Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article THE ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
[ The Editor will be happy to receive Reports of Lodge Meetings at the earliest possible moment , to insure their insertion . ] TEE CRAFT .
METROPOLITAN . Lodge of Israel , No . 205 . —Under the very able and efficient Master , the W . Bro . Chamberlain , this remarkably prosperous lodge met on Tuesday last , at ltadley ' s ( Bro . Hart ' s ) , when the W . M . initiated three gentlemen ; passed to the second degree Brothers Waylett , Ayden , Hitching , and Asher
Isaacs ; and in a most efficient manner conferred the honour of the third degree upon Bro . Boileau . The brethren of this lodge have to be very thankful in having such an efficient Master to preside over them , and his officers will , we trust , follow his bright example . After varions lucid statements regarding the affairs of the lodge by the W . Bro . the Secretary , the brethren separated in perfect harmony .
I'KOVJXCIAL . MARGATE . —The Union Lodge , No . 127 . —This aucieut lodge again met on Friday , the 19 th instant , the W . M ., Athelston Harvey Boys , iu the chair . Among the brethren present were John Harvey Boys , P . M , aud P . Dep . Prov . G . Master of the
Province of Kent , and Thos . H . Grove Snowden , P . M . and P . Prov . J . G . Warden , Kent . The lodge having bsen duly opened , and the minutes of the last regular lodge read and confirmed , Bros . E . A . ' s Saunders and Bird were examined and entrusted , and , having retired , the lodge was opened in the
second degree . Bro . Wm . P baunders was passed to the decree of F . C . by Bro . P . M . Charles D . Dixon ; and Bro . Win . Bird , was passed to the same degree by Bro . the W . M ! . The charge in this degree was delivered by immediate P . M . Towusend , and was followed by an able discourse upon the
tracingboard by Bro . P . M . Haywaitl , the Treasurer and Preceptor of the lodge . —The W . M . closed down to the first degree , and then , after an eloquent address , presented a P . M ' s jewel to the immediate P . M ., Bro . Towusend . In the course of his address W . M . Boys , observed that the jewel had been
unanimously voted by the brethren of the lodge in consideration of the services of the immediate P . M . in the chair dining the prist year , and that , as the acting secretary of the lodge fur many years past , he had by his attention and courtesy , and the correct manner in which he had performed his
sometimes arduous duties , earned the esteem aud good will of all the brethren . —The W . M . expressed a hope that the immediate P . M . mi ght live many years to wear that jewel , with the gratifying assurance from the W . M . that in so wearing it , he would verify the old maxim of " Palniam qui mem it
ferat . "—The immediate P . M ., on receiving the jewel , observed that for the gift he truly and sincerely thanked all the brethren . To the W . M ., and to P . M ' s Brasier and Hay ward ( the proposer and seconder of the testimonial ) he felt deeply « rateful for the kind maimer in which they had beeii pleascd
to allude to his humble services . He wished them to believe that the honor they had thus conferred upon him , and tho handsome maimer in which they had shown it , were infinitely more prized by him than was the jewel for its intrinsic worth . It was a pleasing reflection to him that during his year
of Mastership there never was the slightest dissension in the lodge , for the brethren all displayed that unanimity and good feeling so essential to the welfare , prosperity , and happiness of every community . Might that unanimity and good feeling long continue among them , and might the beautiful
precepts of Masonry Le extended until there should be " peace upon earth and goodwill among men . " The lodge having been closed , the ° brethren adjourned to refreshment , which was enlivened by some excellent playing on the lodge harmonium ( in the absence of Bro . Louis Wri ght , Organist ) , by Bro . Saunders , and several appropriate songs were sung .
ScAunonouc . il . —Old Globe Lod ge , No . 200 . —This lodge met in the lodge room , on Wednesday , the 17 th March , the following officers and members being present - . —Bros . W . Peacock , W . M . ; W . F . Booke ! P . P . G . J . W ., P . M . ; II . A . Williamson , P . M . ; II . C Martin , P . P . G . D . Cers ., P . M ., Hon . Sec . ; It . P . Peacock , S . W . ; D . Fletcher , J . W . ; G . II . Walshaw
, S . D . ; J . Parker , J . D . ; G . lluddock , I . G . ; Ash , Tyler ; Verity , Hardgrave , Breary , Garnett , Drake , Walker , Miluer , Fairbank , Mervin , Groves , Chapman , J . Thompson ; Horsfall ( 130 ) and Evans ( 13 !>) , visitors . The lodge was opened at 7 " 3 <) p . m ., and the minutes road and confirmed . Bro . Walker passed
an examination m the first degree , retired , and was readmitted and passed in the second degree . The working tools and tracings were explained , and the charge given bv Bro . D . Fletcher , J . W ., in a , very effective aud able manner . Bro . Evans ( 139 ) was proposed as a joining member , after which the lodge
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
was closed in due form . The brethren retired to refreshment , when the usual loyal toasts were given , and some excellent songs sung by Bros . Walshaw , Grover , Drake , and others . LEICESTER . — St . John ' s Lodge No . 279 . — An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the
Freemason ' s Hall , Leicester , on Monday , the 15 th instant , and was well attended , between thirty and forty brethren being present . The business for which the lodge was summoned was to ballot for , and to initiate , three candidates , and to receive propositions . The chair was taken by the W . M ., Bro . Kelly ,
D . P . G . M ., at seven o ' clock , and the lodge having been opened , a ballot was taken for George Pearce , Esq ., M . D ., and Messrs . Henry Thomas Porter and Tarratt , who were unanimously elected , and , being in attendance , were severally initiated into Freemasonry . During the ceremony the musical chants
of the degree , as arranged by Bros . Charles Johnson ( now of Leicester ) aud Dr . Hopkins , were performed under the direction of Bro . Crow , Sec . and Organist , and added greatly to its impressiveness . The candidates having returned to the lodge at the completion of the ceremony , the W . M . delivered the lecture on
the tracing-board , aud the charge on initiation . A gentleman having been proposed as a candidate for initiation at the next meeting , the W . M . proposed as an honorary member Bro . J . F . Kleirn , P . M . of No . 21 , anda PastGrand Steward , an octogenarian brother who for upwards of thirty years had been a frequent
and welcome visitor to the lodge . Bro . Pettifor , P . M . and P . P . G . S . W-, seconded the proposition . Bro . Klcim expressed his appreciation of the compliment paid him , stating that as he generally spent the winter in Leicester , he attended the lodge there more frequently tliau he was able to attend his own lodge
in London . The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and spentan hour or two very pleasantly in social intercourse and harmony , Bro . Crow especially delightiug the brethren by his admirable performance on the piano of " The Last Rose of Summer , " with variations .
LEICESTER . —John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 523 . — A monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons Hall , Leicester , on Tuesday , the 16 th inst , under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . A . M . Duff , P . M ., 1036 , and Prov . G . J . D . There were also pivsentP . M . ' sKelly , D . P . G . M . ; Brewin , P . P . S . G . W .,
and P . G , Treas . ; aud Charles Johuson , P . PS . G . W ., Jersey , and P . G . Org . ; Bros . Toller , S . W . ; Buzzard , J . W . ; Sculthorpe . Sccry . ; Sargeant , S . D . ; Bothrey , P . P . G . Org ., as J . D . ; G . B . Atkins , Stew . ; Wardle , I . G . ; Beat-bridge , Tyler ; Morley , [ lodges Lewin , and W . Harrison Lewin . The visitors
prosent were Bros . Win . ltatcliff Bryan , of the Herve and Charnwood Lodge , Loughborough ( whoattended to obtain the second degree in this lodge ) , and Hart and Palcnce , of St . John ' s Lodge , 279 . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the last meetiiitr were read and confirmed . Bro . W .
It . Bryan , having passed a satisfactory examination , was entrusted , and , having retired , the lodge was opened in the second degree , and he was duly passed as Fellow Craft , after which the W . M . delivered the lecture on the tracing-board . A candidate was due for the third degree , but he not being in attendance
the lodge was closed to the iirst degree , and , after the transaction of some financial business and arrangements being made for the work to be done at the April meeting of the lodge of instruction connected with this lodge and St . John ' s Lodge 279 , the lodge was closed in harmony , aud the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
HARTLEPOOL . —St . Helen ' s Lodge , No . 531 . —A Lodge of Emergency and Master ' s Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Hartlepool , on Thursday , the 18 th inst ., when there were present Bros . T . Forbes , W . M . ; Emra Holmes , I . P . M . ; J . Groves , J . P ., P . P . S . G . D ., P . M . ; S . Armstrong , P . M . ; W . J .
Sivewright , P . M . ; J . J . Armstrong , S . W . ; R . Ropner , J . W . ; E . Alexander , Secretary ; & c , & c . The lodge haviug been opened in the usual form , Bros . King , Pearson , and Attluy , candidates for the degree ot F . C , were severally examined , entrusted , and passed to that degree , the lodge being previously
opened m the second degree . In accordance with the lodge notice , the W . M . proposed that the sum of £ 5 5 s . should be given towards the Zetland Testimonial ; but , on the amendment of Bro . S . Armstrong , it was decided that £ & 3 s . only should be given from the funds of the lodge , as it was
understood that private subscriptions would also be collected from the members . After an animated discussion upon the subject , Bro . J . Groves , P . M ., proposed , and Bro . Emra Holmes , P . M ., seconded amotion that £ 10 10 s . be given from tho funds of the lodge towards the restoration of the chancel of St . Hilda ' s church , Hartlepool ; which sum was
generously voted for that worthy and truly masonic object . No other business being before the meeting the lod ge was closed in antient form and with solemn prayer , and the brethren retired for refreshment . —Our archaeological brethren are probably aware that the parish church of St . Hilda , at Hartlepool , is one of the oldest in the county of
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Durham , having been built by one of the De Brus , who were Lords of Hartuess from the time of the Conqueror till 1314 , when their descendant , Robert de Brus , fought the battle of Bannockburn and won the crown of Scotland . St . Hilda ' s church is supposed to have been erected about AD . 1120 . The
foundation charter of the monastery of Gisburu , in the year 1129 , recites that Robert de Brus , moved by the advice of Pope Calixtus II . and Thurstine , Archbishop of York , founded a monastery of regular canons , and gave to the church of the same the whole of Gisburn and the churches of Hart aud
Stranton . Tn the year 1195 , Hugh Pudsey , Bishop of Durham , granted to the church of the Blessed Mary , at '} Gisburn , the church of Hart and chapel of Hartlepool . In the year 1308 Anthony Bek , Bishop of Durham , and Patriarch of Jerusalem , as a mark of his special favour , granted to the Prior and
Convent of Gisburn the indulgence that in the church of Hart and chapel of Hartlepool , where the cure of souls had previovsly beeu exercised by a secular vicar , divine service should after that time be perpetually performed by a canon of Gisburn . A brief was granted by George I . on the 5 th February ,
1719 , to collect the sum of . £ 1732 and upwards , for repairing and rebuilding the church . By the minutes of a meetiug of bir John Eden with some of the commissioners for the brief Sejstember 22 nd , 1721 , it was agreed that " in respect to ye glory of ye antiquity of sd . church what repairs ye windows
may want they shall be wrought after ye same model as they now are ; and as for ye chancel , yt . is referred until ye Earle of Scarborough ' s consent is got in writing ; and yt . ye steeple both in and outside be repaired . " In 1724 , the chancel , which was 70 feet long , was shortened to about 15 feet . About
two years since , the nave and aisles were restored by public subscription at a cost of , £ 2400 , and a movement is now on fuot to restore aud enlarge the chancel to something like its original size and grandeur , at a cost of £ 1500 , of which nearly . £ 900 has beeu promised . So goad an object cannot fail
to recommend itself to the charitably disposed Freemasons , whose ancestors no doubt built this aud many other uf our grandest structures , and we cordially recommend our brethren to imitate the Masons of Hartlepool and subscribe a mite towards the restoration of the old Collegiate Church . [ We
are indebted to the late Bro . Sir Cuthbert Sharpe ( sometime Herald of the Royal Kent Encampment of Knights Templar , at Newcastle ) for the notes on St . Hilda ' s church , which are taken from his interesting " History of Hartlepool . " ] WHITEHAVEN . —Lewis Lodge , No . K 72 . —The
adjourned monthly meeting ot 872 Lodge was held in the Lodge Rooms , College-street , Whitehaven , on Monday , the 22 nd , at 7 . 30 p . m . Present tho W . M ., Bro . Spittal in the chair ; Bros . O . Morton , P . P . S . G . W . ; J . Barr , PM ., See . ; Hughes ; W . Whittle , S . W . ; R . Foster , J . W . ; 11 . Ellis ,
S . D . ; W . Gill , I . G . The lodge being opened , the minutes of the preceding meeting were confirmed . Notice was given of the intended visit of Lord Kenlis , on the 7 th April next , and all were earnestly requested to attend . Brothers Rodgers , Dabyel , and Gregory were passed to the second
degree . Bro . O . Morton , P . P . S . G . W ., gave in a most impressive style the lecture on the first tracing-board in a manner which commanded the attention of all . A large number of Brethren were present belonging to lodges 119 and 872 , The lodge was closed , and the brethren retiied to the refreshment-room and enjoyed
themselves in a pleasant and agreeable manner . Some harmony having been rendered by several brethren , the musical part being effectively conducted by Bro . Cooper , a well spent evening was brought to a happy and fraternal close . IvyimiDQE . — Lodge Erme , No . 1091 . — The
annual festival of this flourishing young lodge was celebrated at the King ' s Anns Hotel , Ivybridge , on Wednesday last week , uuder the presidency of Brother John Harris , who was on that day installed W . M . for the ensuing year . Alter the ceremony of installation , which was ably aud impressively
performed by Brother Chappie , P . M ., assisted b y Brothers Littleton , P . M . ; Bird , P . M . ; and Hawtou , P . M . ; the W . M . appointed and invested his officers as follows :--Brothers W . Littleton , I . P 3 L ; Percival J . N . Jarratt , S . W . ; AV . II . Ley , J . W . ; J . Hawtt . n , Treasurer ; Patterson , S . D . ; W . SawyerJ . D . ;
, J . Hamley , I . G . ; A . White , D . C . ; J . E . Morgan , Steward . The banquet , at which about 30 sat down , did great credit to Brother Toms . After the usual and loyal toasts , Brother Littleton proposed the health of the W . M ., Brother Harris , who suitably
replied . Brother Percival J . N . Jarratt then presented the I . P . M ., Brother W . Little t > n , with a beautiful P . M . jewel and a life subscribershi p to the Masonic Boys' School , in recognition of the able manner in which he performed the duties of the office just vacated by him . Brother Littleton , iu a very neat speech , returned thanks .
The Royal Arch.
LAHCASTEIU—Consecration , of the Rowley Chapter , No . 1051 . —The Rowley Lodge , although it has teen
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
[ The Editor will be happy to receive Reports of Lodge Meetings at the earliest possible moment , to insure their insertion . ] TEE CRAFT .
METROPOLITAN . Lodge of Israel , No . 205 . —Under the very able and efficient Master , the W . Bro . Chamberlain , this remarkably prosperous lodge met on Tuesday last , at ltadley ' s ( Bro . Hart ' s ) , when the W . M . initiated three gentlemen ; passed to the second degree Brothers Waylett , Ayden , Hitching , and Asher
Isaacs ; and in a most efficient manner conferred the honour of the third degree upon Bro . Boileau . The brethren of this lodge have to be very thankful in having such an efficient Master to preside over them , and his officers will , we trust , follow his bright example . After varions lucid statements regarding the affairs of the lodge by the W . Bro . the Secretary , the brethren separated in perfect harmony .
I'KOVJXCIAL . MARGATE . —The Union Lodge , No . 127 . —This aucieut lodge again met on Friday , the 19 th instant , the W . M ., Athelston Harvey Boys , iu the chair . Among the brethren present were John Harvey Boys , P . M , aud P . Dep . Prov . G . Master of the
Province of Kent , and Thos . H . Grove Snowden , P . M . and P . Prov . J . G . Warden , Kent . The lodge having bsen duly opened , and the minutes of the last regular lodge read and confirmed , Bros . E . A . ' s Saunders and Bird were examined and entrusted , and , having retired , the lodge was opened in the
second degree . Bro . Wm . P baunders was passed to the decree of F . C . by Bro . P . M . Charles D . Dixon ; and Bro . Win . Bird , was passed to the same degree by Bro . the W . M ! . The charge in this degree was delivered by immediate P . M . Towusend , and was followed by an able discourse upon the
tracingboard by Bro . P . M . Haywaitl , the Treasurer and Preceptor of the lodge . —The W . M . closed down to the first degree , and then , after an eloquent address , presented a P . M ' s jewel to the immediate P . M ., Bro . Towusend . In the course of his address W . M . Boys , observed that the jewel had been
unanimously voted by the brethren of the lodge in consideration of the services of the immediate P . M . in the chair dining the prist year , and that , as the acting secretary of the lodge fur many years past , he had by his attention and courtesy , and the correct manner in which he had performed his
sometimes arduous duties , earned the esteem aud good will of all the brethren . —The W . M . expressed a hope that the immediate P . M . mi ght live many years to wear that jewel , with the gratifying assurance from the W . M . that in so wearing it , he would verify the old maxim of " Palniam qui mem it
ferat . "—The immediate P . M ., on receiving the jewel , observed that for the gift he truly and sincerely thanked all the brethren . To the W . M ., and to P . M ' s Brasier and Hay ward ( the proposer and seconder of the testimonial ) he felt deeply « rateful for the kind maimer in which they had beeii pleascd
to allude to his humble services . He wished them to believe that the honor they had thus conferred upon him , and tho handsome maimer in which they had shown it , were infinitely more prized by him than was the jewel for its intrinsic worth . It was a pleasing reflection to him that during his year
of Mastership there never was the slightest dissension in the lodge , for the brethren all displayed that unanimity and good feeling so essential to the welfare , prosperity , and happiness of every community . Might that unanimity and good feeling long continue among them , and might the beautiful
precepts of Masonry Le extended until there should be " peace upon earth and goodwill among men . " The lodge having been closed , the ° brethren adjourned to refreshment , which was enlivened by some excellent playing on the lodge harmonium ( in the absence of Bro . Louis Wri ght , Organist ) , by Bro . Saunders , and several appropriate songs were sung .
ScAunonouc . il . —Old Globe Lod ge , No . 200 . —This lodge met in the lodge room , on Wednesday , the 17 th March , the following officers and members being present - . —Bros . W . Peacock , W . M . ; W . F . Booke ! P . P . G . J . W ., P . M . ; II . A . Williamson , P . M . ; II . C Martin , P . P . G . D . Cers ., P . M ., Hon . Sec . ; It . P . Peacock , S . W . ; D . Fletcher , J . W . ; G . II . Walshaw
, S . D . ; J . Parker , J . D . ; G . lluddock , I . G . ; Ash , Tyler ; Verity , Hardgrave , Breary , Garnett , Drake , Walker , Miluer , Fairbank , Mervin , Groves , Chapman , J . Thompson ; Horsfall ( 130 ) and Evans ( 13 !>) , visitors . The lodge was opened at 7 " 3 <) p . m ., and the minutes road and confirmed . Bro . Walker passed
an examination m the first degree , retired , and was readmitted and passed in the second degree . The working tools and tracings were explained , and the charge given bv Bro . D . Fletcher , J . W ., in a , very effective aud able manner . Bro . Evans ( 139 ) was proposed as a joining member , after which the lodge
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
was closed in due form . The brethren retired to refreshment , when the usual loyal toasts were given , and some excellent songs sung by Bros . Walshaw , Grover , Drake , and others . LEICESTER . — St . John ' s Lodge No . 279 . — An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the
Freemason ' s Hall , Leicester , on Monday , the 15 th instant , and was well attended , between thirty and forty brethren being present . The business for which the lodge was summoned was to ballot for , and to initiate , three candidates , and to receive propositions . The chair was taken by the W . M ., Bro . Kelly ,
D . P . G . M ., at seven o ' clock , and the lodge having been opened , a ballot was taken for George Pearce , Esq ., M . D ., and Messrs . Henry Thomas Porter and Tarratt , who were unanimously elected , and , being in attendance , were severally initiated into Freemasonry . During the ceremony the musical chants
of the degree , as arranged by Bros . Charles Johnson ( now of Leicester ) aud Dr . Hopkins , were performed under the direction of Bro . Crow , Sec . and Organist , and added greatly to its impressiveness . The candidates having returned to the lodge at the completion of the ceremony , the W . M . delivered the lecture on
the tracing-board , aud the charge on initiation . A gentleman having been proposed as a candidate for initiation at the next meeting , the W . M . proposed as an honorary member Bro . J . F . Kleirn , P . M . of No . 21 , anda PastGrand Steward , an octogenarian brother who for upwards of thirty years had been a frequent
and welcome visitor to the lodge . Bro . Pettifor , P . M . and P . P . G . S . W-, seconded the proposition . Bro . Klcim expressed his appreciation of the compliment paid him , stating that as he generally spent the winter in Leicester , he attended the lodge there more frequently tliau he was able to attend his own lodge
in London . The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and spentan hour or two very pleasantly in social intercourse and harmony , Bro . Crow especially delightiug the brethren by his admirable performance on the piano of " The Last Rose of Summer , " with variations .
LEICESTER . —John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 523 . — A monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons Hall , Leicester , on Tuesday , the 16 th inst , under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . A . M . Duff , P . M ., 1036 , and Prov . G . J . D . There were also pivsentP . M . ' sKelly , D . P . G . M . ; Brewin , P . P . S . G . W .,
and P . G , Treas . ; aud Charles Johuson , P . PS . G . W ., Jersey , and P . G . Org . ; Bros . Toller , S . W . ; Buzzard , J . W . ; Sculthorpe . Sccry . ; Sargeant , S . D . ; Bothrey , P . P . G . Org ., as J . D . ; G . B . Atkins , Stew . ; Wardle , I . G . ; Beat-bridge , Tyler ; Morley , [ lodges Lewin , and W . Harrison Lewin . The visitors
prosent were Bros . Win . ltatcliff Bryan , of the Herve and Charnwood Lodge , Loughborough ( whoattended to obtain the second degree in this lodge ) , and Hart and Palcnce , of St . John ' s Lodge , 279 . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the last meetiiitr were read and confirmed . Bro . W .
It . Bryan , having passed a satisfactory examination , was entrusted , and , having retired , the lodge was opened in the second degree , and he was duly passed as Fellow Craft , after which the W . M . delivered the lecture on the tracing-board . A candidate was due for the third degree , but he not being in attendance
the lodge was closed to the iirst degree , and , after the transaction of some financial business and arrangements being made for the work to be done at the April meeting of the lodge of instruction connected with this lodge and St . John ' s Lodge 279 , the lodge was closed in harmony , aud the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
HARTLEPOOL . —St . Helen ' s Lodge , No . 531 . —A Lodge of Emergency and Master ' s Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Hartlepool , on Thursday , the 18 th inst ., when there were present Bros . T . Forbes , W . M . ; Emra Holmes , I . P . M . ; J . Groves , J . P ., P . P . S . G . D ., P . M . ; S . Armstrong , P . M . ; W . J .
Sivewright , P . M . ; J . J . Armstrong , S . W . ; R . Ropner , J . W . ; E . Alexander , Secretary ; & c , & c . The lodge haviug been opened in the usual form , Bros . King , Pearson , and Attluy , candidates for the degree ot F . C , were severally examined , entrusted , and passed to that degree , the lodge being previously
opened m the second degree . In accordance with the lodge notice , the W . M . proposed that the sum of £ 5 5 s . should be given towards the Zetland Testimonial ; but , on the amendment of Bro . S . Armstrong , it was decided that £ & 3 s . only should be given from the funds of the lodge , as it was
understood that private subscriptions would also be collected from the members . After an animated discussion upon the subject , Bro . J . Groves , P . M ., proposed , and Bro . Emra Holmes , P . M ., seconded amotion that £ 10 10 s . be given from tho funds of the lodge towards the restoration of the chancel of St . Hilda ' s church , Hartlepool ; which sum was
generously voted for that worthy and truly masonic object . No other business being before the meeting the lod ge was closed in antient form and with solemn prayer , and the brethren retired for refreshment . —Our archaeological brethren are probably aware that the parish church of St . Hilda , at Hartlepool , is one of the oldest in the county of
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Durham , having been built by one of the De Brus , who were Lords of Hartuess from the time of the Conqueror till 1314 , when their descendant , Robert de Brus , fought the battle of Bannockburn and won the crown of Scotland . St . Hilda ' s church is supposed to have been erected about AD . 1120 . The
foundation charter of the monastery of Gisburu , in the year 1129 , recites that Robert de Brus , moved by the advice of Pope Calixtus II . and Thurstine , Archbishop of York , founded a monastery of regular canons , and gave to the church of the same the whole of Gisburn and the churches of Hart aud
Stranton . Tn the year 1195 , Hugh Pudsey , Bishop of Durham , granted to the church of the Blessed Mary , at '} Gisburn , the church of Hart and chapel of Hartlepool . In the year 1308 Anthony Bek , Bishop of Durham , and Patriarch of Jerusalem , as a mark of his special favour , granted to the Prior and
Convent of Gisburn the indulgence that in the church of Hart and chapel of Hartlepool , where the cure of souls had previovsly beeu exercised by a secular vicar , divine service should after that time be perpetually performed by a canon of Gisburn . A brief was granted by George I . on the 5 th February ,
1719 , to collect the sum of . £ 1732 and upwards , for repairing and rebuilding the church . By the minutes of a meetiug of bir John Eden with some of the commissioners for the brief Sejstember 22 nd , 1721 , it was agreed that " in respect to ye glory of ye antiquity of sd . church what repairs ye windows
may want they shall be wrought after ye same model as they now are ; and as for ye chancel , yt . is referred until ye Earle of Scarborough ' s consent is got in writing ; and yt . ye steeple both in and outside be repaired . " In 1724 , the chancel , which was 70 feet long , was shortened to about 15 feet . About
two years since , the nave and aisles were restored by public subscription at a cost of , £ 2400 , and a movement is now on fuot to restore aud enlarge the chancel to something like its original size and grandeur , at a cost of £ 1500 , of which nearly . £ 900 has beeu promised . So goad an object cannot fail
to recommend itself to the charitably disposed Freemasons , whose ancestors no doubt built this aud many other uf our grandest structures , and we cordially recommend our brethren to imitate the Masons of Hartlepool and subscribe a mite towards the restoration of the old Collegiate Church . [ We
are indebted to the late Bro . Sir Cuthbert Sharpe ( sometime Herald of the Royal Kent Encampment of Knights Templar , at Newcastle ) for the notes on St . Hilda ' s church , which are taken from his interesting " History of Hartlepool . " ] WHITEHAVEN . —Lewis Lodge , No . K 72 . —The
adjourned monthly meeting ot 872 Lodge was held in the Lodge Rooms , College-street , Whitehaven , on Monday , the 22 nd , at 7 . 30 p . m . Present tho W . M ., Bro . Spittal in the chair ; Bros . O . Morton , P . P . S . G . W . ; J . Barr , PM ., See . ; Hughes ; W . Whittle , S . W . ; R . Foster , J . W . ; 11 . Ellis ,
S . D . ; W . Gill , I . G . The lodge being opened , the minutes of the preceding meeting were confirmed . Notice was given of the intended visit of Lord Kenlis , on the 7 th April next , and all were earnestly requested to attend . Brothers Rodgers , Dabyel , and Gregory were passed to the second
degree . Bro . O . Morton , P . P . S . G . W ., gave in a most impressive style the lecture on the first tracing-board in a manner which commanded the attention of all . A large number of Brethren were present belonging to lodges 119 and 872 , The lodge was closed , and the brethren retiied to the refreshment-room and enjoyed
themselves in a pleasant and agreeable manner . Some harmony having been rendered by several brethren , the musical part being effectively conducted by Bro . Cooper , a well spent evening was brought to a happy and fraternal close . IvyimiDQE . — Lodge Erme , No . 1091 . — The
annual festival of this flourishing young lodge was celebrated at the King ' s Anns Hotel , Ivybridge , on Wednesday last week , uuder the presidency of Brother John Harris , who was on that day installed W . M . for the ensuing year . Alter the ceremony of installation , which was ably aud impressively
performed by Brother Chappie , P . M ., assisted b y Brothers Littleton , P . M . ; Bird , P . M . ; and Hawtou , P . M . ; the W . M . appointed and invested his officers as follows :--Brothers W . Littleton , I . P 3 L ; Percival J . N . Jarratt , S . W . ; AV . II . Ley , J . W . ; J . Hawtt . n , Treasurer ; Patterson , S . D . ; W . SawyerJ . D . ;
, J . Hamley , I . G . ; A . White , D . C . ; J . E . Morgan , Steward . The banquet , at which about 30 sat down , did great credit to Brother Toms . After the usual and loyal toasts , Brother Littleton proposed the health of the W . M ., Brother Harris , who suitably
replied . Brother Percival J . N . Jarratt then presented the I . P . M ., Brother W . Little t > n , with a beautiful P . M . jewel and a life subscribershi p to the Masonic Boys' School , in recognition of the able manner in which he performed the duties of the office just vacated by him . Brother Littleton , iu a very neat speech , returned thanks .
The Royal Arch.
LAHCASTEIU—Consecration , of the Rowley Chapter , No . 1051 . —The Rowley Lodge , although it has teen