Article Scotland. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Scotland. Page 2 of 2 Article Ireland. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1
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then made for admission into the Order from Mr . Alexander Stevenson , and there being no objections , the candidate was brought in and received thc First Degree at thc hands of the W . M . The lodge was then called to refreshment , when a specially agreeable hour was spent . Amongst the toasts proposed and duly honoured were " The Three Grand Lodges , " " Thc Provincial Grand Lodge of
Glasgow , and " Thc Last Laiel Stone of Lodge St . John " ( Bro . Stevenson ) . That of " The P . G . L . of Glasgow" was coupled with thc name of Bro . W . H . Bickerton , P . G . Sec , who , in thanking the brethren for the compliment , said that having been only appointed to the office which he held about a week ago , he could not be expected to speak of the duties connected therewith from experience .
However , he might state that before accepting it he had well considered the matter , and he had only to say that none of the prestige pertaining to it should be lost on his part in keeping its affairs in good working order . The lodge was afterwards closed in due and ancient form . PAISLEY . —St . Mirren Lodge ( No . 129 ) . —A meeting of the brethren of this lodge was held on
Wednesday evening , 17 th inst ., in the Globe Hotel , for the purpose of entertaining the late W . M . of the lodge . Bro . J . Gilmour presided , and Bro . A . Wallace discharged thc duties of Croupier . During the evening , in proposing " The Health of the late W . M ., Bro . Edmonds , " Bro . Wallace referred to the eminent services which he had rendered to the lodge during his term of office , and also
to the cause of Masonry in general for a great many years past . In the name of a number of the brethren , Bro . Wallace then presented Bro . Edmonds with a handsome gold watch , which bore the following inscription : — " Presented to Bro . H . S . Edmonds , l . P . M . No . 129 , by a few friends who appreciate his past labours , and esteem him as a brother and a man . " Bro . Edmonds appropriately
acknowledged the gift . A very happy evening was spent TARBOLTON . —Lodge St . David ( No . 133 ) . —This old loelge , which received its first charter in February , 1773 , after being in a state of dormancy for about 32 years , was resuscitated on Monday afternoon , ifith inst ., by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire . In the unavoielable absence of the Prov . Grand Master ,
Colonel Mure , thc ceremony was performed by the Prov . Grand Secretary , Bro . Robert Wylie , who was supported by Bros . J . G . Halkett , Past S . P . M . ; John Caruthers , G . S . W . ; Jas . Gibson , G . J . W . ; J . A . Ferguson , P . S . W . ; John Tweed , P . J . W . ; and Bro . Wheeler , of Mother Kilwinning , Bros . Nelson , W . M . 22 , and John Mackay , Past Master ; Hugh Shaw , W . M . 109 ; John Pollock ,
W . M . 51 ; Sam . A . Clark , W . M . 86 ; J . S . M'llwrai' . h , W . M . 124 ; Jas . M'Cosh , W . M . 135 ; John Ramsay , W . M . 138 ; Thos . Harvey , W . M . 179 ; W . D . Chambers , W . M . 204 ; and D . Reid , W . M . 549 . Letters of apology for absence were read from Sir James Ferguson , Bart ., P . P . G . M . ; R . W . Cochrane Patrick , of Woodside , D . P . G . M . ; W . Ralston Patrick , of Trearne , S . P . G . M . ; Roger
Montgomerie , M . P ., Proxy G . M . Grand Lodge , Edinburgh ; J . H . Neilson , G . S . Grand Lodge , Edinburgh ; D . Murray Lyon , S . G . W . The interesting ceremony of installing the office-bearers of the Lodge St . David was then proceeded with as follows : —James Wallace Dunlop Adair , of Beechgrove , W . M . ; Dr . Faulds , D . M . ; John Faulds , S . M . ; James Muir , S . W . ; James Gibson , J . W . ; Dr . Wm .
Muir , Secretary ; William Rennie , Treasurer ; W . R . Gibb , S . D . ; W . Davidson , J . D . ; Joseph Davidson , S . S . ; Hector Alexander , J . S . ; John Loudon , I . G . ; XV . Cowan , Tyler . Considerable interest was attached to thc reopening of this lodge , from thc fact that it was in the Lodge St . David , Tarbolton , that the immortal bard , Bro . Robert Burns , first saw Masonic light , on 4 th July , 1781 , and was passed and raised on the 1 st October of the same
year . The name Burns , however , has alway been associated with the St . James ' s ( Kilwinning ) , Tarbolton , both lodges having held their meetings in Tarbolton , Burns was , at the period of his initiation , 23 years of age , and was raised to the honourable position of Depute-Master of St . James's , as the minutes of the lodge containing his own signature amply testify , and at this time he seems to have taken a warm interest in everything relating to the Craft .
GLASGOW . — Lodge St . George ( No . 333 ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held in St . Mark ' s Hall , Buchanan-street , on Wednesday , 10 th inst ., Bro . J . Findlcy , W . M ., President ; supported by Bros . Alexander Thomson , l . P . M . ; Jas . Forsyth , D . M . ; Robt . J Anderson , S . W . ; R . Fairbairn , J . W . ; jjAndrew Dunn , Treasurer ; and Archibald M'lntyrc , Secretary .
Amongst the visiting brethren were Bros . James Booth W . M . No . 87 ( Thistle ); John Law , D . M * . No . 571 ( Dramatic ) , & c . The lodge having been opened , and the minutes nf last regular and one emergency meeting read and approved of , the application of a
candidate for admission into the Order and the lodge was submitted , and he having been balloted for , and the ballot appearing clear , it was sustained accordingly . Previous to thc work of initiation , the question of the annual festival of the lodge came up , and a short conversational discussion ensued as to whether it should this
year take thc form of a soiree or a supper . Ultimately , it was moved by Bro . Archibald M'lntyrc ( Secretary ) , seconded by Bro . James Miller , and agreed to nem . con ., that it be a supper and ball , open to ladies and friends of members , whether in or out of the Order , and to come off as near as possible to the end of next month . The candidate , having been duly prepared , was then
admitted , and received thc E . A . Degree at the hands of the W . M . Thereafter the tadge was raised to the Degree of Fellow Craft , when a brother , formerly initiated , was passed to that Degree also by the Master . There being no further business the lodge was then closed . GLASGOW . —Lodge Caledonian Railway ( No . 354 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , 17 th inst ., within the Masonic Hall , at No . 30 Hope-st .
The W . M ., Bro . Adam B . Ferguson , presided , supported by Bros . D . Buchanan , D . M . ; John Harley , S . W . ; Wm . Anderson , J . W ., and other office-bearers . The meeting was more numerously attendeel than any erne of this lodge that has been held for a considerable period , there being in all no fewer than about 120 brethren present , including many visiting brethren . Amongst the latter were Bros ,
D . M . Nelson , I . P . M ., Lodge St . John , No . 3 . V , and Senr . Deacon Grand Lodge of Scotland ; Jas . Findlay , W . M . Lodge St . George , No . 333 ; John Mclnnes , W M . Lodge Clyde , No . 408 ; David Reid , W . M . Lodge St . Andre w , No . 4 6 5 ; William Phillips , W . M . Lodge Clyelesdale , No . 55 6 , and others . The lodge having been duly opened , two approved candidates for admission into the
order received the E . A . Degree at the hands of the W . M ., Bro . Ferguson . The lodge was then called from labour to refreshment , and a pleasant evening ensued . The toast " Prosperity to Lodge Caledonian Railway , No . 354 , " was proposed by Bro . D . M . Nelson , cordially pledged by the unusually numerous visiting brethren present , and acknowledgeel by the W . M . Thereafter the loelge was closed in due and ancient form .
Ireland .
WATERFORD . — Waterford Lodge ( No . 5 ) . —The members of this lodge met at the Masonic Hall , the Mall , on New Year ' s Day , for the installation of officers for the ensuing year . Bro . T . Calendre was installed W . M . After transacting business , the lodge adjourned . WATERFORD . —Royal Shamrock Lodge ( No . 32 ) . —The members of this lodge assembled at their
lodge-rooms , Olave ' s Place , on Thursday evening , for the purpose of installing officers for the ensuing year , and to celebrate the festival of St . John . There was a large attendance of members and visitors from other lodges present . Bro . E . Brooks was installed W . M . After the transaction of business , the brethren partook of a sumptuous dinner , and having enjoyed a pleasant evening ,
separated in peace , love , and harmony . CLONMEL . —Donoughmore Lodge ( No . 44 ) . —The members of this lodge , met at their lodge rooms , Nelson-street , Clonmel , on Tuesday , thc 2 nd inst . Bro . Stephen Moore , M . P ., Worshipful Master , presided . There was a full attendance of brethren . The lodge opened in E . A . Degree , and after the initiation of a
candidate , proceeded to the installation nf officers for the ensuing year . Bro . Hugh T . Sayc-rs was installed W . M . ; E . Smyth , S . W . ; and L . Leachman , J . W . After the ceremony of installation , Bro . C . Ffentiel ! , as Senior P . M ., proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . S . Moore for his very efficient services and successful efforts to promote the cause of Masonry during his year of office as W . M ., and , at the
same time , on behalf of thc members of the lodge , presented him with a golden Past Master ' s jewel as a token of their esteem and approbation . The vote was seconded by Bro . Gerald Fitzgerald , and carrieei by acclamation . Bro . Moore returned thanks in suitable language , anel expressed himself as willing and anxious at all times to do what he could for the welfare of Masonry in general , and Lodge
44 in particular . After the transaction of some further ordinary business , lodge closed in peace , love , and harmony . WATERFORD .-Abercorn Lodge ( No . 297 ) , held their first communication in the new year on Monday evening , when there was one of the largest lodge meetings held in Waterford for several years . ThcRcv . I . DeRenny ,
W . M ., presided . There were about forty brethren present , amongst whom we noticed Bros . ![ Rea , S . W . ; Nelson , J . W . ; Barr , J . D . ; Lumsden , J . D . ; Stevenson , I . G . ; Behm , P . M . ; Peamc , P . M . ; Moreland , P . M .-, Whalley , P . P . G . J . W . ; Dart , J . P . M . ; Cherry , P . M . 5 ; McLean , P . M . 32 ; Davis , P . M . ; Smith ; Rev . J . W . Bell , Rev . G . Phair , Sinclair , Davidson , Rev . J . Hickson , Carden ,
Carr , 53 ; Palmer , P . M . 32 ; Trigg , Meredith , A . Smith . The lodge was opened in thc First Degree , and after some routine business had been transacted , another stone was laid in thc Masonic Temple , in a superior workmanlike way ; after this Bro . Price was duly installed as W . M . for the current year . The newly-installed Master , in the most kind and hearty language , gave expression to the feelings of personal regard and esteem in which the lodge holds
its late Master , anel on their part thanked him for the able manner in which he presided over them during his year of office , and then presented him from the lodge with a life governorship in the Boys' Masonic Orphan School , for which the l . P . M . heartily thanked his brethren . The whole work of the evening reflected the greatest credit on the new lodge , which promises to be one of the best worked and most popular in the province .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The General Committee of this Institution met on Thursday last at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Col . Peters in the chair . There were also present Bros . A . H . Tattershall , the Rev . Dr . Morris , H . Browse , H . W . Hcmsworth , E . H . Finney , Thos . W . White , George Kenning , John Boyd , J .
A . Rucker , CoIIard Moutrie , H . A . Dubois , H . M . Levy , Griffiths Smith , II . Massey ( Freemason ) . J . C . Peacock , W . Stephen , S . Rosenthal , F . Binckes , H . Potter , E . C . Mather ( 65 ) , and R . W . Little , Secretary . With respect to thc subject mentioned by Bro . Symonds at last meeting , as to the test of the reading of candidates being the same as that of the Educational Department of
the Privy Council , it was mentioned that the subject might be remitted to a sub-committee , but Bro . Browse thought that the previous test was sufficient for the Girls' School . The children were nine or ten years of age when admitted , and at that age they ought to read well . Thc Secretary informed the brethren that a legacy had been left to the Institution by a Mr . Matthews , who be-
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
queathed his patent for concentrated liquid lime to this Institution , and two others , to be equally divided between the three . The Secretary then read the balance sheet of the Institution for the last year , which showed receipts to the amount of over £ 13 , 000 . A vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded thc proceedings .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
ALDERSGATE LODGE ( NO . 11557 ) . —The consecration of this Lod ge will take place on Monday next , at the Castle and Falcon Hotel , Aldersgate-street , at halfpast four o ' clock . The ceremonies of Consecration and Installation will be performed by V . W . Bro . J . Hervey , P . G . D . Grand Secretary , assisted by V . W . Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , P G . C ; Bro . Hyde-Pullen , P . D . Prov .
G . M . I . of W ., and P . G . S . B . ;; and Bro . Henry Gustavus Buss , Prov . Grand Junior Warden , Middlesex . Bro . John Derby-Allcroft , as previously stated , is the W . M . designate . A full report of the proceedings will appear in our next . A Stockholm correspondent of the Gottenbttrg IJandels-Tidcndc states ( evidently in error ) that the Prince of Wales is expected on the 21 st inst . at Stockholm , to
assist at the opening of their new Masonic lodge , a ceremony which will take place on that day , which is the birthday of King Oscar II . The new lodge has cost 1 , 600 , 000 crowns . Great preparations are being made for the banquet , where more than a thousand brethren are expected to meet ; and for the ball which the King gives on the 22 nd , and to which 2000 invitations have been
sent out . ART AND OUR HOSPITALS . —Dr . J . Lawrence Hamilton writes from 34 , Gloucester-terrace , Hyde Park : — "Save for a sea of dreary whitewash , dull distemper , or cheerless paint , most of our hospitals are completely bare and destitute of ornament . If a few philanthropists would each send a spare scrap of art now and
again , something would be done to lighten the gloom of the sick ward . A hint in your columns ought to be sufficient to stimulate the munificence of many an art collector , as also the liberality of painters in such a direction . —The Times , 23 , January , 1877 . On Wednesday morning Eton College opened at thc close of the Christmas vacation with the return of
thc lower beys , the opening of the school having been deferred in consequence of the floods , which even now cover some parts of the grounds near the College . A report of the Installation Meeting of the Neptune Lodge , No . 22 , which took place on Thursday last , will appear in our next .
The house No . 25 , George Square , Edinburgh , which was occupied by Bro . Sir Walter Scott , has been sold by auction for £ 2725 . We understand that Mr . Augustus Savile Lumley has been appointed her Majesty's Marshal of the Ceremonies in the room of the Honourable Spencer Lyttelton , who lias resigned .
His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland has appointed Bro . Capt . H . C . Norris ( Lodge 599 ) , to be Aide-de . Camp . The Corporation of Belfast , at a special meeting , appointed a deputation to present a congratulatory address to the Duke of Marlborough , on the occasion of his appointment to the Lord-Lieutenancy of Ireland .
We learn with sincere regret of the death of Mrs . Williams , wife of Bro . Montagu Williams , the eminent barrister , which sad event took place on Wednesday , 24 th inst . Much sympathy has been expressed with Bro . Williams by both Bench and Bar at the Middlesex Court on hearing the melancholy intelligence . At a meeting of the Cherwell Lodge , No .
599 , held at the Red Lion Hotel , Banbury , on Monday last , Bro . the Rev . J . Spittal , Vicar of Christchurch , South Banbury , the present Senior Warden , was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year ; Bro . R . Havers , P . G . O . of England , was again elected to the office of Treasurer , an office he has held with great benefit to the lodge for a long series of years ; Bros . Chambcrlin and Fowler were
elected Stewards , and Bro . T . Moss , Tyler . Thc installation of the new W . M . will take place on the 26 th of February . We are requested to state that the next three meetings of the Eccleston Lodge , No . 1624 , will be held on February 2 ist : March 21 st , and April 18 th , at the Grosvenor Hall , Ebury-square , Pimlico . The Lodge of Instruction meets every Saturday evening in the GrosvcnorCi . ini ,
( not HAM .. ) FASHIONABLE MARRIAGE . —Lady Guendaline Talbot , second daughter of the Earl of Shrewsbury , R . W , Prov . Grand Master Staffordshire , was married on Thursday week at Ingestre Church to Colonel Chaplin , M . P , Thc Bishop of Lichfield performed thc ceremony , and -was assisted by the Hon . and Rev . A . C . Talbot and the Hon ,
Rev . W- lalbot , great uncles of thc bride . Among the distinguished persons present were the Duchess of Sutherland , the Marchioness of Waterforei , Lord and Lady Castlereagh , Lord and Lady Folkestone , Lord and Lady Hatherton , Mr . H . Chaplin , M . P ., and Lady Florence Chaplin . Attending on thc bridegroom was the Hon . Evelyn Boscowen ; and thc bridesmaids were Miss F . Chetwynd , Miss Noth , and the Hon . Marian Thelluson . Lady Guendaline
was attireel in a cream-coloured dress with Brussels lace trimmings , and the bridesmaids in grey cashmere with scarlet trimmings , and hats to match . After the wedding breakfast at Ingestre Hall , the newly-wedded pair left for Alton Towers . We deeply regret to have to announce the death of thc Countess of Limerick , which took place on Wednesday in London .
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then made for admission into the Order from Mr . Alexander Stevenson , and there being no objections , the candidate was brought in and received thc First Degree at thc hands of the W . M . The lodge was then called to refreshment , when a specially agreeable hour was spent . Amongst the toasts proposed and duly honoured were " The Three Grand Lodges , " " Thc Provincial Grand Lodge of
Glasgow , and " Thc Last Laiel Stone of Lodge St . John " ( Bro . Stevenson ) . That of " The P . G . L . of Glasgow" was coupled with thc name of Bro . W . H . Bickerton , P . G . Sec , who , in thanking the brethren for the compliment , said that having been only appointed to the office which he held about a week ago , he could not be expected to speak of the duties connected therewith from experience .
However , he might state that before accepting it he had well considered the matter , and he had only to say that none of the prestige pertaining to it should be lost on his part in keeping its affairs in good working order . The lodge was afterwards closed in due and ancient form . PAISLEY . —St . Mirren Lodge ( No . 129 ) . —A meeting of the brethren of this lodge was held on
Wednesday evening , 17 th inst ., in the Globe Hotel , for the purpose of entertaining the late W . M . of the lodge . Bro . J . Gilmour presided , and Bro . A . Wallace discharged thc duties of Croupier . During the evening , in proposing " The Health of the late W . M ., Bro . Edmonds , " Bro . Wallace referred to the eminent services which he had rendered to the lodge during his term of office , and also
to the cause of Masonry in general for a great many years past . In the name of a number of the brethren , Bro . Wallace then presented Bro . Edmonds with a handsome gold watch , which bore the following inscription : — " Presented to Bro . H . S . Edmonds , l . P . M . No . 129 , by a few friends who appreciate his past labours , and esteem him as a brother and a man . " Bro . Edmonds appropriately
acknowledged the gift . A very happy evening was spent TARBOLTON . —Lodge St . David ( No . 133 ) . —This old loelge , which received its first charter in February , 1773 , after being in a state of dormancy for about 32 years , was resuscitated on Monday afternoon , ifith inst ., by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire . In the unavoielable absence of the Prov . Grand Master ,
Colonel Mure , thc ceremony was performed by the Prov . Grand Secretary , Bro . Robert Wylie , who was supported by Bros . J . G . Halkett , Past S . P . M . ; John Caruthers , G . S . W . ; Jas . Gibson , G . J . W . ; J . A . Ferguson , P . S . W . ; John Tweed , P . J . W . ; and Bro . Wheeler , of Mother Kilwinning , Bros . Nelson , W . M . 22 , and John Mackay , Past Master ; Hugh Shaw , W . M . 109 ; John Pollock ,
W . M . 51 ; Sam . A . Clark , W . M . 86 ; J . S . M'llwrai' . h , W . M . 124 ; Jas . M'Cosh , W . M . 135 ; John Ramsay , W . M . 138 ; Thos . Harvey , W . M . 179 ; W . D . Chambers , W . M . 204 ; and D . Reid , W . M . 549 . Letters of apology for absence were read from Sir James Ferguson , Bart ., P . P . G . M . ; R . W . Cochrane Patrick , of Woodside , D . P . G . M . ; W . Ralston Patrick , of Trearne , S . P . G . M . ; Roger
Montgomerie , M . P ., Proxy G . M . Grand Lodge , Edinburgh ; J . H . Neilson , G . S . Grand Lodge , Edinburgh ; D . Murray Lyon , S . G . W . The interesting ceremony of installing the office-bearers of the Lodge St . David was then proceeded with as follows : —James Wallace Dunlop Adair , of Beechgrove , W . M . ; Dr . Faulds , D . M . ; John Faulds , S . M . ; James Muir , S . W . ; James Gibson , J . W . ; Dr . Wm .
Muir , Secretary ; William Rennie , Treasurer ; W . R . Gibb , S . D . ; W . Davidson , J . D . ; Joseph Davidson , S . S . ; Hector Alexander , J . S . ; John Loudon , I . G . ; XV . Cowan , Tyler . Considerable interest was attached to thc reopening of this lodge , from thc fact that it was in the Lodge St . David , Tarbolton , that the immortal bard , Bro . Robert Burns , first saw Masonic light , on 4 th July , 1781 , and was passed and raised on the 1 st October of the same
year . The name Burns , however , has alway been associated with the St . James ' s ( Kilwinning ) , Tarbolton , both lodges having held their meetings in Tarbolton , Burns was , at the period of his initiation , 23 years of age , and was raised to the honourable position of Depute-Master of St . James's , as the minutes of the lodge containing his own signature amply testify , and at this time he seems to have taken a warm interest in everything relating to the Craft .
GLASGOW . — Lodge St . George ( No . 333 ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held in St . Mark ' s Hall , Buchanan-street , on Wednesday , 10 th inst ., Bro . J . Findlcy , W . M ., President ; supported by Bros . Alexander Thomson , l . P . M . ; Jas . Forsyth , D . M . ; Robt . J Anderson , S . W . ; R . Fairbairn , J . W . ; jjAndrew Dunn , Treasurer ; and Archibald M'lntyrc , Secretary .
Amongst the visiting brethren were Bros . James Booth W . M . No . 87 ( Thistle ); John Law , D . M * . No . 571 ( Dramatic ) , & c . The lodge having been opened , and the minutes nf last regular and one emergency meeting read and approved of , the application of a
candidate for admission into the Order and the lodge was submitted , and he having been balloted for , and the ballot appearing clear , it was sustained accordingly . Previous to thc work of initiation , the question of the annual festival of the lodge came up , and a short conversational discussion ensued as to whether it should this
year take thc form of a soiree or a supper . Ultimately , it was moved by Bro . Archibald M'lntyrc ( Secretary ) , seconded by Bro . James Miller , and agreed to nem . con ., that it be a supper and ball , open to ladies and friends of members , whether in or out of the Order , and to come off as near as possible to the end of next month . The candidate , having been duly prepared , was then
admitted , and received thc E . A . Degree at the hands of the W . M . Thereafter the tadge was raised to the Degree of Fellow Craft , when a brother , formerly initiated , was passed to that Degree also by the Master . There being no further business the lodge was then closed . GLASGOW . —Lodge Caledonian Railway ( No . 354 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , 17 th inst ., within the Masonic Hall , at No . 30 Hope-st .
The W . M ., Bro . Adam B . Ferguson , presided , supported by Bros . D . Buchanan , D . M . ; John Harley , S . W . ; Wm . Anderson , J . W ., and other office-bearers . The meeting was more numerously attendeel than any erne of this lodge that has been held for a considerable period , there being in all no fewer than about 120 brethren present , including many visiting brethren . Amongst the latter were Bros ,
D . M . Nelson , I . P . M ., Lodge St . John , No . 3 . V , and Senr . Deacon Grand Lodge of Scotland ; Jas . Findlay , W . M . Lodge St . George , No . 333 ; John Mclnnes , W M . Lodge Clyde , No . 408 ; David Reid , W . M . Lodge St . Andre w , No . 4 6 5 ; William Phillips , W . M . Lodge Clyelesdale , No . 55 6 , and others . The lodge having been duly opened , two approved candidates for admission into the
order received the E . A . Degree at the hands of the W . M ., Bro . Ferguson . The lodge was then called from labour to refreshment , and a pleasant evening ensued . The toast " Prosperity to Lodge Caledonian Railway , No . 354 , " was proposed by Bro . D . M . Nelson , cordially pledged by the unusually numerous visiting brethren present , and acknowledgeel by the W . M . Thereafter the loelge was closed in due and ancient form .
Ireland .
WATERFORD . — Waterford Lodge ( No . 5 ) . —The members of this lodge met at the Masonic Hall , the Mall , on New Year ' s Day , for the installation of officers for the ensuing year . Bro . T . Calendre was installed W . M . After transacting business , the lodge adjourned . WATERFORD . —Royal Shamrock Lodge ( No . 32 ) . —The members of this lodge assembled at their
lodge-rooms , Olave ' s Place , on Thursday evening , for the purpose of installing officers for the ensuing year , and to celebrate the festival of St . John . There was a large attendance of members and visitors from other lodges present . Bro . E . Brooks was installed W . M . After the transaction of business , the brethren partook of a sumptuous dinner , and having enjoyed a pleasant evening ,
separated in peace , love , and harmony . CLONMEL . —Donoughmore Lodge ( No . 44 ) . —The members of this lodge , met at their lodge rooms , Nelson-street , Clonmel , on Tuesday , thc 2 nd inst . Bro . Stephen Moore , M . P ., Worshipful Master , presided . There was a full attendance of brethren . The lodge opened in E . A . Degree , and after the initiation of a
candidate , proceeded to the installation nf officers for the ensuing year . Bro . Hugh T . Sayc-rs was installed W . M . ; E . Smyth , S . W . ; and L . Leachman , J . W . After the ceremony of installation , Bro . C . Ffentiel ! , as Senior P . M ., proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . S . Moore for his very efficient services and successful efforts to promote the cause of Masonry during his year of office as W . M ., and , at the
same time , on behalf of thc members of the lodge , presented him with a golden Past Master ' s jewel as a token of their esteem and approbation . The vote was seconded by Bro . Gerald Fitzgerald , and carrieei by acclamation . Bro . Moore returned thanks in suitable language , anel expressed himself as willing and anxious at all times to do what he could for the welfare of Masonry in general , and Lodge
44 in particular . After the transaction of some further ordinary business , lodge closed in peace , love , and harmony . WATERFORD .-Abercorn Lodge ( No . 297 ) , held their first communication in the new year on Monday evening , when there was one of the largest lodge meetings held in Waterford for several years . ThcRcv . I . DeRenny ,
W . M ., presided . There were about forty brethren present , amongst whom we noticed Bros . ![ Rea , S . W . ; Nelson , J . W . ; Barr , J . D . ; Lumsden , J . D . ; Stevenson , I . G . ; Behm , P . M . ; Peamc , P . M . ; Moreland , P . M .-, Whalley , P . P . G . J . W . ; Dart , J . P . M . ; Cherry , P . M . 5 ; McLean , P . M . 32 ; Davis , P . M . ; Smith ; Rev . J . W . Bell , Rev . G . Phair , Sinclair , Davidson , Rev . J . Hickson , Carden ,
Carr , 53 ; Palmer , P . M . 32 ; Trigg , Meredith , A . Smith . The lodge was opened in thc First Degree , and after some routine business had been transacted , another stone was laid in thc Masonic Temple , in a superior workmanlike way ; after this Bro . Price was duly installed as W . M . for the current year . The newly-installed Master , in the most kind and hearty language , gave expression to the feelings of personal regard and esteem in which the lodge holds
its late Master , anel on their part thanked him for the able manner in which he presided over them during his year of office , and then presented him from the lodge with a life governorship in the Boys' Masonic Orphan School , for which the l . P . M . heartily thanked his brethren . The whole work of the evening reflected the greatest credit on the new lodge , which promises to be one of the best worked and most popular in the province .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The General Committee of this Institution met on Thursday last at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Col . Peters in the chair . There were also present Bros . A . H . Tattershall , the Rev . Dr . Morris , H . Browse , H . W . Hcmsworth , E . H . Finney , Thos . W . White , George Kenning , John Boyd , J .
A . Rucker , CoIIard Moutrie , H . A . Dubois , H . M . Levy , Griffiths Smith , II . Massey ( Freemason ) . J . C . Peacock , W . Stephen , S . Rosenthal , F . Binckes , H . Potter , E . C . Mather ( 65 ) , and R . W . Little , Secretary . With respect to thc subject mentioned by Bro . Symonds at last meeting , as to the test of the reading of candidates being the same as that of the Educational Department of
the Privy Council , it was mentioned that the subject might be remitted to a sub-committee , but Bro . Browse thought that the previous test was sufficient for the Girls' School . The children were nine or ten years of age when admitted , and at that age they ought to read well . Thc Secretary informed the brethren that a legacy had been left to the Institution by a Mr . Matthews , who be-
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
queathed his patent for concentrated liquid lime to this Institution , and two others , to be equally divided between the three . The Secretary then read the balance sheet of the Institution for the last year , which showed receipts to the amount of over £ 13 , 000 . A vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded thc proceedings .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
ALDERSGATE LODGE ( NO . 11557 ) . —The consecration of this Lod ge will take place on Monday next , at the Castle and Falcon Hotel , Aldersgate-street , at halfpast four o ' clock . The ceremonies of Consecration and Installation will be performed by V . W . Bro . J . Hervey , P . G . D . Grand Secretary , assisted by V . W . Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , P G . C ; Bro . Hyde-Pullen , P . D . Prov .
G . M . I . of W ., and P . G . S . B . ;; and Bro . Henry Gustavus Buss , Prov . Grand Junior Warden , Middlesex . Bro . John Derby-Allcroft , as previously stated , is the W . M . designate . A full report of the proceedings will appear in our next . A Stockholm correspondent of the Gottenbttrg IJandels-Tidcndc states ( evidently in error ) that the Prince of Wales is expected on the 21 st inst . at Stockholm , to
assist at the opening of their new Masonic lodge , a ceremony which will take place on that day , which is the birthday of King Oscar II . The new lodge has cost 1 , 600 , 000 crowns . Great preparations are being made for the banquet , where more than a thousand brethren are expected to meet ; and for the ball which the King gives on the 22 nd , and to which 2000 invitations have been
sent out . ART AND OUR HOSPITALS . —Dr . J . Lawrence Hamilton writes from 34 , Gloucester-terrace , Hyde Park : — "Save for a sea of dreary whitewash , dull distemper , or cheerless paint , most of our hospitals are completely bare and destitute of ornament . If a few philanthropists would each send a spare scrap of art now and
again , something would be done to lighten the gloom of the sick ward . A hint in your columns ought to be sufficient to stimulate the munificence of many an art collector , as also the liberality of painters in such a direction . —The Times , 23 , January , 1877 . On Wednesday morning Eton College opened at thc close of the Christmas vacation with the return of
thc lower beys , the opening of the school having been deferred in consequence of the floods , which even now cover some parts of the grounds near the College . A report of the Installation Meeting of the Neptune Lodge , No . 22 , which took place on Thursday last , will appear in our next .
The house No . 25 , George Square , Edinburgh , which was occupied by Bro . Sir Walter Scott , has been sold by auction for £ 2725 . We understand that Mr . Augustus Savile Lumley has been appointed her Majesty's Marshal of the Ceremonies in the room of the Honourable Spencer Lyttelton , who lias resigned .
His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland has appointed Bro . Capt . H . C . Norris ( Lodge 599 ) , to be Aide-de . Camp . The Corporation of Belfast , at a special meeting , appointed a deputation to present a congratulatory address to the Duke of Marlborough , on the occasion of his appointment to the Lord-Lieutenancy of Ireland .
We learn with sincere regret of the death of Mrs . Williams , wife of Bro . Montagu Williams , the eminent barrister , which sad event took place on Wednesday , 24 th inst . Much sympathy has been expressed with Bro . Williams by both Bench and Bar at the Middlesex Court on hearing the melancholy intelligence . At a meeting of the Cherwell Lodge , No .
599 , held at the Red Lion Hotel , Banbury , on Monday last , Bro . the Rev . J . Spittal , Vicar of Christchurch , South Banbury , the present Senior Warden , was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year ; Bro . R . Havers , P . G . O . of England , was again elected to the office of Treasurer , an office he has held with great benefit to the lodge for a long series of years ; Bros . Chambcrlin and Fowler were
elected Stewards , and Bro . T . Moss , Tyler . Thc installation of the new W . M . will take place on the 26 th of February . We are requested to state that the next three meetings of the Eccleston Lodge , No . 1624 , will be held on February 2 ist : March 21 st , and April 18 th , at the Grosvenor Hall , Ebury-square , Pimlico . The Lodge of Instruction meets every Saturday evening in the GrosvcnorCi . ini ,
( not HAM .. ) FASHIONABLE MARRIAGE . —Lady Guendaline Talbot , second daughter of the Earl of Shrewsbury , R . W , Prov . Grand Master Staffordshire , was married on Thursday week at Ingestre Church to Colonel Chaplin , M . P , Thc Bishop of Lichfield performed thc ceremony , and -was assisted by the Hon . and Rev . A . C . Talbot and the Hon ,
Rev . W- lalbot , great uncles of thc bride . Among the distinguished persons present were the Duchess of Sutherland , the Marchioness of Waterforei , Lord and Lady Castlereagh , Lord and Lady Folkestone , Lord and Lady Hatherton , Mr . H . Chaplin , M . P ., and Lady Florence Chaplin . Attending on thc bridegroom was the Hon . Evelyn Boscowen ; and thc bridesmaids were Miss F . Chetwynd , Miss Noth , and the Hon . Marian Thelluson . Lady Guendaline
was attireel in a cream-coloured dress with Brussels lace trimmings , and the bridesmaids in grey cashmere with scarlet trimmings , and hats to match . After the wedding breakfast at Ingestre Hall , the newly-wedded pair left for Alton Towers . We deeply regret to have to announce the death of thc Countess of Limerick , which took place on Wednesday in London .