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The PHYSIOLOGICAL ART OF NEVER FORGETTING—unlike Mnemonics . "His method is physiological and scientific in the highest degree . " —DR . WILSON . 'Professor I oisettc gavemc anew memorv . " -1 UDAH P . BENJAMIN , Q . C . "It is a perfect memory system . "—The IV , ckl \ Budget . By its instrumentality 1 mastered an abstruse TV / T "T ? 1 \ / Tr \ T > \ T and extensive Work of Science in one lYlrHVlWlV I reading . IE I had read it a hundred . times bv my natural memory I could ANU not have known it so well . "—C . " 5 II P T F , S S SALMON . Esq . " Every day I am a O u ^ U rj o o . proof ( o mysdf that yo _ . r Mcthoj is reallv the Instantaneous Art of Learning and Never Forgetting . " — I . 'ABBE MALATRAY . " As to the ' Never Forgetting , I quite agree with the justice of the claim . " —MAJOR MLNAkS . 'You promise nothing but what von fully carry out . — REV . VV M . NICHOLSON . Great inducements to Correspondence and Ollice Classes and Private Pupils . Prospectus post free from PROF . LOISETTE , 37 , New Oxford Street , London .
#^%CHARLESLANCASTER, Z ? CKAHI . CS" « v _____ . * _ •.. »»*¦ . •- ~ j lte " o * Xa : i 'Awarded Three Medals International Exhibition , W . . sxooTH m Calcutta , and Gold Medal International Inventions wgiL ^' £ ^? Exhibition ) , «^ Li ^_ S > 4 IXTKNTOIt AM ) PATE MEE OP TIIE FOR ROOK , 4-BABREL BSEECHIOADING HAMMEHLESS A SS E , GUN , RIFLE , & PISTOL . EXPRESS ( Woik-lit 711 > . loz . ) ( Weight 1011 ) . ) ( -470 tare , 211 ) . Ra ? .. ) IWTT TTiDT Illustrated Detailed Price Lists Free on jtppliealion . M 1 LITA 11 Y , Special Prices far Cash . XAEGITBOKE 151 , NEW BOND ST ., LONDON . W . RIFLES . Established ISM .
Bewlay's Celebrated Indian ^ TRICHINOPOLY / /^ Cigars and Cheroots . / /^ ( with Straws . ) r ^^ " " Of peculiarly delicious flavour and * J ^ fragrance . "—Vide Graphic , July 19 th , J ^ V 1884 . Two Gold Medals . 22 s . and 18 s . fc- ? * * P" 100 . Samples four and five 1 / . ( 14 ^ / stamps ) . Soldonly by BEWLAY & Co ., p . / Tobacconists to the Royal Family , 143 y ^> 0 / Cheapside and 49 Strand , London . Es-^* ^ tablished over 100 years . Price Lists post free . Liberal Terms to Clubs , Messes , Sec .
PARASCHO CIGARETTES Possess a delicious natural aroma . When smoked or inhaled do not irritate the throat or nostrils . Are made ONLY from the finest YENJJEH ( Turkey ) TODACCO . Are rolled in specially prepared paper , tasteless , and free from nitre , and are dilferent from and superior to all others . A sample box containing 24 , will be forwarded to any address on receipt of 2 s . Od . in Stamps or Postal Order . SOLE ADDBESSti , PARK STREET , GROSVENOR SQUARE , LONDON , W
< £ > J . & W . TOLLEY , ^ . < £ Gun and Rifle Manufacturers , \ V < , V PIONEER WORKS , BIRMINGHAM ; CA U / 1 , Conduit Street , Regent Street , London . ^ , \ . NEW LISTS FREE . ^ W Sole Makers of tbe " STANDARD " N ^ HAMMERLESS GUN .
SEEJEANT'SPUEETEA, AT Two Shillings & Half-a-Crown . 1 , COVENTRY ST ., LONDON , W .
% . KENDAL & DENT , ^•b . 106 , CHEAPSIDE , E . C , ^ GOLD CHAIN AND PRESENTATION ^* A < f WATCH MAKERS-_ £ > ^ tj- r . The Kew Royal Observatory have awarded ^ fV *< y Kendal & Dent Certificates for Excellence < Q- ^ in Watches . > v Patentees af Watches for tlie Illind , lhe ? J > Double-Dial Watch , Stc , Etc . / fir , ® J \> Makers of the Large Clock at the Inventions o ^ - * ' j Exhibition , 1885 . •Iltiv direct from the Manufacturers , and nave 25 per cent ,
BUMSTED'S 30 , KINO WILLIAM ST ., 'TABLE LONDON , E , C . As supplied to SALT Her Majesty the Queen . WA J " * ' *
F . READ , READ , TAlL 0 R & OUTFITTER , _ , _ , . Sixteen years with ALFRED WEOD MILES J ^[ /\ R J \ , and Co ., 12 , Brook-st ., Hanover-st ] . AND SPECIALITE , 63 s . SUITS and iGs . and 21 s . TROUSERS . 1 P ? A R N uc '" ' 77 , NEW BOND ST .
CARRIAGES . F and R . SHANKS particularly call . attention to their lig ht ON E-HORSE LANDAUS , of the very best m aterials , and fitted with their patent S"lf-actin £ Head . Several building to order to be seen in all staces at their manufactory , 70 & 71 , Great Queen-st ., Lincoln ' s Inn-Fields . Drags and new and second-hand Carriages of all descriptions . Estimates given for repairs .
^ rp W . STAPLETON & Co . _ .- ^ j > ' JL s respectfully beg to invite atten-- -O j > tion to the undermentioned WINES , all AW CL of which arc shipped to them direct—^ V -CL ^ V ' <_!_ . SHERRIES 20 s ., 24 s ., 28 s ., 30 s ., 36 s ., per doz . V ¦ flVlV' _^ <\ v > PORTS 19 s ., 24 s .. 28 s ., 34 s „ 42 s . „ V ^ V \> CLARETS 12 s ., 16 s ., 20 s ., 24 s ., 30 s ., 36 s . „ \ V e \ CHAMPAGNES of all Brands at the O . V . < 3 ^ vl" lowest quotations . Their celebrated ** C * ' % * Epernay , introduced by them in 1833 , at — VxS 36 s . per dozen , is specially recommended . v ^ S ^ Price List of all other Wines and ^ •rtV" Spirits will be sent on application to V ) V" 203 , REGENT ST ., comer of Conduit-st . jW .
& FOR MANSIONS OR VILLAS , » " 0 / s AN < fa < $ fo IMPERISHABLE FLOORING ^ W ^ fy FLOOR COVERING . % ^ Estimates Free . ' < 26 , BERNERS STREET , VV .
0 ADBURY , PRATT & CO ., 24 & 25 NEW BOND STREET , W . ( Corner of Conduit Street ) . Purveyors to Her Majesty & the Royal Family . CHEESES OF ALL KINDS . FINE YORK AND OTHER HAMS .
CQ- J . G . CORDING AND Co , £ *? FOR THE BEST ^WATERPROOFS Co . C 5 § C ? SHOOTING , ft ? - •FISHING , ^ * TRAVELLING . fi ^ o 5 ^ *• Only Address—^ Corner of AIR STREET , ^ PICCADILLY .
^ P By Special Appointment to H . R . H . ^ Jy The Prince of Wales . ^&JohnUnderwood&Sons, ^ # V S 0 ULPT 0 ES & MASONS v <^ < 6 ^ 10 , Duke . st ., Grosvenor-sq ., W ., \> ^^» BU CKHUR ST HILL , N . E ., AND CHINOFORD ^^ . A 5 ' yy MOUNT CEMETERY . ' . ^^ Reredoses , Pulpits , Screens , Fonts , ^ Jy Mosaic in Gla ss or Marble , inlaid and ( SJ * Incised Work . Designs , Estimates and References free on application .
JOSEPH OFFORD'S J SPECIALITIES IN CAREIAGES . 26 Prize Medals Awarded and Diploma Honour , London , 1884 , Catalogues free . LANDAUS AND VICTORIAS , & c ., Suspended on Patent Silent or Ccc-springs . The lightest , easiest , and most elegant of summer carriages for SALE or HIRE , with option of Purchase . On view , 67 , George-street , I 3 aker-street , and 93-94 , Gloucester-road . South Kensington , S . W .
<&* 4 » LUND & BLOCKLEY , ^ - ^ ~& r Watch 81 Clock Manufacturers to the Queen < 0 *> < < V and Boyal Family . > ^ y * Keyless Ilnlf . ChrononieterWiite . ies , Turret and C \ p- _ . C'liureh Clocks , i ' atcnt Cliinlini ; -Machines . ' . «©• f * i Clilrainit Clocks , House Clocks . . < V r * V" Watih and Clock Manufacturers to Die Ai . .. ? A . '' f \ w mirully , lloyal Geographical society , Wa-A \* ^\ y ^ Ollice , India ( lovcrmncnt . O *^ ^ 42 , PAH MALL , LONDON , S . W . ; and Rampart Row , Bombay ,
DUER , / yr 146 , NEW BOND ST ., W ., f Q \ ( Established 1549 ; , ^ ty BREAD AND BISCUIT BAKERS , - ~ / Vans to all parts Daily . Hampers picked \ ~ ) / and sent to all parts oC the Conntrv with V ' FRENCH AND VIENNA FAirOY ROLLS AND BREAD :
CHARLES E . ALLEN , Ladies'andGentlemen'sBootMaker, 69 , JERMYN STREET , 4 Doors from St , James ' s Street , London , S . W . Prize Medals at the Great Inhibitions ot ISJI , 1 S 63 and 18 G 7 . Thc f , n _ d Medal , 1870 .
E . DENT & Co ., 6 " Inventions Exhibition Gold Medal awarded ^ y for Improvement in Turret Clocks . A . < fy 61 Strand & 4 Eoyal Exchange , London . ' 4 >^ (^ CLOCKMJKERS to the QUEEN . >& . " > / ^^ Makers of lhe Great Westminster Clock / C 5 / iS ? (>'" = I ! K *) - *< y > 0 Will behappytofnrnisiiESTiMATEsforthe . Q ^ Installation or Repair of C HURCH and ^ T' other PUBLIC CLOCKS , £ ^ Bent ' s new Illustrated Catalogue of High-* Class Watches at Reduced Prices , sent Post Tree .
SCHWEPPE'S TABLE WATERS . ( SODA WATER . 3 s . < 3 d . per Doz . ] POTASS WATER . ( Exclusive of Bottles . ) 1 SELTZER WATER . ( . GINGER ALE . 4 s . 6 d . per doz . MALVERN SELTZER . Carriage Paid on Full and Empties to and from any address in the United Kingdom . " Fountain " Trade Mark on all Labels , and all Corks branded . A list of leading Agents sent on application to J . SCHWEPPE & Co ., 5 1 , Berners-street , London .
/ , The Gold Medal Inventions Exhibition , 1885 A y The Gold Medal ofthe Society of Arts , 1885 . V * J ^ 1 'l . c Report upon tlie Steintea , / Pianos by ihe A y- Musical Jury of the Inventions Erltitiilion leas jF & k . higher than that of any other Maker . £ ? STEINWAY Grand /^ A * and Upright PIANOS 4 C / r ^ V Ave the Cheapest lioeause the Best and Most < 5 > , > 0 Durable . ^ V ^ V STEINWAY & SOXS are the only jrojnifaclu . ^ rers who malic all the component parts of their ^ v , / I'innoforle . s exterior and interior ( including r >^ / the casting of the full Jlclal Frames ) , in their -Cy / own Factories . ^ ff ' Descriptive Catalogues sent free on application . STEINWAY HALL , 15 617 , Lower Seymour Street , Portman Square , London , W .
KNITTING AT HOME , BY which Incomes can be Increased and recreative as well as Healthy Employment secured . Apply for terms to—PATENT AUTOMATIC KNITTING MACHINE CO ., LONDON : 417 , Oxford-stieet , W . ; 159 , Upper-street Islington . LIVERPOOL : 39 , Islington . GLASGOW : 7 , Howard-street .
TRY BOOTS !W.BEASLEY'SBOOTS And ensure Ease and Elegance , ^__ combined with BOOTS ! TRUE PIT , 28 , QUEEN VICTORIA ST . hear the Mansion Honse ) . BOOTS ! SpeciaUttes-HandSewn . S pecial Orders in a few days . Largo Stock to select from . ( lolcl Medal Awarded nt the London International Inhibition , Crystal i' .-. lnce , 1 SSI .
SPANISH FLY is the acting ingredientinALKX . ROSS'S CANTHAKIBES . Itactsquickly in producing Hair on the I ' acc or Head , 3 s . 6 d ., ss . tfd ., and ios 6 d Isent post £ .. rS 4 , 8 , or 144 stamps .-ROSS , ai , Lamb ' s Condnit-st ' London ( near the foundling ) . Had of all Chemists . Established 1850 .
Estab .- ] THE [ 1804 . <& 4 * " DUMENLY " CIGARETTES . ** <\\ V fo'sessinganaromaofpassingexccllence , ^ C \\ . V and unequalled in the world . Mannfac-^ A \ V ^ tl , re ' > ' A - c - PARASCHO & CO ., of •CXNSV r \ Dumcnly . Yenljeh , Turkey . Each Cigarette . •OkX } * v ^ 9 j 1 > ears " 1 C TraJ « Ma * . "DUMENLY , " v V ><< C \ V aml Monograms . None others are gen-_^ VV V " ' me . One sample box ( sent post free -Q M J >*^ 'or ss . 6 d . ) is sufficient to convince any j W )>^ connolscur of their superiority . rtf ^ p- Sole address in thc United Kingdomv * 57 , Pall Mall , London , W .
By Appointment to the RoyalFamily SPECIALITY— ^ 4 WEDD . ING _ CAKES . \ HERBERT and JONES ^ ^ { FromKuiitcr ' H ) ( From II . M . Kltilien ) ^^ y ^ \ Cooks and Confectioners . ^ ^ Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , and Dall xP ' Suppers supplied . * 48 , KENSINGTON HIGH STREET , W . Established 300 years .
g HOBBS , HART & COMPANY , g 76 & 77 , Cheapside , London . ^ ^ Makers to Iter Majesty . 03 Jl Hy Special Appointment , * . ! .. May 13 th , 18 JO . j ^ " •' " Strong Rooms , Doors , Locks , and Safes , " JjT To thc liank of England and its Branches . 2 0 onn GUINEAS REWARD . ^ 25 c 3 v _/ L _/ H ., H . and Co . renew their oiler from Q ^ January to June , 188 ft , as at the Inter-^« national Exhibition of 1863 , also at Paris , 1867 , and .. again at Vienna , in 1873 , to any person who could piek (/) CO 'heir locks ( then and now en exhibit and supplied to w K / the public ) with their I ' atcnt Combined Protectors , « Ti but the challenge then made was not accepted , O X although the locks were examined by several mechanics . Q O These were the only locks exhibited nnder actual JTJ rt challenge to pick . P 5 N . H . —Skilled mechanics accepting the above oiler are expected to master Eight Lever Locks as a ( jualiti . rK cation . 1 J ., II . and Co ., not being eligible to exhibit ~~ at the Inventions Exhibition , i 8 K £ , again make the ! 2 _ i above offer as a test of thep non-pickability of their Q Combined Protector Locks . Jrf N . B . —lu . usT _ tATF . r- LIST or THE VARIOUS SERIES of H 5 Suites of Locks , Safes , & c , as designed for Palaces , £ Banks , Hotels , Cottages , & c , on application . W Manufactories—ARLINGTON STREET N
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The PHYSIOLOGICAL ART OF NEVER FORGETTING—unlike Mnemonics . "His method is physiological and scientific in the highest degree . " —DR . WILSON . 'Professor I oisettc gavemc anew memorv . " -1 UDAH P . BENJAMIN , Q . C . "It is a perfect memory system . "—The IV , ckl \ Budget . By its instrumentality 1 mastered an abstruse TV / T "T ? 1 \ / Tr \ T > \ T and extensive Work of Science in one lYlrHVlWlV I reading . IE I had read it a hundred . times bv my natural memory I could ANU not have known it so well . "—C . " 5 II P T F , S S SALMON . Esq . " Every day I am a O u ^ U rj o o . proof ( o mysdf that yo _ . r Mcthoj is reallv the Instantaneous Art of Learning and Never Forgetting . " — I . 'ABBE MALATRAY . " As to the ' Never Forgetting , I quite agree with the justice of the claim . " —MAJOR MLNAkS . 'You promise nothing but what von fully carry out . — REV . VV M . NICHOLSON . Great inducements to Correspondence and Ollice Classes and Private Pupils . Prospectus post free from PROF . LOISETTE , 37 , New Oxford Street , London .
#^%CHARLESLANCASTER, Z ? CKAHI . CS" « v _____ . * _ •.. »»*¦ . •- ~ j lte " o * Xa : i 'Awarded Three Medals International Exhibition , W . . sxooTH m Calcutta , and Gold Medal International Inventions wgiL ^' £ ^? Exhibition ) , «^ Li ^_ S > 4 IXTKNTOIt AM ) PATE MEE OP TIIE FOR ROOK , 4-BABREL BSEECHIOADING HAMMEHLESS A SS E , GUN , RIFLE , & PISTOL . EXPRESS ( Woik-lit 711 > . loz . ) ( Weight 1011 ) . ) ( -470 tare , 211 ) . Ra ? .. ) IWTT TTiDT Illustrated Detailed Price Lists Free on jtppliealion . M 1 LITA 11 Y , Special Prices far Cash . XAEGITBOKE 151 , NEW BOND ST ., LONDON . W . RIFLES . Established ISM .
Bewlay's Celebrated Indian ^ TRICHINOPOLY / /^ Cigars and Cheroots . / /^ ( with Straws . ) r ^^ " " Of peculiarly delicious flavour and * J ^ fragrance . "—Vide Graphic , July 19 th , J ^ V 1884 . Two Gold Medals . 22 s . and 18 s . fc- ? * * P" 100 . Samples four and five 1 / . ( 14 ^ / stamps ) . Soldonly by BEWLAY & Co ., p . / Tobacconists to the Royal Family , 143 y ^> 0 / Cheapside and 49 Strand , London . Es-^* ^ tablished over 100 years . Price Lists post free . Liberal Terms to Clubs , Messes , Sec .
PARASCHO CIGARETTES Possess a delicious natural aroma . When smoked or inhaled do not irritate the throat or nostrils . Are made ONLY from the finest YENJJEH ( Turkey ) TODACCO . Are rolled in specially prepared paper , tasteless , and free from nitre , and are dilferent from and superior to all others . A sample box containing 24 , will be forwarded to any address on receipt of 2 s . Od . in Stamps or Postal Order . SOLE ADDBESSti , PARK STREET , GROSVENOR SQUARE , LONDON , W
< £ > J . & W . TOLLEY , ^ . < £ Gun and Rifle Manufacturers , \ V < , V PIONEER WORKS , BIRMINGHAM ; CA U / 1 , Conduit Street , Regent Street , London . ^ , \ . NEW LISTS FREE . ^ W Sole Makers of tbe " STANDARD " N ^ HAMMERLESS GUN .
SEEJEANT'SPUEETEA, AT Two Shillings & Half-a-Crown . 1 , COVENTRY ST ., LONDON , W .
% . KENDAL & DENT , ^•b . 106 , CHEAPSIDE , E . C , ^ GOLD CHAIN AND PRESENTATION ^* A < f WATCH MAKERS-_ £ > ^ tj- r . The Kew Royal Observatory have awarded ^ fV *< y Kendal & Dent Certificates for Excellence < Q- ^ in Watches . > v Patentees af Watches for tlie Illind , lhe ? J > Double-Dial Watch , Stc , Etc . / fir , ® J \> Makers of the Large Clock at the Inventions o ^ - * ' j Exhibition , 1885 . •Iltiv direct from the Manufacturers , and nave 25 per cent ,
BUMSTED'S 30 , KINO WILLIAM ST ., 'TABLE LONDON , E , C . As supplied to SALT Her Majesty the Queen . WA J " * ' *
F . READ , READ , TAlL 0 R & OUTFITTER , _ , _ , . Sixteen years with ALFRED WEOD MILES J ^[ /\ R J \ , and Co ., 12 , Brook-st ., Hanover-st ] . AND SPECIALITE , 63 s . SUITS and iGs . and 21 s . TROUSERS . 1 P ? A R N uc '" ' 77 , NEW BOND ST .
CARRIAGES . F and R . SHANKS particularly call . attention to their lig ht ON E-HORSE LANDAUS , of the very best m aterials , and fitted with their patent S"lf-actin £ Head . Several building to order to be seen in all staces at their manufactory , 70 & 71 , Great Queen-st ., Lincoln ' s Inn-Fields . Drags and new and second-hand Carriages of all descriptions . Estimates given for repairs .
^ rp W . STAPLETON & Co . _ .- ^ j > ' JL s respectfully beg to invite atten-- -O j > tion to the undermentioned WINES , all AW CL of which arc shipped to them direct—^ V -CL ^ V ' <_!_ . SHERRIES 20 s ., 24 s ., 28 s ., 30 s ., 36 s ., per doz . V ¦ flVlV' _^ <\ v > PORTS 19 s ., 24 s .. 28 s ., 34 s „ 42 s . „ V ^ V \> CLARETS 12 s ., 16 s ., 20 s ., 24 s ., 30 s ., 36 s . „ \ V e \ CHAMPAGNES of all Brands at the O . V . < 3 ^ vl" lowest quotations . Their celebrated ** C * ' % * Epernay , introduced by them in 1833 , at — VxS 36 s . per dozen , is specially recommended . v ^ S ^ Price List of all other Wines and ^ •rtV" Spirits will be sent on application to V ) V" 203 , REGENT ST ., comer of Conduit-st . jW .
& FOR MANSIONS OR VILLAS , » " 0 / s AN < fa < $ fo IMPERISHABLE FLOORING ^ W ^ fy FLOOR COVERING . % ^ Estimates Free . ' < 26 , BERNERS STREET , VV .
0 ADBURY , PRATT & CO ., 24 & 25 NEW BOND STREET , W . ( Corner of Conduit Street ) . Purveyors to Her Majesty & the Royal Family . CHEESES OF ALL KINDS . FINE YORK AND OTHER HAMS .
CQ- J . G . CORDING AND Co , £ *? FOR THE BEST ^WATERPROOFS Co . C 5 § C ? SHOOTING , ft ? - •FISHING , ^ * TRAVELLING . fi ^ o 5 ^ *• Only Address—^ Corner of AIR STREET , ^ PICCADILLY .
^ P By Special Appointment to H . R . H . ^ Jy The Prince of Wales . ^&JohnUnderwood&Sons, ^ # V S 0 ULPT 0 ES & MASONS v <^ < 6 ^ 10 , Duke . st ., Grosvenor-sq ., W ., \> ^^» BU CKHUR ST HILL , N . E ., AND CHINOFORD ^^ . A 5 ' yy MOUNT CEMETERY . ' . ^^ Reredoses , Pulpits , Screens , Fonts , ^ Jy Mosaic in Gla ss or Marble , inlaid and ( SJ * Incised Work . Designs , Estimates and References free on application .
JOSEPH OFFORD'S J SPECIALITIES IN CAREIAGES . 26 Prize Medals Awarded and Diploma Honour , London , 1884 , Catalogues free . LANDAUS AND VICTORIAS , & c ., Suspended on Patent Silent or Ccc-springs . The lightest , easiest , and most elegant of summer carriages for SALE or HIRE , with option of Purchase . On view , 67 , George-street , I 3 aker-street , and 93-94 , Gloucester-road . South Kensington , S . W .
<&* 4 » LUND & BLOCKLEY , ^ - ^ ~& r Watch 81 Clock Manufacturers to the Queen < 0 *> < < V and Boyal Family . > ^ y * Keyless Ilnlf . ChrononieterWiite . ies , Turret and C \ p- _ . C'liureh Clocks , i ' atcnt Cliinlini ; -Machines . ' . «©• f * i Clilrainit Clocks , House Clocks . . < V r * V" Watih and Clock Manufacturers to Die Ai . .. ? A . '' f \ w mirully , lloyal Geographical society , Wa-A \* ^\ y ^ Ollice , India ( lovcrmncnt . O *^ ^ 42 , PAH MALL , LONDON , S . W . ; and Rampart Row , Bombay ,
DUER , / yr 146 , NEW BOND ST ., W ., f Q \ ( Established 1549 ; , ^ ty BREAD AND BISCUIT BAKERS , - ~ / Vans to all parts Daily . Hampers picked \ ~ ) / and sent to all parts oC the Conntrv with V ' FRENCH AND VIENNA FAirOY ROLLS AND BREAD :
CHARLES E . ALLEN , Ladies'andGentlemen'sBootMaker, 69 , JERMYN STREET , 4 Doors from St , James ' s Street , London , S . W . Prize Medals at the Great Inhibitions ot ISJI , 1 S 63 and 18 G 7 . Thc f , n _ d Medal , 1870 .
E . DENT & Co ., 6 " Inventions Exhibition Gold Medal awarded ^ y for Improvement in Turret Clocks . A . < fy 61 Strand & 4 Eoyal Exchange , London . ' 4 >^ (^ CLOCKMJKERS to the QUEEN . >& . " > / ^^ Makers of lhe Great Westminster Clock / C 5 / iS ? (>'" = I ! K *) - *< y > 0 Will behappytofnrnisiiESTiMATEsforthe . Q ^ Installation or Repair of C HURCH and ^ T' other PUBLIC CLOCKS , £ ^ Bent ' s new Illustrated Catalogue of High-* Class Watches at Reduced Prices , sent Post Tree .
SCHWEPPE'S TABLE WATERS . ( SODA WATER . 3 s . < 3 d . per Doz . ] POTASS WATER . ( Exclusive of Bottles . ) 1 SELTZER WATER . ( . GINGER ALE . 4 s . 6 d . per doz . MALVERN SELTZER . Carriage Paid on Full and Empties to and from any address in the United Kingdom . " Fountain " Trade Mark on all Labels , and all Corks branded . A list of leading Agents sent on application to J . SCHWEPPE & Co ., 5 1 , Berners-street , London .
/ , The Gold Medal Inventions Exhibition , 1885 A y The Gold Medal ofthe Society of Arts , 1885 . V * J ^ 1 'l . c Report upon tlie Steintea , / Pianos by ihe A y- Musical Jury of the Inventions Erltitiilion leas jF & k . higher than that of any other Maker . £ ? STEINWAY Grand /^ A * and Upright PIANOS 4 C / r ^ V Ave the Cheapest lioeause the Best and Most < 5 > , > 0 Durable . ^ V ^ V STEINWAY & SOXS are the only jrojnifaclu . ^ rers who malic all the component parts of their ^ v , / I'innoforle . s exterior and interior ( including r >^ / the casting of the full Jlclal Frames ) , in their -Cy / own Factories . ^ ff ' Descriptive Catalogues sent free on application . STEINWAY HALL , 15 617 , Lower Seymour Street , Portman Square , London , W .
KNITTING AT HOME , BY which Incomes can be Increased and recreative as well as Healthy Employment secured . Apply for terms to—PATENT AUTOMATIC KNITTING MACHINE CO ., LONDON : 417 , Oxford-stieet , W . ; 159 , Upper-street Islington . LIVERPOOL : 39 , Islington . GLASGOW : 7 , Howard-street .
TRY BOOTS !W.BEASLEY'SBOOTS And ensure Ease and Elegance , ^__ combined with BOOTS ! TRUE PIT , 28 , QUEEN VICTORIA ST . hear the Mansion Honse ) . BOOTS ! SpeciaUttes-HandSewn . S pecial Orders in a few days . Largo Stock to select from . ( lolcl Medal Awarded nt the London International Inhibition , Crystal i' .-. lnce , 1 SSI .
SPANISH FLY is the acting ingredientinALKX . ROSS'S CANTHAKIBES . Itactsquickly in producing Hair on the I ' acc or Head , 3 s . 6 d ., ss . tfd ., and ios 6 d Isent post £ .. rS 4 , 8 , or 144 stamps .-ROSS , ai , Lamb ' s Condnit-st ' London ( near the foundling ) . Had of all Chemists . Established 1850 .
Estab .- ] THE [ 1804 . <& 4 * " DUMENLY " CIGARETTES . ** <\\ V fo'sessinganaromaofpassingexccllence , ^ C \\ . V and unequalled in the world . Mannfac-^ A \ V ^ tl , re ' > ' A - c - PARASCHO & CO ., of •CXNSV r \ Dumcnly . Yenljeh , Turkey . Each Cigarette . •OkX } * v ^ 9 j 1 > ears " 1 C TraJ « Ma * . "DUMENLY , " v V ><< C \ V aml Monograms . None others are gen-_^ VV V " ' me . One sample box ( sent post free -Q M J >*^ 'or ss . 6 d . ) is sufficient to convince any j W )>^ connolscur of their superiority . rtf ^ p- Sole address in thc United Kingdomv * 57 , Pall Mall , London , W .
By Appointment to the RoyalFamily SPECIALITY— ^ 4 WEDD . ING _ CAKES . \ HERBERT and JONES ^ ^ { FromKuiitcr ' H ) ( From II . M . Kltilien ) ^^ y ^ \ Cooks and Confectioners . ^ ^ Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , and Dall xP ' Suppers supplied . * 48 , KENSINGTON HIGH STREET , W . Established 300 years .
g HOBBS , HART & COMPANY , g 76 & 77 , Cheapside , London . ^ ^ Makers to Iter Majesty . 03 Jl Hy Special Appointment , * . ! .. May 13 th , 18 JO . j ^ " •' " Strong Rooms , Doors , Locks , and Safes , " JjT To thc liank of England and its Branches . 2 0 onn GUINEAS REWARD . ^ 25 c 3 v _/ L _/ H ., H . and Co . renew their oiler from Q ^ January to June , 188 ft , as at the Inter-^« national Exhibition of 1863 , also at Paris , 1867 , and .. again at Vienna , in 1873 , to any person who could piek (/) CO 'heir locks ( then and now en exhibit and supplied to w K / the public ) with their I ' atcnt Combined Protectors , « Ti but the challenge then made was not accepted , O X although the locks were examined by several mechanics . Q O These were the only locks exhibited nnder actual JTJ rt challenge to pick . P 5 N . H . —Skilled mechanics accepting the above oiler are expected to master Eight Lever Locks as a ( jualiti . rK cation . 1 J ., II . and Co ., not being eligible to exhibit ~~ at the Inventions Exhibition , i 8 K £ , again make the ! 2 _ i above offer as a test of thep non-pickability of their Q Combined Protector Locks . Jrf N . B . —lu . usT _ tATF . r- LIST or THE VARIOUS SERIES of H 5 Suites of Locks , Safes , & c , as designed for Palaces , £ Banks , Hotels , Cottages , & c , on application . W Manufactories—ARLINGTON STREET N