Article Royal Arch. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 2 of 2 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article THE GOLD AND SILVER WYRE DRAWERS' COMPANY. Page 1 of 1 Article GALLERY LODGE CONCERT. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
There being no other business , the M . E . Z . having thanked the companions for tlieir attendance and assistance , the chapter was closed in due form . The companions then sat down to a " petit saaper , " provided by the Janitor , Comp . G . Rogers , after which the usual loyal and Alasonic toasts were proposed and duly responded to , the companions separating at an eady hour , having spent a pleasant evening .
WIGTON . —St . John's Chapter ( No . 327 ) . — The annual meeting of this chapter was held on Wednesday , the 17 th inst ., for the purpose of installing the chiefs and exalting candidates . Comps . VV . W . Hoodless vvas installed AI . E . Z . ; J . Harris , H . ; J . Pearson , P . Z ., as J . ; F . Richardson , S . E . ; J . Kirkland , S . N . ; J . Alartin , P . S . ; and ] . Pearson , Treas . The following members and visitors
were present : Comps . J . Gate , P . Z . ; 1 . AIcMechan , P . Z ., P . P . G . A . S . ; J . Barr , P . Z . 119 , P . P . G . H . ; William Sandwith , P . '/ .., P . P . G . J . ; Ed . Tyson , P . Z ., P . G . S . N . ; J . J . Robinson , H . 119 , P . G . Stwd . ; C . Gowan , S . N . 119 ; and others . A vote of thanks vvas passed to Comps . Barr and Tyson for their able services , when the chapter vvas duly closed , and the companions dined at the Lion and Lamb Hotel .
KINGSTON-ON-THAMES . —Dobie Chapter ( No . SS 7 ) . —At the convocation heldat the Griffin Hotel , on Alonday , the 22 nd inst . There was a larger assembly than usual . The AI . E . Z . and H . were both absent , but sent apologies , and so the offices stood thus : Comps . R . T . Elsam , acting M . E . Z . ; John Bond , P . Z ., acting H . ; FillerI . P . Z ., acting j . ; H . Handel , S . N . ; j . W .
Moor-, man , P . S . ; and G . Aloorman , Asst . P . S . A candidate for exaltation vvas balloted for , and approved , but he did not present himself , being indisposed . The ballot for officers for the ensuing year vvas taken with the following result : Comps . C . Oldridge , AI . E . Z . ; T .
Weaver , H . ; J . VV . Woodman , J . ; K . 1 . Elsam , S . E . ; W . Chapman , S . N . ; G . Aloorman , P . S . ; J . Bond , Treasurer ; VV . Lane was again elected Janitor . A After the convocation vvas closed , the companions spent a very pleasant evening , thanks in a great measure to the excellent and liberal catering of Comp . Sharp .
BELVEDERE . —Saye and Sele Chapter ( No . 1973 ) . —The installation meetingof the above chapter took place on Tuesday , the gth inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Royal Alfred Institution , when M . E . Comp . Capt . J . Gieseman-Chillingworth , H ., and Z . elect , vvas , with the usual ceremony , installed in the chair of Z . ; Al . E . Comp . F . Wood , as H . j and Al . E . Comp . A . H . Bateman , as J .
The Chapter vvas opened by the AI . E . Z ., Al . E . Comp . the Rev . H . Cummins , and the minutes being past , that companion proceeded , as Installing Officer , to his duty . The Principals were duly saluted . ; Comp . Chillingworth had , however , to retire on account of ill-health , and Comp . Cummins resumed the chair of Z . The following oflicers vvere then invested : Comps . E . Bright , P . Z ., Treas . ; II .
A . E . De Pinna , S . E . ; Dr . Flaxman-bpurrell , P . Z ., P . P . G . R . Kent , S . N . ; E . H . Joynson , P . S . ; and T . Heather , ist Asst . S . The Installing Officer then gave eloquent extempore addresses to the Principals , oliicers , and companions , and then the chapter was closed in due form . The banquet vvas partaken of at the Railway Hotel , and was elegantly served . At its conclusion , the AI . E . Z .
presiding , gave thc usual loyal , Royal Arch , and chapter toasts , which were duly honoured . In proposing the toast of " Lord Holmesdale , Grand Superintendent of the Province of Kent , " Comp . Cummins said that his lordship vvas so well known , and so much beloved by every Alason in the province , that it vvas totally unnecessary for him to say a single word in his
favour . He must , however , say that their Grand Superintendent was a nobleman in every sense of the word ; while , as a Alason , he knew how to do his work , and did it with that facility and address that endeared him to all who came within the sphere of his influence . 1 he toast vvas drank with enthusiasm , and Comp . Wood proposed the next toast , which vvas that of " Comp .
Eastes , G . H ., and the rest of the Prov . Grand Officers , Present and Past , " coupled with the name of Comp . Coupland , P . Z , 913 , P . P . G . J . Kent ; who , in reply , said he felt sure the Grand Officers of the province would be glad to hear that they were not forgotten by the companions of the Saye and Sele Chapter . He congratulated Comp . Cummins and the companions upon successfully launching
such an excellent addition to the chapters of the province , and gave a brief resume of the origin of the Provincial Grand Chapter , which did not exist when he vvas first made a Royal Arch Alason . He cordially thanked them in the name of the Prov . Grand Oflicers for their hearty reception of the toast . Comp . Cummins then proposed "Thc Health of the
AI . E . Z . of the Chapter , " and in so doing , regretted that illness had prevented Comp . Chillingworth from being present at their social board . As the A 1 . E . Z . was not present , he should make it a crooked toast , and drag in another name , the name cf one , who , in or out of Alasonry , vvas one of the best fellows he had ever met ; he alluded to Comp . Warne , P . Z ., P . G . Scribe E . Kent . He ( Comp .
Cummins ) was himself ill when he came to the chapter , and thought he should have had to leave , but the sight oi Comp . Warne had done him so much good that he soon recovered , and felt quite well again , or at least a good deal better than before he saw him . Thc toast was drunk with great heartiness , and Comp . Warne , in response , said that as he listened to the words of the M . E . Z ., they reminded him of a poor
fellow who appeared before a judge at the late Alaidstone assizes . The man vvas being tried for some offence , and seemed not to take the least notice of thc proceedings ; at last the judge asked him what he had to say , and hc said , " Nothing . " At the finish of thc case , hc was again asked whether he had anything to say . " No , no , " said the man , "I have nothing to say , my lord ; and if I had , I should not say it , for it is my opinion that there has been too much
said about it already . " Well , he felt in the position of that poor fellow , and that too much had beon . 'aid about him already ; while in the flattering remarks of the M . E . Z . he did not recognise a likeness of himself . He then , in the course of an elequent speech , spoke highly of the chapter and its officers , and ventured to prophesy , irom what he had seen that day ( although he did not , as a rule , like to prophesy unless hc knew hc vvas right ) , that the chapter had a great future before it . He again
Royal Arch.
thanked them for the toast , and resumed his scat amid cheers . The next toast vvas that of " The Second and Third Principals , " and the AI . E . Z . highly complimented them on their zeal and energy in the cause of Masonry , especially for the Saye and Sele Chapter . In response to a hearty reception of his health as Installing Officer , Comp . Cummins said one always felt a
difficulty in speaking about one s self ; but hc saw those around that table who knew that he took the deepest interest in Masonry , and that hc vvould not have any shamming in the work—what he had to do he did to the best of his ability . It vvas a proud position for him to be the first Z . of the chapter ; it was a position not sought by him ; but it vvas given him because it vvas thought by the founders that his assistance would be a benefit to it . If anything he had said
or done had benefited the chapter , he felt that he might sit down and say " nunc dimittis . " He trusted the bonds with which they vvere bound together in Freemasonry would never be loosened ; but vvould rather grow stronger and tighter until the time should come to leave here and ascend to the Grand Lodge above , where the G . A . lives and rules for ever .
The other toasts vvere "The Visitors" and "The Officers , " both of which vvere cordially drank and feelingly responded to , and then the proceedings terminated . Among the other companions present not above named were Comps . A . Penfold , P . Z . 13 and 913 , AI . E . Z . designate 1472 , P . P . G . ist Asst . S . Kent , who acted as S . N . ; W . G . Lemon , P . Z . ; T . Heaps ; R . Edmonds , AI . E . Z . 913 ; J . Ricks , Z . 33 ; T . Fletcher , 33 ; and C . Jolly , 913 .
CAMDEN CHAPTER OF IMPROVEMENT ( No . 504 % — . A convocation of the above chapter vvas held at thc Aloorgate Hotel , Finsbury-pavement , on Tuesday , the ibth inst . Present : Comps , Gregory ' , / . ; G . W . Knight , H . ' j Jenkins , ) . ; Slyman , S . E . j Vine , N . j Shirley , P . S . j Edmonds , Preceptorj Dodson , Jacobs , Foulger , lt . W . Franz , Evans , and Grey . The chapter was opened in due form , and the minutes of the previous convocation read and confirmed . The ceremony of exaltation was most ably rehearsed by the officers , Comp . Evans , candidate . Comps . Foulger and Evans vvere unanimously elected joining members of this excellent chapter of improvement .
NORTH LONDON CHAPTER OF IAIPROVEAIENT ( Xo . 1471 ) . —A convocation vvas held on Thursday , the nth inst ., at the Alwyn Castle Tavern , St . PauPs-road , Canonbury . Present : Comps . F , Brasted , AI . E . Z . ; T . C . Edmonds , H . ; J . Strugnell , J . j J . E . Sheffield , S . li . j J . Knight , S . N . ; W . Radcliffe , P . S . ; Fraser , and W . H . Dean . The ceremony of exaltation vvas rehearsed , Comp . J . Funston acting as candidate . Thc ritual vvas ably sustained by various companions .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
MALLET AND CHISEL LODGE ( No . 5 ) . — Thc installation meeting was held at the Bridge House Hotel , on the 22 nd inst ., when there were present , among others , Bros . Stedman , VV . AI . ; Helsham , S . VV . ; J . P . Lewis , I . P . AI . Constantine Lodge , acting J . W . ; C . F . Alatier , P . G . W ., & c , Hon . Alember , acting AI . O . ; Bennett , S . O . ; J . Hudson , J . O . ; the Rev . Owen Davies , Chaplain ; Dr . E . M . Lott , P . G . Org ., Sec , & c ; Dr .
Pearce , S . D . ; R . Greening , I . G . ; E . J , Hoare , G . Org ., P . AL ; Toope , T . C . Walls , P . G . S . B ., Hon . Member ; H . J . Lardner , P . G . S ., Hon . Member ; and Harrison , Tyler . I'he minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bros . Tompkins and Easton vvere duly advanced to the Degree of M . M . M . Bro . C . F . Alatier , P . G . W ., then assumed the chair , and by the W . AI . 's
permission ably installed Bro . Helsham into . the chair of A . The officers appointed and invested were Bros . Stedman , l . P . AL ; E . Hargen , S . VV . ; Holdgate , J . W . ; Bennett , AI . O . ; Hudson , S . O ., Dr . Pearce , J . O . ; the Rev . O . Davies , Chaplain ; R . Tarran , P . AL , Treasurer ; Dr . E . M . Lott , Secretary ; Greening , S . D . ; Easton , J . D . ; Tompkins , l . G . ; and Harrison , Tyler . A vote of thanks vvas passed to Bro . Matier for his services as
Installing Officer , and ordered to be recorded on the minutes . A committee having been appointed to revise the by-laws , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . Upon the removal ot the cloth , the usual toasts followed . Bro . Alatier , in responding on behalf of "The Grand Officers , " took occasion to dilate upon the great progess of the Order . He also spoke in warm terms of the steady
increase of the Mallet and Chisel Lodge , a result which , to a great extent , had been brought about by the zealous and able exertions of Bro . Dr . Lott , its worthy Secretary . In conclusion the speaker thanked the brethren for conferring upon him , a short time ago , an honorary membership of the lodge , a distinction which he highly prized .
Bro . Walls then acknowledged " The Health of thc Provincial Grand Officers . " The rest of the toasts vvere duly proposed and honoured . During the proceedings the brethren vvere entertained by the instrumental and vocal abilities of Bros . Dr . Lott , Hoare , Stedman , Jeffs , Lardner , and others .
SIR FRANCIS BURDETT LODGE ( No . 1 S 1 ) . —This lodge met at the Albany Hotel , Twickenham , on the 17 th inst . Among those present were Bros . J . T . Briggs , VV . AI . ; IL Higgins , S . W . ; C . II . Kohler , J . VV . ; E . Hopwood , P . G . S . of VV . Middlesex and Surrey , P . M ., acting AI . O . ; Porter , S . O . ; Simmonds , J . O . ; T . C . Walls , P . G . Swd . Br ., & c , P . M ., Sec . ; and others . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for a brother for
advancement , and it proved to be unanimous ; but , from unavoidable circumstances , he vvas prevented from attending . The Secretary gave notice of motion— " That a sum bc voted from the funds , and placed on the list of the W . AI . as Steward at the next Festival of the Alark Benevolent Fund . " Letters pleading inability to attend were read from Bros . W . Fisher , P . AL , Treas . ; Thomas , S . D . ; and others . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The usual toasts followed .
The Prince of VVales was present at the Prince ' s Theatre , on Thursday afternoon , the iSth inst ., and witnessed Airs . Langtry ' s impersonation of Pauline in " The Lady of Lyons . "
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
ST . GEORGE'S PRECEPTORY ( No . 6 ) . — This old preceptory , formerly known as the Cross of Christ , held its annual installation meeting on Friday , the 14 th inst ., at the Albion , Aldersgate-street . Present : Sir Knts . J . Smith , E . G . ; H . J . Sparks , Constable ; J . E . D . Jameson , Aiarshall ; R . Costa , P . C ; G . Cooper , P . C ; E . B . Florence , P . C ; E . Letchworth , P . C ; P . II . Waterlow , G . S . Waterlow , and VV . G . Devey . Visitors :
Sir Knts . F . Davison , and Dr . Alickley . The minutes of the last meeting having been confirmed , the ballot vvas taken as a joining member for Sir Knt . C F . Matier , Priory of the Lothian , 1 , K . C . T ., which was in the affirmative . Sir Knt . Cooper then assumed the chair and impressively installed Sir Knt . Sparks as E . C , who appointed and invested the following as his officers : Sir
Knt . J . Costa , Prelate ; P . H . Waterlow , Constable ; G . S . Waterlow , Marshal ; Geo . Cooper , Registrar and Treas . ; E . B . Florence , Almoner ; W . G . Devey , Expert ; C F . Matier , Capt . of Lines ; and T . Woodstock , Equerry . All business being ended , the sir knights adjourned to the banquet , served in the best style , under the personal superintendence of Mr . J . P . Swayne .
Scotland .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF AYRSHIRE . VISIT TO BURN'S AlOTHER LODGE . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Aysbire visited several lodges on Saturday , the 13 th inst ., among them that of Torbolton , St . James's , Kilwinning' in which Robert Burns vvas initiated . He vvas an active Alason , as the charters
and minutes show . Burns was elected Depute-Alaster on the 27 th July , 17 S 4 , and held that position till St . John ' s Day , 17 SS , when one James Findlay succeeded him in oflice . He signed the minutes Robert Bitrness till Alarch ist , 17 S 6 . His attendances as Depute-Alaster were—in 17 S 5 , June 29 , July 20 , August 2 and iS , September 7 and 15 , October 26 , November 10 , December 1 and 7 . In
17 S 6—January 7 and Alarch 1 , when his brother , "Gilbert Burns , was passed and raised . " In the early part of 17 S 6 Burns went to Kilmarnock to arrange and superintend the publication of the first edition of his poems . A letter was shown which he addressed to the St . James ' Lodge of Tarbolton in 17 S 7 : — " Men and Brethren , —
"I am truly sorry it is not in my power to be at your quarterly meeting . If I must be absent in body , believe me I shall be present in spirit . 1 suppose those who owe us monies by bills or otherwise will appear . I mean those vve summoned . If you please , I wish you would delay prosecuting defaulters till I come home . Thc Court is up , and I will be home before it sits down . In thc meantime
to take a note of who appear and who do not of our faulty debtors will be right in my humble opinion ; and those who confess debt and crave days , I think vve should spare them . Farewell . " Within your dear mansion ,
May wayward contention Or withered envy ne ' er enter—Alay secrecy round Be thc mystical bound , And brotherly love the centre ! "Edinbr ., 23 d Aug ., 1787 . " "RODERT BURNS
The Gold And Silver Wyre Drawers' Company.
The annual dinner of the above Company was given on Wednesday last at the Albion Hotel , Aldersgate-street . There were present Bros . Major Joseph , CC , Master ; George Kenning , l . P . AL ; J . Knapton Abel , Horace P . Stewart , Wm . Hays , and Alderman and Sheriff Evans ,
Wardens ; Under-Sheriff Wynne IC . Baxter , Clerk ; D . H . Jacobs , P . AI . ; F . Pendered , P . AI . ; G . Davenport , P . AL ; Right Hon . the Lord Mayor ; Alderman Sir K . N . Fowler , Alderman Lieut .-Col . Cowan , Sheriff Clarke , Dr . Lavies , T . W . Weeding , E . W . Streetcr , E . F . B . Fuller , H . W . H . Ranee , S . Hoffnung , Clarence Smith , J . Bishop ,
J . R . Brown , S . Higgs , and others , numbering about 150 . Bro . the Right Hon . the Lord AIAYOK proposed the toast " The Worshipful Company of Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers' and the Alaster and Wardens thereof . " Bro . Major J OSEPH replied in an able speech . A selection of vocal music was performed . Bro . James Kift presided at the pianoforte .
Gallery Lodge Concert.
A concert in aid of the Benevolent Fund of the Gallery Lodge , No . 1928 , of which Bro . C . F . Pardon is W . AI ., vvas given at the Brixton Hall , Brixton , on Saturday , the 20 th inst . Despite the inclemency of the weather , there was a good attendance of the brethren and their friends , and the result vvas not only an artistic , but a pecuniary success .
The artistes successively appearing on the platform , which was tastefully decorated with ( lowering plants , were Aladame Thayer , Miss Lizzie Alulholland , Miss Bone Fovvell , Aliss Alma Evelyn , Miss Alice Farren , Mr . Percy Palmer , Bro . Frederick Cundy , Air . Herbert Jewell , Air . Henry Horscroft , Bro . Wilhelm Ganz ( piano ) , Bro . VV . L . Barrett ( flute ) , AI . Theodore Werner ( violin ) , Herr Otto
Langey ( violoncello ) , Air . Sidney Hill ( organ ) , and Mr . Lee Davies ( piano ) . Die first named lady certainly achieved the greatest success of the evening , her rich and powerful soprano being heard to great advantage in an aria from " 11 Flanto Alagico" and in Eckcrt ' s Swiss Echo Song . Aliss Lizzie Alulholland gave 13 razar ' s"Sercnata " to Bro . W . L . Barrett's lluteobligato with her wonted skill andgrace . Aliss Alice Farren sang Gounod's "Ave Alarie , " and P .
Cowen's " Never again , " the latter being the more successful efforts . Aliss Bene Fovvell , a debutante with a pleasant soprano voice , gave a carelul rendering of the "Jewel song" from Faust , and Hope Temple ' s " Fond heart , farewell ; " and Aliss Alma Evelyn rendered Pinsuti ' s " Gates ajar " in most effective style . Air . Percy Palmer ' s opening effort , " I'll sing thee songs of Avaby , " vvas requited by a unanimous encore , in response to which he gave Dibdin's " Tom Bowling , " and in like position hc had to supple-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
There being no other business , the M . E . Z . having thanked the companions for tlieir attendance and assistance , the chapter was closed in due form . The companions then sat down to a " petit saaper , " provided by the Janitor , Comp . G . Rogers , after which the usual loyal and Alasonic toasts were proposed and duly responded to , the companions separating at an eady hour , having spent a pleasant evening .
WIGTON . —St . John's Chapter ( No . 327 ) . — The annual meeting of this chapter was held on Wednesday , the 17 th inst ., for the purpose of installing the chiefs and exalting candidates . Comps . VV . W . Hoodless vvas installed AI . E . Z . ; J . Harris , H . ; J . Pearson , P . Z ., as J . ; F . Richardson , S . E . ; J . Kirkland , S . N . ; J . Alartin , P . S . ; and ] . Pearson , Treas . The following members and visitors
were present : Comps . J . Gate , P . Z . ; 1 . AIcMechan , P . Z ., P . P . G . A . S . ; J . Barr , P . Z . 119 , P . P . G . H . ; William Sandwith , P . '/ .., P . P . G . J . ; Ed . Tyson , P . Z ., P . G . S . N . ; J . J . Robinson , H . 119 , P . G . Stwd . ; C . Gowan , S . N . 119 ; and others . A vote of thanks vvas passed to Comps . Barr and Tyson for their able services , when the chapter vvas duly closed , and the companions dined at the Lion and Lamb Hotel .
KINGSTON-ON-THAMES . —Dobie Chapter ( No . SS 7 ) . —At the convocation heldat the Griffin Hotel , on Alonday , the 22 nd inst . There was a larger assembly than usual . The AI . E . Z . and H . were both absent , but sent apologies , and so the offices stood thus : Comps . R . T . Elsam , acting M . E . Z . ; John Bond , P . Z ., acting H . ; FillerI . P . Z ., acting j . ; H . Handel , S . N . ; j . W .
Moor-, man , P . S . ; and G . Aloorman , Asst . P . S . A candidate for exaltation vvas balloted for , and approved , but he did not present himself , being indisposed . The ballot for officers for the ensuing year vvas taken with the following result : Comps . C . Oldridge , AI . E . Z . ; T .
Weaver , H . ; J . VV . Woodman , J . ; K . 1 . Elsam , S . E . ; W . Chapman , S . N . ; G . Aloorman , P . S . ; J . Bond , Treasurer ; VV . Lane was again elected Janitor . A After the convocation vvas closed , the companions spent a very pleasant evening , thanks in a great measure to the excellent and liberal catering of Comp . Sharp .
BELVEDERE . —Saye and Sele Chapter ( No . 1973 ) . —The installation meetingof the above chapter took place on Tuesday , the gth inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Royal Alfred Institution , when M . E . Comp . Capt . J . Gieseman-Chillingworth , H ., and Z . elect , vvas , with the usual ceremony , installed in the chair of Z . ; Al . E . Comp . F . Wood , as H . j and Al . E . Comp . A . H . Bateman , as J .
The Chapter vvas opened by the AI . E . Z ., Al . E . Comp . the Rev . H . Cummins , and the minutes being past , that companion proceeded , as Installing Officer , to his duty . The Principals were duly saluted . ; Comp . Chillingworth had , however , to retire on account of ill-health , and Comp . Cummins resumed the chair of Z . The following oflicers vvere then invested : Comps . E . Bright , P . Z ., Treas . ; II .
A . E . De Pinna , S . E . ; Dr . Flaxman-bpurrell , P . Z ., P . P . G . R . Kent , S . N . ; E . H . Joynson , P . S . ; and T . Heather , ist Asst . S . The Installing Officer then gave eloquent extempore addresses to the Principals , oliicers , and companions , and then the chapter was closed in due form . The banquet vvas partaken of at the Railway Hotel , and was elegantly served . At its conclusion , the AI . E . Z .
presiding , gave thc usual loyal , Royal Arch , and chapter toasts , which were duly honoured . In proposing the toast of " Lord Holmesdale , Grand Superintendent of the Province of Kent , " Comp . Cummins said that his lordship vvas so well known , and so much beloved by every Alason in the province , that it vvas totally unnecessary for him to say a single word in his
favour . He must , however , say that their Grand Superintendent was a nobleman in every sense of the word ; while , as a Alason , he knew how to do his work , and did it with that facility and address that endeared him to all who came within the sphere of his influence . 1 he toast vvas drank with enthusiasm , and Comp . Wood proposed the next toast , which vvas that of " Comp .
Eastes , G . H ., and the rest of the Prov . Grand Officers , Present and Past , " coupled with the name of Comp . Coupland , P . Z , 913 , P . P . G . J . Kent ; who , in reply , said he felt sure the Grand Officers of the province would be glad to hear that they were not forgotten by the companions of the Saye and Sele Chapter . He congratulated Comp . Cummins and the companions upon successfully launching
such an excellent addition to the chapters of the province , and gave a brief resume of the origin of the Provincial Grand Chapter , which did not exist when he vvas first made a Royal Arch Alason . He cordially thanked them in the name of the Prov . Grand Oflicers for their hearty reception of the toast . Comp . Cummins then proposed "Thc Health of the
AI . E . Z . of the Chapter , " and in so doing , regretted that illness had prevented Comp . Chillingworth from being present at their social board . As the A 1 . E . Z . was not present , he should make it a crooked toast , and drag in another name , the name cf one , who , in or out of Alasonry , vvas one of the best fellows he had ever met ; he alluded to Comp . Warne , P . Z ., P . G . Scribe E . Kent . He ( Comp .
Cummins ) was himself ill when he came to the chapter , and thought he should have had to leave , but the sight oi Comp . Warne had done him so much good that he soon recovered , and felt quite well again , or at least a good deal better than before he saw him . Thc toast was drunk with great heartiness , and Comp . Warne , in response , said that as he listened to the words of the M . E . Z ., they reminded him of a poor
fellow who appeared before a judge at the late Alaidstone assizes . The man vvas being tried for some offence , and seemed not to take the least notice of thc proceedings ; at last the judge asked him what he had to say , and hc said , " Nothing . " At the finish of thc case , hc was again asked whether he had anything to say . " No , no , " said the man , "I have nothing to say , my lord ; and if I had , I should not say it , for it is my opinion that there has been too much
said about it already . " Well , he felt in the position of that poor fellow , and that too much had beon . 'aid about him already ; while in the flattering remarks of the M . E . Z . he did not recognise a likeness of himself . He then , in the course of an elequent speech , spoke highly of the chapter and its officers , and ventured to prophesy , irom what he had seen that day ( although he did not , as a rule , like to prophesy unless hc knew hc vvas right ) , that the chapter had a great future before it . He again
Royal Arch.
thanked them for the toast , and resumed his scat amid cheers . The next toast vvas that of " The Second and Third Principals , " and the AI . E . Z . highly complimented them on their zeal and energy in the cause of Masonry , especially for the Saye and Sele Chapter . In response to a hearty reception of his health as Installing Officer , Comp . Cummins said one always felt a
difficulty in speaking about one s self ; but hc saw those around that table who knew that he took the deepest interest in Masonry , and that hc vvould not have any shamming in the work—what he had to do he did to the best of his ability . It vvas a proud position for him to be the first Z . of the chapter ; it was a position not sought by him ; but it vvas given him because it vvas thought by the founders that his assistance would be a benefit to it . If anything he had said
or done had benefited the chapter , he felt that he might sit down and say " nunc dimittis . " He trusted the bonds with which they vvere bound together in Freemasonry would never be loosened ; but vvould rather grow stronger and tighter until the time should come to leave here and ascend to the Grand Lodge above , where the G . A . lives and rules for ever .
The other toasts vvere "The Visitors" and "The Officers , " both of which vvere cordially drank and feelingly responded to , and then the proceedings terminated . Among the other companions present not above named were Comps . A . Penfold , P . Z . 13 and 913 , AI . E . Z . designate 1472 , P . P . G . ist Asst . S . Kent , who acted as S . N . ; W . G . Lemon , P . Z . ; T . Heaps ; R . Edmonds , AI . E . Z . 913 ; J . Ricks , Z . 33 ; T . Fletcher , 33 ; and C . Jolly , 913 .
CAMDEN CHAPTER OF IMPROVEMENT ( No . 504 % — . A convocation of the above chapter vvas held at thc Aloorgate Hotel , Finsbury-pavement , on Tuesday , the ibth inst . Present : Comps , Gregory ' , / . ; G . W . Knight , H . ' j Jenkins , ) . ; Slyman , S . E . j Vine , N . j Shirley , P . S . j Edmonds , Preceptorj Dodson , Jacobs , Foulger , lt . W . Franz , Evans , and Grey . The chapter was opened in due form , and the minutes of the previous convocation read and confirmed . The ceremony of exaltation was most ably rehearsed by the officers , Comp . Evans , candidate . Comps . Foulger and Evans vvere unanimously elected joining members of this excellent chapter of improvement .
NORTH LONDON CHAPTER OF IAIPROVEAIENT ( Xo . 1471 ) . —A convocation vvas held on Thursday , the nth inst ., at the Alwyn Castle Tavern , St . PauPs-road , Canonbury . Present : Comps . F , Brasted , AI . E . Z . ; T . C . Edmonds , H . ; J . Strugnell , J . j J . E . Sheffield , S . li . j J . Knight , S . N . ; W . Radcliffe , P . S . ; Fraser , and W . H . Dean . The ceremony of exaltation vvas rehearsed , Comp . J . Funston acting as candidate . Thc ritual vvas ably sustained by various companions .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
MALLET AND CHISEL LODGE ( No . 5 ) . — Thc installation meeting was held at the Bridge House Hotel , on the 22 nd inst ., when there were present , among others , Bros . Stedman , VV . AI . ; Helsham , S . VV . ; J . P . Lewis , I . P . AI . Constantine Lodge , acting J . W . ; C . F . Alatier , P . G . W ., & c , Hon . Alember , acting AI . O . ; Bennett , S . O . ; J . Hudson , J . O . ; the Rev . Owen Davies , Chaplain ; Dr . E . M . Lott , P . G . Org ., Sec , & c ; Dr .
Pearce , S . D . ; R . Greening , I . G . ; E . J , Hoare , G . Org ., P . AL ; Toope , T . C . Walls , P . G . S . B ., Hon . Member ; H . J . Lardner , P . G . S ., Hon . Member ; and Harrison , Tyler . I'he minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bros . Tompkins and Easton vvere duly advanced to the Degree of M . M . M . Bro . C . F . Alatier , P . G . W ., then assumed the chair , and by the W . AI . 's
permission ably installed Bro . Helsham into . the chair of A . The officers appointed and invested were Bros . Stedman , l . P . AL ; E . Hargen , S . VV . ; Holdgate , J . W . ; Bennett , AI . O . ; Hudson , S . O ., Dr . Pearce , J . O . ; the Rev . O . Davies , Chaplain ; R . Tarran , P . AL , Treasurer ; Dr . E . M . Lott , Secretary ; Greening , S . D . ; Easton , J . D . ; Tompkins , l . G . ; and Harrison , Tyler . A vote of thanks vvas passed to Bro . Matier for his services as
Installing Officer , and ordered to be recorded on the minutes . A committee having been appointed to revise the by-laws , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . Upon the removal ot the cloth , the usual toasts followed . Bro . Alatier , in responding on behalf of "The Grand Officers , " took occasion to dilate upon the great progess of the Order . He also spoke in warm terms of the steady
increase of the Mallet and Chisel Lodge , a result which , to a great extent , had been brought about by the zealous and able exertions of Bro . Dr . Lott , its worthy Secretary . In conclusion the speaker thanked the brethren for conferring upon him , a short time ago , an honorary membership of the lodge , a distinction which he highly prized .
Bro . Walls then acknowledged " The Health of thc Provincial Grand Officers . " The rest of the toasts vvere duly proposed and honoured . During the proceedings the brethren vvere entertained by the instrumental and vocal abilities of Bros . Dr . Lott , Hoare , Stedman , Jeffs , Lardner , and others .
SIR FRANCIS BURDETT LODGE ( No . 1 S 1 ) . —This lodge met at the Albany Hotel , Twickenham , on the 17 th inst . Among those present were Bros . J . T . Briggs , VV . AI . ; IL Higgins , S . W . ; C . II . Kohler , J . VV . ; E . Hopwood , P . G . S . of VV . Middlesex and Surrey , P . M ., acting AI . O . ; Porter , S . O . ; Simmonds , J . O . ; T . C . Walls , P . G . Swd . Br ., & c , P . M ., Sec . ; and others . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for a brother for
advancement , and it proved to be unanimous ; but , from unavoidable circumstances , he vvas prevented from attending . The Secretary gave notice of motion— " That a sum bc voted from the funds , and placed on the list of the W . AI . as Steward at the next Festival of the Alark Benevolent Fund . " Letters pleading inability to attend were read from Bros . W . Fisher , P . AL , Treas . ; Thomas , S . D . ; and others . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The usual toasts followed .
The Prince of VVales was present at the Prince ' s Theatre , on Thursday afternoon , the iSth inst ., and witnessed Airs . Langtry ' s impersonation of Pauline in " The Lady of Lyons . "
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
ST . GEORGE'S PRECEPTORY ( No . 6 ) . — This old preceptory , formerly known as the Cross of Christ , held its annual installation meeting on Friday , the 14 th inst ., at the Albion , Aldersgate-street . Present : Sir Knts . J . Smith , E . G . ; H . J . Sparks , Constable ; J . E . D . Jameson , Aiarshall ; R . Costa , P . C ; G . Cooper , P . C ; E . B . Florence , P . C ; E . Letchworth , P . C ; P . II . Waterlow , G . S . Waterlow , and VV . G . Devey . Visitors :
Sir Knts . F . Davison , and Dr . Alickley . The minutes of the last meeting having been confirmed , the ballot vvas taken as a joining member for Sir Knt . C F . Matier , Priory of the Lothian , 1 , K . C . T ., which was in the affirmative . Sir Knt . Cooper then assumed the chair and impressively installed Sir Knt . Sparks as E . C , who appointed and invested the following as his officers : Sir
Knt . J . Costa , Prelate ; P . H . Waterlow , Constable ; G . S . Waterlow , Marshal ; Geo . Cooper , Registrar and Treas . ; E . B . Florence , Almoner ; W . G . Devey , Expert ; C F . Matier , Capt . of Lines ; and T . Woodstock , Equerry . All business being ended , the sir knights adjourned to the banquet , served in the best style , under the personal superintendence of Mr . J . P . Swayne .
Scotland .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF AYRSHIRE . VISIT TO BURN'S AlOTHER LODGE . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Aysbire visited several lodges on Saturday , the 13 th inst ., among them that of Torbolton , St . James's , Kilwinning' in which Robert Burns vvas initiated . He vvas an active Alason , as the charters
and minutes show . Burns was elected Depute-Alaster on the 27 th July , 17 S 4 , and held that position till St . John ' s Day , 17 SS , when one James Findlay succeeded him in oflice . He signed the minutes Robert Bitrness till Alarch ist , 17 S 6 . His attendances as Depute-Alaster were—in 17 S 5 , June 29 , July 20 , August 2 and iS , September 7 and 15 , October 26 , November 10 , December 1 and 7 . In
17 S 6—January 7 and Alarch 1 , when his brother , "Gilbert Burns , was passed and raised . " In the early part of 17 S 6 Burns went to Kilmarnock to arrange and superintend the publication of the first edition of his poems . A letter was shown which he addressed to the St . James ' Lodge of Tarbolton in 17 S 7 : — " Men and Brethren , —
"I am truly sorry it is not in my power to be at your quarterly meeting . If I must be absent in body , believe me I shall be present in spirit . 1 suppose those who owe us monies by bills or otherwise will appear . I mean those vve summoned . If you please , I wish you would delay prosecuting defaulters till I come home . Thc Court is up , and I will be home before it sits down . In thc meantime
to take a note of who appear and who do not of our faulty debtors will be right in my humble opinion ; and those who confess debt and crave days , I think vve should spare them . Farewell . " Within your dear mansion ,
May wayward contention Or withered envy ne ' er enter—Alay secrecy round Be thc mystical bound , And brotherly love the centre ! "Edinbr ., 23 d Aug ., 1787 . " "RODERT BURNS
The Gold And Silver Wyre Drawers' Company.
The annual dinner of the above Company was given on Wednesday last at the Albion Hotel , Aldersgate-street . There were present Bros . Major Joseph , CC , Master ; George Kenning , l . P . AL ; J . Knapton Abel , Horace P . Stewart , Wm . Hays , and Alderman and Sheriff Evans ,
Wardens ; Under-Sheriff Wynne IC . Baxter , Clerk ; D . H . Jacobs , P . AI . ; F . Pendered , P . AI . ; G . Davenport , P . AL ; Right Hon . the Lord Mayor ; Alderman Sir K . N . Fowler , Alderman Lieut .-Col . Cowan , Sheriff Clarke , Dr . Lavies , T . W . Weeding , E . W . Streetcr , E . F . B . Fuller , H . W . H . Ranee , S . Hoffnung , Clarence Smith , J . Bishop ,
J . R . Brown , S . Higgs , and others , numbering about 150 . Bro . the Right Hon . the Lord AIAYOK proposed the toast " The Worshipful Company of Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers' and the Alaster and Wardens thereof . " Bro . Major J OSEPH replied in an able speech . A selection of vocal music was performed . Bro . James Kift presided at the pianoforte .
Gallery Lodge Concert.
A concert in aid of the Benevolent Fund of the Gallery Lodge , No . 1928 , of which Bro . C . F . Pardon is W . AI ., vvas given at the Brixton Hall , Brixton , on Saturday , the 20 th inst . Despite the inclemency of the weather , there was a good attendance of the brethren and their friends , and the result vvas not only an artistic , but a pecuniary success .
The artistes successively appearing on the platform , which was tastefully decorated with ( lowering plants , were Aladame Thayer , Miss Lizzie Alulholland , Miss Bone Fovvell , Aliss Alma Evelyn , Miss Alice Farren , Mr . Percy Palmer , Bro . Frederick Cundy , Air . Herbert Jewell , Air . Henry Horscroft , Bro . Wilhelm Ganz ( piano ) , Bro . VV . L . Barrett ( flute ) , AI . Theodore Werner ( violin ) , Herr Otto
Langey ( violoncello ) , Air . Sidney Hill ( organ ) , and Mr . Lee Davies ( piano ) . Die first named lady certainly achieved the greatest success of the evening , her rich and powerful soprano being heard to great advantage in an aria from " 11 Flanto Alagico" and in Eckcrt ' s Swiss Echo Song . Aliss Lizzie Alulholland gave 13 razar ' s"Sercnata " to Bro . W . L . Barrett's lluteobligato with her wonted skill andgrace . Aliss Alice Farren sang Gounod's "Ave Alarie , " and P .
Cowen's " Never again , " the latter being the more successful efforts . Aliss Bene Fovvell , a debutante with a pleasant soprano voice , gave a carelul rendering of the "Jewel song" from Faust , and Hope Temple ' s " Fond heart , farewell ; " and Aliss Alma Evelyn rendered Pinsuti ' s " Gates ajar " in most effective style . Air . Percy Palmer ' s opening effort , " I'll sing thee songs of Avaby , " vvas requited by a unanimous encore , in response to which he gave Dibdin's " Tom Bowling , " and in like position hc had to supple-