Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Board Of Benevolence.
The monthly meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence was held on Wednesday evening at Freemasons' Hall , The President , Bro . Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B ., occupied the chair ; Bro . Brette took the Senior Vice President ' s chair ; and Bro . Cottebrune , P . G . Purst ., occupied the chair of Junior Vice President .
There were also present Bros . Henry Garrod , G . A . P . j R . F . Spaull , ] . Smith Eastes , G . D . ; Frank Richardson , P . G . D . ; H . McPherson , John Noble , VV . Alann , E . J . Barron , P . G . D . ; Jabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; G . P . Britten , C . Darwig , E . F . Stow , G . P . Gillard , George Read , J . Hart , XV . Alaxsted , J . H . Taylor , H . Stevenson , E . Baxter , Capt . Nicols , J . Handell , C . Scrutton , L . G . Langdon , VV . G .
Dickens , A . VV . Fenner , J . H . Sillitoe , F . C Aloullet , S . T . Kingston , Thomas Kingston , C . D . Rivington , A . E . Gladwelf , VV . Goodacre , E . W . Wilson , C . A . Walter , H . E . Frances , VV . Lake ( Freemason ) , and others . Thebrethren Rest conferred grants to the amount of £ 355 , recommended at last meeting of the Board of Benevolence .
There were 31 new cases on the list ; five of these were deferred . The remaining 2 G were relieved with the total sum of £ 615 . This was composed of recommendations to Grand Lodge for three of £ 5 ( £ 15 ); nine of £ 10 ( £ 90 ); six of £ 20 ' ( £ 120 ); two of £ 25 ( £ 50 ) ; three of £ ' 30 ( £ 90 ); one of £ 50 ( £ 50 ); two of £ 100 ( £ 200 ) . The lodge was then closed .
Freemasonry In Belper.
In response to the W . AI . and brethren ot the Beaureper Lodge , No . 7 S 7 , over 100 brethren assembled in the lodge room on Sunday afternoon , July 20 th , to clothe , & c , and then marshal in full regalia through the main street to Christ Church to hear a sermon preached by Bro . the Rev . E . A . Hillyard on Papal and other Bulls against
Masonry . Bro . Hillyard ' s great experience and learning enabled him to enter into this subject at considerable length . A more eloquent , powerful , and impressive sermon on Papal Bulls and Freemasonry the writer has never heard , and it was listened to by the vast congregation with deep attention . At the close of the service a collection or offertory for the Alasonic Charities was made .
Amongst the brethren present were Bros . Sir J . G . N , Alleyne / Bart ., P . P . G . S . W . ; Rev . E . A . Hillyard , P . P . G . C , and S . VV . 7 S 0 ; George Day , P . G . S . D . ; Dr . Allen , P . P . G . J . D . ; Benj . Cooper , P . P . G . P . ; VV . H . Fisher , P . G . S . B . ; Lennox , P . P . G . S . B . ; Wade , P . P . G . S . B . ;
and Lyth , PIG . P . Bro . B . Cooper very efficiently acted as D . C . on the occasion . Lodges Nos . 1495 , 1324 , 1179 , 108 . 5 , 102 S , 884 , S 50 , S 02 , 7 S 7 , 654 , 625 , 506 . and 253 were well represented . The day was gloriously fine , which brought a great many persons long distances to sec the procession and hear this important sermon .
Obituary .
BRO . JUSTICE WATKIN WILLIAMS . We regret to announce the death of Bro . Justice Watkin Williams , at Nottingham , which occurred at a late hour on the night of Thursday , the 17 th inst ., of heart disease ; his lordship had been engaged in Court during the day , and appeared in good health . The deceased Judge was the son of the late Rev . P . Williams , rector of Llansannan , Denbighshire , and was born on the 25 th September , 1 S 2 S , called to the Bar at the Inner Temple in 1 S 54 , and was appointed
Q . C . and Bencher of his Inn in 1 S 73 . He represented iTenbigh from November , iSGS , to 1 SS 0 , when he was returned for Carnarvonshire , and in November of that year was appointed a Judge of the Queen ' s Bench Division . He was initiated in thc Panmure Lodge , No . 1017—now No . 715 —then held at the Pembury Tavern , Clapton , by Bro . Hy . Muggeridge , the Alaster , on the 19 th June , 1 S 5 S , and remained a member many years ; he was also a subscriber to the Alasonic Girls' School .
West Lancashire Masonic Educa Tional Institution.
Between 30 and 40 years ago , when the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution was founded by brethren whose wisdom and benevolence went hand-in-hand , the very first monetary item which appeared on the book of the Charity was a sum of £ 73 12 s ., the outcome of a ball
which was given by the leaders of the Craft at that period . Recognising the value of this source of income , the Committee of the Institution have kept these annual assemblies in existence , and that which took place at the Town Hall this year was the thirty-fifth of the series given in the aid of the Charity . These annual festive gatherings , which have taken place since the year 1 S 50 , have been the means
of adding no less a sum than about £ 4200 to the funds of this most deserving ' . Institution ; and the fact that 410 children have received educational and other advantages since its foundation , at a total outlay of about £ 10 , 000 , speaks eloquently of the immense good accomplished by it during its existence . At the present time there are GG little ones on the foundation of the "West
Lancashire , " costing £ 1166 , who are attending schools selected by parents or guardians , but approved by the committee ; and the bye-laws which have been recently framed further enable the committee to send orphan children to schools where they will be entirely maintained , in addition to the previous benefits of education and clothing . The present invested capital of the charity is about £ 17 , , and during
the past year the brethren of nearly the whole of the Si lodges throughout the province have generously contributed to the funds of their pet institution . The extended advantages wisely brought into existence by the committee will necessitate increased outlay ; But there is no doubt the members of the Craft , by their contributions , will enable those entrusted with the management of affairs to carry the scheme into permanent and beneficial effect . One
remarkable feature of the management of th » West Lancashire Alasonic Educational Institution is that not a farthing of the funds is paid for any official , the whole of the work being done by an elected committee of about 40 members , Bro . G . Broadbridge , P . P . G . D . C , and Bro . R . Martin , P . M . and treasurer , 11 S 2 , being the honorary secretaries ; and Bro . J . T . Callow , P . P . G . Treasurer , the honorary treasurer .
Masonic And General Tidings
The annual Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex will be held at the Public Hall , Maldon , on Wednesday , the 13 th proximo , at two p . m . We hear that Bro . W . Drake , P . M ., well-known to many , has recently left with part of his family for Sydney . The good wishes of many Alasonic friends go with him .
A moveable Grand Lodge of the Mark Degree will be held at the Royal Public Rooms , Exeter , on Wednesday , August Gth . Canon Portal , Past Grand Alark Alaster , will move that the sum of ten guineas be voted to the Hughan Testimonial Fund .. The brethren of the Merchant Navy Lodge , No . 7 S 1 , have just celebrated their annual summer festival .
Hampton Court was selected for the rendezvous , and a goodly gathering dined at the Alitre Hotel , and with fine weather a successful day was passed . We are requested to state that the Duke of Albany ' s subscription to the Boys' School Festival seems to have b . een returned by inadvertence on the list of the Lodge of Antiquity ; it ought properly to be credited to the list of the Apollo University Lodge , Oxford .
lhe Provincial Grand Lodge of Hertfordshire was held on VVednesday last under the presidency of the Prov . Grand Master , Bro . F . T . Halsey , M . P . The new Grand Officers were appointed , and several grants were made for benevolent purposes . A report will appear next week .
At the last meeting of the West Smithfield Lodge , No . 1 G 23 , at Freemasons' Hall , VV . C , Bro . G . H . Stephens , S . W ., was elected VV . M . for the ensuing 12 months . A jewel was voted to Bro . H . J . Lardner , P . AI . & c , the outgoing W . AL , for his valuable services in the chair .
The last nights of "The Beggar Student " are announced at the Alhambra ; and on Saturday , August 2 nd , a newly written and enlarged version of F . C Burnand's popular burlesque , " Black-Eyed Susan , " is to be produced , with original music , specially composed by Air . Alfred Lee .
Should any brother have any " curios " he would like to exhibit at Worcester , he had better communicate with Bro . George Taylor , Summerdyne Villa , Kidderminster , or Bro . George Kenning , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , Little Britain , or any information may be obtained at the office of the Freemason .
The will , dated Jan . 24 , 18 79 , ! the Ri ht Hon . George , Viscount Torrington , one of the lords-in- waiting on the Queen , who died on April 27 last , at Monte Car lo , Monaco , was proved on the 17 th ult . by the Alarquisof Abergavenny and Bro . John Aloxon Clabon , the executors , the value of the personal estate amounting to over £ 12 , 000 .
The members of the Corinthian Lod ge , No . 13 S 2 , George Hotel , Cubitt Town , have arranged to have a summer outing on Thursday next . The party will repair in brakes to Bro . Benningfield ' s , Crown Gardens , Broxbourne . A few tickets left unsold may be had of Bro . S . G . Bonner , Hon . Sec , 35 , Church-street , Cubitt Town .
Bro . Philip Chetham , the oldest Freemason in England , and , it is supposed , in the world , has just died at Southport . He was in his 97 th year , and was initiated a Freemason in 1 S 11 . He had been Past Alaster of Lodge 322 since 1 S 41 . In 1 S 02 he volunteered on board he Alajesty' guardship Phcebe , and was at Trafalgar , though not in action . Since his initiation Bro . Chetham had been an enthusiastic Freemason .
The R . W . Prov . Grand Master for Durham , Bro . the Most Hon . the Alarquess uf Londonderry , K . P ., has fixed Saturday , August 30 th , for the consecration of the Londonderry Lodge , No . 2039 , which is being formed on temperance principles at Sunderland , and of which the Prov . G . Sec , Bro . R . Hudson , is the VV . AI . designate , Bro . J . C Aloor , VV . AI . 97 , the S . VV . designate , and Bro . J . Deans , J . W . So , is the J . VV . designate .
The London and North Western Railway Company have just issued their Annual Tourist Guide ( 130 pages with maps ) , at the nominal price of one penny . 'The many places of interest on this company ' s system , which include the English Lake district , the Isle of Alan , North Wales , & c , present such unequalled attractions that | the Tourist will have small difficulty in selecting places of interest that are not to be surpassed in Great Britain . —VVe shall notice these tours more fully in our next .
At the Wardmote Meeting of the City of London , held on Thursday week , the 17 th inst , for the purpose of electing a member of the Common Council to represent the Ward of Cordwainer in place of Bro . David Evans , who was recently elected Alderman for the Ward of Castle Baynard , Bro . Thos . W . C . Bush moved , " That the sincere congratulations of this wardmote be presented
to Bro . D . Evans on his election to the office of Alderman in the Ward of Castle Baynard . " Bro . Bush , in glowing terms , referred to his valuable services as Common Councilman for the ten years during which he had represented the ward , and congratulated him on the high position to which he had attained . Air . Alason seconded the motion , which was carried with acclamation . Bro . Alderman Evans ,
in returning thanks , observed that he was still an inhabitant of the ward , and still took an interest in everything appertaining to it . The ward had been the stepping-stone to his present position , and it was in the ward that he had gained his experience of public duties . He hoped to carry with him in the future the friendships which he had formed in the past . Bro . Frank Taylor was subsequently elected CC . by a majority of 21 votes .
A delicious cooling drink is supplied in Rose ' s Lime Juice Cordial , with water or blended with spirits , lt is highly medicinal , assisting digestion . Recommended by the Lancet . It is entirely free of alcohol . Purchasers should order Rose ' s Cordial . Wholesale Stores , II , Curtain-road , London , and Leith , N . B . —[ ADVT . 1
Masonic And General Tidings
The annual Provincial Grand Chapter of Kent will be held at Ashford on Thursday next , the 31 st inst ., under the wing of the Invicta Chapter . The Henry Levander Lodge was consecrated on Monday last by Sir F . Burdett , Bart . A report will appear in our next . The proceedings were very successful . A meeting of the Metropolitan Council ( time
immemorial ) and of the Four King ' s Council , No . 7 , ofthe Allied Alasonic Degrees will be held at Sa , Red Lion-square , on Thursday , at 5 o ' clock . Arrangements for the visit of thc Prince and Princess of Wales to Edinburgh have been completed . Their Royal Highnesses will be the guests of Lord and
Lady Roseberry at Dalmeny from Friday , Aug . 22 nd , till the following Monday . Messrs . W . S . Bradshaw and Sons , photographers , of 103 , Newgate-street , have produced a very fine photograph of Christ ' s Hospital , which , while it will be interesting to the public generally , will have particular attractions for "Old Blues . "
The report of thc grand Mark Lodge , which has just been issued , shows that there are now on the roll of the Grand Lodge 340 subordinate lodges . Eleven of these have been constituted in the present year . Eigh'een were constituted in 1883 , 17 in 1 SS 2 , 20 in 18 S 1 , 22 in iSSo , 14 in 1 S 79 , and 24 in 1 S 7 S . The last appears to be the largest number in any one year .
ERRATA .- —In the report of the S ydney Lodge in our last issue , the sentence " invite the weary traveller to refresh himself and his heart , if he have one with him , " should have been "to refresh himself and his beast , " not heart ; and in the report of the United Military Lodgesame issue—instead of " the Hon . Bro . Vallom , " it should have been "the host , Bro . Vallom . "
The annual Provincial Grand Lodgeof Middlesex will be held on Saturday , August 2 nd , at the Athen ,-eum , Enfield , under the presidency of the Prov . Grand Alaster , Bro . Sir Francis Burdett . Amongst other notices on the agenda paper is a proposition that 15 guineas shall be given to the Masonic Girls' School , the Boys' School , and the Benevolent Institution respectively .
The Supreme Council of England and Wales have resolved to confer the 31 ° upon Bro . R . I . Finnemore , F . R . G . S ., F . Z . S ., Resident Magistrate of Durban , Natal , some time acting Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of that colony , ( wlio is now in London on leave of absence ) , in recognition of his services to Alasonry . * Bro . R . I . Finnemore is District Grand Alaster , and Provincial Grand
Mark Master of Natal , P . Z ., P . A 1 . W . S ., P . E . P ., & c . The Duchess of Manchester presided at Messrs . Welford ' s Model Dairy at the Health Exhibition Fete on Wednesday , when her Grace was assisted in the sale of baskets of fresh butter , new milk , cream , fruit , and flowers , by the Princess Edward of Saxe-VVeimar , the . Marchionessof Kildare , the Countess of Zetland and Gosford , Viscountess
Alanderville , Lady Eleanor Gordon , Lady Alice Alontagu , Lady Capel , and Airs . Allsopp , the whole of the proceeds from which will be sent by Bro . J . Welford , P . AI ., to Bro . the Lord Mayor for the London Hospitals . The Prov . Grand Mark Lodge of Berks and Oxon was held on Tuesday at Oxford , under the banner of the Alfred Mark Lodge , No . 247 . The Prov . Grand Alaster , the Earl of Jersey , presided , The usual business
of the province was transacted , and Bro . Edward J . Trendell was unanimously re-elected Prov . Grand Treas . ; Bro . Charles Stephens was reappointed Deputy Grand Master . After the business of the lodge was concluded the party had a very pleasant trip by steam launch to Nuneham , where they inspected the grounds of Col . Harcourt , M . P ., and then returned to Oxford , . where they banqueted at the Alfred Alasonic Hall . We hope to give a full report in our next . .
At a meeting of the National Thrift Society , held on Friday last , under the presidency of Lord Byron , the following resolution was proposed by Mr . Samuel Alorley , M . P ., seconded by Bro . Alderman Sir John Whittaker Ellis , M . P ., and carried unanimously "That the work of the National Thrift Society having extended to many parts of the kingdom , and the present time being a favourable
one for its development , it is desirable to obtain considerably increased support for the work , and this meeting therefore pledges itself to use its utmost endeavours to raise a fund of £ 1000 during the present year . Mr . Samuel Alorley , M . P ., started the fund with a contribution of £ 50 , and the secretary announced that the Duke of Westminster had become an annual subscriber of £ to to the society .
A report having gained general credence that the coloured men of this city ( Buffalo ) had in working order several Masonic lodges , which were ( instituted by C . E . Newton , who gained considerable notoriety as the first coloured man on the city police force . The following facts , which are not generally know to the Fraternity of this city , were obtained from Newton : He claims to be working
under a charter issued September 28 , . 1784 , by Henry Frederick , Duke of Cumberland , as Grand Master of English Masons at that time , which was granted to Prince Hall and other coloured men . The lodges working in this city are : Lodge of St . John's , No . iG , Master Masons , 40 members ; Erie Lodge , Royal Arch Alasons , No . 10 , 21 members ; Simon Commandery , Knights Templar , 22
members ; Rose Croix Lodge , Scottish Rite , 17 members ; and Lodge of the Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret , G members , one member of which claims to be a Thirtysecond Degree Alason . The coloured brethren are jubilant over the success of their different lodges , which they claim are growing rapidly and doing regular work . —Montreal Daily Star .
£ BO to £ BOO . —Tobacconists commencing . —A pamphlet , Mow to open a shop respectably for . ^ 'go ; post free , H . Myers & Co ., 109 , Kuston-rd ., London . ' Wholesale only . —[ Am-r . HOLLOWAY ' S PILLS . —Weary of Life . —Derangement of the liver is one of tlie most efficient causes of dangerous diseases and the most prolific of those melancholy forebodings which are worse than death itself . A few doses of these I'ilis act magically in dispelling low spirits and repellini ; the covert attacks made on thc nerves by
excessive heat , impure atmospheres , over-indulgence , or exhausting excitement . Tlie most shattered constitution may derive benefit from lloll . Avay's Pills , whiih will regulate disordered action , brace the nerves , increase the energy of thc intellectual faculties , and revive the failing memory . Uy attentivelystudyingthe instructions for taking these Pills and obediently putting them into practice , lhe most despondent will soon feel co ' ntident of a perfect recovery . — CA DVT . 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Board Of Benevolence.
The monthly meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence was held on Wednesday evening at Freemasons' Hall , The President , Bro . Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B ., occupied the chair ; Bro . Brette took the Senior Vice President ' s chair ; and Bro . Cottebrune , P . G . Purst ., occupied the chair of Junior Vice President .
There were also present Bros . Henry Garrod , G . A . P . j R . F . Spaull , ] . Smith Eastes , G . D . ; Frank Richardson , P . G . D . ; H . McPherson , John Noble , VV . Alann , E . J . Barron , P . G . D . ; Jabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; G . P . Britten , C . Darwig , E . F . Stow , G . P . Gillard , George Read , J . Hart , XV . Alaxsted , J . H . Taylor , H . Stevenson , E . Baxter , Capt . Nicols , J . Handell , C . Scrutton , L . G . Langdon , VV . G .
Dickens , A . VV . Fenner , J . H . Sillitoe , F . C Aloullet , S . T . Kingston , Thomas Kingston , C . D . Rivington , A . E . Gladwelf , VV . Goodacre , E . W . Wilson , C . A . Walter , H . E . Frances , VV . Lake ( Freemason ) , and others . Thebrethren Rest conferred grants to the amount of £ 355 , recommended at last meeting of the Board of Benevolence .
There were 31 new cases on the list ; five of these were deferred . The remaining 2 G were relieved with the total sum of £ 615 . This was composed of recommendations to Grand Lodge for three of £ 5 ( £ 15 ); nine of £ 10 ( £ 90 ); six of £ 20 ' ( £ 120 ); two of £ 25 ( £ 50 ) ; three of £ ' 30 ( £ 90 ); one of £ 50 ( £ 50 ); two of £ 100 ( £ 200 ) . The lodge was then closed .
Freemasonry In Belper.
In response to the W . AI . and brethren ot the Beaureper Lodge , No . 7 S 7 , over 100 brethren assembled in the lodge room on Sunday afternoon , July 20 th , to clothe , & c , and then marshal in full regalia through the main street to Christ Church to hear a sermon preached by Bro . the Rev . E . A . Hillyard on Papal and other Bulls against
Masonry . Bro . Hillyard ' s great experience and learning enabled him to enter into this subject at considerable length . A more eloquent , powerful , and impressive sermon on Papal Bulls and Freemasonry the writer has never heard , and it was listened to by the vast congregation with deep attention . At the close of the service a collection or offertory for the Alasonic Charities was made .
Amongst the brethren present were Bros . Sir J . G . N , Alleyne / Bart ., P . P . G . S . W . ; Rev . E . A . Hillyard , P . P . G . C , and S . VV . 7 S 0 ; George Day , P . G . S . D . ; Dr . Allen , P . P . G . J . D . ; Benj . Cooper , P . P . G . P . ; VV . H . Fisher , P . G . S . B . ; Lennox , P . P . G . S . B . ; Wade , P . P . G . S . B . ;
and Lyth , PIG . P . Bro . B . Cooper very efficiently acted as D . C . on the occasion . Lodges Nos . 1495 , 1324 , 1179 , 108 . 5 , 102 S , 884 , S 50 , S 02 , 7 S 7 , 654 , 625 , 506 . and 253 were well represented . The day was gloriously fine , which brought a great many persons long distances to sec the procession and hear this important sermon .
Obituary .
BRO . JUSTICE WATKIN WILLIAMS . We regret to announce the death of Bro . Justice Watkin Williams , at Nottingham , which occurred at a late hour on the night of Thursday , the 17 th inst ., of heart disease ; his lordship had been engaged in Court during the day , and appeared in good health . The deceased Judge was the son of the late Rev . P . Williams , rector of Llansannan , Denbighshire , and was born on the 25 th September , 1 S 2 S , called to the Bar at the Inner Temple in 1 S 54 , and was appointed
Q . C . and Bencher of his Inn in 1 S 73 . He represented iTenbigh from November , iSGS , to 1 SS 0 , when he was returned for Carnarvonshire , and in November of that year was appointed a Judge of the Queen ' s Bench Division . He was initiated in thc Panmure Lodge , No . 1017—now No . 715 —then held at the Pembury Tavern , Clapton , by Bro . Hy . Muggeridge , the Alaster , on the 19 th June , 1 S 5 S , and remained a member many years ; he was also a subscriber to the Alasonic Girls' School .
West Lancashire Masonic Educa Tional Institution.
Between 30 and 40 years ago , when the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution was founded by brethren whose wisdom and benevolence went hand-in-hand , the very first monetary item which appeared on the book of the Charity was a sum of £ 73 12 s ., the outcome of a ball
which was given by the leaders of the Craft at that period . Recognising the value of this source of income , the Committee of the Institution have kept these annual assemblies in existence , and that which took place at the Town Hall this year was the thirty-fifth of the series given in the aid of the Charity . These annual festive gatherings , which have taken place since the year 1 S 50 , have been the means
of adding no less a sum than about £ 4200 to the funds of this most deserving ' . Institution ; and the fact that 410 children have received educational and other advantages since its foundation , at a total outlay of about £ 10 , 000 , speaks eloquently of the immense good accomplished by it during its existence . At the present time there are GG little ones on the foundation of the "West
Lancashire , " costing £ 1166 , who are attending schools selected by parents or guardians , but approved by the committee ; and the bye-laws which have been recently framed further enable the committee to send orphan children to schools where they will be entirely maintained , in addition to the previous benefits of education and clothing . The present invested capital of the charity is about £ 17 , , and during
the past year the brethren of nearly the whole of the Si lodges throughout the province have generously contributed to the funds of their pet institution . The extended advantages wisely brought into existence by the committee will necessitate increased outlay ; But there is no doubt the members of the Craft , by their contributions , will enable those entrusted with the management of affairs to carry the scheme into permanent and beneficial effect . One
remarkable feature of the management of th » West Lancashire Alasonic Educational Institution is that not a farthing of the funds is paid for any official , the whole of the work being done by an elected committee of about 40 members , Bro . G . Broadbridge , P . P . G . D . C , and Bro . R . Martin , P . M . and treasurer , 11 S 2 , being the honorary secretaries ; and Bro . J . T . Callow , P . P . G . Treasurer , the honorary treasurer .
Masonic And General Tidings
The annual Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex will be held at the Public Hall , Maldon , on Wednesday , the 13 th proximo , at two p . m . We hear that Bro . W . Drake , P . M ., well-known to many , has recently left with part of his family for Sydney . The good wishes of many Alasonic friends go with him .
A moveable Grand Lodge of the Mark Degree will be held at the Royal Public Rooms , Exeter , on Wednesday , August Gth . Canon Portal , Past Grand Alark Alaster , will move that the sum of ten guineas be voted to the Hughan Testimonial Fund .. The brethren of the Merchant Navy Lodge , No . 7 S 1 , have just celebrated their annual summer festival .
Hampton Court was selected for the rendezvous , and a goodly gathering dined at the Alitre Hotel , and with fine weather a successful day was passed . We are requested to state that the Duke of Albany ' s subscription to the Boys' School Festival seems to have b . een returned by inadvertence on the list of the Lodge of Antiquity ; it ought properly to be credited to the list of the Apollo University Lodge , Oxford .
lhe Provincial Grand Lodge of Hertfordshire was held on VVednesday last under the presidency of the Prov . Grand Master , Bro . F . T . Halsey , M . P . The new Grand Officers were appointed , and several grants were made for benevolent purposes . A report will appear next week .
At the last meeting of the West Smithfield Lodge , No . 1 G 23 , at Freemasons' Hall , VV . C , Bro . G . H . Stephens , S . W ., was elected VV . M . for the ensuing 12 months . A jewel was voted to Bro . H . J . Lardner , P . AI . & c , the outgoing W . AL , for his valuable services in the chair .
The last nights of "The Beggar Student " are announced at the Alhambra ; and on Saturday , August 2 nd , a newly written and enlarged version of F . C Burnand's popular burlesque , " Black-Eyed Susan , " is to be produced , with original music , specially composed by Air . Alfred Lee .
Should any brother have any " curios " he would like to exhibit at Worcester , he had better communicate with Bro . George Taylor , Summerdyne Villa , Kidderminster , or Bro . George Kenning , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , Little Britain , or any information may be obtained at the office of the Freemason .
The will , dated Jan . 24 , 18 79 , ! the Ri ht Hon . George , Viscount Torrington , one of the lords-in- waiting on the Queen , who died on April 27 last , at Monte Car lo , Monaco , was proved on the 17 th ult . by the Alarquisof Abergavenny and Bro . John Aloxon Clabon , the executors , the value of the personal estate amounting to over £ 12 , 000 .
The members of the Corinthian Lod ge , No . 13 S 2 , George Hotel , Cubitt Town , have arranged to have a summer outing on Thursday next . The party will repair in brakes to Bro . Benningfield ' s , Crown Gardens , Broxbourne . A few tickets left unsold may be had of Bro . S . G . Bonner , Hon . Sec , 35 , Church-street , Cubitt Town .
Bro . Philip Chetham , the oldest Freemason in England , and , it is supposed , in the world , has just died at Southport . He was in his 97 th year , and was initiated a Freemason in 1 S 11 . He had been Past Alaster of Lodge 322 since 1 S 41 . In 1 S 02 he volunteered on board he Alajesty' guardship Phcebe , and was at Trafalgar , though not in action . Since his initiation Bro . Chetham had been an enthusiastic Freemason .
The R . W . Prov . Grand Master for Durham , Bro . the Most Hon . the Alarquess uf Londonderry , K . P ., has fixed Saturday , August 30 th , for the consecration of the Londonderry Lodge , No . 2039 , which is being formed on temperance principles at Sunderland , and of which the Prov . G . Sec , Bro . R . Hudson , is the VV . AI . designate , Bro . J . C Aloor , VV . AI . 97 , the S . VV . designate , and Bro . J . Deans , J . W . So , is the J . VV . designate .
The London and North Western Railway Company have just issued their Annual Tourist Guide ( 130 pages with maps ) , at the nominal price of one penny . 'The many places of interest on this company ' s system , which include the English Lake district , the Isle of Alan , North Wales , & c , present such unequalled attractions that | the Tourist will have small difficulty in selecting places of interest that are not to be surpassed in Great Britain . —VVe shall notice these tours more fully in our next .
At the Wardmote Meeting of the City of London , held on Thursday week , the 17 th inst , for the purpose of electing a member of the Common Council to represent the Ward of Cordwainer in place of Bro . David Evans , who was recently elected Alderman for the Ward of Castle Baynard , Bro . Thos . W . C . Bush moved , " That the sincere congratulations of this wardmote be presented
to Bro . D . Evans on his election to the office of Alderman in the Ward of Castle Baynard . " Bro . Bush , in glowing terms , referred to his valuable services as Common Councilman for the ten years during which he had represented the ward , and congratulated him on the high position to which he had attained . Air . Alason seconded the motion , which was carried with acclamation . Bro . Alderman Evans ,
in returning thanks , observed that he was still an inhabitant of the ward , and still took an interest in everything appertaining to it . The ward had been the stepping-stone to his present position , and it was in the ward that he had gained his experience of public duties . He hoped to carry with him in the future the friendships which he had formed in the past . Bro . Frank Taylor was subsequently elected CC . by a majority of 21 votes .
A delicious cooling drink is supplied in Rose ' s Lime Juice Cordial , with water or blended with spirits , lt is highly medicinal , assisting digestion . Recommended by the Lancet . It is entirely free of alcohol . Purchasers should order Rose ' s Cordial . Wholesale Stores , II , Curtain-road , London , and Leith , N . B . —[ ADVT . 1
Masonic And General Tidings
The annual Provincial Grand Chapter of Kent will be held at Ashford on Thursday next , the 31 st inst ., under the wing of the Invicta Chapter . The Henry Levander Lodge was consecrated on Monday last by Sir F . Burdett , Bart . A report will appear in our next . The proceedings were very successful . A meeting of the Metropolitan Council ( time
immemorial ) and of the Four King ' s Council , No . 7 , ofthe Allied Alasonic Degrees will be held at Sa , Red Lion-square , on Thursday , at 5 o ' clock . Arrangements for the visit of thc Prince and Princess of Wales to Edinburgh have been completed . Their Royal Highnesses will be the guests of Lord and
Lady Roseberry at Dalmeny from Friday , Aug . 22 nd , till the following Monday . Messrs . W . S . Bradshaw and Sons , photographers , of 103 , Newgate-street , have produced a very fine photograph of Christ ' s Hospital , which , while it will be interesting to the public generally , will have particular attractions for "Old Blues . "
The report of thc grand Mark Lodge , which has just been issued , shows that there are now on the roll of the Grand Lodge 340 subordinate lodges . Eleven of these have been constituted in the present year . Eigh'een were constituted in 1883 , 17 in 1 SS 2 , 20 in 18 S 1 , 22 in iSSo , 14 in 1 S 79 , and 24 in 1 S 7 S . The last appears to be the largest number in any one year .
ERRATA .- —In the report of the S ydney Lodge in our last issue , the sentence " invite the weary traveller to refresh himself and his heart , if he have one with him , " should have been "to refresh himself and his beast , " not heart ; and in the report of the United Military Lodgesame issue—instead of " the Hon . Bro . Vallom , " it should have been "the host , Bro . Vallom . "
The annual Provincial Grand Lodgeof Middlesex will be held on Saturday , August 2 nd , at the Athen ,-eum , Enfield , under the presidency of the Prov . Grand Alaster , Bro . Sir Francis Burdett . Amongst other notices on the agenda paper is a proposition that 15 guineas shall be given to the Masonic Girls' School , the Boys' School , and the Benevolent Institution respectively .
The Supreme Council of England and Wales have resolved to confer the 31 ° upon Bro . R . I . Finnemore , F . R . G . S ., F . Z . S ., Resident Magistrate of Durban , Natal , some time acting Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of that colony , ( wlio is now in London on leave of absence ) , in recognition of his services to Alasonry . * Bro . R . I . Finnemore is District Grand Alaster , and Provincial Grand
Mark Master of Natal , P . Z ., P . A 1 . W . S ., P . E . P ., & c . The Duchess of Manchester presided at Messrs . Welford ' s Model Dairy at the Health Exhibition Fete on Wednesday , when her Grace was assisted in the sale of baskets of fresh butter , new milk , cream , fruit , and flowers , by the Princess Edward of Saxe-VVeimar , the . Marchionessof Kildare , the Countess of Zetland and Gosford , Viscountess
Alanderville , Lady Eleanor Gordon , Lady Alice Alontagu , Lady Capel , and Airs . Allsopp , the whole of the proceeds from which will be sent by Bro . J . Welford , P . AI ., to Bro . the Lord Mayor for the London Hospitals . The Prov . Grand Mark Lodge of Berks and Oxon was held on Tuesday at Oxford , under the banner of the Alfred Mark Lodge , No . 247 . The Prov . Grand Alaster , the Earl of Jersey , presided , The usual business
of the province was transacted , and Bro . Edward J . Trendell was unanimously re-elected Prov . Grand Treas . ; Bro . Charles Stephens was reappointed Deputy Grand Master . After the business of the lodge was concluded the party had a very pleasant trip by steam launch to Nuneham , where they inspected the grounds of Col . Harcourt , M . P ., and then returned to Oxford , . where they banqueted at the Alfred Alasonic Hall . We hope to give a full report in our next . .
At a meeting of the National Thrift Society , held on Friday last , under the presidency of Lord Byron , the following resolution was proposed by Mr . Samuel Alorley , M . P ., seconded by Bro . Alderman Sir John Whittaker Ellis , M . P ., and carried unanimously "That the work of the National Thrift Society having extended to many parts of the kingdom , and the present time being a favourable
one for its development , it is desirable to obtain considerably increased support for the work , and this meeting therefore pledges itself to use its utmost endeavours to raise a fund of £ 1000 during the present year . Mr . Samuel Alorley , M . P ., started the fund with a contribution of £ 50 , and the secretary announced that the Duke of Westminster had become an annual subscriber of £ to to the society .
A report having gained general credence that the coloured men of this city ( Buffalo ) had in working order several Masonic lodges , which were ( instituted by C . E . Newton , who gained considerable notoriety as the first coloured man on the city police force . The following facts , which are not generally know to the Fraternity of this city , were obtained from Newton : He claims to be working
under a charter issued September 28 , . 1784 , by Henry Frederick , Duke of Cumberland , as Grand Master of English Masons at that time , which was granted to Prince Hall and other coloured men . The lodges working in this city are : Lodge of St . John's , No . iG , Master Masons , 40 members ; Erie Lodge , Royal Arch Alasons , No . 10 , 21 members ; Simon Commandery , Knights Templar , 22
members ; Rose Croix Lodge , Scottish Rite , 17 members ; and Lodge of the Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret , G members , one member of which claims to be a Thirtysecond Degree Alason . The coloured brethren are jubilant over the success of their different lodges , which they claim are growing rapidly and doing regular work . —Montreal Daily Star .
£ BO to £ BOO . —Tobacconists commencing . —A pamphlet , Mow to open a shop respectably for . ^ 'go ; post free , H . Myers & Co ., 109 , Kuston-rd ., London . ' Wholesale only . —[ Am-r . HOLLOWAY ' S PILLS . —Weary of Life . —Derangement of the liver is one of tlie most efficient causes of dangerous diseases and the most prolific of those melancholy forebodings which are worse than death itself . A few doses of these I'ilis act magically in dispelling low spirits and repellini ; the covert attacks made on thc nerves by
excessive heat , impure atmospheres , over-indulgence , or exhausting excitement . Tlie most shattered constitution may derive benefit from lloll . Avay's Pills , whiih will regulate disordered action , brace the nerves , increase the energy of thc intellectual faculties , and revive the failing memory . Uy attentivelystudyingthe instructions for taking these Pills and obediently putting them into practice , lhe most despondent will soon feel co ' ntident of a perfect recovery . — CA DVT . 1