Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Laving Memorial Stone Of The Royal Blind Asylum And School At West Craigmillar, Edinburgh.
,-c air of this locality , and can enjoy and profit by all t '16 ') U liances for their comfort , for their healh , and for their t ' liiiess , which have been so well considered and cfii-C ! | l r carried out . ( Cheers . ) May this institution long Cie " » r and may it be the model upon which , in different ' of ' the country , other institutions of a similar nature ' , ar'S be built . ( Cheers . ) I wish you , gentlemen , all prosma ^ ; n your new institution . May the future i-istory of its inmates
l •« building always ten or tne nappiness or , 1 ' d reflect credit upon the memory of its founders . ( Loud cheers . ) Bailie Muirhead , chairman of the Institution Opening Committee ( addressing the Grand Master Mason)—It is v my p leasing duty to thank you , in name of the directors of the Royal Blind Asylum and School , for your
urescncc here to-day , and to offer for your acceptance , as ' niavk of their high appreciation of the gractful manner j which you have discharged your duties , this trowel , which you have already used in connection with the proceedings of to-day , and also as a memento of your having laid the foundation-stone cf an institution whichjlias for its obicct the amelioration of the condition of thc poor blind ,
and opening up to them means of employm : nt and sources of recreation which lighten the burden of their heavy misfortune and- lessen the poignancy of their •„ reat calamity . ( Hear , Hear . ) It affords me the highest persona ! gratification to make this presentation . ( Cheers . ) Sir Michael Shaw Stewart , in acknowledging the gift , assured Bailie Muirhead that he would value the trowel ,
not only for its own intrinsic merits , but as a memento cf his having had the honour of taking part in thc opening of an institution of which he was satisfied they could not speak too highly . ( Cheers . ) The Lord High Commissioner , who was cordially cheered , then said—It is my pleasing duty now to declare this institution open . I shall only ask to be allowed to
congratulate the directors of this charitable institution upon their having happily been able to get the aid of the Kriemasons upon this occasion . ( Cheers . ) The Lord High Commissioner and party , Sir Michael Shaw Stewart , Lord Balfour ot Burleigh , the Lord Provost and magistrates of Edinburgh , and a number cf other gentleman afterwards proceeded to thc chapel of the
institution , where cake and wine were served—the inmates of the institution , under thc leadership of Mr . Grant , discoursing excellent music during the luncheon . The Lord High Commissioner having proposed the toast of " Thc Queen , " thc Lord Provost gave " The Lord Hi gh Commissioner and the Church of Scotland , " remarking that during tlic short time the Earl and Countess of Galloway had been
in Edinburgh they had won golden opinions from the inhabitants of the city . His Grace , after thanking the company on behalf of himself and the Countess , gave " Prosperity to tbe Royal Blind Asylum and School , " speaking ot tne jjood which had been accomplished separately by the institutions in thc past , and of the beneficial results that were likely to result from the amalgamation which
had recently taken place . His Grace coupled with thc toast thc names of Mr . John Boyd and Mr . Charles Cowan , who severally replied . A number of other toasts were afterwards proposed , including that of "The Grand Master Mason of Scotland , " who , in responding , took occasion to explain that he had been misinformed in stating that the institution had been opened free of debt . The company adjourned about six o ' clock .
Consecration Of The Bayard Lodge.
Thc latest addition to the metropolitan lodges is thc Bayard , No . 1615 , which was consecrated on Wednesday , 1 ; th inst ., the Earl of Limerick , thc Prov . Grand Master fur Bristol ( who Lord Carnarvon appointed Deputy Grand Master for the day , as Lord Skelmersdale , D . G . M .,
was also prevented from attending by official duty ) , presiding in the absence of the Pro Grand Master , the Earl of Carnarvon , who had intended to consecrate the lodge piTMinnll y , but at the last moment was summoned to a Cabiiu t Council . The Earl of Donoughmore , thc Senior Vjrand Warden , and the Hon . W . Warren Vernon , the Junior t > r ; ii' ., l Warden , were both present in their places , as well
ns Hi- Key . C . W . Arnold , the Grand Chaplain . Amongst other brethren of notability that we saw were Sir Edward Borough , Past D . G . M . of Ireland ; Lieut .-General jjroivnrigg , C . B ., P . G . M . tor Surrcv ; Colonel Burdett , I . G . M .. for Middlesex ; Major-General Clerk , F . R . S . ; Capt . N . G . Philips ; J . M . P . Montagu , D . P . G . M . Dorset ; Hyd : PullenPGSB the HonRGidd
, .... ; . . y , Major Shadwell Clerke , the Rev . R . J . Simpson , 1 -G . Chaplain ; John Hervey , Grand Sec . ; James L . I homas , P . M ., Prov . G . Supt . of W . Middx . After the consecration ceremony had been most satislactoril y performed by the Earl of Limerick , Col . Somerille as thc of
^ Burney was then installed First Master the i ° ' ky the Gram Secretary in his usual impressive « ylc , and the Worshi pful Master then invested the officers iw the year as follows : Bros . Frank Richardson , for Capt . ... . f ( who was prevented attending by duty with his "iilitia Regiment ) , as P . M . ; Cain . Lecson . S . W .-. A . E . T .
"atson , J . W . ; the Reverend R . J . Simpson , M . A ., Chap . ; ^ P- Compton , S . D . ; the Rev , Dr . Robbins , J . D . ; Capt . K ™ * JJodson , Sec . ; Robert Fyers , I . G . ; James Ar 11 i » " ' ' ; Col > Attye - and K " •Bedford , Stwds . Tli r " aruchso n was unanimously elected Treasurer . ne rounders of the lodge include thc names of Sir
Thor ; : "yQr > c ° ' . Adair , J' . Prov . G . M . Somersetshire ; PCM r 20 " ' C-13 ' ! C" > - Attyc , Captain Hunter , Count \ 1 Abcrdeenshire East ; the Chevalier Habicht ; laiT 1 1 apelle ' ' Frank R'chardson , P . M . No . 14 ; Tho L 1 ° " ' and other notable members of the Craft . « G ,, n CCtlngs of the loi , S are to beheld at No . Cafe H „ ? q- - . ban ( luct was held afterwards at the " ° yal in Air-street , and the following toasts
Consecration Of The Bayard Lodge.
were proposed : — " The Queen and the Craft , " * ' H . R . H . thc Prince of Wales , thc Grand Master , " "Thc Pro Grand Master , thc Earl of- Carnarvon , the Dep . G . M ., Lord Skelmersdale , and thc rest of thc Grand Officers . " In proposing this toast the WM . regretted that official duties of great importance prevented Lords Carnarvon and Skelmersdale from being present as they had intended , but thc Bayard Lodge was highly favoured with the presence of so many Grand Officers , and he coupled with the toast Col . Burdett , Prov . G . M . of Middlesex , who briefly returned thanks . Thc next foast was " The Grand Lodges of Ireland and Scotland . " The lodge was honoured that evening with the presence of a most esteemed brother , an unusual occurrence in London ,
but who was well-known and revered , Sir Edward Borough , Psst Dep . G . M . of Ireland . Scotland was represented by Bro . Capt . Lumsden , Substitute G . M . of Aberdeenshire East , who had been proposed as a joining member of the lodge . Sir Edward Borough returned thanks , expressing how greatly he was gratified by the kindness with which he
had been received , and stated that although he held rank and resided in Ireland he first saw the light in the Apollo Lodge , Oxford , of which he was still a member , he was much interested in seeing the formation of the Bayard Lodge , which fromlru military element in it , it must be " sans pejir , " and he felt quite sure from the foundation laid that day it would continue ever " sans reprochc . "
Capt . Lumsden returned thanks for thc Grand Lodge of Scotland . The W . M . then proposed "The Health of the Conseciating Officer , the Earl of Limerick , P . G . M . for Bristol , " who at the last moment had been deputed by the Pro Grand Master to act for him , and had so ably gone through the impressive ceremony . The Bayard Lodge
felt under great obligation to him for his kindness . Lord Limerick returned thanks , and stated that as three other lodges that he had consecrated were flourishing he was sure the Bayard Lodge would also flourish , and it had been a great pleasure to him to consecrate a lodge of so much promise , and he would venture to predict that it would
succeed and prove second to none . In conclusion he begged to propose "The Health of the W . M ., Lieut .-Col . Somerville Burney , " who had excited himself in forming the Bayard Lodge , and from what he knew of him in other degrees of Masonry he was sure he was a most zealous Mason , and felt certain that under his rule thc Bayard Lodge would have , what he now wished it , every
success . The W . M . returneil thanks , saying how proud and gratified he was at the success of his efforts , as proved by thc meeting of that day , but it was all owing , not to his own exertions , but to the kindness he had received on all sides , especially from the officers of the Friends in Council
Lodsre , who had taken so much interest 111 this lodge that he hoped he might consider it a "Junior Friends in Council , " in fact the name of thc Bayard was suggested by his seeing at the lime he was choosing a name a Masonic portrait , which he thought was so truly limned that he at once seized on it as most appropriate . Thc lodge was therefore named not only after the Kni ght " sans peur
et sans reproche " of four centuries back , but also after a well-known brother of the present time , Captain Philips , P . M . of thc Friends in Council , who was beloved and esteemed by all who knew him , and who was ever ready to assist by every means in his power any good work . Major General Clerk , as W . M ., returned thanks for the From Is in Council , and at a general call for him , Capt .
Philips responded for the BayarJ . " The Visitors " was responded to by the I Ion . R . Giddy , District G . M . designate of thc Cape of Good Hope . The W . M . then gave " The Officers of the Bayard Lodge , " saying he was already under great obligations to them for the assistance they had given him in forming the lodge , and that he looked to them to assist and enable
mm to wrrk the lodge , and they must remember that the great and unusual honour shown to the Bayard Lodge on its start , gratifying as it was to all concerned , was still a very great anxiety , as it threw on the . W . M . and officers of the lodge the gnat responsibility of proving themselves
worthy of the favour shown to them . Capt . Lecson , S . W ., responded on behalf of the officers in a very neat and appropriate speech . The Tyler ' s toast brought to a conclusion a most happy and successful meeting , and the W . M . received congratulations from all his friends .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
Thc summer entertainment to the aged inmates nf the Asy ' um at Croydon will take place at that establishment on the 13 th of June . The arrangements are now in active progress , and are calculated to prove very successful . Bro . Terry , the Secretary , has s ; cured thc services cf
Madame Thaddeus Wells , Bro . LawJcr , Bro . Seymour Smith , and other eminent musical artistes . There will be a plentiful round of amusements , as on last occasion , which our aged friends so highly appreciated . These periodical entertainments which , were inaugurated b y Bro .
Terry to enliven the declining days of the annuitants at tbe Asylum , have met with the general approval of the Craft , who assemble on these occasions , and add many choice pieces in thc shape of singing , recitations , and imitations to the programme . The company will assemble at four o ' clcck .
The Royal Dramatic College has received £ ^ 0 fiom thc Goldsmiths' Company , £ 50 from the Grocers ' Company , and 1 o guineas from the Saddlers' Company . DA . YI . IGHT reflected in davk rooms . Gas superseded in day time . Health , comfort , and economy promoted by adopting Chappuis' Patent Daylight Reflectors . — Manufactory , 69 , Flcet-slicet London .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
Election of House and Audit Committees , Saturday , 3 rd June , 1876 . Wc understand that the two brethren nominated as candidates for the House Committee , Bros . Diaper and Sanders , have withdrawn their candidature , consequently there will be no contested election . In the Audit Committee there being nominated one in excess of the number required , there will be an election .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
On dit that immediately upon the conclusion of the festivities in honour of the return of Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., Bro . H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught will go to Manchester to join his regiment there . In connection with this event it is rumoured in Masonic circles that His Royal Highness will initiate the Earl of Ellesmere into thc mysteries of the Craft , and that
on the occasion a large number of lodges in the north of England will unite in a great Masonic demonstration . The late Earl of Ellesmere was Provincial Grand Master for East Lancashire . There is also a rumour to the effect that the present Provincial Grand Master ( Bro . Le Gendre Starkie ) will resign in favour of the Duke of Connaught .
The Fifteen Sections will be worked at the Constitutional Lodge of Instruction , No . 55 , Wheatsheaf Hotel , Hand-court , Holborn , W . C , by the ' brethren of the Salisbury Lodge of Instruction , No . 433 , on Tuesday next , thc 30 th of May . Bro . J . Mander , KM . 1201 , will preside . The lodge will be opened at 6 . 30 p . m . precisely . On the nomination of the Master and Fellows
of St . Peter ' s College , Professor Kalley Miller , W . M . Of the Royal Naval College Lodge , Greenwich , No . 1593 , has been appointed Senior Moderator of the University of Cambridge for thc ensuing year . Also , on the nomination of the Master and Fellows of Emanuel College , Professor Grcenhill , Woolwich , of the Isaac Newton University Lodge , No . 850 , has been appointed Junior
Moderator . I he Moderators are the principal examiners for the mathematical tripos at which the Senior Wranglership is decided . The only previous occasion on which both Moderators have been Masons was in 187 r , when Bro . H . H . Taylor , Tutor of Trinity , was Senior Moderator , and Bro . Kalley Miller Junior Moderator . The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand
Lodge of Lincolnshire takes place on Tuesday , June 6 th . The summer half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England will be held on thc 6 th prox ., at the Masonic Hall , 33 , Golden-square . Grand Lodge will be opened at five o'clock , when the installation of Grand Master for the ensuing year will take place .
Bro . the Right Honourable Lord Suffield , who accompanied the Prince of Wales to India , returned to North Walsham , Noifolk , on Monday night , and was heartily welcomed and - entertained . His lordship , in speaking of India , said the native army was in fine
condition . In his opinion , the natives were attached to England . The foundation-stone of a new Masonic Hall was laid in Sheffield , on Tuesday , by Bro . Dr . Bartolome , in the presence of a large gathering of the fraternity . An account of the proceedings will be given in our
next . His Grace the Duke of Abercorn , Lord Lieutenant of Ireland , M . W . G . M ., on Tuesday last formally opened the Belfast Industrial Exhibition in presence of a large and distinguished assemblage . His Grace was presented with an address from the Committee of . Exhibition and another from the members of the Working Men's
Institute in connection with which the Exhibition is being held . The Duke and suite then inspected the various sections of thc Exhibition , after which he proceeded to Queen's College , where he was presented with an address by the president and professors . His Grace also received an address from the Freemasons . At half past two o ' clock the Lord-Lieutenant was entertained at luncheon in the
Townhall , by the Mayor . We are authorised to state that her Majesty ' s State Ball , which was announced fcr May 23 , will take place on Thursday , June r . Bro . Alderman Hadley jnesided at an entertainment given on Thursday by the Church of England Young Men ' s Society ( Southwark branch ) in aid of St . "
Mary's Church , Clarence-street . The entertainment was under the patronage of the Lord Mayor and the Sheriffs of . London and Middlesex . Bro . tho Right Hon . Lord Carnarvon , Pro , Grand Master , returned from Pixton on Sunday night . Thc Dowager Lady Carnarvon is not so seriously ill as was supposed .
Dr . Robert Stewart , of Streatham , desires to express his gratitude and thanks- to the numerous kind friends and brothers who sent their votes in his favour for the election of annuitants of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Asylum . Mrs . Blackburn , Widow of thc late William Blackburn , P . M ., P . Z ., desires to express her
deep gratitude and warmest thanks to those members of the Royal Masonic Annuit y Fund who , by their contribution of votes or valuable assistance in procuring them , enabled her at the recent election to secure the benefits of thc above fund , and to assure them that tlieir kindly aid will ever be held by her in the most grateful remembrance .
Mrs . Jane Burton begs to exjjress her heartfelt gratitude for their kindness in electing . her on her first appeal .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Laving Memorial Stone Of The Royal Blind Asylum And School At West Craigmillar, Edinburgh.
,-c air of this locality , and can enjoy and profit by all t '16 ') U liances for their comfort , for their healh , and for their t ' liiiess , which have been so well considered and cfii-C ! | l r carried out . ( Cheers . ) May this institution long Cie " » r and may it be the model upon which , in different ' of ' the country , other institutions of a similar nature ' , ar'S be built . ( Cheers . ) I wish you , gentlemen , all prosma ^ ; n your new institution . May the future i-istory of its inmates
l •« building always ten or tne nappiness or , 1 ' d reflect credit upon the memory of its founders . ( Loud cheers . ) Bailie Muirhead , chairman of the Institution Opening Committee ( addressing the Grand Master Mason)—It is v my p leasing duty to thank you , in name of the directors of the Royal Blind Asylum and School , for your
urescncc here to-day , and to offer for your acceptance , as ' niavk of their high appreciation of the gractful manner j which you have discharged your duties , this trowel , which you have already used in connection with the proceedings of to-day , and also as a memento of your having laid the foundation-stone cf an institution whichjlias for its obicct the amelioration of the condition of thc poor blind ,
and opening up to them means of employm : nt and sources of recreation which lighten the burden of their heavy misfortune and- lessen the poignancy of their •„ reat calamity . ( Hear , Hear . ) It affords me the highest persona ! gratification to make this presentation . ( Cheers . ) Sir Michael Shaw Stewart , in acknowledging the gift , assured Bailie Muirhead that he would value the trowel ,
not only for its own intrinsic merits , but as a memento cf his having had the honour of taking part in thc opening of an institution of which he was satisfied they could not speak too highly . ( Cheers . ) The Lord High Commissioner , who was cordially cheered , then said—It is my pleasing duty now to declare this institution open . I shall only ask to be allowed to
congratulate the directors of this charitable institution upon their having happily been able to get the aid of the Kriemasons upon this occasion . ( Cheers . ) The Lord High Commissioner and party , Sir Michael Shaw Stewart , Lord Balfour ot Burleigh , the Lord Provost and magistrates of Edinburgh , and a number cf other gentleman afterwards proceeded to thc chapel of the
institution , where cake and wine were served—the inmates of the institution , under thc leadership of Mr . Grant , discoursing excellent music during the luncheon . The Lord High Commissioner having proposed the toast of " Thc Queen , " thc Lord Provost gave " The Lord Hi gh Commissioner and the Church of Scotland , " remarking that during tlic short time the Earl and Countess of Galloway had been
in Edinburgh they had won golden opinions from the inhabitants of the city . His Grace , after thanking the company on behalf of himself and the Countess , gave " Prosperity to tbe Royal Blind Asylum and School , " speaking ot tne jjood which had been accomplished separately by the institutions in thc past , and of the beneficial results that were likely to result from the amalgamation which
had recently taken place . His Grace coupled with thc toast thc names of Mr . John Boyd and Mr . Charles Cowan , who severally replied . A number of other toasts were afterwards proposed , including that of "The Grand Master Mason of Scotland , " who , in responding , took occasion to explain that he had been misinformed in stating that the institution had been opened free of debt . The company adjourned about six o ' clock .
Consecration Of The Bayard Lodge.
Thc latest addition to the metropolitan lodges is thc Bayard , No . 1615 , which was consecrated on Wednesday , 1 ; th inst ., the Earl of Limerick , thc Prov . Grand Master fur Bristol ( who Lord Carnarvon appointed Deputy Grand Master for the day , as Lord Skelmersdale , D . G . M .,
was also prevented from attending by official duty ) , presiding in the absence of the Pro Grand Master , the Earl of Carnarvon , who had intended to consecrate the lodge piTMinnll y , but at the last moment was summoned to a Cabiiu t Council . The Earl of Donoughmore , thc Senior Vjrand Warden , and the Hon . W . Warren Vernon , the Junior t > r ; ii' ., l Warden , were both present in their places , as well
ns Hi- Key . C . W . Arnold , the Grand Chaplain . Amongst other brethren of notability that we saw were Sir Edward Borough , Past D . G . M . of Ireland ; Lieut .-General jjroivnrigg , C . B ., P . G . M . tor Surrcv ; Colonel Burdett , I . G . M .. for Middlesex ; Major-General Clerk , F . R . S . ; Capt . N . G . Philips ; J . M . P . Montagu , D . P . G . M . Dorset ; Hyd : PullenPGSB the HonRGidd
, .... ; . . y , Major Shadwell Clerke , the Rev . R . J . Simpson , 1 -G . Chaplain ; John Hervey , Grand Sec . ; James L . I homas , P . M ., Prov . G . Supt . of W . Middx . After the consecration ceremony had been most satislactoril y performed by the Earl of Limerick , Col . Somerille as thc of
^ Burney was then installed First Master the i ° ' ky the Gram Secretary in his usual impressive « ylc , and the Worshi pful Master then invested the officers iw the year as follows : Bros . Frank Richardson , for Capt . ... . f ( who was prevented attending by duty with his "iilitia Regiment ) , as P . M . ; Cain . Lecson . S . W .-. A . E . T .
"atson , J . W . ; the Reverend R . J . Simpson , M . A ., Chap . ; ^ P- Compton , S . D . ; the Rev , Dr . Robbins , J . D . ; Capt . K ™ * JJodson , Sec . ; Robert Fyers , I . G . ; James Ar 11 i » " ' ' ; Col > Attye - and K " •Bedford , Stwds . Tli r " aruchso n was unanimously elected Treasurer . ne rounders of the lodge include thc names of Sir
Thor ; : "yQr > c ° ' . Adair , J' . Prov . G . M . Somersetshire ; PCM r 20 " ' C-13 ' ! C" > - Attyc , Captain Hunter , Count \ 1 Abcrdeenshire East ; the Chevalier Habicht ; laiT 1 1 apelle ' ' Frank R'chardson , P . M . No . 14 ; Tho L 1 ° " ' and other notable members of the Craft . « G ,, n CCtlngs of the loi , S are to beheld at No . Cafe H „ ? q- - . ban ( luct was held afterwards at the " ° yal in Air-street , and the following toasts
Consecration Of The Bayard Lodge.
were proposed : — " The Queen and the Craft , " * ' H . R . H . thc Prince of Wales , thc Grand Master , " "Thc Pro Grand Master , thc Earl of- Carnarvon , the Dep . G . M ., Lord Skelmersdale , and thc rest of thc Grand Officers . " In proposing this toast the WM . regretted that official duties of great importance prevented Lords Carnarvon and Skelmersdale from being present as they had intended , but thc Bayard Lodge was highly favoured with the presence of so many Grand Officers , and he coupled with the toast Col . Burdett , Prov . G . M . of Middlesex , who briefly returned thanks . Thc next foast was " The Grand Lodges of Ireland and Scotland . " The lodge was honoured that evening with the presence of a most esteemed brother , an unusual occurrence in London ,
but who was well-known and revered , Sir Edward Borough , Psst Dep . G . M . of Ireland . Scotland was represented by Bro . Capt . Lumsden , Substitute G . M . of Aberdeenshire East , who had been proposed as a joining member of the lodge . Sir Edward Borough returned thanks , expressing how greatly he was gratified by the kindness with which he
had been received , and stated that although he held rank and resided in Ireland he first saw the light in the Apollo Lodge , Oxford , of which he was still a member , he was much interested in seeing the formation of the Bayard Lodge , which fromlru military element in it , it must be " sans pejir , " and he felt quite sure from the foundation laid that day it would continue ever " sans reprochc . "
Capt . Lumsden returned thanks for thc Grand Lodge of Scotland . The W . M . then proposed "The Health of the Conseciating Officer , the Earl of Limerick , P . G . M . for Bristol , " who at the last moment had been deputed by the Pro Grand Master to act for him , and had so ably gone through the impressive ceremony . The Bayard Lodge
felt under great obligation to him for his kindness . Lord Limerick returned thanks , and stated that as three other lodges that he had consecrated were flourishing he was sure the Bayard Lodge would also flourish , and it had been a great pleasure to him to consecrate a lodge of so much promise , and he would venture to predict that it would
succeed and prove second to none . In conclusion he begged to propose "The Health of the W . M ., Lieut .-Col . Somerville Burney , " who had excited himself in forming the Bayard Lodge , and from what he knew of him in other degrees of Masonry he was sure he was a most zealous Mason , and felt certain that under his rule thc Bayard Lodge would have , what he now wished it , every
success . The W . M . returneil thanks , saying how proud and gratified he was at the success of his efforts , as proved by thc meeting of that day , but it was all owing , not to his own exertions , but to the kindness he had received on all sides , especially from the officers of the Friends in Council
Lodsre , who had taken so much interest 111 this lodge that he hoped he might consider it a "Junior Friends in Council , " in fact the name of thc Bayard was suggested by his seeing at the lime he was choosing a name a Masonic portrait , which he thought was so truly limned that he at once seized on it as most appropriate . Thc lodge was therefore named not only after the Kni ght " sans peur
et sans reproche " of four centuries back , but also after a well-known brother of the present time , Captain Philips , P . M . of thc Friends in Council , who was beloved and esteemed by all who knew him , and who was ever ready to assist by every means in his power any good work . Major General Clerk , as W . M ., returned thanks for the From Is in Council , and at a general call for him , Capt .
Philips responded for the BayarJ . " The Visitors " was responded to by the I Ion . R . Giddy , District G . M . designate of thc Cape of Good Hope . The W . M . then gave " The Officers of the Bayard Lodge , " saying he was already under great obligations to them for the assistance they had given him in forming the lodge , and that he looked to them to assist and enable
mm to wrrk the lodge , and they must remember that the great and unusual honour shown to the Bayard Lodge on its start , gratifying as it was to all concerned , was still a very great anxiety , as it threw on the . W . M . and officers of the lodge the gnat responsibility of proving themselves
worthy of the favour shown to them . Capt . Lecson , S . W ., responded on behalf of the officers in a very neat and appropriate speech . The Tyler ' s toast brought to a conclusion a most happy and successful meeting , and the W . M . received congratulations from all his friends .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
Thc summer entertainment to the aged inmates nf the Asy ' um at Croydon will take place at that establishment on the 13 th of June . The arrangements are now in active progress , and are calculated to prove very successful . Bro . Terry , the Secretary , has s ; cured thc services cf
Madame Thaddeus Wells , Bro . LawJcr , Bro . Seymour Smith , and other eminent musical artistes . There will be a plentiful round of amusements , as on last occasion , which our aged friends so highly appreciated . These periodical entertainments which , were inaugurated b y Bro .
Terry to enliven the declining days of the annuitants at tbe Asylum , have met with the general approval of the Craft , who assemble on these occasions , and add many choice pieces in thc shape of singing , recitations , and imitations to the programme . The company will assemble at four o ' clcck .
The Royal Dramatic College has received £ ^ 0 fiom thc Goldsmiths' Company , £ 50 from the Grocers ' Company , and 1 o guineas from the Saddlers' Company . DA . YI . IGHT reflected in davk rooms . Gas superseded in day time . Health , comfort , and economy promoted by adopting Chappuis' Patent Daylight Reflectors . — Manufactory , 69 , Flcet-slicet London .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
Election of House and Audit Committees , Saturday , 3 rd June , 1876 . Wc understand that the two brethren nominated as candidates for the House Committee , Bros . Diaper and Sanders , have withdrawn their candidature , consequently there will be no contested election . In the Audit Committee there being nominated one in excess of the number required , there will be an election .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
On dit that immediately upon the conclusion of the festivities in honour of the return of Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., Bro . H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught will go to Manchester to join his regiment there . In connection with this event it is rumoured in Masonic circles that His Royal Highness will initiate the Earl of Ellesmere into thc mysteries of the Craft , and that
on the occasion a large number of lodges in the north of England will unite in a great Masonic demonstration . The late Earl of Ellesmere was Provincial Grand Master for East Lancashire . There is also a rumour to the effect that the present Provincial Grand Master ( Bro . Le Gendre Starkie ) will resign in favour of the Duke of Connaught .
The Fifteen Sections will be worked at the Constitutional Lodge of Instruction , No . 55 , Wheatsheaf Hotel , Hand-court , Holborn , W . C , by the ' brethren of the Salisbury Lodge of Instruction , No . 433 , on Tuesday next , thc 30 th of May . Bro . J . Mander , KM . 1201 , will preside . The lodge will be opened at 6 . 30 p . m . precisely . On the nomination of the Master and Fellows
of St . Peter ' s College , Professor Kalley Miller , W . M . Of the Royal Naval College Lodge , Greenwich , No . 1593 , has been appointed Senior Moderator of the University of Cambridge for thc ensuing year . Also , on the nomination of the Master and Fellows of Emanuel College , Professor Grcenhill , Woolwich , of the Isaac Newton University Lodge , No . 850 , has been appointed Junior
Moderator . I he Moderators are the principal examiners for the mathematical tripos at which the Senior Wranglership is decided . The only previous occasion on which both Moderators have been Masons was in 187 r , when Bro . H . H . Taylor , Tutor of Trinity , was Senior Moderator , and Bro . Kalley Miller Junior Moderator . The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand
Lodge of Lincolnshire takes place on Tuesday , June 6 th . The summer half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England will be held on thc 6 th prox ., at the Masonic Hall , 33 , Golden-square . Grand Lodge will be opened at five o'clock , when the installation of Grand Master for the ensuing year will take place .
Bro . the Right Honourable Lord Suffield , who accompanied the Prince of Wales to India , returned to North Walsham , Noifolk , on Monday night , and was heartily welcomed and - entertained . His lordship , in speaking of India , said the native army was in fine
condition . In his opinion , the natives were attached to England . The foundation-stone of a new Masonic Hall was laid in Sheffield , on Tuesday , by Bro . Dr . Bartolome , in the presence of a large gathering of the fraternity . An account of the proceedings will be given in our
next . His Grace the Duke of Abercorn , Lord Lieutenant of Ireland , M . W . G . M ., on Tuesday last formally opened the Belfast Industrial Exhibition in presence of a large and distinguished assemblage . His Grace was presented with an address from the Committee of . Exhibition and another from the members of the Working Men's
Institute in connection with which the Exhibition is being held . The Duke and suite then inspected the various sections of thc Exhibition , after which he proceeded to Queen's College , where he was presented with an address by the president and professors . His Grace also received an address from the Freemasons . At half past two o ' clock the Lord-Lieutenant was entertained at luncheon in the
Townhall , by the Mayor . We are authorised to state that her Majesty ' s State Ball , which was announced fcr May 23 , will take place on Thursday , June r . Bro . Alderman Hadley jnesided at an entertainment given on Thursday by the Church of England Young Men ' s Society ( Southwark branch ) in aid of St . "
Mary's Church , Clarence-street . The entertainment was under the patronage of the Lord Mayor and the Sheriffs of . London and Middlesex . Bro . tho Right Hon . Lord Carnarvon , Pro , Grand Master , returned from Pixton on Sunday night . Thc Dowager Lady Carnarvon is not so seriously ill as was supposed .
Dr . Robert Stewart , of Streatham , desires to express his gratitude and thanks- to the numerous kind friends and brothers who sent their votes in his favour for the election of annuitants of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Asylum . Mrs . Blackburn , Widow of thc late William Blackburn , P . M ., P . Z ., desires to express her
deep gratitude and warmest thanks to those members of the Royal Masonic Annuit y Fund who , by their contribution of votes or valuable assistance in procuring them , enabled her at the recent election to secure the benefits of thc above fund , and to assure them that tlieir kindly aid will ever be held by her in the most grateful remembrance .
Mrs . Jane Burton begs to exjjress her heartfelt gratitude for their kindness in electing . her on her first appeal .