Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article NOTES ON THE UNITED ORDERS OF THE TEMPLE AND HOSPITAL. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTES ON THE UNITED ORDERS OF THE TEMPLE AND HOSPITAL. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTES ON THE UNITED ORDERS OF THE TEMPLE AND HOSPITAL. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOTICE . The Subscription to THE FRHBMASON is now los . per annum , post-free , pai / able
in advance . Vol . I ., bound in cloth ... ... 4 s . 6 tl Vol . II ., ditto 7 s . Cd Vol . III ., ditto 15 s . od
Vol . IV ., ditto 15 s . od Vol . V ., ditto ... ... 15 s . od Reading Cases to hold 5 j numbers ... 25 . Cd Ditto ditto 4 do . ... is . 6 d .
United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance . Tlic Freemason is published on Saturday Mornings in tkne for [ lie early trains .
Ine price of the Freemason is I wopence per -. veckj annual subscription , los . ( payable in advance . ) All communications , letters , & c , to be addres .-ieit to the Editor
iqt . Fleet-street , E . C . The Editor will pay careful attention to all MSS . entrusted toliim , but cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
NOTICE . All Communications , Advertisements , & c , intended for insertion in the A ' tanler of l / ie following Saturday , must reach the Office not later than 6 o ' clock on Wednesday evening .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
REMITTANCES RECEIVED . If . U . lirovvu , Monioiia , Liheiia . By diaft f . 2 . os . yd , EIIARATL'M . —In the niitiee ul tlic meeting of the Temple Lodge , No . 1094 , tiro . R . Danson ' s name was primed Dawson throughout .
LIVERPOOL THEATRES , & c . Week ending May 3 . ROYAL ALEXANDRA THEATRE , l . ime-slreet . —Lessee Bro . E . Sakcr . Mr . and Mrs . KignoM in l ' oyiular I'iei ' e-s . ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE , Great Charlottc-strcct . —Lessee Uro .. H . Leslie . Mr : H . Kalconei's ncwilraina " Killninev . " iUN ' CE ~ dF ~ vi'ALirs I -lniAtu ' lvT CiaTiTm-siiuare . —Lc > s 7 l Mr . Selton Carry . Mr . J . K . Lmmcll in " l- ' iiiz , our Cousin German . " rHV ' . ATlili ROYAL Williamson-square . —Lessee , Bio . De J / i-eei-c . Iturli-sque of " Tlie lYii > ii . an Brothers , " anil Miscellaneous Entertainment . T . JAMES'S HALL , Linn-street . —Proprietor , Bro . S . ilague . Special Artistes anil Easter Programme . NEW STAR MUSIC ilAI . L , \\ l ..:. i . T . son-j- ; v"ire . —Manager , Bro . Saumleis . OI . ITA , ami Sjiecial Lasler Attractions . ROTUNI ) A ~ fn U . vriel'f nTni'TOsil ' ' ' j ' l . \ TLV-Propricior , ~ Wr . £ > . lilannel ! . Mi « eli . incous Lnli'itaininents . / - > IUKI :. \ ' .-S " H . U . L 7 Mr . liar y LUtnns' " Mem- Moments . ' n / pSOK . ST . JAM . . S HALL Professor Hermann ' s illusions
The Freemason , SATURDAY , APRIL 26 , 1873 .
Notes On The United Orders Of The Temple And Hospital.
BY W . BRO . EMRA HOLMES , P . M ., & c . RE CRAFT MASONRY . A lecture was delivered before the members of the Prud nee Encampment of Knights
Templar , Ipswich , on the 3 tst of July , 1872 , and subsequently , in an extended form , was published in the Freemason . I had intended to write a few pages respecting Bro . Holmes ' s
lecture , but as the Editor has closed the friendl y discussion , so far as Knights Templar are concerned , I shall simply confine my remarks to the subject as it aftects Craft Masonry . By the
Notes On The United Orders Of The Temple And Hospital.
prefix " Masonic" being eliminated from the " Orders of the Temple and Hospital" ( so warmly supported by Bro . Holmes ) , it appears to me that their only claim for recognition has been
removed ; and certainly if it is agreed that the " Orders of the Temple and Hospital" shall be no longer Masonic , but chivalric in character , such a body has legally no rig ht to administer
oaths of secresy to its candidates for membership , seeing it is not a Masonic organisation , and consequently not empowered to requiie such an O . B . as comes under the denomination of an
oath . The present Order of the Temple , if it is not Masonic , is a sham and delusion ; for as it cannot be proved to be the legitimate descendant of the ancient order of that name , and the
members discard their Masonic relationship , thereby teing neither a chivalric order , nor a Masonic body , clearly the United Orders of the Temple and the Hospital , about which we have heard
so much lately , are fanciful creations of a few Brethren who have managed to put the extinguisher on a society formerly connected with , and nourishing under the wing of ,
Freemasonry . It is easy enough to prove that the Masonic Knights Templar have been in existence about one hundred years j and on the ground of their age , and the distinguished roll of craftsmen
who have adorned their ranks , many , who care little for show or grandeur , would be ready to acknowledge such a body as being Masonic by adoption , and entitled to a liberal support by
Freemasons , especially if they are everywhere conducted as in the LTnited States . To cut away the prelix "Masonic , " however , actually removes the only ground they can possibly have
for their continuance or existence . The remarks of " Civis , " in the Freemason of 22 nd February , are much to the point , and worth a reperusal by all those interested in the enquiry . We are
persuaded that , rather than act a lie by claiming to be the lineal descendants of the original Knights Templar , many " Sir Knights" will leave the ranks ! Whatever our Bro . Holmes may say
about the ancient Lodge of Aberdeen , and its connection with the Knights Templar , there is nothing in the minutes to ccnlirm his position ; and for the future it would be wise for
contributors to the Freemason to refrain from claiuiinno ancient Craft Masonry either in Scotland or elsewhere , to be in any way the supporters of Masonic Knights Templar prior to the last
century . On tins point , the words of our friend the " Masonic Student" should be carefull y noted . Many of the readers of the Freemason will , no doubt , in common with numbers , be
glad to know what is meant b y the statement that "our learned Bro . Dr . H . B . Leeson is the last surviving member of the Order of Harodim . " Our lamented Bro . was alive when that sentence
was written , and during his eventful Masonic career we have often seen similar statements made respecting his connection with that order . Dr . Leeson was not a York Mason , neither was
he a member of the Ancient and Accepted Rite originally , but received his degrees of 18 , & c . tinder the wing of KnightsTeniplar . As to thu
Royal Ordei having documents " upwards of 300 years old , " we shall be glad to see or know ol any even of fifty years later date . Then we are told that St . John ' s Lodge , No . 3 , has a charter from
Notes On The United Orders Of The Temple And Hospital.
William the Lion , " which is indisputable—date 1174 . " Would Bro . Holmes kindly tell us what the St . John ' s Lodge has to do with this charter ? I believe the correct date is about 1100 , but
cannot discover any proof of that Lod ge having a claim to be of that date , or in any way to be considered in existence as a Lodge in the 12 th century . When did the St . John ' s Lodge possess
the charter ? It is not in existence now , and nothing has yet been submitted to identify this Lodge with such a document . The sill and one of the windows in Glasgow Cathedral has also
been mentioned as of curious import , and containing the " square and compass engraved , the All-seeing Eye above , the sun , moon , and stars , and a finger pointing to the three steps . " Bro .
W . P . Buchan has kindl y sent us a sketch of these emblems , and we find the sun absent from the design ; the ladder has live steps ; and the finger actually points away from the latter ! The
Grand Lodge of all England never recognised the Masonic Knights Templar until the eighth decade of the last century , and soon after that organisation expired ; so that it does not appear to
have profited much b y the relationship . I had intended saying more respecting Bro . Holmes ' s interesting lecture ; but , on consideration , I am of opinion that if the dropping of the prefix
" Masonic is persisted in , the " United Orders of the Temple and Hospital" have nothing in common with Freemasonry , ami therefore are unsuitable for discussion in these pages . In
conclusion , as Bro . " Masonic Student" has already ably stated , " V / e cannot admit that the Masonic Knights Templar have anything
historically or hneaily to do with the famous soldiers of the Temple ; " consequently if they disconnect themselves from the Craft , they cease to be either Masonic or chivalric . W . J . HUGHAN .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cumberland And Westmoreland.
The members of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cumberland and Westmoreland held their preparatory , or business meeting , at Cockermouth , on Tuesday , 15 th inst ., under the presidency ( in
the unavoidable absence of the Ri ght Hon . the Earl of Bective , M . P ., Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Cumberland and Westmoreland ) of the Pight Worshipful the Deputy Provincial Grand Master Bro . Whitwell , M . P . ( Kendal ) , and P . G . S . W . of England .
The Provincial Lodge was opened in the Courthouse at one p . m ., the Right Worshipful D . P . G . Master being accompanied on to the ciais by Bro . Lemon , P . G . Treas . Acting D . P . G . M ., Bros , the Rev . H . Puxley , William Rutherford , P . P . G . Chaplains ; Bros . Wentworth , Little , Middlesex , Levander , Wilts , Gibson , Barr , Whitehaven , Rauthmell , Kendal , and others .
The following Past and present Provincial Grand Officers were present , and recorded their names in the signature book : —E . W . Henry , P . M . 119 , P . J . G . W . 5 E . Busher , P . G . S . B ., England , P . G . Sec . ; A . Mott , 1390 , P . S . G . W . 5 E . Fearon , P . M . 119 , P . G . D . C ; R . Robinson ,
P . M . J 002 , P . P . S . G . D . ; G . G . Hayward , P . M . 3 to , P . P . G . S . B . ; J . Barr . P . M . 119 , P . P . G . S . B . ; P . C-iuin , P . M . 119 , P . P . G . S . W . ; W . Alsop , Sec . 119 , P . P . G . S . j G . Brooker , P . M . 962 . P . G . P . ; J . Cooper , Org . 112 , P . P . G . O . ; W , Court , W . M . 310 . P . P . G . P . ; H . Rauthmell ,
W . M . 129 , P . P . G . D . C . ; R . Dodgson , W . M . 1390 , P . G . S . B . ; G . Carrick , J . W . 327 , P . G . S . ; C . Morton , P . M . 872 , P . P . S . G . W . ; H . L . Puxley , P . M . ; oo 2 , P . P . G . C .,- J . Porter , P . M . 327 , P . G . S . D . ; G . Shannon , W . M . 327 , P . G . S . ; R . Wentworth Little , P . G . Sec , Middlesex ; and H . C . Levander , P . M ., P . G . S . D . Wilts . , ..... „ -
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOTICE . The Subscription to THE FRHBMASON is now los . per annum , post-free , pai / able
in advance . Vol . I ., bound in cloth ... ... 4 s . 6 tl Vol . II ., ditto 7 s . Cd Vol . III ., ditto 15 s . od
Vol . IV ., ditto 15 s . od Vol . V ., ditto ... ... 15 s . od Reading Cases to hold 5 j numbers ... 25 . Cd Ditto ditto 4 do . ... is . 6 d .
United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance . Tlic Freemason is published on Saturday Mornings in tkne for [ lie early trains .
Ine price of the Freemason is I wopence per -. veckj annual subscription , los . ( payable in advance . ) All communications , letters , & c , to be addres .-ieit to the Editor
iqt . Fleet-street , E . C . The Editor will pay careful attention to all MSS . entrusted toliim , but cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
NOTICE . All Communications , Advertisements , & c , intended for insertion in the A ' tanler of l / ie following Saturday , must reach the Office not later than 6 o ' clock on Wednesday evening .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
REMITTANCES RECEIVED . If . U . lirovvu , Monioiia , Liheiia . By diaft f . 2 . os . yd , EIIARATL'M . —In the niitiee ul tlic meeting of the Temple Lodge , No . 1094 , tiro . R . Danson ' s name was primed Dawson throughout .
LIVERPOOL THEATRES , & c . Week ending May 3 . ROYAL ALEXANDRA THEATRE , l . ime-slreet . —Lessee Bro . E . Sakcr . Mr . and Mrs . KignoM in l ' oyiular I'iei ' e-s . ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE , Great Charlottc-strcct . —Lessee Uro .. H . Leslie . Mr : H . Kalconei's ncwilraina " Killninev . " iUN ' CE ~ dF ~ vi'ALirs I -lniAtu ' lvT CiaTiTm-siiuare . —Lc > s 7 l Mr . Selton Carry . Mr . J . K . Lmmcll in " l- ' iiiz , our Cousin German . " rHV ' . ATlili ROYAL Williamson-square . —Lessee , Bio . De J / i-eei-c . Iturli-sque of " Tlie lYii > ii . an Brothers , " anil Miscellaneous Entertainment . T . JAMES'S HALL , Linn-street . —Proprietor , Bro . S . ilague . Special Artistes anil Easter Programme . NEW STAR MUSIC ilAI . L , \\ l ..:. i . T . son-j- ; v"ire . —Manager , Bro . Saumleis . OI . ITA , ami Sjiecial Lasler Attractions . ROTUNI ) A ~ fn U . vriel'f nTni'TOsil ' ' ' j ' l . \ TLV-Propricior , ~ Wr . £ > . lilannel ! . Mi « eli . incous Lnli'itaininents . / - > IUKI :. \ ' .-S " H . U . L 7 Mr . liar y LUtnns' " Mem- Moments . ' n / pSOK . ST . JAM . . S HALL Professor Hermann ' s illusions
The Freemason , SATURDAY , APRIL 26 , 1873 .
Notes On The United Orders Of The Temple And Hospital.
BY W . BRO . EMRA HOLMES , P . M ., & c . RE CRAFT MASONRY . A lecture was delivered before the members of the Prud nee Encampment of Knights
Templar , Ipswich , on the 3 tst of July , 1872 , and subsequently , in an extended form , was published in the Freemason . I had intended to write a few pages respecting Bro . Holmes ' s
lecture , but as the Editor has closed the friendl y discussion , so far as Knights Templar are concerned , I shall simply confine my remarks to the subject as it aftects Craft Masonry . By the
Notes On The United Orders Of The Temple And Hospital.
prefix " Masonic" being eliminated from the " Orders of the Temple and Hospital" ( so warmly supported by Bro . Holmes ) , it appears to me that their only claim for recognition has been
removed ; and certainly if it is agreed that the " Orders of the Temple and Hospital" shall be no longer Masonic , but chivalric in character , such a body has legally no rig ht to administer
oaths of secresy to its candidates for membership , seeing it is not a Masonic organisation , and consequently not empowered to requiie such an O . B . as comes under the denomination of an
oath . The present Order of the Temple , if it is not Masonic , is a sham and delusion ; for as it cannot be proved to be the legitimate descendant of the ancient order of that name , and the
members discard their Masonic relationship , thereby teing neither a chivalric order , nor a Masonic body , clearly the United Orders of the Temple and the Hospital , about which we have heard
so much lately , are fanciful creations of a few Brethren who have managed to put the extinguisher on a society formerly connected with , and nourishing under the wing of ,
Freemasonry . It is easy enough to prove that the Masonic Knights Templar have been in existence about one hundred years j and on the ground of their age , and the distinguished roll of craftsmen
who have adorned their ranks , many , who care little for show or grandeur , would be ready to acknowledge such a body as being Masonic by adoption , and entitled to a liberal support by
Freemasons , especially if they are everywhere conducted as in the LTnited States . To cut away the prelix "Masonic , " however , actually removes the only ground they can possibly have
for their continuance or existence . The remarks of " Civis , " in the Freemason of 22 nd February , are much to the point , and worth a reperusal by all those interested in the enquiry . We are
persuaded that , rather than act a lie by claiming to be the lineal descendants of the original Knights Templar , many " Sir Knights" will leave the ranks ! Whatever our Bro . Holmes may say
about the ancient Lodge of Aberdeen , and its connection with the Knights Templar , there is nothing in the minutes to ccnlirm his position ; and for the future it would be wise for
contributors to the Freemason to refrain from claiuiinno ancient Craft Masonry either in Scotland or elsewhere , to be in any way the supporters of Masonic Knights Templar prior to the last
century . On tins point , the words of our friend the " Masonic Student" should be carefull y noted . Many of the readers of the Freemason will , no doubt , in common with numbers , be
glad to know what is meant b y the statement that "our learned Bro . Dr . H . B . Leeson is the last surviving member of the Order of Harodim . " Our lamented Bro . was alive when that sentence
was written , and during his eventful Masonic career we have often seen similar statements made respecting his connection with that order . Dr . Leeson was not a York Mason , neither was
he a member of the Ancient and Accepted Rite originally , but received his degrees of 18 , & c . tinder the wing of KnightsTeniplar . As to thu
Royal Ordei having documents " upwards of 300 years old , " we shall be glad to see or know ol any even of fifty years later date . Then we are told that St . John ' s Lodge , No . 3 , has a charter from
Notes On The United Orders Of The Temple And Hospital.
William the Lion , " which is indisputable—date 1174 . " Would Bro . Holmes kindly tell us what the St . John ' s Lodge has to do with this charter ? I believe the correct date is about 1100 , but
cannot discover any proof of that Lod ge having a claim to be of that date , or in any way to be considered in existence as a Lodge in the 12 th century . When did the St . John ' s Lodge possess
the charter ? It is not in existence now , and nothing has yet been submitted to identify this Lodge with such a document . The sill and one of the windows in Glasgow Cathedral has also
been mentioned as of curious import , and containing the " square and compass engraved , the All-seeing Eye above , the sun , moon , and stars , and a finger pointing to the three steps . " Bro .
W . P . Buchan has kindl y sent us a sketch of these emblems , and we find the sun absent from the design ; the ladder has live steps ; and the finger actually points away from the latter ! The
Grand Lodge of all England never recognised the Masonic Knights Templar until the eighth decade of the last century , and soon after that organisation expired ; so that it does not appear to
have profited much b y the relationship . I had intended saying more respecting Bro . Holmes ' s interesting lecture ; but , on consideration , I am of opinion that if the dropping of the prefix
" Masonic is persisted in , the " United Orders of the Temple and Hospital" have nothing in common with Freemasonry , ami therefore are unsuitable for discussion in these pages . In
conclusion , as Bro . " Masonic Student" has already ably stated , " V / e cannot admit that the Masonic Knights Templar have anything
historically or hneaily to do with the famous soldiers of the Temple ; " consequently if they disconnect themselves from the Craft , they cease to be either Masonic or chivalric . W . J . HUGHAN .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cumberland And Westmoreland.
The members of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cumberland and Westmoreland held their preparatory , or business meeting , at Cockermouth , on Tuesday , 15 th inst ., under the presidency ( in
the unavoidable absence of the Ri ght Hon . the Earl of Bective , M . P ., Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Cumberland and Westmoreland ) of the Pight Worshipful the Deputy Provincial Grand Master Bro . Whitwell , M . P . ( Kendal ) , and P . G . S . W . of England .
The Provincial Lodge was opened in the Courthouse at one p . m ., the Right Worshipful D . P . G . Master being accompanied on to the ciais by Bro . Lemon , P . G . Treas . Acting D . P . G . M ., Bros , the Rev . H . Puxley , William Rutherford , P . P . G . Chaplains ; Bros . Wentworth , Little , Middlesex , Levander , Wilts , Gibson , Barr , Whitehaven , Rauthmell , Kendal , and others .
The following Past and present Provincial Grand Officers were present , and recorded their names in the signature book : —E . W . Henry , P . M . 119 , P . J . G . W . 5 E . Busher , P . G . S . B ., England , P . G . Sec . ; A . Mott , 1390 , P . S . G . W . 5 E . Fearon , P . M . 119 , P . G . D . C ; R . Robinson ,
P . M . J 002 , P . P . S . G . D . ; G . G . Hayward , P . M . 3 to , P . P . G . S . B . ; J . Barr . P . M . 119 , P . P . G . S . B . ; P . C-iuin , P . M . 119 , P . P . G . S . W . ; W . Alsop , Sec . 119 , P . P . G . S . j G . Brooker , P . M . 962 . P . G . P . ; J . Cooper , Org . 112 , P . P . G . O . ; W , Court , W . M . 310 . P . P . G . P . ; H . Rauthmell ,
W . M . 129 , P . P . G . D . C . ; R . Dodgson , W . M . 1390 , P . G . S . B . ; G . Carrick , J . W . 327 , P . G . S . ; C . Morton , P . M . 872 , P . P . S . G . W . ; H . L . Puxley , P . M . ; oo 2 , P . P . G . C .,- J . Porter , P . M . 327 , P . G . S . D . ; G . Shannon , W . M . 327 , P . G . S . ; R . Wentworth Little , P . G . Sec , Middlesex ; and H . C . Levander , P . M ., P . G . S . D . Wilts . , ..... „ -