Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
confident and able preceptor to others , timidity and hesitation confouud him . To such an extent is this the fact , that the production of many witnesses to the dire confusion and consequent failure of many Masters to proceed with a ceremony—despite their thorough knowledge and able oratory , but solely resulting from intrusive correction , frequently of the most
unimportant character—would be by no means difficult . This applies equally to the ordinary labours of the lodge as to the working of the sections in lodges and lodges of instruction . Now , there should be but one ritual—one method of working the ceremonies—one uniform mode of conducting each lodge ; and how can this be best O CD '
, secured ? There are differences of opinion as to whether this or that system is the best and most perfect ; there are individual likings and attachments to the respective teachings which have been received , and it would be both impolitic and useless to attempt to induce the adherents of one system to abandon it and to adopt the other , unless it can be done under
such authority as no good Freemason would call into question . That authority is to be found only in the Grand Lodge . Tho necessity acknowledged and tho authority forthcoming , by what means can the principle of uniformity be carried out ? Certainly by no better means than that of exercising the knowledge of those members of
the Craft who having taken the highest honour in the power of a lodge to confer , yet retain their acquirements , and have not diminished their zeal , in the science . And how can this be brought about ? By aggegating individual perfection , and giving the body so composed a status and reward which should be a crowning glory to till their former labours . It cannot
be denied that much of what is very good in Freemasonry , is the result of personal ambition—honourable , and even estimable , ambition , doubtless , yet still ambition . The same desire which animates a man placed on the lowest steps of the social ladder to ascend step by step as far towards its summit as he can , is in the breast of every brother who takes an
early liking to I recmasonry , and he eagerly longs for the advanced positions and their accompanying indications . His first aspirations are for the position of a AV . M ., and when having obtained it and received that emblem of past rank which he can henceforth proudly wear , he must of necessity , if a true Freemason , he still further ambitious . For such should a career he
provided , which would at once keep Ins zeal undiminished , his energies employed , his memory retained , and his ambition exercised . Cannot this he done by tho formation , under the authority of Grand Lodge , of a Special Lodge to be called " The Lodge of Preceptors , " not bearing any number , but to be perfectly distinctive . It should
be composed only of such Past Members as could prove to the satisfaction of a Board of Examiners their ability to work in a masterly maimer the ceremonies , lectures , and sections throughout . It should be recognised as the sole authority in all matters all ' ecting the landmarks of the Order , and the proper observance of ritual and Masonic working . Its members
should be required to agree amongst themselves as to the withdrawal or retention of portions of the rituals , and to adopt such an uniform system as would best conform to a reasonable interpretation of the language of our predecessors . They should also be delegates to the several lodges throughout the country , and as such be ' . nahled to enforce the due performance of the
agreed ritual . As such delegates , they should be entitled to a position of honour and respect in the Lodges attended by them in that capacity . The collective body of members should be a Court of Appeal , to which all questions of ritual or ceremony should be referred , and their decisions should have the fullest ellect . A seat amongst their body should not be too easily attainable , and certainly should mil be open to
rank , position , or purchase , but solely to merit anil ability . And to incite the desire and ambition of those who would attain a place amongst its members , whatever of honour and dignity could be conferred b y supreme authority should he awarded . In fact , it should bo so constituted , entrusted , and rewarded , that to the energetic and enthusiastic Mason nothing short of membership therein should satisfy him with his Masonic labours .
I believe the formation of such a Lodge would have a marked ellect upon the Order of Freemasonry , and certainly it would stir up to further exertion many of its Past Masters , who now sigh for "fresh fields and pastures new . " If tiny of your readers would take up
this subject , and through your pages make suggestions in furtherance of the proposal , or adduce reason . ' against it , 1 shall not regret that I have now addressed you , and shall not hesitate to trouble you again . Yours fraternally , P . M ., P . Z ., & c .
Worldly good , to deserving persons requiring aid , does not come by any seeming supernatural power . It comes by menus that are perfectly natural . Favourable circumstances occur . It comes from a friendly disposition , a desire to serve , an inclining of the heart—when an angel whispers no word is spoken , but a thought comes most heavenly .
Proceedings Of The Two Grand Lodges Of England In Ratification Of The Union, 1813.
We have the pleasure of presenting our readers with a reprint of the above proceedings , which we feel confident will be perused with interest .
At an Especial Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , according to the Old Institutions , held at the Crown and Anchor Tavern , Strand , on Wednesday , the 1 st December , 1813 . PRESENT . The M . W ., II . R . H . the DUKE OF KENT , G . M ., on the throne ;
The R . W . Thomas Harper , D . G . M . ; R . W . James Perry , P . D . G . M . ; R . W . James Agar , P . D . G . M . ; R . W . Archibald Hcrron , S . G . W . ; R . W . Jeremiah Cranfield , J . G . W . ; R . W . Robert Gill , r . s . G . w . ; R . W . Thomas Scott , r . s . G . w . ; R . W . Malcolm Gillies , r . s . G . w . ; R . W . Thomas Mahon , r . s . G . w . ; R . W . William Oaks , r . s . G . w . ; R . W . Robert Leslie , G . s . : R . W . William
C . Clarkson , G . T . ; R . W . Rev . Edw . Barry , D . D ., G . C . ; W . Edwards Harper , D . G . S . ; W . Rev . Henry Knapp , D . G . C . ; W . Robert M'Cann , G . S . B . ; the Masters , Wardens , and Past Masters of the 58 Lodges in and adjacent to London . The Grand Lodge was opened with solemn prayer , and in ample form .
The minutes of the Especial Grand Lodge of Sth November , and of the Stewards' Lodge , 17 th November , were read and confirmed . The following Ri g ht Worshipful and Worshipful Brothers were severally elected Grand Officers , for the year ensuing or until they should be relieved from the duties thereof ; viz . : —R . W . Jeremiah Cranfield ,
S . G . W . ; 11 . W . Robert M'Cann , J . G . W . ; R . W . Robert Leslie , G . S . ; R . W . W . C . Clarkson , G . T . ; R . W . Rev . Edward Barry , D . D ., G . C . ; W . Jonathan Parker , G . S . B . The Most Worshipful the Grand Master then announced that in consequence of the appointment which he had received from the Grand Lodge upon the 1 st of September , in conjunction with the Right
Worship ful Brother Harper , Deputy Grand Master , and the II . W . Bros . Perry and Agar , Past Deputy Grand Masters , they had held several conferences with II . It . Hig hness the Duke of Sussex , Grand Master of the other Fraternity , who was also assisted by three of his Grand Officers—The R . W . Brother Waller Rodwell Wright , Provincial Grand Master of the
Ionian Isles , the R . W . Brothers A . legart and J . Deans , Past Grand Wardens ; the happy result of which , was that articles of Union between the two Grand Lodges of Masons of England were signed and sealed in duplicate at Kensington Palace , on the 25 th November List , and His Royal Highness laid the same belbrethe Grand Lodge . The
announcement of this great event was received with masonic acclamation , and tho said avlicles were read . Alter which the R . W . Brother Perry moved the following resolutions , which were carried in the aflirmative unanimously : — 1 . That the articles of union now read be Ratified
and Confirmed . 2 . That the Most Worshipful His Royal Highness the Grand Master be requested and empowered to affix the great seal thereto , and to exchange the same with His Royal Highness the Dukeol'Siissex , Grand Master of the other Fraternity .
: l . That brotherly application be made to the Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland , enclosing them a copy of the above articles so ratified , and entreating thein to delegate two or more enlightened members of their respective bodies to be present at the Assembly
of Union , on Monday , the 27 th December inst ., pursuant lo Article IV . 4 . That the Grand Master do nominate nine worthy and expert Master . Masons , or Past Masters , to discharge the duties set forth in Articles V , and
XV . h . That a special dispensation , under the great seal , be issued to those nine Brothers , and their Secretary , to hold a Lodge of Reconciliation , in conjunction with an equal number to be appointed and empowered by His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , to fulfil the duties set forth and enjoined in the said
Articles of Union . C . That the Masters , Wardens , and past Masters , of the warranted Lodges , do attend the said Lodge of Reconciliation , according lo notices to be addressed to thein , for the purpose of b .: ing obligated , certified , and registered , to entitle them to be present at the Assembly of Masons for the Union of the two Grand
Lidges of luigUuul , on Monday , the 27 t . lv Deee-mbi'V instant . 7 . Th . it the Secretary of the said Lodge of Reconciliation shall keep a bonk , in which shall bo entered the names of all regular Members of Lodges
b . 'long ' tug to both !• raternt tics , so obligated and certified , that they may be registered , without fee or reward , in the hooks of the two Grand Lodges , and he thereby entitled to tickets of admission to the said Assembly of Union : and that a correct return of the whole be made tii the Grand Secretary on or belore the 23 rd December instant .
Proceedings Of The Two Grand Lodges Of England In Ratification Of The Union, 1813.
At an Especial Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons , under the Constitution of Em / land , holden at Freemasons' Hall , London , on Wednesday , the 1 st December , 1813 . PRESENT . The M . W ., H . R . H . tho DUKE or SUSSEX , G . M ., on the throne ;
The R . W . and Hon . W . Shirley , r . s . G . w ., as D . G . M . ; R . W . Simon M'Gillivray , J . G . W ., as S . G W . ; R . W Arthur Tegart , . G . W ., as J . G . W . ; R . W . John Dent , P . S . G . W . ; R . W . Sherborne Stewart , p . s . G . w . : R . W . RobertBrettingham , P . J . G . W . ; R . W . Forssteen , I-. J . G . W . ; R . W . Alexander S . Gordon , P . J . G . W . ; R . W . John
Elliot , p . s . G . w . ; R . W . James Earnshaw , P . J . G . W . ; R . W . James Deans , P . J . G . W . ; R . W . Rev . John Austin . p . s . G . w . ; R . W . ThcEarlofPomfret , Prov . G . M . for Northamptonshire ; R . W . William Wix , Prov . G . M . for Essex ; R . W . William Henry White , Prov . G . M . for Wiltshire ; It . W . Andrew D . O'Kelly , Prov . G . M . for
for Bedfordshire ' ; R . W . H . J . Da Costa , Prov . G M ., for Rutlandshire ; R . W . His Exc . the Count La Gardje , G . M . of the First Lodge of the North ; R . W . William Henry White , G . s . ; R . W . Rev . Lucius Coghlan , D . D ., G . C ; R . W . William Shadbolt Master of Grand Stewards' Lodge , as G . s . n . ; W . Samuel Wesley , G . Organist ; W . C . Bonner , ; W . the Wardens and
Assistants of the Grand Stewards' Lodge ; and the Masters and Wardens of 58 other Lodges . The Grand Lodge was opened in ample form , and the Laws relating to the conduct of Masons in Grand Lodge were read . The minutes of the Quarterly Communication , holden on Wednesday , the 2 ith November last , were read and confirmed .
The Most Worshipful the Grand Master then announced that by virtue of power delegated to him by the Grand Lodge on the 2 ord June last , he had selected the R . W . Brother "Waller Rodwell Wright , Provincial Grand Master for the Ionian Isles , and the R . W . Brothers Arthur Tegart and James Deans , Past
Grand \\ ardens to assist him in the negocialion for an Union with the other Fraternity of Masons in England ; that they had had several conferences with His Royal Hi ghness the Duke of Kent , assisted by three Grand Officers—the R . W . Brother Thomas Harper , Deputy Grand Master , and the R . W .
Brothers James Perry , and James Agar , I'ast Deputy Grand Masters , the happy result of which was that Articles of Union between the two Grand Lodges of Masons of England , had beeu signed and sealed in duplicate at Kensington Palace on the 25 th ult . —His Royal Highness the Grand Master then laid the same before Grand Lodge . The announcement of this
great event was received with masonic acclamations , and the said Articles were read by the Grand Secretary . After which , upon motions severally made and seconded , the following resolutions were passed in the affirmative unanimously : — 1 . That the articles now read be Ratified and Confirmed .
2 . That the Most Worshi pful His Royal Highness the Grand Master be requested and empowered to affix the great seal thereto , and to exchange tho same with His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent , Grand Master of the other Fraternity . 3 . That brotherly application be made to the Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland , enclosing them
a copy of the above articles , so ratified , and entreating thein to delegate two or more enli ghtened members of their respective bodies to be present at the Assembly of Union , on Monday , the 27 th December instant , pursuant to Article IV . 4 . That the Grand Master do nominate nine worthy and expert Master Masons , or Past Masters , to discharge the duly set forth in Articles V . and XV .
b . Iliat a special dispensation , under the great seal , be issued to those nine Brothers , and their Secretary , to hold a Lodge of Reconciliation , in conjunction with an equal number to be appointed ami cmpowered by His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent , to fulfil the duties set forth and enjoined in the said Articles of Union .
( i . 'That the Masters , AVardcns , and Past Masters , of the wavrimted Lodges , to attend the said Lodge ol Reconciliation , according to notices to be addressed to them , for the purpose of being obligated , certified , and registered , to entitle them to bo present at the Assembly of Masons for the Union of the two Grand Lodges of England , on Monday , the 27 th December instant .
7 . That the Secretary of the said Lodge of Reconciliation shall keep a book , in which shall be entered the names of all the regular Members of Lodges belongingtoboth Fraternities , soobligatcd and certified , that they may be registered without fee or reward , in
( To be continued . )
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
confident and able preceptor to others , timidity and hesitation confouud him . To such an extent is this the fact , that the production of many witnesses to the dire confusion and consequent failure of many Masters to proceed with a ceremony—despite their thorough knowledge and able oratory , but solely resulting from intrusive correction , frequently of the most
unimportant character—would be by no means difficult . This applies equally to the ordinary labours of the lodge as to the working of the sections in lodges and lodges of instruction . Now , there should be but one ritual—one method of working the ceremonies—one uniform mode of conducting each lodge ; and how can this be best O CD '
, secured ? There are differences of opinion as to whether this or that system is the best and most perfect ; there are individual likings and attachments to the respective teachings which have been received , and it would be both impolitic and useless to attempt to induce the adherents of one system to abandon it and to adopt the other , unless it can be done under
such authority as no good Freemason would call into question . That authority is to be found only in the Grand Lodge . Tho necessity acknowledged and tho authority forthcoming , by what means can the principle of uniformity be carried out ? Certainly by no better means than that of exercising the knowledge of those members of
the Craft who having taken the highest honour in the power of a lodge to confer , yet retain their acquirements , and have not diminished their zeal , in the science . And how can this be brought about ? By aggegating individual perfection , and giving the body so composed a status and reward which should be a crowning glory to till their former labours . It cannot
be denied that much of what is very good in Freemasonry , is the result of personal ambition—honourable , and even estimable , ambition , doubtless , yet still ambition . The same desire which animates a man placed on the lowest steps of the social ladder to ascend step by step as far towards its summit as he can , is in the breast of every brother who takes an
early liking to I recmasonry , and he eagerly longs for the advanced positions and their accompanying indications . His first aspirations are for the position of a AV . M ., and when having obtained it and received that emblem of past rank which he can henceforth proudly wear , he must of necessity , if a true Freemason , he still further ambitious . For such should a career he
provided , which would at once keep Ins zeal undiminished , his energies employed , his memory retained , and his ambition exercised . Cannot this he done by tho formation , under the authority of Grand Lodge , of a Special Lodge to be called " The Lodge of Preceptors , " not bearing any number , but to be perfectly distinctive . It should
be composed only of such Past Members as could prove to the satisfaction of a Board of Examiners their ability to work in a masterly maimer the ceremonies , lectures , and sections throughout . It should be recognised as the sole authority in all matters all ' ecting the landmarks of the Order , and the proper observance of ritual and Masonic working . Its members
should be required to agree amongst themselves as to the withdrawal or retention of portions of the rituals , and to adopt such an uniform system as would best conform to a reasonable interpretation of the language of our predecessors . They should also be delegates to the several lodges throughout the country , and as such be ' . nahled to enforce the due performance of the
agreed ritual . As such delegates , they should be entitled to a position of honour and respect in the Lodges attended by them in that capacity . The collective body of members should be a Court of Appeal , to which all questions of ritual or ceremony should be referred , and their decisions should have the fullest ellect . A seat amongst their body should not be too easily attainable , and certainly should mil be open to
rank , position , or purchase , but solely to merit anil ability . And to incite the desire and ambition of those who would attain a place amongst its members , whatever of honour and dignity could be conferred b y supreme authority should he awarded . In fact , it should bo so constituted , entrusted , and rewarded , that to the energetic and enthusiastic Mason nothing short of membership therein should satisfy him with his Masonic labours .
I believe the formation of such a Lodge would have a marked ellect upon the Order of Freemasonry , and certainly it would stir up to further exertion many of its Past Masters , who now sigh for "fresh fields and pastures new . " If tiny of your readers would take up
this subject , and through your pages make suggestions in furtherance of the proposal , or adduce reason . ' against it , 1 shall not regret that I have now addressed you , and shall not hesitate to trouble you again . Yours fraternally , P . M ., P . Z ., & c .
Worldly good , to deserving persons requiring aid , does not come by any seeming supernatural power . It comes by menus that are perfectly natural . Favourable circumstances occur . It comes from a friendly disposition , a desire to serve , an inclining of the heart—when an angel whispers no word is spoken , but a thought comes most heavenly .
Proceedings Of The Two Grand Lodges Of England In Ratification Of The Union, 1813.
We have the pleasure of presenting our readers with a reprint of the above proceedings , which we feel confident will be perused with interest .
At an Especial Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , according to the Old Institutions , held at the Crown and Anchor Tavern , Strand , on Wednesday , the 1 st December , 1813 . PRESENT . The M . W ., II . R . H . the DUKE OF KENT , G . M ., on the throne ;
The R . W . Thomas Harper , D . G . M . ; R . W . James Perry , P . D . G . M . ; R . W . James Agar , P . D . G . M . ; R . W . Archibald Hcrron , S . G . W . ; R . W . Jeremiah Cranfield , J . G . W . ; R . W . Robert Gill , r . s . G . w . ; R . W . Thomas Scott , r . s . G . w . ; R . W . Malcolm Gillies , r . s . G . w . ; R . W . Thomas Mahon , r . s . G . w . ; R . W . William Oaks , r . s . G . w . ; R . W . Robert Leslie , G . s . : R . W . William
C . Clarkson , G . T . ; R . W . Rev . Edw . Barry , D . D ., G . C . ; W . Edwards Harper , D . G . S . ; W . Rev . Henry Knapp , D . G . C . ; W . Robert M'Cann , G . S . B . ; the Masters , Wardens , and Past Masters of the 58 Lodges in and adjacent to London . The Grand Lodge was opened with solemn prayer , and in ample form .
The minutes of the Especial Grand Lodge of Sth November , and of the Stewards' Lodge , 17 th November , were read and confirmed . The following Ri g ht Worshipful and Worshipful Brothers were severally elected Grand Officers , for the year ensuing or until they should be relieved from the duties thereof ; viz . : —R . W . Jeremiah Cranfield ,
S . G . W . ; 11 . W . Robert M'Cann , J . G . W . ; R . W . Robert Leslie , G . S . ; R . W . W . C . Clarkson , G . T . ; R . W . Rev . Edward Barry , D . D ., G . C . ; W . Jonathan Parker , G . S . B . The Most Worshipful the Grand Master then announced that in consequence of the appointment which he had received from the Grand Lodge upon the 1 st of September , in conjunction with the Right
Worship ful Brother Harper , Deputy Grand Master , and the II . W . Bros . Perry and Agar , Past Deputy Grand Masters , they had held several conferences with II . It . Hig hness the Duke of Sussex , Grand Master of the other Fraternity , who was also assisted by three of his Grand Officers—The R . W . Brother Waller Rodwell Wright , Provincial Grand Master of the
Ionian Isles , the R . W . Brothers A . legart and J . Deans , Past Grand Wardens ; the happy result of which , was that articles of Union between the two Grand Lodges of Masons of England were signed and sealed in duplicate at Kensington Palace , on the 25 th November List , and His Royal Highness laid the same belbrethe Grand Lodge . The
announcement of this great event was received with masonic acclamation , and tho said avlicles were read . Alter which the R . W . Brother Perry moved the following resolutions , which were carried in the aflirmative unanimously : — 1 . That the articles of union now read be Ratified
and Confirmed . 2 . That the Most Worshipful His Royal Highness the Grand Master be requested and empowered to affix the great seal thereto , and to exchange the same with His Royal Highness the Dukeol'Siissex , Grand Master of the other Fraternity .
: l . That brotherly application be made to the Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland , enclosing them a copy of the above articles so ratified , and entreating thein to delegate two or more enlightened members of their respective bodies to be present at the Assembly
of Union , on Monday , the 27 th December inst ., pursuant lo Article IV . 4 . That the Grand Master do nominate nine worthy and expert Master . Masons , or Past Masters , to discharge the duties set forth in Articles V , and
XV . h . That a special dispensation , under the great seal , be issued to those nine Brothers , and their Secretary , to hold a Lodge of Reconciliation , in conjunction with an equal number to be appointed and empowered by His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , to fulfil the duties set forth and enjoined in the said
Articles of Union . C . That the Masters , Wardens , and past Masters , of the warranted Lodges , do attend the said Lodge of Reconciliation , according lo notices to be addressed to thein , for the purpose of b .: ing obligated , certified , and registered , to entitle them to be present at the Assembly of Masons for the Union of the two Grand
Lidges of luigUuul , on Monday , the 27 t . lv Deee-mbi'V instant . 7 . Th . it the Secretary of the said Lodge of Reconciliation shall keep a bonk , in which shall bo entered the names of all regular Members of Lodges
b . 'long ' tug to both !• raternt tics , so obligated and certified , that they may be registered , without fee or reward , in the hooks of the two Grand Lodges , and he thereby entitled to tickets of admission to the said Assembly of Union : and that a correct return of the whole be made tii the Grand Secretary on or belore the 23 rd December instant .
Proceedings Of The Two Grand Lodges Of England In Ratification Of The Union, 1813.
At an Especial Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons , under the Constitution of Em / land , holden at Freemasons' Hall , London , on Wednesday , the 1 st December , 1813 . PRESENT . The M . W ., H . R . H . tho DUKE or SUSSEX , G . M ., on the throne ;
The R . W . and Hon . W . Shirley , r . s . G . w ., as D . G . M . ; R . W . Simon M'Gillivray , J . G . W ., as S . G W . ; R . W Arthur Tegart , . G . W ., as J . G . W . ; R . W . John Dent , P . S . G . W . ; R . W . Sherborne Stewart , p . s . G . w . : R . W . RobertBrettingham , P . J . G . W . ; R . W . Forssteen , I-. J . G . W . ; R . W . Alexander S . Gordon , P . J . G . W . ; R . W . John
Elliot , p . s . G . w . ; R . W . James Earnshaw , P . J . G . W . ; R . W . James Deans , P . J . G . W . ; R . W . Rev . John Austin . p . s . G . w . ; R . W . ThcEarlofPomfret , Prov . G . M . for Northamptonshire ; R . W . William Wix , Prov . G . M . for Essex ; R . W . William Henry White , Prov . G . M . for Wiltshire ; It . W . Andrew D . O'Kelly , Prov . G . M . for
for Bedfordshire ' ; R . W . H . J . Da Costa , Prov . G M ., for Rutlandshire ; R . W . His Exc . the Count La Gardje , G . M . of the First Lodge of the North ; R . W . William Henry White , G . s . ; R . W . Rev . Lucius Coghlan , D . D ., G . C ; R . W . William Shadbolt Master of Grand Stewards' Lodge , as G . s . n . ; W . Samuel Wesley , G . Organist ; W . C . Bonner , ; W . the Wardens and
Assistants of the Grand Stewards' Lodge ; and the Masters and Wardens of 58 other Lodges . The Grand Lodge was opened in ample form , and the Laws relating to the conduct of Masons in Grand Lodge were read . The minutes of the Quarterly Communication , holden on Wednesday , the 2 ith November last , were read and confirmed .
The Most Worshipful the Grand Master then announced that by virtue of power delegated to him by the Grand Lodge on the 2 ord June last , he had selected the R . W . Brother "Waller Rodwell Wright , Provincial Grand Master for the Ionian Isles , and the R . W . Brothers Arthur Tegart and James Deans , Past
Grand \\ ardens to assist him in the negocialion for an Union with the other Fraternity of Masons in England ; that they had had several conferences with His Royal Hi ghness the Duke of Kent , assisted by three Grand Officers—the R . W . Brother Thomas Harper , Deputy Grand Master , and the R . W .
Brothers James Perry , and James Agar , I'ast Deputy Grand Masters , the happy result of which was that Articles of Union between the two Grand Lodges of Masons of England , had beeu signed and sealed in duplicate at Kensington Palace on the 25 th ult . —His Royal Highness the Grand Master then laid the same before Grand Lodge . The announcement of this
great event was received with masonic acclamations , and the said Articles were read by the Grand Secretary . After which , upon motions severally made and seconded , the following resolutions were passed in the affirmative unanimously : — 1 . That the articles now read be Ratified and Confirmed .
2 . That the Most Worshi pful His Royal Highness the Grand Master be requested and empowered to affix the great seal thereto , and to exchange tho same with His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent , Grand Master of the other Fraternity . 3 . That brotherly application be made to the Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland , enclosing them
a copy of the above articles , so ratified , and entreating thein to delegate two or more enli ghtened members of their respective bodies to be present at the Assembly of Union , on Monday , the 27 th December instant , pursuant to Article IV . 4 . That the Grand Master do nominate nine worthy and expert Master Masons , or Past Masters , to discharge the duly set forth in Articles V . and XV .
b . Iliat a special dispensation , under the great seal , be issued to those nine Brothers , and their Secretary , to hold a Lodge of Reconciliation , in conjunction with an equal number to be appointed ami cmpowered by His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent , to fulfil the duties set forth and enjoined in the said Articles of Union .
( i . 'That the Masters , AVardcns , and Past Masters , of the wavrimted Lodges , to attend the said Lodge ol Reconciliation , according to notices to be addressed to them , for the purpose of being obligated , certified , and registered , to entitle them to bo present at the Assembly of Masons for the Union of the two Grand Lodges of England , on Monday , the 27 th December instant .
7 . That the Secretary of the said Lodge of Reconciliation shall keep a book , in which shall be entered the names of all the regular Members of Lodges belongingtoboth Fraternities , soobligatcd and certified , that they may be registered without fee or reward , in
( To be continued . )