Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article ANNUAL PICNIC OF THE TRUTH LODGE No. 521, HUDDERSFIELD. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Newly-installed Worshipful Master , " which was received with the utmost cordiality and greeted with Masonic honours . In reply Bro . King said : I thank , you , brethren for the honourconferred upon me , first in having elected me to the chair , and now in receiving the toast of my health so cordially after the too flattering way in which it has been proposed by our esteemed Bro . Holding . Brethren ,
there are certain honours in this life which are worthy of the highest ambition , and I cannot conceive any rank more honourable than that of the Worshipful Alaster of a Iodge —let me say more especially of the Everton Lodge . Aly intention is . to strive to do my duty in the best possible manner , maintaining the dignity of my honourable ollice , preserving " pure and unsullied" the charter you have this day entrusted to my keeping , and striving to secure
the peace and harmony which should at all times distinguish us as Alasons and as men . If , at the end of my year of office as VV . M ., you feel that I have in some measure justified your choice and satisfied your expectations , then I shall retire wilh the satisfactory feeling that my labour has not been in vain . The next toast 1 have to propose is that of "Our l . P . AL , Bro . William Bca ^ sey , " and I am quite sure that you will
drink that toast most heartily , knowing full well that there is but one feeling amongst us as regards Bro . Brassey's merits . He has right nobly for the last twelve months borne aloft the Hag of S 23 , and no-v he has handed it over to me pure and unsullied . He has , during his year of office elevated our Iodge to a position far beyond what it held before ; his personal liberality has added lustre to our name . He has left records in the London Charities , and
also in those of our own province , of which we as a lodge may justly feel proud , and , brethren , there is no doubt on my mind but that his consideration for the poor and needy has been observed and recorded by our Great Alaster in the Grand Lodge above , for we all believe that " He that giveth to the poor lendeth to the Lord . " The recipients on the Charities of the metropolis and our own province are the better for Bro . Brassey's year of office , and while
we his brethren will always feel proud of him , I am quite sun ? he will carry the reward of his own efforts in his heart . The VV . M . concluded by presenting Bro . Brassey with a beautiful Past Master's jewel , and Bro . Brassey suitably responded , acknowledging with warmth the handsome gift of the lodge . The other toasts were "The Installing Alasters , " to which Bros . Brassey , Moulding , and Beesley replied ; " The
Alasonic Charities , " responded to by Bro . R . Brown , P . P . G . Treas . ; " The Visiting Brethren , " to which a number of P . AI . 's replied , and offered their hearty congratulations to the newly-installed VV . M . ; "The Past Masters . " responded to by Bros . Boyle , Carefull , and Houlding ; " The Newly-Initiated , " to which Bios . Hill , Carefull , Boom , AIcElkimney , and Wilkinson , replied ; and "The
Officers of the Lodge ; " " The Absent Brethren , " " Rank and File of S 23 ; " and " All Poor and Distressed Freemasons , " were proposed and responded to , and a very happy and enthusiastic meeting terminated . An excellent musical programme was furnished by Bros . Alajor H . J . Nicholls , J . A . Muir , VV . Lewis , A , Child , A . B . Ewart , and others .
HYDE PARK LODGE ( No . 1425 ) . —A meeting was held on Alonday , thc 21 st inst ., atthe Fountains Abbey Ilotel , in , Praed-street , Paddington , VV ., when there were present Bros . C . S . Alote , VV . AI . ; C . Andrews , P . AL 77 , S . VV . ; F . Chandler , J vy . ; G . Read , P . M . 511 , Treas . and Preceptor ; H . Dehane , P . M . 1543 , Sec ; M . J . Green , S . D . ; J . Lichtenfeld , J . D . ; C . H . Wood , I . G . j
VV . H . Chalfont , I . P . M . 1425 , Stwd . ; AI . S . Speigel , P . AI . iSS ; Jas . Stevens , P . AI . 720 ; D . Stroud , A . J . Chapman , and H . Robinson . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes read and confirmed . The ceremonies of initiation and passing were
rehearsed , Bros . Chapman and Stroud being the candidates . The lodge was closed in the Second Degree . It was then determined to give a hearty reception to our Canadian brethren who are at present at Wimbledon Camp next Monday , when Bro . C . Anderson , P . M . 77 , will be W . AI . The lodge was closed in perfect harmony .
WANDERERS LODGE ( No . 1 O 04 ) . —A meeting was held on Wednesday , the 23 rd inst ., at the Adam and Eve Tavern , Palmer-street , Westminster , S . W . Present : Bros . Hayes , VV . M . ; Foulson , S . VV . ; Foscutt , J . W . j Brindley , W . AL , S . U . ; Ray , J . D . ; Power , I . G . j Wray , P . AL , Preceptor ; Ardwins , Andrews , Balchin , Coughlan , Bowen , Purnell , Leslie , White , and Fraser .
'The lodge was opened in due form . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Brindley candidate . Bro . Coughlan answered the questions leading to the Second Degree and was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . 'The ceremony of passing was rehearsed ,
Bro . Coughlan candidate , lhe lodge was then resumed to the First Degree . The Preceptor , assisted by the brethren , worked the First Section of this Lecture . The W . AI . rose for the first , second , and third times . AU Alasonic business being ended , the lodge was cl osed in due form and perfect harmony .
EARL OF LATHOM ( No . 19 : 12 ) . —The weekly meeting of this lodge was held on VVednesday the iGth inst ., at the Station Hotel , Camberwell New-road . Present : Bro . Maxsted , W . N' . ; S . Jacobs , S . VV . Evans , J . W . Paton , Secretary ; also Bros . Cobham , Finch , La Vicullade , Baker , Lane , Forster , Sutton , Thomson , Sims , Gardner and F . dmans ,
The lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of previous " meeting read and confirmed . The lodge was ^ pencil in the Second and 'Third Degrees , and resumed to . Second Degree , nnd the question leading to 'Third Degree iin-wcn d liy l ' r : i . Lane . The lodge was resumed to the ll . i ., 1 IJrgrec , and the ceremony ol raising rehearsed , Bro . Lane as candidate . The lodge was closed in the Third and
Second Degrees . 1 he lodge was resumed to the Second Degree and the ceremony of passing rehearsed , Br . Edmans acting as candidate . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree . The W . AI . rose for the first time , Bro , La Ficullade was admitted a joining member . The W . M . rose for the second time , Bros . S . W . was elected W . AI . for thc ensuing week ami was pleased to appoint officers in
rotation . 'The W . M . rose for the third time and the lodge was closed according to ancient custom , in peace and harmony . ¦ COVENT GARDEN LODGE ( No . 1614 ) . — At the weekly meeting held at the Bedford Head Hotel , Maiden-lane , VV . C , on the iGth ult ., there were present Bros . Fowles , W . AI . ; Rixon , S . VV . ; Ford , J . W . ; ' G . H . Reynolds , S . D . ; Cursons , J . D . ; Seymour , l . G . ;
VV . C . Smith , Preceptor ; G . Reynolds , Sec ; Bros . Vaughan , VVilkie-Jones , Williams , Frank Gulliford , and H . Robinson . The lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge opened in the Second Degree . Bro . Fowles , W . AL , worked the the First Section of this Lecture . Bro . Cursons having offered himself as candidate for raising he was duly
questioned , entrusted , and retired . Lodge opened in the Third Degree , and the W . AI . rehearsed the Sublime Degree of AI . AL Lodge resumed to the First Degree . Lodge resumed to the Third Degree . Lodge closed in the Second Degree . Bro . Rixon was unanimously elected VV . AI . for the ensuingjweek , and was pleased to appoint his officers in rotation . The W . AI . proposed that Bro . VV . C . Smith be elected
an Hon . Member of this Iodge of instruction in recognition of his readiness in having undertaken to act as Preceptor during the absence of Bro . VV . H . Robinson through illness , which all the brethren regret ; seconded by Bro . E . Reynolds , Sec , , who most cordially endorsed the remarks of the W . M . Carried unanimously . Bro . VV . C . Smith made a suitable reply . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry the lodge was closed .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
HORNSEY CHAPTER ( No . S 90 ) . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , the 22 nd inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , when there were present Comps . VV . H . Ivempster , AI . E . Z ; A . Churchward , H . ; H . Garrod , as J . ; Alajor Gaut , as P . S . ; F . H . Atkins , Treas . ; H . AlcPherson . Scribe E . ; A . Drew , 11 . Thornton , G . H . West , Jas . Smith , A . Nicols , and others , forming a strong gathering for this time of the season .
The chapter was opened in ancient form , and immediately after the confirmation of the minutes of the last convocation , a ballot was taken for Comp . Capt . Adolphus Nicols , P . Z . 7 S 2 , as a joining member , which , proving unanimous in his favour , he was declared duly elected . The next business was the election of a Third Principal to fill the chair vacated by the resignation of Comp . T . G . Smith . . The honour fell upon Comp . Capt . Nicols , whose reputation as an earnest
and ready worker was well known to many of the members , and those who were not personally acquainted with him took him on trust and with expectation . The AI . E . Z ., Comp . Dr . VV . H . Kempster , quickly put the qualification for office of Comp . Capt . Nicols to the test by calling upon him to deliver " the history of Aloses' rod " for the instruction of the companions . 'The traditional account of thc origin , preservation , and miraculous power of the rod was given in
an admirable and didactic manner . and the explanation which it affords of so many important points in Royal Arch Alasonry was received by the companions with the deepest interest and attention . A cordial vote of thanks to Comp . Capt . Nicols having been entered upon the minutes , the chapter was closed , and the companions reassembled in the banqueting room . ——PLUMSTEAD . —Pattison Chapter ( No . 013 ) .
—The installation of thc principals of the above large and influential chapter took place on Thursday , the 17 th inst ., at the High School for Boys , and was graced by the presence of the Right Hon . Viscount Holmesdale , Grand Superintendent of the province of Kent . The chapter was opened by the AI . E . Z ., Comp . Capt . Eugene Sweny , with Comp . II . Alason as TL , and Comp . R . Edmonds as J . The other companions present were C . Coupland , P . Z .,
P . P . G . P . S . Kent ; E . Denton , P . Z ., P . P . G . P . S . Kent ; A . Penfold , P . Z ., P . P . G . ist A . S . Kent ; H . J . Butter , P . Z ., P . P . G . P . S . Kent ; T . D . Hayes , P . Z ., P . G . 2 nd A . S . Kent ; W . B . Lloyd , P . Z . ; W . Myers , P . Z . ; W . Musto , P . Z . ; VV . Rees , S . N . ; E . B . Hobson , P . S . ; J . H . Roberts , ist A . S . ; G . Letton , 2 nd A . S . ; E . B . Saunders , R . Cook , D . Campbell , R . Hewitson , E . Palmer , Svdnev Clarke , G . Frost , VV . T . Richardson , H . Pryce ,
VV . Harris , ] . F . Randall , D . C Capon , G ' . Nichols , VV . G . Lloyd , VV . Busbridge , J . Topp , H . Wilson , and C Jolly ( Freemason ) , all of the chapter . Visitors : Rev . H . Cummings , B . D ., F . II . S ., P . Z . 1 S 37 ; T . VV . Whitmarsh , P . Z . 217 ; A . H . Bateman , 2 nd A . S . 33 ; H . De Gray , 13 ; and S . West , 13 . lt was then announced that Lord Holmesdale was present , and the P . Z . ' s formed a procession and ushered our
distinguished companion to his seat at the right of the dais , and he was saluted with the honours of " seven . " 'The AI . E . Z . then rose and said the presence of the Grand Superintendent was a most flattering compliment to the Pattison Chapter . The companions knew the great interest his lordship took in everything that was Masonic , especially in the province of Kent , and they , the companions of thc Pattison Chapter , felt stirred up by his
presence and example to do their duty zealously and well . It was an exceeding great compliment to the chapter , because ot the many duties his lordship had to perform , and although an important engagement rendered his presence necessary in London , yet he had found time to come among them and see the working of the chapter . He ( Comp . Sweny ) therefore called upon them to record a vote of thanks to his lordship for honouring the chapter with
a visit that day . 'The vote having been carried with acclamation , his lordship rose and said : Companions , I feel very much obliged to you for the cordial reception you have given me , and also foi the vote of thanks , but you must remCniber that when I visit the chapters in this province I am only doing my duty , and the same that every Superintendent does in every province in the kingdom . I am sorry that I shall not be able to dine
with you at Gravesend this afternoon , as I am engaged to dine in London , and also must be present at a division at the House of Lords ; the dinner might be put off , but the division cannot ; but I certainly hope to have the opportunity next year of dining with you , should you invite me , as I feel it a great pleasure to assist in any way a chaptei so excellent and so influential in the province as the Pattison , and shall be pleased to see the working , of which I have heard such excellent reports . I thank you , companions , for your cordial reception .
Royal Arch.
All below the rank of First Principals then retired , and Comp . A . Penfold installed Comps . Mason , as Z . ; Edmonds , as H . ; and Rees , as J . The companions were then re-admitted , and the ALE . 2 . invested Comps . Butter , S . E . ; E . B . Hobson , S . N . ; Cook , P . S . ; Penfold , Treas . ; Alyers , D . C ; and Alusto , W . S . Comp . Cok chose Comps . Roberts , ist Asst . Soj ., and E . Paltmr , 2 nd Asst . Soj . Comp . VV . J . Larder was appointed Janitor .
Comp . Penfold then delivered the addresses in rare style , and the ceremony was concluded amid applause . Lord Holmesdale then rose , and said : Companions , the time has now arrived when I must retire ; but before doing so I must express the pleasure it has afforded mc in witnessing the excellent manner in which Comp . Penfold has carried out the duties of Installing Officer ; the ceremony has been most admirably worked , and I wish you , Alost Excellent , a
successful year of office . His lordship then retired , amid repeated demonstrations of the companions' regard and esteem . A cordial vote of thanks was tendered to Comp . Penfold for his services as Installing Officer ; and , in returning thanks , he assured the companions that it was most gratifying to him to bear their Grand Superintendent express his pleasure at the working . He had no idea at the time of undertaking the office , at the
request of the I . P . Z ., that his lordship would be piesent . The testimony of his lordship and their approbation tully repaid him for all the labour it had cost him . He then moved that a guinea should be given as a prize for the . Girls' High Schools , which was carried . A handsome P . Z . 's jewel , of the value of 10 guineas , was then presented to Comp . Sweny , and he feelingly and eloquently returned thanks . He said Alasonic life was to be
wished for , if not envied , for every true Mason felt that he had not only to comport himself honourably outside the lodge or chapter , but also to use his best endeavours to fulfil with ability the duties of every office with which he was entrusted , so that the brethren or companions should not suffer by any neglect of his , and when he attained the superior ranks his teaching should be such as to preserve pure and unsullied the beautiful ritual of thc Order . The
companions had placed him as a ruler over them , and , conscious as he was of more than one shortcoming , he could fearlessly say that he had done his utmost to succeed ; and if he had really secured their esteem , as evinced by the valuable and handsome jewel presented to him , he could proudly say that he had reached the height of his ambition as a Alason . He thanked them heartily for it , and for the good wishes tendered him by one and all .
Letters of apology were read from Comp . Eastes , G . H . of Kent , and others , for inability to attend , and ther . thc chapter was closed , and the companions adjourned to Gravesend , where , at the Clarendon Hotel , a banquet was partaken of , followed by the usual loyal and Royal Arch Masonic toasts . In proposing that of " Lord Holmesdale , Grand Superintendent of Kent , " the M . E . Z . said , from what they had
seen of Lord Holmesdale that day , they could fully realise all that had been so often told them by the Past Alasters of their lodge as to the genial courtesy and Alasonic zeal of that distinguished nobleman and Mason . The toast was drunk in bumpers , and then the names of Comps . Eastes and Spencer , IL and J . of Kent , were received with warmth , and duly honoured , the toast being coupled with the name of Comp . Hayes , who expressed his
regret that it had not fallen into more able hands than his , and in felicitous terms spoke of thc immense amount of work done by their Grand Superintendent , and also by Comps . Eastes , Spencer , Thorpe , and Warne . As to Comp . Eastes , he might fairly be called Lord Holmesdale's aidede-camp , and the aide-de-camp of the Masonic forces in Kent . It was a pleasure and an honour to serve under such grand and excellent Masons , and , in their names and his
own , he thanked the companions for thc toast . Comp . Sweny then proposed " The Health ofthe AI . E . Z . " in glowing terms , and , in response , Comp . Mason said he felt very deeply the honour conferred ou him . He should endeavour to work the ritual to their satisfaction . He felt that he had done so in the Craft , and if he did as well in his present position he should not have worked in vain . The toast of "The Second and Third Principals"
followed , and Comps . Edmonds and Rees returned thanks . Thc other toasts were "The Installing Officer , " and Comp . Penfold ' s reception when he rose to respond was most enthusiastic . "The Visitors" and "Past Principals " were next honoured . A special toast to Comps . Alusto and Myers elicited many hearty expressions of
esteem , and both returned thanks . Nor can we close without offering our thanks to these splendid fellows for their endeavours to secure the comfort of the companions , Comp . Musto well-earning his title as the "Prince of Wine Stewards . " 'The Janitor ' s toast concluded the proceedings .
Annual Picnic Of The Truth Lodge No. 521, Huddersfield.
On Wednesday , July iGth , a number of ladies and brethren assembled at the Huddersfield Station , to proceed by rail to Sheffield by the G . 45 a . m . train , thence by conveyance to Baslow , Haddon Hall , Bakewell , Rowsley , and Chatsworth , a drive of about •thirty-five miles through
some of the finest scenery in Derbyshire . The day being beautifully fine , it is needless to say every one thoroughly enjoyed themselves , and on their arrival at Huddersfield at 10 p . m ., each and all expressed their pleasure at having been present on the occasion . Mine host of the Devonshire Hotel , Baslow , provided an excellent dinner at four o ' clock , to which ample justice was done . Amongst those
present were Bros . John B . Matthewrnan , W . M ., and Mrs . Alatthewman ; Allen Jackson , P . M ., P . P . G . D ., and Airs . J ackson ; J . VV . 'Turner , S . VV ., and Mrs . Turner ; Abraham Armitage , ] . W ., and Airs . Armitage j James Brierley , Treasurer , and Miss Brierley j James VVoolven , Secretary , and ) Airs 'Thompson j W . E . Jowett , D . C , and Airs .
Juwett ; James Hopwood , P . M . 290 , Mrs . Hopwood , and Mrs . Lea ; Joshua Lee , P . M . 290 , Prov . G . Tyler , and rs . Lee ; Abraham Graham , J . D ., and Mrs . Graham ; Joe Sheard ; Charles Turner and Airs . Turner ; J . Firth and Mrs , Firth ; Airs . Humphrey VVood , James Eccles , and Master Eccles ; Henry Clayton and Mrs . Clayton ; S . Kendal , 275 , and others .
4 Bro . G . S . Graham has sailed for New York on a short musical tour in the United States . We wish him success .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Newly-installed Worshipful Master , " which was received with the utmost cordiality and greeted with Masonic honours . In reply Bro . King said : I thank , you , brethren for the honourconferred upon me , first in having elected me to the chair , and now in receiving the toast of my health so cordially after the too flattering way in which it has been proposed by our esteemed Bro . Holding . Brethren ,
there are certain honours in this life which are worthy of the highest ambition , and I cannot conceive any rank more honourable than that of the Worshipful Alaster of a Iodge —let me say more especially of the Everton Lodge . Aly intention is . to strive to do my duty in the best possible manner , maintaining the dignity of my honourable ollice , preserving " pure and unsullied" the charter you have this day entrusted to my keeping , and striving to secure
the peace and harmony which should at all times distinguish us as Alasons and as men . If , at the end of my year of office as VV . M ., you feel that I have in some measure justified your choice and satisfied your expectations , then I shall retire wilh the satisfactory feeling that my labour has not been in vain . The next toast 1 have to propose is that of "Our l . P . AL , Bro . William Bca ^ sey , " and I am quite sure that you will
drink that toast most heartily , knowing full well that there is but one feeling amongst us as regards Bro . Brassey's merits . He has right nobly for the last twelve months borne aloft the Hag of S 23 , and no-v he has handed it over to me pure and unsullied . He has , during his year of office elevated our Iodge to a position far beyond what it held before ; his personal liberality has added lustre to our name . He has left records in the London Charities , and
also in those of our own province , of which we as a lodge may justly feel proud , and , brethren , there is no doubt on my mind but that his consideration for the poor and needy has been observed and recorded by our Great Alaster in the Grand Lodge above , for we all believe that " He that giveth to the poor lendeth to the Lord . " The recipients on the Charities of the metropolis and our own province are the better for Bro . Brassey's year of office , and while
we his brethren will always feel proud of him , I am quite sun ? he will carry the reward of his own efforts in his heart . The VV . M . concluded by presenting Bro . Brassey with a beautiful Past Master's jewel , and Bro . Brassey suitably responded , acknowledging with warmth the handsome gift of the lodge . The other toasts were "The Installing Alasters , " to which Bros . Brassey , Moulding , and Beesley replied ; " The
Alasonic Charities , " responded to by Bro . R . Brown , P . P . G . Treas . ; " The Visiting Brethren , " to which a number of P . AI . 's replied , and offered their hearty congratulations to the newly-installed VV . M . ; "The Past Masters . " responded to by Bros . Boyle , Carefull , and Houlding ; " The Newly-Initiated , " to which Bios . Hill , Carefull , Boom , AIcElkimney , and Wilkinson , replied ; and "The
Officers of the Lodge ; " " The Absent Brethren , " " Rank and File of S 23 ; " and " All Poor and Distressed Freemasons , " were proposed and responded to , and a very happy and enthusiastic meeting terminated . An excellent musical programme was furnished by Bros . Alajor H . J . Nicholls , J . A . Muir , VV . Lewis , A , Child , A . B . Ewart , and others .
HYDE PARK LODGE ( No . 1425 ) . —A meeting was held on Alonday , thc 21 st inst ., atthe Fountains Abbey Ilotel , in , Praed-street , Paddington , VV ., when there were present Bros . C . S . Alote , VV . AI . ; C . Andrews , P . AL 77 , S . VV . ; F . Chandler , J vy . ; G . Read , P . M . 511 , Treas . and Preceptor ; H . Dehane , P . M . 1543 , Sec ; M . J . Green , S . D . ; J . Lichtenfeld , J . D . ; C . H . Wood , I . G . j
VV . H . Chalfont , I . P . M . 1425 , Stwd . ; AI . S . Speigel , P . AI . iSS ; Jas . Stevens , P . AI . 720 ; D . Stroud , A . J . Chapman , and H . Robinson . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes read and confirmed . The ceremonies of initiation and passing were
rehearsed , Bros . Chapman and Stroud being the candidates . The lodge was closed in the Second Degree . It was then determined to give a hearty reception to our Canadian brethren who are at present at Wimbledon Camp next Monday , when Bro . C . Anderson , P . M . 77 , will be W . AI . The lodge was closed in perfect harmony .
WANDERERS LODGE ( No . 1 O 04 ) . —A meeting was held on Wednesday , the 23 rd inst ., at the Adam and Eve Tavern , Palmer-street , Westminster , S . W . Present : Bros . Hayes , VV . M . ; Foulson , S . VV . ; Foscutt , J . W . j Brindley , W . AL , S . U . ; Ray , J . D . ; Power , I . G . j Wray , P . AL , Preceptor ; Ardwins , Andrews , Balchin , Coughlan , Bowen , Purnell , Leslie , White , and Fraser .
'The lodge was opened in due form . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Brindley candidate . Bro . Coughlan answered the questions leading to the Second Degree and was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . 'The ceremony of passing was rehearsed ,
Bro . Coughlan candidate , lhe lodge was then resumed to the First Degree . The Preceptor , assisted by the brethren , worked the First Section of this Lecture . The W . AI . rose for the first , second , and third times . AU Alasonic business being ended , the lodge was cl osed in due form and perfect harmony .
EARL OF LATHOM ( No . 19 : 12 ) . —The weekly meeting of this lodge was held on VVednesday the iGth inst ., at the Station Hotel , Camberwell New-road . Present : Bro . Maxsted , W . N' . ; S . Jacobs , S . VV . Evans , J . W . Paton , Secretary ; also Bros . Cobham , Finch , La Vicullade , Baker , Lane , Forster , Sutton , Thomson , Sims , Gardner and F . dmans ,
The lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of previous " meeting read and confirmed . The lodge was ^ pencil in the Second and 'Third Degrees , and resumed to . Second Degree , nnd the question leading to 'Third Degree iin-wcn d liy l ' r : i . Lane . The lodge was resumed to the ll . i ., 1 IJrgrec , and the ceremony ol raising rehearsed , Bro . Lane as candidate . The lodge was closed in the Third and
Second Degrees . 1 he lodge was resumed to the Second Degree and the ceremony of passing rehearsed , Br . Edmans acting as candidate . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree . The W . AI . rose for the first time , Bro , La Ficullade was admitted a joining member . The W . M . rose for the second time , Bros . S . W . was elected W . AI . for thc ensuing week ami was pleased to appoint officers in
rotation . 'The W . M . rose for the third time and the lodge was closed according to ancient custom , in peace and harmony . ¦ COVENT GARDEN LODGE ( No . 1614 ) . — At the weekly meeting held at the Bedford Head Hotel , Maiden-lane , VV . C , on the iGth ult ., there were present Bros . Fowles , W . AI . ; Rixon , S . VV . ; Ford , J . W . ; ' G . H . Reynolds , S . D . ; Cursons , J . D . ; Seymour , l . G . ;
VV . C . Smith , Preceptor ; G . Reynolds , Sec ; Bros . Vaughan , VVilkie-Jones , Williams , Frank Gulliford , and H . Robinson . The lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge opened in the Second Degree . Bro . Fowles , W . AL , worked the the First Section of this Lecture . Bro . Cursons having offered himself as candidate for raising he was duly
questioned , entrusted , and retired . Lodge opened in the Third Degree , and the W . AI . rehearsed the Sublime Degree of AI . AL Lodge resumed to the First Degree . Lodge resumed to the Third Degree . Lodge closed in the Second Degree . Bro . Rixon was unanimously elected VV . AI . for the ensuingjweek , and was pleased to appoint his officers in rotation . The W . AI . proposed that Bro . VV . C . Smith be elected
an Hon . Member of this Iodge of instruction in recognition of his readiness in having undertaken to act as Preceptor during the absence of Bro . VV . H . Robinson through illness , which all the brethren regret ; seconded by Bro . E . Reynolds , Sec , , who most cordially endorsed the remarks of the W . M . Carried unanimously . Bro . VV . C . Smith made a suitable reply . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry the lodge was closed .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
HORNSEY CHAPTER ( No . S 90 ) . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , the 22 nd inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , when there were present Comps . VV . H . Ivempster , AI . E . Z ; A . Churchward , H . ; H . Garrod , as J . ; Alajor Gaut , as P . S . ; F . H . Atkins , Treas . ; H . AlcPherson . Scribe E . ; A . Drew , 11 . Thornton , G . H . West , Jas . Smith , A . Nicols , and others , forming a strong gathering for this time of the season .
The chapter was opened in ancient form , and immediately after the confirmation of the minutes of the last convocation , a ballot was taken for Comp . Capt . Adolphus Nicols , P . Z . 7 S 2 , as a joining member , which , proving unanimous in his favour , he was declared duly elected . The next business was the election of a Third Principal to fill the chair vacated by the resignation of Comp . T . G . Smith . . The honour fell upon Comp . Capt . Nicols , whose reputation as an earnest
and ready worker was well known to many of the members , and those who were not personally acquainted with him took him on trust and with expectation . The AI . E . Z ., Comp . Dr . VV . H . Kempster , quickly put the qualification for office of Comp . Capt . Nicols to the test by calling upon him to deliver " the history of Aloses' rod " for the instruction of the companions . 'The traditional account of thc origin , preservation , and miraculous power of the rod was given in
an admirable and didactic manner . and the explanation which it affords of so many important points in Royal Arch Alasonry was received by the companions with the deepest interest and attention . A cordial vote of thanks to Comp . Capt . Nicols having been entered upon the minutes , the chapter was closed , and the companions reassembled in the banqueting room . ——PLUMSTEAD . —Pattison Chapter ( No . 013 ) .
—The installation of thc principals of the above large and influential chapter took place on Thursday , the 17 th inst ., at the High School for Boys , and was graced by the presence of the Right Hon . Viscount Holmesdale , Grand Superintendent of the province of Kent . The chapter was opened by the AI . E . Z ., Comp . Capt . Eugene Sweny , with Comp . II . Alason as TL , and Comp . R . Edmonds as J . The other companions present were C . Coupland , P . Z .,
P . P . G . P . S . Kent ; E . Denton , P . Z ., P . P . G . P . S . Kent ; A . Penfold , P . Z ., P . P . G . ist A . S . Kent ; H . J . Butter , P . Z ., P . P . G . P . S . Kent ; T . D . Hayes , P . Z ., P . G . 2 nd A . S . Kent ; W . B . Lloyd , P . Z . ; W . Myers , P . Z . ; W . Musto , P . Z . ; VV . Rees , S . N . ; E . B . Hobson , P . S . ; J . H . Roberts , ist A . S . ; G . Letton , 2 nd A . S . ; E . B . Saunders , R . Cook , D . Campbell , R . Hewitson , E . Palmer , Svdnev Clarke , G . Frost , VV . T . Richardson , H . Pryce ,
VV . Harris , ] . F . Randall , D . C Capon , G ' . Nichols , VV . G . Lloyd , VV . Busbridge , J . Topp , H . Wilson , and C Jolly ( Freemason ) , all of the chapter . Visitors : Rev . H . Cummings , B . D ., F . II . S ., P . Z . 1 S 37 ; T . VV . Whitmarsh , P . Z . 217 ; A . H . Bateman , 2 nd A . S . 33 ; H . De Gray , 13 ; and S . West , 13 . lt was then announced that Lord Holmesdale was present , and the P . Z . ' s formed a procession and ushered our
distinguished companion to his seat at the right of the dais , and he was saluted with the honours of " seven . " 'The AI . E . Z . then rose and said the presence of the Grand Superintendent was a most flattering compliment to the Pattison Chapter . The companions knew the great interest his lordship took in everything that was Masonic , especially in the province of Kent , and they , the companions of thc Pattison Chapter , felt stirred up by his
presence and example to do their duty zealously and well . It was an exceeding great compliment to the chapter , because ot the many duties his lordship had to perform , and although an important engagement rendered his presence necessary in London , yet he had found time to come among them and see the working of the chapter . He ( Comp . Sweny ) therefore called upon them to record a vote of thanks to his lordship for honouring the chapter with
a visit that day . 'The vote having been carried with acclamation , his lordship rose and said : Companions , I feel very much obliged to you for the cordial reception you have given me , and also foi the vote of thanks , but you must remCniber that when I visit the chapters in this province I am only doing my duty , and the same that every Superintendent does in every province in the kingdom . I am sorry that I shall not be able to dine
with you at Gravesend this afternoon , as I am engaged to dine in London , and also must be present at a division at the House of Lords ; the dinner might be put off , but the division cannot ; but I certainly hope to have the opportunity next year of dining with you , should you invite me , as I feel it a great pleasure to assist in any way a chaptei so excellent and so influential in the province as the Pattison , and shall be pleased to see the working , of which I have heard such excellent reports . I thank you , companions , for your cordial reception .
Royal Arch.
All below the rank of First Principals then retired , and Comp . A . Penfold installed Comps . Mason , as Z . ; Edmonds , as H . ; and Rees , as J . The companions were then re-admitted , and the ALE . 2 . invested Comps . Butter , S . E . ; E . B . Hobson , S . N . ; Cook , P . S . ; Penfold , Treas . ; Alyers , D . C ; and Alusto , W . S . Comp . Cok chose Comps . Roberts , ist Asst . Soj ., and E . Paltmr , 2 nd Asst . Soj . Comp . VV . J . Larder was appointed Janitor .
Comp . Penfold then delivered the addresses in rare style , and the ceremony was concluded amid applause . Lord Holmesdale then rose , and said : Companions , the time has now arrived when I must retire ; but before doing so I must express the pleasure it has afforded mc in witnessing the excellent manner in which Comp . Penfold has carried out the duties of Installing Officer ; the ceremony has been most admirably worked , and I wish you , Alost Excellent , a
successful year of office . His lordship then retired , amid repeated demonstrations of the companions' regard and esteem . A cordial vote of thanks was tendered to Comp . Penfold for his services as Installing Officer ; and , in returning thanks , he assured the companions that it was most gratifying to him to bear their Grand Superintendent express his pleasure at the working . He had no idea at the time of undertaking the office , at the
request of the I . P . Z ., that his lordship would be piesent . The testimony of his lordship and their approbation tully repaid him for all the labour it had cost him . He then moved that a guinea should be given as a prize for the . Girls' High Schools , which was carried . A handsome P . Z . 's jewel , of the value of 10 guineas , was then presented to Comp . Sweny , and he feelingly and eloquently returned thanks . He said Alasonic life was to be
wished for , if not envied , for every true Mason felt that he had not only to comport himself honourably outside the lodge or chapter , but also to use his best endeavours to fulfil with ability the duties of every office with which he was entrusted , so that the brethren or companions should not suffer by any neglect of his , and when he attained the superior ranks his teaching should be such as to preserve pure and unsullied the beautiful ritual of thc Order . The
companions had placed him as a ruler over them , and , conscious as he was of more than one shortcoming , he could fearlessly say that he had done his utmost to succeed ; and if he had really secured their esteem , as evinced by the valuable and handsome jewel presented to him , he could proudly say that he had reached the height of his ambition as a Alason . He thanked them heartily for it , and for the good wishes tendered him by one and all .
Letters of apology were read from Comp . Eastes , G . H . of Kent , and others , for inability to attend , and ther . thc chapter was closed , and the companions adjourned to Gravesend , where , at the Clarendon Hotel , a banquet was partaken of , followed by the usual loyal and Royal Arch Masonic toasts . In proposing that of " Lord Holmesdale , Grand Superintendent of Kent , " the M . E . Z . said , from what they had
seen of Lord Holmesdale that day , they could fully realise all that had been so often told them by the Past Alasters of their lodge as to the genial courtesy and Alasonic zeal of that distinguished nobleman and Mason . The toast was drunk in bumpers , and then the names of Comps . Eastes and Spencer , IL and J . of Kent , were received with warmth , and duly honoured , the toast being coupled with the name of Comp . Hayes , who expressed his
regret that it had not fallen into more able hands than his , and in felicitous terms spoke of thc immense amount of work done by their Grand Superintendent , and also by Comps . Eastes , Spencer , Thorpe , and Warne . As to Comp . Eastes , he might fairly be called Lord Holmesdale's aidede-camp , and the aide-de-camp of the Masonic forces in Kent . It was a pleasure and an honour to serve under such grand and excellent Masons , and , in their names and his
own , he thanked the companions for thc toast . Comp . Sweny then proposed " The Health ofthe AI . E . Z . " in glowing terms , and , in response , Comp . Mason said he felt very deeply the honour conferred ou him . He should endeavour to work the ritual to their satisfaction . He felt that he had done so in the Craft , and if he did as well in his present position he should not have worked in vain . The toast of "The Second and Third Principals"
followed , and Comps . Edmonds and Rees returned thanks . Thc other toasts were "The Installing Officer , " and Comp . Penfold ' s reception when he rose to respond was most enthusiastic . "The Visitors" and "Past Principals " were next honoured . A special toast to Comps . Alusto and Myers elicited many hearty expressions of
esteem , and both returned thanks . Nor can we close without offering our thanks to these splendid fellows for their endeavours to secure the comfort of the companions , Comp . Musto well-earning his title as the "Prince of Wine Stewards . " 'The Janitor ' s toast concluded the proceedings .
Annual Picnic Of The Truth Lodge No. 521, Huddersfield.
On Wednesday , July iGth , a number of ladies and brethren assembled at the Huddersfield Station , to proceed by rail to Sheffield by the G . 45 a . m . train , thence by conveyance to Baslow , Haddon Hall , Bakewell , Rowsley , and Chatsworth , a drive of about •thirty-five miles through
some of the finest scenery in Derbyshire . The day being beautifully fine , it is needless to say every one thoroughly enjoyed themselves , and on their arrival at Huddersfield at 10 p . m ., each and all expressed their pleasure at having been present on the occasion . Mine host of the Devonshire Hotel , Baslow , provided an excellent dinner at four o ' clock , to which ample justice was done . Amongst those
present were Bros . John B . Matthewrnan , W . M ., and Mrs . Alatthewman ; Allen Jackson , P . M ., P . P . G . D ., and Airs . J ackson ; J . VV . 'Turner , S . VV ., and Mrs . Turner ; Abraham Armitage , ] . W ., and Airs . Armitage j James Brierley , Treasurer , and Miss Brierley j James VVoolven , Secretary , and ) Airs 'Thompson j W . E . Jowett , D . C , and Airs .
Juwett ; James Hopwood , P . M . 290 , Mrs . Hopwood , and Mrs . Lea ; Joshua Lee , P . M . 290 , Prov . G . Tyler , and rs . Lee ; Abraham Graham , J . D ., and Mrs . Graham ; Joe Sheard ; Charles Turner and Airs . Turner ; J . Firth and Mrs , Firth ; Airs . Humphrey VVood , James Eccles , and Master Eccles ; Henry Clayton and Mrs . Clayton ; S . Kendal , 275 , and others .
4 Bro . G . S . Graham has sailed for New York on a short musical tour in the United States . We wish him success .