Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article To Correspondents, Page 1 of 1 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS , ST . JOHN'S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . . CHIEK PATRONESS : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . GRAND PATRO . V AND PRESIDENT : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . GRAND PATRONESS : HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS OF WALES . THE NINETY-EIGHTH ' ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL of this Institution will take place On WEDNESDAY , the igth MAV next , under the Presidency of GEN . J . STUDHOLME BROWNRIGG , C . B ., R . W . PROV . GRAND MASTER OF SURREY . President—BRO . THE RIGHT HON . THE LORD MAYOR . Acting Presidents—BRO . CHARLES GREENWOOD , P . G . S . B ., D . Prov . G . M . Surrey . „ Capt . GEORGE LAMBERT , F . S . A ., P . G . S . B ., Vice-Patron . „ CHARLES BELTON , F . R . G . S ., P . Prov . G . D . Surrey , Vice-Patron . Treasurer—BRO . JOHN L . MATHER . Chairman of Ladies' Stewards—BRO . EDGAR BOWYER , P . G . Std . Br ., Vice-Patron . Brethren willing to serve the office of Steward are very urgently needed ; and they will greatly oblige by forwarding their names as early as possible to the Secretary , who will gladly give any information required . F . R . W . HEDGES , Secretary . Office—5 , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , London , W . C .
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . ELECTION—MAY , iSSC . Votes and Interest are solicited on behalf of BRO , JOHN IVES , P . M ., 22 , Bripdort-place , London , N ., and for many years Secretary of thc Henley Lodge , No . 1472 , initiated in the Robert Burns Lodge , No . 25 , in 1859 , and eighteen years a subscribing ' member to the Order . A Mechanical Engineer , he is now over 6 D years of age ( and his wife 59 years ) , and unable to obtain employment through age , defective sight and hearing ; is now entirely dependent on the kindness of friends for support . He is strongly recommended by the Robert Burns Lodge , No . 25 , St . Leonard's Lodge , No . 1766 , and the Henley Lodge , No . 1472 , also bv thc undermentioned Brethren : — Bro . ' E . West , P . M , 1076 , 1372 , 1437 , P . 7 .. 13 , P . P . G . S . D . Herts ., Three Crowns Hotel , North Woolwich , London , N , Bro . W . Musto , P . M . 1349 , V . ' l . 936 , Engineering Works , Baker'srow , Whitechapel-road . Bro . W . Gilbert , I ' . M . 1372 , P . P . G . S . D . Herts , Enfield Highway Enfield , N . * Bro A . J . Manning , P . M . 1472 , 1437 , M . E . Z . 317 , P . P . G . J . D . Essex , Easton Villa , Eontency-road , Balham , London . Bro . H . Cox , P . M . 742 , 1471 , 1580 , I ' . Z . 174 , 1471 , P . P . G . Supt . Works , Herts ., Essex-road , London , N . * Bro . C . F . Barham , P . M . 7 S 4 , 1766 , P . Z . 217 , 88 , Shepherdesswalk , London , N . Bro . I , Funston , W . M . 1766 , Finsbury Pavement , London , E . C . Bro . li . Walker , S . W . 1766 , Town Hall , Shoreditch , London . Bro . F . Matthews , J . W . 17 G 6 , S . W . IQ $ O , 170 , llackney-road , London . Bro . J . A . Jones , P . M . 17 C 6 , S . W . 2030 , 319 , Old-street , London . Bro . C . Jolly , W . M . 1472 ; 13 , 9 i 3 , > ijj 6 ; S . N . 1 . 172 , 913 . * Bro . C . I " . Lewis , P . M . 1472 , Austin's Hotel , Fenchurch-st . station , London . Bro . E . Ayres , P . M . 742 , Margaret-st ., Cavcndlsh-sq ., London , W . Bro . J . Kay , W . M . 742 , 42 , Rathbonc-placc , London , W . Bro . A . ] ones , P . M . 1766 , D . C . Abbey Lodge . Bro . C . \ Varr , Nos . 7 and 12 S 8 , Castle Hotel , Holloway-road , N . * Bro . J . Paul , | . W . 1472 , 90 , Sevmour-place , Brvanstone . ? Bro . ' Jas . Hemming , J . W . 1287 . St . Martin's-l ' ane , W . C . ? Bro . " C . J . Jones , I . G . 1472 , 90 , Montpelier-road , S . E . Uro . J . W . ' Hcrvcy , W . M . Robert Burns Lodge , No . 25 . Bro . E . Hawkins , S . W . Robert Burns Lodge , No . 25 . Iiro . F . G . Baker , P . M . Robert Burns Lodge , No . 23 . Bro . I . Dyte , P . M , & Sec . Robert Burns Lodge , No . 2 « . Uro . ' F . H . Hodson . P . M . Robert Burns Lodge , No . 2 t " . Bro . J . A . Elder , P . M . Henley Lodge , No . 25 . Bro . G . Smithers , J . D . Confidence Lodge , No . 193 , 83 , Oucn's-rd ., Dalston . Those Brethren whose names are marked thus ? will gladly receive Proxies . The Petitioner will also thankfully receive Proxies at his address , 22 , Bridport-placc , London , N .
FUNERAL REFORM . Kiiunle , lteverent , ; md Inexpensive Funerals . Explanatory 1 'aniphlct gratis . LONDON NECROPOLIS CO ., 2 , lANOASIXK ri . ACK , STRAND , W . C . PATENT BARTH TO EARTH PERISHABLE COFFINS .
JAPANESE VILLAGE , HYDE PARK . ( Under Royal Patronage . ) Few minutes' walk from Sloanc-st . and Kensington stations . DAILY , ELEVEN A . M . TO TEN P . M . Omnibuses from all parts . 100 JAPANESE ARTIFICERS . Varied Programme , Sketches , Wire Walking , Wrestling-, Top Spinning , Single-Stick Exercise , Great Ladder Feat , Tommy the Wolf , the Gayshas , or Dancing Girls , & c . ALL AMUSEMENTS FREE , at 12 , 3 , 5 , and 8 . NATIVE AND MILI TARY BANDS . ADMISSION ONE SHILLING ; Wednesdays , 2 s . 6 d . ; after Six , One Shilling ; Children Half-price . Originator and Managing Director , TANNAKER BUHICROSAN . §
LONDON GENERAL PORTERS ' BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . PRESIDENT : SAMUEL MORLEY , Esq . TRUSTEES : J D . ALLCROFT , Esq ., 10 S , Lancaster Gate , Hyde Park , \ V . WILFRED A . BEVAN , Esq ., ( Barclay , Bevan , Tritton & Co . ) , Lombard-street , E . C . EDWIN BURTON , Esq ., SS , Oxford-street , W . Sir HENRY W . PEEK , Bart . ( Peek Bros . & Co . ) , Eastcheap , E . C . GEORGE ROUTLEDGE , Esq . ( G . Routledge & Sons ) , Broadway , Ludgate , E . C . J SNELGROVE , Esq . ( Marshall & Snelgrove ) , Oxford-street , W . TREASURER : WILLIAM BRADBURY LEAF , Esq . ( Leaf , Sons & Co . ) , Old Change , E . C . THE NINETEENTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL , In aid of the Funds of the above Association , Will be held at the ALBION TAVERN , ALDERSGATE STREET , E . G ., On Friday , April jotlt , 1 S 86 , The Chair will be taken by Bro . ALDERMAN AND SHERIFF EVANS ! Supported by the Principals of many of the leading Wholesale and Retail Houses of the Metropolis . The Committee appeal for Funds to enable them to carry on and extend the Benevolent design of this Institution , founded in 1 S 58 , for providing and granting Pensions to infirm or permanently disabled Porters and Messengers employed in Wholesale or Retail Houses of ALL TRADES , also to Messengers or Porters employed in Banks , Insurance Offices , Hotels , and Commercial Establishments generally , and to their necessitous Widows and Orphans . Offices , 33 , Cheapside , E . C . W . T . RICKWOOD , Secretary .
JOHNGOW, ¦ gl ^ P- * NEW BROAD ST ., E . C . _ rt- tOutside Railway Station ) , - •tl $$ )*••HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . ^ 0 U 03 , THEOBALD'S RD „ HOLBORN , W . C . 125 , BROMPTON ROAD , S . W . rt N ^& P > JOHN GOW always has on sale the XS . & - ' * Largest Stock in London of the Very Best rt Quality at Lowest Prices . Barrelled #$ > $ PERFECTLY-FITTED OYSTER SALOON Now Open at New Broad Street .
By Appointment lo H . R . H . tlie Princess of Wales . § MA ISON ISIDORE , g ( ft ( ESTAIIUMIUD 1 S 37 ) . r *\ »_* Specialite for Fringes , Improvements in Coverings 2 _ T ^ lor Baldness , and every description of Cheveux Q JJ Postiches . l _ adies ' and Children's Haircutting on —; 5 j Scientific Principles . ( fj 14 , BENTINCK STREET , MANCHESTER SQUARE , W ""*
R . SLATER & CO ., gr BUTCHERS . JSAttention is specially directed to S >* % << the Prices indicated in their Detailed > O r > r List ( post free ) which they are now 4 i-y issuing . tTTr HI BUCKINGHAM PALACE RD ., S . W ^
<$$>Faulting,Stratton&Co., ^ > P , ^ -p 13 , COVENTRY ST ., PICCADILLY , W ., ^ 4 & Linen Manufacturers to the Queen . _ . < t ? v ^ Every Description of TABLE and 0 . \ < Zr . •A- HOUSEHOLD LINEN supplied at Cash \ J Vv * Prices . Arms , Crests , and Monograms „ ,. ? inserted In Table Linen . * V WITNEY BLANKETS mnch under last year ' s Prices .
GOUT . DIABETES . EPILEPSY . PATIENTS suffering from the above complaints should winter in NICE , where they cai ; be successfully treated by a new cure at Dr . SCHNEE'S ( of Carlsbad ) WINTER SANATORIUM
THOMAS AND SONS , Specialities—Knickerbocker Breeches , Knickerbocker Pantaloons , Thc Acme Shooting Coat , Tho Combination Driving and Covert Coat ( with detachable Skirt ) . 4 S , SOUTH MOLTON STREET , OXFORD ST ., LONDON , W .
J.B.KORNER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL CHINA & GLASS WAREHOUSE , 351 late 302 , OXFORD STREET , LONDON , W . Merchant Shippers , Hotel Keepers and the Trade SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE PRICES . A large assortment ot Gas and Lamp Globes . Goods Packed for all parts of the Globe .
OUR EYES . Just Published , Third Edition . T ™ to USE OUB ! EYES , and HOW to PRESERVE THEM , from INFANCY to OLD AGE , with Special Information about Spectacles . By JOHN BROWNING F . R . A . S ., F . R . M . S ., & c . With 54 Illustrations . Price is . j cloth , is . 6 d . " How to Use our Eyes , " by John Browning , F . U . A . S ., is a thoroughly practical little manual . "—Graphic . _ " Gives many a useful hint to those who enjoy ( rood eyesight and w sh to preserve it , and gives the advice of an occuhst to those obliged to wear spectacles . " —Pall Mall Gazette . Chatto and Windus , Piccadilly , London , W ., and all Booksellers . Sent free for is . 2 d . by the Author , John Browning , 63 , Strand , London , W . C .
Mai , Military , and Tropical ^ ^ BOOT MAKEES , ^ cV $ h ^^ ^ V § 0 _ ^^ ^ , _ ^ - ' " PICCADILLY , LONDON , w '
INVENTIONS EXHIBITION-GOLD MEDAL AWARDED . FI T ? TJT'Q NEW ILLUSTRATED US 2 , L \ 1 O CATALOGUE of HIGH-CLASS W A TfTTPQ WATCHES and CLOCKS at VV iiIL / il _ EjO . REDUCED PRICES , sent post jfp ^^ ^ A * free on application to E . DENT Jvfr ^ V ^ fr an < 1 C ° - ' Makers to the Queen , ' V ^ FUTXT 61 , STRAND , LONDON , W . C , S - ULW I X or 4 ( KOYAL EXCHANGE .
To Correspondents,
To Correspondents ,
The following communications stand over : — CRAFT : — Arboretum Lodge , No . 731 . Holmesdale Lodge , No . S 74 . Abbey Lodge , No . 11 S 4 . Richmond Lodge , No . 2032 .
BOOKS . & c . RECEIVED . "Allen ' s Indian Mail , " "Jewish Chronicle , " " Die Bauhiitte , " " Gloucester Standard , " "Sunday Times" ( London ) , " Citizen , " " Keble ' s Gazette , " " Hull and East Yorkshire Times , " " Lagos Observer , " " El Libre y Acep . Mason , " " Keystone , " " Masonic Journal " ( Victoria , Australia ) , and " Court Circular . "
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
SATURDAY , MARCH 27 , 1886 . Wmr ^^^^^^^^ MlregmaBoi®
[ We do not hold ourselves responsible { or , or even approvingof theopinionscxpressedby ourcorrespondents , but we wish in a spirit of fair play to all to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussion , ] ¦
GRAND LODGE CERTIFICATES—SIGNATURE . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , It is a common idea thata Grand Lodge certificate must be signed by the brother , whose certificate it is , in open lodge . Can you or any brother inform me whether there is any authoritative ruling on the point ? Thc
Constitutions ( Rule IQS ) merely require signature . I have consulted various authorities , but all I can find directly bearing on the point is that Bro . Kelly , in his very practical Pocket Companion , says : " The Grand Lodge certificate should in every case ( where practicable ) be signed by the receiver in presence of the W . M ., or the Secretary , when it is being given to the owner ; and in cases where this cannot be done
—i . e ., where a brother resides in another country or district , it should be forwarded in trust to the W . M . or Secretary of some lodge ( working under a Constitution which is in Masonic union with ours ) in or near said place , on application to whom the brother entitled to it may receive it . when the rule as to the signing may be duly carried out . This is
of importance . " The italics are mine , not Bro . Kell y s . I should be extremely glad of an answer on this point , especially if accompanied by a referrence to authorities . — Yours fraternally , LEX SCRIPTA . March 20 th . [ Caution should be exercised , as respects Certificates until duly signed ; but there is really no law on the subject , save that alluded to by our correspondent—Ed . F . M . ~ \
A FORM OF PRAYER . To thc Editor of thc " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , ... . VVe arc familiar with the pious sentiment in the ritual of Fellow Craft Masonry , and the " minutes o £ the last lodge" declare that the same was " opened and closed with prayer . " I want to know if m any lodge definite collects arc used ?
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS , ST . JOHN'S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . . CHIEK PATRONESS : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . GRAND PATRO . V AND PRESIDENT : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . GRAND PATRONESS : HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS OF WALES . THE NINETY-EIGHTH ' ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL of this Institution will take place On WEDNESDAY , the igth MAV next , under the Presidency of GEN . J . STUDHOLME BROWNRIGG , C . B ., R . W . PROV . GRAND MASTER OF SURREY . President—BRO . THE RIGHT HON . THE LORD MAYOR . Acting Presidents—BRO . CHARLES GREENWOOD , P . G . S . B ., D . Prov . G . M . Surrey . „ Capt . GEORGE LAMBERT , F . S . A ., P . G . S . B ., Vice-Patron . „ CHARLES BELTON , F . R . G . S ., P . Prov . G . D . Surrey , Vice-Patron . Treasurer—BRO . JOHN L . MATHER . Chairman of Ladies' Stewards—BRO . EDGAR BOWYER , P . G . Std . Br ., Vice-Patron . Brethren willing to serve the office of Steward are very urgently needed ; and they will greatly oblige by forwarding their names as early as possible to the Secretary , who will gladly give any information required . F . R . W . HEDGES , Secretary . Office—5 , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , London , W . C .
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . ELECTION—MAY , iSSC . Votes and Interest are solicited on behalf of BRO , JOHN IVES , P . M ., 22 , Bripdort-place , London , N ., and for many years Secretary of thc Henley Lodge , No . 1472 , initiated in the Robert Burns Lodge , No . 25 , in 1859 , and eighteen years a subscribing ' member to the Order . A Mechanical Engineer , he is now over 6 D years of age ( and his wife 59 years ) , and unable to obtain employment through age , defective sight and hearing ; is now entirely dependent on the kindness of friends for support . He is strongly recommended by the Robert Burns Lodge , No . 25 , St . Leonard's Lodge , No . 1766 , and the Henley Lodge , No . 1472 , also bv thc undermentioned Brethren : — Bro . ' E . West , P . M , 1076 , 1372 , 1437 , P . 7 .. 13 , P . P . G . S . D . Herts ., Three Crowns Hotel , North Woolwich , London , N , Bro . W . Musto , P . M . 1349 , V . ' l . 936 , Engineering Works , Baker'srow , Whitechapel-road . Bro . W . Gilbert , I ' . M . 1372 , P . P . G . S . D . Herts , Enfield Highway Enfield , N . * Bro A . J . Manning , P . M . 1472 , 1437 , M . E . Z . 317 , P . P . G . J . D . Essex , Easton Villa , Eontency-road , Balham , London . Bro . H . Cox , P . M . 742 , 1471 , 1580 , I ' . Z . 174 , 1471 , P . P . G . Supt . Works , Herts ., Essex-road , London , N . * Bro . C . F . Barham , P . M . 7 S 4 , 1766 , P . Z . 217 , 88 , Shepherdesswalk , London , N . Bro . I , Funston , W . M . 1766 , Finsbury Pavement , London , E . C . Bro . li . Walker , S . W . 1766 , Town Hall , Shoreditch , London . Bro . F . Matthews , J . W . 17 G 6 , S . W . IQ $ O , 170 , llackney-road , London . Bro . J . A . Jones , P . M . 17 C 6 , S . W . 2030 , 319 , Old-street , London . Bro . C . Jolly , W . M . 1472 ; 13 , 9 i 3 , > ijj 6 ; S . N . 1 . 172 , 913 . * Bro . C . I " . Lewis , P . M . 1472 , Austin's Hotel , Fenchurch-st . station , London . Bro . E . Ayres , P . M . 742 , Margaret-st ., Cavcndlsh-sq ., London , W . Bro . J . Kay , W . M . 742 , 42 , Rathbonc-placc , London , W . Bro . A . ] ones , P . M . 1766 , D . C . Abbey Lodge . Bro . C . \ Varr , Nos . 7 and 12 S 8 , Castle Hotel , Holloway-road , N . * Bro . J . Paul , | . W . 1472 , 90 , Sevmour-place , Brvanstone . ? Bro . ' Jas . Hemming , J . W . 1287 . St . Martin's-l ' ane , W . C . ? Bro . " C . J . Jones , I . G . 1472 , 90 , Montpelier-road , S . E . Uro . J . W . ' Hcrvcy , W . M . Robert Burns Lodge , No . 25 . Bro . E . Hawkins , S . W . Robert Burns Lodge , No . 25 . Iiro . F . G . Baker , P . M . Robert Burns Lodge , No . 23 . Bro . I . Dyte , P . M , & Sec . Robert Burns Lodge , No . 2 « . Uro . ' F . H . Hodson . P . M . Robert Burns Lodge , No . 2 t " . Bro . J . A . Elder , P . M . Henley Lodge , No . 25 . Bro . G . Smithers , J . D . Confidence Lodge , No . 193 , 83 , Oucn's-rd ., Dalston . Those Brethren whose names are marked thus ? will gladly receive Proxies . The Petitioner will also thankfully receive Proxies at his address , 22 , Bridport-placc , London , N .
FUNERAL REFORM . Kiiunle , lteverent , ; md Inexpensive Funerals . Explanatory 1 'aniphlct gratis . LONDON NECROPOLIS CO ., 2 , lANOASIXK ri . ACK , STRAND , W . C . PATENT BARTH TO EARTH PERISHABLE COFFINS .
JAPANESE VILLAGE , HYDE PARK . ( Under Royal Patronage . ) Few minutes' walk from Sloanc-st . and Kensington stations . DAILY , ELEVEN A . M . TO TEN P . M . Omnibuses from all parts . 100 JAPANESE ARTIFICERS . Varied Programme , Sketches , Wire Walking , Wrestling-, Top Spinning , Single-Stick Exercise , Great Ladder Feat , Tommy the Wolf , the Gayshas , or Dancing Girls , & c . ALL AMUSEMENTS FREE , at 12 , 3 , 5 , and 8 . NATIVE AND MILI TARY BANDS . ADMISSION ONE SHILLING ; Wednesdays , 2 s . 6 d . ; after Six , One Shilling ; Children Half-price . Originator and Managing Director , TANNAKER BUHICROSAN . §
LONDON GENERAL PORTERS ' BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . PRESIDENT : SAMUEL MORLEY , Esq . TRUSTEES : J D . ALLCROFT , Esq ., 10 S , Lancaster Gate , Hyde Park , \ V . WILFRED A . BEVAN , Esq ., ( Barclay , Bevan , Tritton & Co . ) , Lombard-street , E . C . EDWIN BURTON , Esq ., SS , Oxford-street , W . Sir HENRY W . PEEK , Bart . ( Peek Bros . & Co . ) , Eastcheap , E . C . GEORGE ROUTLEDGE , Esq . ( G . Routledge & Sons ) , Broadway , Ludgate , E . C . J SNELGROVE , Esq . ( Marshall & Snelgrove ) , Oxford-street , W . TREASURER : WILLIAM BRADBURY LEAF , Esq . ( Leaf , Sons & Co . ) , Old Change , E . C . THE NINETEENTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL , In aid of the Funds of the above Association , Will be held at the ALBION TAVERN , ALDERSGATE STREET , E . G ., On Friday , April jotlt , 1 S 86 , The Chair will be taken by Bro . ALDERMAN AND SHERIFF EVANS ! Supported by the Principals of many of the leading Wholesale and Retail Houses of the Metropolis . The Committee appeal for Funds to enable them to carry on and extend the Benevolent design of this Institution , founded in 1 S 58 , for providing and granting Pensions to infirm or permanently disabled Porters and Messengers employed in Wholesale or Retail Houses of ALL TRADES , also to Messengers or Porters employed in Banks , Insurance Offices , Hotels , and Commercial Establishments generally , and to their necessitous Widows and Orphans . Offices , 33 , Cheapside , E . C . W . T . RICKWOOD , Secretary .
JOHNGOW, ¦ gl ^ P- * NEW BROAD ST ., E . C . _ rt- tOutside Railway Station ) , - •tl $$ )*••HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . ^ 0 U 03 , THEOBALD'S RD „ HOLBORN , W . C . 125 , BROMPTON ROAD , S . W . rt N ^& P > JOHN GOW always has on sale the XS . & - ' * Largest Stock in London of the Very Best rt Quality at Lowest Prices . Barrelled #$ > $ PERFECTLY-FITTED OYSTER SALOON Now Open at New Broad Street .
By Appointment lo H . R . H . tlie Princess of Wales . § MA ISON ISIDORE , g ( ft ( ESTAIIUMIUD 1 S 37 ) . r *\ »_* Specialite for Fringes , Improvements in Coverings 2 _ T ^ lor Baldness , and every description of Cheveux Q JJ Postiches . l _ adies ' and Children's Haircutting on —; 5 j Scientific Principles . ( fj 14 , BENTINCK STREET , MANCHESTER SQUARE , W ""*
R . SLATER & CO ., gr BUTCHERS . JSAttention is specially directed to S >* % << the Prices indicated in their Detailed > O r > r List ( post free ) which they are now 4 i-y issuing . tTTr HI BUCKINGHAM PALACE RD ., S . W ^
<$$>Faulting,Stratton&Co., ^ > P , ^ -p 13 , COVENTRY ST ., PICCADILLY , W ., ^ 4 & Linen Manufacturers to the Queen . _ . < t ? v ^ Every Description of TABLE and 0 . \ < Zr . •A- HOUSEHOLD LINEN supplied at Cash \ J Vv * Prices . Arms , Crests , and Monograms „ ,. ? inserted In Table Linen . * V WITNEY BLANKETS mnch under last year ' s Prices .
GOUT . DIABETES . EPILEPSY . PATIENTS suffering from the above complaints should winter in NICE , where they cai ; be successfully treated by a new cure at Dr . SCHNEE'S ( of Carlsbad ) WINTER SANATORIUM
THOMAS AND SONS , Specialities—Knickerbocker Breeches , Knickerbocker Pantaloons , Thc Acme Shooting Coat , Tho Combination Driving and Covert Coat ( with detachable Skirt ) . 4 S , SOUTH MOLTON STREET , OXFORD ST ., LONDON , W .
J.B.KORNER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL CHINA & GLASS WAREHOUSE , 351 late 302 , OXFORD STREET , LONDON , W . Merchant Shippers , Hotel Keepers and the Trade SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE PRICES . A large assortment ot Gas and Lamp Globes . Goods Packed for all parts of the Globe .
OUR EYES . Just Published , Third Edition . T ™ to USE OUB ! EYES , and HOW to PRESERVE THEM , from INFANCY to OLD AGE , with Special Information about Spectacles . By JOHN BROWNING F . R . A . S ., F . R . M . S ., & c . With 54 Illustrations . Price is . j cloth , is . 6 d . " How to Use our Eyes , " by John Browning , F . U . A . S ., is a thoroughly practical little manual . "—Graphic . _ " Gives many a useful hint to those who enjoy ( rood eyesight and w sh to preserve it , and gives the advice of an occuhst to those obliged to wear spectacles . " —Pall Mall Gazette . Chatto and Windus , Piccadilly , London , W ., and all Booksellers . Sent free for is . 2 d . by the Author , John Browning , 63 , Strand , London , W . C .
Mai , Military , and Tropical ^ ^ BOOT MAKEES , ^ cV $ h ^^ ^ V § 0 _ ^^ ^ , _ ^ - ' " PICCADILLY , LONDON , w '
INVENTIONS EXHIBITION-GOLD MEDAL AWARDED . FI T ? TJT'Q NEW ILLUSTRATED US 2 , L \ 1 O CATALOGUE of HIGH-CLASS W A TfTTPQ WATCHES and CLOCKS at VV iiIL / il _ EjO . REDUCED PRICES , sent post jfp ^^ ^ A * free on application to E . DENT Jvfr ^ V ^ fr an < 1 C ° - ' Makers to the Queen , ' V ^ FUTXT 61 , STRAND , LONDON , W . C , S - ULW I X or 4 ( KOYAL EXCHANGE .
To Correspondents,
To Correspondents ,
The following communications stand over : — CRAFT : — Arboretum Lodge , No . 731 . Holmesdale Lodge , No . S 74 . Abbey Lodge , No . 11 S 4 . Richmond Lodge , No . 2032 .
BOOKS . & c . RECEIVED . "Allen ' s Indian Mail , " "Jewish Chronicle , " " Die Bauhiitte , " " Gloucester Standard , " "Sunday Times" ( London ) , " Citizen , " " Keble ' s Gazette , " " Hull and East Yorkshire Times , " " Lagos Observer , " " El Libre y Acep . Mason , " " Keystone , " " Masonic Journal " ( Victoria , Australia ) , and " Court Circular . "
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
SATURDAY , MARCH 27 , 1886 . Wmr ^^^^^^^^ MlregmaBoi®
[ We do not hold ourselves responsible { or , or even approvingof theopinionscxpressedby ourcorrespondents , but we wish in a spirit of fair play to all to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussion , ] ¦
GRAND LODGE CERTIFICATES—SIGNATURE . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , It is a common idea thata Grand Lodge certificate must be signed by the brother , whose certificate it is , in open lodge . Can you or any brother inform me whether there is any authoritative ruling on the point ? Thc
Constitutions ( Rule IQS ) merely require signature . I have consulted various authorities , but all I can find directly bearing on the point is that Bro . Kelly , in his very practical Pocket Companion , says : " The Grand Lodge certificate should in every case ( where practicable ) be signed by the receiver in presence of the W . M ., or the Secretary , when it is being given to the owner ; and in cases where this cannot be done
—i . e ., where a brother resides in another country or district , it should be forwarded in trust to the W . M . or Secretary of some lodge ( working under a Constitution which is in Masonic union with ours ) in or near said place , on application to whom the brother entitled to it may receive it . when the rule as to the signing may be duly carried out . This is
of importance . " The italics are mine , not Bro . Kell y s . I should be extremely glad of an answer on this point , especially if accompanied by a referrence to authorities . — Yours fraternally , LEX SCRIPTA . March 20 th . [ Caution should be exercised , as respects Certificates until duly signed ; but there is really no law on the subject , save that alluded to by our correspondent—Ed . F . M . ~ \
A FORM OF PRAYER . To thc Editor of thc " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , ... . VVe arc familiar with the pious sentiment in the ritual of Fellow Craft Masonry , and the " minutes o £ the last lodge" declare that the same was " opened and closed with prayer . " I want to know if m any lodge definite collects arc used ?