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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MAOKEY'S FEEEMASONRY . * » * E IGHTH E DITION , thoroughly Revised , with all Recent Changes and Alterations . By M . C . Peek , Provincial Grand Sec . for N . and E . Yorkshire . A LEXICON OP FREEMASONRY . By Albert G . Maekey , M . D ., Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of the U . S ., & c . Large post 8 vo ., handsomely bound in cloth . Price 6 s . " Of MACKEV ' LEXICON it would be impossible to speak in too high terms ; suffice it to say , that it ought to be in the hands o £ every Mason \» ho would thoroughly understand and master our noble Science . ... No Masonic Lodge or Library should be without a copy of this most useful work . "—Masonic Neius . " The Editor has had access to sources of information open to few . . , . A THOROUGHLY RELIABLE WORK . "—Yorkshire Gazette . LONDON : CHARLES GRIFFIN & Co ., Exeter-st ., Strand .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS OF MIDDLESEX AND SURREY . Tk R . W . Bro . Colonel SIR FRANCIS BURDETT , Bart ., PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER . THE PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS OF THE PROVINCE OF MIDDLESEX AND SURREY WILL BE HOLDEN AT THE MASONIC HALL , SA RED LION SQUARE , HIGH HOLBORN , On MONDAY , the 28 th JUNE , 1 SS 6 , When all Present and Past Provincial Grand Officers , together with the Worshipful Masters , Past Masters , and acting Wardens of Lodges in the Provinces are hereby summoned to attend , and all Mark Master Masons are invited to be present . The Provincial Grand Lodge ' jiill be opened at 5 o ' clock . Brethren to appear in full Masonic Costume of the Mark Degree , and Provincial Grand Officers in the Clothing of their respective ranks . By command of the R . W . P . G . M . M . M . WM . G . BRIGHTEN , P . M ., P . Z ., P . P . G . S . W ., & c , Provincial Grand Secretary , 4 , Bishopsgate-st .-without , E . C . BANQUET at 6 . 30 o ' clock , at the HOLBORN RESTAURANT . TICKETS £ 1 each , including Wine . Brethren intending to be present should notify their intention to the Provincial Grand Secretary on or before the 24 th June . Morning Dress . June 6 th , 1886 .
PROVINCE OF BERKS AND BUCKS . Bro . the R . W . Sir DANIEL GOODH , Bart , Provincial Grand Master . A MEETING of the Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at the M ASONIC H ALL , AYLESBURY , on MONDAY , the s 8 th , 1886 , at 2 . 30 p . m . BANQUET at the CORN EXCHANGE at 4 o ' clock . TICKETS , 6 S . 6 d . ( exclusive of Wine ) . By command of the Provincial Grand Master . ROBERT BRADLEY , P . M ., Reading , Prov . G . Secretary . June 5 th , 1 SS 6 .
BUMSTED'S 36 , KING WILLIAM ST „ T A RT 17 LONDON , B . C . X AO J-f . Gr As supplied to O A T HP Her Majesty the Queen . OX 1 . J- * A . A NEW VARNISH ^ ( A SPIRIT COPAL ) , r $ A Clearas water orplate-glass ; never before TlA ,. Kfo . producedj dries in five minutes . Hard , r \ tf durable , and brilliant . A bottle , post free , "ClK *"* J 3 i stamps . —Mr . STENT , J , Coventry •<<>• Street , London , W . Established 30 years . *
METROPOLITAN FREE HOSPITAL , KINGSLAND ROAD . City Offices : 1 C 3 , Bishopsgate Street Without , E . C . , The Committee earnestl y APPEAL for FUNDS In AID of the NEW BUILDING which is intended to supply the sore y needed want of Hospital accommodation Tn the North of London and for current expenses . Contributions will be most thankfull y received bv the Bankers , Messrs . Glyn Mills , and Co . 6 , Lombardstreet , E . C ; by the Chairman , Joseph Fry , Esci -M Gresham House , Old Broad-street , E . C . ; and bv I GEORGE CROXTON , Secretary . I
ROYA L MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . WOOD GREEN LONDON , N . GRAND PATRONHER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PRESIDENTHIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . EIGHTY-EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL , WILL BE HELD AT THE EOYAL PAVILION , BRIGHTON , On Wednesday , 30 th JUNE , 1 S 86 . The Rt . Hon . LORD SUFFIELD , R . W . PROV . GRAND MASTER OF NORFOLK , IN THE CHAIR . OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OF STEWARDS . President—W . Bro . Lieut .-Col . Hon . SACKVILLE WEST , Past Grand Warden . Honorary Presidents—The Right Hon . the LORD MAYOR OF LONDON . W . Bro . HORACE BROOKS MARSHALL , G . C ., Past Grand Treasurer , Patron of Institution . W . Bro . EDGAR BOWYER , P . G . Standard Bearer , P . P . G . S . W . Herts , Vice-Patron of Institution . W . Bro . J LAWRENCE MATHER , P . P . G . D . C . Herts , Vice-Patron of Institution . Acting Presidents—R . W . Bro . A . F . GODSON , D . P . G . M . of Worcestershire , Patron of Institution . W . Bro . A . M . BROADLEY , P . D . D . G . M . Malta . Hon . Treasurer—W . Bro . C . F . HOGARD , Vice-President of Institution . With Brethren representing the Metropolitan and Provincial Lodges . The services of Brethren as Stewards are most earnestly solicited . Music under the direction of Bro . TURLE LEE . TICKETS , including- Return Railway Fare , Ladies , jSs . ; Gentlemen , 20 s . Without Railway Fare , Ladies , 13 s . Cd . j Gentlemen , 15 s . 6 d . Particulars and every information on application to the Honorary Secretary . FREDERICK BINCKES ( P . G . Stwd . ) , V .-Pat , Secretary of the Institution . Office : 6 , Freemasons' Hall , W . C , 20 th May , 1 SS 6 .
ROYAL ORDER OF SCOTLAND . PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER AND LODGE OF LONDON AND THE METROPOLITAN COUNTIES . THE KNIGHTS COMPANIONS WILL MEET IN COUNCIL AT 33 , GOLDEN SQUARE , W ., On SATURDAY , JULY 3 rd , at 2 . 30 p . m . for 3 o ' clock precisely , and the R . W . Provincial Grand Master desires the attendance of all duly qualified Brethren . The Royal Bruce Chapter will hold a Meeting for the reception of Candidates at 2 . 45 . All names must be forwarded before the 30 th June to BRO . FRANK RICHARDSON , Provincial Grand Secretary , 2 S , Golden-square , W . ; or to BRO . C . F . MATIER , Prov . G . M ., Sec . Royal Bruce Chapter , 8 A , Red Lion-square , W . C . The Annual Banquet will be held at the TRAFALGAR , GREENWICH , at 6 . 30 precisely . N . B . —Members of the Chapter will pay 10 s , each ; Visitors £ 1 is . each .
ROYAL VISIT TO EAST LONDON . AN INDUSTRIAL ART EXHIBITION and SALE of WORK WILL BE HELD IN ST . THOMAS' SCHOOLS , COLUMBIA MARKET , WHICH H . R . H . PRINCESS LOUISE HAS KINDLY CONSENTED TO OPEN On Tuesday , June 29 th , 1886 , at 3 . 30 p . m . The EXHI BITION will be open till MONDAY Evening , July 5 th , during the Afternoon and Evening : and Musical and other Entertainments will be given . ADMISSION on Opening Day , 2 s . 6 d . THE PROC EEDS WILL BE GIVEN TO ST , THOMAS' REPAIR FUND , For which also Her Royal Highness has kindly ( consented to receive Purses of £ 1 is . and upwards at the j Opening Ceremony . »
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COM PANY , LIMITED . 10 , ST . SWITHIN'S LANE , LONDON , E . C . General Accidents . | Personal Injuries Railway Accidents . | Deaths by Accident . C . HARDING , Manauei HOUSE TO LET ~ ( eight room ' s ^ vvith or without shop , near the General Post Office , Apply 196 , Aldersgate-street . CAMBRIDGE GRADUATE ( P . M . and P . Z . ) .-PRIVATE TUITION in the CLASSICS , MATHEMATICS , ENGLISH , & c . Lectures on various subjects . Schools visited . Foreigners taught English by means of French . —Address , F . D ., 62 , Lancaster-road , Notting-hill , W .
PARIS EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT for the Sons of Gentlemen . Principal : M . G . Ovree , Officier d'Academie , late Inspector of the Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Paris , and Translator of Higgenson ' s United States History . For terms , address G . Ovree , 14 , Rue David , Passy , Paris . UILDING ESTATE DEVELOPMENT . —Advertiser ( a Mason ) and his Partner , Land Surveyors , Src , will , having- completed their Estate , shortly be at liberty to undertake the DEVELOPMENT of another in any part of the United Kingdom . Terms very moderate . —Address "Civil Engineer , " at Horncastle ' s , Cheapside .
AN APPOINTMENT as PRIVATE SECRETARY , CONFIDENTIAL CLERK , or any Position of Trust , is desired by a P . M ., aged 35 , of good education and appearance . Can furnish unexceptionable references and give security to any reasonable amount . —Address , Z . H ., Freemason Office , 16 , Great Oueenstreet , W . C . * «•" ¦ \ j £ % Moule's EARTH System , OP ^ \\ J . W . Girdlestone ' s Patent , ^ P ^ ^ . 5 a , GARRICK STREET , cri ^ COYEHT GARDEN , LONDON .
tal , Military , and Tropical ^ ^ - ^ BOOT MAKERa _ ^ - ^ r ^ £ §^ ^ •^^C^^aiT ^ ^^ ^ PICCADILLY , LONDON , W .
By Royal To Appointment &_ 58 LJ } a H . EH tO H . R . H . ^ a ^ ^ p- | „ n , tMMno „ r ^ % ^ ff ^ 3 > I ^ Princess Princess of fto ^ -J ^ s * T \ r \ C 1 tr Wales . """ " -a loulse . Jr 0 D X G . D . TAVINER F . E . H . S ., B 0 TJQTJE 1 FLORIST , u H BAYSWATER HILL , LONDON , W ., _„_ ~ INVENTOR OF THE NEW STVLE 1 flE . OL . AOUIN 3 POSY . BOUQU ET-1 he Season ' sSvr . cess . SUCCESS . BRIDES' & BRIDESMAIDS' BOUQUETS on the Shortest Notice . Goods delivered , carefully packed , IMMEDIATELY on receipt or Order .
E . DENT & Co ., Co" Inventions Exhibition Gold Medal awarded , ^ , for Improvement in Turret Clocks . £ y 61 Strand & 4 Royal Exchange , London . <>* C ^ CLOCKMAKERS to the QUEEN . JS . < , \? Maker , of the Great tl'e . tmintter Clock J ? 5 f £$ < Ul ° " ¦ = »)• * ^ J Will be happytofurnishESTiMATEsforthc > Q ^ Installation or Repair of C HURCH and AT" other PUBLIC CLOCKS , £ ^ Dent's new Illustrated Catalogue of High-* Class Watches at Reduced Frioes , sent Post Free .
•~ ^ ^^ Before purchasing any Electric Curative Appliance , write P yl ^ T— forthe Pamphlet " ELECTRIC I . IFK . and How •t XI f ) £ >" w ~ -- ~ ^_ to I'ind it , " which contains s nml , reliv ^ ** *}; J \ JpCl > '— - ~ - ^ able in * ormation on the employ-^ " ~ ~ " >>» J * * " * 2 rij J > oT " ~ — —»» ^ mcnt of electricity for re-GIUTIS ^ ^^ XOo ^ Qi ^> ^" ' , a , P ^ « - and Post Free from ^ - " •^ £ ??* 2 Ic » Jiff A / V ^ - ^ JEVONS BROS ^ T ^^^ m 166 , FLEET ST ., LONDON , E 7 CT "^ - < 1 ^'
TO OUR HEADERS . THE FREEMASON is published every Friday morning , price 3 d ., and contains the fullest and latest information relating to Freemasonry of every degree . Subscriptions , including Postage : — United States , United Kingdom , Canada , the Continent , India , China , Ceylon , the Colonies & c . Arabia , & c . 13 s . 6 d . 15 s . 6 d . 17 s . 6 d . Remittances may be made in Stamps , but Post Office Orders or cheques arc preferred , the former payable to GEORGE KEXMNU , Chief Office , London , the latter crossed London Joint Stock Dank .
© o Correspnlients , BOOKS . Sec , RECEIVED . " New York Dispatch , " "Jewish Chronicle , " "Sunday Times " ( New York ) , " Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts , " " proceedings of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Pennsylvania , 188 s , " "Citizen , " "Sunday Times" ( London ) , "Court Circular , " "Hull and Lincolnshire Times , " "Allen's Indian Mail , " "Masonic Journal" ( Texas ) , and "The Freemason" ( Toronto ) .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MAOKEY'S FEEEMASONRY . * » * E IGHTH E DITION , thoroughly Revised , with all Recent Changes and Alterations . By M . C . Peek , Provincial Grand Sec . for N . and E . Yorkshire . A LEXICON OP FREEMASONRY . By Albert G . Maekey , M . D ., Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of the U . S ., & c . Large post 8 vo ., handsomely bound in cloth . Price 6 s . " Of MACKEV ' LEXICON it would be impossible to speak in too high terms ; suffice it to say , that it ought to be in the hands o £ every Mason \» ho would thoroughly understand and master our noble Science . ... No Masonic Lodge or Library should be without a copy of this most useful work . "—Masonic Neius . " The Editor has had access to sources of information open to few . . , . A THOROUGHLY RELIABLE WORK . "—Yorkshire Gazette . LONDON : CHARLES GRIFFIN & Co ., Exeter-st ., Strand .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS OF MIDDLESEX AND SURREY . Tk R . W . Bro . Colonel SIR FRANCIS BURDETT , Bart ., PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER . THE PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS OF THE PROVINCE OF MIDDLESEX AND SURREY WILL BE HOLDEN AT THE MASONIC HALL , SA RED LION SQUARE , HIGH HOLBORN , On MONDAY , the 28 th JUNE , 1 SS 6 , When all Present and Past Provincial Grand Officers , together with the Worshipful Masters , Past Masters , and acting Wardens of Lodges in the Provinces are hereby summoned to attend , and all Mark Master Masons are invited to be present . The Provincial Grand Lodge ' jiill be opened at 5 o ' clock . Brethren to appear in full Masonic Costume of the Mark Degree , and Provincial Grand Officers in the Clothing of their respective ranks . By command of the R . W . P . G . M . M . M . WM . G . BRIGHTEN , P . M ., P . Z ., P . P . G . S . W ., & c , Provincial Grand Secretary , 4 , Bishopsgate-st .-without , E . C . BANQUET at 6 . 30 o ' clock , at the HOLBORN RESTAURANT . TICKETS £ 1 each , including Wine . Brethren intending to be present should notify their intention to the Provincial Grand Secretary on or before the 24 th June . Morning Dress . June 6 th , 1886 .
PROVINCE OF BERKS AND BUCKS . Bro . the R . W . Sir DANIEL GOODH , Bart , Provincial Grand Master . A MEETING of the Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at the M ASONIC H ALL , AYLESBURY , on MONDAY , the s 8 th , 1886 , at 2 . 30 p . m . BANQUET at the CORN EXCHANGE at 4 o ' clock . TICKETS , 6 S . 6 d . ( exclusive of Wine ) . By command of the Provincial Grand Master . ROBERT BRADLEY , P . M ., Reading , Prov . G . Secretary . June 5 th , 1 SS 6 .
BUMSTED'S 36 , KING WILLIAM ST „ T A RT 17 LONDON , B . C . X AO J-f . Gr As supplied to O A T HP Her Majesty the Queen . OX 1 . J- * A . A NEW VARNISH ^ ( A SPIRIT COPAL ) , r $ A Clearas water orplate-glass ; never before TlA ,. Kfo . producedj dries in five minutes . Hard , r \ tf durable , and brilliant . A bottle , post free , "ClK *"* J 3 i stamps . —Mr . STENT , J , Coventry •<<>• Street , London , W . Established 30 years . *
METROPOLITAN FREE HOSPITAL , KINGSLAND ROAD . City Offices : 1 C 3 , Bishopsgate Street Without , E . C . , The Committee earnestl y APPEAL for FUNDS In AID of the NEW BUILDING which is intended to supply the sore y needed want of Hospital accommodation Tn the North of London and for current expenses . Contributions will be most thankfull y received bv the Bankers , Messrs . Glyn Mills , and Co . 6 , Lombardstreet , E . C ; by the Chairman , Joseph Fry , Esci -M Gresham House , Old Broad-street , E . C . ; and bv I GEORGE CROXTON , Secretary . I
ROYA L MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . WOOD GREEN LONDON , N . GRAND PATRONHER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PRESIDENTHIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . EIGHTY-EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL , WILL BE HELD AT THE EOYAL PAVILION , BRIGHTON , On Wednesday , 30 th JUNE , 1 S 86 . The Rt . Hon . LORD SUFFIELD , R . W . PROV . GRAND MASTER OF NORFOLK , IN THE CHAIR . OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OF STEWARDS . President—W . Bro . Lieut .-Col . Hon . SACKVILLE WEST , Past Grand Warden . Honorary Presidents—The Right Hon . the LORD MAYOR OF LONDON . W . Bro . HORACE BROOKS MARSHALL , G . C ., Past Grand Treasurer , Patron of Institution . W . Bro . EDGAR BOWYER , P . G . Standard Bearer , P . P . G . S . W . Herts , Vice-Patron of Institution . W . Bro . J LAWRENCE MATHER , P . P . G . D . C . Herts , Vice-Patron of Institution . Acting Presidents—R . W . Bro . A . F . GODSON , D . P . G . M . of Worcestershire , Patron of Institution . W . Bro . A . M . BROADLEY , P . D . D . G . M . Malta . Hon . Treasurer—W . Bro . C . F . HOGARD , Vice-President of Institution . With Brethren representing the Metropolitan and Provincial Lodges . The services of Brethren as Stewards are most earnestly solicited . Music under the direction of Bro . TURLE LEE . TICKETS , including- Return Railway Fare , Ladies , jSs . ; Gentlemen , 20 s . Without Railway Fare , Ladies , 13 s . Cd . j Gentlemen , 15 s . 6 d . Particulars and every information on application to the Honorary Secretary . FREDERICK BINCKES ( P . G . Stwd . ) , V .-Pat , Secretary of the Institution . Office : 6 , Freemasons' Hall , W . C , 20 th May , 1 SS 6 .
ROYAL ORDER OF SCOTLAND . PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER AND LODGE OF LONDON AND THE METROPOLITAN COUNTIES . THE KNIGHTS COMPANIONS WILL MEET IN COUNCIL AT 33 , GOLDEN SQUARE , W ., On SATURDAY , JULY 3 rd , at 2 . 30 p . m . for 3 o ' clock precisely , and the R . W . Provincial Grand Master desires the attendance of all duly qualified Brethren . The Royal Bruce Chapter will hold a Meeting for the reception of Candidates at 2 . 45 . All names must be forwarded before the 30 th June to BRO . FRANK RICHARDSON , Provincial Grand Secretary , 2 S , Golden-square , W . ; or to BRO . C . F . MATIER , Prov . G . M ., Sec . Royal Bruce Chapter , 8 A , Red Lion-square , W . C . The Annual Banquet will be held at the TRAFALGAR , GREENWICH , at 6 . 30 precisely . N . B . —Members of the Chapter will pay 10 s , each ; Visitors £ 1 is . each .
ROYAL VISIT TO EAST LONDON . AN INDUSTRIAL ART EXHIBITION and SALE of WORK WILL BE HELD IN ST . THOMAS' SCHOOLS , COLUMBIA MARKET , WHICH H . R . H . PRINCESS LOUISE HAS KINDLY CONSENTED TO OPEN On Tuesday , June 29 th , 1886 , at 3 . 30 p . m . The EXHI BITION will be open till MONDAY Evening , July 5 th , during the Afternoon and Evening : and Musical and other Entertainments will be given . ADMISSION on Opening Day , 2 s . 6 d . THE PROC EEDS WILL BE GIVEN TO ST , THOMAS' REPAIR FUND , For which also Her Royal Highness has kindly ( consented to receive Purses of £ 1 is . and upwards at the j Opening Ceremony . »
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COM PANY , LIMITED . 10 , ST . SWITHIN'S LANE , LONDON , E . C . General Accidents . | Personal Injuries Railway Accidents . | Deaths by Accident . C . HARDING , Manauei HOUSE TO LET ~ ( eight room ' s ^ vvith or without shop , near the General Post Office , Apply 196 , Aldersgate-street . CAMBRIDGE GRADUATE ( P . M . and P . Z . ) .-PRIVATE TUITION in the CLASSICS , MATHEMATICS , ENGLISH , & c . Lectures on various subjects . Schools visited . Foreigners taught English by means of French . —Address , F . D ., 62 , Lancaster-road , Notting-hill , W .
PARIS EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT for the Sons of Gentlemen . Principal : M . G . Ovree , Officier d'Academie , late Inspector of the Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Paris , and Translator of Higgenson ' s United States History . For terms , address G . Ovree , 14 , Rue David , Passy , Paris . UILDING ESTATE DEVELOPMENT . —Advertiser ( a Mason ) and his Partner , Land Surveyors , Src , will , having- completed their Estate , shortly be at liberty to undertake the DEVELOPMENT of another in any part of the United Kingdom . Terms very moderate . —Address "Civil Engineer , " at Horncastle ' s , Cheapside .
AN APPOINTMENT as PRIVATE SECRETARY , CONFIDENTIAL CLERK , or any Position of Trust , is desired by a P . M ., aged 35 , of good education and appearance . Can furnish unexceptionable references and give security to any reasonable amount . —Address , Z . H ., Freemason Office , 16 , Great Oueenstreet , W . C . * «•" ¦ \ j £ % Moule's EARTH System , OP ^ \\ J . W . Girdlestone ' s Patent , ^ P ^ ^ . 5 a , GARRICK STREET , cri ^ COYEHT GARDEN , LONDON .
tal , Military , and Tropical ^ ^ - ^ BOOT MAKERa _ ^ - ^ r ^ £ §^ ^ •^^C^^aiT ^ ^^ ^ PICCADILLY , LONDON , W .
By Royal To Appointment &_ 58 LJ } a H . EH tO H . R . H . ^ a ^ ^ p- | „ n , tMMno „ r ^ % ^ ff ^ 3 > I ^ Princess Princess of fto ^ -J ^ s * T \ r \ C 1 tr Wales . """ " -a loulse . Jr 0 D X G . D . TAVINER F . E . H . S ., B 0 TJQTJE 1 FLORIST , u H BAYSWATER HILL , LONDON , W ., _„_ ~ INVENTOR OF THE NEW STVLE 1 flE . OL . AOUIN 3 POSY . BOUQU ET-1 he Season ' sSvr . cess . SUCCESS . BRIDES' & BRIDESMAIDS' BOUQUETS on the Shortest Notice . Goods delivered , carefully packed , IMMEDIATELY on receipt or Order .
E . DENT & Co ., Co" Inventions Exhibition Gold Medal awarded , ^ , for Improvement in Turret Clocks . £ y 61 Strand & 4 Royal Exchange , London . <>* C ^ CLOCKMAKERS to the QUEEN . JS . < , \? Maker , of the Great tl'e . tmintter Clock J ? 5 f £$ < Ul ° " ¦ = »)• * ^ J Will be happytofurnishESTiMATEsforthc > Q ^ Installation or Repair of C HURCH and AT" other PUBLIC CLOCKS , £ ^ Dent's new Illustrated Catalogue of High-* Class Watches at Reduced Frioes , sent Post Free .
•~ ^ ^^ Before purchasing any Electric Curative Appliance , write P yl ^ T— forthe Pamphlet " ELECTRIC I . IFK . and How •t XI f ) £ >" w ~ -- ~ ^_ to I'ind it , " which contains s nml , reliv ^ ** *}; J \ JpCl > '— - ~ - ^ able in * ormation on the employ-^ " ~ ~ " >>» J * * " * 2 rij J > oT " ~ — —»» ^ mcnt of electricity for re-GIUTIS ^ ^^ XOo ^ Qi ^> ^" ' , a , P ^ « - and Post Free from ^ - " •^ £ ??* 2 Ic » Jiff A / V ^ - ^ JEVONS BROS ^ T ^^^ m 166 , FLEET ST ., LONDON , E 7 CT "^ - < 1 ^'
TO OUR HEADERS . THE FREEMASON is published every Friday morning , price 3 d ., and contains the fullest and latest information relating to Freemasonry of every degree . Subscriptions , including Postage : — United States , United Kingdom , Canada , the Continent , India , China , Ceylon , the Colonies & c . Arabia , & c . 13 s . 6 d . 15 s . 6 d . 17 s . 6 d . Remittances may be made in Stamps , but Post Office Orders or cheques arc preferred , the former payable to GEORGE KEXMNU , Chief Office , London , the latter crossed London Joint Stock Dank .
© o Correspnlients , BOOKS . Sec , RECEIVED . " New York Dispatch , " "Jewish Chronicle , " "Sunday Times " ( New York ) , " Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts , " " proceedings of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Pennsylvania , 188 s , " "Citizen , " "Sunday Times" ( London ) , "Court Circular , " "Hull and Lincolnshire Times , " "Allen's Indian Mail , " "Masonic Journal" ( Texas ) , and "The Freemason" ( Toronto ) .