card room ; Bros . R , Robinson , H . M . Silver , M . Aronsberg , A . Lyons , and D .
Gabrielsen were entrusted with the supper room arrangements ; Bro . S . J . Henochsberg , the W . M ., acted as master of the music and as Chairman of the evening . There were also present Bros . A . Lyons , as Treas . ; M . Hart , P . M ., and A . Levy , as M . C . 's ; H . A . Tobias , I . P . M ., and I ) . Gabrielsen , J . D ., as Captains of the Stewards . The ball was a complete success , and it is anticipated that a most substantial sum of money will be added to the benevolent fund .
Mr . John M'CulIough , the great American tragedian , will make his appearance at Drury Lane , in " Virginius , " on April 24 . Lloy d ' s Weekly London News has reached the enormeus sale of 600 , 000 copies weekly , using for each issue S 40 miles of paper .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Hertfordshire.
The convocation of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Hertfordshire was held at Bishop ' s Stortford , on Wednesday , the 16 th inst . Present : The M . E . Thomas F . Hasley , M . P ., Provincial Grand" Superintendent ; E . Comps . F . H . Wilson lies , M . D ., Prov . G . H . ; Thomas
S . Carter , P . G . H ., as Prov . G . J . ; John E . Dawson , Prov . G . S . E . ; James Shilcock , Prov . G . N . ; Percy VV . Taylor , Prov . P . S . ; F . Summer Knyvett , Prov . G . Treas . ; James Terry , Prov . G . Director of Ceremonies ; Comps . E . T . Foord , Z . 404 , P . P . G . S . B . ; VV . P . Willson , H . 403 , P . P . G . O . ; J . R . Cocks , P . Z . 403 , P . P . G . J . ; Marshall Taylor , J . 409 ; Vero VV . Taylor , P . Z . 409 ; W . Gee , H . 409 ; Scriven
J . B . , P . Z . 409 . The visitors were represented by E . Comps . Edgar Bowyer , 404 ; Frederick Levick , 404 ; R . T . Grubb , 409 ; Edward Taylor , 409 ; Henry Cribb , 409 ; A . VV . Nash , 409 ; F . J . Nash , 409 ; J . E . Morris , 409 ; F . B . Shepherd , P . Z . Chap . 276 . The Provincial Grand Chapter having been open ;! in due form , the minutes of the convocation held on the 20 th
February , 1 S 79 , were read and confirmed . The roll of Prov . Grand officers and chapters was then called . The next business was the election of Treasurer , and E . Comp . F . H . WILSON ILES , Prov . G . H ., proposed , and E . Comp . T . S . CARTER , acting Prov . G . J ., seconded , that E . Comp . F . Sumner Knyvett , P . Z ., be re-elected to fill that office . E . Comp . ILES in appropriate terms alluded to the
services so ably rendered by Comp . Knyvett , and the PROV . G . SUPERINTENDENT whilst submitting the proposition said , that he could not lose the opportunity of bearing testimony to the great assistance which the Prov . Grand Treasurer had so cheerfully and efficiently afforded . The motion was carried unanimously . The PROV . GRAND SUPERINTENDENT then appointed and invested his Prov . Grand Officers as follows :
Comp . J . B . Scriven , Chap . 409 ... Prov . G . H . „ VV . P . Willson , 403 ... ... Prov . G . J . „ John E . Dawson , 404 ... ... Prov . G . S . E . „ Vero VV . Taylor , 409 ... ... Prov . G . S . N . „ J . N . Edwards , 13 S 5 ... ... Prov . G . P . S . „ W . Warrener , M . D ., 403 ... Prov . G . 1 st A . S .
„ VV . Gee , 409 ... ... Prov . G . 2 nd A . S . ,, F . Sumner Knyvett , 404 ... Prov . G . Treas . „ Edward T . Foord , 404 ... Prov . G . R . „ Frederick Levick , 404 ... Prov . G . Swd . B . „ R . T . Grubb , 409 Prov . G . S . B . „ James Terry , 13 S 5 ... ... Prov . G . D . of C . „ Faulkner Leigh , 404 ... ... Prov . G . O .
Comps . T . Thomas and I nomas Wright were reappointed Janitors . The report of the Board of Finance was then presented and ordered to be received , adopted , and entered on the minutes . Provincial Grand Chapter was then closed in due form . In the evening the companions partook of an excellent
banquet provided by the Stortford Chapter , No . 409 . The evident forethought displayed in the arrangements elicited hearty appreciation of the companions , and the Stortford Chapter , being the youngest chapter in the province , may be congratulated on so trying an ordeal as the entertainment of Prov . Grand Chapter having resulted in so complete a success . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given in
appropriate terms by the PROV . G SUPERINTENDENT and heartily responded to , The Past Prov . G . H ., E . Comp . F . H . WILSON ILES , proposed " The Health of the Prov . G . Superintendent , M . E . Comp . Thomas F . Halsey , M . P ., " and whilst doing so remarked that it was a difficult thing in the presence of the Prov . Grand Superintendent to use terms which would
adequately express the high estimation in which that companion was held . His readiness at all times to advance the cause of Masonry by participation and encouragement was so well known , that it was quite unnecessary for him to dilate upon it , suffice it to say , that no brother presiding over a province , be it a large or a small one , could do more to deserve the true regard which one and all felt for Bro .
Halsey in the province . Comp . lies' remarks elicited the cordial approval of the companions , and the toast was drunk with great enthusiasm . The PROV . GRAND SUPERINTENDENT , in reply , thanked Comp . lies for the kind and flattering manner in which he had submitted the toast , and said that he was much
gratified on this , as he had reason to be on all other occasions , at the cordial reception he met with . It was to him a source of great satisfaction to observe the steady progress made in the province , whether in Craft or Royal Arch Masonry , and he was fully sensible that it was owing to the fact that he was so ably supported by his officers on all occasions . He could only say that it was a source of great pleasure to him
on all occasions to visit'the various Masonic bodies in the province , and he felt sure that if he had the good fortune to receive the same hearty co-operation from the present officers as he had from those who had preceded them , the province must flourish . It was true that at present the Province of Hertfordshire was a small one , and cou'd never probably be able to compare with many of the larger ones ,
yet it was to him , and he felt sure it must be to others , a matter of great satisfaction to sec Hertfordshire with seven Stewards occupying the proud position of second on the list of provinces at the recent festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . The toast of "The Prov . Grand Officers" was then given , and duly responded to by E . Comp . J . B . Scriven ,
Prov . G . H ., which was followed by that of " Prosperity to the Stortford Chapter , " and met with a very hearty reception , being duly responded to by E . Comp . PERCY VV . TAYLOR , the present M . E . Z . The tnast of " The Visitors " brought the proceedings to a close . A choice selection of music , executed under the able direction of Comp . Faulkner Leigh , the Prov . G . Organist , materially added to the pleasure of the evening .
UNITED PILGRIMS LODGE , NO . 507 . —An emergency meeting of this lodge will be held this ( Saturday ) afternoon at the Surrey Masonic Hall . A report of the installation meeting on Wednesday last will appear in our next .
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
years in Scotland he should be openly received in a lodge , and " proceed" to the Degree of Fellow or Fallow of Craft . Up to this time he ' was only "booked , " " buiket , "—i . e ., registered , —and at the Swalwell Lodge paid a small fee of is . or is . Gel . at his registration , and 5 s . on . his reception , or the balance . We do not quite agree with Mackey that Craftsmen and journeymen became opposite terms , implying legal and illegal associates of the
lodge , for it is quite clear from Bro . D . Murray Lyon's history , that so early as 1 S 62 , "journeymen " who did not belong to the lodge were permitted to work along with regularly passed fellows ( journeymen or masters , as the case might be ) on payment of twelve shillings Scots yearly , deducted from their first month ' s wages . No doubt , 1 S 61 , December 27 , the " Deacons and Masters " had made " an act" that whereas there are several entered prentices
continues in their employment as journeymen without passing of themselves , from that date no Masters shall employ one of the foresaid persons , they being two years after the date of their discharge unpast : the Master that employs them shall pay in to our Warden , for each day they employ them , 20 sh . Scot . " In the records of the Aitcheson Haven Lodge , 1719 , it was made imperative on entered apprentices , those who " take work , " and those who
" do not take work , " to make themselves Fellow Crafts not later than the third St . John ' s Day after the expiry of their apprenticeship , and it is urged that compliance with this order is necessary "in consequence of the lodge's poverty , a condition into which it had been brought through the increase of unpassed journeymen . " And , therefore , though Mackey is right in stating that journeymen who had not " passed " were not Fellow Crafts , and vice versa , there is also evidence to prove , as on the minute
at Maries Chappell , December 27 , 1712 , that the journeymen were in some way members of the lodge , as they are expressly said to have deserted the Deacon and Masters , except two of them , named James Mack and Alexander Baxter . But it is quite correct to say that those who did not pass did not become actually "free of the guild , " freeman Masons . It is most important , even on what seem trifling matters of difference , to be absolutely correct . —Kenning ' s Cyclopaedia of Freemasonry .
A MASONIC BOOK . I have a book ( boirowed only ) the title page of which I give . Is it of any real value ? I trust you will allow me to offer an apology for troubling you . " The Pocket Companion and History of Freemasons , containing their Origine , Progress , and Present State : An Abstract of their Laws , Constitutions , Customs , Charges , Orders , and Regulations for the Instruction and Conduct of the brethren : A Confutation of Dr . Plot ' s False
Insinuations : An Apology Occasioned by their Persecution in the Canton of Berne , and in the Pope ' s Dominions : And a select Number of Songs and other Particulars for the Use of the Society . "Per bonam famam et infamiam . " London : Printed for J . Scott , at the Black Swan , in Duck-lane , near West Smithfield ; and sold by R . Baldwin , at the Rose , in Pater-Noster-Row . MDCCLiV . " The "Apology , " which commences on p . 237 , is stated to have been " Printed at Frankfort , MDCCXLVIII . " . A FRIEND , BRIGHTON .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
CAMBRIDGE LOCAL E XAMINATION . . SENIORS : H . B . Brock , Tredegar , Monmouthshire , 2 nd Class Honours .
A . H . Stephenson , Ripon , W . York ; and E . L . Price , Highbury , London , 3 rd Class Honours . J UNIORS : A . R . Parker , Peckham , London ; G . S . Robinson , Brighton , Sussex ; R . G . Head , Liverpool ; C . D . Barrett , Wimbourne , Dorsetshire ; and H . Williams , Rhyl , Carnarvon , 1 st Class Honours .
VV . H . Shipway , Hereford ; and M . B . Ellis , Wimbourne , Dorsetshire , 2 nd Class Honours . W . H . Date , Moscley , Birmingham ; H . L . Carter , Belgrave , London ; S . G . Nash , Bath , Somcrtshire ; VV . Meacock , Birkenhead , Cheshire ; E . Davenport , Oxford ; and J . S . Pilling Colne , Lancashire , 3 rd Class Honours .
PASSED : F . P . Dunaway , Chelsea , London ; S . Woodhouse , Leeds , Yorks ; and C . E . Armitage , Bradford , VV . Yorks , Certificated . The majority of the boys ( sixteen out of nineteen that passed ) , and for the first time in the history of the School , all the Seniors , are in the honour list .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
The monthly meeting of this lodge took place on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B ., Senior Vice-President , occupied the President ' s chair , Bro . James Brett , P . G . P ., Junior Vice-President , took thesenior Vice-President ' s chair , and Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P ., took the chair of junior Vice-President .
Bros . H . G . Buss , Asst . G . Sec , VV . Dodd , and Neville Green , attended from G . Secretary ' s ofiice . There were also present Bros . VV . VV . Perryman , Thomas Cubitt , S . Rawson , Henry Garrod , William Wilson , G . P . Britten , Charles Dairy , John Constable , William Stephens , Charles Frederick Hogard , VV . Mann , G . D . Collier , Samuel S . Turquand , J . H . Matthews , H . C . Green , Charles Clayden ,
George H . Smith , G . J . Jeffery , Arthur E . Gladwell , John Weston , H . T . Wood , Richard VV . Philpott , B . C . Wemyss , Charles Sevin , E . VV . Walters , John D . Carter , VV . C . Maddever , Frederick Binckes , S . Gardiner , Ernest E . Smith , Charles Wyatt Smith , Henry Shaw , W . Hammond , B . R . Bryant , Charles H . Webb , C . VV . De Bernardy , G . C . Andrew , 1 . H . Watts , John Hammond
Walter Hopekirk , James Terry , C . G . Payn , David Roberts , Robert Roberts , Ernest Schismann , James Chapman , G . R . Shervill , Charles E . Lloyd John M . Burt , Thomas VV . Murley , R . P . Middlemist , H . Sadler , Grand Tyler , and H . Massey ( Freemason ) . The brethren first confirmed recommendations of grants made at last meeting to the amount of £ 445 . There were forty-four new cases on the list . The brethren in disposing of these sat four hours-and-a-quarter . Two cases were
Lodge Of Benevolence.
dismissed , and one was deferred . The remaining fortyone were relieved as follows : £ 100 recommended by Bro . Clabonat Grand Lodge , in order to repay brethren who had advanced money for Bro . Edwards' relief before he died , and for the expenses of his funeral , was confirmed . One recommendation was made for £ 250 ( £ 250 ); two recommendations were made for £ 150 each ( £ 300 ); two for each
£ . 100 (^ , 200 ); two For ^ , 50 ( £ . 100 ); two for £ 40 each ( £ So ); one for X ' 35 ( £ 35 ) , ' three for £ 30 each ( £ 90 ); one for £ 25 ( £ 25 ); seven for £ 20 each ( £ 140 ); five for £ 15 each ( £ 75 ); eleven for £ . 10 each ( £ ? no ); and two for £ 5 each ( £ 10 ); or a total sum , exclusive of the £ 100 confirmation , of , £ 1435 . The lodge was then closed .
Ravensbourne Lodge Ball, No. 1601.
The second annual ball of the above lodge took place at the offices of the Lewisham Board of Works , Catford , on Friday , the iSth inst ., when there was an attendance of about one hundred and fifty ladies and gentlemen , and it proved to be a highly successful affair . The proceeds were for the benefit of the Benevolent Fund , and we trust the Templars will make a substantial addition to it .
The Stewards were Bros . Francis Burdett , John Claricoats , B . Horton , Edwin Howard , A . Gordon Hennell , J . A . P . Ingoldby , Henry VV . Jackson , S . J . Jerrard , W . G . Lemon , G . VV . Muriiane , Magnus Ohren , VV . B . Roberts , Alfred Thompson , C . VV . Thompson , and F . E . Wilkinson . M . C . ' s , Bros . A . Gordon Hennell , and C . W . Thompson" . The guests were Bro . and Mrs . Burdett , Bro . and
Mrs . C . J . G . Eveniss , Bro . and Mrs . Claricoats , Miss Claricoats , Mr . and Mrs . E . Terry , Mr . Slater , Bro . B . Noakes , Mr . G . V . A . Schofield , Bro . and Mrs . A . Gordon Hennell , Miss Hennell , Mr . P . Smith , Bro . and Mr . Jas . Curtis , the Misses Curtis , Mr . and Miss Harrison , Mr . E . Harrison , Mr . S . and Miss Rideal , Mr . H . Grellick , Dr . and Mrs . Ellison , Mr . Fry , Miss Williams , Miss Blanch , Mr . T . J . Williams , Mr . D . Cowie and the Misses
Cow ; e , the Misses Adamson , Mr . P . G . Robertson , Mr . Glanville , Mr . ] . Jolly , Mr . and Mrs . Phillips , Miss Fox , Mr . H . Ingall . ' Mr . Doxet , Mr . Foster , Mr . Church , Bro . and Mrs . C . VV . Thompson , Mr . and Mrs . E . C . Silverthorne , Miss Trickett , Mr . and Miss Howcroft , Mr . and Mrs . Coltart , Bro . E . C . Davies , Mr . E . Walbridge , Mr . and Mrs . Hewitt , the Misses Hewitt , Mr . and Mrs . Maas , the Misses Rhodes , Bro . and Mrs . Alfred Thompson , Bro .
and Mrs . Corder , Mr . Goune , Mr . H . B . Horton , Bro . Ingoldby , Mr . Buckley , Bro . Wilkinson , Mr . and Mrs . Hurles , the Misses Poisdeven , Miss Corner , Bro . Lemon , Mr . VV . Kent Lemon , Bro . and the Misses Roberts , Mr . " and the Misses McKcnna , Dr . Conolly , Mr . Gold , Mr . and Mrs . Couchman , Bro . Murnane , Miss Church , Bro . Magnus Ohren , Bro . and Mrs . F . A . Manning , Mrs . Rumball , Mr . Lewing , Bro . H . VV . Jackson , Mr . Gee , Mr . Waghorn ,
Mr . Christie , Mr . Ingleback , Mr . Salburg , Mr . T . Jerrard , Bro . VV . Smith , and Bro . VV . Lake ( Freemason ) . The arrangements were admirably carried out , and reflect great credit on the Stewards . From the fact that on the last occasion the rooms were somewhat inconveniently crowded , it was thought advisable to limit the number to 150 , the result being that those who were present were
enabled to enjoy themselves thoroughly . The beautiful suite of rooms was very tastefully embellished , the floral decorations being supplied by Messrs . Carter and Co ., Perry-hill , and the supper and refreshments by Messrs . Harris Bros , of Blackheath-hill . Sibbold ' s City of London Band , led by Bro Sibbold , supplied the music . Bros . A . Gordon Hennell and C . VV . Thompson proved very efficient Masters of Ceremonies .
Masonic Ball In Liverpool.
The annual ball of the members of Lodge of Israel , No . 1502 ( the sixth of a brilliant series ) , took place at the Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool , on Tuesday evening , the 15 th inst ., and the enjoyment of the brilliant company was greatly enhanced by the excellent arrangements which had been made for their reception and entertainment . The ball was given in aid of the Fund of Benevolence attached to
the lodge , which has in a very short space of time reached a financial position which is highly creditable to all who have had to do with it . This lodge was the first in the province to establish a fund of this nature , and as the result of hard and earnest work there is now in hand a sum of no less than £ 230 . By means of the fund distressed brethren are relieved by the Committee of Benevolence without the knowledge of the general members of the
lodge . Upwards of 170 ladies and gentlemen attended the ball , the brethren being distinguished by wearing Masonic costume . Bro . Ludlow , the manager of the hotel , catered , and gave general satisfaction ; and Mr . Hoare's band provided the music for dancing , which was continued until an advanced hour in the merning . The following are the names of the brethren who looked after the various arrangements , and in a thoroughly
satisfactory manner : Bros . H . M . Silver , the Hon . Ball Sec . j L . Jackson , R . Robinson , J . Phillips , M . Aronsberg , S . Schonstadt , B . Woolf , M . P . Tueski , VV . Levy , E . Caostick , T . Henry , J . A . Dear , H . Ellis , H . T . Wright , H . A , Tobias , H . Gabriel , A . Schonstadt , A . Aronsberg , and G . Schonstadt , Stewards ; Bros . B . Woolf , II . Gabriel , and VV . Levy were in charge of the card room ; Bros . R , Robinson , H . M . Silver , M . Aronsberg , A . Lyons , and D .
Gabrielsen were entrusted with the supper room arrangements ; Bro . S . J . Henochsberg , the W . M ., acted as master of the music and as Chairman of the evening . There were also present Bros . A . Lyons , as Treas . ; M . Hart , P . M ., and A . Levy , as M . C . 's ; H . A . Tobias , I . P . M ., and I ) . Gabrielsen , J . D ., as Captains of the Stewards . The ball was a complete success , and it is anticipated that a most substantial sum of money will be added to the benevolent fund .
Mr . John M'CulIough , the great American tragedian , will make his appearance at Drury Lane , in " Virginius , " on April 24 . Lloy d ' s Weekly London News has reached the enormeus sale of 600 , 000 copies weekly , using for each issue S 40 miles of paper .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Hertfordshire.
The convocation of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Hertfordshire was held at Bishop ' s Stortford , on Wednesday , the 16 th inst . Present : The M . E . Thomas F . Hasley , M . P ., Provincial Grand" Superintendent ; E . Comps . F . H . Wilson lies , M . D ., Prov . G . H . ; Thomas
S . Carter , P . G . H ., as Prov . G . J . ; John E . Dawson , Prov . G . S . E . ; James Shilcock , Prov . G . N . ; Percy VV . Taylor , Prov . P . S . ; F . Summer Knyvett , Prov . G . Treas . ; James Terry , Prov . G . Director of Ceremonies ; Comps . E . T . Foord , Z . 404 , P . P . G . S . B . ; VV . P . Willson , H . 403 , P . P . G . O . ; J . R . Cocks , P . Z . 403 , P . P . G . J . ; Marshall Taylor , J . 409 ; Vero VV . Taylor , P . Z . 409 ; W . Gee , H . 409 ; Scriven
J . B . , P . Z . 409 . The visitors were represented by E . Comps . Edgar Bowyer , 404 ; Frederick Levick , 404 ; R . T . Grubb , 409 ; Edward Taylor , 409 ; Henry Cribb , 409 ; A . VV . Nash , 409 ; F . J . Nash , 409 ; J . E . Morris , 409 ; F . B . Shepherd , P . Z . Chap . 276 . The Provincial Grand Chapter having been open ;! in due form , the minutes of the convocation held on the 20 th
February , 1 S 79 , were read and confirmed . The roll of Prov . Grand officers and chapters was then called . The next business was the election of Treasurer , and E . Comp . F . H . WILSON ILES , Prov . G . H ., proposed , and E . Comp . T . S . CARTER , acting Prov . G . J ., seconded , that E . Comp . F . Sumner Knyvett , P . Z ., be re-elected to fill that office . E . Comp . ILES in appropriate terms alluded to the
services so ably rendered by Comp . Knyvett , and the PROV . G . SUPERINTENDENT whilst submitting the proposition said , that he could not lose the opportunity of bearing testimony to the great assistance which the Prov . Grand Treasurer had so cheerfully and efficiently afforded . The motion was carried unanimously . The PROV . GRAND SUPERINTENDENT then appointed and invested his Prov . Grand Officers as follows :
Comp . J . B . Scriven , Chap . 409 ... Prov . G . H . „ VV . P . Willson , 403 ... ... Prov . G . J . „ John E . Dawson , 404 ... ... Prov . G . S . E . „ Vero VV . Taylor , 409 ... ... Prov . G . S . N . „ J . N . Edwards , 13 S 5 ... ... Prov . G . P . S . „ W . Warrener , M . D ., 403 ... Prov . G . 1 st A . S .
„ VV . Gee , 409 ... ... Prov . G . 2 nd A . S . ,, F . Sumner Knyvett , 404 ... Prov . G . Treas . „ Edward T . Foord , 404 ... Prov . G . R . „ Frederick Levick , 404 ... Prov . G . Swd . B . „ R . T . Grubb , 409 Prov . G . S . B . „ James Terry , 13 S 5 ... ... Prov . G . D . of C . „ Faulkner Leigh , 404 ... ... Prov . G . O .
Comps . T . Thomas and I nomas Wright were reappointed Janitors . The report of the Board of Finance was then presented and ordered to be received , adopted , and entered on the minutes . Provincial Grand Chapter was then closed in due form . In the evening the companions partook of an excellent
banquet provided by the Stortford Chapter , No . 409 . The evident forethought displayed in the arrangements elicited hearty appreciation of the companions , and the Stortford Chapter , being the youngest chapter in the province , may be congratulated on so trying an ordeal as the entertainment of Prov . Grand Chapter having resulted in so complete a success . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given in
appropriate terms by the PROV . G SUPERINTENDENT and heartily responded to , The Past Prov . G . H ., E . Comp . F . H . WILSON ILES , proposed " The Health of the Prov . G . Superintendent , M . E . Comp . Thomas F . Halsey , M . P ., " and whilst doing so remarked that it was a difficult thing in the presence of the Prov . Grand Superintendent to use terms which would
adequately express the high estimation in which that companion was held . His readiness at all times to advance the cause of Masonry by participation and encouragement was so well known , that it was quite unnecessary for him to dilate upon it , suffice it to say , that no brother presiding over a province , be it a large or a small one , could do more to deserve the true regard which one and all felt for Bro .
Halsey in the province . Comp . lies' remarks elicited the cordial approval of the companions , and the toast was drunk with great enthusiasm . The PROV . GRAND SUPERINTENDENT , in reply , thanked Comp . lies for the kind and flattering manner in which he had submitted the toast , and said that he was much
gratified on this , as he had reason to be on all other occasions , at the cordial reception he met with . It was to him a source of great satisfaction to observe the steady progress made in the province , whether in Craft or Royal Arch Masonry , and he was fully sensible that it was owing to the fact that he was so ably supported by his officers on all occasions . He could only say that it was a source of great pleasure to him
on all occasions to visit'the various Masonic bodies in the province , and he felt sure that if he had the good fortune to receive the same hearty co-operation from the present officers as he had from those who had preceded them , the province must flourish . It was true that at present the Province of Hertfordshire was a small one , and cou'd never probably be able to compare with many of the larger ones ,
yet it was to him , and he felt sure it must be to others , a matter of great satisfaction to sec Hertfordshire with seven Stewards occupying the proud position of second on the list of provinces at the recent festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . The toast of "The Prov . Grand Officers" was then given , and duly responded to by E . Comp . J . B . Scriven ,
Prov . G . H ., which was followed by that of " Prosperity to the Stortford Chapter , " and met with a very hearty reception , being duly responded to by E . Comp . PERCY VV . TAYLOR , the present M . E . Z . The tnast of " The Visitors " brought the proceedings to a close . A choice selection of music , executed under the able direction of Comp . Faulkner Leigh , the Prov . G . Organist , materially added to the pleasure of the evening .
UNITED PILGRIMS LODGE , NO . 507 . —An emergency meeting of this lodge will be held this ( Saturday ) afternoon at the Surrey Masonic Hall . A report of the installation meeting on Wednesday last will appear in our next .