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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
11 What better tlieme than Masonry ?" MASONIC SONG . Words by Bro . JAMES STEVENS . P . M . 720 and 1216 , P . Z . 720 , GJ . O . Mark , W . M . 104 Mark , M . P . S . 14 , etc , Music by Bro . WILHELM GANZ , Grand Organist , P . M . 435 Org . No . 4 , and of British Chapter No . 8 . GEORGB KENNING , 2 , 3 & 4 . Little Britain , and 19 S , Fleet-street , London , and 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool . Post-free 25 Stamps .
Languages . ITALIAN , SPANISH , AND LATIN . BRO . S . C . FAIELLA is open to an engagement in Schools and private families , or as a Tutor . _ No objection to the country . Experience io years . References given . Address—36 , SEYMOUR STREET , LIVERPOOL .
MONEY ! pONFIDENTIALLY ADVANCED , in Town V _ ^ or Country , to Householders , on their furniture aud effects , ¦ without removal or publicity . Stocks , valuable effects , plate , diamonds , watches , furniture , pianos , & c ., HOUGHT for IMMEDIATE CASH , or Advances made thereon without delay . Dry Store-rooms for the deposit of furniture and household effects . The highest references given on application to MRS . A COHEN , 130 , Dukc-strect , LIVERPOOL . ( Private Office ) N . B . —Apply personally or by stamped directed envelope .
Bro . WM . N . S . COPE , THE NOTED 10 / 0 HATTER , 3 8 , LONDON ROAD , LIVERPOOL , Hosier , & c , at 61 , London-rond .
Bro . E . L . HARRIS Has lately opened THE AMERICAN UNION CAFE AND REFRESHMENT ESTABLISHMENT , 44 , Great Charlotte Street , Liverpool . Tins Cnfc * stands unrivalled for excellence and style , Wc therefore recommend yon to go and rest awhile ; There ' s George ' s Hall , thc Monument , Brown ' s Library and all , The Market and the Theatres , within an easy call . Tea , Coffc , and Chocolate always ready . Refreshments oj cvety description , W ties , &* c . 44 , OKKAT CHARLOTTB STRF . KT
THE " LONDON , " Clayton Square , Liverpool , ( Next lo Prince cf Wales' Theatre ) , HAS been arranged by Bro . CHARLES G OSHEN ( late ol The I'Vecmnscms'Tavern , London ) for thc Business of A REST A UK A NT . Bills of Fare ready from 12 o ' clock noon till 11 . 30 evening . Private Rooms for Dinners , Suppers , < SrY . Public and Private Ili'iiard Rooms . TARIFF OF CHARGES MODERATE .
Mason ' s Hall Tavern , MASON'S AVENUE , liASINGIIAI . L STREET , CITV . THE above old-established Tavern is NOW OPEN , newly decorated . by *'• " > CHARLES GOSDEN , late Manager of tbe Preeinasoiis' Tavern Company . Every accommodation will be found for l . nde ; .: s , Chapters , Mark and other decrees , for llicir Meetings , Dinners , Suppers , i ' zc , and every attention will be paid to their comfort and enjoyment by the new J'roprictor .
Caledonian Hotel , ROBERT STREET , ADELPHI TERRACE , STRAND . GENTLEMEN and Familiei visiting London u ill lind every nccnimnadati n , combined 'vita comfort and moderate charges , at the above iii » a a . Iletls frnni rs . ; iSittila ; Rooms fr . ml 3 s : lh ^ akfasts from es . Table d'Hote C . ; o . js . i 5 d . Every accommodation for Masonic Meetings an 1 Ibiuqucts . A Spacious and Cheerfnl Cctf . r 1-r . uir i' : ' ,-1 / . v / . ' / . v- thc Tuan . es . I . IIO . GEDR -V . STATI ' S , M : inn ;; cr .
HARMONITJ M S , SALE OR HIRE , For Lodges , Chapels , Schools and Families , PRICES from fs , to / 50 . G . CAMP , 215 , SrvMiot'E ST ., MORXI . NGTON CRESCKNT , N . W Rose Croix Tracing Boards , Five Guineas the Pair . BRO . GEORGE KENNING , LONDON & LIVERPOOL .
M . A . YERKRUZEN ( Grower ' s Agent ) , •^ MiSi y - ^ v Invites attention to his Fine and Extensive Stock of M >§^ PURE AND SELECTED GERMAN WINES . ~ /< j \ As INCLUDING THE V ^ " 0 LIGHT , REFRESHING DINNER SORTS , and all grades up to the Greatest Growths . Certain of these Wines have acquired celebrity for their curative effects in cases of stone and gravel , tbey act beneficially on the liver and kidneys , counteract constipation , promote skin action , are invaluable in cases of dropsy , rheumatism , and giut , tone and purify the blood , greatly assist digestion , and diffuse throughout the system , even in the coldest weather , an agreeable sense of gentle warmth . Nothing is so refreshing , nothing gives such zest to a meal . DELICIOUS DINNER DESSERT CLASS . SPARKLING . SORTS . VERY FIVE . 1 GKANDEST . HOCK . I MOSELLE . From 17 s . 6 ( 1 . lo 36 s . per doz . 40 s . to 72 s . | 78 s . to 150 s . doz . 30 s . to , 7 8 s . | 30 s . to 60 s . doz . Packing and delivery within three miles' radius free . Wholesale Depot : 3 , Fell-street , Wood-street , London , E . C . Can also be ordered through the Trade . Each bottle bears the name of SI . A . VERKRUZEN , as a guarantee . "VERY FINE CHAMPAGNES" ( by special contract ) , 34 s ., 405 ., 46 s ., 58 s ., 70 s . per dozen . CHOICE SHERRIES . I FINE PORTS . 1 FINE CLARETS . 26 S . tO 9 6 S . I 30 S . to 72 S . I 12 S . tO 3 6 s . Other Wines of Superior Quality , at lowest prices ( the Wines may be tasted at the Depot ) . Delated Price Current forwarded on application . ' J erms Cash , C / rcjues crossed "Bank of England . " WINES FOR INVALIDS SPECIALLY SELECTED ACCORDING TO THE CASE .
GENTLEMEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING in Vjl all Textures , Fashions , and Prices ; OUTFITS , HOSIERY "WATERPROOF-CLOTHING and SHIRTS in Long Cloth Linen , and Shr-unk Flannel ; supplied wholesale or retail by GANN , JONES AND CO ., OUTFITTING MANUFACTURERS , 171 , FENCHURCH-ST
{ P ^ ^—mm ^ mv ^ F ^ - ^ O ml ^^^^ M ? ° ^^ * rf * foAA-- ^ - - > s - " ^~! s # *? - ^^^ WN *?*?* - K / 3 1 CO ^ i ^ Emm ^^^ M ^^^^' i rj C i't ^ W : DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND AIR-VESSELSBALSAMIC C 0 UGH ELIXER . Opiates , Narcotics , and Squills arc too often invoiced to give relief In Coughs , Colds , : ind . ill Pulmonary diseases . Instead of . such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relit : ! at the cx ^ enss ° f enfeebling the digestive organs and thus increasing that debility which lies at thc ri / ot of the maladv , modem science points to CKOSliY'S HALSAM 1 C COUGH ELIX & R as the true remedy . SELECT TESTIMONIAL . Dr . Rooke , Scarborough , author of the "Anti-Lancet , " says : "I have repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued cough , pain , and irritation of the client in cases of Pulmonary Consumption , and I can , with the greatest confidence , recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allays thc local irritation , but improves digestion and strengthens the constitution Hence it is used with the most -signal success iu Asthmas , Uronchiiis , Consumption , Coughs , Inihicn / a , Night Sweats of Consumption , Quinsy , aud all affections of tiie throat and client . Sold in bottles at i * . yd ., -JS . Cd . and us each , by all respectable Chemir-ts , and wholesale by JAS . M . CKOSIIY , Chunist , Scarborough . \* InvaVids sVionM read Crosby ' s Prize Treatise on " Diseases of the Lungs and Air-Vessels / ' a copy of which can he had UK . VUS of all Chemists .
/ *** - * 'ORNS and BUNIONS—Hot weather makes ^ - these more than usually troublesome , but ISRODIK'S REMEDY , rallied Irom ils wonderful efficacy "Tun Mlii . U'I . ms Criil ' , " will give immediate relief , and effect a speedy cure without pain or inconvenience . Sold in Packets , is . ijjd . each by most Chemists . Or can be oblaincd direct from the MANUI-ACTOKV , 485 , OXFORD STREET , LONDON . liy post 14 stamps .
YOUNG'S ARN 1 GATED CORN AND I 1 UN' - ) N l'LAISTERS are the best ever invented forgiving immediate case , an-I remuvin ; , ' those painful excrescences . Price 6 u \ and is . per box . . May be had of most chemists . Ob ... crve the trade mark . —Hi— vmhuvi * . sxhiclv NOVA arc genuine . I ! e sure and ask lor YOUXCS .
RUPTURES . —HY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE ' S JVloc-Main LEVER TRUSS f is allowed hy upwards c ( coo Medical ^ Men to \ y < the mo-l e . 'l ' j . live lav . mam in the curative treatment ol I ll- ' . K XI A . The uve of a sleet sprim ; , so often hurtful in its effects , U here a \ o : d-: d ; a sul : liandac , e b . ; in ^ . vain ruum ! the Lad' -, while ;; . cr alawtc r < -si-aiii )' , nuwei ., supplied by the Mi If-MA IN PAD and PATENT i . EVLli , lining v ' illisM much e . i . c and chadless thai il eannal be 1 . elected , and may be worn durim' sleep . _ A descriptive « : icu . ar may he bad , and the Ti us :., which < aim . I fail la la ., lot . ard . d by past , on tin : circumference of the body , iivo inches bJim' tlie hips , being sent lo tbe MANUrACTt'K !!!* , Mr : WIUTR , 22 S , PiccaaiUv , London . ( liiceat a Single Truss , lf . s ., iis ., 2 t . s . bd . and ;' is . Cil . Postage is . ,, ofa lJanole Truss , v . s . od ., 4 'j .. and . ses . i . d . l'osia : ; e is . t ) d . ,, cl * Umbilical ' 1 ins ,, ' . <;¦* . and --,:-.. M . ' r . i-ta : ; e is . lad . Po :, t Olfice Orders lo be made p . ivable toJollM WlHTK , Post Office , Piccadilly . A' / : ;* - * PATEXT ELASTIC . sTi > cK / x (; . <; , i \ 'xr . i-: c .-i PS , &•> The in . ilenal of \ vbii : h these are made is recommended bv the fncu ' ty as be-in- peculiarly ELASTIC and COM PRKSS 11 ' . LE and the besl inveiiuon I sr ej \ me ea . aienl and peiaiiaueut s . ipjuirt ill all eases of WEAKXi-. SS , VAi < . IC ( . ) .- ) li VlilXS , . * sc . Price , 1-. Od ., ; s . cd . , 10 s . and t 6 » . e . icli . Poslaj-c Al . Sl'lXAL MACIDXES , LEG IRONS , and Every Uescnplioii of Surgical Appliances . JOlf-X WHITE , Maritifulurer , n ' i , Piccadilly London ,
Masonic Festivities.
PICNIC OF THE MARINERS' LODGE , LIVERPOOL . Favoured with splendid weather , the heat being tempered by a genial breeze , with a large ancl spirited party , and a p leasant locality as the scene of the " out , " the annual picnic ofthe Mariners' Lodge , No . 249 , which took place on Wednesday , thc 161 I 1 inst ., was one of thc most sue . ccssful as well as enjoyable which have yet been held . Thc party , which numbered nearly 100 , started from the George's Landing-stage shortly before eleven o ' clock , and and the journey to Ikcston Castle , the scene of the day ' s picnic , was quickly accomplished . Very few places within a day ' s journey by railway arc so picturesque , and the historical associations connected withjthe castle , now in ruins , are many and interesting . In tlie reign of Richard II . Bceston was selected as the safest place of deposit for thc king ' s treasure and jewels , valued at 200 , 000 marks , and guarded by 100 men-at-arms ; but these valiants tamely surrendered the place , without resistance , to the
Duke of Lancaster . In 1042 it was garrisoned by the Parliamentary forces , but subsequently captured by the Royalists—a feat which was accomplished partly through thc treachery of the commanding officer in possession , and partly through the bravery of a captain attached to the attacking forces . Tlie Royalists held possession till nearly the end of 1644 , when a second attack was made by the Parliamentary forces—at first without success , but in another attempt they regained the place , when they found " neither meat nor drink in the castle , but only a piece of a turkey pie and a live peacock and a peahen . " These are a few ofthe leading incidents in tlie history of this venerable relic , whicli , as thc historian says , " battered and time-worn , still looks proudly over thc great vale of Cheshire . " 'I'he view from the summit is magnificent , embracing the estuaries ofthe Dec and Mersey , the towns of Liverpool and Chester , and extending in the other direction as fas as Ruabon , in Denbighshire . Immediately on their arrival , the pic-nickers started for the top of the hill , wiierc for some time they enjoyed the lovely landscape , which stretched away as far as thc eye could reach . Sight-seeing over for a time , they again descended the bill , at the base of whicli . he refreshment tent was pitched , witli whetted appetites , and quickly did full justice lo an excellent dinner provided with great liberality by Jlr . Holland , of Chester . With the " sharp edge" taken off their appetites , the happy outers again climbed the hill , where abundant amusements were furnished for almost every taste . Amongst these out-door sports were croquet , bat and ball , football , games , dancing , & c . ; while a number of inveterate fern-hunters found congenial enjoyment
111 gathering rare and choice specimens of particular orders . Several hours were thus pleasantly spent , and on the way to the all-important tea a flying visit was paid to what was modestly called the " sand holes , " but which were more properly a series ofravrs ofthe most striking character , lighted by ingeniously at ranged Chinese lanterns , provided fur tlie occasion , which greatly added to the picturesque beamy of the interior . After tea , lhe large party again entered upon the enjoyment of games and dancing ; , with great gusto , until 11 glitfall and a slight fail of rain , when " unel . s" were made fur the station , and a start made ftr Liverpool , which was reached in due time . After tea , on the million of lirother J . K . Smith , P . M ., and M . C , a coidial vote of thanks was given to Pnother II . Pearson , W . M ., for his efloits in connection wiihthe pleasant day ' s proceedings . A similar compliment , on the motion of lirother Pinninglon , was given to lirother Smith for his indefatigable exertions in carrying out the arrangements . Mr . Cawley , a ; -enl lo the estate , also received a cordial vote of thanks for his kindness in allowing the party to visit and inspect the grounds , and thc Secretary was ivquesteduisend him a letter conveying the thanks so cordially given .
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales lias iiuim . ih-d bis intention to accept the lion , colonelcy of the Not-folk Artillery Militia Regiment , in tin room of tiic late LorU Hastings ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
11 What better tlieme than Masonry ?" MASONIC SONG . Words by Bro . JAMES STEVENS . P . M . 720 and 1216 , P . Z . 720 , GJ . O . Mark , W . M . 104 Mark , M . P . S . 14 , etc , Music by Bro . WILHELM GANZ , Grand Organist , P . M . 435 Org . No . 4 , and of British Chapter No . 8 . GEORGB KENNING , 2 , 3 & 4 . Little Britain , and 19 S , Fleet-street , London , and 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool . Post-free 25 Stamps .
Languages . ITALIAN , SPANISH , AND LATIN . BRO . S . C . FAIELLA is open to an engagement in Schools and private families , or as a Tutor . _ No objection to the country . Experience io years . References given . Address—36 , SEYMOUR STREET , LIVERPOOL .
MONEY ! pONFIDENTIALLY ADVANCED , in Town V _ ^ or Country , to Householders , on their furniture aud effects , ¦ without removal or publicity . Stocks , valuable effects , plate , diamonds , watches , furniture , pianos , & c ., HOUGHT for IMMEDIATE CASH , or Advances made thereon without delay . Dry Store-rooms for the deposit of furniture and household effects . The highest references given on application to MRS . A COHEN , 130 , Dukc-strect , LIVERPOOL . ( Private Office ) N . B . —Apply personally or by stamped directed envelope .
Bro . WM . N . S . COPE , THE NOTED 10 / 0 HATTER , 3 8 , LONDON ROAD , LIVERPOOL , Hosier , & c , at 61 , London-rond .
Bro . E . L . HARRIS Has lately opened THE AMERICAN UNION CAFE AND REFRESHMENT ESTABLISHMENT , 44 , Great Charlotte Street , Liverpool . Tins Cnfc * stands unrivalled for excellence and style , Wc therefore recommend yon to go and rest awhile ; There ' s George ' s Hall , thc Monument , Brown ' s Library and all , The Market and the Theatres , within an easy call . Tea , Coffc , and Chocolate always ready . Refreshments oj cvety description , W ties , &* c . 44 , OKKAT CHARLOTTB STRF . KT
THE " LONDON , " Clayton Square , Liverpool , ( Next lo Prince cf Wales' Theatre ) , HAS been arranged by Bro . CHARLES G OSHEN ( late ol The I'Vecmnscms'Tavern , London ) for thc Business of A REST A UK A NT . Bills of Fare ready from 12 o ' clock noon till 11 . 30 evening . Private Rooms for Dinners , Suppers , < SrY . Public and Private Ili'iiard Rooms . TARIFF OF CHARGES MODERATE .
Mason ' s Hall Tavern , MASON'S AVENUE , liASINGIIAI . L STREET , CITV . THE above old-established Tavern is NOW OPEN , newly decorated . by *'• " > CHARLES GOSDEN , late Manager of tbe Preeinasoiis' Tavern Company . Every accommodation will be found for l . nde ; .: s , Chapters , Mark and other decrees , for llicir Meetings , Dinners , Suppers , i ' zc , and every attention will be paid to their comfort and enjoyment by the new J'roprictor .
Caledonian Hotel , ROBERT STREET , ADELPHI TERRACE , STRAND . GENTLEMEN and Familiei visiting London u ill lind every nccnimnadati n , combined 'vita comfort and moderate charges , at the above iii » a a . Iletls frnni rs . ; iSittila ; Rooms fr . ml 3 s : lh ^ akfasts from es . Table d'Hote C . ; o . js . i 5 d . Every accommodation for Masonic Meetings an 1 Ibiuqucts . A Spacious and Cheerfnl Cctf . r 1-r . uir i' : ' ,-1 / . v / . ' / . v- thc Tuan . es . I . IIO . GEDR -V . STATI ' S , M : inn ;; cr .
HARMONITJ M S , SALE OR HIRE , For Lodges , Chapels , Schools and Families , PRICES from fs , to / 50 . G . CAMP , 215 , SrvMiot'E ST ., MORXI . NGTON CRESCKNT , N . W Rose Croix Tracing Boards , Five Guineas the Pair . BRO . GEORGE KENNING , LONDON & LIVERPOOL .
M . A . YERKRUZEN ( Grower ' s Agent ) , •^ MiSi y - ^ v Invites attention to his Fine and Extensive Stock of M >§^ PURE AND SELECTED GERMAN WINES . ~ /< j \ As INCLUDING THE V ^ " 0 LIGHT , REFRESHING DINNER SORTS , and all grades up to the Greatest Growths . Certain of these Wines have acquired celebrity for their curative effects in cases of stone and gravel , tbey act beneficially on the liver and kidneys , counteract constipation , promote skin action , are invaluable in cases of dropsy , rheumatism , and giut , tone and purify the blood , greatly assist digestion , and diffuse throughout the system , even in the coldest weather , an agreeable sense of gentle warmth . Nothing is so refreshing , nothing gives such zest to a meal . DELICIOUS DINNER DESSERT CLASS . SPARKLING . SORTS . VERY FIVE . 1 GKANDEST . HOCK . I MOSELLE . From 17 s . 6 ( 1 . lo 36 s . per doz . 40 s . to 72 s . | 78 s . to 150 s . doz . 30 s . to , 7 8 s . | 30 s . to 60 s . doz . Packing and delivery within three miles' radius free . Wholesale Depot : 3 , Fell-street , Wood-street , London , E . C . Can also be ordered through the Trade . Each bottle bears the name of SI . A . VERKRUZEN , as a guarantee . "VERY FINE CHAMPAGNES" ( by special contract ) , 34 s ., 405 ., 46 s ., 58 s ., 70 s . per dozen . CHOICE SHERRIES . I FINE PORTS . 1 FINE CLARETS . 26 S . tO 9 6 S . I 30 S . to 72 S . I 12 S . tO 3 6 s . Other Wines of Superior Quality , at lowest prices ( the Wines may be tasted at the Depot ) . Delated Price Current forwarded on application . ' J erms Cash , C / rcjues crossed "Bank of England . " WINES FOR INVALIDS SPECIALLY SELECTED ACCORDING TO THE CASE .
GENTLEMEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING in Vjl all Textures , Fashions , and Prices ; OUTFITS , HOSIERY "WATERPROOF-CLOTHING and SHIRTS in Long Cloth Linen , and Shr-unk Flannel ; supplied wholesale or retail by GANN , JONES AND CO ., OUTFITTING MANUFACTURERS , 171 , FENCHURCH-ST
{ P ^ ^—mm ^ mv ^ F ^ - ^ O ml ^^^^ M ? ° ^^ * rf * foAA-- ^ - - > s - " ^~! s # *? - ^^^ WN *?*?* - K / 3 1 CO ^ i ^ Emm ^^^ M ^^^^' i rj C i't ^ W : DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND AIR-VESSELSBALSAMIC C 0 UGH ELIXER . Opiates , Narcotics , and Squills arc too often invoiced to give relief In Coughs , Colds , : ind . ill Pulmonary diseases . Instead of . such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relit : ! at the cx ^ enss ° f enfeebling the digestive organs and thus increasing that debility which lies at thc ri / ot of the maladv , modem science points to CKOSliY'S HALSAM 1 C COUGH ELIX & R as the true remedy . SELECT TESTIMONIAL . Dr . Rooke , Scarborough , author of the "Anti-Lancet , " says : "I have repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued cough , pain , and irritation of the client in cases of Pulmonary Consumption , and I can , with the greatest confidence , recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allays thc local irritation , but improves digestion and strengthens the constitution Hence it is used with the most -signal success iu Asthmas , Uronchiiis , Consumption , Coughs , Inihicn / a , Night Sweats of Consumption , Quinsy , aud all affections of tiie throat and client . Sold in bottles at i * . yd ., -JS . Cd . and us each , by all respectable Chemir-ts , and wholesale by JAS . M . CKOSIIY , Chunist , Scarborough . \* InvaVids sVionM read Crosby ' s Prize Treatise on " Diseases of the Lungs and Air-Vessels / ' a copy of which can he had UK . VUS of all Chemists .
/ *** - * 'ORNS and BUNIONS—Hot weather makes ^ - these more than usually troublesome , but ISRODIK'S REMEDY , rallied Irom ils wonderful efficacy "Tun Mlii . U'I . ms Criil ' , " will give immediate relief , and effect a speedy cure without pain or inconvenience . Sold in Packets , is . ijjd . each by most Chemists . Or can be oblaincd direct from the MANUI-ACTOKV , 485 , OXFORD STREET , LONDON . liy post 14 stamps .
YOUNG'S ARN 1 GATED CORN AND I 1 UN' - ) N l'LAISTERS are the best ever invented forgiving immediate case , an-I remuvin ; , ' those painful excrescences . Price 6 u \ and is . per box . . May be had of most chemists . Ob ... crve the trade mark . —Hi— vmhuvi * . sxhiclv NOVA arc genuine . I ! e sure and ask lor YOUXCS .
RUPTURES . —HY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE ' S JVloc-Main LEVER TRUSS f is allowed hy upwards c ( coo Medical ^ Men to \ y < the mo-l e . 'l ' j . live lav . mam in the curative treatment ol I ll- ' . K XI A . The uve of a sleet sprim ; , so often hurtful in its effects , U here a \ o : d-: d ; a sul : liandac , e b . ; in ^ . vain ruum ! the Lad' -, while ;; . cr alawtc r < -si-aiii )' , nuwei ., supplied by the Mi If-MA IN PAD and PATENT i . EVLli , lining v ' illisM much e . i . c and chadless thai il eannal be 1 . elected , and may be worn durim' sleep . _ A descriptive « : icu . ar may he bad , and the Ti us :., which < aim . I fail la la ., lot . ard . d by past , on tin : circumference of the body , iivo inches bJim' tlie hips , being sent lo tbe MANUrACTt'K !!!* , Mr : WIUTR , 22 S , PiccaaiUv , London . ( liiceat a Single Truss , lf . s ., iis ., 2 t . s . bd . and ;' is . Cil . Postage is . ,, ofa lJanole Truss , v . s . od ., 4 'j .. and . ses . i . d . l'osia : ; e is . t ) d . ,, cl * Umbilical ' 1 ins ,, ' . <;¦* . and --,:-.. M . ' r . i-ta : ; e is . lad . Po :, t Olfice Orders lo be made p . ivable toJollM WlHTK , Post Office , Piccadilly . A' / : ;* - * PATEXT ELASTIC . sTi > cK / x (; . <; , i \ 'xr . i-: c .-i PS , &•> The in . ilenal of \ vbii : h these are made is recommended bv the fncu ' ty as be-in- peculiarly ELASTIC and COM PRKSS 11 ' . LE and the besl inveiiuon I sr ej \ me ea . aienl and peiaiiaueut s . ipjuirt ill all eases of WEAKXi-. SS , VAi < . IC ( . ) .- ) li VlilXS , . * sc . Price , 1-. Od ., ; s . cd . , 10 s . and t 6 » . e . icli . Poslaj-c Al . Sl'lXAL MACIDXES , LEG IRONS , and Every Uescnplioii of Surgical Appliances . JOlf-X WHITE , Maritifulurer , n ' i , Piccadilly London ,
Masonic Festivities.
PICNIC OF THE MARINERS' LODGE , LIVERPOOL . Favoured with splendid weather , the heat being tempered by a genial breeze , with a large ancl spirited party , and a p leasant locality as the scene of the " out , " the annual picnic ofthe Mariners' Lodge , No . 249 , which took place on Wednesday , thc 161 I 1 inst ., was one of thc most sue . ccssful as well as enjoyable which have yet been held . Thc party , which numbered nearly 100 , started from the George's Landing-stage shortly before eleven o ' clock , and and the journey to Ikcston Castle , the scene of the day ' s picnic , was quickly accomplished . Very few places within a day ' s journey by railway arc so picturesque , and the historical associations connected withjthe castle , now in ruins , are many and interesting . In tlie reign of Richard II . Bceston was selected as the safest place of deposit for thc king ' s treasure and jewels , valued at 200 , 000 marks , and guarded by 100 men-at-arms ; but these valiants tamely surrendered the place , without resistance , to the
Duke of Lancaster . In 1042 it was garrisoned by the Parliamentary forces , but subsequently captured by the Royalists—a feat which was accomplished partly through thc treachery of the commanding officer in possession , and partly through the bravery of a captain attached to the attacking forces . Tlie Royalists held possession till nearly the end of 1644 , when a second attack was made by the Parliamentary forces—at first without success , but in another attempt they regained the place , when they found " neither meat nor drink in the castle , but only a piece of a turkey pie and a live peacock and a peahen . " These are a few ofthe leading incidents in tlie history of this venerable relic , whicli , as thc historian says , " battered and time-worn , still looks proudly over thc great vale of Cheshire . " 'I'he view from the summit is magnificent , embracing the estuaries ofthe Dec and Mersey , the towns of Liverpool and Chester , and extending in the other direction as fas as Ruabon , in Denbighshire . Immediately on their arrival , the pic-nickers started for the top of the hill , wiierc for some time they enjoyed the lovely landscape , which stretched away as far as thc eye could reach . Sight-seeing over for a time , they again descended the bill , at the base of whicli . he refreshment tent was pitched , witli whetted appetites , and quickly did full justice lo an excellent dinner provided with great liberality by Jlr . Holland , of Chester . With the " sharp edge" taken off their appetites , the happy outers again climbed the hill , where abundant amusements were furnished for almost every taste . Amongst these out-door sports were croquet , bat and ball , football , games , dancing , & c . ; while a number of inveterate fern-hunters found congenial enjoyment
111 gathering rare and choice specimens of particular orders . Several hours were thus pleasantly spent , and on the way to the all-important tea a flying visit was paid to what was modestly called the " sand holes , " but which were more properly a series ofravrs ofthe most striking character , lighted by ingeniously at ranged Chinese lanterns , provided fur tlie occasion , which greatly added to the picturesque beamy of the interior . After tea , lhe large party again entered upon the enjoyment of games and dancing ; , with great gusto , until 11 glitfall and a slight fail of rain , when " unel . s" were made fur the station , and a start made ftr Liverpool , which was reached in due time . After tea , on the million of lirother J . K . Smith , P . M ., and M . C , a coidial vote of thanks was given to Pnother II . Pearson , W . M ., for his efloits in connection wiihthe pleasant day ' s proceedings . A similar compliment , on the motion of lirother Pinninglon , was given to lirother Smith for his indefatigable exertions in carrying out the arrangements . Mr . Cawley , a ; -enl lo the estate , also received a cordial vote of thanks for his kindness in allowing the party to visit and inspect the grounds , and thc Secretary was ivquesteduisend him a letter conveying the thanks so cordially given .
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales lias iiuim . ih-d bis intention to accept the lion , colonelcy of the Not-folk Artillery Militia Regiment , in tin room of tiic late LorU Hastings ,