Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
proceedings were varied by some very excellent singing by Bros . Brasted , Ferrar , and Smyth . The T yler ' s toast having been given , the brethren separated , after having spent a Very pleasant evening . Visitors : Bros . L . Alexander , P . M . 188 ; Bromfield , 188 ; Pool , 764 ; Hallett , 781 . RADCLIFFE ( Lancashire ) .-Lodge of Faith ( No . 3 _ 1 . 1 I . —The annual pic-nic in rriTincrtinn with the
Lodge of Faith , No . 344 , Radcliffe , of A . F . and A . Masons , took place on the 19 th inst ., when 33 of the brethren belonging to the lodge , including the W . M . and his principal officers , and their wives and friends , paid a visit to Bolton Abbey , near Skipton , Yorkshire . They started from Radcliffe by 10 . 26 a . m . train , and joined the Scotch mail at Bury , arriving : at Skinton a little before
noon . They partook of luncheon at the Black Horse Hotel , Skipton , and were then conveyed in wagonettes to Bolton Abbey , where they spent some hours wandering through the delightful scenery around the Abbey . A number of them went as far as " the Strid , " a narrow passage between rocks , which takes its name from the fact of a person beine able to stride acrosj it . and sec the waters
rushing with great velocity through the aperture beneath . The party returned to the Black Horse Inn about six o ' clock , and when dinner was partaken of they went to the railway station , and returned to their homes , arriving about ten o'clock the same night . The weather was everything that the most fastidious could desire , and the party thoroughly enjoyed the out .
DERBY . —Arboretum Lodge ( No . 731 ) . —The usual meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 9 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , when the following members of the Craft were present : —Bros . R . Bennett , W . M . ; J . C . Merry , I . P . M . -, T . Cox , P . M . ; F . Iliffe , P . M . ; Marsden , P . M . ; Pipes , W . M . 108 e ; | . Brcwn , S . W . ; T . Merry , J . W . ; G . T . Wri ght , ' P . M ., acting
as S . D . ; Whittaker , J . D . ; Knight , D . C ; Fraser , I . G . . Day , Tyler -, and other brethren . The lodge having been opened in the First and Second Degrees , Bro . Kimpton advanced to the pedestal , and having passed the usual examination , was raised to the Degree of a Master Mason by the W . M ., assisted by the I . P . M ., in ancient and solemn form . After the usual business of the \ odcre . a nresentation
was made to Bro . G . T . Wright , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . of West Yorkshire and of Derbyshire . Some little time ago the members of the lodge expressed a wish to show their appreciation of the many good qualities of Bro . Wright as a * Mason , and this feeling tool : a practical turn in defraying the expense of making a slight addition to the usefulness and appearence of his residence in the shape of a bay
window , to which was addedan illuminated address signed by the following brethren : —T . Cox , P . M , P . P . S . G . W . ; H . Hillam , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W . ; J . Smith , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W . ; H . Burn , P . M ., P . P . G . S . of W . ; R . Bcnneti , W . M . 5 J . C . Merry , P . M ., P . G . D . C . -, G . H . Sheffield , S . D ., P . P . G . S . of W . ; J . Worsnop , P . P . G . P . ; Bcwton , P . P . G . P . 1 J . Brown , S . W . ; T . Merry , I . W .:
Whittaker , J . D . ; W . Fraser , I . G . ; and twenty other brethren , Bro . R . Bennett , W . M ., made the presentation , and in doing so alluded to the many valuable services Bro . Wright had rendered , not only to the Arboretum Lodge , but to the province of Derbyshire , in connection with the charities of the Craft , by taking active part in providing the beautiful hall in which they were now assembled , and in manv other ways . His usefulness to the Arboretum
Lodge was well known , and it would therefore be unnecessary to say more than that he was ready at all times to cheerfully assist by every means in his power , in the working of the lodge , and he had the greatest possible pleasure in presenting him with this token of the high respect entertained for him by his brethren of the lodge . He trusted that he would long be spared to meet with them , and when he had passed away to the Grand Lodge above his children would have before them the evidence
of the affection and esteem 111 which their father was held by his brethren in Masonry . Bro . Wri ght , in responding , did so with considerable emotion . He had no idea until the W . M . got up that anything of ( he kind would take place that evening , which , with the very feeling manner in which he had spoken of him , had made him powerless to express himself as he would wish to do . He felt that
lie did not deserve such kindness . What he had done in connection with Masonry was done as a Mason , and from the purest of motives , and if he had earned the good wishes of his brethren , he was more than repaid for any little trouble he may have been put to . He could only say that it was one of the greatest pleasures of his life lo meet the brethren of the Arboretum Lodge
and work with them in that harmonious manner which he was glad to say had always characterised their proceedings . He thanked them very much for their good wishes , and he hoped that they and lie would live long to meet together and enjoy the friendshi p and brotherly lnve which had produced ( he feeling exhibited on ( he pn-. enl occasion . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the
banqueting-hall , where an enjoyable evening terminated . BARNES . —Rose of Denmark Lodge ( No-975 ) . —The ordinary meeting < ff this lodge was held at the White Hart Hotel , on Friday , the 18 th inst . Bro . E . Warren Clarke , W . M ., presided , assisted by Bros . W . H .
Lee , P . M . 1524 . S . W . ; W . R . Phillips , J . W . ; C A . Smith , P . M ., Treas . ; Hinton , P . M . ; Edmands , P . M . ; Kennedy , P . M . 720 ; Wrigglesworth , S . D . ; Garnar , J . D . ; and a numerous assemblage of the brethren . Visitor : Bro . David Rose , P . M . 73 , W . M . designate 1622 . Bros . Revill and Masters were raised to the
Third Degree , and Bro . Dennison passed to the F . C , after which the lodge was closed in due form . The brethren then adjourned to an excellent banquet , and after the cloth was removed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . Bro . Rose , P . M ., responded for
" The Visitors , " and complimented the W . M . and officers on the excellence of the working . Bio . Edmands responded for " The P . M . ' s , " and Bto . Lee for " The OfSctia . " The Tylet ' 3 tca :-t was then given , and the brethicn separated , having :- | -cnt a very enjoyable ci-ning .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
HAMPTON . — Lebanon Lodge ( No . 1326 ) . — The last regular meeting of the year was held on Saturday , August 19 th , at the Red Lion Hotel , Hampton . Bro-Edwin Gilbert , W . M ., presided . There were also present Bros . J . T . Moss , P . P . G . R . Middlesex , P . M . ; W . Hammond , P . P . G . D . Middlesex , P . M . ; H . A . Dubois , P . G . S . D . Middlesex , P . M . ; F . Walters , P . G . I . D . Middlesex , K : c .
Sec ; J . W . Baldwin , P . A . G . P . Middlesex , P . M ., I . G . ; W . Hammond , P . M ., J . D . ; B . Sharp , P . M . ; H . Gloster , J . W . ; David Smith , W . T . Trehearn , J . Hernaman , C . Cucop , W . R . Vassila , S . Page , W * . Piiddj , and many others . Amongst the visitors were Bros . W . Simmons , J . W . 1339 ; F . F . Beard , 1423 , and others . The work done was initiating Messrs . W . F . Venn , S . Page ,
and W . Pnddy into Freemasonry ; passing Bros . D . Smith and F . F . Beard , 1423 , to the Second Degree . In every case each candidate for the degree was initiated separately , which arrangement ( although entailing extra work on the W . M . ) caused the beautiful ceremonies to lose none of their impressiveness . All the work was done in an able manner . On the motion of Bro . Frederick Walters , P . G .
J . D . Middlesex , P . M ., Sec ., ten pounds were voted from lodge funds to the Female Annuity Fund of the Royal MasonicjBenevolent Institution , in the name of the W . M . of the lodge for the time being , the amount to bc placed on the list of Bro . J . B . 3 hackIcton , J . D ., who represents the lodtre at the forthcomintr festival to bc held in 1877 as its
Steward . He unfortunately was absent from lodge through unavoidable circumstances . Also Bro . Edwin Gilbert , W . M ., was unanimously elected to serve as Steward to represent the lodge at the forthcoming festival of the Boys ' School in 1877 . Several candidates were proposed for initiation . The lodge was closed , and adjourned till May , 1877 , emergencies being excepted . Banquet followed .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
OXFORD . — Alf red Chapter ( No . 340 ) . —The regular ' and festival meeting of this the senior chapter of the province was held on Tuesday , August 13 th ., when there were present Comps . S . P . Spiers , P . / .., as Z ., in the absence of the First Principal ; G . T . Prior , II . ; J . T . Morland , J . ; R . J . Spiers , P . Z . ; E . Bevers , P . Z . ; H . D'Almaine , P . Z . ; E . G . Brunton , P . Z . ; and others . Tbe
chapter having been opened , and the minutes ot the previous meeting read and confirmed , Comp . Bruton , P . Z ., then took the first chair , and exalte ! Bio . Arthur Davies , who had been previously elected . The installation of the Principals then followed , the ceremony being performed by Comp . Brulon , P . Z ., in his usual able and impressive manner . The newly-installed First Principal , Comp . G . T . Prior , Z ., then invested his officers and closed the
chapter . A banquet was afterwards attended . The usual loyal toasts , & c , being given , a pleasant evening was concluded with the Janitor ' s toast . The following are the new officers for the ensuing year : —Ci . mps . G . T . Prior , Z . ; J . Juggins , P . Z . ; J . T . Morland , 11 . ; Walter Thompson , J . ; F . G . Brunton , P . Z ., D . C ; E . Bevers , P . Z ., Treas ., ] . R . B . Prior , E . ; Jas . Jcnkin , N . ; Jules Bue , P . S . ; S . Harris and W . Park , Stewards ; W . Stephens , Janitor , G . Norwood , A . J .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
A General Grand Conc ' . ave of this illustrious Order was held on Monday , the 21 st inst ., in Freemasons' Hall , George-street , Edinburgh , for the purpose of inaugurating the Grand Imperial Council of Scotland , and enthroning Col . Francis Burdett , M . Em . Grand Viceroy of the Order in England , as the first Grand Sovereign of Scotland . The members of the Grand Council of England and other
English Representatives present were V . 111 . Sir Knights R . Wentworth Little , P . G . S . G . Grand Treasurer ; H . C . Levander , Grand H . C ; J . Boyd , Grand Architect ; Thomas W . White , Grand Hist ; George Kenning , Grand Assist . Rec ; W . T . Howe , G . S . B . ; Dieketts . G . Usher , and Cuthbert E . Peek , Hon . P . S . and M . P . S . elect , University Conclave , No . 128 , Cambridge . There
was a large attendance of the Sir Knights from the several conclaves in Scotland , including Em . Sir Knts . 1 ! . S . Brown , M . P . S ., Edinburgh Conclave , No . 4 ; J . Macpherson , M . P . S ., St . Giles's Conclave , No . 103 ; G . W . Wheeler , M . P . S ., Glasgow Conclave , No . 114 ; H . J . Shields , M . P . S ., Lily of the Valley Conclave , No . 127 ; , Dr . Beveridge , M . P . S ., Bon Accord Conclave ,
No . 1 ^ ; J . . Mercer , P . S . No . 4 ; Lieut . M . lraccy , ( P . S . No . 8 ) No . 4 ; Capt . Hunter ( P . S . No , 42 ) No . 4 . Prior to the meeting of the Grand Conclave Colonel Burdett was affiliated as a member of the Edinburgh Couclav , No . 4 , now No . 1 of Scotland . The knights having aMunied their several stall : -., n procession
consisting of the English knights , preceded by Sir Knt . J . B . Mercer as G . Herald , entered the conclave , under the Arch of Steel , the acting G . Organist playing a solemn march . Sir Knt . Little then , as acting G . Sovereign , opened the General Grand Conclave of Scotland , assisted by Sir Knt . Levander , as G . Viceroy , and the other knights from England .
The Presiding officer having explained the object of the assemblage , requested Sir Knts . Dieketts and Peek , for England , and Brown and Mercer for Scotland , to introduce Col . Burdett ? . s the G . Sovereign elect . The acting G . H . Prelate , Sir Knt . T . W . White , then asked the G . Sovereign elect if he accepted the office to which he had been elected , and on receiving a formal
assent the acting Grand Sovereign proceeded with the enthronement ceremony . Sir . Knt Levander administered the oath of fidelity , and then invested Col . Burdett with the robe of state ; the acting G . H . P . handed him the sceptre , and Sir Knt . J . Boyd , acting G , Chamberlain , the S « 'ord of IHa . f , an address being dtlivrred wilh ca'ih prcenUlic-n by llif pleading officer .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
The G . Sovereign then announced that Sir Knt . Major W . Hamilton Ramsay ( Senior Grand Warden Scotland \ would be the first G . Viceroy of Scotland . ( Applause ) . ' Sir Knt . Ramsay then advanced to the altar , took Ivvs vow , was invested , and conducted to his seat . The following Knights were appointed members of the Grand Council , and also took their vows , viz
Col . 1-rar . cis Burdett , Sovereign ; Major W . || , Ramsay , Viceroy ; R . Beveridge , M . D ., Sen . Gcnl " H . J- Shields , Jun . Genl . ; the Rev . J . H . Tail , Prelate ; Capt , Charles Hunter , Orator ; G . W . Wheeler , Chancellor ; J . Crichton , Treasurer ; H . S . Brown , Recorder ; J . Macpherson , Architect ; Lieut . M . Tracey , Marshal ; A . W . Rennie , Chamberlain :
The appointments if Sir Knts . R . Beveridge , M . D . ( Aberdeen City ) , Captain C . Hunter ( Aberdeen County ) , and D . Murray Lyon ( Ayrshire ) as Intendant Generals , together with Sir Knts . J . Crombie , Examiner ; D . Baker , Prefect ; T . L . Shaw , Vice Chancellor ; J . Carmichal , M . D ., Assist . Treasurer ; H . Edwards , Assist . Recorder ; A . M . Bruce , Sword Bearer ; A . Dalgliesh ; J . Ingles ,
Dir . of Music ; J . A . Mooney , Organist ; Capt . W . H . Brown , Assist . Marshal ; N . Minola , Vice Chamberlain ; W . McMurdo , Herald ; J . Walker , Herald ; J . Tweed , Aidc-de-Camp ., as Grand Senators , were then announced , each officer advancing for investment with the crimson sash of his rank . The G . Herald proclaimed the Grand Sovereign by his
style and titles , and the knights then marched past the throne with banners displayed and swords drawn , saluting as they passed ; during this period the Grand Organist played appropriate music . The Rev . J . H . Tail , G . H . Prelate , pronounced a blessing , and the ceremony con
eluded with an anthem . Sir Knt . Col . Burdett then thanked the members of the Grand Conclave of Scotland for the honour they had conferred upon him by electing him as their chief , and expressed his sincere hope that the Order would flourish extensively throughout the length and breadth of the land .
A vote of thanks to the English deputation was then passed by acclamation , and the Grand Conclave was closed in imperial form , and with solemn prayer . The knights then adjourned to the Windsor Hotel , where the inauguration banquet was served , and an evening of perfect harmony and enjoyment was passed by all present . Wc hope to be able to give a
report of the very interesting speeches made by several distinguished knights in our next number . " We must not omit to state that the English Deputation , accompanied by Sir Knt . R . S . Brown , G . Recorder of Scotland , drove to Clerkington House , I laddington , the seat of R . Houstoun , Esq ., a brother Mason ,
son-inlaw to Colonel Burdett , and received a most hospitable reception in the old Scottish style , and after inspecting the extensive grounds , which arc noted fcr their beauty , they carried off the gallant colonel to Edinburgh , behind four greys , in time for the opening ceremony at Freemasons ' Hall , the distance accomplished being nearly forty miles through one of the most charming districts in Scotland .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
The monthly meeting of the lodge of Benevolence was held on Wednesday evening . Bro . John M . Clabon , P . G . D ., President of the Board , occupied the chair ; Bro . Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B ., Senior Vice-President , occupied the S . W . Chair ; and Bro . Col . A Lowry Cole , P . G . C , took the chair of the Junior Vice-President . The other
brethren present were Bros . S . Rawson , Dr . Hogg , John Hervey , E . P . Albert , S . G . Foxall , C A . Cottebrune , Raynham W . Stewart , Hy . lc Pullen , J . Wright , John Emmens , H . Bartlett , W . Stephens , Joseph Smith , Chas . F . Hogard , E . S . Taylor , W . M . 11 ; R . F . Gould , W . M . 92 ; W . Ramsay , W . M . 1339 ; F . Pendred W . M . 31 ; H . Massey ( "Freemason" ); Lieut .-Col
II . S . Burney , W . M . 1613 ; Thomas Butt , W . M 700 ; the Rev . II . Adair Pickard , I . P . M . 357 ; Geo . Hockley , W . M . 172 ; Dr . Erasmus Wilson , W . M . 2 ; Alex . Pilbeam , W . M . 45 ; John Bingemann , W . M , 1399 ; Capt . N . G . Philips , P . M . 1383 ; A . Durrant , VV . M . 1-583 ; R . Berridge , W . M . 21 ; James W . Gillard , W _ M . 180 ; Thos . Dunkins , W . M . 72 ; G . Kellv
King , W . M . 1341 ; D . Belts , W . M . 1331 ; Ihomai . Elsley , W . M . 742 ; Peter De L . Long , P . M . 114 ; G . D . Roe , W . M . 1604 ; Edmd . Coste , P . M . 1613 ; ll . Potter , P . M . ; 6 i ; J . H . Batty , P . M . 28 ; W . T . Wells , W . M . 174 ; Peter Wagner , W . M . 201 ; F . Egan , W . M . 8 3 8 ; Chas . Atkins , P . M . 27 ; W . A . Murlis , W . M . 1489 ; James Bateman , W . M . 820 ; C B .
Barnett , W . M . 1382 ; W . Waygood , W . M . 141 ; N . Cobham , I . P . M . 937 ; W . Dodd , P . M . inn ; H . C . Bnss , P . M , 2 ;; and C . B . Payne , G . Tyler . Grants of £ 240 , made at former lodge meeting ' --., wire confirmed ; and the brethren then proceeded with the new cases , of which many were those of widows , Two grants of £ 30 each , one grant of £ 40 , one of £ 30 , two of £ i ° < four of £ 10 , one of £ 3 , and one of £ 3 were made -, and the consideration of two cases on the list was deferred . The
total grants made were i . 258 . At the Board of Masters the paper of business for Wednesday week at Grand Lodge was settled . Bro . the Rev . R . J . Simpson , Past Grand Chaplain , gave notice of motion for the appointment of a committee to consider the subject of the thank offering for the Prince of Wales ' s safe return from India which was brought forward at last r _ : _ . ^_ .. l T « , !_ , _ .. A V . „ « . i ., _» I . i llio nampc nf the . orOllOSCd
committee . In the event of his motion not being carried , m . gives notice of an alternative , motion for the gift of £ 6000 from Grand Lodge Funds for the purchase of three scholarships for the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys at Oxford , Cambridge , and London Universities . Bro . Jabe / Hogg gave notice ol an amendment to Bio . Simpson - original notice r-f motion to th ' . :-amc effect aj Etc-. Simroon ' s altcinatnc ic-olution .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
proceedings were varied by some very excellent singing by Bros . Brasted , Ferrar , and Smyth . The T yler ' s toast having been given , the brethren separated , after having spent a Very pleasant evening . Visitors : Bros . L . Alexander , P . M . 188 ; Bromfield , 188 ; Pool , 764 ; Hallett , 781 . RADCLIFFE ( Lancashire ) .-Lodge of Faith ( No . 3 _ 1 . 1 I . —The annual pic-nic in rriTincrtinn with the
Lodge of Faith , No . 344 , Radcliffe , of A . F . and A . Masons , took place on the 19 th inst ., when 33 of the brethren belonging to the lodge , including the W . M . and his principal officers , and their wives and friends , paid a visit to Bolton Abbey , near Skipton , Yorkshire . They started from Radcliffe by 10 . 26 a . m . train , and joined the Scotch mail at Bury , arriving : at Skinton a little before
noon . They partook of luncheon at the Black Horse Hotel , Skipton , and were then conveyed in wagonettes to Bolton Abbey , where they spent some hours wandering through the delightful scenery around the Abbey . A number of them went as far as " the Strid , " a narrow passage between rocks , which takes its name from the fact of a person beine able to stride acrosj it . and sec the waters
rushing with great velocity through the aperture beneath . The party returned to the Black Horse Inn about six o ' clock , and when dinner was partaken of they went to the railway station , and returned to their homes , arriving about ten o'clock the same night . The weather was everything that the most fastidious could desire , and the party thoroughly enjoyed the out .
DERBY . —Arboretum Lodge ( No . 731 ) . —The usual meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 9 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , when the following members of the Craft were present : —Bros . R . Bennett , W . M . ; J . C . Merry , I . P . M . -, T . Cox , P . M . ; F . Iliffe , P . M . ; Marsden , P . M . ; Pipes , W . M . 108 e ; | . Brcwn , S . W . ; T . Merry , J . W . ; G . T . Wri ght , ' P . M ., acting
as S . D . ; Whittaker , J . D . ; Knight , D . C ; Fraser , I . G . . Day , Tyler -, and other brethren . The lodge having been opened in the First and Second Degrees , Bro . Kimpton advanced to the pedestal , and having passed the usual examination , was raised to the Degree of a Master Mason by the W . M ., assisted by the I . P . M ., in ancient and solemn form . After the usual business of the \ odcre . a nresentation
was made to Bro . G . T . Wright , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . of West Yorkshire and of Derbyshire . Some little time ago the members of the lodge expressed a wish to show their appreciation of the many good qualities of Bro . Wright as a * Mason , and this feeling tool : a practical turn in defraying the expense of making a slight addition to the usefulness and appearence of his residence in the shape of a bay
window , to which was addedan illuminated address signed by the following brethren : —T . Cox , P . M , P . P . S . G . W . ; H . Hillam , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W . ; J . Smith , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W . ; H . Burn , P . M ., P . P . G . S . of W . ; R . Bcnneti , W . M . 5 J . C . Merry , P . M ., P . G . D . C . -, G . H . Sheffield , S . D ., P . P . G . S . of W . ; J . Worsnop , P . P . G . P . ; Bcwton , P . P . G . P . 1 J . Brown , S . W . ; T . Merry , I . W .:
Whittaker , J . D . ; W . Fraser , I . G . ; and twenty other brethren , Bro . R . Bennett , W . M ., made the presentation , and in doing so alluded to the many valuable services Bro . Wright had rendered , not only to the Arboretum Lodge , but to the province of Derbyshire , in connection with the charities of the Craft , by taking active part in providing the beautiful hall in which they were now assembled , and in manv other ways . His usefulness to the Arboretum
Lodge was well known , and it would therefore be unnecessary to say more than that he was ready at all times to cheerfully assist by every means in his power , in the working of the lodge , and he had the greatest possible pleasure in presenting him with this token of the high respect entertained for him by his brethren of the lodge . He trusted that he would long be spared to meet with them , and when he had passed away to the Grand Lodge above his children would have before them the evidence
of the affection and esteem 111 which their father was held by his brethren in Masonry . Bro . Wri ght , in responding , did so with considerable emotion . He had no idea until the W . M . got up that anything of ( he kind would take place that evening , which , with the very feeling manner in which he had spoken of him , had made him powerless to express himself as he would wish to do . He felt that
lie did not deserve such kindness . What he had done in connection with Masonry was done as a Mason , and from the purest of motives , and if he had earned the good wishes of his brethren , he was more than repaid for any little trouble he may have been put to . He could only say that it was one of the greatest pleasures of his life lo meet the brethren of the Arboretum Lodge
and work with them in that harmonious manner which he was glad to say had always characterised their proceedings . He thanked them very much for their good wishes , and he hoped that they and lie would live long to meet together and enjoy the friendshi p and brotherly lnve which had produced ( he feeling exhibited on ( he pn-. enl occasion . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the
banqueting-hall , where an enjoyable evening terminated . BARNES . —Rose of Denmark Lodge ( No-975 ) . —The ordinary meeting < ff this lodge was held at the White Hart Hotel , on Friday , the 18 th inst . Bro . E . Warren Clarke , W . M ., presided , assisted by Bros . W . H .
Lee , P . M . 1524 . S . W . ; W . R . Phillips , J . W . ; C A . Smith , P . M ., Treas . ; Hinton , P . M . ; Edmands , P . M . ; Kennedy , P . M . 720 ; Wrigglesworth , S . D . ; Garnar , J . D . ; and a numerous assemblage of the brethren . Visitor : Bro . David Rose , P . M . 73 , W . M . designate 1622 . Bros . Revill and Masters were raised to the
Third Degree , and Bro . Dennison passed to the F . C , after which the lodge was closed in due form . The brethren then adjourned to an excellent banquet , and after the cloth was removed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . Bro . Rose , P . M ., responded for
" The Visitors , " and complimented the W . M . and officers on the excellence of the working . Bio . Edmands responded for " The P . M . ' s , " and Bto . Lee for " The OfSctia . " The Tylet ' 3 tca :-t was then given , and the brethicn separated , having :- | -cnt a very enjoyable ci-ning .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
HAMPTON . — Lebanon Lodge ( No . 1326 ) . — The last regular meeting of the year was held on Saturday , August 19 th , at the Red Lion Hotel , Hampton . Bro-Edwin Gilbert , W . M ., presided . There were also present Bros . J . T . Moss , P . P . G . R . Middlesex , P . M . ; W . Hammond , P . P . G . D . Middlesex , P . M . ; H . A . Dubois , P . G . S . D . Middlesex , P . M . ; F . Walters , P . G . I . D . Middlesex , K : c .
Sec ; J . W . Baldwin , P . A . G . P . Middlesex , P . M ., I . G . ; W . Hammond , P . M ., J . D . ; B . Sharp , P . M . ; H . Gloster , J . W . ; David Smith , W . T . Trehearn , J . Hernaman , C . Cucop , W . R . Vassila , S . Page , W * . Piiddj , and many others . Amongst the visitors were Bros . W . Simmons , J . W . 1339 ; F . F . Beard , 1423 , and others . The work done was initiating Messrs . W . F . Venn , S . Page ,
and W . Pnddy into Freemasonry ; passing Bros . D . Smith and F . F . Beard , 1423 , to the Second Degree . In every case each candidate for the degree was initiated separately , which arrangement ( although entailing extra work on the W . M . ) caused the beautiful ceremonies to lose none of their impressiveness . All the work was done in an able manner . On the motion of Bro . Frederick Walters , P . G .
J . D . Middlesex , P . M ., Sec ., ten pounds were voted from lodge funds to the Female Annuity Fund of the Royal MasonicjBenevolent Institution , in the name of the W . M . of the lodge for the time being , the amount to bc placed on the list of Bro . J . B . 3 hackIcton , J . D ., who represents the lodtre at the forthcomintr festival to bc held in 1877 as its
Steward . He unfortunately was absent from lodge through unavoidable circumstances . Also Bro . Edwin Gilbert , W . M ., was unanimously elected to serve as Steward to represent the lodge at the forthcoming festival of the Boys ' School in 1877 . Several candidates were proposed for initiation . The lodge was closed , and adjourned till May , 1877 , emergencies being excepted . Banquet followed .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
OXFORD . — Alf red Chapter ( No . 340 ) . —The regular ' and festival meeting of this the senior chapter of the province was held on Tuesday , August 13 th ., when there were present Comps . S . P . Spiers , P . / .., as Z ., in the absence of the First Principal ; G . T . Prior , II . ; J . T . Morland , J . ; R . J . Spiers , P . Z . ; E . Bevers , P . Z . ; H . D'Almaine , P . Z . ; E . G . Brunton , P . Z . ; and others . Tbe
chapter having been opened , and the minutes ot the previous meeting read and confirmed , Comp . Bruton , P . Z ., then took the first chair , and exalte ! Bio . Arthur Davies , who had been previously elected . The installation of the Principals then followed , the ceremony being performed by Comp . Brulon , P . Z ., in his usual able and impressive manner . The newly-installed First Principal , Comp . G . T . Prior , Z ., then invested his officers and closed the
chapter . A banquet was afterwards attended . The usual loyal toasts , & c , being given , a pleasant evening was concluded with the Janitor ' s toast . The following are the new officers for the ensuing year : —Ci . mps . G . T . Prior , Z . ; J . Juggins , P . Z . ; J . T . Morland , 11 . ; Walter Thompson , J . ; F . G . Brunton , P . Z ., D . C ; E . Bevers , P . Z ., Treas ., ] . R . B . Prior , E . ; Jas . Jcnkin , N . ; Jules Bue , P . S . ; S . Harris and W . Park , Stewards ; W . Stephens , Janitor , G . Norwood , A . J .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
A General Grand Conc ' . ave of this illustrious Order was held on Monday , the 21 st inst ., in Freemasons' Hall , George-street , Edinburgh , for the purpose of inaugurating the Grand Imperial Council of Scotland , and enthroning Col . Francis Burdett , M . Em . Grand Viceroy of the Order in England , as the first Grand Sovereign of Scotland . The members of the Grand Council of England and other
English Representatives present were V . 111 . Sir Knights R . Wentworth Little , P . G . S . G . Grand Treasurer ; H . C . Levander , Grand H . C ; J . Boyd , Grand Architect ; Thomas W . White , Grand Hist ; George Kenning , Grand Assist . Rec ; W . T . Howe , G . S . B . ; Dieketts . G . Usher , and Cuthbert E . Peek , Hon . P . S . and M . P . S . elect , University Conclave , No . 128 , Cambridge . There
was a large attendance of the Sir Knights from the several conclaves in Scotland , including Em . Sir Knts . 1 ! . S . Brown , M . P . S ., Edinburgh Conclave , No . 4 ; J . Macpherson , M . P . S ., St . Giles's Conclave , No . 103 ; G . W . Wheeler , M . P . S ., Glasgow Conclave , No . 114 ; H . J . Shields , M . P . S ., Lily of the Valley Conclave , No . 127 ; , Dr . Beveridge , M . P . S ., Bon Accord Conclave ,
No . 1 ^ ; J . . Mercer , P . S . No . 4 ; Lieut . M . lraccy , ( P . S . No . 8 ) No . 4 ; Capt . Hunter ( P . S . No , 42 ) No . 4 . Prior to the meeting of the Grand Conclave Colonel Burdett was affiliated as a member of the Edinburgh Couclav , No . 4 , now No . 1 of Scotland . The knights having aMunied their several stall : -., n procession
consisting of the English knights , preceded by Sir Knt . J . B . Mercer as G . Herald , entered the conclave , under the Arch of Steel , the acting G . Organist playing a solemn march . Sir Knt . Little then , as acting G . Sovereign , opened the General Grand Conclave of Scotland , assisted by Sir Knt . Levander , as G . Viceroy , and the other knights from England .
The Presiding officer having explained the object of the assemblage , requested Sir Knts . Dieketts and Peek , for England , and Brown and Mercer for Scotland , to introduce Col . Burdett ? . s the G . Sovereign elect . The acting G . H . Prelate , Sir Knt . T . W . White , then asked the G . Sovereign elect if he accepted the office to which he had been elected , and on receiving a formal
assent the acting Grand Sovereign proceeded with the enthronement ceremony . Sir . Knt Levander administered the oath of fidelity , and then invested Col . Burdett with the robe of state ; the acting G . H . P . handed him the sceptre , and Sir Knt . J . Boyd , acting G , Chamberlain , the S « 'ord of IHa . f , an address being dtlivrred wilh ca'ih prcenUlic-n by llif pleading officer .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
The G . Sovereign then announced that Sir Knt . Major W . Hamilton Ramsay ( Senior Grand Warden Scotland \ would be the first G . Viceroy of Scotland . ( Applause ) . ' Sir Knt . Ramsay then advanced to the altar , took Ivvs vow , was invested , and conducted to his seat . The following Knights were appointed members of the Grand Council , and also took their vows , viz
Col . 1-rar . cis Burdett , Sovereign ; Major W . || , Ramsay , Viceroy ; R . Beveridge , M . D ., Sen . Gcnl " H . J- Shields , Jun . Genl . ; the Rev . J . H . Tail , Prelate ; Capt , Charles Hunter , Orator ; G . W . Wheeler , Chancellor ; J . Crichton , Treasurer ; H . S . Brown , Recorder ; J . Macpherson , Architect ; Lieut . M . Tracey , Marshal ; A . W . Rennie , Chamberlain :
The appointments if Sir Knts . R . Beveridge , M . D . ( Aberdeen City ) , Captain C . Hunter ( Aberdeen County ) , and D . Murray Lyon ( Ayrshire ) as Intendant Generals , together with Sir Knts . J . Crombie , Examiner ; D . Baker , Prefect ; T . L . Shaw , Vice Chancellor ; J . Carmichal , M . D ., Assist . Treasurer ; H . Edwards , Assist . Recorder ; A . M . Bruce , Sword Bearer ; A . Dalgliesh ; J . Ingles ,
Dir . of Music ; J . A . Mooney , Organist ; Capt . W . H . Brown , Assist . Marshal ; N . Minola , Vice Chamberlain ; W . McMurdo , Herald ; J . Walker , Herald ; J . Tweed , Aidc-de-Camp ., as Grand Senators , were then announced , each officer advancing for investment with the crimson sash of his rank . The G . Herald proclaimed the Grand Sovereign by his
style and titles , and the knights then marched past the throne with banners displayed and swords drawn , saluting as they passed ; during this period the Grand Organist played appropriate music . The Rev . J . H . Tail , G . H . Prelate , pronounced a blessing , and the ceremony con
eluded with an anthem . Sir Knt . Col . Burdett then thanked the members of the Grand Conclave of Scotland for the honour they had conferred upon him by electing him as their chief , and expressed his sincere hope that the Order would flourish extensively throughout the length and breadth of the land .
A vote of thanks to the English deputation was then passed by acclamation , and the Grand Conclave was closed in imperial form , and with solemn prayer . The knights then adjourned to the Windsor Hotel , where the inauguration banquet was served , and an evening of perfect harmony and enjoyment was passed by all present . Wc hope to be able to give a
report of the very interesting speeches made by several distinguished knights in our next number . " We must not omit to state that the English Deputation , accompanied by Sir Knt . R . S . Brown , G . Recorder of Scotland , drove to Clerkington House , I laddington , the seat of R . Houstoun , Esq ., a brother Mason ,
son-inlaw to Colonel Burdett , and received a most hospitable reception in the old Scottish style , and after inspecting the extensive grounds , which arc noted fcr their beauty , they carried off the gallant colonel to Edinburgh , behind four greys , in time for the opening ceremony at Freemasons ' Hall , the distance accomplished being nearly forty miles through one of the most charming districts in Scotland .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
The monthly meeting of the lodge of Benevolence was held on Wednesday evening . Bro . John M . Clabon , P . G . D ., President of the Board , occupied the chair ; Bro . Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B ., Senior Vice-President , occupied the S . W . Chair ; and Bro . Col . A Lowry Cole , P . G . C , took the chair of the Junior Vice-President . The other
brethren present were Bros . S . Rawson , Dr . Hogg , John Hervey , E . P . Albert , S . G . Foxall , C A . Cottebrune , Raynham W . Stewart , Hy . lc Pullen , J . Wright , John Emmens , H . Bartlett , W . Stephens , Joseph Smith , Chas . F . Hogard , E . S . Taylor , W . M . 11 ; R . F . Gould , W . M . 92 ; W . Ramsay , W . M . 1339 ; F . Pendred W . M . 31 ; H . Massey ( "Freemason" ); Lieut .-Col
II . S . Burney , W . M . 1613 ; Thomas Butt , W . M 700 ; the Rev . II . Adair Pickard , I . P . M . 357 ; Geo . Hockley , W . M . 172 ; Dr . Erasmus Wilson , W . M . 2 ; Alex . Pilbeam , W . M . 45 ; John Bingemann , W . M , 1399 ; Capt . N . G . Philips , P . M . 1383 ; A . Durrant , VV . M . 1-583 ; R . Berridge , W . M . 21 ; James W . Gillard , W _ M . 180 ; Thos . Dunkins , W . M . 72 ; G . Kellv
King , W . M . 1341 ; D . Belts , W . M . 1331 ; Ihomai . Elsley , W . M . 742 ; Peter De L . Long , P . M . 114 ; G . D . Roe , W . M . 1604 ; Edmd . Coste , P . M . 1613 ; ll . Potter , P . M . ; 6 i ; J . H . Batty , P . M . 28 ; W . T . Wells , W . M . 174 ; Peter Wagner , W . M . 201 ; F . Egan , W . M . 8 3 8 ; Chas . Atkins , P . M . 27 ; W . A . Murlis , W . M . 1489 ; James Bateman , W . M . 820 ; C B .
Barnett , W . M . 1382 ; W . Waygood , W . M . 141 ; N . Cobham , I . P . M . 937 ; W . Dodd , P . M . inn ; H . C . Bnss , P . M , 2 ;; and C . B . Payne , G . Tyler . Grants of £ 240 , made at former lodge meeting ' --., wire confirmed ; and the brethren then proceeded with the new cases , of which many were those of widows , Two grants of £ 30 each , one grant of £ 40 , one of £ 30 , two of £ i ° < four of £ 10 , one of £ 3 , and one of £ 3 were made -, and the consideration of two cases on the list was deferred . The
total grants made were i . 258 . At the Board of Masters the paper of business for Wednesday week at Grand Lodge was settled . Bro . the Rev . R . J . Simpson , Past Grand Chaplain , gave notice of motion for the appointment of a committee to consider the subject of the thank offering for the Prince of Wales ' s safe return from India which was brought forward at last r _ : _ . ^_ .. l T « , !_ , _ .. A V . „ « . i ., _» I . i llio nampc nf the . orOllOSCd
committee . In the event of his motion not being carried , m . gives notice of an alternative , motion for the gift of £ 6000 from Grand Lodge Funds for the purchase of three scholarships for the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys at Oxford , Cambridge , and London Universities . Bro . Jabe / Hogg gave notice ol an amendment to Bio . Simpson - original notice r-f motion to th ' . :-amc effect aj Etc-. Simroon ' s altcinatnc ic-olution .