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Board Of Benevolence.
The monthly meeting of the Board of Benevolence was held on Wednesday evening at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B ., President , occupied the President ' s chair ; Bro . James Brett , P . G . P ., Senior Vice-President , was in the chair of Senior Vice-President ; and Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P ., Junior Vice-President , was
in the chair of Junior Vice-President . There were also present Bros . A . A . Pendlebury , W . Dodd , W . H . Lee , P . R . Spaull , David D . Mercer , G . P . Britten , Henry Garrod , George Read , George P . Gillard , Frank Richardson , Charles Dairy , W . H . Perryman , Edward F . Storr , Charles Frederick Hogard , C . Harding-, Thomas Cull , R . J . Taylor , Stephen Richardson , W . M . 1 S 3 ; John Beer ,
fun ., P . M . 3 S 6 ; Wm . Brierley , P . M . 344 ; Charles Sheppard , W . M . 1366 ; Wm . P . Brown , P . M . 90 ; G . Adamson , P . M . 199 ; James W . Squire , W . M . 3 ; John Oldis , W . M . 12 SS ; F . Eversfield Green , W . M . 715 ; John 1 . Berry , P . M . 554 ; John Tovell , P . M . 1489 ; Howard ' Ross , P . M . 95 ; G . C . Haslip , P . M . S 13 ; C . H . Webb , P . M . 174 ; G . Ward Verry , P . M . 1421 ; Thomas M .
Denne , W . M . 1 S 0 ; Wm . Groom , P . M . S 61 ; T . Burne , W . M . 162 ; George Gardner , W . M . 2012 ; Edwd . Friend , P . M . 12 S 9 ; John L . Mather , W . M . 1910 ; Frederick Binckes , P . M ., Grand Stewards Lodge ; Samuel G , Bake , P . M . 1151 ; James Squires , P . M . 3 , SS 9 ; H . Massey , P . M . 192 S ; W . Goodchild , W . M . 704 ; Chas B . Barnes , W . M . 19 ; Joseph Richardson , W . M . 1515 ;
John Howman , W . M . 13 S 1 ; Heather Bigg , W . M . 235 ; S . P . Catterson , VV . M . 19 S 1 ; C . Veal , P . M . 1306 ; VV . P . Catterson , W . M . 54 S ; T . Driffield , VV . M . 1571 ; C . W . £ Frommenhoof , W . M . 141 ; J . R . Foulger , P . M . 1 G 13 ; J . Ellwood , W . M . 179 ; John Seex , P . M . 1 S 6 ; W . A . Scurrah , W . M . 2048 ; John E . Hunt , W . M . 176 S ; A . Torkington , VV . M . Co , P . G . Stwd . ; Wm . Ganton ,
M . D ., W . M . 1607 ; G . M . E . Hamilton , W . M . 144 G ; John James Pitt , W . M . 147 ; J . H . Taylor , VV . M . 511 ; Dick Radclyffe , P . M . 209 ; Nelson Reed , 1671 ; N . P . Pearce , P . M . 1572 ; T . Weeks , I . P . M . 1641 ; H . L . Tuson , P . M . S 71 ; Alfred J . Henochsberg , W . M . 205 ; and H . Sadler , G . T . The brethren first confirmed recommendations to the Grand Master , made at the former meeting in February to the amount of £ 335 . There were 61 cases on the new list .
These were from London , Peterborough , Risca , Devonport , Barbadoes , Launceston , Harleston , Bingley , Birkenhead , Slough , Corfu , Wareham , Norwich , Ramsgate , Plymouth , Camberley , Whitwell , Tywardreath , Mottram , West Hartlepool , Middlesborough , Liverpool , Hong Kong , Oxford , Cirencester , Shoreham , Radcliffe , Calcutta , Tersey , Deptford , New York , Illinois , Aberystwith ,
Nuneaton , Chatham , Bristol , Indiana , and Demerara . One case was dismissed , and 10 cases were deferred . The remainder were relieved with a total of £ 1071 . One grant of 4 , 100 was made ; nine of £ 40 each ; seven of £ 30 each ; eleven of £ 20 each j fourteen of £ 10 each ; one of £ 6 ; and seven of £ 5 each . The list of petitioners was the largest ever known . The Board sat more than four hours and a half .
Ladies' Night At The Euphrates. Lodge, No. 212.
A most successful and enjoyable meeting of the above Iodge took place on VVednesday , the 24 th inst ., to inaugurate its removal to the Holborn Restaurant . The lodge was opened by Bro . W . J . Cooper , W . M ., and after the usual routine business , Uro . White was raised to the
Degree of Master Mason . The lodge was closed , and the brethren withdrew to a room placed at their disposal for the reception of the ladies , where a large number had already assembled . After some time had been spent in pleasant conveisation , the whole of the company , which numbered nearly too , adjourned to the banquet room , where ample justice was done to a substantial repast .
In proposing the toast of "The Queen and the Craft , " Bro . COOPER , W . M ., said he was glad to see that her Majesty was coming am _> ng us more frequently , and expressed the hope that she would continue to do so for some time to come . The next toast given was " T . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family . "
The WORSHIPFUL MASTER , in submitting this toast , said he tell assured that it would be received with the usual cordiality , and it would be quite unnecessary for him to dwell upon the many virtues of the members of the Royal Family . Bro . R . MARTIN , I . P . M ., then proposed "The Health of the Worshipful Master , " and said he was assured that the company present would receive this toast with hearty
enthusiasm . Bro . W . J . COOPER , W . M ., replied , and , after returning his sincere thanks for the warm reception accorded the toast of his health , said he sincerely hoped that the ladies present would enjoy themselves . The members of the lodge had done all in their power to make them comfortable , and he trusted that when they left they would carry
with them a favourable recollection of their visit . "lhe Ladies" was then given by Bro . W . W . MORGAN , who observed that as he was in the presence of members of the Craft , this toast would be received with thc heartiest enthusiasm . As a brother had previously remarked , it was somewhat of an innovation to have ladies present at the banquet table of the lodge ; but he hoped they would not
regret their visit to the brethren of the mystic tie assembled at the festive board . It was very probable that sometimes the influence of ladies was brought to bear on affairs connected with the State , and it was no doubt a fact that they exercised great influence over the Masonic body . They also rendered very valuable assistance in thc cause of Masonic Charity . He recommended the brethren to take
their wives and daughters also , if possible , to the next Stewards' visit to the Girls' School , when they would hear and see how excellently the girls in that Institution are trained and educated , which would no doubt be a gratifying sight . Bro . W . W . LEE responded on behalf of the ladies , who
said he was not aware when he visited the Iodge that evening that he would be honoured with such an important task . The term " single blessedness" was usually applied to the state of batchelorhood ; "but as the onerous duty of responding for the ladies was always allotted to one in that state , he thought the term "blessedness" would be more applicable to those who had entered the matrimonial sphere .
Ladies' Night At The Euphrates. Lodge, No. 212.
On behalf of the ladies , he heartily thanked the members of the lodge for their kind invitation , and sincerely trusted the ladies might be again afforded an opportunity in the future of paying another visit . Bro . CUTLER replied for " The Past Masters , " and returned thanks for the reception accorded the toast . There was a large array of P . M . ' s present ; but he especially mentioned Bro . Stean , who is the father of the Iodge , and whom he hoped to see with them for many years to
come . Before dispersing , the company joined heartily in "Auld Lang Syne , " the solo of which was given by Bro . D . Glass , P . M ., Sec , to whose indefatigable energies the success of the evening was principally due . Amongst those present were the following : Bros . W . J . Cooper , VV . M . ; VV . J . Bassett , S . W . ; T . Boyden , T . W . ; F . G . Burstow , S . D . ; j . West , J . D . ; H .
Wagstaff , I . G . ; W . H . Ricknell , P . " M . ; T . Rushton , P . M . ; C . G . Cutler , P . M . ; H . Witril , P . M . ; J . Carter , P . M . ; ] . Stean , P . M . ; R . Martin , P . M . ; and Henry , Org . Visitors : Bros . G . Stevens , W . M . 1070 "; W . R . Haylock , J . D . 901 ; G . H . Stephens , I . P . M . 1623 ; H . Forss , I . P . M . 917 ; J . Cooper , 1471 ; VV . VV . Morgan , P . M . 211 ; VV . Ball , 1472 ; E . Prosser , S 60 ; J . Day , 141 J T . A . Davies , 174 ; VV . VV . Lee , 1 S 97 ; and the following
ladies : Mrs . Cooper , Mrs . Glass , Mrs . Martin , Mrs . Helsey . Mrs . Edwards , Mrs . Bowne , Mrs . Pryor , Mrs . Boyden , Mrs . Taylor , Mrs . Wells , Mrs . Prosser , Mrs . Alliston , Mrs . Winter , Mrs . Davies , Mrs . Keppel , Mrs . G . Smith , Mrs . Day , Mrs . West , Mrs . Bolder , Mrs . and Miss
Carter , the Misses Ricknell , Mrs . and Miss Wood , Miss McLean , Misses Haley , Miss Ricks , Mrs . Stevens , and Mrs . Kearney . During the evening , the enjoyment of the company was considerably enhanced by songs and recitations . Bro . Henry , Org ., presided at the pianoforte in a very efficient manner .
The Third City Masonic Benevolent Association.
The 24 th meeting of this Association , which is held in connection with the Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , No . 174 , took place at the Railway Tavern , Fenchureh-street , on Monday , the 22 nd inst . Bro . J . Newton , the President of the Association , was in the chair , and there were also
present Bros . F . Brown , Vice President ; G . Ward Verry , Treas . ; Hugh M . Hobbs , Sec . ; and the following members of the Committee : Bros . Webb , J . S . Fraser , Haslip , and G . Jones ; also Bros . Large , Magee , Matthews , Smith , and others . Two ballets were obtained by Bro . G . B . Foster and C . Scott . This being the end of the Society ' s financial year , the
Officers and Committee were unanimously re-elected , and Bros . Large and Magee appointed Auditors . Bro . J . NEWTON , the President , in calling attention to the fact that this Association had now been in existence for two years , congratulated the members on the success that had attended it , and referred with satisfaction to the number of ballots that had been drawn , viz ., 52 of ten guineas each .
A New Masonic Hall For Brixham. Laying The Foundation Stone.
On Thursday afternoon , 25 th ult ., the foundation-stone was laid of a new Freemasons' Hall for Brixham , by Bro . the Rev . R . B . F . Elrington , vicar of Lower Brixham , and W . M . of 24 S . The present number of members of the lodge is Ci , and for upwards of a century thebrethren have
held their meetings in rooms near the Temperance Hall . The premises , however , having become considerably out of repair , it was decided to erect a new hall more worthy of the town and the Craft . A site was purchased at an angle just below the gate entrance to the parish church of All Saints , and a short distance above the new Town Hall and market , now in course of erection , and with which such
satisfactory progress is being made that the roof of the ofiices adjoining the Public Hall is being constructed and is ready for slating . The architect of the new Masonic Hall , as also of the Town Hall and market , is Mr . G . S . Bridgman , of Torquay and Paignton . Thebuilding externally is to be of the Gothic type of architecture , with dressed limestone ashlaring . The general dressings are
to be of Bath stone and terra cotta brick . Internally there is to be an entrance hall with tiled floor , a Freemasons' reception-room about 24 ft . by 12 ft ., and a Tyler and candidates' room ; and adjoining this the main hall itself , which will be about 30 ft . by 20 ft ., and iSft . high . It will have a half-open timbered roof , with principals and ribs stained and
varnished . The fittings are to be pitch pine , which will also be stained and varnished . It is proposed to have a platform or dais arranged round . the room a step above the floor . The contract for the work has been taken by Messrs . J . Sparke and R . Hayman , builders , of Brixham . Bro . Sparke , being a Freemason , had the privilege of submitting a tender to the brethren in open lodge , and this tender was
so far satisfactory that it enabled them to accept it without inviting public competition . The contract price is £ 33 6 . The brethren who took part in the ceremony , which was of a comparatively quiet description , were as follows : Bros . Rev . R . B . F . Elrington , VV . M . ; J . G . Scevill , J . W . j S . Woolley , Treasurer ; C . Atkins , Secretary ; T . C . Smith . S . D . ; H . May as J . D . ; Amery , I . G . ; G . S .
Bridgman , J . W . 1358 , the Architect ; J . Johnson , P . M . ; G . 1 . Barry , P . M . ; T . VV . Atherton , P . M . ; C . James , P . M . ; VV . Brown , P . M . ; F . W . Baddeley , J . W . Bradden , J . T . Janes , T . S . Brown , VV . Munday , and G . Cole , Tyler . The brethren met at the old Masonic Hall at 3 o'clock , and duly opened the lodge , and after transacting some business they adjourned to attend a service at the
parish church , to which they walked in procession , wearing Masonic clothing by dispensation from the R . W . Prov . G . M . The order cf procession was as follows;—Tyler with drawn sword ; brethren , not being officers , two and two ; architect with the plans ; a cornucopia with corn ,
borne by P . M . 's ; two ewers with wine and oil , borne by a P . M . ; Past Masters ; Treasurer ; Secretary with Book of Constitutions ; J . W . with column and plumb rule ; S . W . with column and level ; J . D . and S . D . with wands ; I . G . bearing the banner of the lodge , the VV . M . bringing up in the rear .
A New Masonic Hall For Brixham. Laying The Foundation Stone.
The service at the church was brief , and was conducted by the v ' . car and the curate , the Rev . A . De Jex . It opened with the hymn "O Lord how joyful ' tis to see , " after which the choir chanted the 127 th Psalm . The vicar then read , as the lesson , the sixth chapter of the First Book of Kings , and after prayers there was sung , as the closing hymn , " Through the night of doubt and sorrow . "
Preceded by the choir , the brethren then resumed their procession , and walked to the site close by , and here the ceremony of laying the foundation stone was performed by the W . M ., in the presence of a large number of spectators , who had assembled despite the prevalence of the keen east wind . The stone was laid with the usual Masonic rites .
The Old Hundredth Psalm was sung , after which the stone was prepared , and the Treasurer deposited in the cavity a bottle containing coins of the present reign , a record of the ceremony , and the roll of the lodge . The stone having been laid by the VV . M ., he proved that it was properly adjusted by the plumb rule , level , and square , which were successively delivered to him by the J . VV ., S . W ., and I . P . M ., aft . Sr which he struck the stone three
times with the maul . The cornucopia containing the corn , and the ewers with the wine and oil , were next handed to the W . M ., who strewed the corn and poured the oil and wine over the stone . The architect then presented the plan and elevation of the new building to the VV . M ., and explained the details , and with their return to him the ceremony was brought to a close .
The brethren subsequently proceeded to the vicarage and partook of the hospitality of the VV . M ., after which they returned in their original order to the old Masonic Hall , and the Iodge was closed . The new building is to be finished by the early part o £ June , when a more imposing ceremony will take place on the occasion of its opening .
Devon Masonic Educational Fund.
A meeting of the Educational and General Purposes Committee of this Fund was held on Tuesday , the 16 th inst ., at the Huyshe Masonic Temple , Plymouth . There was a large attendance of members of the Committee . Bro . J . E . Curteis , P . P . G . S . W ., was called upon to preside . The following brethren were also among those
present : Bros . J . W . Cornish , 223 , P . P . G . T . ; J . Treeby , 223 , P . P . G . R . ; R . Cawsey , 230 , P . P . G . J . D . ; L . D . Westcott , 70 , P . P . G . S . W ., Treasurer ; E . Aitken-Davies , 1099 , 2025 , P . P . G . S . W . ; J . B . Gover , 70 , P . P . G . A . D . C , Sec ; R . Pengelley , 70 , P . P . G . A . D . C ; T . Goodall , 1550 , P . P . G . O . ; F . Hooper , 1212 , P . P . G . D . C ; J . R . Lord , 1247 , P . P . G . S . B . ; A . R . Lethbridge , im , P . G .
S . VVks . ; W . Powell , 1205 ; H . Welch , 202 , P . P . G . Purst . ; and R . Hambly , 1 S 53 . The business was to prepare for thecomingannual meeting on April Gth , when there will be an election of children on the Fund . The following candidates were found to be eligible , and placed on the list for the consideration of the voters : from Lodge C 66 , Princetown , Alfred Thomas
Harrard , 13 years of age , fifth application , 95 votes brought over from last election ; from Lodge 1205 , Stonehouse , Eliza Maud Bennett , ten years , third application , 239 votes brought over ; from Lodge 159 , Stonehouse , Louisa Jane Hardy , twelve years , second application , 123 votes brought over ; from Lodge 1090 , Stoke , Charles Knighton Murch , eight years , second application , iS votes
brought over ; from Lodge 1550 , Claudine May Tippet , eight years , second application , 126 votes brought over ; and from Lodge 202 , Emma Parnell , nine years , first application . The financial position of the Fnnd was discussed , and it was decided that it would admit of those candidates being elected . It was also resolved to hold the annual meeting this year at Exeter .
The HON . SOLICITOR , Bro . J . E . Curteis , read a draft of a proposed trust deed for placing the Fund in the hands of trustees . The draft was approved of by the Committee , and will have to be confirmed by the general meeting . The trustees already appointed are Bros . Viscount Ebrington , Lieut .-Col . J . Tanner Davy , the Hon . W . Hylton Jolliffe ,
William Derry , VV . Vicary , J . Murray , F . B . Westlake , and W . F . Moore . To those it will be proposed by Bros . J . E . Curteis and J . R . Lord , at the annual meeting , to add the the names of Bros . G . S . S . Lowe , A . B . Hutchings , John Brewer , S . Jones , and John Stoker . Bro . T . Goodall was appointed to assist at the audit .
The Late Bro. John Brooks, M.P.
At a meeting of the Cope Lodge , No . 1357 , held at Brookland's Hotel , Sale , on Friday , the 19 th inst ., it was unanimously proposed that the following resolution should be entered on the minutes of the lodge , and that a copy of the same should be sent to Mrs . Brooks : " That the brethren of the Cope Lodge of Freemasons , No . 1157 , held at
Brookland ' s , Cheshire , respectfully tender to Mrs . Brooks their heartfelt and deep . sympath y with her in the irreparable loss which she has sustained in thc death of . her dear son . The brethren reflect with sorrowful pridei that two years ago it was their privilege to welcome Mr . Brooks into the ranks of Freemasonry and salute him as their brother in the Craft . In the period which has since elapsed , his
high character , his conspicuous talents , his frank and genial manners , and his devotion to the virtues of brotherly love , relief , and truth—upon which Freemasonry rests—won for him the respect , the admiration , and the personal affection of every member of his mother lodge , and filled them all with the earnest hope that he would live to achieve high
distinction in the Craft . While they mourn the disappointment of their ardent hope , and the loss of a brother , whose life was so full of private worth and public promise , they fervently supplicate the Great Architect of the Universe that he will control , and assuage a mother ' s grief , and sustain her under the great affliction which his inscrutable providence has permitted to fall upon her . "
Sights And Spectacles V .Spectacles And Sights.
Oh ! why should the English traveller go To Egypt ' s sands or the Alpine heights ? To gaze on Sights and Spectacles , yet know That all the best of Spectacles and Sights Are to be seen at home , if he but will : Those that delight and rest the tired eye , For Dollond and Co ., of 1 , Ludgate Hill , The very best of ev ' ry kind supply . —[ Advt . ]
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Board Of Benevolence.
The monthly meeting of the Board of Benevolence was held on Wednesday evening at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B ., President , occupied the President ' s chair ; Bro . James Brett , P . G . P ., Senior Vice-President , was in the chair of Senior Vice-President ; and Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P ., Junior Vice-President , was
in the chair of Junior Vice-President . There were also present Bros . A . A . Pendlebury , W . Dodd , W . H . Lee , P . R . Spaull , David D . Mercer , G . P . Britten , Henry Garrod , George Read , George P . Gillard , Frank Richardson , Charles Dairy , W . H . Perryman , Edward F . Storr , Charles Frederick Hogard , C . Harding-, Thomas Cull , R . J . Taylor , Stephen Richardson , W . M . 1 S 3 ; John Beer ,
fun ., P . M . 3 S 6 ; Wm . Brierley , P . M . 344 ; Charles Sheppard , W . M . 1366 ; Wm . P . Brown , P . M . 90 ; G . Adamson , P . M . 199 ; James W . Squire , W . M . 3 ; John Oldis , W . M . 12 SS ; F . Eversfield Green , W . M . 715 ; John 1 . Berry , P . M . 554 ; John Tovell , P . M . 1489 ; Howard ' Ross , P . M . 95 ; G . C . Haslip , P . M . S 13 ; C . H . Webb , P . M . 174 ; G . Ward Verry , P . M . 1421 ; Thomas M .
Denne , W . M . 1 S 0 ; Wm . Groom , P . M . S 61 ; T . Burne , W . M . 162 ; George Gardner , W . M . 2012 ; Edwd . Friend , P . M . 12 S 9 ; John L . Mather , W . M . 1910 ; Frederick Binckes , P . M ., Grand Stewards Lodge ; Samuel G , Bake , P . M . 1151 ; James Squires , P . M . 3 , SS 9 ; H . Massey , P . M . 192 S ; W . Goodchild , W . M . 704 ; Chas B . Barnes , W . M . 19 ; Joseph Richardson , W . M . 1515 ;
John Howman , W . M . 13 S 1 ; Heather Bigg , W . M . 235 ; S . P . Catterson , VV . M . 19 S 1 ; C . Veal , P . M . 1306 ; VV . P . Catterson , W . M . 54 S ; T . Driffield , VV . M . 1571 ; C . W . £ Frommenhoof , W . M . 141 ; J . R . Foulger , P . M . 1 G 13 ; J . Ellwood , W . M . 179 ; John Seex , P . M . 1 S 6 ; W . A . Scurrah , W . M . 2048 ; John E . Hunt , W . M . 176 S ; A . Torkington , VV . M . Co , P . G . Stwd . ; Wm . Ganton ,
M . D ., W . M . 1607 ; G . M . E . Hamilton , W . M . 144 G ; John James Pitt , W . M . 147 ; J . H . Taylor , VV . M . 511 ; Dick Radclyffe , P . M . 209 ; Nelson Reed , 1671 ; N . P . Pearce , P . M . 1572 ; T . Weeks , I . P . M . 1641 ; H . L . Tuson , P . M . S 71 ; Alfred J . Henochsberg , W . M . 205 ; and H . Sadler , G . T . The brethren first confirmed recommendations to the Grand Master , made at the former meeting in February to the amount of £ 335 . There were 61 cases on the new list .
These were from London , Peterborough , Risca , Devonport , Barbadoes , Launceston , Harleston , Bingley , Birkenhead , Slough , Corfu , Wareham , Norwich , Ramsgate , Plymouth , Camberley , Whitwell , Tywardreath , Mottram , West Hartlepool , Middlesborough , Liverpool , Hong Kong , Oxford , Cirencester , Shoreham , Radcliffe , Calcutta , Tersey , Deptford , New York , Illinois , Aberystwith ,
Nuneaton , Chatham , Bristol , Indiana , and Demerara . One case was dismissed , and 10 cases were deferred . The remainder were relieved with a total of £ 1071 . One grant of 4 , 100 was made ; nine of £ 40 each ; seven of £ 30 each ; eleven of £ 20 each j fourteen of £ 10 each ; one of £ 6 ; and seven of £ 5 each . The list of petitioners was the largest ever known . The Board sat more than four hours and a half .
Ladies' Night At The Euphrates. Lodge, No. 212.
A most successful and enjoyable meeting of the above Iodge took place on VVednesday , the 24 th inst ., to inaugurate its removal to the Holborn Restaurant . The lodge was opened by Bro . W . J . Cooper , W . M ., and after the usual routine business , Uro . White was raised to the
Degree of Master Mason . The lodge was closed , and the brethren withdrew to a room placed at their disposal for the reception of the ladies , where a large number had already assembled . After some time had been spent in pleasant conveisation , the whole of the company , which numbered nearly too , adjourned to the banquet room , where ample justice was done to a substantial repast .
In proposing the toast of "The Queen and the Craft , " Bro . COOPER , W . M ., said he was glad to see that her Majesty was coming am _> ng us more frequently , and expressed the hope that she would continue to do so for some time to come . The next toast given was " T . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family . "
The WORSHIPFUL MASTER , in submitting this toast , said he tell assured that it would be received with the usual cordiality , and it would be quite unnecessary for him to dwell upon the many virtues of the members of the Royal Family . Bro . R . MARTIN , I . P . M ., then proposed "The Health of the Worshipful Master , " and said he was assured that the company present would receive this toast with hearty
enthusiasm . Bro . W . J . COOPER , W . M ., replied , and , after returning his sincere thanks for the warm reception accorded the toast of his health , said he sincerely hoped that the ladies present would enjoy themselves . The members of the lodge had done all in their power to make them comfortable , and he trusted that when they left they would carry
with them a favourable recollection of their visit . "lhe Ladies" was then given by Bro . W . W . MORGAN , who observed that as he was in the presence of members of the Craft , this toast would be received with thc heartiest enthusiasm . As a brother had previously remarked , it was somewhat of an innovation to have ladies present at the banquet table of the lodge ; but he hoped they would not
regret their visit to the brethren of the mystic tie assembled at the festive board . It was very probable that sometimes the influence of ladies was brought to bear on affairs connected with the State , and it was no doubt a fact that they exercised great influence over the Masonic body . They also rendered very valuable assistance in thc cause of Masonic Charity . He recommended the brethren to take
their wives and daughters also , if possible , to the next Stewards' visit to the Girls' School , when they would hear and see how excellently the girls in that Institution are trained and educated , which would no doubt be a gratifying sight . Bro . W . W . LEE responded on behalf of the ladies , who
said he was not aware when he visited the Iodge that evening that he would be honoured with such an important task . The term " single blessedness" was usually applied to the state of batchelorhood ; "but as the onerous duty of responding for the ladies was always allotted to one in that state , he thought the term "blessedness" would be more applicable to those who had entered the matrimonial sphere .
Ladies' Night At The Euphrates. Lodge, No. 212.
On behalf of the ladies , he heartily thanked the members of the lodge for their kind invitation , and sincerely trusted the ladies might be again afforded an opportunity in the future of paying another visit . Bro . CUTLER replied for " The Past Masters , " and returned thanks for the reception accorded the toast . There was a large array of P . M . ' s present ; but he especially mentioned Bro . Stean , who is the father of the Iodge , and whom he hoped to see with them for many years to
come . Before dispersing , the company joined heartily in "Auld Lang Syne , " the solo of which was given by Bro . D . Glass , P . M ., Sec , to whose indefatigable energies the success of the evening was principally due . Amongst those present were the following : Bros . W . J . Cooper , VV . M . ; VV . J . Bassett , S . W . ; T . Boyden , T . W . ; F . G . Burstow , S . D . ; j . West , J . D . ; H .
Wagstaff , I . G . ; W . H . Ricknell , P . " M . ; T . Rushton , P . M . ; C . G . Cutler , P . M . ; H . Witril , P . M . ; J . Carter , P . M . ; ] . Stean , P . M . ; R . Martin , P . M . ; and Henry , Org . Visitors : Bros . G . Stevens , W . M . 1070 "; W . R . Haylock , J . D . 901 ; G . H . Stephens , I . P . M . 1623 ; H . Forss , I . P . M . 917 ; J . Cooper , 1471 ; VV . VV . Morgan , P . M . 211 ; VV . Ball , 1472 ; E . Prosser , S 60 ; J . Day , 141 J T . A . Davies , 174 ; VV . VV . Lee , 1 S 97 ; and the following
ladies : Mrs . Cooper , Mrs . Glass , Mrs . Martin , Mrs . Helsey . Mrs . Edwards , Mrs . Bowne , Mrs . Pryor , Mrs . Boyden , Mrs . Taylor , Mrs . Wells , Mrs . Prosser , Mrs . Alliston , Mrs . Winter , Mrs . Davies , Mrs . Keppel , Mrs . G . Smith , Mrs . Day , Mrs . West , Mrs . Bolder , Mrs . and Miss
Carter , the Misses Ricknell , Mrs . and Miss Wood , Miss McLean , Misses Haley , Miss Ricks , Mrs . Stevens , and Mrs . Kearney . During the evening , the enjoyment of the company was considerably enhanced by songs and recitations . Bro . Henry , Org ., presided at the pianoforte in a very efficient manner .
The Third City Masonic Benevolent Association.
The 24 th meeting of this Association , which is held in connection with the Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , No . 174 , took place at the Railway Tavern , Fenchureh-street , on Monday , the 22 nd inst . Bro . J . Newton , the President of the Association , was in the chair , and there were also
present Bros . F . Brown , Vice President ; G . Ward Verry , Treas . ; Hugh M . Hobbs , Sec . ; and the following members of the Committee : Bros . Webb , J . S . Fraser , Haslip , and G . Jones ; also Bros . Large , Magee , Matthews , Smith , and others . Two ballets were obtained by Bro . G . B . Foster and C . Scott . This being the end of the Society ' s financial year , the
Officers and Committee were unanimously re-elected , and Bros . Large and Magee appointed Auditors . Bro . J . NEWTON , the President , in calling attention to the fact that this Association had now been in existence for two years , congratulated the members on the success that had attended it , and referred with satisfaction to the number of ballots that had been drawn , viz ., 52 of ten guineas each .
A New Masonic Hall For Brixham. Laying The Foundation Stone.
On Thursday afternoon , 25 th ult ., the foundation-stone was laid of a new Freemasons' Hall for Brixham , by Bro . the Rev . R . B . F . Elrington , vicar of Lower Brixham , and W . M . of 24 S . The present number of members of the lodge is Ci , and for upwards of a century thebrethren have
held their meetings in rooms near the Temperance Hall . The premises , however , having become considerably out of repair , it was decided to erect a new hall more worthy of the town and the Craft . A site was purchased at an angle just below the gate entrance to the parish church of All Saints , and a short distance above the new Town Hall and market , now in course of erection , and with which such
satisfactory progress is being made that the roof of the ofiices adjoining the Public Hall is being constructed and is ready for slating . The architect of the new Masonic Hall , as also of the Town Hall and market , is Mr . G . S . Bridgman , of Torquay and Paignton . Thebuilding externally is to be of the Gothic type of architecture , with dressed limestone ashlaring . The general dressings are
to be of Bath stone and terra cotta brick . Internally there is to be an entrance hall with tiled floor , a Freemasons' reception-room about 24 ft . by 12 ft ., and a Tyler and candidates' room ; and adjoining this the main hall itself , which will be about 30 ft . by 20 ft ., and iSft . high . It will have a half-open timbered roof , with principals and ribs stained and
varnished . The fittings are to be pitch pine , which will also be stained and varnished . It is proposed to have a platform or dais arranged round . the room a step above the floor . The contract for the work has been taken by Messrs . J . Sparke and R . Hayman , builders , of Brixham . Bro . Sparke , being a Freemason , had the privilege of submitting a tender to the brethren in open lodge , and this tender was
so far satisfactory that it enabled them to accept it without inviting public competition . The contract price is £ 33 6 . The brethren who took part in the ceremony , which was of a comparatively quiet description , were as follows : Bros . Rev . R . B . F . Elrington , VV . M . ; J . G . Scevill , J . W . j S . Woolley , Treasurer ; C . Atkins , Secretary ; T . C . Smith . S . D . ; H . May as J . D . ; Amery , I . G . ; G . S .
Bridgman , J . W . 1358 , the Architect ; J . Johnson , P . M . ; G . 1 . Barry , P . M . ; T . VV . Atherton , P . M . ; C . James , P . M . ; VV . Brown , P . M . ; F . W . Baddeley , J . W . Bradden , J . T . Janes , T . S . Brown , VV . Munday , and G . Cole , Tyler . The brethren met at the old Masonic Hall at 3 o'clock , and duly opened the lodge , and after transacting some business they adjourned to attend a service at the
parish church , to which they walked in procession , wearing Masonic clothing by dispensation from the R . W . Prov . G . M . The order cf procession was as follows;—Tyler with drawn sword ; brethren , not being officers , two and two ; architect with the plans ; a cornucopia with corn ,
borne by P . M . 's ; two ewers with wine and oil , borne by a P . M . ; Past Masters ; Treasurer ; Secretary with Book of Constitutions ; J . W . with column and plumb rule ; S . W . with column and level ; J . D . and S . D . with wands ; I . G . bearing the banner of the lodge , the VV . M . bringing up in the rear .
A New Masonic Hall For Brixham. Laying The Foundation Stone.
The service at the church was brief , and was conducted by the v ' . car and the curate , the Rev . A . De Jex . It opened with the hymn "O Lord how joyful ' tis to see , " after which the choir chanted the 127 th Psalm . The vicar then read , as the lesson , the sixth chapter of the First Book of Kings , and after prayers there was sung , as the closing hymn , " Through the night of doubt and sorrow . "
Preceded by the choir , the brethren then resumed their procession , and walked to the site close by , and here the ceremony of laying the foundation stone was performed by the W . M ., in the presence of a large number of spectators , who had assembled despite the prevalence of the keen east wind . The stone was laid with the usual Masonic rites .
The Old Hundredth Psalm was sung , after which the stone was prepared , and the Treasurer deposited in the cavity a bottle containing coins of the present reign , a record of the ceremony , and the roll of the lodge . The stone having been laid by the VV . M ., he proved that it was properly adjusted by the plumb rule , level , and square , which were successively delivered to him by the J . VV ., S . W ., and I . P . M ., aft . Sr which he struck the stone three
times with the maul . The cornucopia containing the corn , and the ewers with the wine and oil , were next handed to the W . M ., who strewed the corn and poured the oil and wine over the stone . The architect then presented the plan and elevation of the new building to the VV . M ., and explained the details , and with their return to him the ceremony was brought to a close .
The brethren subsequently proceeded to the vicarage and partook of the hospitality of the VV . M ., after which they returned in their original order to the old Masonic Hall , and the Iodge was closed . The new building is to be finished by the early part o £ June , when a more imposing ceremony will take place on the occasion of its opening .
Devon Masonic Educational Fund.
A meeting of the Educational and General Purposes Committee of this Fund was held on Tuesday , the 16 th inst ., at the Huyshe Masonic Temple , Plymouth . There was a large attendance of members of the Committee . Bro . J . E . Curteis , P . P . G . S . W ., was called upon to preside . The following brethren were also among those
present : Bros . J . W . Cornish , 223 , P . P . G . T . ; J . Treeby , 223 , P . P . G . R . ; R . Cawsey , 230 , P . P . G . J . D . ; L . D . Westcott , 70 , P . P . G . S . W ., Treasurer ; E . Aitken-Davies , 1099 , 2025 , P . P . G . S . W . ; J . B . Gover , 70 , P . P . G . A . D . C , Sec ; R . Pengelley , 70 , P . P . G . A . D . C ; T . Goodall , 1550 , P . P . G . O . ; F . Hooper , 1212 , P . P . G . D . C ; J . R . Lord , 1247 , P . P . G . S . B . ; A . R . Lethbridge , im , P . G .
S . VVks . ; W . Powell , 1205 ; H . Welch , 202 , P . P . G . Purst . ; and R . Hambly , 1 S 53 . The business was to prepare for thecomingannual meeting on April Gth , when there will be an election of children on the Fund . The following candidates were found to be eligible , and placed on the list for the consideration of the voters : from Lodge C 66 , Princetown , Alfred Thomas
Harrard , 13 years of age , fifth application , 95 votes brought over from last election ; from Lodge 1205 , Stonehouse , Eliza Maud Bennett , ten years , third application , 239 votes brought over ; from Lodge 159 , Stonehouse , Louisa Jane Hardy , twelve years , second application , 123 votes brought over ; from Lodge 1090 , Stoke , Charles Knighton Murch , eight years , second application , iS votes
brought over ; from Lodge 1550 , Claudine May Tippet , eight years , second application , 126 votes brought over ; and from Lodge 202 , Emma Parnell , nine years , first application . The financial position of the Fnnd was discussed , and it was decided that it would admit of those candidates being elected . It was also resolved to hold the annual meeting this year at Exeter .
The HON . SOLICITOR , Bro . J . E . Curteis , read a draft of a proposed trust deed for placing the Fund in the hands of trustees . The draft was approved of by the Committee , and will have to be confirmed by the general meeting . The trustees already appointed are Bros . Viscount Ebrington , Lieut .-Col . J . Tanner Davy , the Hon . W . Hylton Jolliffe ,
William Derry , VV . Vicary , J . Murray , F . B . Westlake , and W . F . Moore . To those it will be proposed by Bros . J . E . Curteis and J . R . Lord , at the annual meeting , to add the the names of Bros . G . S . S . Lowe , A . B . Hutchings , John Brewer , S . Jones , and John Stoker . Bro . T . Goodall was appointed to assist at the audit .
The Late Bro. John Brooks, M.P.
At a meeting of the Cope Lodge , No . 1357 , held at Brookland's Hotel , Sale , on Friday , the 19 th inst ., it was unanimously proposed that the following resolution should be entered on the minutes of the lodge , and that a copy of the same should be sent to Mrs . Brooks : " That the brethren of the Cope Lodge of Freemasons , No . 1157 , held at
Brookland ' s , Cheshire , respectfully tender to Mrs . Brooks their heartfelt and deep . sympath y with her in the irreparable loss which she has sustained in thc death of . her dear son . The brethren reflect with sorrowful pridei that two years ago it was their privilege to welcome Mr . Brooks into the ranks of Freemasonry and salute him as their brother in the Craft . In the period which has since elapsed , his
high character , his conspicuous talents , his frank and genial manners , and his devotion to the virtues of brotherly love , relief , and truth—upon which Freemasonry rests—won for him the respect , the admiration , and the personal affection of every member of his mother lodge , and filled them all with the earnest hope that he would live to achieve high
distinction in the Craft . While they mourn the disappointment of their ardent hope , and the loss of a brother , whose life was so full of private worth and public promise , they fervently supplicate the Great Architect of the Universe that he will control , and assuage a mother ' s grief , and sustain her under the great affliction which his inscrutable providence has permitted to fall upon her . "
Sights And Spectacles V .Spectacles And Sights.
Oh ! why should the English traveller go To Egypt ' s sands or the Alpine heights ? To gaze on Sights and Spectacles , yet know That all the best of Spectacles and Sights Are to be seen at home , if he but will : Those that delight and rest the tired eye , For Dollond and Co ., of 1 , Ludgate Hill , The very best of ev ' ry kind supply . —[ Advt . ]