Article TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 575 Knights Templar 575 Red Cross of Constantine 57 " Scotland 57 "
Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire . 578 Obituary 579 The Marquis of Ripon and thc Craft 579 Proposed Royal Scottish Masonic Benevolent Fund ... 5 80 Royal Visit to Plymouth 5 81 Prospectus of Scottish Masonic Benevolent Institution 5 81
COHRESPONDENCE : Royal Visit to Plymouth 582 Order of thc Temple and Malta 5 R 3 Memorials of the Masonic Union of 1815 5 83 " H . M . G . " and our Late Grand Master 5 83
Freemasonry in the Army 5 8 4 Lodge Meetings 5 4 Advertisements 573 574 5 8 ° 5 55 5 7 5 88
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
<» toft Ifasomin PLYMOUTH . —Lodge of Fortitude ( No . loj ) . —Thc above lodge met on Monday evening , September 4 , at the Huyshe Masonic Temple , when there was a full attendance of the brethren , and Bro . Bobert B . Twose , W . M ., was supported by the whole of his officers . The lodge
was opened by the W . M ., and the minutes having been read and approved , W . Bro . James Stevens , the W . M . of Great City Lodge , and a member of the Lodge of Fortitude , being present , by desire of the W . M ., occupied the chair of K . S ., for the purpose of performing the ceremonies in
the first and second degrees . Brother Griffin was passed to the degree of F . C , Brother Stevens ( the acting W . M . ) concluding the impressive ceremony by delivering the lengthy lecture on geometry peculiar to this portion of masonic working . Mr . John S . Roach , after
having been duly ballotted for and accepted as a candidate of Freemasonry , was introduced in an efficient manner and duly initiated into the Order . He was' proposed by V . W Bro . S . Jew , and seconded by James Rowe , P . M ., Secretary . On the proposition of Brother John Northey ,
seconded b y the Senior Warden , a ballot then took place for Bro . John S . Gmy , of Loyalty Lodge , 3 . 1 , 8 , Bermuda , as a joining member ; and Bro . Gray , who was in attendance , was admitted . On vacating the chair , and on its being resumed by Bro . Robert B . Twose , W . M . ; the thanks
of the lodge were voted by acclamation to W . Bro . James Stevens for his interesting services on this occasion , in acknowledg ing which he expressed his pleasure and gratification in having had the opportunity to attend tlie lodge , ancl the great honour which had been accorded to him
by the request to perform the ceremonies . Thanks were also most cordially passed to V . W . Bro . S . Jew , for the very efficient manner in which he had performed the onerous duties allotted to him at the recent Masonic demonstration . He ( Bro . Jew ) has also taken a very
active part in assisting the Deputy Provincial Grand Master in collecting subscriptions for the erection of the new wing to the Royal British Female Orphan Asylum . At the supper , the usual loyal toasts were given , and altogether a very pleasant evening was passed .
BOLTON . —St . Johns Lodge , ( No . 221 ) . — The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the r 6 th inst ., at the Commercial Hotel , Bolton , at seven o ' clock in the evening . There was a very large attendance of members of the lodge , nnd amongst the visitors was
Brother Samuel Walker , of Radcliffe , who had been an active Mason for 42 years , and now in his old age is in the receipt of an annuity from the Royal Benevolent Institution . The lodge ¦ was opened promptly at 6 o ' clock , every
officer at his post viz ., Bro . W . H . J . [ ones , W . M . ; Bro . Grime , S . W . ; Bro . Ruttcr , J . W . ; fnd as usual a large array of Past Masters , including Bios . G . P . Brockbank , P .. Prov . S . G . D ., Bro . Entwisle , P . Prov . Superintendent of
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Works , and Bro . J . W . Taylor , Prov . G . Organist . The lodge having been opened , and ordinary business transacted , proceeded to the third degree , when Bros . Aldred and Stead were raised to the degree of Master Mason by Bro . Entwisle , the concluding portion of the
ceremony being very effectively rendered by Bro . Thomas Mitchell , an old Past Master- of the lodge . At the proceedings subsequent to the banquet , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were g iven and responded to , and in reply to the " ¦ Masonic Charities , " Bro . Brockbank announced
that he . had now twenty members 111 that lodge who had become life subscribers or governors to one or more of these institutions , and that he had succeeded in obtaining the services of one brother in the lodge to serve as Steward for each of the charities for 1875 , viz ., Bro . Ruttcr for the Benevolent Institution , Bro . Green for the
Boys' School , and Bro . Entwisle for the Girls ' School . The pleasure of the brethren was greatly enhanced by the musical treat given by many of the number who , under the able guidance of Bro . Taylor , Director of Ceremonies , and Bro . Staton , Organist , contributed materially to the enjoyment of a very pleasant and happy
re-union . PANMURE LODGE ( No . 7 ) - —This lodge met for its duties at the Balham Hotel , Balham , on Monday evening last , when there were
present , Bro . Henry Payne , W . M . ; C . Pulman S . W . ; W . Withall , S . W . ; G . Lilley , Treasurer ; Henry F . Huntley , P . M ., Secretary ; D . Trusler , S . D . ; Thomas Poore , P . M . ; James Stevens , P . M . and W . M . 1426 ; B . Richardson , Smith
C . P . McKay , W . Cole , T . Kirtland , T . Broadbridge , T . E . Biddlecome , and Dr . Moore . The following visitors also attended : — VV . Steedman , 754 , F . M . ; Geo . Mead , r . 328 , W . M . ; and E . A . Frances , 4 . The minutes of the last lodge meeting , and of the lodge of emergency , were read and confirmed . Bro .
C . P . McKay was passed , having been initiated at the previous meeting . Bros . J . E . Biddlecome and T . Kirtland were raised . A discussion then took place with respect to the arranging of the proposed musical portion of the ceremonies , but the question was adjourned . Two propositions were received for initiation at
the next meeting . Among the other Masonic business which came under the consideration of the lodge was the granting of Boys' votes to Bro . Stevens for the son of a late P . M . of the lodge , which was agreed to . There were no toasts nor songs at thc banquet , held at the close of the meeting , and the whole ofthe proceedings terminated at a comparatively early hour .
WALTHAM NEW TOWN . —King Harold Lodge ( No . 1 , 327 ) held its monthly meeting on the 15 th September , " at the Britannia Hotel , Waltham New Town . There was a numerous attendance of the brethren . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes ot the last
meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Middleton was passed to the second degree . The election ofthe W . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler for the ensuing year then took place . Bro . Charles Lacy , P . M ., P . G . J . D . Herts , was elected as W . M . Bro . Barwick , who has tilled the office
of Treasurer since the foundation of the lodge in 1870 , was re-elected . Bro . Steedman was reelected Tyler . A Past Master ' s jewel , together with five guineas to purchase a life vote in one of the Masonic charities was voted to Bro . J . K . Young , the W . M ., who has , during his
year of office , given entire satisfaction , both as regards the management of the lodge , and also the zeal and ability with which he performed the several duties of his office . A Past Master ' s jewel was voted for Bro . W . C . Barnes , junior , who served the office of W . M . in the King
Harold Lodge for ten months in the years ( 87 1-2 , and who worked very energetically in the formation of the lodge , but was obliged to resign before serving his full year , in consequence of being about to settle in Canada . The death of Bro . James Martin Austin , proprietor of the
Swan and Pike Inn , Enfield Lock , on the 26 th ult ., was announced to the lodge , and the Secretary was instructed to address a letter of condolence to Mrs . Austin , expressing the regret and sympathy of the King Harold Lodge at her recent sad loss . The business ofthe meeting was
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
brought to a close , and the lodge was closed in perfect harmony . The brethren present were Bro . J , K . Young , W . M . ; Bro . J . W . H . Evans , S . W . ; Bro . W . Gilbert , J . W . ; Bro . E . West , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D . Herts ; Bro . C . Lacy , P . M ., P . G . J . D . Herts , the W . M . elect ; Bro . E . Parker , P . M ., P . P . G . P . Herts ; Bro . James
Barwick , Treasurer ; Bro . Thos , Reilly , Sec . ; Bro . W . Moony , S . D . ; Bro . T y deman , J . D . ; Bro . Holmes , I . G . ; Bro . Steedman , Tyler ; Bros . Calvert , Cole , Cox , Creed , Bull , Eversfield , Fisher , Hodges , Jacobs , Kent , Imrie , Leemsden , Middleton , Malcolm , Noyes , Pritchett , Price , Sheldon , Skinner , Shepherd , Robinson , Soul , anil Wvatt .
LEYTONSTONE . —Beacontree Lodge ( No . 1328 ) . —The last meeting of the season of the above lodge was held in the Masonic Rooms , Red Lion Hotel , Leytonstone , on Monday last , on which occasion Bro . W . Mundy was installed in the chair of K . S . Thc ceremony was
efficientlyperformed by Bro . Alcock , P . M . of the lodge . Mr . Jas . Gallagher was subsequently initiated into the mysteries of the Order by the newly installed W . M ., in a most impressive manner . At the close of the bnsiness thc brethren
adjourned for refreshment , and sat down to an excellent repast , prepared by the host , Bro . Thos , Barford , in the best style . The lodge was honoured by a goodly attendance of visitors , among them Bro . Hervey , Grand Secretary .
IVY LODGE ( NO . 1441 ) . —The brethren belonging to this youthful and vigorous offshoot of Metropolitan Freemasonry , were summoned to attend to their duties on Tuesday , the 15 th inst ., at the Windsor Castle Tavern , Southwark Bridge-road , on repairing to which hostelry the
brethren were gratified to find that dnring the recess , the spirited proprietor , Bro . Block , had made some extensive and very much wanted improvements in the lodge accommodation , which is now equal to all which is likely to be demanded for some years to come . The lodge
on this occasion was announced for 6 .. 30 , and the officers and candidates were particulary requested to be punctual in their attendance , a request , which we regrel , was not more rigidly attended to , the consequence being that the W . M . was unable to proceed to the duties ofthe
evening until nearly eight o ' clock , and although only the second and third ceremonies were worked , owing to the scrupulous and enrehd manner in which every candidate receives his various degrees in thc Ivv Lodge , it was long after ten o ' clock before the Iodsje was closed ,
and considerably after eleven before the cold collation which succeeded could possibly be served . We hope some pressure will be put on future candidates to obviate this unseemly delay . We have before now , in these columns , bore cheerful testimony to the excellence of the
working ofthe Ivy Lodge , by Bro . Charles Smith , W . M ., and his talented officers . The working of the two degrees this evening was up to the former high standard , being listened to with the greatest interest by many brethren to whom every sellable uttered was as familiar to them
as their own names . The ceremonies were beautifully rendered , the various candidates for the third degree , as we have already stated , being separately introduced . Propositions of fresh candidates were made before the lodge was closed , Besides the W . M ,, there were present Bros . G . Mattock , S . W . ; f . J . Cantle ,
f . W . ; E . Thurkle , Treasurer ; C . S . Jolly , W . M . 87 , Secretary ; C . F . Poupard , S . D . ; L . Cornelison , f . D . ; and many others . Also Bros . J . Ashwell , 22 ; Laing , P . M . ; 4 ^ ; E . Harris , P . M . and Treasurer , 73 ; G . Morris , P . M . 7 . 3 ; W . M . Robinson , ilj ; E . Farwig , 18 9 ; W . P . Drew , 749 D . S . Stewait , 115 S ; C . C . King , j . 321 ; and others .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
PKESCOT . — l / Ai / liain de lu More Knctiin / iment . — A . conclave of the Kni ghts of tliii encampment was held at the New Court House , Prescot , on Thursday , the 17 th inst ., when there was a good attendance of the members of the conclave . Amongst those present were Sir Kni ghts J . W . J . Fowler , P . E . Preceptor ; G . Turner ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 575 Knights Templar 575 Red Cross of Constantine 57 " Scotland 57 "
Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire . 578 Obituary 579 The Marquis of Ripon and thc Craft 579 Proposed Royal Scottish Masonic Benevolent Fund ... 5 80 Royal Visit to Plymouth 5 81 Prospectus of Scottish Masonic Benevolent Institution 5 81
COHRESPONDENCE : Royal Visit to Plymouth 582 Order of thc Temple and Malta 5 R 3 Memorials of the Masonic Union of 1815 5 83 " H . M . G . " and our Late Grand Master 5 83
Freemasonry in the Army 5 8 4 Lodge Meetings 5 4 Advertisements 573 574 5 8 ° 5 55 5 7 5 88
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
<» toft Ifasomin PLYMOUTH . —Lodge of Fortitude ( No . loj ) . —Thc above lodge met on Monday evening , September 4 , at the Huyshe Masonic Temple , when there was a full attendance of the brethren , and Bro . Bobert B . Twose , W . M ., was supported by the whole of his officers . The lodge
was opened by the W . M ., and the minutes having been read and approved , W . Bro . James Stevens , the W . M . of Great City Lodge , and a member of the Lodge of Fortitude , being present , by desire of the W . M ., occupied the chair of K . S ., for the purpose of performing the ceremonies in
the first and second degrees . Brother Griffin was passed to the degree of F . C , Brother Stevens ( the acting W . M . ) concluding the impressive ceremony by delivering the lengthy lecture on geometry peculiar to this portion of masonic working . Mr . John S . Roach , after
having been duly ballotted for and accepted as a candidate of Freemasonry , was introduced in an efficient manner and duly initiated into the Order . He was' proposed by V . W Bro . S . Jew , and seconded by James Rowe , P . M ., Secretary . On the proposition of Brother John Northey ,
seconded b y the Senior Warden , a ballot then took place for Bro . John S . Gmy , of Loyalty Lodge , 3 . 1 , 8 , Bermuda , as a joining member ; and Bro . Gray , who was in attendance , was admitted . On vacating the chair , and on its being resumed by Bro . Robert B . Twose , W . M . ; the thanks
of the lodge were voted by acclamation to W . Bro . James Stevens for his interesting services on this occasion , in acknowledg ing which he expressed his pleasure and gratification in having had the opportunity to attend tlie lodge , ancl the great honour which had been accorded to him
by the request to perform the ceremonies . Thanks were also most cordially passed to V . W . Bro . S . Jew , for the very efficient manner in which he had performed the onerous duties allotted to him at the recent Masonic demonstration . He ( Bro . Jew ) has also taken a very
active part in assisting the Deputy Provincial Grand Master in collecting subscriptions for the erection of the new wing to the Royal British Female Orphan Asylum . At the supper , the usual loyal toasts were given , and altogether a very pleasant evening was passed .
BOLTON . —St . Johns Lodge , ( No . 221 ) . — The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the r 6 th inst ., at the Commercial Hotel , Bolton , at seven o ' clock in the evening . There was a very large attendance of members of the lodge , nnd amongst the visitors was
Brother Samuel Walker , of Radcliffe , who had been an active Mason for 42 years , and now in his old age is in the receipt of an annuity from the Royal Benevolent Institution . The lodge ¦ was opened promptly at 6 o ' clock , every
officer at his post viz ., Bro . W . H . J . [ ones , W . M . ; Bro . Grime , S . W . ; Bro . Ruttcr , J . W . ; fnd as usual a large array of Past Masters , including Bios . G . P . Brockbank , P .. Prov . S . G . D ., Bro . Entwisle , P . Prov . Superintendent of
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Works , and Bro . J . W . Taylor , Prov . G . Organist . The lodge having been opened , and ordinary business transacted , proceeded to the third degree , when Bros . Aldred and Stead were raised to the degree of Master Mason by Bro . Entwisle , the concluding portion of the
ceremony being very effectively rendered by Bro . Thomas Mitchell , an old Past Master- of the lodge . At the proceedings subsequent to the banquet , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were g iven and responded to , and in reply to the " ¦ Masonic Charities , " Bro . Brockbank announced
that he . had now twenty members 111 that lodge who had become life subscribers or governors to one or more of these institutions , and that he had succeeded in obtaining the services of one brother in the lodge to serve as Steward for each of the charities for 1875 , viz ., Bro . Ruttcr for the Benevolent Institution , Bro . Green for the
Boys' School , and Bro . Entwisle for the Girls ' School . The pleasure of the brethren was greatly enhanced by the musical treat given by many of the number who , under the able guidance of Bro . Taylor , Director of Ceremonies , and Bro . Staton , Organist , contributed materially to the enjoyment of a very pleasant and happy
re-union . PANMURE LODGE ( No . 7 ) - —This lodge met for its duties at the Balham Hotel , Balham , on Monday evening last , when there were
present , Bro . Henry Payne , W . M . ; C . Pulman S . W . ; W . Withall , S . W . ; G . Lilley , Treasurer ; Henry F . Huntley , P . M ., Secretary ; D . Trusler , S . D . ; Thomas Poore , P . M . ; James Stevens , P . M . and W . M . 1426 ; B . Richardson , Smith
C . P . McKay , W . Cole , T . Kirtland , T . Broadbridge , T . E . Biddlecome , and Dr . Moore . The following visitors also attended : — VV . Steedman , 754 , F . M . ; Geo . Mead , r . 328 , W . M . ; and E . A . Frances , 4 . The minutes of the last lodge meeting , and of the lodge of emergency , were read and confirmed . Bro .
C . P . McKay was passed , having been initiated at the previous meeting . Bros . J . E . Biddlecome and T . Kirtland were raised . A discussion then took place with respect to the arranging of the proposed musical portion of the ceremonies , but the question was adjourned . Two propositions were received for initiation at
the next meeting . Among the other Masonic business which came under the consideration of the lodge was the granting of Boys' votes to Bro . Stevens for the son of a late P . M . of the lodge , which was agreed to . There were no toasts nor songs at thc banquet , held at the close of the meeting , and the whole ofthe proceedings terminated at a comparatively early hour .
WALTHAM NEW TOWN . —King Harold Lodge ( No . 1 , 327 ) held its monthly meeting on the 15 th September , " at the Britannia Hotel , Waltham New Town . There was a numerous attendance of the brethren . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes ot the last
meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Middleton was passed to the second degree . The election ofthe W . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler for the ensuing year then took place . Bro . Charles Lacy , P . M ., P . G . J . D . Herts , was elected as W . M . Bro . Barwick , who has tilled the office
of Treasurer since the foundation of the lodge in 1870 , was re-elected . Bro . Steedman was reelected Tyler . A Past Master ' s jewel , together with five guineas to purchase a life vote in one of the Masonic charities was voted to Bro . J . K . Young , the W . M ., who has , during his
year of office , given entire satisfaction , both as regards the management of the lodge , and also the zeal and ability with which he performed the several duties of his office . A Past Master ' s jewel was voted for Bro . W . C . Barnes , junior , who served the office of W . M . in the King
Harold Lodge for ten months in the years ( 87 1-2 , and who worked very energetically in the formation of the lodge , but was obliged to resign before serving his full year , in consequence of being about to settle in Canada . The death of Bro . James Martin Austin , proprietor of the
Swan and Pike Inn , Enfield Lock , on the 26 th ult ., was announced to the lodge , and the Secretary was instructed to address a letter of condolence to Mrs . Austin , expressing the regret and sympathy of the King Harold Lodge at her recent sad loss . The business ofthe meeting was
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
brought to a close , and the lodge was closed in perfect harmony . The brethren present were Bro . J , K . Young , W . M . ; Bro . J . W . H . Evans , S . W . ; Bro . W . Gilbert , J . W . ; Bro . E . West , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D . Herts ; Bro . C . Lacy , P . M ., P . G . J . D . Herts , the W . M . elect ; Bro . E . Parker , P . M ., P . P . G . P . Herts ; Bro . James
Barwick , Treasurer ; Bro . Thos , Reilly , Sec . ; Bro . W . Moony , S . D . ; Bro . T y deman , J . D . ; Bro . Holmes , I . G . ; Bro . Steedman , Tyler ; Bros . Calvert , Cole , Cox , Creed , Bull , Eversfield , Fisher , Hodges , Jacobs , Kent , Imrie , Leemsden , Middleton , Malcolm , Noyes , Pritchett , Price , Sheldon , Skinner , Shepherd , Robinson , Soul , anil Wvatt .
LEYTONSTONE . —Beacontree Lodge ( No . 1328 ) . —The last meeting of the season of the above lodge was held in the Masonic Rooms , Red Lion Hotel , Leytonstone , on Monday last , on which occasion Bro . W . Mundy was installed in the chair of K . S . Thc ceremony was
efficientlyperformed by Bro . Alcock , P . M . of the lodge . Mr . Jas . Gallagher was subsequently initiated into the mysteries of the Order by the newly installed W . M ., in a most impressive manner . At the close of the bnsiness thc brethren
adjourned for refreshment , and sat down to an excellent repast , prepared by the host , Bro . Thos , Barford , in the best style . The lodge was honoured by a goodly attendance of visitors , among them Bro . Hervey , Grand Secretary .
IVY LODGE ( NO . 1441 ) . —The brethren belonging to this youthful and vigorous offshoot of Metropolitan Freemasonry , were summoned to attend to their duties on Tuesday , the 15 th inst ., at the Windsor Castle Tavern , Southwark Bridge-road , on repairing to which hostelry the
brethren were gratified to find that dnring the recess , the spirited proprietor , Bro . Block , had made some extensive and very much wanted improvements in the lodge accommodation , which is now equal to all which is likely to be demanded for some years to come . The lodge
on this occasion was announced for 6 .. 30 , and the officers and candidates were particulary requested to be punctual in their attendance , a request , which we regrel , was not more rigidly attended to , the consequence being that the W . M . was unable to proceed to the duties ofthe
evening until nearly eight o ' clock , and although only the second and third ceremonies were worked , owing to the scrupulous and enrehd manner in which every candidate receives his various degrees in thc Ivv Lodge , it was long after ten o ' clock before the Iodsje was closed ,
and considerably after eleven before the cold collation which succeeded could possibly be served . We hope some pressure will be put on future candidates to obviate this unseemly delay . We have before now , in these columns , bore cheerful testimony to the excellence of the
working ofthe Ivy Lodge , by Bro . Charles Smith , W . M ., and his talented officers . The working of the two degrees this evening was up to the former high standard , being listened to with the greatest interest by many brethren to whom every sellable uttered was as familiar to them
as their own names . The ceremonies were beautifully rendered , the various candidates for the third degree , as we have already stated , being separately introduced . Propositions of fresh candidates were made before the lodge was closed , Besides the W . M ,, there were present Bros . G . Mattock , S . W . ; f . J . Cantle ,
f . W . ; E . Thurkle , Treasurer ; C . S . Jolly , W . M . 87 , Secretary ; C . F . Poupard , S . D . ; L . Cornelison , f . D . ; and many others . Also Bros . J . Ashwell , 22 ; Laing , P . M . ; 4 ^ ; E . Harris , P . M . and Treasurer , 73 ; G . Morris , P . M . 7 . 3 ; W . M . Robinson , ilj ; E . Farwig , 18 9 ; W . P . Drew , 749 D . S . Stewait , 115 S ; C . C . King , j . 321 ; and others .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
PKESCOT . — l / Ai / liain de lu More Knctiin / iment . — A . conclave of the Kni ghts of tliii encampment was held at the New Court House , Prescot , on Thursday , the 17 th inst ., when there was a good attendance of the members of the conclave . Amongst those present were Sir Kni ghts J . W . J . Fowler , P . E . Preceptor ; G . Turner ,