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JOHN GOW , -R \ $ & ' NEW BROAD ST ., E . C . *¦ ^ » lOntside Railway StJtion ) . r \ tV \ $ 5 » HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . ¦^ 0 " 93 , THEOBALD'S RD ., HOLBORN , W . C . 125 , BROMPTON KOAD , S . W . rt t ^ R ^ ' IOHN GOW always has on sale the VjB- '' Larcest Stock in l . ondnn of the Very Best rt Qualitv at Lowest Prices . Barrelled r n-tf & j Q . ' Oysters . ry ^ Y s * - P ERFECTLY -F ITTED O YSTER SALOON Now Open at New Broad Street .
¦ jOkCHARLESLANCASTER, ( iim """ Wl 'Awarded Three Medals International Exhibition , \\ . SMOOTH M Calcutta , and Gold Medal International Inventions <^§ g f ^ £ j ^ Exhibition ) , * <» £ i £ * ' * V ^ ISVBNTOR AM > PATENTEE OF THE TOR ROOK , 4-BAB . REL BSEECHLOADING HAMMERLESS A S T X * BUN , RIFLE , & PISTOL EXPRESS rWcishtrib . loz . ) ( Weight 101 b . ) C 170 bore , 21 b . Ooz . ) wTTTntADi , Huufrafeti Defait « il Price List , Free on . f | Jj , Iicsfion . ^^ A ' Special l'rieesfor Cash . 1 AB . GE BOKE I 5 I . NEWBOND ST ., LONDON , W . RIFLES . Established 1 S 20 .
J.B.KORNER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL CHINA & GLASS WAREHOUSE , 351 late 302 , OXFORD STREET , LONDON , VV . Merchant Shippers , Hotel Keepers and the Trade SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE PRICES . A Iarjre assortment of Gas and Lamp Globes . Goods Packed for all parts of the f . lohe .
Bewlay ' s Celebrated Indian fc ^ TRICHINOPOLY / ^^ Cigars and Cheroots . / /^ ( with Straws . ) , 0 ^ "Of peculiarly delicious flavour and 4 /^ fragrance . "—Vide Graphic , July 19 th , i ^ V 1884 . Two Gold Medals , aas . and r 8 s . fc _ Jr per 100 . Samples four and rive r / . ( 14 W / stamps ) . Soldonly by BEWLAY & Co ., « ^ / Tobacconists to the Royal Family , 143 ^ 0 >^ ' Chcapside and 49 Strand , London . Es-^^ tablished over 100 years . Price Lists post free . Liberal Terms to Clubs , Messes , & c .
< $ « J . & W . TOLLEY , ^ < Gun and Rifle Manufacturers , 4 . V < , V PIONEER WORKS , BIRMINGHAM ; GN VVN' 1 , Conduit Street , Regent Street , London , *^ ^ . NEW LISTS FREE . > $ * cXT Sole Makers of the " STANDARD " X ^ HAMMERLESS GUN .
SERJEANT'SPURETEA, AT Two Shillings & Half-a-Crown . t , COVENTRY ST ., LONDON , W .
Estab . j THE [ : So 4 . < $ *> «* " DUMENLY" CIGARETTES . * * <\ . \ V Possessing an aroma of passing excellence , v *\ V ar"l unequalled in the world . Manufac . < -VOV > tured by A . C . PARASCHO & CO ., of «\ NSS- -t Dumenly , Yenijeh , Turkey . Each Cigarette < VJ v \ CL . bears the Trade Mark , " DUMENLY , " » V ^\< VV ^ an J M ° no E rams . None others are gen-, ^\ < \ V "Inc . One sample box fsent post free < VC > V tor " •6 d 0 is sufficient to convince any vw' connoiseur of their superiority . r \\ V 5 > Sole address in xnQ United Kingdom—V ) v 57 , Pall Mall , London , W
By Appointment to the Royal Family ,,. ;» . SPECIALITV— JA i &<* - » - WEDDING _ CAKES . ^ ) i HERBERT and JONES Q , & ' i [ ( I ' romUuutcr ' s ) ( From 1 I . M . Kltelieu ) 1 r * A ^ J Cooks and Confectioners . & ^ Dinners , Wedding breakfasts , and Ball \ P- . S ppers bupplied . •\ 'i-« , KENSIHGTOH HIGH STREET , W . ' , \ Established 3 WJ years .
By Appointment to H . E . H . the Princess of Wales . m §MAISON ISIDORE , g ft \ ( ESTABLISHED 1837 ) . r *\ _•Specialite for Fringes , Improvements In Coverings ^ SL ^ for Baldness , and every dc-cription of Cheveux U ZzJ Postiches . Indies' and Children ' s Haircutting on -r ? g Scientiflc Principles . ( J ) 14 , BEHTIMCK STREET , MANCHESTER SQUARE , W ~* GOUT . DIABETES . EPILEPSY . PATIENTS suffering from the above complaints should winter in NICE , where they can be successfully treated by a new cure at Dr . SCHNEE'S ( of Carlsbad ) WINTER SANATORIUM
7 rr \ W . STAPLETOW & Co . -t ^ op ^ JL •re * pec'fully teg to invite atten-V ^ tion to the undermentioned WINES , all ^ of which are shipped to them direct—< £$ •* ' -O *^ ' d SHERRIES 20 s ., 24 s ., 28 s ., 30 s ., 36 s ., per doz ^ •oC \ V - ^ v > PORTS 19 s ., 24 s ., 28 s ., 34 s ., 42 s . ., V * ^ V CLARETS 12 s ., 16 s ,, 20 s ., 24 s ., 30 s ,, 36 s . „ K VV CHAMPAGNES of all Brands at the f ^ V . 0 ¦< J D lowest quotations . Their celebrated *•cOSC * * Epernay , introduced by them in 1833 , at - K \ 0 >* 36 s . per dozen , is specially recommended . - * V »'* Price List of all other Wines and AVVV SP ' ts will be sent on application to V )^ 203 , REGENT ST ., corner of Conduit-st ., W .
GADBURY , PRATT & 00 ., 24 & 25 NEW BOND STREET , W . ( Corner of Conduit Street ) . Purveyors to Her Majesty & the Royal Family . CHEESES OF ALL KINDS . FINE YORK AND OTHER HAMS .
CQ- J . G . CORDING AND Co , £ *^ FOR THE BEST ^WATERPROOFS ^^FOR § £ > SHOOTING , ft ? 3 FISHING , § J TRAVELLING . £ ^ *¦ Only Address—^ Corner of AIR STREET , ^ PICCADILLY .
Aj By Special Appointment to H . R . H . ^ y The Prince of Wales . &&JohnUnderwood&SODS , ^ # V SCULPTORS & MASONS " V -c ^ f ^^ 10 , Duke-st ., Grosvenor-sq ., W ., A . vS ^ BUCKHURST HlLl , N . E ., AND ClUNGFORD , ^ . . ^ ^ « . MOUNT CEMETERV . ™ ^^ Reredoses , Pulpits , Screens , Fonts , x ^ O Mosaic in Glass or Marble , Inlaid and C §* Incised Work . Designs , Estimates and References free on application .
JOSEPH OFPORD'S J SPECIALITIES IN CARRIAGES . 26 Prize Medals Awarded and Diploma Honour , London , 1884 , Catalogues free . LANDAUS AND VICTORIAS , & c „ Suspended on Patent Silent or Cee-springs . The lightest , easiest , and most elegant of summer carriages for SALE or HIRE , with option of Purchase . On view , 67 , George-street , Baker-street , and 93-94 , Gloucester-road . South Kensington , S . W . UND
^^ J * L & BLOCKLEY , ^<^ ^ G ^ Watch & Clock Manufacturers to the Queen < 0 ^ ^ and Eoyal Family . * > 0 * Keyless Half-Chronometer Wntenes , Turret and C 'V - * ^ Church Clocks , 1 ' atcnt Cliinilng Machines , ' ^ iQt Jt $ > CWminir Clocks , House Clocks . - •^ V ^ r \ y * Watch and Clock Manufacturers to the Ad-. * A- ' fy ** miralty , lioyal Geographical Society , Wa-VV . ™ XO OlUce , India uovcrnment . G ^ C * 42 , PALL MALL , LONDON , S . W . ; and Rampart Bow , Bombay . FUNERAL REFORM . Eimple , Hcvercnt , and Inexpensive Funerals . Explanatory Pamphlet gratis . LONDON NECROPOLIS CO ., 5 , LANCASTER PLACE , STRAND , W . C . PATENT EARTH TO EARTH PERISHABLE COFFINS .
. . D U E R , / X * 146 , NEW BOND ST ., W ., ' -Oy ( Established 1740 ; , < 5 ^ BREAD AND BISCUIT BAKERS , y ^ / Vans to all parts Daily . Hampers packed ^ ^ 1 / and sent to all parts of the C ountry with V ' FRENCH AND VIENNA FANCY ROLLS AMD BREAD .
g HOBBS , HART & COMPANY g 76 & 77 , Cheapside , London . ^ ^ j Makers to Her Majesty . Ui tun ^ y Special Appointment , A . II . May t 3 th , 1876 . pj UJ " Strong Rooms , Doors , Locks , and Safes , " JT To the Bank of England and its Branches . n Q QAP | GUINEAS REWARD . J ^ J 5 d 5 v _/^ y H ., H . and Co . renew their offer from Q ^ January to June , 1886 , as at the Inter . ^< national Exhibition of r 86 » , also at Paris , 1867 , and „ again at Vienna , in 1873 , to any person who could pick U ) X / i their locks ( then and now on exhihit and supplied to fcg k > the public ) with their Patent Combined Prelectors , " r * but the challenge then made was not accepted , O X although thelorkswerecxamlncdbyseveralmcchanics . Q O These were the only locks exhibited under actual rV I-J challenge to pick . MH N . B . —Skilled mechanics accepting the above offer are expected to master Eight Lever Locks as a qnalififtj cation . XL , II , and Co ,, not being eligible to exhibit JX at the Inventions Exhibition , 1885 , again make the 2 above offer as a test of lhe non-pickability of their Q Combined Protector Locks . A ^ N . B . —ILLUSTRATED LIST OF THE VARIOUS SERIES of *** Suites of Locks , Safes , & c , as designed for Palaces , H Banks , Hotels , Cottages , 8 cc , on application . OT ' Manufactories—ARLINGTON STREET , N .
SCHWEPPE'S TABLE WATERS r SODA WATER . 3 s . 6 d . per Doz . j POTASS WATER . ( Exclusive of Bottles . ) 1 SELTZER WATER . ( . GINGER ALE . 4 s . 6 d . per doz . MALVERN SELTZER . Carriage Paid on Full and Empties to and from any address in the United Kingdom . "Fountain" Trade Mark on all Labels , and all Corks branded . A list of leading Agents sent on application to J . SCHWEPPE & Co ., SI , Berners-street , London .
/ The Gold Medal Inventions Exhibition , 1885 j & The Gold Medal of the Society of Arts , 1885 . wj * The Report upon the Sfemway Pianos by the x ^ y Musical Jury of the Inventions Exhibition wat jO ^ higher than that of any other Maker . 4 r STEINWAY Grand ^ A * and Upright PIANOS / ST # - ^ v Arc the Cheapest because the Best and Most / SLV VO Durable , * 0 C ^ STEINWAY & SONS are the only Manufactu-^ rcrs wlio make all the component parts of their T * ^ / Pianofortes exterior and interior ( including « S ^ / the casting of the full Metal Frames ) , in their Jy / own Factories . 4 C ? ' Descriptive Catalogue * sent free on . application . STErNWAY HALL , 15 & 17 , Lower Seymour Street , Fortman Square , London , W .
TUV I.BEASLEY'SBOOTS,BOOTS i And ensure Ease and Elegance , combined with ^ ^ TRUE FIT , BOOTS I 28 , QUEEN VICTORIA ST . Near Hit Mansion House ] , Specialities—Hand-Sewn . Special Orders in BOOTS ^ a few days . Large Stock to select from . * Gold 3 Icdal Awarded at the London International Exhibition , Crystal Palace , ISSt .
ARTIFICIAL TEETH ^ xJ Such as have heen found to be the most useful 'V s > and durable , SUPPLIED by the actual makers > 5 < Ov J from 2 s . Od . each * , an upper or lower set from jr- \ r > , jO A 7 V # 2- » S . upwards . Teeth extracted by ffas . War-> V \ 0 rfC > rented to give perfect satisfaction . No pain Cy Ay y- 'V given . Advice free . Mr . STENT , Dental ' v- ' v' Surffeon , 5 , Coventry Street , W ., and 537 , Fulham * * W Road , S . w . Established 50 years . Numerous Cy tcsUraonials may be seen from ladies anil gen-Itlemen . S PANISH FLY is the acting ingredient in ALEX . ROSS'S CANTHARIDES . It acts quickly in producing Hair on the Face or Head , 3 s . 6 d ., 5 s . 6 d ., and 10 s , 6 d . ; sent post t r < 4 , 84 , or 144 stamps . —ROSS , ar , Lamb ' s Conduit-st ., London ( near the Foundling ) . Had o £ all Chemists . Established i 8 £ o .
Tilbury'sWarehouses,v*%, MAKYLEBONE , LONDON xO * <& *^. ( Oldest Store Warehouse for Storing *> < 0 " ^ S . t Furniture and Household Effects , Plate , _ "V < C > * Luggage , & c . DRY DISTRICT , HIGH ^< Sr hlv AUOVETHAMESLEVEL , andrestricted ^ O < F to storage purposes only , so avowing many > ^ flip * risks . Office—EDWD . TILBURY & Co ., 35 , O * High-street , St . WUrylebone , W .
CHARLES E . ALLEN , Ladies'andGentlemen'sBootMaker, 69 , JERMYN STREET , 4 Doors from St . James ' s Street , Loudon , S . W . Prize Medals at the Great Exhibitions of iSti , 1861 and 1867 . The Gold Medal , i 8 ? o .
CHAMPAGNE ^ » . Z>^ 19 , SWALLOW ST . 'K * - * ^ PICCADILLY , LONDON , W . | V ^
BRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE COMPANY-4 Queen Street Place , London , E . C . CAPITAL—AyUARTER-OF-A-MILLION STERLING . MANAGING DIRECTOR AND ACTUARYWILLIAM SUTTON GOVER , Esq ,, P . G . S ., P . M ., P . Z . Thirty-First Annual Report—May , 1886 , NEW BUSINESS . 1 , 972 Policies issued for £ 402 , 812 New Premium Income fc " , 324 BUSINESS IN FORCE . 27 , 768 Policies , assuring £ 5 , 215 , 556 REVENUE OF THE YEAR . f t emi " 0 £ 152 , 036 Interest , & c £ 43 . 107 £ » 95 > ' 43 ACCUMULATED FUND . Laid by in the year £ 72 , 451 Accumulated Fund on 31 st January , , SS < 5 £ " , 083 , 415 Claims and Bonuses paid under Company ' s Policies £ 946 , 340 Average Reversionary Bonus for 30 years , about li per » cent , per annum .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
JOHN GOW , -R \ $ & ' NEW BROAD ST ., E . C . *¦ ^ » lOntside Railway StJtion ) . r \ tV \ $ 5 » HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . ¦^ 0 " 93 , THEOBALD'S RD ., HOLBORN , W . C . 125 , BROMPTON KOAD , S . W . rt t ^ R ^ ' IOHN GOW always has on sale the VjB- '' Larcest Stock in l . ondnn of the Very Best rt Qualitv at Lowest Prices . Barrelled r n-tf & j Q . ' Oysters . ry ^ Y s * - P ERFECTLY -F ITTED O YSTER SALOON Now Open at New Broad Street .
¦ jOkCHARLESLANCASTER, ( iim """ Wl 'Awarded Three Medals International Exhibition , \\ . SMOOTH M Calcutta , and Gold Medal International Inventions <^§ g f ^ £ j ^ Exhibition ) , * <» £ i £ * ' * V ^ ISVBNTOR AM > PATENTEE OF THE TOR ROOK , 4-BAB . REL BSEECHLOADING HAMMERLESS A S T X * BUN , RIFLE , & PISTOL EXPRESS rWcishtrib . loz . ) ( Weight 101 b . ) C 170 bore , 21 b . Ooz . ) wTTTntADi , Huufrafeti Defait « il Price List , Free on . f | Jj , Iicsfion . ^^ A ' Special l'rieesfor Cash . 1 AB . GE BOKE I 5 I . NEWBOND ST ., LONDON , W . RIFLES . Established 1 S 20 .
J.B.KORNER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL CHINA & GLASS WAREHOUSE , 351 late 302 , OXFORD STREET , LONDON , VV . Merchant Shippers , Hotel Keepers and the Trade SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE PRICES . A Iarjre assortment of Gas and Lamp Globes . Goods Packed for all parts of the f . lohe .
Bewlay ' s Celebrated Indian fc ^ TRICHINOPOLY / ^^ Cigars and Cheroots . / /^ ( with Straws . ) , 0 ^ "Of peculiarly delicious flavour and 4 /^ fragrance . "—Vide Graphic , July 19 th , i ^ V 1884 . Two Gold Medals , aas . and r 8 s . fc _ Jr per 100 . Samples four and rive r / . ( 14 W / stamps ) . Soldonly by BEWLAY & Co ., « ^ / Tobacconists to the Royal Family , 143 ^ 0 >^ ' Chcapside and 49 Strand , London . Es-^^ tablished over 100 years . Price Lists post free . Liberal Terms to Clubs , Messes , & c .
< $ « J . & W . TOLLEY , ^ < Gun and Rifle Manufacturers , 4 . V < , V PIONEER WORKS , BIRMINGHAM ; GN VVN' 1 , Conduit Street , Regent Street , London , *^ ^ . NEW LISTS FREE . > $ * cXT Sole Makers of the " STANDARD " X ^ HAMMERLESS GUN .
SERJEANT'SPURETEA, AT Two Shillings & Half-a-Crown . t , COVENTRY ST ., LONDON , W .
Estab . j THE [ : So 4 . < $ *> «* " DUMENLY" CIGARETTES . * * <\ . \ V Possessing an aroma of passing excellence , v *\ V ar"l unequalled in the world . Manufac . < -VOV > tured by A . C . PARASCHO & CO ., of «\ NSS- -t Dumenly , Yenijeh , Turkey . Each Cigarette < VJ v \ CL . bears the Trade Mark , " DUMENLY , " » V ^\< VV ^ an J M ° no E rams . None others are gen-, ^\ < \ V "Inc . One sample box fsent post free < VC > V tor " •6 d 0 is sufficient to convince any vw' connoiseur of their superiority . r \\ V 5 > Sole address in xnQ United Kingdom—V ) v 57 , Pall Mall , London , W
By Appointment to the Royal Family ,,. ;» . SPECIALITV— JA i &<* - » - WEDDING _ CAKES . ^ ) i HERBERT and JONES Q , & ' i [ ( I ' romUuutcr ' s ) ( From 1 I . M . Kltelieu ) 1 r * A ^ J Cooks and Confectioners . & ^ Dinners , Wedding breakfasts , and Ball \ P- . S ppers bupplied . •\ 'i-« , KENSIHGTOH HIGH STREET , W . ' , \ Established 3 WJ years .
By Appointment to H . E . H . the Princess of Wales . m §MAISON ISIDORE , g ft \ ( ESTABLISHED 1837 ) . r *\ _•Specialite for Fringes , Improvements In Coverings ^ SL ^ for Baldness , and every dc-cription of Cheveux U ZzJ Postiches . Indies' and Children ' s Haircutting on -r ? g Scientiflc Principles . ( J ) 14 , BEHTIMCK STREET , MANCHESTER SQUARE , W ~* GOUT . DIABETES . EPILEPSY . PATIENTS suffering from the above complaints should winter in NICE , where they can be successfully treated by a new cure at Dr . SCHNEE'S ( of Carlsbad ) WINTER SANATORIUM
7 rr \ W . STAPLETOW & Co . -t ^ op ^ JL •re * pec'fully teg to invite atten-V ^ tion to the undermentioned WINES , all ^ of which are shipped to them direct—< £$ •* ' -O *^ ' d SHERRIES 20 s ., 24 s ., 28 s ., 30 s ., 36 s ., per doz ^ •oC \ V - ^ v > PORTS 19 s ., 24 s ., 28 s ., 34 s ., 42 s . ., V * ^ V CLARETS 12 s ., 16 s ,, 20 s ., 24 s ., 30 s ,, 36 s . „ K VV CHAMPAGNES of all Brands at the f ^ V . 0 ¦< J D lowest quotations . Their celebrated *•cOSC * * Epernay , introduced by them in 1833 , at - K \ 0 >* 36 s . per dozen , is specially recommended . - * V »'* Price List of all other Wines and AVVV SP ' ts will be sent on application to V )^ 203 , REGENT ST ., corner of Conduit-st ., W .
GADBURY , PRATT & 00 ., 24 & 25 NEW BOND STREET , W . ( Corner of Conduit Street ) . Purveyors to Her Majesty & the Royal Family . CHEESES OF ALL KINDS . FINE YORK AND OTHER HAMS .
CQ- J . G . CORDING AND Co , £ *^ FOR THE BEST ^WATERPROOFS ^^FOR § £ > SHOOTING , ft ? 3 FISHING , § J TRAVELLING . £ ^ *¦ Only Address—^ Corner of AIR STREET , ^ PICCADILLY .
Aj By Special Appointment to H . R . H . ^ y The Prince of Wales . &&JohnUnderwood&SODS , ^ # V SCULPTORS & MASONS " V -c ^ f ^^ 10 , Duke-st ., Grosvenor-sq ., W ., A . vS ^ BUCKHURST HlLl , N . E ., AND ClUNGFORD , ^ . . ^ ^ « . MOUNT CEMETERV . ™ ^^ Reredoses , Pulpits , Screens , Fonts , x ^ O Mosaic in Glass or Marble , Inlaid and C §* Incised Work . Designs , Estimates and References free on application .
JOSEPH OFPORD'S J SPECIALITIES IN CARRIAGES . 26 Prize Medals Awarded and Diploma Honour , London , 1884 , Catalogues free . LANDAUS AND VICTORIAS , & c „ Suspended on Patent Silent or Cee-springs . The lightest , easiest , and most elegant of summer carriages for SALE or HIRE , with option of Purchase . On view , 67 , George-street , Baker-street , and 93-94 , Gloucester-road . South Kensington , S . W . UND
^^ J * L & BLOCKLEY , ^<^ ^ G ^ Watch & Clock Manufacturers to the Queen < 0 ^ ^ and Eoyal Family . * > 0 * Keyless Half-Chronometer Wntenes , Turret and C 'V - * ^ Church Clocks , 1 ' atcnt Cliinilng Machines , ' ^ iQt Jt $ > CWminir Clocks , House Clocks . - •^ V ^ r \ y * Watch and Clock Manufacturers to the Ad-. * A- ' fy ** miralty , lioyal Geographical Society , Wa-VV . ™ XO OlUce , India uovcrnment . G ^ C * 42 , PALL MALL , LONDON , S . W . ; and Rampart Bow , Bombay . FUNERAL REFORM . Eimple , Hcvercnt , and Inexpensive Funerals . Explanatory Pamphlet gratis . LONDON NECROPOLIS CO ., 5 , LANCASTER PLACE , STRAND , W . C . PATENT EARTH TO EARTH PERISHABLE COFFINS .
. . D U E R , / X * 146 , NEW BOND ST ., W ., ' -Oy ( Established 1740 ; , < 5 ^ BREAD AND BISCUIT BAKERS , y ^ / Vans to all parts Daily . Hampers packed ^ ^ 1 / and sent to all parts of the C ountry with V ' FRENCH AND VIENNA FANCY ROLLS AMD BREAD .
g HOBBS , HART & COMPANY g 76 & 77 , Cheapside , London . ^ ^ j Makers to Her Majesty . Ui tun ^ y Special Appointment , A . II . May t 3 th , 1876 . pj UJ " Strong Rooms , Doors , Locks , and Safes , " JT To the Bank of England and its Branches . n Q QAP | GUINEAS REWARD . J ^ J 5 d 5 v _/^ y H ., H . and Co . renew their offer from Q ^ January to June , 1886 , as at the Inter . ^< national Exhibition of r 86 » , also at Paris , 1867 , and „ again at Vienna , in 1873 , to any person who could pick U ) X / i their locks ( then and now on exhihit and supplied to fcg k > the public ) with their Patent Combined Prelectors , " r * but the challenge then made was not accepted , O X although thelorkswerecxamlncdbyseveralmcchanics . Q O These were the only locks exhibited under actual rV I-J challenge to pick . MH N . B . —Skilled mechanics accepting the above offer are expected to master Eight Lever Locks as a qnalififtj cation . XL , II , and Co ,, not being eligible to exhibit JX at the Inventions Exhibition , 1885 , again make the 2 above offer as a test of lhe non-pickability of their Q Combined Protector Locks . A ^ N . B . —ILLUSTRATED LIST OF THE VARIOUS SERIES of *** Suites of Locks , Safes , & c , as designed for Palaces , H Banks , Hotels , Cottages , 8 cc , on application . OT ' Manufactories—ARLINGTON STREET , N .
SCHWEPPE'S TABLE WATERS r SODA WATER . 3 s . 6 d . per Doz . j POTASS WATER . ( Exclusive of Bottles . ) 1 SELTZER WATER . ( . GINGER ALE . 4 s . 6 d . per doz . MALVERN SELTZER . Carriage Paid on Full and Empties to and from any address in the United Kingdom . "Fountain" Trade Mark on all Labels , and all Corks branded . A list of leading Agents sent on application to J . SCHWEPPE & Co ., SI , Berners-street , London .
/ The Gold Medal Inventions Exhibition , 1885 j & The Gold Medal of the Society of Arts , 1885 . wj * The Report upon the Sfemway Pianos by the x ^ y Musical Jury of the Inventions Exhibition wat jO ^ higher than that of any other Maker . 4 r STEINWAY Grand ^ A * and Upright PIANOS / ST # - ^ v Arc the Cheapest because the Best and Most / SLV VO Durable , * 0 C ^ STEINWAY & SONS are the only Manufactu-^ rcrs wlio make all the component parts of their T * ^ / Pianofortes exterior and interior ( including « S ^ / the casting of the full Metal Frames ) , in their Jy / own Factories . 4 C ? ' Descriptive Catalogue * sent free on . application . STErNWAY HALL , 15 & 17 , Lower Seymour Street , Fortman Square , London , W .
TUV I.BEASLEY'SBOOTS,BOOTS i And ensure Ease and Elegance , combined with ^ ^ TRUE FIT , BOOTS I 28 , QUEEN VICTORIA ST . Near Hit Mansion House ] , Specialities—Hand-Sewn . Special Orders in BOOTS ^ a few days . Large Stock to select from . * Gold 3 Icdal Awarded at the London International Exhibition , Crystal Palace , ISSt .
ARTIFICIAL TEETH ^ xJ Such as have heen found to be the most useful 'V s > and durable , SUPPLIED by the actual makers > 5 < Ov J from 2 s . Od . each * , an upper or lower set from jr- \ r > , jO A 7 V # 2- » S . upwards . Teeth extracted by ffas . War-> V \ 0 rfC > rented to give perfect satisfaction . No pain Cy Ay y- 'V given . Advice free . Mr . STENT , Dental ' v- ' v' Surffeon , 5 , Coventry Street , W ., and 537 , Fulham * * W Road , S . w . Established 50 years . Numerous Cy tcsUraonials may be seen from ladies anil gen-Itlemen . S PANISH FLY is the acting ingredient in ALEX . ROSS'S CANTHARIDES . It acts quickly in producing Hair on the Face or Head , 3 s . 6 d ., 5 s . 6 d ., and 10 s , 6 d . ; sent post t r < 4 , 84 , or 144 stamps . —ROSS , ar , Lamb ' s Conduit-st ., London ( near the Foundling ) . Had o £ all Chemists . Established i 8 £ o .
Tilbury'sWarehouses,v*%, MAKYLEBONE , LONDON xO * <& *^. ( Oldest Store Warehouse for Storing *> < 0 " ^ S . t Furniture and Household Effects , Plate , _ "V < C > * Luggage , & c . DRY DISTRICT , HIGH ^< Sr hlv AUOVETHAMESLEVEL , andrestricted ^ O < F to storage purposes only , so avowing many > ^ flip * risks . Office—EDWD . TILBURY & Co ., 35 , O * High-street , St . WUrylebone , W .
CHARLES E . ALLEN , Ladies'andGentlemen'sBootMaker, 69 , JERMYN STREET , 4 Doors from St . James ' s Street , Loudon , S . W . Prize Medals at the Great Exhibitions of iSti , 1861 and 1867 . The Gold Medal , i 8 ? o .
CHAMPAGNE ^ » . Z>^ 19 , SWALLOW ST . 'K * - * ^ PICCADILLY , LONDON , W . | V ^
BRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE COMPANY-4 Queen Street Place , London , E . C . CAPITAL—AyUARTER-OF-A-MILLION STERLING . MANAGING DIRECTOR AND ACTUARYWILLIAM SUTTON GOVER , Esq ,, P . G . S ., P . M ., P . Z . Thirty-First Annual Report—May , 1886 , NEW BUSINESS . 1 , 972 Policies issued for £ 402 , 812 New Premium Income fc " , 324 BUSINESS IN FORCE . 27 , 768 Policies , assuring £ 5 , 215 , 556 REVENUE OF THE YEAR . f t emi " 0 £ 152 , 036 Interest , & c £ 43 . 107 £ » 95 > ' 43 ACCUMULATED FUND . Laid by in the year £ 72 , 451 Accumulated Fund on 31 st January , , SS < 5 £ " , 083 , 415 Claims and Bonuses paid under Company ' s Policies £ 946 , 340 Average Reversionary Bonus for 30 years , about li per » cent , per annum .