Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 5 of 5 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article PRESENTATION. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
sion of the banquet , the W . M . gave " The Queen , " and i'liro . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , the Princess of Wales , and the rest if thc Royal Family . " The S . W . ncxt gave ¦ 'The D . P . M . and P . G . M . ( Lord Skelmersdale ) , the Rt . [ Ion . Colonel Stanley , D . P . G . M ., anel the Officers of the Province , Past ancl Present . " The toast was acknowledged lBro . S . E . Ibhs , P . P . G . S . B . In giving the toast of
, <« The Worshipful Master , " Bio . C W . Cayzer , I . P . M ., referee ! to the remarks which had been made at the recent Provincial Grand Loelge by thc P . G . M . and P . G . Sec , with reference to the excessive cxpeueliture of lodges on picnics , to Ihe neglect e . f charity . He very much doubted the accuracy of this allegation , and said that , as far as his knowledge went , the expenses of picnics were not defrayed
out eif the funds of the lodge- * , but by the members themselves . Besides , if this practice existed to any extent , he thought it woulel have been mere becem'm * on the part of the P . G . Sec , if he hail written to the W . Ms . of the lodges who had offended , rather than by bringing the matter forward in the public manne r in which he had done . —The toast was cordially received , and responded to by Bro .
Pentin . " Past Masters , " given frcm the chair , was responded to by Bro . Ca \ zer , I . P . M . " The Installing Master" by Bro . the Rev . T . W . Richardson , P . M . 13 80 ; and " The Oflicers , " proposed by Bro . J . B . Mackenzie , S . W . 1609 , was acknowledged most suitably b y Bro . the Rev . R , T . Leslie-, J . W . Other toasts followed , and a pleasant evening was siient .
INSTRUCTION . SAINT JOHN OF WAPPING LODGE ( No . 1306 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at Bro . Mortlo ' ck's , the Gun Hotel , High-street , Wapping , on Monday evening . 14 th Oct . Present : —Bros . Stephens , W . M . ; Banks , S . W . ; Veal , J . W . ; Mortlock , P . M . ; Bramc , Sec ; McDonald , J . D . ; Moss , I . G . ; Greely , Wooding ,
and several others . The lodge was opened in due form , the minutes of the last lodge meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was worked by the W . M ., Bro . Wooding candidate . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , Brei . Brame , being the candidate for raising , answered the usual questions , and withdrew . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree , thc ceremony of
raising was worked b y the W . M ., Bro . Bramc candidate . The lodge was closcel down to the First Degree . Bros . Stephens and Veal woikcel tbe Fourth Section of the First Lecture Bros . McDonald , 1445 , and Moss , 1275 , became joining members . Veite ef thanks was recorded to the W . M ., fe > r the able manner he worked the ceremony of the evening . Bro . Banks , S . W ., was elected W . M . for the ensuing week .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
ROYAL YORK CHAPTER OF PERSEVERANCE ( No . 7 ) . —This well-known chapter held its usual meeting on Tuesday evening , but there was no we rk to do , a very unusual thing iu the Royal York Chapter . I he companions preser . t were Comps . R . E . K . Wilkinson , M . E . Z . ; C . A . Murton , P . Z ., acting H . ; G . J Uow , P . Z ., acting J . ; J . Hervey , P . Z ., Gr . Scribe E .,
Tieas . ; It . J . Chappell , R . Grey , G . Lambert , W . Starkey , Raggi , P . Zs . j A . W . Hume , Scribe E . ; R . J . Davies , Sciibe W . j E . Home , 1 st A . S . ; S . J . Weston , 2 nd A . S ., and oilier companions of the chapter . Visitors : —Comps . Sir John Robinson , Henry Parsons , and W . Dawes . The resignation of Comp . T . W . Boord , P . Z . ( M . P . for Greenwich ) , was received with regret j and the return to the chapter , after some four years' absence of Comp . Harry Law ,
gave much gratification . Corpp . Law has been a subscribing member all the time of his absence . The balance in land was £ 104 . Thc chapter having been closed in ancient and solemn form , an excellent banquet followed , every detail nf which elid the utmost credit to Bro . Best , who has workeel a wonderful change for the better in the cukine of the Freemasons' Tavern . After a very enjoyable evening the brethien separated in perfect harmony , at about ten o ' clock .
JERUSALEM CHAPTER ( No . 185 ) . —This old chapter met after its long recess on Tuesday , the Sth inst ., at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street . Amongst those present were Comps . Wagner , M . E . Z . ; P . Robinson , H . j llolbreiok , P . Z ., acting J . ; Elsam , I . P . Z . ; Darfelel , P . Z ., Treas . ; Davage , P . Z ., S . E . ; Walls , P . G . O . cf Middlesex , S . N . ; Gispert , Servia , and Parkinson ,
Janitor . Comp . Dewar , M . E . Z . 1194 , v * as a visitor . The minutes of thc convocation in April last were read and confirmed . There being no business on the agenda , the M . fc ' . Z ., with the assistance of the Seconel Principal , most abl y rehearsed a portion of the exaltation ceremony . The chapter was shortly after closed , and adjourned until the second Tuesday in December next . The banquet was well
served . The customary Ro ) al Arch toasts were duly honoured . In proposing " The Health of the M . E . Z ., " the ' ¦ P . Z . dwelt upon his long connection with tbe Jerusalem , •ind the efficient manner in which he had dischargeel the duties e . f the prominent positions which he had successivel y filled in the chapter . He hoped that his year of office would be a prosperous one-and that when he vacated the
, chair he would be spared many years to come amongst "" -ni as a Pnst Principal . This toast having been rceeived with excellent " lire , " the M . E . Z . briefly replied . He f ^ id he was sony that 011 the fust night of his presiding in the chapter that there should have been no " work " to l
' - However , he trusted that on the next occasion he should have , at least , one candidate to exalt , but if he elid '"' t he intended to re hearse the ceremonial , in oreltr that the worleiiij . e . f the e , ld Jerusalem should not deteriorate during his occupancy ,.. f the chair . In conclusion , he thanked "icni very heaitily for thc kjnd manner in which they had
Royal Arch.
responded to his health . " The Visitor " folrowed , and in reply , Comp . Dewar expressed the gratification his maiden visit to their chapter hael afforded him . The remaining toasts , " The Seconel and Third Principals , " " The Past Principals , " " The Treasurer and Scribe E ., " and " The Offieers , " followed quickly , anil were duly responded to . The Janitor ' s toast at an early hour terminated thc proceedings .
BEADON CHAPTER ( No . 619 ) . —The regular convocation of this chapter was held on Thursday , Oct . iotb , at the Horns Tavern , Kennington . Comps . Coote , M . E . Z . ; Jacobs , H . ; and Wyer , J . The minutes of the last convocation having been read and confirmed , thc next business was to elect the officers for the ensuing year , and the election of each was unanimous as follows : —Comps .
Jacobs , M . E . Z . ; Wyer , H . ; H . Thompson , J . ; Green , S . E . ; Sharratt , S . N . ; Dodman , P . S . ; Avery , Treasurer ; and Bavin , Janitor . There being no other business before the chapter it was closed in due form , and the companions adjourned to an excellent banquet , after which the usual Royal Arch toasts were given , and a very pleasant evening was passed .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
SOU % H MOLTON . —Fortescue Lodge ( No . 9 ) . —The above lodge held a meeting at the Masonic Hall , on Monday , the 14 th inst . Present : Bros . J . Brewer , W . M ., and P . P . G . J . O . ; Wood , I . P . M . •__ . T . Shapland , P . M ., and P . P . G . J . W . ; W . Brewer , E . Galliford , J . List , W . C . Oliver , W . BuU . on J . Gavdon , W . Ley , R .
Kingdon , and others . Bro . W . Cole was elected W . M . for the year ensuing ; Bro . J . Galliford , Treas . ; and Bro . Kingdon , Tyler . The revised edition of the bye-laws was read and approved of , and ordered to be printed and circulated among the members of the lodge . The installation of the W . M . elect will take place at the next monthly meeting , after which the brethren will dine together as usual .
TRURO . —Fortitude Lodge ( No . 78 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Truro , on Thursday , the 17 th inst ., W . Bro . Charles Truscott , jun . ( P . Prov . G . S . B . ) , W . M ., in the chair . There were also present R . W . Bro . William James Hughan , P . G . W ., P . M . & c ; W . Bro . Willian Mieldleton , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . D . ; W . Bro . J . * C R . Crewes . P . M ., and Sec ,
P . Prov . G . S . of Works , anil others . Ihe members anel the lodge were in Masonic mourning , as a maik of their respect and esteem for the memory of their lamented and elcceased Prov . Grand Master , Sir . Frederick Al . Williams , Bait ., M . P . On the proposition of the R . W . Bro . Hughan , a vote of condolence was passed , and ordereel to be entered on the minutes , as also forwarded to Lady Williams and
family . The W . Bro . Emra Holmes , P . M . 70 , Past G . Supeiintendant of Woiks , of H . M . Customs , Fowey , was balloted for as a joining member , and was heartily and unanimously accepted . The W . M . then aelvanced Colonel J . W . Peard , J . P . ( P . Prov . S . G . W . Cornwall ) , anel Bro . W . B . Morriss ( I . G , 131 ) to the honourable Degree of a Mark Master Mason , the R . W . Bro . Hughan giving the signs ,
and a short address on the character and antiquity of the customs preserved in the Degree , and stated that if any thing in Masonry pointed to antiquity it was the " choosing of the Mark , " and the incidental matters connected therewith . The " unrecognised Degrees " meant simply
that in England the Grand Lodge only acknowledged the Craf t of Three Degrees , and the Arch ; in Scotland the latter was not recognised by ' -he Grand Lodge , but the Mark was , and wherever the English language was spoken , save in this country , the Mark was worked as preparatory to the Royal Arch Degree .
GIBRALTAR . —Inhabitants' Lodge ( No . 43 ) —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 17 th September last , in the new rooms of the Inhabitants' Lodge , in Armstrong ' s Terrace , South Sheds , under the presidency of Bro . James Cunningham , W . M . for the ensuing year , assisted by the following officers : —Bros . J . Conroy , S . W . ; B . White , J . W . ; S . Jackson , M . O . ; J . Nolan , S . O . ;
J . Button , J . O . ; J . King , S . D . j O , Latham , J . D . j W . Cockburn , I . G . ; D . McGrath , D . C j J . Robson , R . of Marks ; and E . Bacon , Sec . and Treasurer . There was an unusually full attendance of brethren and several visitors . The minutes of the preceding meeting having been confirmed , the ballot was taken for the following brethren , candidates for advancement : Lieutenants Turner and
Hunter 74 th Regt ., and Penno 69 th Regt ., all of Lodge Friendship , 278 , E . C , and Bros . Bellion , Wilkinson , Way , Lowry , P . Lyons J . B . Compton , A . Armstrong , C T . Armstrong , and Ham , all of the Inhabitants' Lodge , 153 , E . C . The result being favourable , Bros . Turner , Hunter , Lyons , Compton , A . Armstrong , C . T . Armstrong , and Ham , being present , were severally advanced to the
honourable Degree if Mark Master by the W . M ., in a manner that elicited warm commentation from the brethren . It was slated by the W . M . that the remainder of the candidates were away from the Rock on business , and after the usual Committees for the year had been appointed , and some routine business gone through , the lodge was closed in elue feirm , anel the brethren retired to the refreshment
room , speneling the remainder of the evening 111 a most enjoyable and harmonious manner . Bro . Cunningham , the W . M ., must indeed be congratulated not only ou his own working of the Degree , hut also on the energetic and impressive manner in which his officers carry out their respective duties ; anel we eloubt not that his year of office will be what it deserves , viz . —one of great prosperity to the loelge and of benefit to the Craft generally . PLYMOUTH . —Brunswick Lodge ( No . 48 ) . — The annual meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic
Mark Masonry.
Rooms , Union-street . Thc W . M . elect , W . Bro . J . H Stephens , P . G . S . Wks ., was installeelby W . Bro . E . Aitkin Davies , P . P . G . J . D ., supported by tbe following board of I . Ms .: —W . Bros . V . Bird , Past G . M . O . ; J . Austin , Past G . S . D . ; R . Lose , Past G . Purs .: S . Jew , P . P . G . M . O . ; A . R . Lethbridge , P . P . G . M . O . ; W . D . Thomas , P . P . G . O . ; G . E . Stentifoid , W . Amery , John Bartlett . At the close
oi the installation the W . M . invested thc following brethren as the officers for the ensuing year : Bros . F . Littleton , P . G . St ., S . W . ; J . Andrews , J . W . j'C . D . Stentiford , M . O . ; A . Soper , S . O . ; B . Johns , J . O . ; W . Bro . G . E . Stentifeird , Treasurer ; Bros . j . W . S . Trevan , jun ., Secretary ; J . W . Trevan , sen ., S . D . ; W . Collings , J . D . ; W . Collins , I . G . ; C . Nicholson , Steward ; James Bartlett , Tyler .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
MOUNT CALVARY * , or Early Grand Encampment of England . —A convocation of this old encampment was held on Friday , the nth . inst ' ., at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , when there were present Sir Knights Tanner , E . C . ; C Jacques , P . ; D . Dewar , P . E . C ., Registrar ; Paas , P . E . C ., Almoner ; Driver , 2 nd Captain ; Neald , Expt . ; Walls , CL . ;
Rosenthal , P . E . C . ; Baxter , P . E . C . ; Roebuck , P . E . C . ; J . Hervey , P . E . C ; Williams and Rawles , Equeiies . The minutes of the previous convocation having been read and confirmed , the election of E . C . for the ensuing year resulted in favour of Sir Kni ght Morgan . Sir Knight Paas was unanimously re-elected Almoner , and Sir Knight Rawles , re-appointed Equerry . A notice of motion to found a
P . E . C ' s jewel in connection with the encampment having been handed in , the convocation was duly closed , and the Sir Knights adjourned to the banquet . The usual routine of toasts were done full justice to . Sir Knights Hervey , Paas , and Dewar , responded for "The Grand Officers ,
Present and Past . " "The E . C . " was proposed by the I . P . E . C , anel duly acknowledged . The remaining toasts , "The P . E . C ' s , " "The Almoner anel Registrar , " and " The Officers , " were given quickly , and responded to by the members thus honoured . The ncxt meeting of the encampment will be held on the nth of January next .
NOTTINGHAM . —Abbey Chapter Encampment . —The . regular meeting of this , the oldest encampment of the Oreier , was held at thc Exchange Hall , on the 16 th ult ., when there were present amongst others , Sir Knights J . Thompson , E . C . j C . J . Wragg , P . E . C . j M . Vowles , P . E . C . ; J . Comyn , P . E . C ; R . Fitz Hugh , P . E . C . ; C . B . Truman , P . E . C . ; R . Boughton-Smith , Second
Captain ; H . R . Hatherly , Marshall ; II . Glover , E . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Sir Kt . Wtagg , by permission of the E . C , mostimpiessively installed Comps . R . T . Ingram , 47 ; H . R . G . Hanson , 47 ; and W . Hickling , 47 , as Knights of thc Order . There were other candidates down for installation , butthrough unavoidablecircumstanccs , were prevented from
attending . Some important motions were brought forward by Sir Kt . Wragg , the discussion of which were aeljourneel to the March meeting . There being no other business to transact , the encampment was duly closed , and the Sir Knights adjourned to the May Pole Hotel , where a well served banquet awaited them , presided over by Sir Knight Truman , in the absence of the E . C , who was called away to attend professional duties .
Bro . John Clark , the I . P . M . of the Peace and Harmony Lodge , Southampton , at its monthly meeting on Monday , in the presence of a very full attendance of brethren , was presented , in the name of the loelge , with a gold Past Master ' s jewel , in recognition of his services . The
presentation was made by Bro . T . P . Payne , one of the oldest Past Masters , following an initiation by the W . M ., Bro . W . H . Martin , and was suitably acknowledged by Bro . Clark . The visitors included several Scotch brethren ; a P . M ., who , having seen much of Freemasonry in China , gave
an interesting elctail of some of his experiences to the brethren ; and the officers of the local Royal Gloucester , and Southampton lodges—the latter being represented in the toast list , in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., by one of his Wardens , the Mayor of Southampton ( Bro . A . L . McCalmont ) .
ALEXANDRA . PALACE AND GROUNDS . — A grand display of fireworks is announced to take place on Tuesday , November gth , upon the occasion of Bro . James Pain ' s benefit . It will , no doubt , be in the recollection of our readers that Bro . Pain has given to the visitors of the Alexandra Palace some of the finest displays of the pyrotechnic art on record , in proof of
which he has beenj awarded [ several medals , and has received honourable mention in many instances . An appropriate day for his benefit has been selected—viz ., the Sth of November . The programme for the day is on a most libeial scale-, including military concerts , opera , circus , & c . As a speciality for the occasion , there will he a tremendous bonfire , a torchlight procession , and tlnee
displays of fireworks—on the lake , near the grove , anel at the south front eif thc palace . Such attractions to the beautiful palace and grounds are sure to find favour with the public . The occasion will be well suiled for children ; and it may be mentioned that extra trains will run at short intervals throughout the day . Special arrangements have been made by the Great Northern Railway to run late tiains to Victoria . Thc undertaking deserves success .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
sion of the banquet , the W . M . gave " The Queen , " and i'liro . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , the Princess of Wales , and the rest if thc Royal Family . " The S . W . ncxt gave ¦ 'The D . P . M . and P . G . M . ( Lord Skelmersdale ) , the Rt . [ Ion . Colonel Stanley , D . P . G . M ., anel the Officers of the Province , Past ancl Present . " The toast was acknowledged lBro . S . E . Ibhs , P . P . G . S . B . In giving the toast of
, <« The Worshipful Master , " Bio . C W . Cayzer , I . P . M ., referee ! to the remarks which had been made at the recent Provincial Grand Loelge by thc P . G . M . and P . G . Sec , with reference to the excessive cxpeueliture of lodges on picnics , to Ihe neglect e . f charity . He very much doubted the accuracy of this allegation , and said that , as far as his knowledge went , the expenses of picnics were not defrayed
out eif the funds of the lodge- * , but by the members themselves . Besides , if this practice existed to any extent , he thought it woulel have been mere becem'm * on the part of the P . G . Sec , if he hail written to the W . Ms . of the lodges who had offended , rather than by bringing the matter forward in the public manne r in which he had done . —The toast was cordially received , and responded to by Bro .
Pentin . " Past Masters , " given frcm the chair , was responded to by Bro . Ca \ zer , I . P . M . " The Installing Master" by Bro . the Rev . T . W . Richardson , P . M . 13 80 ; and " The Oflicers , " proposed by Bro . J . B . Mackenzie , S . W . 1609 , was acknowledged most suitably b y Bro . the Rev . R , T . Leslie-, J . W . Other toasts followed , and a pleasant evening was siient .
INSTRUCTION . SAINT JOHN OF WAPPING LODGE ( No . 1306 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at Bro . Mortlo ' ck's , the Gun Hotel , High-street , Wapping , on Monday evening . 14 th Oct . Present : —Bros . Stephens , W . M . ; Banks , S . W . ; Veal , J . W . ; Mortlock , P . M . ; Bramc , Sec ; McDonald , J . D . ; Moss , I . G . ; Greely , Wooding ,
and several others . The lodge was opened in due form , the minutes of the last lodge meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was worked by the W . M ., Bro . Wooding candidate . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , Brei . Brame , being the candidate for raising , answered the usual questions , and withdrew . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree , thc ceremony of
raising was worked b y the W . M ., Bro . Bramc candidate . The lodge was closcel down to the First Degree . Bros . Stephens and Veal woikcel tbe Fourth Section of the First Lecture Bros . McDonald , 1445 , and Moss , 1275 , became joining members . Veite ef thanks was recorded to the W . M ., fe > r the able manner he worked the ceremony of the evening . Bro . Banks , S . W ., was elected W . M . for the ensuing week .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
ROYAL YORK CHAPTER OF PERSEVERANCE ( No . 7 ) . —This well-known chapter held its usual meeting on Tuesday evening , but there was no we rk to do , a very unusual thing iu the Royal York Chapter . I he companions preser . t were Comps . R . E . K . Wilkinson , M . E . Z . ; C . A . Murton , P . Z ., acting H . ; G . J Uow , P . Z ., acting J . ; J . Hervey , P . Z ., Gr . Scribe E .,
Tieas . ; It . J . Chappell , R . Grey , G . Lambert , W . Starkey , Raggi , P . Zs . j A . W . Hume , Scribe E . ; R . J . Davies , Sciibe W . j E . Home , 1 st A . S . ; S . J . Weston , 2 nd A . S ., and oilier companions of the chapter . Visitors : —Comps . Sir John Robinson , Henry Parsons , and W . Dawes . The resignation of Comp . T . W . Boord , P . Z . ( M . P . for Greenwich ) , was received with regret j and the return to the chapter , after some four years' absence of Comp . Harry Law ,
gave much gratification . Corpp . Law has been a subscribing member all the time of his absence . The balance in land was £ 104 . Thc chapter having been closed in ancient and solemn form , an excellent banquet followed , every detail nf which elid the utmost credit to Bro . Best , who has workeel a wonderful change for the better in the cukine of the Freemasons' Tavern . After a very enjoyable evening the brethien separated in perfect harmony , at about ten o ' clock .
JERUSALEM CHAPTER ( No . 185 ) . —This old chapter met after its long recess on Tuesday , the Sth inst ., at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street . Amongst those present were Comps . Wagner , M . E . Z . ; P . Robinson , H . j llolbreiok , P . Z ., acting J . ; Elsam , I . P . Z . ; Darfelel , P . Z ., Treas . ; Davage , P . Z ., S . E . ; Walls , P . G . O . cf Middlesex , S . N . ; Gispert , Servia , and Parkinson ,
Janitor . Comp . Dewar , M . E . Z . 1194 , v * as a visitor . The minutes of thc convocation in April last were read and confirmed . There being no business on the agenda , the M . fc ' . Z ., with the assistance of the Seconel Principal , most abl y rehearsed a portion of the exaltation ceremony . The chapter was shortly after closed , and adjourned until the second Tuesday in December next . The banquet was well
served . The customary Ro ) al Arch toasts were duly honoured . In proposing " The Health of the M . E . Z ., " the ' ¦ P . Z . dwelt upon his long connection with tbe Jerusalem , •ind the efficient manner in which he had dischargeel the duties e . f the prominent positions which he had successivel y filled in the chapter . He hoped that his year of office would be a prosperous one-and that when he vacated the
, chair he would be spared many years to come amongst "" -ni as a Pnst Principal . This toast having been rceeived with excellent " lire , " the M . E . Z . briefly replied . He f ^ id he was sony that 011 the fust night of his presiding in the chapter that there should have been no " work " to l
' - However , he trusted that on the next occasion he should have , at least , one candidate to exalt , but if he elid '"' t he intended to re hearse the ceremonial , in oreltr that the worleiiij . e . f the e , ld Jerusalem should not deteriorate during his occupancy ,.. f the chair . In conclusion , he thanked "icni very heaitily for thc kjnd manner in which they had
Royal Arch.
responded to his health . " The Visitor " folrowed , and in reply , Comp . Dewar expressed the gratification his maiden visit to their chapter hael afforded him . The remaining toasts , " The Seconel and Third Principals , " " The Past Principals , " " The Treasurer and Scribe E ., " and " The Offieers , " followed quickly , anil were duly responded to . The Janitor ' s toast at an early hour terminated thc proceedings .
BEADON CHAPTER ( No . 619 ) . —The regular convocation of this chapter was held on Thursday , Oct . iotb , at the Horns Tavern , Kennington . Comps . Coote , M . E . Z . ; Jacobs , H . ; and Wyer , J . The minutes of the last convocation having been read and confirmed , thc next business was to elect the officers for the ensuing year , and the election of each was unanimous as follows : —Comps .
Jacobs , M . E . Z . ; Wyer , H . ; H . Thompson , J . ; Green , S . E . ; Sharratt , S . N . ; Dodman , P . S . ; Avery , Treasurer ; and Bavin , Janitor . There being no other business before the chapter it was closed in due form , and the companions adjourned to an excellent banquet , after which the usual Royal Arch toasts were given , and a very pleasant evening was passed .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
SOU % H MOLTON . —Fortescue Lodge ( No . 9 ) . —The above lodge held a meeting at the Masonic Hall , on Monday , the 14 th inst . Present : Bros . J . Brewer , W . M ., and P . P . G . J . O . ; Wood , I . P . M . •__ . T . Shapland , P . M ., and P . P . G . J . W . ; W . Brewer , E . Galliford , J . List , W . C . Oliver , W . BuU . on J . Gavdon , W . Ley , R .
Kingdon , and others . Bro . W . Cole was elected W . M . for the year ensuing ; Bro . J . Galliford , Treas . ; and Bro . Kingdon , Tyler . The revised edition of the bye-laws was read and approved of , and ordered to be printed and circulated among the members of the lodge . The installation of the W . M . elect will take place at the next monthly meeting , after which the brethren will dine together as usual .
TRURO . —Fortitude Lodge ( No . 78 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Truro , on Thursday , the 17 th inst ., W . Bro . Charles Truscott , jun . ( P . Prov . G . S . B . ) , W . M ., in the chair . There were also present R . W . Bro . William James Hughan , P . G . W ., P . M . & c ; W . Bro . Willian Mieldleton , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . D . ; W . Bro . J . * C R . Crewes . P . M ., and Sec ,
P . Prov . G . S . of Works , anil others . Ihe members anel the lodge were in Masonic mourning , as a maik of their respect and esteem for the memory of their lamented and elcceased Prov . Grand Master , Sir . Frederick Al . Williams , Bait ., M . P . On the proposition of the R . W . Bro . Hughan , a vote of condolence was passed , and ordereel to be entered on the minutes , as also forwarded to Lady Williams and
family . The W . Bro . Emra Holmes , P . M . 70 , Past G . Supeiintendant of Woiks , of H . M . Customs , Fowey , was balloted for as a joining member , and was heartily and unanimously accepted . The W . M . then aelvanced Colonel J . W . Peard , J . P . ( P . Prov . S . G . W . Cornwall ) , anel Bro . W . B . Morriss ( I . G , 131 ) to the honourable Degree of a Mark Master Mason , the R . W . Bro . Hughan giving the signs ,
and a short address on the character and antiquity of the customs preserved in the Degree , and stated that if any thing in Masonry pointed to antiquity it was the " choosing of the Mark , " and the incidental matters connected therewith . The " unrecognised Degrees " meant simply
that in England the Grand Lodge only acknowledged the Craf t of Three Degrees , and the Arch ; in Scotland the latter was not recognised by ' -he Grand Lodge , but the Mark was , and wherever the English language was spoken , save in this country , the Mark was worked as preparatory to the Royal Arch Degree .
GIBRALTAR . —Inhabitants' Lodge ( No . 43 ) —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 17 th September last , in the new rooms of the Inhabitants' Lodge , in Armstrong ' s Terrace , South Sheds , under the presidency of Bro . James Cunningham , W . M . for the ensuing year , assisted by the following officers : —Bros . J . Conroy , S . W . ; B . White , J . W . ; S . Jackson , M . O . ; J . Nolan , S . O . ;
J . Button , J . O . ; J . King , S . D . j O , Latham , J . D . j W . Cockburn , I . G . ; D . McGrath , D . C j J . Robson , R . of Marks ; and E . Bacon , Sec . and Treasurer . There was an unusually full attendance of brethren and several visitors . The minutes of the preceding meeting having been confirmed , the ballot was taken for the following brethren , candidates for advancement : Lieutenants Turner and
Hunter 74 th Regt ., and Penno 69 th Regt ., all of Lodge Friendship , 278 , E . C , and Bros . Bellion , Wilkinson , Way , Lowry , P . Lyons J . B . Compton , A . Armstrong , C T . Armstrong , and Ham , all of the Inhabitants' Lodge , 153 , E . C . The result being favourable , Bros . Turner , Hunter , Lyons , Compton , A . Armstrong , C . T . Armstrong , and Ham , being present , were severally advanced to the
honourable Degree if Mark Master by the W . M ., in a manner that elicited warm commentation from the brethren . It was slated by the W . M . that the remainder of the candidates were away from the Rock on business , and after the usual Committees for the year had been appointed , and some routine business gone through , the lodge was closed in elue feirm , anel the brethren retired to the refreshment
room , speneling the remainder of the evening 111 a most enjoyable and harmonious manner . Bro . Cunningham , the W . M ., must indeed be congratulated not only ou his own working of the Degree , hut also on the energetic and impressive manner in which his officers carry out their respective duties ; anel we eloubt not that his year of office will be what it deserves , viz . —one of great prosperity to the loelge and of benefit to the Craft generally . PLYMOUTH . —Brunswick Lodge ( No . 48 ) . — The annual meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic
Mark Masonry.
Rooms , Union-street . Thc W . M . elect , W . Bro . J . H Stephens , P . G . S . Wks ., was installeelby W . Bro . E . Aitkin Davies , P . P . G . J . D ., supported by tbe following board of I . Ms .: —W . Bros . V . Bird , Past G . M . O . ; J . Austin , Past G . S . D . ; R . Lose , Past G . Purs .: S . Jew , P . P . G . M . O . ; A . R . Lethbridge , P . P . G . M . O . ; W . D . Thomas , P . P . G . O . ; G . E . Stentifoid , W . Amery , John Bartlett . At the close
oi the installation the W . M . invested thc following brethren as the officers for the ensuing year : Bros . F . Littleton , P . G . St ., S . W . ; J . Andrews , J . W . j'C . D . Stentiford , M . O . ; A . Soper , S . O . ; B . Johns , J . O . ; W . Bro . G . E . Stentifeird , Treasurer ; Bros . j . W . S . Trevan , jun ., Secretary ; J . W . Trevan , sen ., S . D . ; W . Collings , J . D . ; W . Collins , I . G . ; C . Nicholson , Steward ; James Bartlett , Tyler .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
MOUNT CALVARY * , or Early Grand Encampment of England . —A convocation of this old encampment was held on Friday , the nth . inst ' ., at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , when there were present Sir Knights Tanner , E . C . ; C Jacques , P . ; D . Dewar , P . E . C ., Registrar ; Paas , P . E . C ., Almoner ; Driver , 2 nd Captain ; Neald , Expt . ; Walls , CL . ;
Rosenthal , P . E . C . ; Baxter , P . E . C . ; Roebuck , P . E . C . ; J . Hervey , P . E . C ; Williams and Rawles , Equeiies . The minutes of the previous convocation having been read and confirmed , the election of E . C . for the ensuing year resulted in favour of Sir Kni ght Morgan . Sir Knight Paas was unanimously re-elected Almoner , and Sir Knight Rawles , re-appointed Equerry . A notice of motion to found a
P . E . C ' s jewel in connection with the encampment having been handed in , the convocation was duly closed , and the Sir Knights adjourned to the banquet . The usual routine of toasts were done full justice to . Sir Knights Hervey , Paas , and Dewar , responded for "The Grand Officers ,
Present and Past . " "The E . C . " was proposed by the I . P . E . C , anel duly acknowledged . The remaining toasts , "The P . E . C ' s , " "The Almoner anel Registrar , " and " The Officers , " were given quickly , and responded to by the members thus honoured . The ncxt meeting of the encampment will be held on the nth of January next .
NOTTINGHAM . —Abbey Chapter Encampment . —The . regular meeting of this , the oldest encampment of the Oreier , was held at thc Exchange Hall , on the 16 th ult ., when there were present amongst others , Sir Knights J . Thompson , E . C . j C . J . Wragg , P . E . C . j M . Vowles , P . E . C . ; J . Comyn , P . E . C ; R . Fitz Hugh , P . E . C . ; C . B . Truman , P . E . C . ; R . Boughton-Smith , Second
Captain ; H . R . Hatherly , Marshall ; II . Glover , E . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Sir Kt . Wtagg , by permission of the E . C , mostimpiessively installed Comps . R . T . Ingram , 47 ; H . R . G . Hanson , 47 ; and W . Hickling , 47 , as Knights of thc Order . There were other candidates down for installation , butthrough unavoidablecircumstanccs , were prevented from
attending . Some important motions were brought forward by Sir Kt . Wragg , the discussion of which were aeljourneel to the March meeting . There being no other business to transact , the encampment was duly closed , and the Sir Knights adjourned to the May Pole Hotel , where a well served banquet awaited them , presided over by Sir Knight Truman , in the absence of the E . C , who was called away to attend professional duties .
Bro . John Clark , the I . P . M . of the Peace and Harmony Lodge , Southampton , at its monthly meeting on Monday , in the presence of a very full attendance of brethren , was presented , in the name of the loelge , with a gold Past Master ' s jewel , in recognition of his services . The
presentation was made by Bro . T . P . Payne , one of the oldest Past Masters , following an initiation by the W . M ., Bro . W . H . Martin , and was suitably acknowledged by Bro . Clark . The visitors included several Scotch brethren ; a P . M ., who , having seen much of Freemasonry in China , gave
an interesting elctail of some of his experiences to the brethren ; and the officers of the local Royal Gloucester , and Southampton lodges—the latter being represented in the toast list , in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., by one of his Wardens , the Mayor of Southampton ( Bro . A . L . McCalmont ) .
ALEXANDRA . PALACE AND GROUNDS . — A grand display of fireworks is announced to take place on Tuesday , November gth , upon the occasion of Bro . James Pain ' s benefit . It will , no doubt , be in the recollection of our readers that Bro . Pain has given to the visitors of the Alexandra Palace some of the finest displays of the pyrotechnic art on record , in proof of
which he has beenj awarded [ several medals , and has received honourable mention in many instances . An appropriate day for his benefit has been selected—viz ., the Sth of November . The programme for the day is on a most libeial scale-, including military concerts , opera , circus , & c . As a speciality for the occasion , there will he a tremendous bonfire , a torchlight procession , and tlnee
displays of fireworks—on the lake , near the grove , anel at the south front eif thc palace . Such attractions to the beautiful palace and grounds are sure to find favour with the public . The occasion will be well suiled for children ; and it may be mentioned that extra trains will run at short intervals throughout the day . Special arrangements have been made by the Great Northern Railway to run late tiains to Victoria . Thc undertaking deserves success .