Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
England and Wales and the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crown , and will afterwards appoirt and invest his grand officers for the ensuing year . His Royal HIGHNESS some time since had conferred upon him the rank of Past Grand Master of this Degree , but he had never filled the chair of Grand Master . On Thursday next he will become in fact , as well as in name , the head of its Grand Lodge ,
and there will be henceforth this additional encouragement to Craft Masons to enrol themselves under its banner , that all our Royal brethren have been advanced 10 it , and have exhibited great interest in its system of working . The late Duke of ALBANY was the first to join the Mark , and the Prince of WALES lost very little time in following his example . Prince A LBERT VICTOR of WALES was advanced at Cambridge about the time he was raised to the Degree of M . M ., and it is rumoured that at the meeting on
Thursday next among those who will be appointed to office in Grand Lodge will be the new Craft Grand Master of lhe Province of Sussex—H . R . H . the Duke of CONNAUGHT . However , the Mark system ot Masonry deserves all the good fortune which falls to its lot . The more widely it is known and practised , the more thoroughly it is respected , and we have no doubt that the event of Thursday next will mark the beginning of a fresh period of prosperity far beyond what it has known heretofore .
* * * THE Empire Lodge , No . 2108 , is rapidly winning for itself a position of great prominence in our Society . It is but the other day that we gave an account of its constitution , and now it is playing the cart of a seasoned veteran , and arranging entertainments on a large scale for visiting brethren from afar , just as if in our latter-day Freemasonry there were nosuch things
necessary as training and organisation . Well , if it is a precocious young lodge , its precocity is decidedly attractive . It sets about its work in a business fashion , and as though to the manner born : and on Wednesday , when it extended its hospitality to those of our Colonial and Indian visitors who are Masons , it played the part of host to perfection . What it did it did well , nor was there anything omitted from the programme which even
the most exigent of guests might have been justified in expecting . There was a goodly company present , the menu was excellent , the speeches were admirably to the point , and there was just enough of good music to vary the programme without becoming wearisome . Everything in fact passed off famously , and the only difficulty we find ourselves in is to decide
whether it was the hosts or their gut sts who were most delighted with the festivity while it was in progress or more regretful when it came to an end . On this point we purpose inviting the opinions of our readers next week , when we shall have both lime and space at our disposal to lay before them a lull report of the Empire banquet .
* # * WHILE the brethren of the Empire Lodge have been thus loyal to the known character of English Masons for hospitality , we are glad to see the authorities of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement are not unmindful of the possibility , and even very great probability , that our Colonial and
Indian brethren may wish to carry back with them to their distant homes a reminiscence of our Emulation working . To this end they issued a general invitation to the members of our lodges in the Colonies and India to attend a special meeting which will be held in the " De Grey " Rooms , Freemasons' Hall , on Friday next , the 2 nd prox ., at which the ceremonies of the Three Degrees and Installation will be rehearsed .
# » THE meetings of the Grand Lodge of New York ( which has been " in session " the first week in this month ) have been of great interest , and the Press as usual , especially in the United States , has ably reported the chief transactions from day to day . We have al ready noted the deliverance of the GRAND MASTER on the action of the Grand Lodge of Quebec in relation to the English Lodges at Montreal . Other questions also came up for
consideration , some of which concerned the Grand Lodge more particularly , and therelore the accounts were not so eagerly read by brethren outside of the New York jurisdiction . For the first time for many years there was no contest over the offices , so that the whole were re-elected j an unusual compliment , doubtless due in the main to the great popularity and conspicuous ability of Grand Master LAWRENCE . Grand Secretary EHLERS has proved a most efficieni Grand Secretary , and has well earned the addition to his salary so heartily granted .
*«* WE note with great satisfaction the decision of the Grand Lodge to speedily wipe out the debt remaining on their handsome Masonic Temple . The bonds in question bear interest at seven per cent , and are payable at par in 1891 , but a desire now is felt to compel the holders thereof to accept the
payment of principal and interest before that period . A test case was submitted to Judge STEPHENS , who has decided in favour of the Trustees . Though the decision is appealed against , the Trustees feel confident their intended action will be sustained , in which opinion we concur , and wish them every success , as the prepayment of these bonds and the refunding of the debt means a saving of a considerable sum per annum in interest alone .
••• IN evidence of the feeling of the brethren on the subject we have pleasure in recording the fact , that though the representatives of lodges in the interior of the State declined to have the payment for travelling and hotel expenses reduced , many of the brethren donated the sums they were entitled to in that respect to the payment of the debt on the Temple . The movement
spread so rapidly that in a few minutes over 1600 dollars were contributed for that excellent purpose . The business having been concluded , the Grand Officers were duly installed by General CHARLES ROOME , P . G . M ., the brethren thus honoured being invested with the new regalia , which was much admired . The " New York Herald" thus facetiously observes of the
Craftsmen : "The Masons area very reputable and charitable body of men . In spite of the large variety of grips which they possess , and the terrible disasters which have happened to apprentices when they bestrode the balky goat , and their cry of terror on the point of some sharp instrument , this worthy body still wears the sheepskin with honour , and never sees a brother in distress without offering relief , "
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Middlesex.
No . 2048 . A large and distinguished body of Royal Arch Masons assembled at the Railway Hotel , Harrow Station , on Saturday , the 19 th inst ., the occasion being the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Middlesex and the consecration of the Henry Levander Chapter , No . 2048 . The
consecration was first proceeded wilh , the ceremony being performed by the M . E . Grand Superintendent of Middlesex , Col . Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., who was assisted by Comps . Raymond H . Thrupp , Prov . G . H ., as H . ; W . Taylor , P . P . G . ] ., as J . ; J . F . H . Woodward , Prov . G . S . E . ; and H , Lovegrove , P . Z ., as D . C .
The founders of the chapter are Comps . W . M . Stiles , P . Z ., M . E . Z , designate ; W . A . Scurrah , J . elect 749 , H . designate ; J . Willing , jun ., P . Z ., J . designate ; J . L . Mather , P . Z . ; C . J . Axtord ; G . Gregory , P . Z . ; T . C . Edmonds ; H . Dickey ; C . J . Knightley ; and F . Davison , P . Z .
In addition to the founders , the following Provincial Grand Officers and companions were in attendance : — Comps . Dr . J . Beresford Ryley , Prov . G . J . ; T . Walls , Prov . G . P . S . ; C . H . Webb , Prov . G . Swd . Br . ; W . H . Lee , Prov . G . Std . Br . j D . W . Pearce , P . P . G . R . ; W . Alfred Dawson , P . P . G . N . ; D . P . Cama , G . Treas . ; H . G . Buss , P . P . G . Treas . ; R . M . Forge , P . P . G . P . S . ; C . L . Smiles , P . P . G . Reg . ; T . W . Ockenden , S . E . 1326 ; R .
C . Sudlow , Z 1194 ; J . S . Fraser , Z . 1549 , P . G . A . S . Essex ; A . G . Firller , S . N . elect 1237 ; Bentley Haynes , J . 1549 ; ]•T . Briggs , P . Z . 1326 ; C . E . Keyser , M . E . Z . elect 1549 ; H . Higgins , P . Z . 1423 ; W . A . Rogers , Treas . 1549 ; Rev . S . T . H . Saunders , H . 1503 ; H . Sapsworth , 946 ; G . L . Wingate , 1423 ; H . Maunder Williams , J . 1326 ; A . Marvin , A . S . 3 S 2 ; R . Goodwin , 3 S 2 ; W . H . Dean , P . P . G . Reg . Dorset ; J . C . Smith , J . elect 1507 ; H . Sadler , P . Z . 169 , G . Janitor ; E . Y . Jolliffe , J . 1194 ; J . Large , 771 ; F . W . Levander , P . Z . 142 ; E . J . Bell , 1524 ; John Jones , 1602 ; H . E . Dehane , 8 go ; W . W . Morgan , 141 ; Capt . A . Nicols , P . Z . ; H . W . Field , 1507 ; J . Irvine , S 62 ; J . Read , P . Z . 720 ; A . Woodward , 1385 ; J . C . Edwards , 1507 ; W . W . Lee , 1524 ; and many others .
The chapter having been opened in due form by the Principals , the M . E . GRAND SUPERINTENDENT of MIDDLESEX addressed the companions on the nature of the meeting , and said they were assembled for the purpose of consecrating a new chapter , which all present would greet with a hearty welcome . The companions who desired to form this chapter were eminent companions , and it was on this account that their petition had been granted , and he wished the chapter every success .
The petition and charter having been read by the PROV . G . S . E ., and the companions signifying their approval " of the officers named in the latter , the ceremony of consecration was proceeded wilh . At its conclusion , Comps . W . M . Stiles , P . Z ., and Jas . Willing , jun ., P . Z ., were inducted into the chairs of Z . and J . respectively . Comp . W .
A . Scurrah was installed into the third chair by Comp . Taylor , and afterwards into the second chair by Comp . Thrupp . The election and investiture of officers was then proceeded with , when Comp . H . Dickey was elected and invested as S . E . ; Comp . G . Gregory , as P . S . ; and Whiting , Janitor . Comp . Axford was elected S . N , ; but being unavoidably absent his investment was postponed .
On the motion of Comp . STILES , seconded by Comp . SCURRAH , a vote of thanks was unanimous ' y passed to the Consecrating Officers , and they were elected honorary members of the chapter . Col . Sir FRANCIS BURDETT , G . Supt ., in acknowledgment , tendered his sincere thanks on behalf of the Grand Officers whom the members of the Henry Levander Chapter had honoured . It had been a very great pleasure
to them to be present on that occasion to consecrate the chapter , which had been started under the auspices of such eminent companions . He looked forward to the time when they would see their chapter occupying a high position amongst the chapters of the province , and hoped it would be an example to other lodges that had not already chapters in connection wilh them . He thanked them most heartily for the kind manner in which they had been received .
Several propositions for exaltation and joining having been received , the founders were elected to form a Committee to frame the bye-laws . Letters of apology having been read Irom Comps . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , G . S . E . ; F . Philbrick , Q . C . ; Sir A . Woods , J . Terry , and others ; and , no further business ofiering , the chapter was adjourned . The chapter was furnished by Comp . George Kenning , P . G . D . C .
The Prov . Grand Chapter was then opened by the Grand Supt ., Comp . Col . Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., supported by Comps . Raymond H . Thrupp , 2 nd Prov . Grand Principal , and Dr . J . Beresford Ryley , 3 rd Prov . Grand Principal ,
The roll of chapters in the province havingbeen called , and all responded to , the minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed . The report of the Audit Committee , showing a balance in hand of £ 33 8 s . 9 d ., was then received and adopted , and it was resolved that in future a statement of the accounts should be printed with the summons .
The PROV . GRAND SUPERINTENDENT then said he had much pleasure in reappointing Comp . Thrupp to the position of 2 nd Prov . Grand Principal , and hoped that as long as he ( Comp . Burdett ) continued to hold the office of Grand Superintendent he might have the valuable assistance of that
companion . Comp . Rev . S . T . H . Saunders was appointed and invested as 3 rd Prov . Grand Principal . Comp . Lovegrove was unanimously elected Prov . Grand Treasurer , and the following officers were appointed and invested by the Prov . Grand Superintendent : —
Comp . J . F . H . Woodward ( reappointed ) ... ... Prov . G . S . E . „ R . Clay Sudlow , Z . 1194 ... ... Prov . G . S . N . „ J . T . Briggs , P . Z . 1326 ... ... Prov . G . P . S . „ J . H . Hawkins , Z . 1777 .,. ... ... Prov . G . A . S . „ J . S . Fraser , Z . 1549 ... ... ... Prov . G . A . S . „ H . Lovegrove , P . Z . ... ... ... Prov . G . Treas .
„ P . C . F . Tatham , Z . 778 ... ... Prov . G . Keg . „ C . H . Webb , P . Z . 1549 ... ... ... Prov . G . Swd . Br , „ J . Garrod , Z . 1237 ... ... ... Prov . G . Std . Br „ T . W . Ockenden , S . E . 1326 ... ... Prov . G . D . C . „ W . H . Lee , P . P . G . Std . Br . ... ... Prov . G . A . S . E . „ J . Gilbert , J anitor ... ... ... Prov . G , Janitor ,
It was then proposed by the PROV . GRAND SUPERINTENDENT , seconded by the 2 nd PROV . GRAND PRINCIPAL , and carried unanimously , that each chapter should contribute one shilling per annum to the funds of the province for each member of lhe chapter . An Audit Committee having been appointed for the ensuing year , and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
England and Wales and the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crown , and will afterwards appoirt and invest his grand officers for the ensuing year . His Royal HIGHNESS some time since had conferred upon him the rank of Past Grand Master of this Degree , but he had never filled the chair of Grand Master . On Thursday next he will become in fact , as well as in name , the head of its Grand Lodge ,
and there will be henceforth this additional encouragement to Craft Masons to enrol themselves under its banner , that all our Royal brethren have been advanced 10 it , and have exhibited great interest in its system of working . The late Duke of ALBANY was the first to join the Mark , and the Prince of WALES lost very little time in following his example . Prince A LBERT VICTOR of WALES was advanced at Cambridge about the time he was raised to the Degree of M . M ., and it is rumoured that at the meeting on
Thursday next among those who will be appointed to office in Grand Lodge will be the new Craft Grand Master of lhe Province of Sussex—H . R . H . the Duke of CONNAUGHT . However , the Mark system ot Masonry deserves all the good fortune which falls to its lot . The more widely it is known and practised , the more thoroughly it is respected , and we have no doubt that the event of Thursday next will mark the beginning of a fresh period of prosperity far beyond what it has known heretofore .
* * * THE Empire Lodge , No . 2108 , is rapidly winning for itself a position of great prominence in our Society . It is but the other day that we gave an account of its constitution , and now it is playing the cart of a seasoned veteran , and arranging entertainments on a large scale for visiting brethren from afar , just as if in our latter-day Freemasonry there were nosuch things
necessary as training and organisation . Well , if it is a precocious young lodge , its precocity is decidedly attractive . It sets about its work in a business fashion , and as though to the manner born : and on Wednesday , when it extended its hospitality to those of our Colonial and Indian visitors who are Masons , it played the part of host to perfection . What it did it did well , nor was there anything omitted from the programme which even
the most exigent of guests might have been justified in expecting . There was a goodly company present , the menu was excellent , the speeches were admirably to the point , and there was just enough of good music to vary the programme without becoming wearisome . Everything in fact passed off famously , and the only difficulty we find ourselves in is to decide
whether it was the hosts or their gut sts who were most delighted with the festivity while it was in progress or more regretful when it came to an end . On this point we purpose inviting the opinions of our readers next week , when we shall have both lime and space at our disposal to lay before them a lull report of the Empire banquet .
* # * WHILE the brethren of the Empire Lodge have been thus loyal to the known character of English Masons for hospitality , we are glad to see the authorities of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement are not unmindful of the possibility , and even very great probability , that our Colonial and
Indian brethren may wish to carry back with them to their distant homes a reminiscence of our Emulation working . To this end they issued a general invitation to the members of our lodges in the Colonies and India to attend a special meeting which will be held in the " De Grey " Rooms , Freemasons' Hall , on Friday next , the 2 nd prox ., at which the ceremonies of the Three Degrees and Installation will be rehearsed .
# » THE meetings of the Grand Lodge of New York ( which has been " in session " the first week in this month ) have been of great interest , and the Press as usual , especially in the United States , has ably reported the chief transactions from day to day . We have al ready noted the deliverance of the GRAND MASTER on the action of the Grand Lodge of Quebec in relation to the English Lodges at Montreal . Other questions also came up for
consideration , some of which concerned the Grand Lodge more particularly , and therelore the accounts were not so eagerly read by brethren outside of the New York jurisdiction . For the first time for many years there was no contest over the offices , so that the whole were re-elected j an unusual compliment , doubtless due in the main to the great popularity and conspicuous ability of Grand Master LAWRENCE . Grand Secretary EHLERS has proved a most efficieni Grand Secretary , and has well earned the addition to his salary so heartily granted .
*«* WE note with great satisfaction the decision of the Grand Lodge to speedily wipe out the debt remaining on their handsome Masonic Temple . The bonds in question bear interest at seven per cent , and are payable at par in 1891 , but a desire now is felt to compel the holders thereof to accept the
payment of principal and interest before that period . A test case was submitted to Judge STEPHENS , who has decided in favour of the Trustees . Though the decision is appealed against , the Trustees feel confident their intended action will be sustained , in which opinion we concur , and wish them every success , as the prepayment of these bonds and the refunding of the debt means a saving of a considerable sum per annum in interest alone .
••• IN evidence of the feeling of the brethren on the subject we have pleasure in recording the fact , that though the representatives of lodges in the interior of the State declined to have the payment for travelling and hotel expenses reduced , many of the brethren donated the sums they were entitled to in that respect to the payment of the debt on the Temple . The movement
spread so rapidly that in a few minutes over 1600 dollars were contributed for that excellent purpose . The business having been concluded , the Grand Officers were duly installed by General CHARLES ROOME , P . G . M ., the brethren thus honoured being invested with the new regalia , which was much admired . The " New York Herald" thus facetiously observes of the
Craftsmen : "The Masons area very reputable and charitable body of men . In spite of the large variety of grips which they possess , and the terrible disasters which have happened to apprentices when they bestrode the balky goat , and their cry of terror on the point of some sharp instrument , this worthy body still wears the sheepskin with honour , and never sees a brother in distress without offering relief , "
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Middlesex.
No . 2048 . A large and distinguished body of Royal Arch Masons assembled at the Railway Hotel , Harrow Station , on Saturday , the 19 th inst ., the occasion being the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Middlesex and the consecration of the Henry Levander Chapter , No . 2048 . The
consecration was first proceeded wilh , the ceremony being performed by the M . E . Grand Superintendent of Middlesex , Col . Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., who was assisted by Comps . Raymond H . Thrupp , Prov . G . H ., as H . ; W . Taylor , P . P . G . ] ., as J . ; J . F . H . Woodward , Prov . G . S . E . ; and H , Lovegrove , P . Z ., as D . C .
The founders of the chapter are Comps . W . M . Stiles , P . Z ., M . E . Z , designate ; W . A . Scurrah , J . elect 749 , H . designate ; J . Willing , jun ., P . Z ., J . designate ; J . L . Mather , P . Z . ; C . J . Axtord ; G . Gregory , P . Z . ; T . C . Edmonds ; H . Dickey ; C . J . Knightley ; and F . Davison , P . Z .
In addition to the founders , the following Provincial Grand Officers and companions were in attendance : — Comps . Dr . J . Beresford Ryley , Prov . G . J . ; T . Walls , Prov . G . P . S . ; C . H . Webb , Prov . G . Swd . Br . ; W . H . Lee , Prov . G . Std . Br . j D . W . Pearce , P . P . G . R . ; W . Alfred Dawson , P . P . G . N . ; D . P . Cama , G . Treas . ; H . G . Buss , P . P . G . Treas . ; R . M . Forge , P . P . G . P . S . ; C . L . Smiles , P . P . G . Reg . ; T . W . Ockenden , S . E . 1326 ; R .
C . Sudlow , Z 1194 ; J . S . Fraser , Z . 1549 , P . G . A . S . Essex ; A . G . Firller , S . N . elect 1237 ; Bentley Haynes , J . 1549 ; ]•T . Briggs , P . Z . 1326 ; C . E . Keyser , M . E . Z . elect 1549 ; H . Higgins , P . Z . 1423 ; W . A . Rogers , Treas . 1549 ; Rev . S . T . H . Saunders , H . 1503 ; H . Sapsworth , 946 ; G . L . Wingate , 1423 ; H . Maunder Williams , J . 1326 ; A . Marvin , A . S . 3 S 2 ; R . Goodwin , 3 S 2 ; W . H . Dean , P . P . G . Reg . Dorset ; J . C . Smith , J . elect 1507 ; H . Sadler , P . Z . 169 , G . Janitor ; E . Y . Jolliffe , J . 1194 ; J . Large , 771 ; F . W . Levander , P . Z . 142 ; E . J . Bell , 1524 ; John Jones , 1602 ; H . E . Dehane , 8 go ; W . W . Morgan , 141 ; Capt . A . Nicols , P . Z . ; H . W . Field , 1507 ; J . Irvine , S 62 ; J . Read , P . Z . 720 ; A . Woodward , 1385 ; J . C . Edwards , 1507 ; W . W . Lee , 1524 ; and many others .
The chapter having been opened in due form by the Principals , the M . E . GRAND SUPERINTENDENT of MIDDLESEX addressed the companions on the nature of the meeting , and said they were assembled for the purpose of consecrating a new chapter , which all present would greet with a hearty welcome . The companions who desired to form this chapter were eminent companions , and it was on this account that their petition had been granted , and he wished the chapter every success .
The petition and charter having been read by the PROV . G . S . E ., and the companions signifying their approval " of the officers named in the latter , the ceremony of consecration was proceeded wilh . At its conclusion , Comps . W . M . Stiles , P . Z ., and Jas . Willing , jun ., P . Z ., were inducted into the chairs of Z . and J . respectively . Comp . W .
A . Scurrah was installed into the third chair by Comp . Taylor , and afterwards into the second chair by Comp . Thrupp . The election and investiture of officers was then proceeded with , when Comp . H . Dickey was elected and invested as S . E . ; Comp . G . Gregory , as P . S . ; and Whiting , Janitor . Comp . Axford was elected S . N , ; but being unavoidably absent his investment was postponed .
On the motion of Comp . STILES , seconded by Comp . SCURRAH , a vote of thanks was unanimous ' y passed to the Consecrating Officers , and they were elected honorary members of the chapter . Col . Sir FRANCIS BURDETT , G . Supt ., in acknowledgment , tendered his sincere thanks on behalf of the Grand Officers whom the members of the Henry Levander Chapter had honoured . It had been a very great pleasure
to them to be present on that occasion to consecrate the chapter , which had been started under the auspices of such eminent companions . He looked forward to the time when they would see their chapter occupying a high position amongst the chapters of the province , and hoped it would be an example to other lodges that had not already chapters in connection wilh them . He thanked them most heartily for the kind manner in which they had been received .
Several propositions for exaltation and joining having been received , the founders were elected to form a Committee to frame the bye-laws . Letters of apology having been read Irom Comps . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , G . S . E . ; F . Philbrick , Q . C . ; Sir A . Woods , J . Terry , and others ; and , no further business ofiering , the chapter was adjourned . The chapter was furnished by Comp . George Kenning , P . G . D . C .
The Prov . Grand Chapter was then opened by the Grand Supt ., Comp . Col . Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., supported by Comps . Raymond H . Thrupp , 2 nd Prov . Grand Principal , and Dr . J . Beresford Ryley , 3 rd Prov . Grand Principal ,
The roll of chapters in the province havingbeen called , and all responded to , the minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed . The report of the Audit Committee , showing a balance in hand of £ 33 8 s . 9 d ., was then received and adopted , and it was resolved that in future a statement of the accounts should be printed with the summons .
The PROV . GRAND SUPERINTENDENT then said he had much pleasure in reappointing Comp . Thrupp to the position of 2 nd Prov . Grand Principal , and hoped that as long as he ( Comp . Burdett ) continued to hold the office of Grand Superintendent he might have the valuable assistance of that
companion . Comp . Rev . S . T . H . Saunders was appointed and invested as 3 rd Prov . Grand Principal . Comp . Lovegrove was unanimously elected Prov . Grand Treasurer , and the following officers were appointed and invested by the Prov . Grand Superintendent : —
Comp . J . F . H . Woodward ( reappointed ) ... ... Prov . G . S . E . „ R . Clay Sudlow , Z . 1194 ... ... Prov . G . S . N . „ J . T . Briggs , P . Z . 1326 ... ... Prov . G . P . S . „ J . H . Hawkins , Z . 1777 .,. ... ... Prov . G . A . S . „ J . S . Fraser , Z . 1549 ... ... ... Prov . G . A . S . „ H . Lovegrove , P . Z . ... ... ... Prov . G . Treas .
„ P . C . F . Tatham , Z . 778 ... ... Prov . G . Keg . „ C . H . Webb , P . Z . 1549 ... ... ... Prov . G . Swd . Br , „ J . Garrod , Z . 1237 ... ... ... Prov . G . Std . Br „ T . W . Ockenden , S . E . 1326 ... ... Prov . G . D . C . „ W . H . Lee , P . P . G . Std . Br . ... ... Prov . G . A . S . E . „ J . Gilbert , J anitor ... ... ... Prov . G , Janitor ,
It was then proposed by the PROV . GRAND SUPERINTENDENT , seconded by the 2 nd PROV . GRAND PRINCIPAL , and carried unanimously , that each chapter should contribute one shilling per annum to the funds of the province for each member of lhe chapter . An Audit Committee having been appointed for the ensuing year , and