Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
men , cultivating brotherly love , the foundation and cope-stone , the cement and glory of this ancient Fraternity , that all may see the benign influence of Masonry , as all true Masons have done from the beginning : of the world , and will
do until the end of time . ( Applause . ) Jn conclusion , he hoped that he may be spared many years to come to unite with the brethren in working for the interest of ihe Craft , with thai brotherly love which at all times characterise Freemasons . He again thanked them sincerely
for this token of their regard , and resumed his seat amidst loud applause . The health of the visitors was next proposed , coupled with ihe names of Bro . S . Cole , W M . 1424 , and Bro . Nicholls , P . W . M . 1050 . The brethren expressed their thanks in very appropriate terms , and were
proud of the honour of being invited to such a prosperous Lodge of Instruction . Bro . Redman had great pleasure in proposing the Officers ot the Lodge of Instruction , coupled with the names of Bros . Young , Rankine , Johnstone , McDonald , and Allingham , the Hon . Sec . and Treas . To
Bro . Allingham we are mainly indebted for the prosperous financial condition of the lodge , through his energy and zeal we have been enabled to contribute to charitable institutions , and meet here this evening to display the true beauties of love and harmony , and wo fonder him our sincere thanks . The several brethren responded in vcrv
app'opnate terms , Bro . McDonald being noted forhis brevity . The health oflhe T y ler and Host was drank and duly responded to . Some very excellent singers were present , whom it would be almost invidious lo particularise . Suffice it 10 say the brethren spent a most pleasant evening , and separated at an early hour .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
MOUNT LEBANON - CHAPI I : R ( NO . 7 , 3 ) . —The ninth installation meeting of this prosperous chapter was held at the Bridge House Ilo ' el , Borough , Hi g h-street , Southwaik , on Thursday . April loth . The chapter was opened by Companions C . A . Cottt-nbrune , P . Z ., as M . E Z , J . T . Moss , H . ; E . Harris , f . ; R Wallers , P 7
S . E . ; R . Watts , P . Z . ; G . Kenning , P . Z . ; W . Smead , P . Z . ; and others who were present , The companions wore then admitted . The minutes of the previous meeting were read , and unanimously confirmed . Ballot for companion . B . Isaacs to be admitted as a joining member was unanimous in his favour . Ballots taken
separatel y were unanimous in favour of the six brethren , who were candidates for exaltation . Bros . Mahony , 25 ; Spencer , 73 ; 11 . A . Dubois . S . W . 1423 ; R . Limpus , S . D . 1309 , and Frail being in attendance wire regularl y exalted into Royal Arch Freemasonry . The \ i oik bein «
done in an admirable manner , the installations ol the Principals were next done . Companion J T . Moss . IL , was installed as M . E . Z ., E . I l . irris J ., as II . ; J . It . Button , S . N ., as J . The following companions were then installed with ihi collar and jewel of their office—viz ., Companion
A . D . Lowcnstark , P . Z ., Treasurer ( i \ inv esled for ninth time ) ; F . Withers , P . Z .. S . E . ( n invested for ninth time ); E . Shallers , S . N . ; M . D Loewenstark , P . S . ; G . J . Lowe , 1 st ., A . S . ; J . W . Baldwin , 2 nd . A . S . ; W . Y . Laing Janitor , It svas unanimously resolved that the usual five
guinea P . Z . s jewel be presented to Companion J . Trickett ( C . E . ) , P . Z ., for his services rendered to the chapter . Companion A . P . Stedman was elected to serve the office of Steward for the Girls' School at the ensuing festival , to be held on May 14 th . Several propositions were
received oT candidates lor exaltation . The chapter was closed for the season . The next meeting will be held on ' 1 htirsday , October 9 th . The usual good banquet followed . Companion J . H . Spencer , as usual with him , pleased all b \ the admirable manner he attend , d to tin comforts ol all those who were present . Tin
sisiiors were Companions G . Kenning , P . Z ., 19 . ' , W . Smead , P . Z ., 94 6 . LiVKRi'ooL . — Walton Chapter ( No . 1086 ) . — A nailing of this cbaptt r was held at the Masonic Hall , Kiikdale , Liverpool , on ' 1 htirsday , he 271 I 1 Maich . 'Ihe Comps . present Wire—IhomasChessvorlh , M . E . Z . ; Josh . C . Ltint , IL ; Geo . de la Perdle , J . j H . Hughes , S . N . ; j . P .
Royal Arch.
McArlhnr , P . Soj ; Wm . Archer , P . Z .. 1 reas . ; Jno . I , lint , P . Z ., and a large attendance , of members . Amongt the visitors were Comps . W . J . I . unt . I'Z ., ' P . Prov . GS . B . ; and [ . T . Banning IL , 823 . Ihe chapter having been opened by the Principals , the minutes of the
previous meeting were read and coiihrmed . Bro . Fit / . simmons of Lodge 220 , was then balloted for and was declared duly elecled . Being in attendance-, he was exalted in a very impressive manner b y Comp . Chesworlh , M . E . Z ., Conm . | . C . I . unt . PL , giving the symbolic , and Comp
Geo . de hi Perelle . J ., the historic lecture . ' 1 hi rest of ihe officers performed their respect ivt parts in an efficient manner . The Comps then proceeded to refreshment , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and a thoroughly to ' o . enjoyable evening was spent .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
MACDOXALD MARK MASTERS LODGE ( NO 104 ) . —This lodge met atthehead-quaiters of tin FirsfSurrey Rifles , Camberwell , on Saturday , the 12 th inst ., the W . M . Bro . Charles Hammerton P . G . O ., W . M . ; being supported by the W . Bro Dr . Eugene Cronin , Grand Deacon , I . P . M ¦ tht
\ . W . Bro . r Jhos . -Moggy , P . G . O ., P . M ., and Treasurer ; the V . W . Bro . James Stevens . P . G . O ., P . M .: Bro . A . Wolton . ' s . . A . Williams , as J . W . Benidge , M . O . ; White S . O ., and Secretary ; E . Moody , I . G . : F . II . Cozens .
Org ; Southaui , Bassett , W . P . Collins , W . Binney , and others . The lodge having been opened in ancient form , and with full musical service , notices oi' motion having reference to suggested alteration .- - of bvc-laws , were discussed and determined in on . The election of the W . M . and
I reasonv or the ensuing year , then took p lace , and the ol : dec of the brethren was unanimous in favour t f the S . W ., Bro . A . Wolton , as W M ., and of the V . W . Bro . Thos . Meggy , as Treas .. the r . spec :. ' . e announcements from the chair ol A . being roci ived with acclamation . Bro . Gram
was re-elected T yler . On ihe motion of tht V . W . Bro . Jame- Stevens , P . M ., a Past Masters Jewel was volid for the retiring Master , whosi iiianilold sei vices to the lodge from its establishment , and during his term of offiee were hi ghls spoken ol b y both prouosi r and seconder .
Propositions Tor advancement having been taken , the wages were distributed , tin .- lodge was closed the closing hymn sung , and the brethren adjourned lo supper , at which , on the cloth being cleared , ( he usual loyal and Mark Masonic toasts were duly honoured .
SUNDERLAND . — Uni'm Lodge if Mark Masters ( No . 124 ) . — - 'Ihe si cond annual meeting of the members of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Piiik Terrace , Sunderland , on Monday da-moon , Apiil 2 ist ., when Bro . P . Kristendahl was installed W . M . for tile ensuing year , by Bro
S . \ . Siraehau , P-ov . G . S . After having been p hie-cd in llie chair thenev . lv installed W . M . appointed and investid the following officers , viz ., Bros . B . Levy , I . P . M . ; W . I . iddell , S . W . : Jas . 11 . Coates , ) . W . ; R . Humphrey , M . O . ; | . Kiseborojgh , ' P . S . O . ; F . Maddison , J . O . : R .
B . I . inert , Treas . ; J . Davison , Reg . 1 Maiks ; B . Crick , Sec . ; R . Hudson , S . D . ; J . b . Pearson , J . D . ; D . Clark , I . G . ; J . Thompson , Tyler . Ihe annual festival was held the same evening , ihe W . M . in the chair , supported bv Bros . A . Clapham . DP G . M . M . Bro . Levy , P . P . J G . W ; I ' YSirachanProv GSO : and others
. . . . ... ' 1 here was a good attendance of the brethren at both the installation and festival .
WiiiTRiii'Li ) . —Wihe Lotlgr ( No . 142)—On Wednesday , the 91 I 1 inst ., the ordinary meeting of the Wike Lodge of M . M . M ., No 142 , was held at the Church Inn , While-held . There was a lair attendance of members , the following visitors being present : —Bros . Thomas Hagrases , P . M . M ., Blair , 115 , ItmiorGranil Marl .
Deacon of England ; Jostph Handles ' , P . M . M ., All ' ud . 136 , Thomas Nutiall . P . M . M ., 113 ; md Hairy Maidejj , W . M ., IJ 6 . in the unavoidable absence of the W . M . Bro . Chambers , ihe lodge svas opined at five p . m . b y Bro . Handley , acting W . M . The most important business being the installation of the W . M ,, Bro .
Mark Masonry.
W . Barlow , and being in attendance he was accordingly presented by Rro . Handley , and installed into the chair according to ancient custom hy Bro . Hargreaves . Other business was then transacted , and the lodge was closed in peace and harmony at 1 ; 45 . Banquet was then served , and
the usual loyal and Masonic toasts brought the evening to a close . BucTivB LODGE ( NO . 147 ) . —On Monday last the installation of the W . M . of the Bective Lodge of Mark Masters of Cumberland and Westmoreland at Keswii k took place , whin Bro .
Wood was duly installed . The brethren present were , in acl . lit ' on to the hr , thren of the lodge , Rro . Pusher , G . S . W . ; . Bro . Porter ( Wigton ) , G . S . D .. England ; Bro . R . Wentworth Little , " sec . Girls' School , London ; Bro . R . Levander , GDC , England ; G . G . Hay ward , Carlisle ,
P . G . | . C . ; and others . Afrer th ? business of the ledge was gone through the brethren present sat down to a splendid banquet , prepared under the management of Miss Charlotte Franks , at the Keswick Hotel , which svas very much commended . The chair was taken b y the new W . M . and a very pleasant hour or tsvo was spent .
BOLTOX . —Rose and ThUtle Lodge ( No . 15 8 ) . —The regular meeting ,. f this lodge was held in Freemasons' Hall , Church Institute , Bolton , on Monday , : 41 b April , at 6 p . m ., when there svere present , Bros . G . P . Broekbank , Past Grand Warden , W . M . ; John Tunnah , Past Prov . G .
Ovirseer , S . W . ; Thomas Norris , Prov . G . Sword Bearer , as J . W .. . Rutter , J . O . ; Brown , S . D . ; Horroeks , J . D . ; Sharpies , Treasurer ; [ as . Newton , Sec . ; Thomas Entwistle , P . Prov . G . Master ; C . Fitzgerald Matier , J . G . Warden , and others . The lodge was opened in due form ,
and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Bro . Jas . Gonden , M . M ., 221 , as a candidate for advancement , who svas unanimously elected . Bro . W . f-L J . Jones , M . O ., St . John ' s Mark Lodge , was unanimously elected as joining member . The
election of Master for the ensuing year then took place , the result being the unanimous election of Bro . lohn Tunnah , S . W ., P . Prov . G . Overseer . Bro . Rutter and Crother svere appointed to audit the Treasurer ' s accounts It svas unanimousl y igreed to recommend Grand Lodge to issue a
warrant for a Royal Ark Mariners Lotlge , to be held in connection with this lodge , to be denominated the " Mount Ararat Lodge . " Two brethren -viz ., Bros . James Pilkington , W . M ., 37 , and Rev . E . J . Boiling , who had been previously
elected , wereadmitted and advanced to the honourable degree of -Mark Master , by Bro . C . F . Matter , J . G . Warden . The business being concluded , the lodge svas closed , and the brethren adjourned to lefreshment .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
N 1 ; w c A s r L r . - u i > o N -1 ' . —Roy a I Ken t Pre-¦ ¦ ehtortj . —On Good Friday the annual general meeting of this Preceptory , was held in Maplestreet Masonic Hail , when there svas a large gathering of the Sir Kni g hts . 'Ihe Preceptory was opened shortly after three o ' clock b y the
Eminent Preceptor , Sir Knight William Bri gnall , jun ., assisted b y the usual officers . Amongst the Sir Kni g hts present were : —Sir Knts . C . J . Banister , P . E . C ; A . Clapham , P . EC . ; W . Foulsham , P . E . C ; J . F . Frolich , P . E . C . ; H . Hothain , P . E . C ; Jens Jensen , P . E . C ; H . G .
Lndnrg , P . E . C ; T . Robinson , P . E . C ; J . Ionis , P . E . C ; John Trotter , E . Preceptor ; J . Straker X'ilson , ist Captain and E . P . elect ; R . Cooke , ind Captain ; P . Hirstendahl , Major J . Monks , Lord Ernest Vane Tempest , B . Levy , R .
Humphrey , J . II . Thompson , John Trotter and others . Ihe minutes of the previous Preceptory having been read and confirmed the Preceptor vacated in his stall in favour of Sir Knight C . J . Banister , who installed Sir Knight J . Straker Nilsou as Preceptor for the present year . The Sir Knights
having accorded the newly installed Preceptor he usual salutation , he proceeded to appoint and invet the fobowing officers ; — Sir K . TS . W , Brignall jun ., P . E . P . ; W . Ptinshon , Prior ; W . Ilolham , Sub-Prior ; Rev . S . Atkinson , Prelate ; B . J . Banister , Chancellor ; H . Hotham , Treasurer ; R . F . Cooke , ist Captaim J . H'
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
men , cultivating brotherly love , the foundation and cope-stone , the cement and glory of this ancient Fraternity , that all may see the benign influence of Masonry , as all true Masons have done from the beginning : of the world , and will
do until the end of time . ( Applause . ) Jn conclusion , he hoped that he may be spared many years to come to unite with the brethren in working for the interest of ihe Craft , with thai brotherly love which at all times characterise Freemasons . He again thanked them sincerely
for this token of their regard , and resumed his seat amidst loud applause . The health of the visitors was next proposed , coupled with ihe names of Bro . S . Cole , W M . 1424 , and Bro . Nicholls , P . W . M . 1050 . The brethren expressed their thanks in very appropriate terms , and were
proud of the honour of being invited to such a prosperous Lodge of Instruction . Bro . Redman had great pleasure in proposing the Officers ot the Lodge of Instruction , coupled with the names of Bros . Young , Rankine , Johnstone , McDonald , and Allingham , the Hon . Sec . and Treas . To
Bro . Allingham we are mainly indebted for the prosperous financial condition of the lodge , through his energy and zeal we have been enabled to contribute to charitable institutions , and meet here this evening to display the true beauties of love and harmony , and wo fonder him our sincere thanks . The several brethren responded in vcrv
app'opnate terms , Bro . McDonald being noted forhis brevity . The health oflhe T y ler and Host was drank and duly responded to . Some very excellent singers were present , whom it would be almost invidious lo particularise . Suffice it 10 say the brethren spent a most pleasant evening , and separated at an early hour .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
MOUNT LEBANON - CHAPI I : R ( NO . 7 , 3 ) . —The ninth installation meeting of this prosperous chapter was held at the Bridge House Ilo ' el , Borough , Hi g h-street , Southwaik , on Thursday . April loth . The chapter was opened by Companions C . A . Cottt-nbrune , P . Z ., as M . E Z , J . T . Moss , H . ; E . Harris , f . ; R Wallers , P 7
S . E . ; R . Watts , P . Z . ; G . Kenning , P . Z . ; W . Smead , P . Z . ; and others who were present , The companions wore then admitted . The minutes of the previous meeting were read , and unanimously confirmed . Ballot for companion . B . Isaacs to be admitted as a joining member was unanimous in his favour . Ballots taken
separatel y were unanimous in favour of the six brethren , who were candidates for exaltation . Bros . Mahony , 25 ; Spencer , 73 ; 11 . A . Dubois . S . W . 1423 ; R . Limpus , S . D . 1309 , and Frail being in attendance wire regularl y exalted into Royal Arch Freemasonry . The \ i oik bein «
done in an admirable manner , the installations ol the Principals were next done . Companion J T . Moss . IL , was installed as M . E . Z ., E . I l . irris J ., as II . ; J . It . Button , S . N ., as J . The following companions were then installed with ihi collar and jewel of their office—viz ., Companion
A . D . Lowcnstark , P . Z ., Treasurer ( i \ inv esled for ninth time ) ; F . Withers , P . Z .. S . E . ( n invested for ninth time ); E . Shallers , S . N . ; M . D Loewenstark , P . S . ; G . J . Lowe , 1 st ., A . S . ; J . W . Baldwin , 2 nd . A . S . ; W . Y . Laing Janitor , It svas unanimously resolved that the usual five
guinea P . Z . s jewel be presented to Companion J . Trickett ( C . E . ) , P . Z ., for his services rendered to the chapter . Companion A . P . Stedman was elected to serve the office of Steward for the Girls' School at the ensuing festival , to be held on May 14 th . Several propositions were
received oT candidates lor exaltation . The chapter was closed for the season . The next meeting will be held on ' 1 htirsday , October 9 th . The usual good banquet followed . Companion J . H . Spencer , as usual with him , pleased all b \ the admirable manner he attend , d to tin comforts ol all those who were present . Tin
sisiiors were Companions G . Kenning , P . Z ., 19 . ' , W . Smead , P . Z ., 94 6 . LiVKRi'ooL . — Walton Chapter ( No . 1086 ) . — A nailing of this cbaptt r was held at the Masonic Hall , Kiikdale , Liverpool , on ' 1 htirsday , he 271 I 1 Maich . 'Ihe Comps . present Wire—IhomasChessvorlh , M . E . Z . ; Josh . C . Ltint , IL ; Geo . de la Perdle , J . j H . Hughes , S . N . ; j . P .
Royal Arch.
McArlhnr , P . Soj ; Wm . Archer , P . Z .. 1 reas . ; Jno . I , lint , P . Z ., and a large attendance , of members . Amongt the visitors were Comps . W . J . I . unt . I'Z ., ' P . Prov . GS . B . ; and [ . T . Banning IL , 823 . Ihe chapter having been opened by the Principals , the minutes of the
previous meeting were read and coiihrmed . Bro . Fit / . simmons of Lodge 220 , was then balloted for and was declared duly elecled . Being in attendance-, he was exalted in a very impressive manner b y Comp . Chesworlh , M . E . Z ., Conm . | . C . I . unt . PL , giving the symbolic , and Comp
Geo . de hi Perelle . J ., the historic lecture . ' 1 hi rest of ihe officers performed their respect ivt parts in an efficient manner . The Comps then proceeded to refreshment , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and a thoroughly to ' o . enjoyable evening was spent .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
MACDOXALD MARK MASTERS LODGE ( NO 104 ) . —This lodge met atthehead-quaiters of tin FirsfSurrey Rifles , Camberwell , on Saturday , the 12 th inst ., the W . M . Bro . Charles Hammerton P . G . O ., W . M . ; being supported by the W . Bro Dr . Eugene Cronin , Grand Deacon , I . P . M ¦ tht
\ . W . Bro . r Jhos . -Moggy , P . G . O ., P . M ., and Treasurer ; the V . W . Bro . James Stevens . P . G . O ., P . M .: Bro . A . Wolton . ' s . . A . Williams , as J . W . Benidge , M . O . ; White S . O ., and Secretary ; E . Moody , I . G . : F . II . Cozens .
Org ; Southaui , Bassett , W . P . Collins , W . Binney , and others . The lodge having been opened in ancient form , and with full musical service , notices oi' motion having reference to suggested alteration .- - of bvc-laws , were discussed and determined in on . The election of the W . M . and
I reasonv or the ensuing year , then took p lace , and the ol : dec of the brethren was unanimous in favour t f the S . W ., Bro . A . Wolton , as W M ., and of the V . W . Bro . Thos . Meggy , as Treas .. the r . spec :. ' . e announcements from the chair ol A . being roci ived with acclamation . Bro . Gram
was re-elected T yler . On ihe motion of tht V . W . Bro . Jame- Stevens , P . M ., a Past Masters Jewel was volid for the retiring Master , whosi iiianilold sei vices to the lodge from its establishment , and during his term of offiee were hi ghls spoken ol b y both prouosi r and seconder .
Propositions Tor advancement having been taken , the wages were distributed , tin .- lodge was closed the closing hymn sung , and the brethren adjourned lo supper , at which , on the cloth being cleared , ( he usual loyal and Mark Masonic toasts were duly honoured .
SUNDERLAND . — Uni'm Lodge if Mark Masters ( No . 124 ) . — - 'Ihe si cond annual meeting of the members of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Piiik Terrace , Sunderland , on Monday da-moon , Apiil 2 ist ., when Bro . P . Kristendahl was installed W . M . for tile ensuing year , by Bro
S . \ . Siraehau , P-ov . G . S . After having been p hie-cd in llie chair thenev . lv installed W . M . appointed and investid the following officers , viz ., Bros . B . Levy , I . P . M . ; W . I . iddell , S . W . : Jas . 11 . Coates , ) . W . ; R . Humphrey , M . O . ; | . Kiseborojgh , ' P . S . O . ; F . Maddison , J . O . : R .
B . I . inert , Treas . ; J . Davison , Reg . 1 Maiks ; B . Crick , Sec . ; R . Hudson , S . D . ; J . b . Pearson , J . D . ; D . Clark , I . G . ; J . Thompson , Tyler . Ihe annual festival was held the same evening , ihe W . M . in the chair , supported bv Bros . A . Clapham . DP G . M . M . Bro . Levy , P . P . J G . W ; I ' YSirachanProv GSO : and others
. . . . ... ' 1 here was a good attendance of the brethren at both the installation and festival .
WiiiTRiii'Li ) . —Wihe Lotlgr ( No . 142)—On Wednesday , the 91 I 1 inst ., the ordinary meeting of the Wike Lodge of M . M . M ., No 142 , was held at the Church Inn , While-held . There was a lair attendance of members , the following visitors being present : —Bros . Thomas Hagrases , P . M . M ., Blair , 115 , ItmiorGranil Marl .
Deacon of England ; Jostph Handles ' , P . M . M ., All ' ud . 136 , Thomas Nutiall . P . M . M ., 113 ; md Hairy Maidejj , W . M ., IJ 6 . in the unavoidable absence of the W . M . Bro . Chambers , ihe lodge svas opined at five p . m . b y Bro . Handley , acting W . M . The most important business being the installation of the W . M ,, Bro .
Mark Masonry.
W . Barlow , and being in attendance he was accordingly presented by Rro . Handley , and installed into the chair according to ancient custom hy Bro . Hargreaves . Other business was then transacted , and the lodge was closed in peace and harmony at 1 ; 45 . Banquet was then served , and
the usual loyal and Masonic toasts brought the evening to a close . BucTivB LODGE ( NO . 147 ) . —On Monday last the installation of the W . M . of the Bective Lodge of Mark Masters of Cumberland and Westmoreland at Keswii k took place , whin Bro .
Wood was duly installed . The brethren present were , in acl . lit ' on to the hr , thren of the lodge , Rro . Pusher , G . S . W . ; . Bro . Porter ( Wigton ) , G . S . D .. England ; Bro . R . Wentworth Little , " sec . Girls' School , London ; Bro . R . Levander , GDC , England ; G . G . Hay ward , Carlisle ,
P . G . | . C . ; and others . Afrer th ? business of the ledge was gone through the brethren present sat down to a splendid banquet , prepared under the management of Miss Charlotte Franks , at the Keswick Hotel , which svas very much commended . The chair was taken b y the new W . M . and a very pleasant hour or tsvo was spent .
BOLTOX . —Rose and ThUtle Lodge ( No . 15 8 ) . —The regular meeting ,. f this lodge was held in Freemasons' Hall , Church Institute , Bolton , on Monday , : 41 b April , at 6 p . m ., when there svere present , Bros . G . P . Broekbank , Past Grand Warden , W . M . ; John Tunnah , Past Prov . G .
Ovirseer , S . W . ; Thomas Norris , Prov . G . Sword Bearer , as J . W .. . Rutter , J . O . ; Brown , S . D . ; Horroeks , J . D . ; Sharpies , Treasurer ; [ as . Newton , Sec . ; Thomas Entwistle , P . Prov . G . Master ; C . Fitzgerald Matier , J . G . Warden , and others . The lodge was opened in due form ,
and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Bro . Jas . Gonden , M . M ., 221 , as a candidate for advancement , who svas unanimously elected . Bro . W . f-L J . Jones , M . O ., St . John ' s Mark Lodge , was unanimously elected as joining member . The
election of Master for the ensuing year then took place , the result being the unanimous election of Bro . lohn Tunnah , S . W ., P . Prov . G . Overseer . Bro . Rutter and Crother svere appointed to audit the Treasurer ' s accounts It svas unanimousl y igreed to recommend Grand Lodge to issue a
warrant for a Royal Ark Mariners Lotlge , to be held in connection with this lodge , to be denominated the " Mount Ararat Lodge . " Two brethren -viz ., Bros . James Pilkington , W . M ., 37 , and Rev . E . J . Boiling , who had been previously
elected , wereadmitted and advanced to the honourable degree of -Mark Master , by Bro . C . F . Matter , J . G . Warden . The business being concluded , the lodge svas closed , and the brethren adjourned to lefreshment .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
N 1 ; w c A s r L r . - u i > o N -1 ' . —Roy a I Ken t Pre-¦ ¦ ehtortj . —On Good Friday the annual general meeting of this Preceptory , was held in Maplestreet Masonic Hail , when there svas a large gathering of the Sir Kni g hts . 'Ihe Preceptory was opened shortly after three o ' clock b y the
Eminent Preceptor , Sir Knight William Bri gnall , jun ., assisted b y the usual officers . Amongst the Sir Kni g hts present were : —Sir Knts . C . J . Banister , P . E . C ; A . Clapham , P . EC . ; W . Foulsham , P . E . C ; J . F . Frolich , P . E . C . ; H . Hothain , P . E . C ; Jens Jensen , P . E . C ; H . G .
Lndnrg , P . E . C ; T . Robinson , P . E . C ; J . Ionis , P . E . C ; John Trotter , E . Preceptor ; J . Straker X'ilson , ist Captain and E . P . elect ; R . Cooke , ind Captain ; P . Hirstendahl , Major J . Monks , Lord Ernest Vane Tempest , B . Levy , R .
Humphrey , J . II . Thompson , John Trotter and others . Ihe minutes of the previous Preceptory having been read and confirmed the Preceptor vacated in his stall in favour of Sir Knight C . J . Banister , who installed Sir Knight J . Straker Nilsou as Preceptor for the present year . The Sir Knights
having accorded the newly installed Preceptor he usual salutation , he proceeded to appoint and invet the fobowing officers ; — Sir K . TS . W , Brignall jun ., P . E . P . ; W . Ptinshon , Prior ; W . Ilolham , Sub-Prior ; Rev . S . Atkinson , Prelate ; B . J . Banister , Chancellor ; H . Hotham , Treasurer ; R . F . Cooke , ist Captaim J . H'