Article Masonic Notes and Queries. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
arranged . I shall be glad to receive particulars ( addressed to me ' at Torquay , Devon ) of any " Atholl " Lodges ( extinct or on the Roll ) which refer to their places of meeting prior to December , 1 S 13 , and which have not hitherto been published . Also to know of any engraved lists of lodges additional to those preserved by the Grand Lodge , or
those owned by Bros . George Taylor , James Newton , William Watson , and the " Royal Cumberland Lodge , " No . 41 , Bath ; as Bro . Lane naturally desires to know of the whereabouts of lists and calendars of last century which have escaped our observation . Also we want Grand Lodge Calendars for 1777-S-9-S 0 and 1 S 1 C . W . I . HUGHAN .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
( Kraft ilESonriL CITY OF LONDON LODGE ( No . 901 ) . —A meeting of the above lodge was held at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , E . G ., on Monday , the 21 st inst ., when there were present Bros . McClelland , W . M . ; David Hughes , I . P . M . ; H . Harbord , S . W . ; Dan Hughes , T . VV . ; John Hughes , P . M ., Treas . ; Chas . Beaumont , P . M ., Sec , P . G . A . D . C . Essex ; R . Pittam Stevens , S . D . ; lohn P . Hoddinott , J . D . ; R . Clinch , D . C . ; R . S . Whur ,
I . G . ; E . Hand , Org . ; Haylock , W . S . ; Prince and Rubardt , Stwds . ; Ginger , P . M . ; G . A . Cundy , P . M . ; Lewis , P . M . ; Fisher , Faux , Russell , Eade , E . VV . Cundy , Clarke , H . Smith , Rogers , E . Venner , Burnell , Newman , VV . Venner , Bater , Ford , Ross , Follett , Dance , P . M . 754 ; Olivers , Corkhill , Whitnall , Taylor , and Alder . Visitors : Bros . Williams , P . M . 933 ; John Glass , P . M . 453 , P . G . S . of VV . Essex ; Tilling , W . M . and S . E . 765 ; Seigenberg , S . D . 212 ; Evans , W . M . 1922 ; Barnett , 177 ; and Hardy ,
2045 . After the minutes of last meeting had been confirmed , the ballot was taken for Bro . W . Johnson , S 61 , as a joining member , after which Messrs . John Brown Jackson and Thos . William Venner were balloted for and initiated . The ballots in each case were unanimous . The Secretary then presented , and the W . M ., officers , and members signed , a petition to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls on behalf
of a daughter of the late Bro . J . B . Turner , a deceased member . At the dinner which followed , and which was served in a manner which reflected great credit upon Messrs . Ritter and Clifford , the W . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were greeted in a hearty and enthusiastic manner by the members and visitors . The I . P . M ., Bro . David Hughes , then took charge of the
gavel , and , in proposing "The W . M . ' s Health , " said the more they saw of their W . M . the more they were impressed with his good fellowship , and also his superabundance of good feeling towards the interests of their lodge . They all knew that he was discharging his duties as W . M . with that fervency and zeal which must and would endear him to all the members ; and he asked them all to join him in wishing their W . M . long life and happiness .
The Worshipful Master , in responding , said he was exceedingly grateful to the I . P . M . for the kindness expressed by him , and that his heart was fully animated by the many cordial wishes of the members towards him . He was pleased to meet the members again at the commencement of the winter session , and trusted that they would have a successful season . He was particularly sorry that circumstances had prevented Bro . Parsons , the candidate for
raising , from attending ; and , in conclusion , he hoped that as long as he was a member of the lodge , he would always have the hearty support and experience those kind feelings the members expressed towards him that evening . The Worshipful Master then proposed * ' The Health of the Initiates , " and said that he had had the pleasure of knowing one of the initiates—Bro . Jackson—for a good many years , and as Bro . Venner had already two brothers
members of the lodge , it needed but a few words from him to ask them to join him in drinking to their good healths , as he was quite convinced that each of the new members would not only be an acquisition , but would bring credit to the lodge , and assist to maintain the prestige , of which they were all so proud . The Initiates briefly responded , and thanked the W . M . and brethren for their kindness in receiving them into
Freemasonry . The toast of "The Visitors" was replied to by Bros . Williams , Glass , and Hardy ; Bro . Glass expressing a hope that all the members of the City of London Lodge would visit him at the Chigwell Lodge , Chingford . The remaining toasts having been given and duly responded to , a very pleasant evening was brought to a close , several of the members and visitors having considerably enhanced the enjoyment by songs and recitations .
LEBANON LODGE ( No . 1326 ) . —The last regular meeting of the year was held at the Railway Hotel , Feltham , on _ Saturday , the igth inst . The W . M ., Bro . Fletcher Knight , was unavoidably absent , as were also many of his officers , and a large number of the members , liro . J . J . Marsh , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., I . P . M ., presided as the W . M ., and was supported by Bros . W . R . Vassila , S . W . ; J . Lawrence , J . W . ; E . Gilbert , P . G . A . P . Middx .,
P . M ., Treas . ; Frederick Walters , P . P . G . D . Middx ., Sec ; C . A . Baker , J . D . ; W . Walters , I . G . ; J . A . Wilson , C . S . ; J . C . Goslin , W . S . ; F . Dunstan , Asst . Sec ; R . J . Morley , A . W . S . ; H . Forss , W . M . 917 ; ] . R . Cox , H . Lee , J . St . Aubin Paul , G . H . Eaton , Stwd . ; S . Wheeler , Stwd . ; and W . J . Babb . The visitors were Bros , -the Rev . J . Baker , 2024 ; Wakefield Reed , HJ 22 ; and J . Sims , W . M . 834 . The only work which presented itself was the raising of
Bro . J . \ i . Cox , in which ceremony Bro . J . J . Marsh acquitted himself in his usual admirable manner . After the explanation of the working tools had been given , lodge was closed down to the First Degree . The Secretary then had the painful duty to read out the petition of a member —a chief engineer ( late R . N . )— , who , in January , 1 SS 4 , was wrecked , and saved only what be stood upright in ; and again , in June , 1 SS . 5 , was wrecked at Cape Guardafui , Africa . He saved his life by swimming to the shore , losing all his valuables . With other fellow sufferers he was led
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
into captivity by hostile natives , undergoing unheard of hardships and severities for thirty days , when they were rescued and ransomed by an English man-of-war . He was most kindly treated by the Masons at Aden , who not only succoured his wants , but most generously gave a good sum amongst the crew of his unfortunate and ill-fated ship . Intense sympathy was felt , the petition being signed by all present . It was arranged to give him a liberal donation
foom the lodge Benevolent Fund . The Secretary ( formerly of the Royal Navy ) was deeply moved whilst reading the petition . After names had been given in for joining and initiation on May 15 th , 1 S 86 , the lodge was duly closed . It was announced that the W . M ., although absent , showed the very great and real interest he took in the lodge by consenting to accept his second Stewardship during his year of office ; being already Steward for the Benevolent
Institution , he now added the Stewardship for the Boys' Institution . So far , for 1 SS 6 , the Lebanon Lodge will send up nine Stewards to represent it at the Masonic Charities ; in 1 SS 5 , twelve Stewards _ represented it . Bro . J . J . Marsh presided at the festive board . After ample justice had been done to the good fare provided by
the host , Bro . H . P . Harris , who , as usual with him , was unremitting in his exertions to see every one well served , the usual toasts were given and responded to . Songs and recitations were well given , and enhanced the pleasures of the evening . Bro . Wakefield Reed delighted all by his splendid singing . The brethren separated after a most enjoyable evening .
LOYALTY LODGE ( No . 1607 ) . —The installation meeting ' of this successful lodge was held on Saturday , the 12 th inst ., at the London Tavern , Fenchurch-street , when Bro . W . Gayton , M . D ., was duly installed W . M . in succession to Bro . W . Giller . The lodge was opened by Bro . Giller , W . M ., who was supported then and during the proceedings by an assemblage of officers , brethren , and visitors . The whole of the ceremonial was rendered by
the W . M ., who afterwards received well merited praise for the manner in which he delivered the charges . Bro . Dr . Gayton having been presented and duly pledged his adherence to our ancient charges and regulations , as announced by Bro . John Newton , P . M ., the honoured and trustworthy Secretary , was [ duly obligated . Subsequently upon the retirement of all brethren below the dignity of an Installed Master , Bro . Gayton was in a duly formed
Board of Masters impressively inducted into the chair of K . S . according to ancient form . The usual honours were paid to the newly-installed Master by the brethren , and the officers were appointed and invested , Bro . Gayton's address to each officer being very correctly and most appropriately delivered . The following are the appointments : Bros . W . Giller , I . P . M . ; J . R . Large , S . W . ; R . S . Cushing , J . W . ; F . Brown , P . M . 174 , 1607 , Treas .: T .
Newton , P . M . 174 , 1607 , Sec ; A . ] . Clark , S . D . ; E . Holdsworth , J . D . ; R . F . Hunter , I . G ' . ; T . F . Hodgson , D . C ; C . H . Webb , P . M . 174 , 1607 , and C . H . Holford , Stwds . ; and J . Verrey , Tyler . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which reflected all credit upon the manager of the tavern , Bro . Start . At the conclusion of the repast the usual formal toasts having been drunk with full Masonic honours , the W . M . proposed " The Health of the I . P . M ., "
concluding by pinning a very handsome P . M . ' s jewel upon his breast , which had been voted by the brethren as an earnest of the high appreciation in which they held him . The remaining toasts were also suitably honoured . By the excellent singing of Bro . F . A . Brown and his talented professional jjrethren , the proceedings were much enlivened . Bro . Rose also gave a couple of excellent recitations . Loyalty Lodge now starts upon a fresh year of Masonic life , and we venture to predict a happy and prosperous one .
WEST SMITHFIELD LODGE ( No . 1623 ) . — The installation meeting was held at Freemasons' Hall on the 17 th inst . The lodge was opened in due form by the W . M ., Bro . G . H . Stephens , assisted by Bros . J . J . Howes , S . W . ; R . B . Greenwood , J . W . ; J . Howes , P . M ., Treas . ; E . Mallett , P . M ., Sec ; H . J . Lardner , I . P . M . ; Wm . Pennefather , P . M . ; T . McClure Butt , P . M . ; R . F . Brickdale , J . D . ; W . C . Brasher , I . G . ; S . Renaut , Asst .
D . C ; H . K . Clisby , F . J . Rumball , and E . Roberts , Stwds . ; S . C . H . Rumbalf , T . C Hodges , P . H . Clisby , M . W . Worrell , C J . Smith , G . C Chatwin , F . H . Linnett , A . W . Price , J . L . Jackson , E . Bradsell , P . A . Bolander , F . O . Damm , H . Taylor , F . G . Cooper , G . Higgins , and J . Fleming . Visitors : Bros . T . Glass , 860 ; VV . G . Caulfield , 1269 ; C . H . Freyer , S 79 ; S . C Haslip , P . M . S 13 ; C . W . Pridmore , P . M . 1310 ; S . Osburn ,
1571 ; F . Vandenheede , 54 s ; R . P . Stevens , S . D . 001 ; W . Goodcbild , P . M . 704 ; H . E . Coffin , J . W . 167 ; J . Houghton , 173 ; B . Foster , 19 S 6 ; H . W . Kedgley , S . W . 1614 ; and F . Walters , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Middx . The minutes of previous regular and emergency lodge meetings were read and confirmed , and Bro . Otto Damm was passed , after which Bro . J . J . Howes , S . W ., W . M . elect , was next presented , and having given the usual
undertakings , was ably installed by his predecessor , Bro . G . H . Stephens , I . P . M . The P . M . 's having saluted and offered good wishes to the W . M ., the brethren in the various grades were admitted and saluted in regular order . The W . M . then invested his officers as follows : Bros . R . B . Greenwood , S . W . ; R . F . Brickdale , J . W . ; J . Howes , P . M ., Chap ., and Treas . pro tem . ; E . Mallett , P . M ., Sec . ; W . C Brasher , S . D . ; McButt , P . M ., for Bro . N .
Mackay , J . D . ; S . Renaut , I . G . ; H . K . Clisby , D . C . ; J . F . Rumball , W . S . ; E . Roberts , A . D . C . ; J . J . Cooper and P . H . Clisby , Stwds . ; and C . J . Smith , Org . Bro . G . H . Stephens , the Installing Master , then delivered the addresses , receiving hearty applause at the finish . Bro . H . J . Lardner , P . M ., acted as D . C . Criticism on the ceremony is unnecessary when Bros . Lardner and Stephens are mentioned in connection therewith , their abilities being so
well known in London Craft Masonry , suffice it to say all was done that was possible to be done . Ballot was then taken for Mr . Wm . A . Hayward , which proved unanimous , and that gentleman being present , was initiated into Freemasonry , the newly-installed Master proving himself equal to every expectation . The Auditors' report was then
submitted by Bro . F . J . Rumball , informing the brethren the result of their labours , and was happy to say that a handsome balance was in hand to commence the ensuing year . The report , as read , being unanimously adopted , a vote of thanks to the Auditors ( Bros . Rumball , Price , and Chatwin ) for their services was proposed and carried by the lodge , for , which they returned thanks . The brethren also were unani-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
mous in a vote of thanks to Bro . G . H . Stephens , I . P . M ., the Installing Master . The W . M . fixed a 10 guinea jewel to Bro . Stephens' breast , as a mark of high esteem of the brethren for faithfully discharging the duties of the past session . Bro . Stephens , in well selected words , returned thanks . The W . M . offered himself as a Steward for the ensuing festival of the Girls' School , Bro . H . J . Lardner ,
P . M ., offering to stand for the festival of the Boys' School , and , in accepting these spontaneous offers , the lodge voted 10 guineas to each of the worthy brethren ; : to start their list . After some other business the W . M . conducted the members and visitors to the Holbora Restaurant , to partake of that which gives strength to the body and mirth to the soul ,
Bro . Hamp placing a banquet on the table which , for quality , quantity , and attendance , could scarcely , if at all , be surpassed , and universal satisfaction was felt by all present . Mention might also be made of the beautifully arranged dessert , consisting of the choicest fruits of the day . The cloth being cleared , the W . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were very heartily received .
Bro . G . H . Stephens , I . P . M ., rising to propose "The W . M ., " said , owing to the heavy labours of the evening , and the long time it had taken to get through their repast , he would not on this occasion detain them with a long speech , he would just say that the right man had been put in the right place , and they had seen that evening , by the W . M . working the initiation ceremony , a proof of their wise
selection , and was sure what they all looked for would be forthcoming ; he would again assure him that himself and all the brethren would rally round him , and make his year of office a pleasurable one ; and the brethren would best show their approval by charging bumpers , and give the toast a hearty reception , which was duly given . The W . M . rose and replied , expressing his hope that in
selecting his officers it met with their approval , his desire being to do his duty to the Craft , and give satisfaction to the brethren of the lodge , and begged , in conclusion , to thank them for the reception the toast had received . The W . M . then gave "The Past Masters , " to which Bro . J . Howes , P . M ., replied . The next toast was that of " The Initiate , " coupling the
name of Bro . Damm , who was obliged ro be absent from the banquet at the previous meeting , but now expressed his gratification at having joined the Craft . Bro . Hayward also expressed the pleasure he felt at having joined the West Smithfield Lodge . His father was a Mason before him , and hehimself had long desired to become one . The reception accorded him among them that
evening was very gratifying ; he felt unable to express his feelings at the cordial reception given him , but trusted to do so on some future occasion , when better versed with Masonic knowledge and usage . " The Visitors " were next proposed , the W . M . bidding them welcome to the lodge . He was happy to say that they rarely assembled without one or more visitors . He
felt quite safe in saying that the brethren all united with himself in giving them their " Hearty good wishes . " The toast being drank with honours , the visiting brethren individually returned thanks . The W . M . then proposed "The Officers of the Lodge , " in whom he felt the greatest confidence , knowing that they were all equal to the duties assigned to them . He hoped
they would be regular and punctual in their attendance , and that they would strive with himself in keeping the West Smithfield Lodge up to its proper mark . The time being short , he would mention Bro . Greenwood , S . W ., to reply to the officers' toast . An excellent fire followed . Bro . Greenwood , returning thanks , expressed the pleasure they all felt on receiving their various appointments . He would assure the W . M . that the confidence that he felt
towards his officers was fully reciprocated , and begged to thank the W . M . and the brethren , on behalf of the officers , for so handsomely responding to the toast . Bro . W . Smyth , who had again been invested as Tyler , then assumed the gavel , and brought one of the happiest of the West Smithfield meetings to a close . Owing to short addresses more time was given to harmony , which was well sustained by Bros . E . Roberts , Renaut , Hodges , S . C . H . Rumball , Caulfield ( visitor ) , and others .
HASTINGS . —Derwent Lodge ( No . 40 ) This old lodge met for the dispatch of business at the Castle Hotel , on Monday , the 4 th inst . The W . M ., Bro . F . Plowman , presided , supported by the following officers and brethren : Bros . Councillor W . H . Russell , I . P . M . ; F . H . Hallett , S . W . ; T . W . Markwick , J . W . ; F . Rossiter , P . G . D . of C , P . M ., Treas . ; Alderman Cant .
E . W . J . Hennah , R . N ., P . M ., Sec . ; H . Gloyns , S . D . j F . Duke , I . G . ; Leslie , Tyler ; T . H . Cole , P . P . G . A . D . of C , P . M . ; Edwin Bradnam ( Mayor ) , Dr . J . Abram , J . Pearce , P . M . ; R . J . Reed , Peter Robinson , W . S . Allen , R . Dengate , G . Randell , F . C Edwards , R . Jones , R . lWalmsley , G . J . Hilliard , S . Case , C Reinmann , W . Cooper , and others . Visitor : Bro . W . Robertson , 261 , 442 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read
and confirmed , Bros . Cooper and Reinmann were duly passed to the Second Degree by the W . M ., in a very able and impressive manner . Other business having been disposed of , lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to a well served collation , after which the usual Masonic and complimentary toasts were pro * posed and duly responded to . The evening was rendered very enjoyable by some excellent vocal and instrumental talent .
MAIDENHEAD . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 795 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Ray Mead Hotel on Wednesday , the 16 th inst ., when there were present Bros . John Innes , W . M . ; C Dairy , P . M . 141 , as S . W . ; E . W . Allen , P . M . 173 , J . W . ; W . Holcombe , as S . D . ; C Deanng , as J . D . ; E . J . Withers , I . G . ; T . B . Linscott , P . M . 55 , I . P . M . ; H . H . Hodges , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W ., Sec ; C Shepperd , Tyler ; C S . Bailey , J . Cutbill , Fenton
W . , A . J . G . Waterhouse , and W . Deacon . Visitors : Bros . C . Dairy , P . M . 141 ; G . Coop , J . W . 141 , Sec . 2021 , and 1612 ; G . G . Butcher , 569 ; and W . F . Harling , 975 . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last lodge were read , confirmed , and signed . Owing to an omission in forwarding to Grand Lodge a change in the bye-laws , it became necessary to again ^ proceed to the election of a W . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler . The choice of the brethren was again unanimously recorded in favour of Bro . John Greenfield , P . M . 1602 , W . M . ; Bro . John Finch ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
arranged . I shall be glad to receive particulars ( addressed to me ' at Torquay , Devon ) of any " Atholl " Lodges ( extinct or on the Roll ) which refer to their places of meeting prior to December , 1 S 13 , and which have not hitherto been published . Also to know of any engraved lists of lodges additional to those preserved by the Grand Lodge , or
those owned by Bros . George Taylor , James Newton , William Watson , and the " Royal Cumberland Lodge , " No . 41 , Bath ; as Bro . Lane naturally desires to know of the whereabouts of lists and calendars of last century which have escaped our observation . Also we want Grand Lodge Calendars for 1777-S-9-S 0 and 1 S 1 C . W . I . HUGHAN .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
( Kraft ilESonriL CITY OF LONDON LODGE ( No . 901 ) . —A meeting of the above lodge was held at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , E . G ., on Monday , the 21 st inst ., when there were present Bros . McClelland , W . M . ; David Hughes , I . P . M . ; H . Harbord , S . W . ; Dan Hughes , T . VV . ; John Hughes , P . M ., Treas . ; Chas . Beaumont , P . M ., Sec , P . G . A . D . C . Essex ; R . Pittam Stevens , S . D . ; lohn P . Hoddinott , J . D . ; R . Clinch , D . C . ; R . S . Whur ,
I . G . ; E . Hand , Org . ; Haylock , W . S . ; Prince and Rubardt , Stwds . ; Ginger , P . M . ; G . A . Cundy , P . M . ; Lewis , P . M . ; Fisher , Faux , Russell , Eade , E . VV . Cundy , Clarke , H . Smith , Rogers , E . Venner , Burnell , Newman , VV . Venner , Bater , Ford , Ross , Follett , Dance , P . M . 754 ; Olivers , Corkhill , Whitnall , Taylor , and Alder . Visitors : Bros . Williams , P . M . 933 ; John Glass , P . M . 453 , P . G . S . of VV . Essex ; Tilling , W . M . and S . E . 765 ; Seigenberg , S . D . 212 ; Evans , W . M . 1922 ; Barnett , 177 ; and Hardy ,
2045 . After the minutes of last meeting had been confirmed , the ballot was taken for Bro . W . Johnson , S 61 , as a joining member , after which Messrs . John Brown Jackson and Thos . William Venner were balloted for and initiated . The ballots in each case were unanimous . The Secretary then presented , and the W . M ., officers , and members signed , a petition to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls on behalf
of a daughter of the late Bro . J . B . Turner , a deceased member . At the dinner which followed , and which was served in a manner which reflected great credit upon Messrs . Ritter and Clifford , the W . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were greeted in a hearty and enthusiastic manner by the members and visitors . The I . P . M ., Bro . David Hughes , then took charge of the
gavel , and , in proposing "The W . M . ' s Health , " said the more they saw of their W . M . the more they were impressed with his good fellowship , and also his superabundance of good feeling towards the interests of their lodge . They all knew that he was discharging his duties as W . M . with that fervency and zeal which must and would endear him to all the members ; and he asked them all to join him in wishing their W . M . long life and happiness .
The Worshipful Master , in responding , said he was exceedingly grateful to the I . P . M . for the kindness expressed by him , and that his heart was fully animated by the many cordial wishes of the members towards him . He was pleased to meet the members again at the commencement of the winter session , and trusted that they would have a successful season . He was particularly sorry that circumstances had prevented Bro . Parsons , the candidate for
raising , from attending ; and , in conclusion , he hoped that as long as he was a member of the lodge , he would always have the hearty support and experience those kind feelings the members expressed towards him that evening . The Worshipful Master then proposed * ' The Health of the Initiates , " and said that he had had the pleasure of knowing one of the initiates—Bro . Jackson—for a good many years , and as Bro . Venner had already two brothers
members of the lodge , it needed but a few words from him to ask them to join him in drinking to their good healths , as he was quite convinced that each of the new members would not only be an acquisition , but would bring credit to the lodge , and assist to maintain the prestige , of which they were all so proud . The Initiates briefly responded , and thanked the W . M . and brethren for their kindness in receiving them into
Freemasonry . The toast of "The Visitors" was replied to by Bros . Williams , Glass , and Hardy ; Bro . Glass expressing a hope that all the members of the City of London Lodge would visit him at the Chigwell Lodge , Chingford . The remaining toasts having been given and duly responded to , a very pleasant evening was brought to a close , several of the members and visitors having considerably enhanced the enjoyment by songs and recitations .
LEBANON LODGE ( No . 1326 ) . —The last regular meeting of the year was held at the Railway Hotel , Feltham , on _ Saturday , the igth inst . The W . M ., Bro . Fletcher Knight , was unavoidably absent , as were also many of his officers , and a large number of the members , liro . J . J . Marsh , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., I . P . M ., presided as the W . M ., and was supported by Bros . W . R . Vassila , S . W . ; J . Lawrence , J . W . ; E . Gilbert , P . G . A . P . Middx .,
P . M ., Treas . ; Frederick Walters , P . P . G . D . Middx ., Sec ; C . A . Baker , J . D . ; W . Walters , I . G . ; J . A . Wilson , C . S . ; J . C . Goslin , W . S . ; F . Dunstan , Asst . Sec ; R . J . Morley , A . W . S . ; H . Forss , W . M . 917 ; ] . R . Cox , H . Lee , J . St . Aubin Paul , G . H . Eaton , Stwd . ; S . Wheeler , Stwd . ; and W . J . Babb . The visitors were Bros , -the Rev . J . Baker , 2024 ; Wakefield Reed , HJ 22 ; and J . Sims , W . M . 834 . The only work which presented itself was the raising of
Bro . J . \ i . Cox , in which ceremony Bro . J . J . Marsh acquitted himself in his usual admirable manner . After the explanation of the working tools had been given , lodge was closed down to the First Degree . The Secretary then had the painful duty to read out the petition of a member —a chief engineer ( late R . N . )— , who , in January , 1 SS 4 , was wrecked , and saved only what be stood upright in ; and again , in June , 1 SS . 5 , was wrecked at Cape Guardafui , Africa . He saved his life by swimming to the shore , losing all his valuables . With other fellow sufferers he was led
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
into captivity by hostile natives , undergoing unheard of hardships and severities for thirty days , when they were rescued and ransomed by an English man-of-war . He was most kindly treated by the Masons at Aden , who not only succoured his wants , but most generously gave a good sum amongst the crew of his unfortunate and ill-fated ship . Intense sympathy was felt , the petition being signed by all present . It was arranged to give him a liberal donation
foom the lodge Benevolent Fund . The Secretary ( formerly of the Royal Navy ) was deeply moved whilst reading the petition . After names had been given in for joining and initiation on May 15 th , 1 S 86 , the lodge was duly closed . It was announced that the W . M ., although absent , showed the very great and real interest he took in the lodge by consenting to accept his second Stewardship during his year of office ; being already Steward for the Benevolent
Institution , he now added the Stewardship for the Boys' Institution . So far , for 1 SS 6 , the Lebanon Lodge will send up nine Stewards to represent it at the Masonic Charities ; in 1 SS 5 , twelve Stewards _ represented it . Bro . J . J . Marsh presided at the festive board . After ample justice had been done to the good fare provided by
the host , Bro . H . P . Harris , who , as usual with him , was unremitting in his exertions to see every one well served , the usual toasts were given and responded to . Songs and recitations were well given , and enhanced the pleasures of the evening . Bro . Wakefield Reed delighted all by his splendid singing . The brethren separated after a most enjoyable evening .
LOYALTY LODGE ( No . 1607 ) . —The installation meeting ' of this successful lodge was held on Saturday , the 12 th inst ., at the London Tavern , Fenchurch-street , when Bro . W . Gayton , M . D ., was duly installed W . M . in succession to Bro . W . Giller . The lodge was opened by Bro . Giller , W . M ., who was supported then and during the proceedings by an assemblage of officers , brethren , and visitors . The whole of the ceremonial was rendered by
the W . M ., who afterwards received well merited praise for the manner in which he delivered the charges . Bro . Dr . Gayton having been presented and duly pledged his adherence to our ancient charges and regulations , as announced by Bro . John Newton , P . M ., the honoured and trustworthy Secretary , was [ duly obligated . Subsequently upon the retirement of all brethren below the dignity of an Installed Master , Bro . Gayton was in a duly formed
Board of Masters impressively inducted into the chair of K . S . according to ancient form . The usual honours were paid to the newly-installed Master by the brethren , and the officers were appointed and invested , Bro . Gayton's address to each officer being very correctly and most appropriately delivered . The following are the appointments : Bros . W . Giller , I . P . M . ; J . R . Large , S . W . ; R . S . Cushing , J . W . ; F . Brown , P . M . 174 , 1607 , Treas .: T .
Newton , P . M . 174 , 1607 , Sec ; A . ] . Clark , S . D . ; E . Holdsworth , J . D . ; R . F . Hunter , I . G ' . ; T . F . Hodgson , D . C ; C . H . Webb , P . M . 174 , 1607 , and C . H . Holford , Stwds . ; and J . Verrey , Tyler . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which reflected all credit upon the manager of the tavern , Bro . Start . At the conclusion of the repast the usual formal toasts having been drunk with full Masonic honours , the W . M . proposed " The Health of the I . P . M ., "
concluding by pinning a very handsome P . M . ' s jewel upon his breast , which had been voted by the brethren as an earnest of the high appreciation in which they held him . The remaining toasts were also suitably honoured . By the excellent singing of Bro . F . A . Brown and his talented professional jjrethren , the proceedings were much enlivened . Bro . Rose also gave a couple of excellent recitations . Loyalty Lodge now starts upon a fresh year of Masonic life , and we venture to predict a happy and prosperous one .
WEST SMITHFIELD LODGE ( No . 1623 ) . — The installation meeting was held at Freemasons' Hall on the 17 th inst . The lodge was opened in due form by the W . M ., Bro . G . H . Stephens , assisted by Bros . J . J . Howes , S . W . ; R . B . Greenwood , J . W . ; J . Howes , P . M ., Treas . ; E . Mallett , P . M ., Sec ; H . J . Lardner , I . P . M . ; Wm . Pennefather , P . M . ; T . McClure Butt , P . M . ; R . F . Brickdale , J . D . ; W . C . Brasher , I . G . ; S . Renaut , Asst .
D . C ; H . K . Clisby , F . J . Rumball , and E . Roberts , Stwds . ; S . C . H . Rumbalf , T . C Hodges , P . H . Clisby , M . W . Worrell , C J . Smith , G . C Chatwin , F . H . Linnett , A . W . Price , J . L . Jackson , E . Bradsell , P . A . Bolander , F . O . Damm , H . Taylor , F . G . Cooper , G . Higgins , and J . Fleming . Visitors : Bros . T . Glass , 860 ; VV . G . Caulfield , 1269 ; C . H . Freyer , S 79 ; S . C Haslip , P . M . S 13 ; C . W . Pridmore , P . M . 1310 ; S . Osburn ,
1571 ; F . Vandenheede , 54 s ; R . P . Stevens , S . D . 001 ; W . Goodcbild , P . M . 704 ; H . E . Coffin , J . W . 167 ; J . Houghton , 173 ; B . Foster , 19 S 6 ; H . W . Kedgley , S . W . 1614 ; and F . Walters , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Middx . The minutes of previous regular and emergency lodge meetings were read and confirmed , and Bro . Otto Damm was passed , after which Bro . J . J . Howes , S . W ., W . M . elect , was next presented , and having given the usual
undertakings , was ably installed by his predecessor , Bro . G . H . Stephens , I . P . M . The P . M . 's having saluted and offered good wishes to the W . M ., the brethren in the various grades were admitted and saluted in regular order . The W . M . then invested his officers as follows : Bros . R . B . Greenwood , S . W . ; R . F . Brickdale , J . W . ; J . Howes , P . M ., Chap ., and Treas . pro tem . ; E . Mallett , P . M ., Sec . ; W . C Brasher , S . D . ; McButt , P . M ., for Bro . N .
Mackay , J . D . ; S . Renaut , I . G . ; H . K . Clisby , D . C . ; J . F . Rumball , W . S . ; E . Roberts , A . D . C . ; J . J . Cooper and P . H . Clisby , Stwds . ; and C . J . Smith , Org . Bro . G . H . Stephens , the Installing Master , then delivered the addresses , receiving hearty applause at the finish . Bro . H . J . Lardner , P . M ., acted as D . C . Criticism on the ceremony is unnecessary when Bros . Lardner and Stephens are mentioned in connection therewith , their abilities being so
well known in London Craft Masonry , suffice it to say all was done that was possible to be done . Ballot was then taken for Mr . Wm . A . Hayward , which proved unanimous , and that gentleman being present , was initiated into Freemasonry , the newly-installed Master proving himself equal to every expectation . The Auditors' report was then
submitted by Bro . F . J . Rumball , informing the brethren the result of their labours , and was happy to say that a handsome balance was in hand to commence the ensuing year . The report , as read , being unanimously adopted , a vote of thanks to the Auditors ( Bros . Rumball , Price , and Chatwin ) for their services was proposed and carried by the lodge , for , which they returned thanks . The brethren also were unani-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
mous in a vote of thanks to Bro . G . H . Stephens , I . P . M ., the Installing Master . The W . M . fixed a 10 guinea jewel to Bro . Stephens' breast , as a mark of high esteem of the brethren for faithfully discharging the duties of the past session . Bro . Stephens , in well selected words , returned thanks . The W . M . offered himself as a Steward for the ensuing festival of the Girls' School , Bro . H . J . Lardner ,
P . M ., offering to stand for the festival of the Boys' School , and , in accepting these spontaneous offers , the lodge voted 10 guineas to each of the worthy brethren ; : to start their list . After some other business the W . M . conducted the members and visitors to the Holbora Restaurant , to partake of that which gives strength to the body and mirth to the soul ,
Bro . Hamp placing a banquet on the table which , for quality , quantity , and attendance , could scarcely , if at all , be surpassed , and universal satisfaction was felt by all present . Mention might also be made of the beautifully arranged dessert , consisting of the choicest fruits of the day . The cloth being cleared , the W . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were very heartily received .
Bro . G . H . Stephens , I . P . M ., rising to propose "The W . M ., " said , owing to the heavy labours of the evening , and the long time it had taken to get through their repast , he would not on this occasion detain them with a long speech , he would just say that the right man had been put in the right place , and they had seen that evening , by the W . M . working the initiation ceremony , a proof of their wise
selection , and was sure what they all looked for would be forthcoming ; he would again assure him that himself and all the brethren would rally round him , and make his year of office a pleasurable one ; and the brethren would best show their approval by charging bumpers , and give the toast a hearty reception , which was duly given . The W . M . rose and replied , expressing his hope that in
selecting his officers it met with their approval , his desire being to do his duty to the Craft , and give satisfaction to the brethren of the lodge , and begged , in conclusion , to thank them for the reception the toast had received . The W . M . then gave "The Past Masters , " to which Bro . J . Howes , P . M ., replied . The next toast was that of " The Initiate , " coupling the
name of Bro . Damm , who was obliged ro be absent from the banquet at the previous meeting , but now expressed his gratification at having joined the Craft . Bro . Hayward also expressed the pleasure he felt at having joined the West Smithfield Lodge . His father was a Mason before him , and hehimself had long desired to become one . The reception accorded him among them that
evening was very gratifying ; he felt unable to express his feelings at the cordial reception given him , but trusted to do so on some future occasion , when better versed with Masonic knowledge and usage . " The Visitors " were next proposed , the W . M . bidding them welcome to the lodge . He was happy to say that they rarely assembled without one or more visitors . He
felt quite safe in saying that the brethren all united with himself in giving them their " Hearty good wishes . " The toast being drank with honours , the visiting brethren individually returned thanks . The W . M . then proposed "The Officers of the Lodge , " in whom he felt the greatest confidence , knowing that they were all equal to the duties assigned to them . He hoped
they would be regular and punctual in their attendance , and that they would strive with himself in keeping the West Smithfield Lodge up to its proper mark . The time being short , he would mention Bro . Greenwood , S . W ., to reply to the officers' toast . An excellent fire followed . Bro . Greenwood , returning thanks , expressed the pleasure they all felt on receiving their various appointments . He would assure the W . M . that the confidence that he felt
towards his officers was fully reciprocated , and begged to thank the W . M . and the brethren , on behalf of the officers , for so handsomely responding to the toast . Bro . W . Smyth , who had again been invested as Tyler , then assumed the gavel , and brought one of the happiest of the West Smithfield meetings to a close . Owing to short addresses more time was given to harmony , which was well sustained by Bros . E . Roberts , Renaut , Hodges , S . C . H . Rumball , Caulfield ( visitor ) , and others .
HASTINGS . —Derwent Lodge ( No . 40 ) This old lodge met for the dispatch of business at the Castle Hotel , on Monday , the 4 th inst . The W . M ., Bro . F . Plowman , presided , supported by the following officers and brethren : Bros . Councillor W . H . Russell , I . P . M . ; F . H . Hallett , S . W . ; T . W . Markwick , J . W . ; F . Rossiter , P . G . D . of C , P . M ., Treas . ; Alderman Cant .
E . W . J . Hennah , R . N ., P . M ., Sec . ; H . Gloyns , S . D . j F . Duke , I . G . ; Leslie , Tyler ; T . H . Cole , P . P . G . A . D . of C , P . M . ; Edwin Bradnam ( Mayor ) , Dr . J . Abram , J . Pearce , P . M . ; R . J . Reed , Peter Robinson , W . S . Allen , R . Dengate , G . Randell , F . C Edwards , R . Jones , R . lWalmsley , G . J . Hilliard , S . Case , C Reinmann , W . Cooper , and others . Visitor : Bro . W . Robertson , 261 , 442 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read
and confirmed , Bros . Cooper and Reinmann were duly passed to the Second Degree by the W . M ., in a very able and impressive manner . Other business having been disposed of , lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to a well served collation , after which the usual Masonic and complimentary toasts were pro * posed and duly responded to . The evening was rendered very enjoyable by some excellent vocal and instrumental talent .
MAIDENHEAD . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 795 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Ray Mead Hotel on Wednesday , the 16 th inst ., when there were present Bros . John Innes , W . M . ; C Dairy , P . M . 141 , as S . W . ; E . W . Allen , P . M . 173 , J . W . ; W . Holcombe , as S . D . ; C Deanng , as J . D . ; E . J . Withers , I . G . ; T . B . Linscott , P . M . 55 , I . P . M . ; H . H . Hodges , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W ., Sec ; C Shepperd , Tyler ; C S . Bailey , J . Cutbill , Fenton
W . , A . J . G . Waterhouse , and W . Deacon . Visitors : Bros . C . Dairy , P . M . 141 ; G . Coop , J . W . 141 , Sec . 2021 , and 1612 ; G . G . Butcher , 569 ; and W . F . Harling , 975 . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last lodge were read , confirmed , and signed . Owing to an omission in forwarding to Grand Lodge a change in the bye-laws , it became necessary to again ^ proceed to the election of a W . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler . The choice of the brethren was again unanimously recorded in favour of Bro . John Greenfield , P . M . 1602 , W . M . ; Bro . John Finch ,