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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
HARRINGTON . —Curwen Lodge ( No . 1400 ) . —The annual meeting of this flourishing le-dge was held on Wednesday afternoon , the < jth inst ., Bro . William Carlyle having , at the preceding lodge meeting , been unanimously elected as W . M . for the ensuing year . The brethren of the lodge mustered in good force to do him honour on this auspicious occasion . There were also a
considerable number of brethren present from neighbouring lodges . Bro . Carlyle has held office as Treasurer of the lodge from the first , and he also took no small part in its establishment . He was Junior Warden elect of the lodge when it was commenced , and for the honourable position of W . M . he has been on a number of occasions strongly solicited to offer himself , but he always retireel in
tavour of other brethren . On this occasion , the solicitations ofthe brethren could not be discarded by him , and consequently all other candielates mired in his favour . He was also re-elected as Treasurer . Bros . Gibson and Kenworthy , who have all along kindly undertaken the duties of the installations , again officiated in that capacity . Bro . Johnson , the retiring W . M ., opened the lodee at three o'clock ,
and was ably assisted by his officers . The following members of 1400 were present : —Bros . J . Dick , M . D ., P . M ., as S . W . ; J . R . Bain , P . M . ; F . Dixon , P . M . ; J . Tallentire , J . W . ; W . Carlyle , Treas . ; J . W . Young , P . M . and Sec . ; R . Harkness , I . G . ; W . Wagg , 9 62 , 3 s Tyler ; Joseph Hodgson , Dryden Carver , John Hartley , John Back , James Scott , Thomas Maxwell , John Scott , Joseph Museravr ,
Jabez Hawkins , also the following visitors : —Bros . T . C Robinson , Sec . too 2 ; W . Whitehead , 9 62 ; John J . Little , 962 ; Isaac Evening , 1002 ; S . S . Braithwaite , 872 ; [ os . Kay , J . W . 872 ; F . Heidgson , S . W . 872 ; J . Wood , I . P . M . 9 62 ; E . Tyson , W . M . 119 ; John Rothery , J . W . 119 ; J . P . Burnett , 9 62 ; J . J . Beattie , P . M . 9 62 ; Rees Thomas , 962 ; William Wagg , Tyler 962 ; G . B . M'Mullen , 962 ;
John H . Banks , 371 ; W . B . Gibson , P . M . 119 , P . G . Sec ; G . W . Kenworthy , P . M . 119 , P . G . Treas . ; John J . Coverdale , Sec . 9 62 . The newly-installed Master invested his oflicers as follows -. —Bros . John Hartley , S . W . ; James . Scott , J . W . ; Rev . A . F . Curwen , P . M ., Chaplin ; J . W . Young , P . M ., Sec . ; Dryden Carver , S . D . ; John Little , J . D . ; Daniel Dickinson , D . C . ; John Back , Steward ; James Batt , I . G . ; John Gumming , Tyler . After the usual
proclamations and charges were delivered by the Installing Masters , the lodge was closed . The brethren met at a banquet at the Globe ( Mrs . Ditchburn's ) , at five o ' clock , which was set out in the best of style , reflecting the highest credit on the establishment . The chair was taken by Bro . Carlyle , the Worshipful Master . The usual loyal , patriotic , and Craft toasts were duly honoureel , and the brethren scparateel alter spending a meist enjoyable evening .
PLUMSTEAD . — "United Military Lodge ( No . 1536 ) . —An emergency meeting of the above lodge took place on Friday , the 1 ith inst ., and was pleasantly noticeable for the excellent work done by the new W . M ., Bro . Hay Grieve Picken , as well as for the unanimity anil kindness that somehow insensibly pervades the whole atmosphere of it , making it a pleasure indeed to assist at its
meetings , and mingle with its gallant and jovial members . The work comprised thc initiation of Mr . D . Hickey , the balloting for of Brei . F . H . Field , A . S . C , P . M . 1436 and 1331 , anel W . M . 55 8 , thc passing of Bro . Chamberlain , anel thc raising of Bros . Lai ten , Howe , Barker , Penfold , and Hawksford , all of which was most satisfactorily carried out , thc expectations of the brethren
being fully realized by thc fine working of their W . M Besides the W . M . the following officers were present , H Shaw , S . W . ; D . Deeves , J . W . ; W . Murphy , Treas . ; G Kennedy , Sec ; W . Wilding , S . D . ; A . Brooks , J . D . ; T Hollyman , I . G . ; G . Spinks , I . P . M . ; W . Weston , P . M . ; G Lackland , Tyler . Among the visitors were Bros . J . G Whotnes , P . P . G . W . Malta ; T . F . Kenneday , P . M . 67 ; T
HasstU , 13 ; R . Beaver , 700 ; F . West , 700 ; J . F . Randall , 913 ; G . Beaver , 700 ; and C Jolly , 913 ( Freemason ) . The luasts were given and received , and on all sides the W . M . was congratulated for the manner in which he , by his endeavours , had maintained the prestige of the lodge . " The Visitors " received their welcome right loyally , and responded in form to the hearty reception of the toast -, nor
is thc reception of visitors herea mere matter of form , they are impressed with the treat given them both Masonically anil socially , and pay the lodge thc greatest honour possible by attending again and again . Several toasts followed the ordinary ones , nor vtsu time encroached upon in the matter , for the harmony throughout was well sustained Bro . Jolly , as the representative of this journal , had his
name teiasted with musical honours , mention being made by the W . M . of thc hanelsome sum of £ 20 contributed by him to the Relief Fund ofthe " Princess Alice , " through the sale of some verses , of which he was the author , and Bro . Jolly feelingly replied . Bro . Neirman , one of the oldest aud most respected Masons in the district , was next complimented , and then thc brethren dispersed , after a most enjoyable evening .
EALING . —West Middlesex Lodge ( No . 1612 ) . —A most interesting meeting of the members anel friends took place at Ealing , on the 12 th inst ., the oeca-ion being the installation of Bro . Thomas Kingston , P . M . of the Whittington Lodge , as W . M . forthe ensuing year . This lodge meets at the Mechanics' Institute , and the rooms are well adapted for the purpose , but on this occasion they were too small , as several brethren were unable to be
accommodated with seats . The day was fine , anel rendered a visit by London brethren very agreeable . No better proof of the vitality of Freemasonry , and of its power to bring men together for mutual good can be shown than the career of this lodge , ft has no hittory ; it is far too young to talk eif its Past Masters . It is but two years old , and during those years Bro . Beasley has been the only W . M He claims , and justly , lo bc thc father cf thc lodge , and
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the brethren have great cause to be proud of their " father ; " he is not fatherly in appearance , being in the prime of life , but he performs his Masonic duties with all the skill and ease with which the " father , " whether it be of a lodge or of a family , should be distinguished . The way in which he installed Bro . Kingston , was admirable , ami well worth a journey from London to Ealin < j to
witness . Duiing the time it has been a lodge the West Middlesex has made so many additions to its numbers that it now counts over forty members , and one of the notable acts of the evening , before the installation ceremony was entered upon , was the raising of the initiation fee to £ 10 ios ., and the joining fee to £ 6 . When the lodge was formed it was the intention of the
founders to put the lodge on this excellent fooling , and they have reason to be gratified that their purpose has been so far accomplished . The members of the lodge were enthusiastic in their appreciation of all that Bro . Beasley said or did , and he was assisted by excellent officers . The lodge was opened punctually at two p . m ., and the Warden ' s chairs Nere
occupied by Bros . Kasner and Burr , respectively . Bro . P . H . Roe , Secretary , and Bro . Kingston , acting as P . M . After the minutes of the previous lodge and emergency meetings had been read and confirmed , the report of the Audit Committee was read and adopted . Bro . E . T . B , Allen being a candidate for raising was questioned , and hiving shewn proficiency , was raised to the Third
Degree ; after which Bro . W . J . Bloomfield was passed to the Second Degreee , both ceremonies being performed by thc W . M . in his usual able manner . The event of the elay , the installation of Bro . Kingston by Bro . Beasley , followed . For this ceremony the Senior W . chair was occupieel by Bro . Weaver , P . M . 862 , P . G . O . Middlesex , & c , etc ., and that of J . W ., by Bro . W- S .
Cantrill , jun ., P . G . D . Berks ., W . M . of thc Hi g h Wycombe Lodge , and Bro . Kingston was duly installed into the chair of K . G . The following officers were duly invested by the new W . M ., with appropriate addresses , viz ., Bros . Kasuer , S . W . ; Burr , J . W . ; Roc , Sec . ; Tucker , Treas . ; Green and Dyer , the S . D . and J . D ., being absent , other brethren were invested as their representatives ; Ds l cvanti , Org . ; Seward ,
D . C . ; Bourne , I . G ., and Hanison , Tyler . Bro . Kingston , in the name of the brethren , then presented Bro . Beasley with a handsome P . M ' s . jewel , remarking that he i'M so as a mark of the high esteem he was held by the brethren , and as ' a slight return for the services he had rendered to the West Middlesex Lodge during the two years he has
prcsideel over it , amul the hearty cheers of the brethren and visitors . To aeld to the impressiveness of the occasion , Bro . Weaver , an honorary member of the lodge , in suitable terms expressed his approval of the manner in whicb the business of the day had been conducted , both by the W . M . and officers , anel held those brethren upas patterns of the excellence to which the lay brethren should all aspire ;
and that in the future the lodge might continue to be an honour to itself and a credit to the Craft , as it then was . A letter was then read from Bro . J . Hervey , G . S ., expressing regret that his health precluded his accepting the kind invite of Bro . Beasley , but holding out hope that on one of the quiet evenings he mi , ; lit bc able to attend . The G . S . also expressed his satisfaction in a most kinelly
manner of the prosperity and high position to which the lodge had attained . The lodge was closed in due form , after which the members and visitors adjourned to the Feathers Hotel . Fifty-seven sat down to the banquet , which the host , Bro . Stephens , had provided in an excellent manner , the only fault of which was that it was if anything too profuse . As usual the loyal toasts were given
and responded to , after which Bro . Bcaslev proposed "The Health of the W . M ., " of whose good qualities he spoke in eloquent terms , stating that he had never been acquainted with a better man or truer Mason . Brn . Delevanti then introduced his daughter , who favoured the assembly with two songs with excellent taste and feeling , at the conclusion of which the W . M . returned thanks for the cordial
reception he had met with as W . M . He gave up all hopes of acquitting himself with the skill ami ability displayed by his preelecessor , but assured the brethren that his best efforts should be used to make his year of office a pleasant and prosperous one to the lodge . He fully appreciated the honour conferred upon him , but his ( ear was that following one so able and eloquent as Bro . Beasley his efforts
woulel fall short of his wishes . He saiel that it was three years since he was installed W . M . of his mother loelge , the Whittington , and as he had reason to think he had filled that office to the satisfaction of the brethren of that lodge , so , he hoped , he would those present . Before he sat down he proposed a toast for their acceptance , which he knew would be received by them with the greatest
cordialityit was " The Health of their Past Master , " and only Past Master , Bro . Beasley , the installation Master of the day . Any attempt of eulogy from him would bc superfluous , as all there Itnew how well he presided over Ihe lodge , both in the lodge room and at the banquet table . Bro . Beasley rose . He would lose no time in returning his sincere thank for the way in which the toast had been received .
He appreciated their kindness , he trus'cd , 111 a way which it deserved . He only hoped they had not set too high a value on his services . He was the first P . M . of the lodge ; true he had served two years as their Master , and he hoped his services had been of benefit to the lodge . Being now the P . M ., he aspired to be looked up to as something more , —as the father of thc lodge ; and he hoped he might for
many , many years he looked up to m that connection . Bro . Beasley concluded by thanking one and all for the kind way they had supported him . The " Health of the Visitors " having been given , was responded to by Bro . Cull , Cantrill , anel Morgan , in appropriate terms-, after which Bro . Bloomfield , although not an initiate , but as it was his first attendance at the banquet table , he having been initiated at an emergency meeting , responded to his
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
health very heartily , and expressed himself highly pleased -vith what he had seen of Freemasonry and his proposer Bro . Beasley . 'I he brethren before separating expressed themselves highly phased with thc day's proceedings , and looked lorward to a prosperous year .
NEWARK . —Newton Lodgo ( No . 1 OC 1 ) . —The installation ceremony of this lodge , which was consecrated only last year , took place on Friday , Oeteber 11 ' . h , at the lodge room ( the Savings' Brink ) , Lombard-street . The elay was unusually fine , and a goodly number of brethren and visitors responded to the summons , which specified 3 o ' clock prompt as the hour for the commencement of
business . Amongst tne visitors were several Grand Lodge Officers , and Masteis , and Past Maslcis eif loelges in the preivince , amongst others we may name Bros . W . Phelps , I . P . M . 14 ^ 5 ; W . Vowles , 411 . P . P . G . S . W . ; Joseph Allen , P . M . 149 , and 130 ; C . Cavis , W . M . 47 ; J . Slack , S . W 47 ; Tournnw , S . W . 1405 ; H . A . Attenborough , P . S . W . 47 ; C . Huthwaite , W . M . 402 ; J . M . Davis . 934 ; J .
Tate , 402 ; K . Mitchell , W . M . 1405 , P . G . D . C . ; F . Vernon Bussell , 939 , P . G . C . ; W . Pearson , 6 57 ; Charles J . Neale P . M . 402 . The Installing Officer was Bro . Joseph Allen , P . M . 149 , whojperformed in a most able and impressive manner the duties assigned to him . Bro . Charles Johnson , having been duly installed , procccdeel to invest his officers as follows -. —Bres . iSir Henry Bromley , But ., S . W . ;
S . Job , J . W . ; G . Brausloii , S . D . ; James H . Tomlinson , J . D . ; J . Irving , Treasurer ; W . K . Dawson , Secretary ; j . Barnetr , I . G . ; C . J . Gmlby , Chaplain ; Cuitis , D . C . ; W . Kellcy , W . Lilley , ' and C . Baily , Stewards ; E . Lidellc , anel Castle , Almoner ; L . Ward , and J . Dooley , Tylers . The I . P . M . Bro . W . Newton , after whom the lodge takes its name , and to whom the lodge is indebted so much for
Us present efficiency , retired from his office wilh thc hearty thanks of his brethren for his untiring zeal in the formation of the lodge , and for the able wav in which he had carried on his work since its commencement . The present W . M . has been elected by the unanimous voice of his brethren , he having been one of the foremost to carry out the ritual of the Order in all its beauties , having been himself an enthusiastic worker as the
Past S . W ., led his brethren to emulate his example . Thc lodge having been cloned in due form with solemn prayer , the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , in the Town Hall , provided by Bro . H . Walton , 1 f the firm of Walton and Son , Clinton Arms' Hotel . Nearly sixty brethren sat down , the renin was very tastefully decorated with flowers and choice plants , and the menu was all that could be desired . The usual toasts em like occasions were
given and received wilh enthusiasm ; tlie evening being enlivened by several appropriate Mings and speeches . The hour for parting having arrived , the : proceedings terminated with the usual Tyler ' s toast at about 11 o'clock . "WALTON . —Wilbraham Lodge ( No . 1713 ) . — The firstannual installation 111 connection with this highly promising young lodge was held at the Walton Institute ,
faefton-road , on rursday evening , the Sth inst . The lodge was formally consecrated last October , by Bro . the Rt . Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , De . G . M . Eng ., R . W . P . G . M . West Lancashire , and . since that time it has enjoyed a large measure of success . The attendance on tbi *; occasion was numerous , and the proceedings passed off with an eclat which was prominent at every point . Tlie chair at the
commencement of the business wis occupied by Bro . C W . Cv . 'zer , W . M .. anil the officers present were Bros . P . Maddux , I . P . M . ; F . J . Pemin , S . W . ( W . M . elect ); the Rev . R . T . Leslie-, Chap . ; Edwin Mnith , Ire is . j Wallace Smith , Sec . ; R . W . Hickson , J . D . ; M . Hill , D . C ; i . eigh Lyon , I . G . ; The list of members included Bros . A . Cross , W . Caw , F . Willey , the Rev . T . W . Richardson , P . M . 1 380 ;
R . Price , and others . The visitors included Bios . G . J . Townsend , W . M . 1086 ; II . Roberts . io 8 fi ; J . J . Swift , 1477 ; H . B . Ackerley , P . M . 680 ; S . E . Ibbs , P . G . S . B . ; W . Leiwe , 823 ; H . P . Bloomer , 1299 ; T . Unwiu , F . M . 6 . 17 ; J . Wain , P . M . 418 ; W . H . Bucknall , S 400 ; W . Boulton , P . M . 823 ; H . Ashmore-, W . M . 823 , P . M . 132 . 1 ; ; S . J . Wareing . S . D . I *** 02 ; T . S millions , P . M . 13 ( 1 * 5 ; J .
Keet , Sec . 135 6 ; VV . P . Vines , I . G . 1570 ; W . B . Caw , 786 ; J . Cartwright , 1356 , and others . After the lodge had been opened and tlie minutes confirmed , tiro , the Rev . T . W . Richardson , P . M . 1380 , 100 k the chair , and proceeded to instal Bro . F . J . J ' e-iuiu .- is the W . M . of the lodge for the ensuing year , a Ceremony which lie performed with impressive effect . The following were subsequently in vested
officers for the ensuing year : Bros . C . W . Cayzcr , I . P . M . ; the Rev . T . W . Kiciianison , P . M ., Chaplain ; Wallace Smith , S . W . ; Rev . R . T . Leslie , J . VV . ; Edmund Smith , Treas . ( re-elected for the second time ) ; R . W . Hickson , See . ; Dr . M . Hill , S . D . ; L . Lyon ; J . D . ; 1 * . Willey , I . G . ; A . Cross , S . S . ; B . Crook . | . S . ( by proxy ); P . Madelox , P . P . G . S . of VV ., D . C , and ' VV . II . Bill , Tyler . In the
course of the business proceedings , the P . M . presented a valuable Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . C . W . Cayzer , I . P . M ., as a token of the esteem in which he was held by the brethren , and in recognition of the manner in which he had performed his duties duiing his yeat's occupancy eif the chair . The gift was briefly acknowledged by Bro . Cayzer , who referred to the pleasure it had given him to preside
over the Wilbraham Lodge during ils first year ' s existence . He should always cherish the gift as an evidence of the regard eif the brethren , and lie assured them he would continue to take a very warm inteiest in all that concerned the prosperity of the lodge . Two candidates were subsequentl y initiated by the newly-installed W . M ., anel the impressive and efficient manner in which he performed the
ceremony augured favourably for the success of his year ' s office . " Hearty good wishes " having been given by about a elo / . ni visitors , the business proceedings were brought to a close . An excellent banquet was , after a short iutervul , served in the lodge room (; e 1110 el of artistic beauty iu tlie way of ilecora'iou ) , the caterer being Bro . J . Casey , of the Walton Loelge , No . 10 SO . At the conclu-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
HARRINGTON . —Curwen Lodge ( No . 1400 ) . —The annual meeting of this flourishing le-dge was held on Wednesday afternoon , the < jth inst ., Bro . William Carlyle having , at the preceding lodge meeting , been unanimously elected as W . M . for the ensuing year . The brethren of the lodge mustered in good force to do him honour on this auspicious occasion . There were also a
considerable number of brethren present from neighbouring lodges . Bro . Carlyle has held office as Treasurer of the lodge from the first , and he also took no small part in its establishment . He was Junior Warden elect of the lodge when it was commenced , and for the honourable position of W . M . he has been on a number of occasions strongly solicited to offer himself , but he always retireel in
tavour of other brethren . On this occasion , the solicitations ofthe brethren could not be discarded by him , and consequently all other candielates mired in his favour . He was also re-elected as Treasurer . Bros . Gibson and Kenworthy , who have all along kindly undertaken the duties of the installations , again officiated in that capacity . Bro . Johnson , the retiring W . M ., opened the lodee at three o'clock ,
and was ably assisted by his officers . The following members of 1400 were present : —Bros . J . Dick , M . D ., P . M ., as S . W . ; J . R . Bain , P . M . ; F . Dixon , P . M . ; J . Tallentire , J . W . ; W . Carlyle , Treas . ; J . W . Young , P . M . and Sec . ; R . Harkness , I . G . ; W . Wagg , 9 62 , 3 s Tyler ; Joseph Hodgson , Dryden Carver , John Hartley , John Back , James Scott , Thomas Maxwell , John Scott , Joseph Museravr ,
Jabez Hawkins , also the following visitors : —Bros . T . C Robinson , Sec . too 2 ; W . Whitehead , 9 62 ; John J . Little , 962 ; Isaac Evening , 1002 ; S . S . Braithwaite , 872 ; [ os . Kay , J . W . 872 ; F . Heidgson , S . W . 872 ; J . Wood , I . P . M . 9 62 ; E . Tyson , W . M . 119 ; John Rothery , J . W . 119 ; J . P . Burnett , 9 62 ; J . J . Beattie , P . M . 9 62 ; Rees Thomas , 962 ; William Wagg , Tyler 962 ; G . B . M'Mullen , 962 ;
John H . Banks , 371 ; W . B . Gibson , P . M . 119 , P . G . Sec ; G . W . Kenworthy , P . M . 119 , P . G . Treas . ; John J . Coverdale , Sec . 9 62 . The newly-installed Master invested his oflicers as follows -. —Bros . John Hartley , S . W . ; James . Scott , J . W . ; Rev . A . F . Curwen , P . M ., Chaplin ; J . W . Young , P . M ., Sec . ; Dryden Carver , S . D . ; John Little , J . D . ; Daniel Dickinson , D . C . ; John Back , Steward ; James Batt , I . G . ; John Gumming , Tyler . After the usual
proclamations and charges were delivered by the Installing Masters , the lodge was closed . The brethren met at a banquet at the Globe ( Mrs . Ditchburn's ) , at five o ' clock , which was set out in the best of style , reflecting the highest credit on the establishment . The chair was taken by Bro . Carlyle , the Worshipful Master . The usual loyal , patriotic , and Craft toasts were duly honoureel , and the brethren scparateel alter spending a meist enjoyable evening .
PLUMSTEAD . — "United Military Lodge ( No . 1536 ) . —An emergency meeting of the above lodge took place on Friday , the 1 ith inst ., and was pleasantly noticeable for the excellent work done by the new W . M ., Bro . Hay Grieve Picken , as well as for the unanimity anil kindness that somehow insensibly pervades the whole atmosphere of it , making it a pleasure indeed to assist at its
meetings , and mingle with its gallant and jovial members . The work comprised thc initiation of Mr . D . Hickey , the balloting for of Brei . F . H . Field , A . S . C , P . M . 1436 and 1331 , anel W . M . 55 8 , thc passing of Bro . Chamberlain , anel thc raising of Bros . Lai ten , Howe , Barker , Penfold , and Hawksford , all of which was most satisfactorily carried out , thc expectations of the brethren
being fully realized by thc fine working of their W . M Besides the W . M . the following officers were present , H Shaw , S . W . ; D . Deeves , J . W . ; W . Murphy , Treas . ; G Kennedy , Sec ; W . Wilding , S . D . ; A . Brooks , J . D . ; T Hollyman , I . G . ; G . Spinks , I . P . M . ; W . Weston , P . M . ; G Lackland , Tyler . Among the visitors were Bros . J . G Whotnes , P . P . G . W . Malta ; T . F . Kenneday , P . M . 67 ; T
HasstU , 13 ; R . Beaver , 700 ; F . West , 700 ; J . F . Randall , 913 ; G . Beaver , 700 ; and C Jolly , 913 ( Freemason ) . The luasts were given and received , and on all sides the W . M . was congratulated for the manner in which he , by his endeavours , had maintained the prestige of the lodge . " The Visitors " received their welcome right loyally , and responded in form to the hearty reception of the toast -, nor
is thc reception of visitors herea mere matter of form , they are impressed with the treat given them both Masonically anil socially , and pay the lodge thc greatest honour possible by attending again and again . Several toasts followed the ordinary ones , nor vtsu time encroached upon in the matter , for the harmony throughout was well sustained Bro . Jolly , as the representative of this journal , had his
name teiasted with musical honours , mention being made by the W . M . of thc hanelsome sum of £ 20 contributed by him to the Relief Fund ofthe " Princess Alice , " through the sale of some verses , of which he was the author , and Bro . Jolly feelingly replied . Bro . Neirman , one of the oldest aud most respected Masons in the district , was next complimented , and then thc brethren dispersed , after a most enjoyable evening .
EALING . —West Middlesex Lodge ( No . 1612 ) . —A most interesting meeting of the members anel friends took place at Ealing , on the 12 th inst ., the oeca-ion being the installation of Bro . Thomas Kingston , P . M . of the Whittington Lodge , as W . M . forthe ensuing year . This lodge meets at the Mechanics' Institute , and the rooms are well adapted for the purpose , but on this occasion they were too small , as several brethren were unable to be
accommodated with seats . The day was fine , anel rendered a visit by London brethren very agreeable . No better proof of the vitality of Freemasonry , and of its power to bring men together for mutual good can be shown than the career of this lodge , ft has no hittory ; it is far too young to talk eif its Past Masters . It is but two years old , and during those years Bro . Beasley has been the only W . M He claims , and justly , lo bc thc father cf thc lodge , and
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the brethren have great cause to be proud of their " father ; " he is not fatherly in appearance , being in the prime of life , but he performs his Masonic duties with all the skill and ease with which the " father , " whether it be of a lodge or of a family , should be distinguished . The way in which he installed Bro . Kingston , was admirable , ami well worth a journey from London to Ealin < j to
witness . Duiing the time it has been a lodge the West Middlesex has made so many additions to its numbers that it now counts over forty members , and one of the notable acts of the evening , before the installation ceremony was entered upon , was the raising of the initiation fee to £ 10 ios ., and the joining fee to £ 6 . When the lodge was formed it was the intention of the
founders to put the lodge on this excellent fooling , and they have reason to be gratified that their purpose has been so far accomplished . The members of the lodge were enthusiastic in their appreciation of all that Bro . Beasley said or did , and he was assisted by excellent officers . The lodge was opened punctually at two p . m ., and the Warden ' s chairs Nere
occupied by Bros . Kasner and Burr , respectively . Bro . P . H . Roe , Secretary , and Bro . Kingston , acting as P . M . After the minutes of the previous lodge and emergency meetings had been read and confirmed , the report of the Audit Committee was read and adopted . Bro . E . T . B , Allen being a candidate for raising was questioned , and hiving shewn proficiency , was raised to the Third
Degree ; after which Bro . W . J . Bloomfield was passed to the Second Degreee , both ceremonies being performed by thc W . M . in his usual able manner . The event of the elay , the installation of Bro . Kingston by Bro . Beasley , followed . For this ceremony the Senior W . chair was occupieel by Bro . Weaver , P . M . 862 , P . G . O . Middlesex , & c , etc ., and that of J . W ., by Bro . W- S .
Cantrill , jun ., P . G . D . Berks ., W . M . of thc Hi g h Wycombe Lodge , and Bro . Kingston was duly installed into the chair of K . G . The following officers were duly invested by the new W . M ., with appropriate addresses , viz ., Bros . Kasuer , S . W . ; Burr , J . W . ; Roc , Sec . ; Tucker , Treas . ; Green and Dyer , the S . D . and J . D ., being absent , other brethren were invested as their representatives ; Ds l cvanti , Org . ; Seward ,
D . C . ; Bourne , I . G ., and Hanison , Tyler . Bro . Kingston , in the name of the brethren , then presented Bro . Beasley with a handsome P . M ' s . jewel , remarking that he i'M so as a mark of the high esteem he was held by the brethren , and as ' a slight return for the services he had rendered to the West Middlesex Lodge during the two years he has
prcsideel over it , amul the hearty cheers of the brethren and visitors . To aeld to the impressiveness of the occasion , Bro . Weaver , an honorary member of the lodge , in suitable terms expressed his approval of the manner in whicb the business of the day had been conducted , both by the W . M . and officers , anel held those brethren upas patterns of the excellence to which the lay brethren should all aspire ;
and that in the future the lodge might continue to be an honour to itself and a credit to the Craft , as it then was . A letter was then read from Bro . J . Hervey , G . S ., expressing regret that his health precluded his accepting the kind invite of Bro . Beasley , but holding out hope that on one of the quiet evenings he mi , ; lit bc able to attend . The G . S . also expressed his satisfaction in a most kinelly
manner of the prosperity and high position to which the lodge had attained . The lodge was closed in due form , after which the members and visitors adjourned to the Feathers Hotel . Fifty-seven sat down to the banquet , which the host , Bro . Stephens , had provided in an excellent manner , the only fault of which was that it was if anything too profuse . As usual the loyal toasts were given
and responded to , after which Bro . Bcaslev proposed "The Health of the W . M ., " of whose good qualities he spoke in eloquent terms , stating that he had never been acquainted with a better man or truer Mason . Brn . Delevanti then introduced his daughter , who favoured the assembly with two songs with excellent taste and feeling , at the conclusion of which the W . M . returned thanks for the cordial
reception he had met with as W . M . He gave up all hopes of acquitting himself with the skill ami ability displayed by his preelecessor , but assured the brethren that his best efforts should be used to make his year of office a pleasant and prosperous one to the lodge . He fully appreciated the honour conferred upon him , but his ( ear was that following one so able and eloquent as Bro . Beasley his efforts
woulel fall short of his wishes . He saiel that it was three years since he was installed W . M . of his mother loelge , the Whittington , and as he had reason to think he had filled that office to the satisfaction of the brethren of that lodge , so , he hoped , he would those present . Before he sat down he proposed a toast for their acceptance , which he knew would be received by them with the greatest
cordialityit was " The Health of their Past Master , " and only Past Master , Bro . Beasley , the installation Master of the day . Any attempt of eulogy from him would bc superfluous , as all there Itnew how well he presided over Ihe lodge , both in the lodge room and at the banquet table . Bro . Beasley rose . He would lose no time in returning his sincere thank for the way in which the toast had been received .
He appreciated their kindness , he trus'cd , 111 a way which it deserved . He only hoped they had not set too high a value on his services . He was the first P . M . of the lodge ; true he had served two years as their Master , and he hoped his services had been of benefit to the lodge . Being now the P . M ., he aspired to be looked up to as something more , —as the father of thc lodge ; and he hoped he might for
many , many years he looked up to m that connection . Bro . Beasley concluded by thanking one and all for the kind way they had supported him . The " Health of the Visitors " having been given , was responded to by Bro . Cull , Cantrill , anel Morgan , in appropriate terms-, after which Bro . Bloomfield , although not an initiate , but as it was his first attendance at the banquet table , he having been initiated at an emergency meeting , responded to his
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
health very heartily , and expressed himself highly pleased -vith what he had seen of Freemasonry and his proposer Bro . Beasley . 'I he brethren before separating expressed themselves highly phased with thc day's proceedings , and looked lorward to a prosperous year .
NEWARK . —Newton Lodgo ( No . 1 OC 1 ) . —The installation ceremony of this lodge , which was consecrated only last year , took place on Friday , Oeteber 11 ' . h , at the lodge room ( the Savings' Brink ) , Lombard-street . The elay was unusually fine , and a goodly number of brethren and visitors responded to the summons , which specified 3 o ' clock prompt as the hour for the commencement of
business . Amongst tne visitors were several Grand Lodge Officers , and Masteis , and Past Maslcis eif loelges in the preivince , amongst others we may name Bros . W . Phelps , I . P . M . 14 ^ 5 ; W . Vowles , 411 . P . P . G . S . W . ; Joseph Allen , P . M . 149 , and 130 ; C . Cavis , W . M . 47 ; J . Slack , S . W 47 ; Tournnw , S . W . 1405 ; H . A . Attenborough , P . S . W . 47 ; C . Huthwaite , W . M . 402 ; J . M . Davis . 934 ; J .
Tate , 402 ; K . Mitchell , W . M . 1405 , P . G . D . C . ; F . Vernon Bussell , 939 , P . G . C . ; W . Pearson , 6 57 ; Charles J . Neale P . M . 402 . The Installing Officer was Bro . Joseph Allen , P . M . 149 , whojperformed in a most able and impressive manner the duties assigned to him . Bro . Charles Johnson , having been duly installed , procccdeel to invest his officers as follows -. —Bres . iSir Henry Bromley , But ., S . W . ;
S . Job , J . W . ; G . Brausloii , S . D . ; James H . Tomlinson , J . D . ; J . Irving , Treasurer ; W . K . Dawson , Secretary ; j . Barnetr , I . G . ; C . J . Gmlby , Chaplain ; Cuitis , D . C . ; W . Kellcy , W . Lilley , ' and C . Baily , Stewards ; E . Lidellc , anel Castle , Almoner ; L . Ward , and J . Dooley , Tylers . The I . P . M . Bro . W . Newton , after whom the lodge takes its name , and to whom the lodge is indebted so much for
Us present efficiency , retired from his office wilh thc hearty thanks of his brethren for his untiring zeal in the formation of the lodge , and for the able wav in which he had carried on his work since its commencement . The present W . M . has been elected by the unanimous voice of his brethren , he having been one of the foremost to carry out the ritual of the Order in all its beauties , having been himself an enthusiastic worker as the
Past S . W ., led his brethren to emulate his example . Thc lodge having been cloned in due form with solemn prayer , the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , in the Town Hall , provided by Bro . H . Walton , 1 f the firm of Walton and Son , Clinton Arms' Hotel . Nearly sixty brethren sat down , the renin was very tastefully decorated with flowers and choice plants , and the menu was all that could be desired . The usual toasts em like occasions were
given and received wilh enthusiasm ; tlie evening being enlivened by several appropriate Mings and speeches . The hour for parting having arrived , the : proceedings terminated with the usual Tyler ' s toast at about 11 o'clock . "WALTON . —Wilbraham Lodge ( No . 1713 ) . — The firstannual installation 111 connection with this highly promising young lodge was held at the Walton Institute ,
faefton-road , on rursday evening , the Sth inst . The lodge was formally consecrated last October , by Bro . the Rt . Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , De . G . M . Eng ., R . W . P . G . M . West Lancashire , and . since that time it has enjoyed a large measure of success . The attendance on tbi *; occasion was numerous , and the proceedings passed off with an eclat which was prominent at every point . Tlie chair at the
commencement of the business wis occupied by Bro . C W . Cv . 'zer , W . M .. anil the officers present were Bros . P . Maddux , I . P . M . ; F . J . Pemin , S . W . ( W . M . elect ); the Rev . R . T . Leslie-, Chap . ; Edwin Mnith , Ire is . j Wallace Smith , Sec . ; R . W . Hickson , J . D . ; M . Hill , D . C ; i . eigh Lyon , I . G . ; The list of members included Bros . A . Cross , W . Caw , F . Willey , the Rev . T . W . Richardson , P . M . 1 380 ;
R . Price , and others . The visitors included Bios . G . J . Townsend , W . M . 1086 ; II . Roberts . io 8 fi ; J . J . Swift , 1477 ; H . B . Ackerley , P . M . 680 ; S . E . Ibbs , P . G . S . B . ; W . Leiwe , 823 ; H . P . Bloomer , 1299 ; T . Unwiu , F . M . 6 . 17 ; J . Wain , P . M . 418 ; W . H . Bucknall , S 400 ; W . Boulton , P . M . 823 ; H . Ashmore-, W . M . 823 , P . M . 132 . 1 ; ; S . J . Wareing . S . D . I *** 02 ; T . S millions , P . M . 13 ( 1 * 5 ; J .
Keet , Sec . 135 6 ; VV . P . Vines , I . G . 1570 ; W . B . Caw , 786 ; J . Cartwright , 1356 , and others . After the lodge had been opened and tlie minutes confirmed , tiro , the Rev . T . W . Richardson , P . M . 1380 , 100 k the chair , and proceeded to instal Bro . F . J . J ' e-iuiu .- is the W . M . of the lodge for the ensuing year , a Ceremony which lie performed with impressive effect . The following were subsequently in vested
officers for the ensuing year : Bros . C . W . Cayzcr , I . P . M . ; the Rev . T . W . Kiciianison , P . M ., Chaplain ; Wallace Smith , S . W . ; Rev . R . T . Leslie , J . VV . ; Edmund Smith , Treas . ( re-elected for the second time ) ; R . W . Hickson , See . ; Dr . M . Hill , S . D . ; L . Lyon ; J . D . ; 1 * . Willey , I . G . ; A . Cross , S . S . ; B . Crook . | . S . ( by proxy ); P . Madelox , P . P . G . S . of VV ., D . C , and ' VV . II . Bill , Tyler . In the
course of the business proceedings , the P . M . presented a valuable Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . C . W . Cayzer , I . P . M ., as a token of the esteem in which he was held by the brethren , and in recognition of the manner in which he had performed his duties duiing his yeat's occupancy eif the chair . The gift was briefly acknowledged by Bro . Cayzer , who referred to the pleasure it had given him to preside
over the Wilbraham Lodge during ils first year ' s existence . He should always cherish the gift as an evidence of the regard eif the brethren , and lie assured them he would continue to take a very warm inteiest in all that concerned the prosperity of the lodge . Two candidates were subsequentl y initiated by the newly-installed W . M ., anel the impressive and efficient manner in which he performed the
ceremony augured favourably for the success of his year ' s office . " Hearty good wishes " having been given by about a elo / . ni visitors , the business proceedings were brought to a close . An excellent banquet was , after a short iutervul , served in the lodge room (; e 1110 el of artistic beauty iu tlie way of ilecora'iou ) , the caterer being Bro . J . Casey , of the Walton Loelge , No . 10 SO . At the conclu-