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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
be very brief , as the hour was late , and the next toast he had to give was that of "The Initiates . " What blood was to the human frame so was it to Freemasonry , for without the infusion of new blood Freemasonry would die out , and he felt sure from the careful manner in which their initiates had gone through the ceremonies that night that they would do credit to their Order . Bro . Ashtown returned
thanks , and said it was his intention to work hard so as to become a good Mason . The W . Master then gave " The Past Masters of the Lodge , " for which Bro . Hunt returned thanks . The W . Master said he had another toast , which he felt some difficulty in proposing , as it included in it some of the most distinguished brethren in the Craft , and that was the toast of "The Visitors . " He simply told the
brethren that they had amongst them some of the most experienced Past Masters of the Craft , and the Eccleston Lodge felt honoured at their presence at the installation , and he was glad that nothingwent wrong , but all went on in a smooth and pleasing manner . He called upon the brethren to respond in a manner worthy of the toast , it was a toast that was worthy of their approbation , and that was the health of their brother visitors . Bro . Poore , of the
Panmure Lodge , and Bro . Wyer , of the Acacia Lodge , responded for the visitors ; and after some other toasts hael been given the proceedings were brought to a close at rather an advanced hour . Bro . Jos . Cantle was the director of the musical arrangements , and he was assisted by Bros . Frank Percival , Knight Smith , and D . H . M'Leod . The floral and other decorations of the banquetting room were supplied by Bro . Beckham , the Secretary ofthe Lodge .
ALDERSGATE LODGE ( No . 1657 ) . —The autumn session of this lodge commenced on Monday , October , 14 th , when the biethren assembled at the Castle and Falcon , Aldersgate-street , under thc care of the Rev . Dr . Ernest Brette , W . M . of the lodge . The brethren attending included Bros . J . D . Allcroft , M . P ., I . P . M . ; Chas . Hogg , M . D ., S . W . ; A . J . Altman , J . W . ; George
Kenning , Treas . ; Thomas Jones , Sec ; Rev . Richard Lee , M . A ., J ^ D . ; E . Y . Jolliffe , D . C ; H . Alder Smith , M . D ., I . G . ; Thomas Benskin , and W . S . Chapman , Stewards ; and the following brethren , Bros . John Jackson , Samuel Benton , M . D . ; Alfred Brookman , S . White , W . W . Landcll ( a M . M . in 1821 ); and Hyde Pullen . The following visitors were also present , Bros . W . A . Barrett , W . M . Orpheus ,
1706 ; Herbeit Dicketts , P . G . S . ; Glove , 23 ; E . R . Marriott , S . W . Isaac Newton , University , 859 ; and W . Steedman , Tyler . The business of the evening included the consideration of a communication from the Grand Lodge on the recent action of the Grand Orient of France . This consideration was preceded by the W . M . requiring the Secretary to read the 1 st Charge of the Book of Constitutions .
The lodge endorsed and supported the action of the Grand Lodge . After thc despatch of sundry business , the brethren received instruction upon the First Tracing Board from Bro . Hyde Pullen , delivered with all the grace and unction that distinguishes this learned and respected brother . The cause of the Charities was brought before the lodge by thc W . M ., anel it was arranged that the February
gathering would bc attended to by the W . M ., that in June by Bro . Brookman , and that in July by Bro . Altman . The loelge being closed in due form with solemn prayer , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , under the care ofthe W . M . After one of Bro . Benskin ' s elegant banquets , the W . M . challenged thc brethren in the usual loyal and Masonic
toasts , which were responded to with more than the usual enthusiasm . The health and welfare of the W . M ., the past W . M ., the officers , and the visitors , were acknowledged with true Masonic vigour , and acknowledged by Bros . Brette , Allcroft , Hogg , Altman , Landell , Dicketts , Marriott , and the Secretary . The brethren separated at an early hour in the evening , to meet on the second Monday in
No-. NEW FINSBURY PARK LODGE ( No . 1695 ) . —The second installation meeting of this lodge took place at Bro . Pigot ' s , the Finsbury Park Tavern , Seven Sistcrs ' -road , Holloway , on Tuesday , 15 th inst . Present : Bros . W . L . Purkiss , W . M . ; J . Eldiidge , P . M ., acting as S . W . ; T . Press , J . W . ; R . V . Davies , P . M ., Treas . ; A . J .
Berry , Sec ; H . B . O . Dunn , S . D . ; R . C . Frampton , J . D . ; J . N . Thompson , I . G . ; J . Pigot , P . M . ; G . D . Edmunds , G . B . Carey , T . Jackson , C . Hutchinson , C . H . Hawkes , J . H . Bastuble , S . Hawkins , E . Grout , G . Chutter . Visitors : Bros . H . G . Buss , Assist . G . Sec . ; T . Cubitt , P . G . P . ; J . Terry , P . J . G . W . Herts . ; E . Clark , P . P . G . S . of Works Middlesex ; H . Hollis . P . G . S . B . Herts ; F .
Kirk , W . M . 1 G 87 ; W . B . Stannard , 1275 ; G . E . Frodsham , 3 ; W . Wilkinson , 167 ; F . T . Cox , 753 . Bros . Bastuble and Hawkins were raised , and Bros . Hawkes , Grout , and Chutter were passed . The Maister having been re-elected for a second year , was saluted , and he then invested his officers as follows : —Bros . T . Press , S . W . ; H . B . O . Dunn , J . W . ; Davies , Treas . ; A . T . Berry , Sec . ; R .
C . Frampton , S . D . ; J . N . Thompson , J . D . ; G . Edmunds , I . G . ; Eldridge , P . M ., Director of Ceremonies ; Grout , Organist ; Carey , Steward . Bro . Terry gave the addresses to the Master , Wardens , and brethren . A letter was read from the Secretaries to the Wentworth Little Memorial Fund , and a donation of £ 1 is . was voted . Thc lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to
refreshment . After the toasts of" The Queen and the Craft , " and " The M . W . G . Master , " had been proposed , and loyally responded to , "The Health of the Pro Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Oflicers " was given , and ably responded to by Bros . Buss and Cubitt . ' 1 he toast of "The Visitors " elicited some
excellent replies frtm Bros . Clarke , Woller , and others . On the toast cf " The Masonic Charities" being given anel responded to , Bro . Terry made his usual eloeiuent appeal for assistanre for the maintenance of those Institutions and alluded to the position the . New Finsbury Park Lodge had taken at so early a period of its existence . The 5 W . M .,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
who stood as Steward for the Benevolent Institution and the Boys' School at their last festivals , announced his intention of acting as Steward for the Girls' School on the next occasion . The remaining usual toasts were given and responded to , and several of the brethren having contributed their vocal assistance , a most enjoyable evening was passed , contributed to , no doubt , by the excellence of the banquet , which was served in Bro . Pigot ' s well known liberal manner .
"WINDSOR . —Etonian Lod ^ e . John ( No . 209 ) . —The first meeting of the session was held at the Masonic Hall on Tuesday , the ist inst . Present Bros . Schiemann , W . M . ; Roberts , S . W . ; Wilson , P . M ., Treasurer ( acting J . W . ) ; Carter , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , Berks and Bucks , Secretary ; Dixon , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , Director of Ceremonies ; Tolley , P . M ., P . P . G . D ., Organist ; Cousins ,
J . D . ; Dick Radclyffe , ] P . G . S ., I . G .,- Apted and Evans , Stewards ; Past Masters Hume , P . G . D . C ; Stacey , P . P . G . R . ; Strange , P . P . G . D . ; Reid ; Mclllwham ; Stedwell ; and Long . "Visitors Bros . Dr . Hartmann ; Cantrell , P . M . 1501 ; Davey , S . D . 1566 ; Baum , 198 ; Bingham , P . M . 771 ; Johnson , 771 , and others . Bros . Brinsmead and
Stevens were raised to the Third Degree . Bro . Dixon , Director of Ceremonies , called attention to the fact that since the last meeting of the lodge . The Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Sir D . Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., had appointed Bro . Hume , I . P . M ., as P . G . D . C , and Bro . Dick Radclyffe as P . G . Steward . The brethren present thereupon saluted the two new Provincial Grand Officers in due form .
LIVERPOOL . —Merchants'Lodge ( No . 241 ) . — The usual meeting of this lodge , held at the Masonic Hall , Hope-st ., on Tuesday evening , the Sth inst ., was rendered especially interesting by the fact that all the recently appointed and invested P . G . Lodge Officers ( mentioned in last week ' s Freemason ) were invited to be present , and this kind and cordial invitation w ? s so generally accepted as to
make this meeting certainly one of the most brilliant ( so far as the " purple" and more modest"crimson" officers were concerned ) which has been witnessed for a considerable time within the walls of the Masonic Hall . Tie lodge was duly opened by Bro . James Winsor , W . M ., who was ably supported by the following officers .- —Bros . Geo . Peet , P . M . ; Geo . Hutchin , P . M . ; Richard Brown , P . M . ; " » .
Robinson , P . M . and P . G . Registrar ; J . H . Sheen , S . W . Thos . Salter , J . W . ; Dr . S . J . McGeorge , P . M ., P . P . G . R .. Treas . ; Wm . Williams , Sec ; Jno . Latta , S . D . ; Tho- * -, Whitehead , S . D . ; Geo . Broadbridge , P . M . P . P . G . D . C ,. D . C ; A . B . Ewait , Organist ; and Jas . Pendleton , I . G ., and a large number of members and visiting brethren . The First and Third Degrees were given by the W . M . in a
most impressive manner , and he was ably assisted by the full staff of officers . At the end of the business one proposition was made for rejoining and two for initiation , and hearty good wishes were given from numerous brethren . At the banquet which followed , presided over by Bro . James Winsor , W . M ,, the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and cordially responded to . In giving " Bro .
the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , D . G . M ., R . W . P . G . M ., and the P . G . L . Officers , " the W . M . called particular attention to the remarks of the R . W . P . G . M . as to the suppoit of the London Charities , anel expressed a hope the lodges and individual brethren would act vigorously on the suggestions made by his Lordship . The toast was responded to by Bro . Robertson , P . M . 32 . Prov . J . G . W . j Bro . Rev . J .
Rees Jenkins , W . M . 216 Prov . G . Chaplain ; Bro . R . Robinson , Prov . G . Reg . ; Bro . J . T . Gallon , Prov . G . Treas . ; Bro . W . Archer , Prcv . J . G . D . ; Bro . O . J . Hayes and Bro . W . J . Newman , Prov . G . Stewards . " The Visitors , '" was responded to by Bro . Mellor , P . P . G . J . D ., North Wales and Shropshire ; Bro . Rigby , P . P . G . Purs . Cheshire ; Bro . Ford , W . M . 1380 ;
Bro . Henochsberg , J . D . 1502 . " The Newly Initiated " followed , and then "The P . Ms , of the Lodge and Officers . " The former portion was responded to by Bro . Councillor G . Pett , I . P . M ., and with the latter the W . M . coupled the name of Bro . Williams , Secretary , who is about to leave England for the sake of his health . Bro . Williams responded in feeling terms . I . P . M ., Bro . Peet proposed "The
Health of the W . M ., " which he acknowledged in fitting term s . The lodge being recalled to labour a notice of motion was giten that 25 guineas be given out of the funds ofthe lodge to the Royal Masonic Institution for Giils . Very general satisfaction was expressed by the brethren at the excellent manner in which the new House Steward , Bro . Chaplin , had prepared the banquet .
LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude ( N 0 . 281 ) — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Rooms , Athena > um , on the 9 th inst ., Bro . J . Jowett , W . M ., occupied the chair of K . S ., and there was a good attendance of members and visiting brethren . The lodge having been opened in due form , the sectional lectures in the First Degree were given by the following brethren : — First Section , Bro . Warbrick , J . W . ; Second , Bro . Eller
shaw , S . W . 1353 ; Third , Bro . John Hatch , P . M . and Secretary ; Fourth , Bro . Richard Stanton ; Fifth , Bro . E . Cardwell , S . W . At their conclusion a hearty vote of thanks was passed to them , on the resolution of Bro . E . Simpson , P . M ., seconded by Bro . J . L . Whimpray , P . M ., The usual proclamations were then made , which elicited hearty good wishes from the visiting brethren , and the lodge closed in peace , love and harmony .
LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge ( No . 1051 . ) —Tbis lodge helel its monthly meeting on the 7 th inst ., in the Masonic Rooms , Athenasum , Bro . A . A . Sheriff , I . P . M ., presided , but there was not a numerous attendance . The lodge having been opened in the First Degree , the ballot was taken for Mr . John G . Curtis , supervisor of Inland Revenue , and , proving unanimous , he was duly initiated in the mysteries of Masonry by the W . M ., the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
working tools being presented by Bro . Taylor , the J . W . Bro . Dr . Moore , P . G . S . B . of E ., gave a short resume : o the proceedings at the Provincial Grand Lodge of West Lancashire , held on the 2 nd inst , at Liverpool , under the presidency of Lord Skelmersdale . In the course of his remaiks Bro . Mann said , although he was not in a
position to state it affirmatively , yet he had every reason to suppose that the next meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge of West Lancashire would be held at Morecambe , an announcement which was received with much applause . The usual proclamations were then made and responded to , and the lodge closed in accordance with the formularities of the Ciaft .
LIVERPOOL . —Temple Lodge ( No . 1094 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the gth inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Liverpool , under Ihe presidency of Bro . T . S . Williams , W . M ., the officers and members present being Bros . R . C . Yelland , P . M . ; T . Birch , J . W . ; R . R . Martin , P . M ., acting as S . W . ; "Joseph Wood , Treas . ( Freemason ); T . Marsh , P . P . G . A . D . C ,
Sec ; H . B . Jones , S . D . ; J . Alexander , J . D . ; H . Horspool , I . G . ; J . Skeaf , P . G . O ., Org . ; T . Carr , S . ; Peter Ball , Tyler ; R . A . Drake , R . Bethel , E . W . Boulding , G . Pringle , J . Cave , E . Sephton , W . Callow , and others . The lodge was opened at six o ' clock , and after the minutes had been read and other business transacted , Bro . Mercer being pr jposed as a joining member by Bro . R . C Yelland , P . M .,
seconded by Bro . R . R . Martin , P . M . After labour the brethren adjourned to refreshment , presided over by the W . M ., who gave the standard loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . Martin , P . M ., having possession of the gavel , said—W . M .. officers , and brethren , I am about to depart from our usual custom by proposing for your acceptance the health of our respected W . M ., whose presence amongst
us to-night in that chair , which he so worthily fills , will justify the course I take , and met with a hearty response . Brethren , he has passed through a serious affliction , and we all have missed the kind , affable , and unassuming gentleman , who now , under the blessing of the G . A . O . T . U ., is once more at his post . I will not say he is the most popular Master we ever had , but I do say , and old
members wi 1 bear me out in saying it , that we never had in his predecessors a more attentive and painstaking W . M ., and it will be very difficult to find one so perfect in all his points , and what we much admire , more punctual in attendance . Now , brethren , let us heartily and thankfully join in wishing him long to be spared to his family and his lodge , and as the brethren of Ihe Temple Lodge well know
how to manifest their love to their Master , 1 ask you to join me in drinking his very good health , and may the day be far distant when we shall no longer see him in our midst . Unmistakeable enthusiasm prevailed in the room as each brother gave "Our Worshipful Master , " and then followed the usual honours and capital firing , which caused Bro . Williams to be visibly a fleet-- !' . Bro . Williams , W . M .,
who was most cordially received , then rose , and said—Bro . Past Master Martin , I thank you very sincerely for your kind expressions wilh reference to myself , and you , brethren , for the hearty and generous manner in which you have received them . I can but feebly express the pleasure I feel in being once more with my dear and long tried friends and brethren ; often during thc time I have
been laid aside by illness have I thought of you , and anticipated the meeting with you again . And it has ever been so in my association with the Temple Lodge , for from the first evening when I was introduced into our old lodge room by our dear Bro . Washington I have received at your hands nothing but kindness , courtesy , and brotherly love ; and I thank you , I trust honestly , and
without reserve , for all these proofs of your attachment and esteem—and never more so than at the present moment . And I feel proud of your good opinion , proud that I have a place in your hearts . What man does not ? Indeed , if a man told any of us that he did not care for the good opinion of his fellow men , we should not believe him , or think he had sunk very low in the social scale . I see
around me this evening many dear and valued brethren , some with whom we have had sweet communion have passed away from us , but I think we may look upon these occasional social gatherings , ino-iding , as they do , the society , and good wishes of those we highly prize , as among the brightest spots in our lives . And brethren , as in social life , so it is in our home and domestic lives . How we
pr'ze the affections of the dear ones at home 1 How their love helps us through our daily duties I Brethien , we know by experience that these are times of deep depression and anxiety in our commercial and manufacturing interests , indeed , in every department of trade ; and what , I ask , is more cheering to the business man , the proper husband and father , when he walks into his home after a hard and
anxious day ' s labour and trials , than to feel that he is with those who love him dearly , who think him the best and kindest of men , those who watch his every expression because they known each of them is dear to him , dearer than his own life , yes , brethren , these are amongst the bright spots in our daily experience ; these are some of the silvery fringes to the clouds which at times overhang our days , let us then
appreciate them rightly and truly , let us prize them as amongst the best gifts of a loving and kind God and father . Excuse , brethren , these few remarks , I was not aware that Bro . Martin intended to make any reference to myself until a minute or two before he rose . I thank yon again for all your love and sympathy , and may every blessing you have wished for me be returned to each nf you
in tenfold abundance . The W . M . then retire , and Bro . Martin took the chair , when Bro . thc Rev . P . Pennington , P M . 249 , entered , and was received with acclamation . His health was proposed , and he addressed a few words to thc brethren upon old associations , and expressed sunrise at the reception awarded him . Bros . Bethe and Birch added much to the pleasure of the evening by their vocalisation .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
be very brief , as the hour was late , and the next toast he had to give was that of "The Initiates . " What blood was to the human frame so was it to Freemasonry , for without the infusion of new blood Freemasonry would die out , and he felt sure from the careful manner in which their initiates had gone through the ceremonies that night that they would do credit to their Order . Bro . Ashtown returned
thanks , and said it was his intention to work hard so as to become a good Mason . The W . Master then gave " The Past Masters of the Lodge , " for which Bro . Hunt returned thanks . The W . Master said he had another toast , which he felt some difficulty in proposing , as it included in it some of the most distinguished brethren in the Craft , and that was the toast of "The Visitors . " He simply told the
brethren that they had amongst them some of the most experienced Past Masters of the Craft , and the Eccleston Lodge felt honoured at their presence at the installation , and he was glad that nothingwent wrong , but all went on in a smooth and pleasing manner . He called upon the brethren to respond in a manner worthy of the toast , it was a toast that was worthy of their approbation , and that was the health of their brother visitors . Bro . Poore , of the
Panmure Lodge , and Bro . Wyer , of the Acacia Lodge , responded for the visitors ; and after some other toasts hael been given the proceedings were brought to a close at rather an advanced hour . Bro . Jos . Cantle was the director of the musical arrangements , and he was assisted by Bros . Frank Percival , Knight Smith , and D . H . M'Leod . The floral and other decorations of the banquetting room were supplied by Bro . Beckham , the Secretary ofthe Lodge .
ALDERSGATE LODGE ( No . 1657 ) . —The autumn session of this lodge commenced on Monday , October , 14 th , when the biethren assembled at the Castle and Falcon , Aldersgate-street , under thc care of the Rev . Dr . Ernest Brette , W . M . of the lodge . The brethren attending included Bros . J . D . Allcroft , M . P ., I . P . M . ; Chas . Hogg , M . D ., S . W . ; A . J . Altman , J . W . ; George
Kenning , Treas . ; Thomas Jones , Sec ; Rev . Richard Lee , M . A ., J ^ D . ; E . Y . Jolliffe , D . C ; H . Alder Smith , M . D ., I . G . ; Thomas Benskin , and W . S . Chapman , Stewards ; and the following brethren , Bros . John Jackson , Samuel Benton , M . D . ; Alfred Brookman , S . White , W . W . Landcll ( a M . M . in 1821 ); and Hyde Pullen . The following visitors were also present , Bros . W . A . Barrett , W . M . Orpheus ,
1706 ; Herbeit Dicketts , P . G . S . ; Glove , 23 ; E . R . Marriott , S . W . Isaac Newton , University , 859 ; and W . Steedman , Tyler . The business of the evening included the consideration of a communication from the Grand Lodge on the recent action of the Grand Orient of France . This consideration was preceded by the W . M . requiring the Secretary to read the 1 st Charge of the Book of Constitutions .
The lodge endorsed and supported the action of the Grand Lodge . After thc despatch of sundry business , the brethren received instruction upon the First Tracing Board from Bro . Hyde Pullen , delivered with all the grace and unction that distinguishes this learned and respected brother . The cause of the Charities was brought before the lodge by thc W . M ., anel it was arranged that the February
gathering would bc attended to by the W . M ., that in June by Bro . Brookman , and that in July by Bro . Altman . The loelge being closed in due form with solemn prayer , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , under the care ofthe W . M . After one of Bro . Benskin ' s elegant banquets , the W . M . challenged thc brethren in the usual loyal and Masonic
toasts , which were responded to with more than the usual enthusiasm . The health and welfare of the W . M ., the past W . M ., the officers , and the visitors , were acknowledged with true Masonic vigour , and acknowledged by Bros . Brette , Allcroft , Hogg , Altman , Landell , Dicketts , Marriott , and the Secretary . The brethren separated at an early hour in the evening , to meet on the second Monday in
No-. NEW FINSBURY PARK LODGE ( No . 1695 ) . —The second installation meeting of this lodge took place at Bro . Pigot ' s , the Finsbury Park Tavern , Seven Sistcrs ' -road , Holloway , on Tuesday , 15 th inst . Present : Bros . W . L . Purkiss , W . M . ; J . Eldiidge , P . M ., acting as S . W . ; T . Press , J . W . ; R . V . Davies , P . M ., Treas . ; A . J .
Berry , Sec ; H . B . O . Dunn , S . D . ; R . C . Frampton , J . D . ; J . N . Thompson , I . G . ; J . Pigot , P . M . ; G . D . Edmunds , G . B . Carey , T . Jackson , C . Hutchinson , C . H . Hawkes , J . H . Bastuble , S . Hawkins , E . Grout , G . Chutter . Visitors : Bros . H . G . Buss , Assist . G . Sec . ; T . Cubitt , P . G . P . ; J . Terry , P . J . G . W . Herts . ; E . Clark , P . P . G . S . of Works Middlesex ; H . Hollis . P . G . S . B . Herts ; F .
Kirk , W . M . 1 G 87 ; W . B . Stannard , 1275 ; G . E . Frodsham , 3 ; W . Wilkinson , 167 ; F . T . Cox , 753 . Bros . Bastuble and Hawkins were raised , and Bros . Hawkes , Grout , and Chutter were passed . The Maister having been re-elected for a second year , was saluted , and he then invested his officers as follows : —Bros . T . Press , S . W . ; H . B . O . Dunn , J . W . ; Davies , Treas . ; A . T . Berry , Sec . ; R .
C . Frampton , S . D . ; J . N . Thompson , J . D . ; G . Edmunds , I . G . ; Eldridge , P . M ., Director of Ceremonies ; Grout , Organist ; Carey , Steward . Bro . Terry gave the addresses to the Master , Wardens , and brethren . A letter was read from the Secretaries to the Wentworth Little Memorial Fund , and a donation of £ 1 is . was voted . Thc lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to
refreshment . After the toasts of" The Queen and the Craft , " and " The M . W . G . Master , " had been proposed , and loyally responded to , "The Health of the Pro Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Oflicers " was given , and ably responded to by Bros . Buss and Cubitt . ' 1 he toast of "The Visitors " elicited some
excellent replies frtm Bros . Clarke , Woller , and others . On the toast cf " The Masonic Charities" being given anel responded to , Bro . Terry made his usual eloeiuent appeal for assistanre for the maintenance of those Institutions and alluded to the position the . New Finsbury Park Lodge had taken at so early a period of its existence . The 5 W . M .,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
who stood as Steward for the Benevolent Institution and the Boys' School at their last festivals , announced his intention of acting as Steward for the Girls' School on the next occasion . The remaining usual toasts were given and responded to , and several of the brethren having contributed their vocal assistance , a most enjoyable evening was passed , contributed to , no doubt , by the excellence of the banquet , which was served in Bro . Pigot ' s well known liberal manner .
"WINDSOR . —Etonian Lod ^ e . John ( No . 209 ) . —The first meeting of the session was held at the Masonic Hall on Tuesday , the ist inst . Present Bros . Schiemann , W . M . ; Roberts , S . W . ; Wilson , P . M ., Treasurer ( acting J . W . ) ; Carter , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , Berks and Bucks , Secretary ; Dixon , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , Director of Ceremonies ; Tolley , P . M ., P . P . G . D ., Organist ; Cousins ,
J . D . ; Dick Radclyffe , ] P . G . S ., I . G .,- Apted and Evans , Stewards ; Past Masters Hume , P . G . D . C ; Stacey , P . P . G . R . ; Strange , P . P . G . D . ; Reid ; Mclllwham ; Stedwell ; and Long . "Visitors Bros . Dr . Hartmann ; Cantrell , P . M . 1501 ; Davey , S . D . 1566 ; Baum , 198 ; Bingham , P . M . 771 ; Johnson , 771 , and others . Bros . Brinsmead and
Stevens were raised to the Third Degree . Bro . Dixon , Director of Ceremonies , called attention to the fact that since the last meeting of the lodge . The Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Sir D . Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., had appointed Bro . Hume , I . P . M ., as P . G . D . C , and Bro . Dick Radclyffe as P . G . Steward . The brethren present thereupon saluted the two new Provincial Grand Officers in due form .
LIVERPOOL . —Merchants'Lodge ( No . 241 ) . — The usual meeting of this lodge , held at the Masonic Hall , Hope-st ., on Tuesday evening , the Sth inst ., was rendered especially interesting by the fact that all the recently appointed and invested P . G . Lodge Officers ( mentioned in last week ' s Freemason ) were invited to be present , and this kind and cordial invitation w ? s so generally accepted as to
make this meeting certainly one of the most brilliant ( so far as the " purple" and more modest"crimson" officers were concerned ) which has been witnessed for a considerable time within the walls of the Masonic Hall . Tie lodge was duly opened by Bro . James Winsor , W . M ., who was ably supported by the following officers .- —Bros . Geo . Peet , P . M . ; Geo . Hutchin , P . M . ; Richard Brown , P . M . ; " » .
Robinson , P . M . and P . G . Registrar ; J . H . Sheen , S . W . Thos . Salter , J . W . ; Dr . S . J . McGeorge , P . M ., P . P . G . R .. Treas . ; Wm . Williams , Sec ; Jno . Latta , S . D . ; Tho- * -, Whitehead , S . D . ; Geo . Broadbridge , P . M . P . P . G . D . C ,. D . C ; A . B . Ewait , Organist ; and Jas . Pendleton , I . G ., and a large number of members and visiting brethren . The First and Third Degrees were given by the W . M . in a
most impressive manner , and he was ably assisted by the full staff of officers . At the end of the business one proposition was made for rejoining and two for initiation , and hearty good wishes were given from numerous brethren . At the banquet which followed , presided over by Bro . James Winsor , W . M ,, the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and cordially responded to . In giving " Bro .
the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , D . G . M ., R . W . P . G . M ., and the P . G . L . Officers , " the W . M . called particular attention to the remarks of the R . W . P . G . M . as to the suppoit of the London Charities , anel expressed a hope the lodges and individual brethren would act vigorously on the suggestions made by his Lordship . The toast was responded to by Bro . Robertson , P . M . 32 . Prov . J . G . W . j Bro . Rev . J .
Rees Jenkins , W . M . 216 Prov . G . Chaplain ; Bro . R . Robinson , Prov . G . Reg . ; Bro . J . T . Gallon , Prov . G . Treas . ; Bro . W . Archer , Prcv . J . G . D . ; Bro . O . J . Hayes and Bro . W . J . Newman , Prov . G . Stewards . " The Visitors , '" was responded to by Bro . Mellor , P . P . G . J . D ., North Wales and Shropshire ; Bro . Rigby , P . P . G . Purs . Cheshire ; Bro . Ford , W . M . 1380 ;
Bro . Henochsberg , J . D . 1502 . " The Newly Initiated " followed , and then "The P . Ms , of the Lodge and Officers . " The former portion was responded to by Bro . Councillor G . Pett , I . P . M ., and with the latter the W . M . coupled the name of Bro . Williams , Secretary , who is about to leave England for the sake of his health . Bro . Williams responded in feeling terms . I . P . M ., Bro . Peet proposed "The
Health of the W . M ., " which he acknowledged in fitting term s . The lodge being recalled to labour a notice of motion was giten that 25 guineas be given out of the funds ofthe lodge to the Royal Masonic Institution for Giils . Very general satisfaction was expressed by the brethren at the excellent manner in which the new House Steward , Bro . Chaplin , had prepared the banquet .
LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude ( N 0 . 281 ) — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Rooms , Athena > um , on the 9 th inst ., Bro . J . Jowett , W . M ., occupied the chair of K . S ., and there was a good attendance of members and visiting brethren . The lodge having been opened in due form , the sectional lectures in the First Degree were given by the following brethren : — First Section , Bro . Warbrick , J . W . ; Second , Bro . Eller
shaw , S . W . 1353 ; Third , Bro . John Hatch , P . M . and Secretary ; Fourth , Bro . Richard Stanton ; Fifth , Bro . E . Cardwell , S . W . At their conclusion a hearty vote of thanks was passed to them , on the resolution of Bro . E . Simpson , P . M ., seconded by Bro . J . L . Whimpray , P . M ., The usual proclamations were then made , which elicited hearty good wishes from the visiting brethren , and the lodge closed in peace , love and harmony .
LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge ( No . 1051 . ) —Tbis lodge helel its monthly meeting on the 7 th inst ., in the Masonic Rooms , Athenasum , Bro . A . A . Sheriff , I . P . M ., presided , but there was not a numerous attendance . The lodge having been opened in the First Degree , the ballot was taken for Mr . John G . Curtis , supervisor of Inland Revenue , and , proving unanimous , he was duly initiated in the mysteries of Masonry by the W . M ., the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
working tools being presented by Bro . Taylor , the J . W . Bro . Dr . Moore , P . G . S . B . of E ., gave a short resume : o the proceedings at the Provincial Grand Lodge of West Lancashire , held on the 2 nd inst , at Liverpool , under the presidency of Lord Skelmersdale . In the course of his remaiks Bro . Mann said , although he was not in a
position to state it affirmatively , yet he had every reason to suppose that the next meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge of West Lancashire would be held at Morecambe , an announcement which was received with much applause . The usual proclamations were then made and responded to , and the lodge closed in accordance with the formularities of the Ciaft .
LIVERPOOL . —Temple Lodge ( No . 1094 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the gth inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Liverpool , under Ihe presidency of Bro . T . S . Williams , W . M ., the officers and members present being Bros . R . C . Yelland , P . M . ; T . Birch , J . W . ; R . R . Martin , P . M ., acting as S . W . ; "Joseph Wood , Treas . ( Freemason ); T . Marsh , P . P . G . A . D . C ,
Sec ; H . B . Jones , S . D . ; J . Alexander , J . D . ; H . Horspool , I . G . ; J . Skeaf , P . G . O ., Org . ; T . Carr , S . ; Peter Ball , Tyler ; R . A . Drake , R . Bethel , E . W . Boulding , G . Pringle , J . Cave , E . Sephton , W . Callow , and others . The lodge was opened at six o ' clock , and after the minutes had been read and other business transacted , Bro . Mercer being pr jposed as a joining member by Bro . R . C Yelland , P . M .,
seconded by Bro . R . R . Martin , P . M . After labour the brethren adjourned to refreshment , presided over by the W . M ., who gave the standard loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . Martin , P . M ., having possession of the gavel , said—W . M .. officers , and brethren , I am about to depart from our usual custom by proposing for your acceptance the health of our respected W . M ., whose presence amongst
us to-night in that chair , which he so worthily fills , will justify the course I take , and met with a hearty response . Brethren , he has passed through a serious affliction , and we all have missed the kind , affable , and unassuming gentleman , who now , under the blessing of the G . A . O . T . U ., is once more at his post . I will not say he is the most popular Master we ever had , but I do say , and old
members wi 1 bear me out in saying it , that we never had in his predecessors a more attentive and painstaking W . M ., and it will be very difficult to find one so perfect in all his points , and what we much admire , more punctual in attendance . Now , brethren , let us heartily and thankfully join in wishing him long to be spared to his family and his lodge , and as the brethren of Ihe Temple Lodge well know
how to manifest their love to their Master , 1 ask you to join me in drinking his very good health , and may the day be far distant when we shall no longer see him in our midst . Unmistakeable enthusiasm prevailed in the room as each brother gave "Our Worshipful Master , " and then followed the usual honours and capital firing , which caused Bro . Williams to be visibly a fleet-- !' . Bro . Williams , W . M .,
who was most cordially received , then rose , and said—Bro . Past Master Martin , I thank you very sincerely for your kind expressions wilh reference to myself , and you , brethren , for the hearty and generous manner in which you have received them . I can but feebly express the pleasure I feel in being once more with my dear and long tried friends and brethren ; often during thc time I have
been laid aside by illness have I thought of you , and anticipated the meeting with you again . And it has ever been so in my association with the Temple Lodge , for from the first evening when I was introduced into our old lodge room by our dear Bro . Washington I have received at your hands nothing but kindness , courtesy , and brotherly love ; and I thank you , I trust honestly , and
without reserve , for all these proofs of your attachment and esteem—and never more so than at the present moment . And I feel proud of your good opinion , proud that I have a place in your hearts . What man does not ? Indeed , if a man told any of us that he did not care for the good opinion of his fellow men , we should not believe him , or think he had sunk very low in the social scale . I see
around me this evening many dear and valued brethren , some with whom we have had sweet communion have passed away from us , but I think we may look upon these occasional social gatherings , ino-iding , as they do , the society , and good wishes of those we highly prize , as among the brightest spots in our lives . And brethren , as in social life , so it is in our home and domestic lives . How we
pr'ze the affections of the dear ones at home 1 How their love helps us through our daily duties I Brethien , we know by experience that these are times of deep depression and anxiety in our commercial and manufacturing interests , indeed , in every department of trade ; and what , I ask , is more cheering to the business man , the proper husband and father , when he walks into his home after a hard and
anxious day ' s labour and trials , than to feel that he is with those who love him dearly , who think him the best and kindest of men , those who watch his every expression because they known each of them is dear to him , dearer than his own life , yes , brethren , these are amongst the bright spots in our daily experience ; these are some of the silvery fringes to the clouds which at times overhang our days , let us then
appreciate them rightly and truly , let us prize them as amongst the best gifts of a loving and kind God and father . Excuse , brethren , these few remarks , I was not aware that Bro . Martin intended to make any reference to myself until a minute or two before he rose . I thank yon again for all your love and sympathy , and may every blessing you have wished for me be returned to each nf you
in tenfold abundance . The W . M . then retire , and Bro . Martin took the chair , when Bro . thc Rev . P . Pennington , P M . 249 , entered , and was received with acclamation . His health was proposed , and he addressed a few words to thc brethren upon old associations , and expressed sunrise at the reception awarded him . Bros . Bethe and Birch added much to the pleasure of the evening by their vocalisation .