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CHARING CROSS STATION TOILET ~ - |§|™ CLUB . ( Continental Booking Office Entrance . ) A Great Convenience and Saving of Time to the ^ - Brethren , desirous of dressing promptly , previous to going to Lodge , Ball , Dinner , & c . Private Dressing Rooms , charge 6 d ., with every attendance and appliance for the Toilet . Evening dress taken care of for the day or season in peifumcd boxes ( locked ) no charge . Baths , Hosiery , Perfumery , Hairdrcssing , Dress Suits , Boots , Opera Hats , Masonic Clothing , Jewels , Swords , & c . Fuller particulars per post ( jd . stamp . ) N . B . —Ladies' Department attached .
104 CHURCH SERMONS , By EMINENT CLERGYMEN . In Two Volumes , Handsomely Bound in Cloth , each , 4 s . REEVES SON AND CO ., Playhraso-yard , London .
BRO . KENNING'S NEW TRACING BOARDS Mounted or . Cloth , tor the Pocket , Price 1 ( 6 .
BRO . J . B . MACNAIR . grtist nub Pjotogriiuljiur . 11 , WEST NILE STREET , GLASGOW . Enlargements in Oil , Water Colour , or Crayons . Full Length Cartes 5 s ., per dozen ; Half Lengths 6 s . ; Vignettes ys . 6 d . ; Cameo and Rembrant , Bust 10 s .
EDWARD M . HAIGH , LATE WATKINS AND HAIGH , P H 0 T 0 G R J P II E R . Special ! te for . Cameo-VigneLles , and Permanent Portraits in Carbon . The S . udio is SPECIALLY adapted for taking Photographs of Brethren in Masonic Costume . MAI SON KEN . 213 , R E G E N T - S T R E E T , W .
THE STRAND TURKISH BATHS , 335 c , OPPOSITE SOMERSET HOUSE . Open daifv for Gentlemen . Teims : from 9 a . m . till 6 p . m ., is . M . From a p . m . till 9 p . m ., is . Ail . One dozen tickets , iirst class , Ct < s . j second class , 15 s . Warm , cold , shower , and diruclie baths . Open on Sundays from 10 a . m . till 4 p . m . Ladies : mornings , Mondays , Wednesdays , and Fridays , attended by Mrs . Smith . ' Proprietor—Mr . 11 . SMITH , From the Hausemam , Jermyn-strect .
THE BIRKBECK Is the oniy BalUUtta Society whose Annual Receipts exceed ONE MILLION ! How to Purchase a House for Tivo Guineas per Montht With immediate possession and no Rent to pav . Apply at thc Officeof the BIKKBliCK BUILDING SOCIETY , 29 & 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . Hcto to purchase a Plot of Land for Five Shillings per Month , With immediate possession , either forBniuiingnrGardening purposes , apply at the Olflce of the BIKKBiiCK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY , 2 i ) 8 c 30 Sonthamplon-buildUgs , Chancer y-iane „ llwjj io invest Atuttcv with safety at £ . \ per cent Interest , Ayp y to the Oilice ofthe iilKKBIiCK BANK . AU sums under £ 50 1 Mtayobie upon demand . Current accounts epened similar to Ordinary Bankers . Che < j ; tc Books supplied . Office hours from 10 till 4 daily , on Mondays from 10 till 9 , and on Saturdays from 10 till 3 . A small pamphlet , containing full particulars , may he obtained gratis , or scut rust-free on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCRO * r . Manager . i 1
"MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and F 1 T-•^ TINGS , Cornopeans , Flutes , Drums , Violins , Organs , Harmoniums , Concertinas , Hows , Strings , Wire . Organ Pipes , Harmonium Ueeds , & c . Experienced Repairers . List lor r . tamp . 13 RO . T . R : WILLIS , 29 , Mirrorics , London . Established 1 S 37 .
PATON'S JURISPRUDENCE OF FREEX MASONBV . Sic , JOS . 6 d . PATON'S FHIiEMASONKY : Its Symbolism , Religious Nature , and Law of 1 ' eifection . 8 vo ., cloth , 10 s . 6 d . PATON'S ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY , or tlie 1717 Theory Exploded . 8 vo ., sewed , is . Reeves and Turner , irjfi , Strand , London .
Q . LENFIELD STARCH is thc only kind ^ - ^ used in Her Majesty ' s Laundry , Those Ladies who have not yet used the Glcnficli ) Starch , are respectfully solicited to give it a trial , and carefully follow out the directions printed on everv package , ll is rather more difficult to make than other Starches , but when this is overcome , they will say , like the Oueen ' s Laundress , that iI is ( he finest . Starch they ever used . " " When you ask for the Glenlield . see that you get it . " GOLD AND SILVER ' SHAVINGST '" FIRE STOVE ORNAMENTS . jicr lb Gilt Plain 3 / 0 „ Crimped 4 / 6 Silvered l'lain -t /< J ,, Crimped s / G Tlie abene on / , 2 , and + « . reel-, : ii . ~ . u in batr . s , 16 . 1 , 22 S ' , 24 s ., nnd 30 s . per i ; io .-s l . riijs . Manufactured byGliOKGli KliiNJSiiS'G , London , Liverpool aud Glasgow .
tiT ^ HE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS . The Largest Masonic Monthly in thc World . Published at St . Louis , Mo ., by George Frank Gouley , Grand Secretary and Recorder of the four Grand Bodies of Missouri . Thc Freemason contains tidings from every quarter of thewo'H , and will be found of great advantage to all Masons , especially those interested in American affairs . Terms § 3 per annum , and to those who subscribe ior thc London Freemason the price will be $ l . $ o currency . Postage free . Subscriptions received at the Office of the London " Freemason " igS , Fleet-street .
THE ENTR'ACTE , A MU SICAL nnd THEATRICAL REVIEW , Price One Penny . Used as a programme at the princi pal London and Provincial Music Malls . The Kntr'tictc enjoys an extensive circulation , and gets into the hands of every theatrical and music-hall artiste . It contains a splendid cartoon every week . First-rate medium for advertisers . Subscribers can he supplied by post at i / S per quarter . Published every Saturday , at $ , Catherinestreet , Covent Garden , W . C .
" THE FREEMASON ' ' Supplied by 'p DRISCOLL , Wholesale Newsagent , 87 , ' Farringdon-st ., E . C . South London Branch , 416 , Wandsworth-road , S . W ., e i ght doors from the London Chatham and Dover Rail waj Station . VVho ' csale Publisher to the Trade
SWANSEA . Agent for "The Freemason . " -nRO . CHAS . MAGGS , 24 , Oxford-st ., Swan-•* - ' sea . A . large stock of Aprons , Jewels , Clothing , and every requisite for all Degrees of Freemasonry . Agent for Kenning ' s Masonic Note Paper , Envelopes , Books , Candles , Perfumes , & c . Advertisnients received for " The Freemason . "
SARSAPARILLA . TSTTLKINSON'S ESSENCE , OR FLUID EXTRACT OF RED JAMAICA SARSAPARILLA , pre scribed by the Faculty tor I ' IIKIKVING THE BLOOD , DEIULITY , LIVEB CUMI ' LAINTS , and freeing tire system from effects of Mercury . Exclusively used in India and the Colonies as a prevention to Tropical diseases . " Superior preparations that may always be relied upon . " —Sit Astley Cooper /* "We are in every respect satisfied with it . "—Lancet . "We recommend yours as the best . "—Medical Review . In Quarter , Half , and Pint Untiles . CAUTION . —Spurious and injurious preparations are olTcred to the public . See that Dottle and Label have the name and Address , " T . Wilkinson , late Wilkinson , Bridge , and Co ., No . 270 ; Regent-street , London . "
WHITMORE'S STOMACHIC DINNER V * PILLS . NoPill is so efficacious in | promotrngdigcstion , strengtheningtlie Stomach , correcting acidity , preventing or removing Headache , Giddiness , Sec , arising from a Costive Habit , Debilitated Stomach , or Torpid Liver . They require no change of diet , and those of thc most delicate constitution can lake them with safety . Taken as an adjunct with Wilkinson ' s Sarsaparilla with tlie greatest success .
, QUINTESCENCE OF JAMAICA . G 1 JS GER ^ and CAMOMILE . WILKINSON'S Preparation of ( linger and Camomile has long been deservedly known as an excellent domestic medicine . It is a most eflicient Stomachic Tonic , and the best remedy for Platolency and disorders arising from impaired digestion , and is no affected by climate . No European in India ov tropical climates should he without it . In one-eighth , quarter , and half-pint bottles . / ffi $ j £ * $ S 'YOUNG'S AttXICATED CL / " 5 \ *) COItX AND . 1 IJMUK V ^ gfcS ^ i ' ' VIiAISTKUS txrv , iho host , over invented lor giving :: ii : ! . i :. i ! a'o paso , nnd removing those painful ( wcr . ^ ioiu .-e . s . Prleo (» . and Is . per box . Any Chemist , not having thorn in stock can procure them . 1 Observe tho Trade Mark—1 I . Y—without which nono aro genuine . Be suro and ask for YOUNU ' S .
RUPTURES—HY KOYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE ' S Moc-Main LEVER TRUSS f Is allowed by upwards of 500 Medical Men lo be th most effective invention iu the curative treatment o HERNIA . The use of a steel spring , so often hurtfu in its effects , is here avoided ; a soft bandage being worn round tlie hodv , while the requisite resist i ng power is suplied by the MOC-MAIN PAD and I'ATENT LEVER , lilting with so much ease and closeness that it cannot lie detected , and may be worn during sleep . A descriptive circular may be hud , and the Truss , which can not fail to fit , forwarded by post , on tl ; r circumference nt the body , two inches below the hipt , living tent to the MANL'KACTfKEK , Mr . UI 11 TE , 22 S , Piccarfit . i / , Lumhtu I ' rjec 01 a .-ingle Truss , 16 s ., 21 s ., 26 s . Od . and 3 is /» l ! Postage fret „ of a Double Truss , 31 s . 6 d ., 42 s . and 52 s . Od . Postage free . „ of Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 52 s . 6 d . Postagcf lee . Post Oflice Orders lo be made payable lo J WHITE , PostOflicc Piccadilly . NEW J'AT EXT ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEECAPS , & c . The mateiial of which these are made is recommended hy the faculty as being peculiarly ELASTIC aud COMPRESSIBLE and tlie'best invention forgiving eflicient find permanent support in a ) J cases of WEAKNESS , VARICOSE VEINS , kc . Price 4 s . Od ., 7 s . Od ,, IOS ., and IOS . each . Postage free . SPINAL MACHINES , LEG IRONS , And Kvery Description cT Surgical Appliances . JOHN IPUITE , Manufacturer , 22 S . 1 ' icctidillij , London .
r > lNNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA . — J - The Best Remedy for ACIDITY trf tlie STOMACH , MKARTBURN , HEADACHE , GOUT , AND INDIGESTION , ami the best miM aperient for delieate constitutions , especially adapted lor LADIKS , CHILDREN , and INFANTS . D 1 N N li F ORD & CO . 172 , New lioud Stieet , Loatlcn , tuul o [ all Chemists .
GEORGE REES MAPLE and ROSEWOOD MOULDINGS , best in London . GEO ^ E ^ REES ' GILT MOULDINGS , cheapes in the Trade . GEORGE REES ' ^ 100 , 000 feet of GILT ROOM BORDERING in stcck , from id . per foot . QEORGE REES ^ First-class ENGRAVINGS , from 2 s . each . QEORGE REES ' ^ CHROMOS , from the Best Masters , at reduced prices . 57 , DRURY-IANE , W . C , opposite Drury-lane Theatre
CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR Opiates , Narcotics , and Squills are too often invoked to give relief in Coughs , Colds , and all Pulmonary diseases . I i . « tcad of such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at' « cexpense of enfeebling the digestive organs , and thus incrca ? i » 4 » Aiat debility which lies at the root of the malady , modem r ^ knee points to CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELI > R as the true remedy . SELECT TESTIMONIAL . Dr . Rooke , Scarborough , authorofthe "Anti-Lancet , " says : " I have repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued cough , pain , and irritation of the chest in cases of Polmonaiy Consumption , and I can , with thc greatest confidence , recommtMl it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allays thc local irritation , but improves digestion and strengthens thc constitution . Hence it is used with thc most signal success in Asthma , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , Influenza * Nigh Sweats of Consumption , Quinsey , and ail affections ofthe throat and chest . Sold in bottles at is . gd ., 4 s . 6 d ., and us . each , hy a » l rc « spectablc Chemists , and wholesale by Jas . M . Crosby , Chemist Scarborough . *» * Invalidsshor . IdreadCrosby'sPrize Treatise on "Diseases of the Lungs and Air-Vessels / ' a coyy of which can be had Gratis o » all Chemists .
" FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE ;' WORLD FAMED TRADE MARK , — " BLOOD MIXTURE . " THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER , For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities , can no be too highly recommended . For Scrofula , Scurvy , Skin Diseases , and Sores of all kinds , 'it a never-failing and permanent cure . It Cures old Sores . Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck . Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs . Cures Blackheads , or Pimples on thc Face , Cures Scurvy Sores . Cures Cancerous Ulcers . Cures IJlood and Skin Diseases . Cures Glandular Swellings . Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter , Prom whatever cause arising . As this mixture is pleasant to the taste , and warranted free torn anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex , the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it atrial to test its value . 1 housands of Testimonials from all parts . Sold in Bottles 2 s . &\ . each , ami in Cases , containing six times the quantity , ns .--sufficient to effect a permanent cure in thc great majority of long-standing cases , —BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATKtfTMEm ' CINE VENDORS throughout the United Kingdom and the world , or sent to any address on receipt of J 9 or 132 stamps by F . J . CLARKE , Chemist High-street , Lincoln , Wholesale ; All Patent Medicine Houses ,
WEAK OR DEFECTIVE SIGHT . —SPECTACLISS scientifically adapted to remed y impaired vision lir Mr . ACKI . ANl ) , Surgeon , daily , at Home anil Tliornlllwaitc's , Opticians to tlie Queen , 3 , Holborn Viaduct , London , E . C , Send six stumps tor " i \ cUm « l ' s Hints 011 Spectacles , " vihich cov .. airi » valuable suggestions to snll ' ereis Irom imperfect sight .
COMFORT FOR TENDER FEET . — Try Anthony Scard ' s new material 1 Peculiarly Prepared Porpoise Skin . Soft as silk , i-hiiics like patent , never crack . * , be comes softer nnd liner iu wear , a perlect durable luxury an superlative specialte . K , How Lane , Cheapside , li . C . Ladies ordc skilfully executed . One trial insures satisfaction .
Just published . Free Edition , QUIDETO HEALTH ; or ADVICE AND ^ INSTHUCTIONS for THE CUKE of NERVOUS , MENTAL , and PHYSICAL DEBILITY , Indigestion , and all diseases of the I Jen-mis System , resulting from exhaustion of Nerve I'owei Uv DU . HENRY SMITH , GIVES INSTRUCTIONS for the Development and Strengthening the Human Body , how to Acnuire Health and Strengrh . Secure Long Life , and Avoid lire Inl ' irmilies ot Old Age . Illustrated wilh Testimonials , wilh means ol'Curc rrsed in each case . ' J lie pamphlet will be sent free by post to any ad ' ress on receipt 01 two penny samps . Address , Ur , H , SMITH , 8 , Burton-crescent , London , W . C ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CHARING CROSS STATION TOILET ~ - |§|™ CLUB . ( Continental Booking Office Entrance . ) A Great Convenience and Saving of Time to the ^ - Brethren , desirous of dressing promptly , previous to going to Lodge , Ball , Dinner , & c . Private Dressing Rooms , charge 6 d ., with every attendance and appliance for the Toilet . Evening dress taken care of for the day or season in peifumcd boxes ( locked ) no charge . Baths , Hosiery , Perfumery , Hairdrcssing , Dress Suits , Boots , Opera Hats , Masonic Clothing , Jewels , Swords , & c . Fuller particulars per post ( jd . stamp . ) N . B . —Ladies' Department attached .
104 CHURCH SERMONS , By EMINENT CLERGYMEN . In Two Volumes , Handsomely Bound in Cloth , each , 4 s . REEVES SON AND CO ., Playhraso-yard , London .
BRO . KENNING'S NEW TRACING BOARDS Mounted or . Cloth , tor the Pocket , Price 1 ( 6 .
BRO . J . B . MACNAIR . grtist nub Pjotogriiuljiur . 11 , WEST NILE STREET , GLASGOW . Enlargements in Oil , Water Colour , or Crayons . Full Length Cartes 5 s ., per dozen ; Half Lengths 6 s . ; Vignettes ys . 6 d . ; Cameo and Rembrant , Bust 10 s .
EDWARD M . HAIGH , LATE WATKINS AND HAIGH , P H 0 T 0 G R J P II E R . Special ! te for . Cameo-VigneLles , and Permanent Portraits in Carbon . The S . udio is SPECIALLY adapted for taking Photographs of Brethren in Masonic Costume . MAI SON KEN . 213 , R E G E N T - S T R E E T , W .
THE STRAND TURKISH BATHS , 335 c , OPPOSITE SOMERSET HOUSE . Open daifv for Gentlemen . Teims : from 9 a . m . till 6 p . m ., is . M . From a p . m . till 9 p . m ., is . Ail . One dozen tickets , iirst class , Ct < s . j second class , 15 s . Warm , cold , shower , and diruclie baths . Open on Sundays from 10 a . m . till 4 p . m . Ladies : mornings , Mondays , Wednesdays , and Fridays , attended by Mrs . Smith . ' Proprietor—Mr . 11 . SMITH , From the Hausemam , Jermyn-strect .
THE BIRKBECK Is the oniy BalUUtta Society whose Annual Receipts exceed ONE MILLION ! How to Purchase a House for Tivo Guineas per Montht With immediate possession and no Rent to pav . Apply at thc Officeof the BIKKBliCK BUILDING SOCIETY , 29 & 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . Hcto to purchase a Plot of Land for Five Shillings per Month , With immediate possession , either forBniuiingnrGardening purposes , apply at the Olflce of the BIKKBiiCK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY , 2 i ) 8 c 30 Sonthamplon-buildUgs , Chancer y-iane „ llwjj io invest Atuttcv with safety at £ . \ per cent Interest , Ayp y to the Oilice ofthe iilKKBIiCK BANK . AU sums under £ 50 1 Mtayobie upon demand . Current accounts epened similar to Ordinary Bankers . Che < j ; tc Books supplied . Office hours from 10 till 4 daily , on Mondays from 10 till 9 , and on Saturdays from 10 till 3 . A small pamphlet , containing full particulars , may he obtained gratis , or scut rust-free on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCRO * r . Manager . i 1
"MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and F 1 T-•^ TINGS , Cornopeans , Flutes , Drums , Violins , Organs , Harmoniums , Concertinas , Hows , Strings , Wire . Organ Pipes , Harmonium Ueeds , & c . Experienced Repairers . List lor r . tamp . 13 RO . T . R : WILLIS , 29 , Mirrorics , London . Established 1 S 37 .
PATON'S JURISPRUDENCE OF FREEX MASONBV . Sic , JOS . 6 d . PATON'S FHIiEMASONKY : Its Symbolism , Religious Nature , and Law of 1 ' eifection . 8 vo ., cloth , 10 s . 6 d . PATON'S ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY , or tlie 1717 Theory Exploded . 8 vo ., sewed , is . Reeves and Turner , irjfi , Strand , London .
Q . LENFIELD STARCH is thc only kind ^ - ^ used in Her Majesty ' s Laundry , Those Ladies who have not yet used the Glcnficli ) Starch , are respectfully solicited to give it a trial , and carefully follow out the directions printed on everv package , ll is rather more difficult to make than other Starches , but when this is overcome , they will say , like the Oueen ' s Laundress , that iI is ( he finest . Starch they ever used . " " When you ask for the Glenlield . see that you get it . " GOLD AND SILVER ' SHAVINGST '" FIRE STOVE ORNAMENTS . jicr lb Gilt Plain 3 / 0 „ Crimped 4 / 6 Silvered l'lain -t /< J ,, Crimped s / G Tlie abene on / , 2 , and + « . reel-, : ii . ~ . u in batr . s , 16 . 1 , 22 S ' , 24 s ., nnd 30 s . per i ; io .-s l . riijs . Manufactured byGliOKGli KliiNJSiiS'G , London , Liverpool aud Glasgow .
tiT ^ HE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS . The Largest Masonic Monthly in thc World . Published at St . Louis , Mo ., by George Frank Gouley , Grand Secretary and Recorder of the four Grand Bodies of Missouri . Thc Freemason contains tidings from every quarter of thewo'H , and will be found of great advantage to all Masons , especially those interested in American affairs . Terms § 3 per annum , and to those who subscribe ior thc London Freemason the price will be $ l . $ o currency . Postage free . Subscriptions received at the Office of the London " Freemason " igS , Fleet-street .
THE ENTR'ACTE , A MU SICAL nnd THEATRICAL REVIEW , Price One Penny . Used as a programme at the princi pal London and Provincial Music Malls . The Kntr'tictc enjoys an extensive circulation , and gets into the hands of every theatrical and music-hall artiste . It contains a splendid cartoon every week . First-rate medium for advertisers . Subscribers can he supplied by post at i / S per quarter . Published every Saturday , at $ , Catherinestreet , Covent Garden , W . C .
" THE FREEMASON ' ' Supplied by 'p DRISCOLL , Wholesale Newsagent , 87 , ' Farringdon-st ., E . C . South London Branch , 416 , Wandsworth-road , S . W ., e i ght doors from the London Chatham and Dover Rail waj Station . VVho ' csale Publisher to the Trade
SWANSEA . Agent for "The Freemason . " -nRO . CHAS . MAGGS , 24 , Oxford-st ., Swan-•* - ' sea . A . large stock of Aprons , Jewels , Clothing , and every requisite for all Degrees of Freemasonry . Agent for Kenning ' s Masonic Note Paper , Envelopes , Books , Candles , Perfumes , & c . Advertisnients received for " The Freemason . "
SARSAPARILLA . TSTTLKINSON'S ESSENCE , OR FLUID EXTRACT OF RED JAMAICA SARSAPARILLA , pre scribed by the Faculty tor I ' IIKIKVING THE BLOOD , DEIULITY , LIVEB CUMI ' LAINTS , and freeing tire system from effects of Mercury . Exclusively used in India and the Colonies as a prevention to Tropical diseases . " Superior preparations that may always be relied upon . " —Sit Astley Cooper /* "We are in every respect satisfied with it . "—Lancet . "We recommend yours as the best . "—Medical Review . In Quarter , Half , and Pint Untiles . CAUTION . —Spurious and injurious preparations are olTcred to the public . See that Dottle and Label have the name and Address , " T . Wilkinson , late Wilkinson , Bridge , and Co ., No . 270 ; Regent-street , London . "
WHITMORE'S STOMACHIC DINNER V * PILLS . NoPill is so efficacious in | promotrngdigcstion , strengtheningtlie Stomach , correcting acidity , preventing or removing Headache , Giddiness , Sec , arising from a Costive Habit , Debilitated Stomach , or Torpid Liver . They require no change of diet , and those of thc most delicate constitution can lake them with safety . Taken as an adjunct with Wilkinson ' s Sarsaparilla with tlie greatest success .
, QUINTESCENCE OF JAMAICA . G 1 JS GER ^ and CAMOMILE . WILKINSON'S Preparation of ( linger and Camomile has long been deservedly known as an excellent domestic medicine . It is a most eflicient Stomachic Tonic , and the best remedy for Platolency and disorders arising from impaired digestion , and is no affected by climate . No European in India ov tropical climates should he without it . In one-eighth , quarter , and half-pint bottles . / ffi $ j £ * $ S 'YOUNG'S AttXICATED CL / " 5 \ *) COItX AND . 1 IJMUK V ^ gfcS ^ i ' ' VIiAISTKUS txrv , iho host , over invented lor giving :: ii : ! . i :. i ! a'o paso , nnd removing those painful ( wcr . ^ ioiu .-e . s . Prleo (» . and Is . per box . Any Chemist , not having thorn in stock can procure them . 1 Observe tho Trade Mark—1 I . Y—without which nono aro genuine . Be suro and ask for YOUNU ' S .
RUPTURES—HY KOYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE ' S Moc-Main LEVER TRUSS f Is allowed by upwards of 500 Medical Men lo be th most effective invention iu the curative treatment o HERNIA . The use of a steel spring , so often hurtfu in its effects , is here avoided ; a soft bandage being worn round tlie hodv , while the requisite resist i ng power is suplied by the MOC-MAIN PAD and I'ATENT LEVER , lilting with so much ease and closeness that it cannot lie detected , and may be worn during sleep . A descriptive circular may be hud , and the Truss , which can not fail to fit , forwarded by post , on tl ; r circumference nt the body , two inches below the hipt , living tent to the MANL'KACTfKEK , Mr . UI 11 TE , 22 S , Piccarfit . i / , Lumhtu I ' rjec 01 a .-ingle Truss , 16 s ., 21 s ., 26 s . Od . and 3 is /» l ! Postage fret „ of a Double Truss , 31 s . 6 d ., 42 s . and 52 s . Od . Postage free . „ of Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 52 s . 6 d . Postagcf lee . Post Oflice Orders lo be made payable lo J WHITE , PostOflicc Piccadilly . NEW J'AT EXT ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEECAPS , & c . The mateiial of which these are made is recommended hy the faculty as being peculiarly ELASTIC aud COMPRESSIBLE and tlie'best invention forgiving eflicient find permanent support in a ) J cases of WEAKNESS , VARICOSE VEINS , kc . Price 4 s . Od ., 7 s . Od ,, IOS ., and IOS . each . Postage free . SPINAL MACHINES , LEG IRONS , And Kvery Description cT Surgical Appliances . JOHN IPUITE , Manufacturer , 22 S . 1 ' icctidillij , London .
r > lNNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA . — J - The Best Remedy for ACIDITY trf tlie STOMACH , MKARTBURN , HEADACHE , GOUT , AND INDIGESTION , ami the best miM aperient for delieate constitutions , especially adapted lor LADIKS , CHILDREN , and INFANTS . D 1 N N li F ORD & CO . 172 , New lioud Stieet , Loatlcn , tuul o [ all Chemists .
GEORGE REES MAPLE and ROSEWOOD MOULDINGS , best in London . GEO ^ E ^ REES ' GILT MOULDINGS , cheapes in the Trade . GEORGE REES ' ^ 100 , 000 feet of GILT ROOM BORDERING in stcck , from id . per foot . QEORGE REES ^ First-class ENGRAVINGS , from 2 s . each . QEORGE REES ' ^ CHROMOS , from the Best Masters , at reduced prices . 57 , DRURY-IANE , W . C , opposite Drury-lane Theatre
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