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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Tresedder , I . G . ; Polkinghorne , O . G . ; Pascoe , Organist ; Kistler , Dir . of Cer . ; Thomas Rule , Gladden , and Petherick , Stewards . The banquet was at Bro . Tabb's , to which upwards of fifty brethren sat down . The neighbouring lodges , viz ., Fortitude , Phcenix , Boscawen , and Tregullow , were well represented .
HOLYHEAD . —Lodge of St . Cybi , No . 597 . —A regular lodge meeting was held in the lodge room , Marine Hotel , on the 1 st of January . The following brethren were present : J . Peters , I . P . M . ; J . Lb Griffith , AV . M . ; Edward F . Miller , P . M . ; Sam . S . Wilkes , P . M . ; AVilliam Lewis , S . AV . ; John
Ellis , J . W . ; Dr . O . AVilliams , S . D . ; Owen AV . Jones , Chap . ; Owen R . Ellis , Sec . ; Robert Parry , Org . ; Evan Evens , Steward ; AVilliam Evens , I . G . ; C . S . Dyer , Ed . M . Jones , Henry Evans , John Hughes , R . H . Williams ( P . M . 1113 ) , R . Evans , William Jones , James K . Morris , Captain Robert
Williams , Captain John . Roberts , George Mansfield , Adolphus F . Snelson , Joseph Innes , Peter Ellis , Isaac Peters , AV . H . Smith , AVilliam Innes , John Devcnald , Robert Gardiner , William Poole , AVilliam Riva ( P . S . W . ) , AVilliam Ankers , Captain T . Jones , Samuel Hughes , Tyler ; and visiting Bros .
R . R . AVilliams ( 606 ) and John Hughes ( 950 ) . The lodge was duly opened , the opening ode sung , and minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . Bros . Isaac Peters and Peter Ellis were passed to the second degree . This being the annual meeting of installation , the ceremony of installing formed the
most interesting feature of the labours of the evening . Bro . J . Lloyd Griffith had been successfully elected at the previous meeting , and now the time had come to place him in the Master ' s chair . This beautiful ceremony was rendered with great skill and ability , in the several degrees , by Bro . Peters ,
I . P . M .. The AV . M . having been duly installed according to ancient custom , he commenced his Masonic labours by investing Bro . John Peters , I . P . M ., with a costly P . M . ' s jewel , which the lodge desired to be presented to him in recognition of his valuable and energetic services as Master during
the years 1870-71 . The \ A . M . commended him greatly for his skilful management of the lodge and his devotedness to the cause of Masonry in general . Bro . Peters made a suitable reply , thanking the W . M . and all the brethren for the honour they had done him . After this the AA ' . M . proceeded to elect
and invest his officers as follows : Bros . William Lewis , S . AV . ; John Ellis , J . W . ; Dr . O . AVilliams , S . D . ; James Lloyd , J . D . ; Owen R . Eliis , Sec ; Robert Parry , Org . ; William Evens , I . G . ; Simuel Hughes , O . G . ; and John Peters , I . P . M ., Treas . After receiving propositions , & c , the AA . M . closed
the lodge in perfect peace and harmony . The brethren then adjourned to the dining-room to partake of a splendid banquet , prepared by Bro . Smith , of the Marine Hotel . AVhen the table was cleared , the W . M . brought forth the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , commencing with " The Oucen
and the Craft , " " Our Royal Brother Albert Edward , Prince of AVales , " & c . The AV . M . spoke of the severe illness which had so utterly prostrated his Royal Highness , the anxiety of the nation- yea , of all the civilised world , especially the Masonsabout him ; and expressed his joy at the cheering news that was gladdening the heart of young and
old— " The Prince of Wales is getting better . " Bro . Miller , P . M ., then sang "God Bless the Prince of AA aIes , " to the words composed by Bro . E . "Cletur " Jones . The song was sung with great enthusiasm and feeling , After several other toasts and songs , the brethren dispersed , each apparently much satisfied with the proceedings of the evening .
KINGSTON-ON-THAMES . —Dobie Lodge , A ' o . 889 . —Bro . Squire , P . M ., Secretary of the Lodge of Fidelity , No . 3 , was installed AA . M . of this lodge at the Griffin Hotel , Kingston-on-Thames , on AVednesday , the 17 th instant . The cremony was very ably performed by Bro . Littlewood , P . M . 7 S 0 , after
which the following brethren were invested as officers for the ensuing vear : Bros . Styles , P . M . ; Elsam , S . AV . ; Veal , J . AV . ; Cartwright , P . P . G . D ., P . M ., Treas . ; Cathrow , P . P . G . S . B ., Sec . ; Honeywell , S . D . ; Bond , J . D . ; Buckland , I . G . ; Long , P . M ., D . C ; Hunt , Org . ; and Gilbert , Tyler . An
excellent banquet followed , before and after which grace was sung by Bros . Hunt , Hannewell , A ' eal , and Beattie . The toasts on the card were duly honoured , and a most enjoyable evening passed . ALDBURCH . —Adair Lodge , A o . 93 6 . — At the regular monthly meeting of this lodge on Friday ,
the istult ., Bro . AVilliam Hayward was unanimously electedto fill the Master's chair for the ensuing year , and the brethren therefore met in their new lodgeroom on Friday , the 5 th inst ., for installation of the AV . M ., which was performed by Bro . George Harper , W . M . The newly-installed Master having been
duly proclaimed and saluted , he then proceeded to invest his officers , and in conclusion Bro . Harper addressed the brethren , impressively exhorting them to the exercise of charity , trusting that their sole aim would be to please each other and unite in the grand design of being happy ; concluding by an
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
earnest wish that unanimity and concord might long continue amongst them . A candidate for initiation having been duly proposed and seconded , the lodge was closed with prayer , and the brethren adjourned to the AVhite Lion Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet was prepared by Bro . Moore . —The
AV . M ., Bro . Hayward , in proposing the loyal toasts , said no one could doubt our loyalty and allegiance to the Crown , which had been strongly illustrated by the national feeling and sympathy evinced for "Her Majesty the Oucen and the Princess of AVales in their recent affliction through the dangerous
illness of his Royal Highness our brother the Prince of AA ales , " and fervently expressed gratitude to T . G . A . O . T . U . that He had been graciously pleased to spare the life of our noble and illustrious brother . In proposing the Masonic toasts , the AA ' . M . briefly dwelt on the zeal and efficiency of the distinguished
brother who had the honour to preside over the Craft , " The Grand Master of England the Marquis of Ripon . " Bro . Capt . James , S . W ., gave "The D . G . M ., Lord Carnarvon , and Officers of G . Lodge . " The A \ r . M . then proposed "The Right Worshipful our Prov . Grand Master , Sir Shafto Adair . " The
toast he said required no commentfrom him to insure a warm reception . Our Prov . Grand Master had shown himself worthy of his high position , and claimed for himself the deep and lasting attachments of every member of the Craft . —Bro . James , S . W ., in appropriate and few well-chosen remarks
proposed "The D . G . P . M ., the Rev . Bro . Lockwood , and Grand Officers of the Province , " to which Bro . Harper , Prov . J . G . AV ., responded . HeUiost ; heartily endorsed the sentiments expressed by the AV . M . in regard to the excellent Masonic qualities of our P . G . M ., and in acknowledging the toast on behalf
of the Prov . Grand Officers , which had unexpectedly fallen to his lot , insomuch as he had almost overlooked the fact , that he was a Grand Officer , said lie regretted that the Officers in the province were not called upon to do something more in the cause of Masonry than merely to meet annually for
the purpose of exchanging their badges of office He thought much good might be done by Grand Officers occasionally visiting the lodges in the province . —The A \ . M . in rising to propose " The Immediate Past Master Bro . Harper , " which he pronounced the toast of the evening , said , that the
great pleasure and gratification that he ( the AV . M . ) had in proposing this toast would be equally shared by the brethren , that he could not give utterance to their feelings nor his own in such a manner as the toast demanded , and felt proud at having a brother amongst them who had done so much in the cause
of Masonry , not only to the Adair Lodge but to the Craft in general . On this occasion , he ( the AV . M . ) was proud in being the medium of conveying some tangible proof of the affectionate regard for the brother who had with so much pleasure to the brethren , and credit to himself , presided over the
lodge for the last two years ; adding that it was with the utmost possible pleasure that lie on behalf of the brethren presented him ( Bro . Harper ) with a Past Master ' s jewel as a mark of the high esteem in which he was held by the brethren , and in appreciation of his services rendered to the lodge ,
trusting that T . G . A . O . T . U . might be pleased long to spare him to wear it . —Bro . Harper , I . P . M ., in responding , congratulated the AV . M on the able and feeling speech which he had just delivered , but feared that the flattering remarks in regard to his ( Bro . Harper's ) services to
the lodge might be considered by the brethren to be overdrawn . He thanked them most sincerely for the valuable P .. M . jewel with which they had presented him , trusting he should ever look on it , as the most valuable jewel he had , and cherish it as evidence of the affectionate regard in which he
was held by the brethren . He ( Bro . Harper ) would also take the opportunity of acknowledging the assistance rendered by the officers for the past year , and thanked the brethren one and all for the support , courtesy , and indulgence , he had ever met with during the two years he had the honour to
preside over them . —The next toast was the health of the "AA . M ., " Bro . Hayward , proposed by Bro . Harper , who said that it had frequently fallen to his lot during the last two years to address the brethren , both in the lodge and out of the lodge , but that he never stood before them with greater
pleasure than on the present occasion , and felt sure that the toast would be equally gratifying to the brethren ; that they would ail agree with him that Bro . Hayward had patiently and honourably earned his high position ; that it was a mistake to suppose that a Mason of one , two . or three- years' standing
could be capable of governing a . lodge . This was not the case with Bro . Hayward ; he had spent a lifetime in the cause of Masonry , and much of that time had been devoted in the intetests of the Adair Lodge . Bro . Harper , in his own name , and that of
the brethren , congratulated the AV . M . on his position , trusting that he would fill the important office with credit to himself , and benefit to the brethren . —The AV . M . responded , and said that he felt highly gratified that he had been placed in that position
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
by the unanimous vote of the brethren , assuring them that nothing should be wanting on his part to promote the interest an d well-being of the Adair Lodge , of which , as one of the original promoters of the lodge , he gave an interesting account of its career , and concluded by thanking the brethren for
the honour conferred upon him . — Bro . James , S . AV , proposed " The Past Masters , " alluding , in particular , to the eminent services rendered to the lodge by Bro . Garrett , P . M ., who had the honour of being the first AA . M . of the Adair Lodge . —Bro . Garrett , in his usual effective style , replied . —The W . M ., in
proposing "The Officers of the Lodge , " spoke m the highest terms of the S . AV .. Bro . James , who , he stated , was ever ready and willing to promote the interests of the Craft . He ( the AV . M . ) hoped that next year Bro . James would accept the highest honour the lodge can bestow , and congratulated himself on having been successful in the selection
of his officers . —Bro . James , S . AV ., and Bro . Sparrow , S . D ., responded . — " The Masonic Charities " was proposed by Bro . Harper , and responded to by Bro . Banning , P . M ., a collection being made by the brethren present in aid of the same . " The Ladies , " and Tyler ' s toasts closed the proceedings of this most pleasant and agreeable evening .
TREDEGAR . —St . George's Lodge , No . 1089 . — The installation of Bro . William Davics as AV . M . of this lodge took place on Thursday se ' nnight , at Tredegar . The ceremony was ably performed by Bro . J . Middleton . The banquet was held at the Castle Hotel , and was supplied in the host ' s best
style . The AV . M . was supported by the Prov . G . M ., Bro . Col . Charles Lyne , the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Hornfray , and other members of the P . G . L . Amongst the visitois were Bros . J . C . Parkinson , P . M . ISI , and J . S . Adam , P . M . 90 . The company was very numerous , and everything went off well . In the
course of the proceedings , an address , bound in crimson and beautifully engrossed , was presented by the lodge to the P . G . M . LLANGEFNI . — Anglesey Lodge , A o . n 13 . — A regular meeting of the above lodge was held at the lodge-room , Bull Hotel , on Tuesday , the 26 th
December . There were present : Bros . J . L . Hampton Lewis , I . P . M . ; R . H . AVilliams , P . M . ; William Bulkeley Hughes , P . P . S . G . AV . ; T . C . Rodcn . P . M ., P . P . S . G . AV . ; William Hughes , P . M ., Treas . ; William Evans , S . AV . and AV . M .-elect ; R . T . Philips , J . AV . ; Evan AVilliams , I . G . ; Edmond
Hicks , Sec . ; J . LI . Griffith , S . D . ; B . Rouse , Robt . Rowlands , M . Dyer , Tyler ; and visiting Brothers John Peters ( W . M . ) , James Lloyd ( I . G . ) , Owen R . Eliis ( Secretary ) , and Joseph Jones—all from the Lodge of St . Cybi , No . 597 , Holyhead . The chief business of the evening was the installation of a
Master for the ensuing year . The ceremonies were worked in the several degrees , in a most able and impressive manner , by Bro . T . C . Roden , P . M ., who appears to be thoroughly versed in the Craft service , and to have his entire heart in the work Bro . AVilliam Evans had been dulyelected at the previous
meeting to the office of AA . M . for the coming year , and he was therefore installed in the chair according to ancient custom . After appointing and investing his officers and transacting other business , the AV . M . closed the lodge in perfect peace and harmony . The brethren then adjourned to the
diningroom , where a splendid banquet was awaiting them , prepared by the landlord , Bro . Crewdson . After dinner , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and drank with enthusiasm , and none more so than the one to " The better health of our Royal Brother Albert Edward Prince of AVales . "
ALDERSHOT . —Aldcrshot Camp Lodge , No . 1331 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in the Royal Hotel , on Thursday , the 4 th inst . Bro . J . Fenn , AA . M ., was in the chair of honour , and was supported by the following officers : Bros . C . Carnegie , I . P . M , Treas . ; Captain Richardson , R . E .,
S . AV . ; A . M'Kenzie , J . AV . ; J . Lavety , S . D . ; R . Bennett , J . D . ; Anderson , I . G . ; and U . Lucas , Tyler . Bro . Carnegie acted as Secretary , in the absence of Bro . AA hitc . The lodge was opened in the first degrce , and the minutes of the last meetingwere read and confirmed . It was resoK'ed , on the
motion of Bro . C . Carnegie , seconded by Bro . A . M'Kenzie , to give £ 5 to the Masonic Benevolent Institution , to be placed on the list of Bro . Eve , P . G . S . AV . Hants . Bro . Carnegie read a report from the Committee of Reference , stating that the balance sheet , which the lodge had directed to be
prepared , had been executed . On the proposition of Bro . Bennett , a vote of thanks was voted to the Treasurer and the Committee of Reference for their able administration of the funds of the lodge during the past year . The AV . M . proposed that a charitable association be formed for the purpose of
enabling the brethren to become Life Governors of the various Masonic Charities , and Bro . Carnegie was requested to make the necessary preparations , and report to the next meeting cf the lodge . Nothing further being offered for the good of Masonry , the lodge was closed in peace , harmony , and brotherly love .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Tresedder , I . G . ; Polkinghorne , O . G . ; Pascoe , Organist ; Kistler , Dir . of Cer . ; Thomas Rule , Gladden , and Petherick , Stewards . The banquet was at Bro . Tabb's , to which upwards of fifty brethren sat down . The neighbouring lodges , viz ., Fortitude , Phcenix , Boscawen , and Tregullow , were well represented .
HOLYHEAD . —Lodge of St . Cybi , No . 597 . —A regular lodge meeting was held in the lodge room , Marine Hotel , on the 1 st of January . The following brethren were present : J . Peters , I . P . M . ; J . Lb Griffith , AV . M . ; Edward F . Miller , P . M . ; Sam . S . Wilkes , P . M . ; AVilliam Lewis , S . AV . ; John
Ellis , J . W . ; Dr . O . AVilliams , S . D . ; Owen AV . Jones , Chap . ; Owen R . Ellis , Sec . ; Robert Parry , Org . ; Evan Evens , Steward ; AVilliam Evens , I . G . ; C . S . Dyer , Ed . M . Jones , Henry Evans , John Hughes , R . H . Williams ( P . M . 1113 ) , R . Evans , William Jones , James K . Morris , Captain Robert
Williams , Captain John . Roberts , George Mansfield , Adolphus F . Snelson , Joseph Innes , Peter Ellis , Isaac Peters , AV . H . Smith , AVilliam Innes , John Devcnald , Robert Gardiner , William Poole , AVilliam Riva ( P . S . W . ) , AVilliam Ankers , Captain T . Jones , Samuel Hughes , Tyler ; and visiting Bros .
R . R . AVilliams ( 606 ) and John Hughes ( 950 ) . The lodge was duly opened , the opening ode sung , and minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . Bros . Isaac Peters and Peter Ellis were passed to the second degree . This being the annual meeting of installation , the ceremony of installing formed the
most interesting feature of the labours of the evening . Bro . J . Lloyd Griffith had been successfully elected at the previous meeting , and now the time had come to place him in the Master ' s chair . This beautiful ceremony was rendered with great skill and ability , in the several degrees , by Bro . Peters ,
I . P . M .. The AV . M . having been duly installed according to ancient custom , he commenced his Masonic labours by investing Bro . John Peters , I . P . M ., with a costly P . M . ' s jewel , which the lodge desired to be presented to him in recognition of his valuable and energetic services as Master during
the years 1870-71 . The \ A . M . commended him greatly for his skilful management of the lodge and his devotedness to the cause of Masonry in general . Bro . Peters made a suitable reply , thanking the W . M . and all the brethren for the honour they had done him . After this the AA ' . M . proceeded to elect
and invest his officers as follows : Bros . William Lewis , S . AV . ; John Ellis , J . W . ; Dr . O . AVilliams , S . D . ; James Lloyd , J . D . ; Owen R . Eliis , Sec ; Robert Parry , Org . ; William Evens , I . G . ; Simuel Hughes , O . G . ; and John Peters , I . P . M ., Treas . After receiving propositions , & c , the AA . M . closed
the lodge in perfect peace and harmony . The brethren then adjourned to the dining-room to partake of a splendid banquet , prepared by Bro . Smith , of the Marine Hotel . AVhen the table was cleared , the W . M . brought forth the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , commencing with " The Oucen
and the Craft , " " Our Royal Brother Albert Edward , Prince of AVales , " & c . The AV . M . spoke of the severe illness which had so utterly prostrated his Royal Highness , the anxiety of the nation- yea , of all the civilised world , especially the Masonsabout him ; and expressed his joy at the cheering news that was gladdening the heart of young and
old— " The Prince of Wales is getting better . " Bro . Miller , P . M ., then sang "God Bless the Prince of AA aIes , " to the words composed by Bro . E . "Cletur " Jones . The song was sung with great enthusiasm and feeling , After several other toasts and songs , the brethren dispersed , each apparently much satisfied with the proceedings of the evening .
KINGSTON-ON-THAMES . —Dobie Lodge , A ' o . 889 . —Bro . Squire , P . M ., Secretary of the Lodge of Fidelity , No . 3 , was installed AA . M . of this lodge at the Griffin Hotel , Kingston-on-Thames , on AVednesday , the 17 th instant . The cremony was very ably performed by Bro . Littlewood , P . M . 7 S 0 , after
which the following brethren were invested as officers for the ensuing vear : Bros . Styles , P . M . ; Elsam , S . AV . ; Veal , J . AV . ; Cartwright , P . P . G . D ., P . M ., Treas . ; Cathrow , P . P . G . S . B ., Sec . ; Honeywell , S . D . ; Bond , J . D . ; Buckland , I . G . ; Long , P . M ., D . C ; Hunt , Org . ; and Gilbert , Tyler . An
excellent banquet followed , before and after which grace was sung by Bros . Hunt , Hannewell , A ' eal , and Beattie . The toasts on the card were duly honoured , and a most enjoyable evening passed . ALDBURCH . —Adair Lodge , A o . 93 6 . — At the regular monthly meeting of this lodge on Friday ,
the istult ., Bro . AVilliam Hayward was unanimously electedto fill the Master's chair for the ensuing year , and the brethren therefore met in their new lodgeroom on Friday , the 5 th inst ., for installation of the AV . M ., which was performed by Bro . George Harper , W . M . The newly-installed Master having been
duly proclaimed and saluted , he then proceeded to invest his officers , and in conclusion Bro . Harper addressed the brethren , impressively exhorting them to the exercise of charity , trusting that their sole aim would be to please each other and unite in the grand design of being happy ; concluding by an
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
earnest wish that unanimity and concord might long continue amongst them . A candidate for initiation having been duly proposed and seconded , the lodge was closed with prayer , and the brethren adjourned to the AVhite Lion Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet was prepared by Bro . Moore . —The
AV . M ., Bro . Hayward , in proposing the loyal toasts , said no one could doubt our loyalty and allegiance to the Crown , which had been strongly illustrated by the national feeling and sympathy evinced for "Her Majesty the Oucen and the Princess of AVales in their recent affliction through the dangerous
illness of his Royal Highness our brother the Prince of AA ales , " and fervently expressed gratitude to T . G . A . O . T . U . that He had been graciously pleased to spare the life of our noble and illustrious brother . In proposing the Masonic toasts , the AA ' . M . briefly dwelt on the zeal and efficiency of the distinguished
brother who had the honour to preside over the Craft , " The Grand Master of England the Marquis of Ripon . " Bro . Capt . James , S . W ., gave "The D . G . M ., Lord Carnarvon , and Officers of G . Lodge . " The A \ r . M . then proposed "The Right Worshipful our Prov . Grand Master , Sir Shafto Adair . " The
toast he said required no commentfrom him to insure a warm reception . Our Prov . Grand Master had shown himself worthy of his high position , and claimed for himself the deep and lasting attachments of every member of the Craft . —Bro . James , S . W ., in appropriate and few well-chosen remarks
proposed "The D . G . P . M ., the Rev . Bro . Lockwood , and Grand Officers of the Province , " to which Bro . Harper , Prov . J . G . AV ., responded . HeUiost ; heartily endorsed the sentiments expressed by the AV . M . in regard to the excellent Masonic qualities of our P . G . M ., and in acknowledging the toast on behalf
of the Prov . Grand Officers , which had unexpectedly fallen to his lot , insomuch as he had almost overlooked the fact , that he was a Grand Officer , said lie regretted that the Officers in the province were not called upon to do something more in the cause of Masonry than merely to meet annually for
the purpose of exchanging their badges of office He thought much good might be done by Grand Officers occasionally visiting the lodges in the province . —The A \ . M . in rising to propose " The Immediate Past Master Bro . Harper , " which he pronounced the toast of the evening , said , that the
great pleasure and gratification that he ( the AV . M . ) had in proposing this toast would be equally shared by the brethren , that he could not give utterance to their feelings nor his own in such a manner as the toast demanded , and felt proud at having a brother amongst them who had done so much in the cause
of Masonry , not only to the Adair Lodge but to the Craft in general . On this occasion , he ( the AV . M . ) was proud in being the medium of conveying some tangible proof of the affectionate regard for the brother who had with so much pleasure to the brethren , and credit to himself , presided over the
lodge for the last two years ; adding that it was with the utmost possible pleasure that lie on behalf of the brethren presented him ( Bro . Harper ) with a Past Master ' s jewel as a mark of the high esteem in which he was held by the brethren , and in appreciation of his services rendered to the lodge ,
trusting that T . G . A . O . T . U . might be pleased long to spare him to wear it . —Bro . Harper , I . P . M ., in responding , congratulated the AV . M on the able and feeling speech which he had just delivered , but feared that the flattering remarks in regard to his ( Bro . Harper's ) services to
the lodge might be considered by the brethren to be overdrawn . He thanked them most sincerely for the valuable P .. M . jewel with which they had presented him , trusting he should ever look on it , as the most valuable jewel he had , and cherish it as evidence of the affectionate regard in which he
was held by the brethren . He ( Bro . Harper ) would also take the opportunity of acknowledging the assistance rendered by the officers for the past year , and thanked the brethren one and all for the support , courtesy , and indulgence , he had ever met with during the two years he had the honour to
preside over them . —The next toast was the health of the "AA . M ., " Bro . Hayward , proposed by Bro . Harper , who said that it had frequently fallen to his lot during the last two years to address the brethren , both in the lodge and out of the lodge , but that he never stood before them with greater
pleasure than on the present occasion , and felt sure that the toast would be equally gratifying to the brethren ; that they would ail agree with him that Bro . Hayward had patiently and honourably earned his high position ; that it was a mistake to suppose that a Mason of one , two . or three- years' standing
could be capable of governing a . lodge . This was not the case with Bro . Hayward ; he had spent a lifetime in the cause of Masonry , and much of that time had been devoted in the intetests of the Adair Lodge . Bro . Harper , in his own name , and that of
the brethren , congratulated the AV . M . on his position , trusting that he would fill the important office with credit to himself , and benefit to the brethren . —The AV . M . responded , and said that he felt highly gratified that he had been placed in that position
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
by the unanimous vote of the brethren , assuring them that nothing should be wanting on his part to promote the interest an d well-being of the Adair Lodge , of which , as one of the original promoters of the lodge , he gave an interesting account of its career , and concluded by thanking the brethren for
the honour conferred upon him . — Bro . James , S . AV , proposed " The Past Masters , " alluding , in particular , to the eminent services rendered to the lodge by Bro . Garrett , P . M ., who had the honour of being the first AA . M . of the Adair Lodge . —Bro . Garrett , in his usual effective style , replied . —The W . M ., in
proposing "The Officers of the Lodge , " spoke m the highest terms of the S . AV .. Bro . James , who , he stated , was ever ready and willing to promote the interests of the Craft . He ( the AV . M . ) hoped that next year Bro . James would accept the highest honour the lodge can bestow , and congratulated himself on having been successful in the selection
of his officers . —Bro . James , S . AV ., and Bro . Sparrow , S . D ., responded . — " The Masonic Charities " was proposed by Bro . Harper , and responded to by Bro . Banning , P . M ., a collection being made by the brethren present in aid of the same . " The Ladies , " and Tyler ' s toasts closed the proceedings of this most pleasant and agreeable evening .
TREDEGAR . —St . George's Lodge , No . 1089 . — The installation of Bro . William Davics as AV . M . of this lodge took place on Thursday se ' nnight , at Tredegar . The ceremony was ably performed by Bro . J . Middleton . The banquet was held at the Castle Hotel , and was supplied in the host ' s best
style . The AV . M . was supported by the Prov . G . M ., Bro . Col . Charles Lyne , the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Hornfray , and other members of the P . G . L . Amongst the visitois were Bros . J . C . Parkinson , P . M . ISI , and J . S . Adam , P . M . 90 . The company was very numerous , and everything went off well . In the
course of the proceedings , an address , bound in crimson and beautifully engrossed , was presented by the lodge to the P . G . M . LLANGEFNI . — Anglesey Lodge , A o . n 13 . — A regular meeting of the above lodge was held at the lodge-room , Bull Hotel , on Tuesday , the 26 th
December . There were present : Bros . J . L . Hampton Lewis , I . P . M . ; R . H . AVilliams , P . M . ; William Bulkeley Hughes , P . P . S . G . AV . ; T . C . Rodcn . P . M ., P . P . S . G . AV . ; William Hughes , P . M ., Treas . ; William Evans , S . AV . and AV . M .-elect ; R . T . Philips , J . AV . ; Evan AVilliams , I . G . ; Edmond
Hicks , Sec . ; J . LI . Griffith , S . D . ; B . Rouse , Robt . Rowlands , M . Dyer , Tyler ; and visiting Brothers John Peters ( W . M . ) , James Lloyd ( I . G . ) , Owen R . Eliis ( Secretary ) , and Joseph Jones—all from the Lodge of St . Cybi , No . 597 , Holyhead . The chief business of the evening was the installation of a
Master for the ensuing year . The ceremonies were worked in the several degrees , in a most able and impressive manner , by Bro . T . C . Roden , P . M ., who appears to be thoroughly versed in the Craft service , and to have his entire heart in the work Bro . AVilliam Evans had been dulyelected at the previous
meeting to the office of AA . M . for the coming year , and he was therefore installed in the chair according to ancient custom . After appointing and investing his officers and transacting other business , the AV . M . closed the lodge in perfect peace and harmony . The brethren then adjourned to the
diningroom , where a splendid banquet was awaiting them , prepared by the landlord , Bro . Crewdson . After dinner , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and drank with enthusiasm , and none more so than the one to " The better health of our Royal Brother Albert Edward Prince of AVales . "
ALDERSHOT . —Aldcrshot Camp Lodge , No . 1331 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in the Royal Hotel , on Thursday , the 4 th inst . Bro . J . Fenn , AA . M ., was in the chair of honour , and was supported by the following officers : Bros . C . Carnegie , I . P . M , Treas . ; Captain Richardson , R . E .,
S . AV . ; A . M'Kenzie , J . AV . ; J . Lavety , S . D . ; R . Bennett , J . D . ; Anderson , I . G . ; and U . Lucas , Tyler . Bro . Carnegie acted as Secretary , in the absence of Bro . AA hitc . The lodge was opened in the first degrce , and the minutes of the last meetingwere read and confirmed . It was resoK'ed , on the
motion of Bro . C . Carnegie , seconded by Bro . A . M'Kenzie , to give £ 5 to the Masonic Benevolent Institution , to be placed on the list of Bro . Eve , P . G . S . AV . Hants . Bro . Carnegie read a report from the Committee of Reference , stating that the balance sheet , which the lodge had directed to be
prepared , had been executed . On the proposition of Bro . Bennett , a vote of thanks was voted to the Treasurer and the Committee of Reference for their able administration of the funds of the lodge during the past year . The AV . M . proposed that a charitable association be formed for the purpose of
enabling the brethren to become Life Governors of the various Masonic Charities , and Bro . Carnegie was requested to make the necessary preparations , and report to the next meeting cf the lodge . Nothing further being offered for the good of Masonry , the lodge was closed in peace , harmony , and brotherly love .