Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
We have received a pamphlet from Bro . Tew , D . P . G . M . of W . Yorkshire , relative to thc Boys' School , which wc do not deem it well in the interests of Freemasonry to publish . For the welfare of the Boys' School , however , wc have felt it to be our duty to publish thc following letter from Bro . Binckes : — To the Yorkshire Vice-Presidents of the Royal Masonic
Institution for Boys , Wood Green , London , N . Report of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Province of West Yorkshire , 29 th A . L . 5875 . 1 have this day rcccivedacopyofapamphlet with thcabove title , accompanied by a note addressed to me , and signed , " Yours fraternally , T . W . Tew , " from which the following is an extract : — " West Yorkshire docs not like the repeated
visits of thc Secretary of the Boys' School , and thinks the contributions will be maintained without the Secretary ' s personal visitations , and the amount charged in the expenditure be saved . " To what extent the D . P . G . M . is to be accepted as the exponent of the feeling of the Prov . Grand Master , the Prov . Grand Officers and brethren of West Yorkshire , it is
of course impossible for mcto say . 1 his only f can assert , that the kindness extended to me on all occasions by the late Provincial Grand Master , and the brethren generally , the courtesy and genial warmth with which I have been invariably received , prevented any such impression on my mind , producing indeed , thc conviction of thc existence of a feeling entirely opposed to that described by Bro . Tew . If
I have been mistaken , ! can but express my sincere regret , and can assure you that you will never find mc pressing an unwelcome presence on your various assemblies . My principal reason in addressing you , however , is with reference to thc extraordinary contents of thc pamphlet , into thc details of which I cannot now enter , being prevented from doing so by the incessant pressure of business
arising out of thc ensuing Festival . I simply now , in the interests of the Institution , and in my own name , and on behalf of others , beg you to suspend your judgment until a reply can be given to the ex parte statements to which your attention has been drawn . There is not one of these statements of which a satisfactory exjilanation cannot be given , if it be thought desirable to give publicity to
charges and investigations , which unhappily have already occupied a very large portion of valuable time . Thatany gentleman recognising a proper spirit of fairness and impartiality should accept as facts the statements of one deeply and personally inculpated , without thc slightest enquiry from others whose conduct is called in question , and himself adopt such statements as truthful by
publishing them in his own name , is to my mind one of those mysteries impossible to fathom . From first to last , the pamphlet is one long scries of one-sided advocacy and misstatement , revealing at every step its source of inspiration , but as easily confuted as is a house of cards destroyed by a touch .
In the earnest hope that thc interests of the Institution , for which you and others have done so much , may not be damaged by this publication , and in the fullest assurance that the confidence reposed by you in the Committee and myself has never been abused , and in the hope that that confidence may long be continued , I have the honour to be ,
Your faithful and obedient Servant and Brother , FREDERICK BINCKES , Secretary . 19 th June , 1875 . P . S . —One correction I cannot delay : —Al page nine there is published a short note of mine , wilfully garbled , which is so absurdly printed as it stands , that to
suppose mc cajiablc of inditing it would be to place me on a level , as regards mental capacity , with the Head-Master , through whom the copy must have been furnished to Bro . Tew . My note was as follows : — "A letter addressed to the Chairman and Members of
the House Committee has this day been delivered at this address . Like your client , you appear determined to ignore thc existence of a recognised official in thc person of yours , tec . " Contrast this with the note as printed , ami let everyone draw his own conclusions .
Masonic Ball At Cambridge.
The May term is the brightest time in Cambridge Masonry , as most men take tlieir B . A . degrees in June , and they are anxious to proceed as far a--, they can iii Masonry before leaving the University . The following is the list of the chief officers of the various bulges ami chapters , and it
shows that Masonry has established a firm footing among the "dons " as well as the junior members of the University : —Craft , —W . F . Smith , Fellow of St . | ohn's , W . M . ; thc Rev . J . W . Cartmell , P . G . C , Fellow of Christ ' s , W . M . elect . Royal Arch , —Professor R . K . Miller , P . M ., P . G . J . W ., Fellow of St . Peter's , 7 .. Mark , —I ! . T . Caldwell , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . W ., Fellow of Corpus Christi , W . M . -. F . C .
Wacc , P . M ., Fellow of St . John ' s , W . M . elect . Royal Ark Mariners , —The Rev . Dr . Walker , P . M ., 1 > . I'rov . G . J . W ., late Fellow of Corpus Christi , N . Ruse Croix , —it . T . Caldwell , M . W . S . Knights Templar , —The Rev . Dr . Walker , Preceptor . All these degrees were conferred on a large number of candidates during the term , and ( he Marine year was wi . und up by the annual ball of the Isaac Newton University Endue , which was y-iven at ihe
Guildhall on the 28 th of May . The following brethren acted as Stewards , in addition to those alread y named : —The Hi - "lit Hon the Earl of ilardvvickc , P . M ., R . W . P . G . M . ; the ifey . 1- F . Hardy , B . D ., P . M ., P . Prov . G . C , Fellow of . Sidney S ussex ; the Rev . A . I " . Frazer , P . M .. P . I ' rov . G . S . W ., '•1 st Grand Chaplain ; I ? . C Jcbb , Fellow of Trinity ami 1 ublic Orator ; Lord Theobald Buller , the I Inn | . Plunket , and others . Bro . Gilbert Ainslie , P ... L , P . Prov . G . S . W .,
Masonic Ball At Cambridge.
acted as Honorary Secretary , and under his skilful management all the arrangements were most successfully carried out . All the brethren firstappcarcdin Craft clothing , and those belonging to the higher degrees changed successively to the dresses of Mark or Ark , Royal Arch , Rose Croix , Templars , and Knights of Malta , to each of which
degrees a separate set of Lancers was allotted . A few brethren also wore the clothing of the Royal Order of Scotland ami thc Red Cross of Constantine . Bro . Dan Godfrey , with his band of the Guards , supplied the music . The company numbered about 370 , and dancing was kept up till four o'clock .
Poetry .
THE W . M . 'S SONG . — "TO ORDER , BRETHREN . " Dedicated to the Rev . E . P . Brette , D . D ., W . M . Lodge 1460 , By T . BURDETT YEOMAN , 1460 . List whilst I sing of rank and fame , of confidence and state , Of brotherhoods and governments , how changeable their fate . But one there is above thc rest , whose virtues arc untold , For honour is their first regard , and faithful is the mould .
Chorus : " To order , Brethren , " as Masons free , 'Tis the first time I ask ; _ - For the Craft at large , and this our lodge Is my exclusive task . Again the sound of gavel rings , a second time I " rise ,
To ask if you have ought to say : " Oh , yes ! some brother cries , " Worshipful Sir , I wish to state , that we have funds to spare , For charity some ten . pounds give , to girls and boys a share . " Chorus : " To order , Brethren , " etc .
For thc third time I rise to ask if ought you have to say , — " Worshipful Master and dear Sirs , your kind attention pay , Outside our lodge a brother waits , who humbly craves our aid , With troubles sore he seeks for help , ' Accept my thanks , ' he said . "
Chorus : " To order , Brethren , " etc . Brethren , again , before we close , let us invoke a blessing From our Great Architect and King , whose love we arc con fessing ;
Now may he deign o ' er us to watch , and hold us in His keeping , In health , anti strength , and holy bond , at home , abroad , and sleeping . Chorus : " To order , Brethren , " etc .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
'I he Lodge of Benevolence met on Wednesday last , at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Jcshua Nunn , S . V . P ., was in the President's chair ; Bro . James Brett , J . V . P ., in thc Senior Vice-President ' s chair ; and Bro . H . Garrod , P . M . 749 , in the Junior Vice-President ' s . Among thc brethren present were Bros . John Hervey , G . Sec , John M . Clabon ; S .
Rawson , W . Smith , Herbert Dicketts , W . Mann , W . Stephens , J oseph Smith , H . G . Buss , A . A . Pendlebury , H . M . Lcvy , j . Diprose , W . T . Howe , James Robins , R . B . Webster , J . W . Stcdwcll , S . S . Hickman , II . T . Wood , C . P . Cobham , J . J . Go . sset , C . Jardine , W . S . Masterman , J . Bengemann , W . Sugg , II . Driver , J . Ross , L . Keays , A . J . Pritchard , C . F . Hogard , E . King , A . B . Marten , D . Belts , E . Witts , II . Massey ( Freemason ) , and C . E . Habicht .
I he grants of £ 20 and under £ 50 madcon thc former occasion to the amount of £ 110 , were first confirmed , and the lotlge then proceeded with the consideration of new cases , which numbered altogether twenty-three . Of these three were deferred , and one was refused . The remainder were relieved with sums ranging from £ 40 to £ 3 . Two received £ 40 each ; one £ 30 ; eight 20 ; two £ 15 ; four £ 10 ; and two £ 5 ; making altogether £ 350 . Lodge was then closed anti adjourned .
Layng The Foundation Stone Of A Memorial Fountain At Wormhill.
Yesterday the ofiicers and members of thc Phcenix Lodgeof St . Aim , 1235 , l , t Buxton , with several brethren from other lodges , met at Wormhill , by the kind invitation of Bro . the Rev . A . A . Bagshawe , M . A ., Vicar of Wormhill and Rural De . ui of Buxton , to assist in laying the Inundation stone of a fountain to the memory of
"James Brindley , " the eminent engineer , who was born in the parish , at Tunsteatl , about a milo from Wormhill . Thc plans show a very elegant stone structure for the springs near the centre of the village , and which , in thc most droughty summers , were never known to fail . The architect is Bro . Robert Griggs , of Gray ' s Inn-square , Loudon ; aud thc fountain is expected to be
finished and ojiencd for thc use of the village , about thc cud of July . The following brethren were present on thc occasion : —Bros . Wm . Smith , W . M . ; E . C . Milligan , S . W . ; E . J . Sykes , J . W . ; A . J . Harrison , Ph . D ., Chaplain ; Wm . Roughen , Treasurer ; A . Barnett , Secretary ; J . H . Lawson , S . D . ; Jos . Whalley , Superintendent of Works ; Charles Adams , D . C . ; George Marsden , Organist ; W . Goodwin , I . G . ; A . Pyke , Tyler ; George Goodwin , C . Gwinnell ,
Stewards ; R . R . Duke , P . P . G . D . C , P . M . ; Frederick Turner , P . M ., P . G . S . D . ; Josiah Taylor , I . P . M ., P . G . S . B . ; Augusttis A . Bagshawe , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., P . P . G , Chaplain . — Members : Rev . J . AL Cranswick , P . G . D . ; W . H . Newton , Charks Wilkinson , G . F . Barnard , J . C Bates , Samuel Taylor , Thos . Griffiths , W . Millward , James C . Hyde , J . G . Mcggison . The following brethren from other lodges were also present : —Bro . Robt . Bramvvell ( Peveril of the Peak Lodge ) ,
Layng The Foundation Stone Of A Memorial Fountain At Wormhill.
J . W . 654 " ; George Shaysles ( Clifton Lodge ) , Blackpool ) , J . W . 703 ; S . W . Ready ( Peveril of the Peak ) , P . M ., 6 54 ; John Cockshott ( Concord ) , W . M . 343 ; Thos . Roper ( St . John ' s Wigton ) , P . P . G . S . W . for Cumberland ; Jno . Comyn ( Commercial Lodge ) , 411 , P . P . S . W . for Notts ; Jno . D . Simpson ( Peveril of the Peak ) , 654 ; John Yarker ( Integrity , Manchester ) , P . M . ; R . H . Holt ( Peveril of thc Peak ) , 654 ;
Joseph Wright ( Peveril of the Peak ) , S . W . 654 ; & c . The lodge , adjourned from the last regular lodge night , met , under a dispensation from Bro . Okeover , D . P . G . M ., in the School-room , Wormhill , the foundation . stone of which was laid with Masonic Ceremony in 1871 , and after opening in the First Degree the brethren formed in due order and proceeded to the site of the proposed fountain , where Bro .
Wm . Smith , W . M ., laid the foundation stone , assisted by Bros . E . C . Milligan , S . W ., E . J . Sykes , J . W ., J . Simpson , & c , ancl after the position of the stone had been tested by the various tools with which an operative Mason completes his work , Bro . Smith declared the stone properly laid , newspapers and coins having previousl y been deposited beneath it . The symbolical corn was sprinkled , and wine
and oil were poured upon the surface with the usual ceremonies . Bro . thc Rev . A . J . Harrison , P . M ., Chaplain , then delivered a very able biographical address on Brinley , which appeared to interest all present . " God save the Queen" was then sung , and the brethren returned to the
school-room , and the lodge was closed . From these pleasant labours thc brethren went to refreshment at the Vicarage . wherc the Vicar and his estimable wife entertained them in the hospitable and sumptuous manner for which they are so w-ell known , and a most agreeable and happy day was spent .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The General Committee of this Institution assembled on Thursday afternoon at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . H . Browse , presided , and there were also present Bros . Major J . Creaton , Benjamin Head , Joshua Nunn , A . H . Tattershall , Walter Wellsman , Thos . F . P . Griffiths Smith ,
Thos . W . White , John Symonds , J . G . Marsh , Jesse Turner , R . B . Webster , J . A . Farnfield , Thos . Massa , Col . J . Peters , H . M . Levy , H . Massey , ( Freemason ); and R . Wentworth Little , Sec . The business transacted was merely of a formal character , after completing which thc Committee adjourned .
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
Three children of the Prince and Princess of Wales—the Princesses Louise , Victoria , and Maude—and suite arrived at St . Leonard ' s on Saturday aftarnoon by South-Eastern Railway , and drove to thc Royal Victoria Hotel , where they will remain for some time . Prince Albert Edward Victor and Prince George Ernest Albert , eldest sons of the
Prince of Wales , paid a private visit in sailors' costume to Liverpool on Saturday , accompanied by the Rev . Canon Tarver , of Chester , with whom the young Princes are at present staying . They visited the Exchange , St . George's Hall , and also the Allen steamer Sarmatian , with which they appeared to be greatly interested . Canon Tarver was classical tutor to the Prince of Wales .
The Consecration of the Chaucer Lodge , No . 1540 , will take place in thc large ball-room of the Bridge House Hotel , Borough High-street , Southwark , on Friday , July 2 nd , at half-past three . Banquet at half-past five p . m ., sharp . Tickets for banquet one guinea . The Ceremonies
of Consecration and Installation by Bro . John Hervey , G . S ., P . G . D ., assisted by Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , Past Grand Chaplain ; Bro . R . W . Little , P . G . Secretary , Middlesex , and some clerical brethren as Chaplains . Thc musical arrangements under the direction of Bro . W . Kipps , J . W . 1531 , Org ., 79 , & c .
The Ceremony of Installation will be worked at the Constitutional Lodge of Instruction , Wheatsheaf Hotel , Hand Court , Holborn , on Tuesday evening , June 29 th , by Bro . John Bingemann , thc W . M . of the Mother Lo ' dge , No . ::. The lodge will be opened at seven o ' clock .
Bro . Captain Boyton visited Manchester on Monday last , and exhibited his life-saving apparatus on the great lake at Bellcvue Gardens in the presence of a vast assemblage of spectators .
CAPE OK GOOD HOPE . — Ihe funeral of Bro . Sir Christoffel Josephus Brand , ex-Speaker of the House of Assembly , was a most imposing affair , the cortege being nearly a mile in length . Thc deceased gentleman was buried with Masonic honours .
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales inspected the Royal Body Guard of the Yeomen of the Guard in the Garden of St . James's Palace , on Tuesday . The Corpe paraded under the command of Lord Skelmersdale , the Captain . The following officers were present : —Lieutenant-Colonel Need ( the Lieutenant ) , Colonel the Hon . W . | .
Colville ( the Ensign ) , Lieutenant Colonel Patterson , Lieutenant-Colonel Todd , Captain Morley , and Colonel Hume , C . B . ( the Exons ) , and Lieutenant-Colonel Sutton ( the Adjutant ) . His Royal Highness having carefully inspected thc ranks , expressed himself much pleasctl with the appearance of these fine oltl veterans .
Thc meetings of the Domatic Lotlge of Instruction arc now held at the Surrey Masonic Hall . A literary and scientific " at home " of the Urban Club was heltl in the quaint oltl hall of thc club-house , St . lohii's-gate , yesterday week . There was collected together a gieat number of distinguished men .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
We have received a pamphlet from Bro . Tew , D . P . G . M . of W . Yorkshire , relative to thc Boys' School , which wc do not deem it well in the interests of Freemasonry to publish . For the welfare of the Boys' School , however , wc have felt it to be our duty to publish thc following letter from Bro . Binckes : — To the Yorkshire Vice-Presidents of the Royal Masonic
Institution for Boys , Wood Green , London , N . Report of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Province of West Yorkshire , 29 th A . L . 5875 . 1 have this day rcccivedacopyofapamphlet with thcabove title , accompanied by a note addressed to me , and signed , " Yours fraternally , T . W . Tew , " from which the following is an extract : — " West Yorkshire docs not like the repeated
visits of thc Secretary of the Boys' School , and thinks the contributions will be maintained without the Secretary ' s personal visitations , and the amount charged in the expenditure be saved . " To what extent the D . P . G . M . is to be accepted as the exponent of the feeling of the Prov . Grand Master , the Prov . Grand Officers and brethren of West Yorkshire , it is
of course impossible for mcto say . 1 his only f can assert , that the kindness extended to me on all occasions by the late Provincial Grand Master , and the brethren generally , the courtesy and genial warmth with which I have been invariably received , prevented any such impression on my mind , producing indeed , thc conviction of thc existence of a feeling entirely opposed to that described by Bro . Tew . If
I have been mistaken , ! can but express my sincere regret , and can assure you that you will never find mc pressing an unwelcome presence on your various assemblies . My principal reason in addressing you , however , is with reference to thc extraordinary contents of thc pamphlet , into thc details of which I cannot now enter , being prevented from doing so by the incessant pressure of business
arising out of thc ensuing Festival . I simply now , in the interests of the Institution , and in my own name , and on behalf of others , beg you to suspend your judgment until a reply can be given to the ex parte statements to which your attention has been drawn . There is not one of these statements of which a satisfactory exjilanation cannot be given , if it be thought desirable to give publicity to
charges and investigations , which unhappily have already occupied a very large portion of valuable time . Thatany gentleman recognising a proper spirit of fairness and impartiality should accept as facts the statements of one deeply and personally inculpated , without thc slightest enquiry from others whose conduct is called in question , and himself adopt such statements as truthful by
publishing them in his own name , is to my mind one of those mysteries impossible to fathom . From first to last , the pamphlet is one long scries of one-sided advocacy and misstatement , revealing at every step its source of inspiration , but as easily confuted as is a house of cards destroyed by a touch .
In the earnest hope that thc interests of the Institution , for which you and others have done so much , may not be damaged by this publication , and in the fullest assurance that the confidence reposed by you in the Committee and myself has never been abused , and in the hope that that confidence may long be continued , I have the honour to be ,
Your faithful and obedient Servant and Brother , FREDERICK BINCKES , Secretary . 19 th June , 1875 . P . S . —One correction I cannot delay : —Al page nine there is published a short note of mine , wilfully garbled , which is so absurdly printed as it stands , that to
suppose mc cajiablc of inditing it would be to place me on a level , as regards mental capacity , with the Head-Master , through whom the copy must have been furnished to Bro . Tew . My note was as follows : — "A letter addressed to the Chairman and Members of
the House Committee has this day been delivered at this address . Like your client , you appear determined to ignore thc existence of a recognised official in thc person of yours , tec . " Contrast this with the note as printed , ami let everyone draw his own conclusions .
Masonic Ball At Cambridge.
The May term is the brightest time in Cambridge Masonry , as most men take tlieir B . A . degrees in June , and they are anxious to proceed as far a--, they can iii Masonry before leaving the University . The following is the list of the chief officers of the various bulges ami chapters , and it
shows that Masonry has established a firm footing among the "dons " as well as the junior members of the University : —Craft , —W . F . Smith , Fellow of St . | ohn's , W . M . ; thc Rev . J . W . Cartmell , P . G . C , Fellow of Christ ' s , W . M . elect . Royal Arch , —Professor R . K . Miller , P . M ., P . G . J . W ., Fellow of St . Peter's , 7 .. Mark , —I ! . T . Caldwell , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . W ., Fellow of Corpus Christi , W . M . -. F . C .
Wacc , P . M ., Fellow of St . John ' s , W . M . elect . Royal Ark Mariners , —The Rev . Dr . Walker , P . M ., 1 > . I'rov . G . J . W ., late Fellow of Corpus Christi , N . Ruse Croix , —it . T . Caldwell , M . W . S . Knights Templar , —The Rev . Dr . Walker , Preceptor . All these degrees were conferred on a large number of candidates during the term , and ( he Marine year was wi . und up by the annual ball of the Isaac Newton University Endue , which was y-iven at ihe
Guildhall on the 28 th of May . The following brethren acted as Stewards , in addition to those alread y named : —The Hi - "lit Hon the Earl of ilardvvickc , P . M ., R . W . P . G . M . ; the ifey . 1- F . Hardy , B . D ., P . M ., P . Prov . G . C , Fellow of . Sidney S ussex ; the Rev . A . I " . Frazer , P . M .. P . I ' rov . G . S . W ., '•1 st Grand Chaplain ; I ? . C Jcbb , Fellow of Trinity ami 1 ublic Orator ; Lord Theobald Buller , the I Inn | . Plunket , and others . Bro . Gilbert Ainslie , P ... L , P . Prov . G . S . W .,
Masonic Ball At Cambridge.
acted as Honorary Secretary , and under his skilful management all the arrangements were most successfully carried out . All the brethren firstappcarcdin Craft clothing , and those belonging to the higher degrees changed successively to the dresses of Mark or Ark , Royal Arch , Rose Croix , Templars , and Knights of Malta , to each of which
degrees a separate set of Lancers was allotted . A few brethren also wore the clothing of the Royal Order of Scotland ami thc Red Cross of Constantine . Bro . Dan Godfrey , with his band of the Guards , supplied the music . The company numbered about 370 , and dancing was kept up till four o'clock .
Poetry .
THE W . M . 'S SONG . — "TO ORDER , BRETHREN . " Dedicated to the Rev . E . P . Brette , D . D ., W . M . Lodge 1460 , By T . BURDETT YEOMAN , 1460 . List whilst I sing of rank and fame , of confidence and state , Of brotherhoods and governments , how changeable their fate . But one there is above thc rest , whose virtues arc untold , For honour is their first regard , and faithful is the mould .
Chorus : " To order , Brethren , " as Masons free , 'Tis the first time I ask ; _ - For the Craft at large , and this our lodge Is my exclusive task . Again the sound of gavel rings , a second time I " rise ,
To ask if you have ought to say : " Oh , yes ! some brother cries , " Worshipful Sir , I wish to state , that we have funds to spare , For charity some ten . pounds give , to girls and boys a share . " Chorus : " To order , Brethren , " etc .
For thc third time I rise to ask if ought you have to say , — " Worshipful Master and dear Sirs , your kind attention pay , Outside our lodge a brother waits , who humbly craves our aid , With troubles sore he seeks for help , ' Accept my thanks , ' he said . "
Chorus : " To order , Brethren , " etc . Brethren , again , before we close , let us invoke a blessing From our Great Architect and King , whose love we arc con fessing ;
Now may he deign o ' er us to watch , and hold us in His keeping , In health , anti strength , and holy bond , at home , abroad , and sleeping . Chorus : " To order , Brethren , " etc .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
'I he Lodge of Benevolence met on Wednesday last , at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Jcshua Nunn , S . V . P ., was in the President's chair ; Bro . James Brett , J . V . P ., in thc Senior Vice-President ' s chair ; and Bro . H . Garrod , P . M . 749 , in the Junior Vice-President ' s . Among thc brethren present were Bros . John Hervey , G . Sec , John M . Clabon ; S .
Rawson , W . Smith , Herbert Dicketts , W . Mann , W . Stephens , J oseph Smith , H . G . Buss , A . A . Pendlebury , H . M . Lcvy , j . Diprose , W . T . Howe , James Robins , R . B . Webster , J . W . Stcdwcll , S . S . Hickman , II . T . Wood , C . P . Cobham , J . J . Go . sset , C . Jardine , W . S . Masterman , J . Bengemann , W . Sugg , II . Driver , J . Ross , L . Keays , A . J . Pritchard , C . F . Hogard , E . King , A . B . Marten , D . Belts , E . Witts , II . Massey ( Freemason ) , and C . E . Habicht .
I he grants of £ 20 and under £ 50 madcon thc former occasion to the amount of £ 110 , were first confirmed , and the lotlge then proceeded with the consideration of new cases , which numbered altogether twenty-three . Of these three were deferred , and one was refused . The remainder were relieved with sums ranging from £ 40 to £ 3 . Two received £ 40 each ; one £ 30 ; eight 20 ; two £ 15 ; four £ 10 ; and two £ 5 ; making altogether £ 350 . Lodge was then closed anti adjourned .
Layng The Foundation Stone Of A Memorial Fountain At Wormhill.
Yesterday the ofiicers and members of thc Phcenix Lodgeof St . Aim , 1235 , l , t Buxton , with several brethren from other lodges , met at Wormhill , by the kind invitation of Bro . the Rev . A . A . Bagshawe , M . A ., Vicar of Wormhill and Rural De . ui of Buxton , to assist in laying the Inundation stone of a fountain to the memory of
"James Brindley , " the eminent engineer , who was born in the parish , at Tunsteatl , about a milo from Wormhill . Thc plans show a very elegant stone structure for the springs near the centre of the village , and which , in thc most droughty summers , were never known to fail . The architect is Bro . Robert Griggs , of Gray ' s Inn-square , Loudon ; aud thc fountain is expected to be
finished and ojiencd for thc use of the village , about thc cud of July . The following brethren were present on thc occasion : —Bros . Wm . Smith , W . M . ; E . C . Milligan , S . W . ; E . J . Sykes , J . W . ; A . J . Harrison , Ph . D ., Chaplain ; Wm . Roughen , Treasurer ; A . Barnett , Secretary ; J . H . Lawson , S . D . ; Jos . Whalley , Superintendent of Works ; Charles Adams , D . C . ; George Marsden , Organist ; W . Goodwin , I . G . ; A . Pyke , Tyler ; George Goodwin , C . Gwinnell ,
Stewards ; R . R . Duke , P . P . G . D . C , P . M . ; Frederick Turner , P . M ., P . G . S . D . ; Josiah Taylor , I . P . M ., P . G . S . B . ; Augusttis A . Bagshawe , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., P . P . G , Chaplain . — Members : Rev . J . AL Cranswick , P . G . D . ; W . H . Newton , Charks Wilkinson , G . F . Barnard , J . C Bates , Samuel Taylor , Thos . Griffiths , W . Millward , James C . Hyde , J . G . Mcggison . The following brethren from other lodges were also present : —Bro . Robt . Bramvvell ( Peveril of the Peak Lodge ) ,
Layng The Foundation Stone Of A Memorial Fountain At Wormhill.
J . W . 654 " ; George Shaysles ( Clifton Lodge ) , Blackpool ) , J . W . 703 ; S . W . Ready ( Peveril of the Peak ) , P . M ., 6 54 ; John Cockshott ( Concord ) , W . M . 343 ; Thos . Roper ( St . John ' s Wigton ) , P . P . G . S . W . for Cumberland ; Jno . Comyn ( Commercial Lodge ) , 411 , P . P . S . W . for Notts ; Jno . D . Simpson ( Peveril of the Peak ) , 654 ; John Yarker ( Integrity , Manchester ) , P . M . ; R . H . Holt ( Peveril of thc Peak ) , 654 ;
Joseph Wright ( Peveril of the Peak ) , S . W . 654 ; & c . The lodge , adjourned from the last regular lodge night , met , under a dispensation from Bro . Okeover , D . P . G . M ., in the School-room , Wormhill , the foundation . stone of which was laid with Masonic Ceremony in 1871 , and after opening in the First Degree the brethren formed in due order and proceeded to the site of the proposed fountain , where Bro .
Wm . Smith , W . M ., laid the foundation stone , assisted by Bros . E . C . Milligan , S . W ., E . J . Sykes , J . W ., J . Simpson , & c , ancl after the position of the stone had been tested by the various tools with which an operative Mason completes his work , Bro . Smith declared the stone properly laid , newspapers and coins having previousl y been deposited beneath it . The symbolical corn was sprinkled , and wine
and oil were poured upon the surface with the usual ceremonies . Bro . thc Rev . A . J . Harrison , P . M ., Chaplain , then delivered a very able biographical address on Brinley , which appeared to interest all present . " God save the Queen" was then sung , and the brethren returned to the
school-room , and the lodge was closed . From these pleasant labours thc brethren went to refreshment at the Vicarage . wherc the Vicar and his estimable wife entertained them in the hospitable and sumptuous manner for which they are so w-ell known , and a most agreeable and happy day was spent .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The General Committee of this Institution assembled on Thursday afternoon at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . H . Browse , presided , and there were also present Bros . Major J . Creaton , Benjamin Head , Joshua Nunn , A . H . Tattershall , Walter Wellsman , Thos . F . P . Griffiths Smith ,
Thos . W . White , John Symonds , J . G . Marsh , Jesse Turner , R . B . Webster , J . A . Farnfield , Thos . Massa , Col . J . Peters , H . M . Levy , H . Massey , ( Freemason ); and R . Wentworth Little , Sec . The business transacted was merely of a formal character , after completing which thc Committee adjourned .
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
Three children of the Prince and Princess of Wales—the Princesses Louise , Victoria , and Maude—and suite arrived at St . Leonard ' s on Saturday aftarnoon by South-Eastern Railway , and drove to thc Royal Victoria Hotel , where they will remain for some time . Prince Albert Edward Victor and Prince George Ernest Albert , eldest sons of the
Prince of Wales , paid a private visit in sailors' costume to Liverpool on Saturday , accompanied by the Rev . Canon Tarver , of Chester , with whom the young Princes are at present staying . They visited the Exchange , St . George's Hall , and also the Allen steamer Sarmatian , with which they appeared to be greatly interested . Canon Tarver was classical tutor to the Prince of Wales .
The Consecration of the Chaucer Lodge , No . 1540 , will take place in thc large ball-room of the Bridge House Hotel , Borough High-street , Southwark , on Friday , July 2 nd , at half-past three . Banquet at half-past five p . m ., sharp . Tickets for banquet one guinea . The Ceremonies
of Consecration and Installation by Bro . John Hervey , G . S ., P . G . D ., assisted by Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , Past Grand Chaplain ; Bro . R . W . Little , P . G . Secretary , Middlesex , and some clerical brethren as Chaplains . Thc musical arrangements under the direction of Bro . W . Kipps , J . W . 1531 , Org ., 79 , & c .
The Ceremony of Installation will be worked at the Constitutional Lodge of Instruction , Wheatsheaf Hotel , Hand Court , Holborn , on Tuesday evening , June 29 th , by Bro . John Bingemann , thc W . M . of the Mother Lo ' dge , No . ::. The lodge will be opened at seven o ' clock .
Bro . Captain Boyton visited Manchester on Monday last , and exhibited his life-saving apparatus on the great lake at Bellcvue Gardens in the presence of a vast assemblage of spectators .
CAPE OK GOOD HOPE . — Ihe funeral of Bro . Sir Christoffel Josephus Brand , ex-Speaker of the House of Assembly , was a most imposing affair , the cortege being nearly a mile in length . Thc deceased gentleman was buried with Masonic honours .
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales inspected the Royal Body Guard of the Yeomen of the Guard in the Garden of St . James's Palace , on Tuesday . The Corpe paraded under the command of Lord Skelmersdale , the Captain . The following officers were present : —Lieutenant-Colonel Need ( the Lieutenant ) , Colonel the Hon . W . | .
Colville ( the Ensign ) , Lieutenant Colonel Patterson , Lieutenant-Colonel Todd , Captain Morley , and Colonel Hume , C . B . ( the Exons ) , and Lieutenant-Colonel Sutton ( the Adjutant ) . His Royal Highness having carefully inspected thc ranks , expressed himself much pleasctl with the appearance of these fine oltl veterans .
Thc meetings of the Domatic Lotlge of Instruction arc now held at the Surrey Masonic Hall . A literary and scientific " at home " of the Urban Club was heltl in the quaint oltl hall of thc club-house , St . lohii's-gate , yesterday week . There was collected together a gieat number of distinguished men .