Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
On the list for election were 23 ma ' e and 32 female candidates ; thc vacancies were 17 men and ic widows ; and these have been filled up ; and thc committee have also determined in view oi the increasing support accorded b y the Craft to place ten additional widows upon the Fund , so that after the election there will be 130 men each receiving £ 40 and no widows each receiving £ 32
per annum . There are also 15 widows receiving half thc pension previously enjoyed by their late husbands , and which is paid them for a period of three years , unless they arc elected to the full pens'on before the expiration of that time . These various payments will absorb a sum of £ 8972 per annum , being an increase of the amount paid the annuitants during the past four years of £ 35 6 . ; . The
committee trust that the Craft will gladly support them in their endeavours to confer the greatest amount of good consistently with the permanent stability of the institution . To the Grand Lodge of England the committee tender their renewed thanks for again granting £ 70 to enable thc committee to provide coals during the winter months for
the residents of the institution at Croydon , a gift which is very keenly appreciated by them . A vacancy in the trusteeship has been created by the death of the "W . Bro . John Savage , P . G . D ., and one oi thc Vice-Presidents . Bro . Savage ' s connection with thc institution extended over many years , and the committee deeply deplore the loss they have sustained by his removal
from them . This vacancy will have tc be filled up to-day . We have also to record the death of Bro . W . Farnfield , who held the position of Secretary for thirty years . In him the institution ever had an excellent officer ; and his death is sincerely regretted by the committee . The institution at Croydon is in a thorough state of repair , and the residents , under the watchful care of the
Honorary Surgeon , Henry John Strong , Esq ., M . D ., ( to whom the committee are under many obligations ) , enjoy good health considering their advanced years . The large number of candidates continually coming before the committee shews tht necessity of renewed efforts being made to increase the funds to enable them to cope more effectually with the claims upon their sympathy ;
and they doubt not but that the Craft will in the future , as it has nobly done in the past , uphold them in their endeavours to relieve every deserving case which may be brought before them . They feel assured that the brethren will co-operate with them , inasmuch as the cause is one worthy of their sympathy and suppoit ; and the committee in asking the Craft to give support feci they cannot
do better than quote thc words of the M . W . Pro G . M ., the Earl of Carnarvon , when presiding at the anniversary festival in 1869 : — " I believe that there is no charity greater or more beneficent , or practically more useful than that which in the decline of life , with the growth of infirmities , in the period of sickness , above all , in the period of helplessness , extends a relief from all thee tribulations ,
and yet does net separate the aged man from thc partner of his life , from his children , from his friends with whom lie may have been associated in the past , which docs not compel him violently and compulsorily to snap all those cords , all those ties and connections of sympathy which have been the work of a lifetime , rind which he will carry down , at least in his affections , lo the grave to which
he is hastening . To this report was subjoined a statement of the receipts and disbursements during the past year , ending the 31 st March , 1876 , together with thc particulars of the permanent income of the institution . ( Signed ) J CREATON , Chairman .
This report having been received and adopted , Bro . Joseph Smith moved , and Bro . Capt . Wordsworth seconded the re-election of Bros . Adlard , Bellerby , and W . Hale on the committee of management . This was carried unanimously ; and Bro . John Symonds , II . G .
Warren , and A . 11 . Tattershall were chosen auditors . On the motion of Bro . Joseph Smith , seconded by Bro . S . Rawson , the Rev . C . J . Martyn , Past G . Chaplain , was elected Trustee in place of the late Bro . John Savage .
The Scrutineers of votes were afterwards appointed , and the election of 21 out of 32 widows was proceeded with , There being sufficient vacancies for all thc male candidates no election on the male fund was hel . l ; consequently these brethren were placed on the list : —
1 Hagan , Charles . 13 York , Hubert . 2 Rogers , John . 14 Mann , Charles . 3 Roads , Charles . is ; Car : utlnrs , James . 4 Greathead , William . 16 SchoficM , Robert . e . Noel , John . 17 Green , William . ' ( , Wood ' , John . 18 Miller , Thomas .
7 Nash , William Henry . 19 Cogan , Robert . 8 Irving , John . 20 Rose , John . 9 W ' aterson , John . 21 Johnson , John . 10 Dashwond , Henry'I ' . 22 Stewart , Robert . 11 Rodcn , Thomas . 23 Thaclahwaite , Robert . 12 Brown , William .
The following was declared to be the result of the election : — SuccEssruL . No on Voting Names . Votes . Paper .
j 6 Hoare , Henrietta •. 1009 17 Blackburn , Eliza W 1044 26 Burton , Jane 903 4 Gidncy , Lydia 7 6 3 25 Johnson , Harriet 7 ° 3 12 Cow . cn , Harriet 676 13 Keen , Mary , , ,,, „ , 684
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
20 Harvey , Honor O 54 32 Kcddell , Martha F 6 34 8 Rcdick , Maria 620 30 Brown , Sarah ( 119 11 Charlton , Sarah G 16 24 Govier , Elizabeth 615 21 Froud , Mary , 59 . 5 .
31 Wingficld , Frances 590 22 Rogers , Frances 552 1 Tidswell , Susannan 541 9 Edwards , Eleanor 539 29 Lundy , Charlotte 538 6 Wilkes , Elizabeth 513 14 Russell , Sarah 446
UNSUCCESSFUL . 7 Dark , Ann 443 28 Trotter , Ann 351 27 P * ckwood , Emily 273 3 Churchill , Elizabeth 203 2 Wrcyford , Elizabeth 195 23 Thompson , Julia 177
15 Shearer , Ann 86 10 Chipchase , Emily 44 5 Elliott , Isabella 24 19 Stansfield , Alice 18 Dows ? , Sarah . ( Withdrawn by Order of Committee ) Bro . W . Hale proposed and Bro . II . Garrod seconded a
vote of thanks to the scrutineers , which being carried Bro . S . Rawson responded . The result of thi election was then ordered to be advertised , with the names ot the successful candidates , and it was also ordered that the proceedings of the day be
printed and circulated among the lodges and Chapters . Bro . Garrod moved , and Bro . Adamson seconded a vote of thanks to Col . Creaton for presiding . This motion was carried unanimously , and Colonel Creaton having acknowledged the compliment , the brethren separated .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Berks And Bucks.
One of the largest Masonic gatherings that has ever taken place in this province was held at Reading , on 'Tuesday , the 16 th inst ., the Berks and Bucks Provincial Grand Lodge being convened at the Albert Mall , Friar-street , which had been suitably prepared for the purpose .
Members of the two lodges in that town , augmented by numerous arrivals from the lodges at Abingdon , Maidenhead , Newbury , Windsor , Aylesbury , Hig h Wycombe , Buckingham , Newport Pagnell , and visitors from other provinces , assembled at thc hall at one o'clock , and the officers of the Prowncial Grand Lodge entering thc hall in procession were received bv the general body of Masons
wuh the accustomed honours . 1 lie night Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master , Sir D . micl Guucli , But ., M . P ., presided , supported by his deputy , the Rev . J . S . Brownrigg , mid the Prov . Grind Officer .- " , among whom were Bros . Moxhay , Biggs , Wcightman , I lodges , R . Bradley , Williams , Woodliouse , Bulley , Brown , Winkfield , Powell , Key , Burns , Carter , Hurley , Botley ; Revs . Fraser
Campbell and A . Robins , and others well known in the province as " expert" Craltsmcn . 'The visitors included Bros . Mercer , IV . st Grand Master of China ; Gol . hiey , M . I' ., Deputy Grand Master fur Wilts ; Toomcr , Wilts ; Dewe , Hants ; Birch , Middlesex ; kc . We also noticed present Bros . Baker , Ballard , Powell , Clarke , Morland , Shepherd , Tonikins , Barrett , D'Almaiuc , Gooch , Palmer ,
Reeve , Policy , Glover , King , Nowcll , Westlield , rrascr , Huckoalc , Dent , Dunks , Mount , A . Welch , Parry , Baker , Albury , Blackwell , Stiansome , S . Bradley , Geo . Cosbuin , Cave , Flanagan , Major Stephens , Ferguson , Ilavcnor , Knight , Wi i-. ler , Jarman , Christian , Beal , Margrctt , Oades , Co ' . trv . 'l , Newman , Pollard , Balding , & c , in all rather more III in 100 .
The roll having been called , and the minutes of the P . G . Lodge I :-I I at A ylesbury last year read and confirmed , the Prov . G . . -. c . read the finance report , Bro . Chancellor , the'Treas ., U . itig absent in consequence of indisposition . The Pmv . G . Sec . also read the reports of the Charity Committee , and the lodges in thc province . The members now numbered 630 . 'There had been 89 initiations during the year , and the joining members numbered 39 . The balances in the lodges amounted to upwards of X ' 8 oo .
'The P . G . M . said it was hi g hly gratifying to know that there h-d been a steady increase during the past 12 month . ' :. 11 ; hoped that those lodges which had not yet given their i-uppoir to the Provincial Charity Fund would see the pv- 'juiety of doing so . Hitherto thc amount voted from thc Grand Lodge funds to the charity fund had been 20 guineas , ln : t as thc number of lodges had been latterly
increased thc demand upon thc charity fund was likely to become greater , and he therefore thought they might safely increase the grant to 25 guineas . He accordingl y proposed a motion to that effect . The D . G . M . said that as the primary object of their institution was charity there was no reason why they should hoard up their funds ; and he felt they would be perfectly
justified in augmenting the grant to the charity fund year by year as necessity may arise . He therefore seconded the motion , which was put by thc P . G . M . and adopted . Thc D . G . M . then moved that £ 73 10 s . be transferred from the charity fund in grants of five and seven guineas
c . - . ch to those lodges which had made substantial contribuliims t-i the fund . This proposal was seconded by Bro . Williams and carried . Bro . Chancellor was uannimously re-elected Treasurer , being proposed by the P . G . M . and seconded by the
D . G . M . 'The D . G . M . then proposed , and the P . G . M . seconded , a resolution having for its object the more effectual disposal
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Berks And Bucks.
of the votes for the Masonic institutions held by the various lodges , and also by individual members , and this was carried " 11 cm . cor .. " Bios . Winkfield , P . M . 591 ; Hodges , P . M . 795 ; and Powell , P . M . 943 , were then respectively invested with the Provincial Charity Jewel . Thc Provincial Grand Master then appointed and invested the Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year as follows : —
Bros . H . H . Hodges , P . M . 79 ? , Prov . S . G . W . ; R . C . Hurley , P . M . not , Prov . J . G . W . ; Rev . F . Campbell , 5 74 , Prov . G . Chaplain ; Rev . A . Robins , P . M . 771 . . Prov . G . Chaplain ; George Chancellor , P . M . nor , Prov . G . Treasurer ; H . Poynter , P . M . 948 , Prov . G . Registrar ; W . Biggs , P . M . 574 , Prov . G . Secretary ; josh . Blowers , P . M . 414 , Prov . G . S .
Deacon ; W . J . Powell , P . M . 943 , Prov . G . J . Deacon ; H . D . Gooch , P . M . 631 , Prov . G . Sup . of Wks . ; J . O . Carter , P . M . 209 , Prov . G . Dir . of Cer . ; John ' Palmer , P . M . 1501 , Prov . G . Asst . Dir . of Cer . ; John Reeve , W . M ! S 40 , Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; P . Glover , 574 , Prov . G . Organist ; W . King , P . M . 948 , Prov . G . Pursuivant ; C . Nowcll , 771 , Prov . G . Asst .
Pursuivant ; I ' . Wcslficld , Sec . 1501 ; D . W . Frazer , S . W . 1410 ; W . Huckoale , S . D . 1301 ; M . W . Dent , J . D . 1301 ; J . E . Danks , not ; R . C . Mount , 414 , Prov . G . Stewards ; and W . Hemmings , Prov . G . Tyler . The P . G . M . having expressed his thanks to Bros . Mercer and Goldncy for having honoured the gathering
with their presence , those gentlemen briefly addressed the brethren . Thc P . G . M . then announced that the next Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at Hi gh Wycombe ; and the business of the lodge was soon afterwards brought to a close .
•At three o ' clock the officers and brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet at the Queen's Hotel , the chair being occupied by the Provincial Grand Master , who , on the introduction of dessert , proposed the toast of " The Queen and thc Craft , " followed by that of " His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , Most Worshipful Grand Master of England , and thc rest of the Royal Family , " the P . G . M . expressing thc joy that all must feel through thc safe and happy return of His Royal Highness from his Indian tour .
The next toast was that of " The Most Worshi pful the Pro Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the ' Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of England , Past and Present . " The D . G . M . proposed " 'The I lealth of the Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master , Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., " which was received with the greatest
possible enthusiasm . 'The D . G . M . believed he was correct in saying that it was an established rule that thc busiest men were always most attentive to business , and this was certainly true in the ca « c of Sir Daniel Good ,, who was always engaged with business ot importance , and there were few men who transacted business matters more efficiently than Sir Daniel , and vet he found time to attend to
his duties as Grand Master of this Province , besides which he attended the meetings of the Grand Lodge of England with great regularity . ( Cheers . ) As a province they might certainly congratulate themselves on having at their head one who had distinguished himself , whether in the undertakings of every day business or in his duties as a Mason . ( Cheers . )
'The P . G . M ., in returning thanks , observed that it had given him great pleasure to see the Provincial Grand Lodge so largely attended . It was true he had a great many engagements to occupy his time and attention , but supported and encouraged as he was by the brethren of this province lie could not but discharge his Masonic duties to the best of his power and ability . ( Cheers . ) 'They
had heard from their able Secretary , Bro . Biggs , how the lodges were progressing , and also of the support given to the charities , and lie could only ask them to continue in the same course , and he hoped that when they assembled at Wycombe next year they would have as much reason to be pleased with the results as on this occasion . ( Cheers . ) The P . G . M . then proposed "The Health of his Deputy ,
Bro . the Rev . J . S . Brownrigg , " speaking of him as a zealous , active , anil good Mason , who had rendered him great assistance in fulfilling his duties as P . G . M ., ( Cheers . ) The P . G . M . also spoke in warm terms of the valuable services of the Rev . Sir John Warren Hayes , who for many years efficiently performed the duties of D . G . M . and whose name he associated with the toast .
'The D . G . M assured thc brethren it gave him sincere pleasure to be of service to them , and said he had the fullest authciily for stating that every lodge in the province was in a satisfactory state . ( Cheers . ) 'The Rev . Sir J . W . Hayes , Bart ., thanked the brethren for this renewed expression of their kind and fraternal feeling and attributed to the great and beneficial change that
had occurred with regard to Freemasonry in this province during the pet 10 years to the energy of Sir Daniel Gooch , and also to r ! ij circumstance that the Deputy Grand Master resided in thc Bucks Division of the province . He hoped the prosp-. rity which now characterised Masonry would not only continue , but increase year after year . ( Cheers . )
'The P . G . M . proposed " The Health of thc Visitors , " remarking that it gave him particular pleasure to couple with this toast "The Health cf Br . ' . Goldney , " who ably filled the position of Deputy Grand Master for the Province of Wiltshire—an office which he himself held for many years , during which he formed associations and
friendship upon which he looked back with a great amount of pleasure . ( Cheers . ) 13 ro . Goldncy , in thanking the brethren , said it not only delighted him to have been the guest of their esteemed Grand Master , but he was charmed w $ i all he had seen and heard that day , and he hoped Freemasonry would long
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
On the list for election were 23 ma ' e and 32 female candidates ; thc vacancies were 17 men and ic widows ; and these have been filled up ; and thc committee have also determined in view oi the increasing support accorded b y the Craft to place ten additional widows upon the Fund , so that after the election there will be 130 men each receiving £ 40 and no widows each receiving £ 32
per annum . There are also 15 widows receiving half thc pension previously enjoyed by their late husbands , and which is paid them for a period of three years , unless they arc elected to the full pens'on before the expiration of that time . These various payments will absorb a sum of £ 8972 per annum , being an increase of the amount paid the annuitants during the past four years of £ 35 6 . ; . The
committee trust that the Craft will gladly support them in their endeavours to confer the greatest amount of good consistently with the permanent stability of the institution . To the Grand Lodge of England the committee tender their renewed thanks for again granting £ 70 to enable thc committee to provide coals during the winter months for
the residents of the institution at Croydon , a gift which is very keenly appreciated by them . A vacancy in the trusteeship has been created by the death of the "W . Bro . John Savage , P . G . D ., and one oi thc Vice-Presidents . Bro . Savage ' s connection with thc institution extended over many years , and the committee deeply deplore the loss they have sustained by his removal
from them . This vacancy will have tc be filled up to-day . We have also to record the death of Bro . W . Farnfield , who held the position of Secretary for thirty years . In him the institution ever had an excellent officer ; and his death is sincerely regretted by the committee . The institution at Croydon is in a thorough state of repair , and the residents , under the watchful care of the
Honorary Surgeon , Henry John Strong , Esq ., M . D ., ( to whom the committee are under many obligations ) , enjoy good health considering their advanced years . The large number of candidates continually coming before the committee shews tht necessity of renewed efforts being made to increase the funds to enable them to cope more effectually with the claims upon their sympathy ;
and they doubt not but that the Craft will in the future , as it has nobly done in the past , uphold them in their endeavours to relieve every deserving case which may be brought before them . They feel assured that the brethren will co-operate with them , inasmuch as the cause is one worthy of their sympathy and suppoit ; and the committee in asking the Craft to give support feci they cannot
do better than quote thc words of the M . W . Pro G . M ., the Earl of Carnarvon , when presiding at the anniversary festival in 1869 : — " I believe that there is no charity greater or more beneficent , or practically more useful than that which in the decline of life , with the growth of infirmities , in the period of sickness , above all , in the period of helplessness , extends a relief from all thee tribulations ,
and yet does net separate the aged man from thc partner of his life , from his children , from his friends with whom lie may have been associated in the past , which docs not compel him violently and compulsorily to snap all those cords , all those ties and connections of sympathy which have been the work of a lifetime , rind which he will carry down , at least in his affections , lo the grave to which
he is hastening . To this report was subjoined a statement of the receipts and disbursements during the past year , ending the 31 st March , 1876 , together with thc particulars of the permanent income of the institution . ( Signed ) J CREATON , Chairman .
This report having been received and adopted , Bro . Joseph Smith moved , and Bro . Capt . Wordsworth seconded the re-election of Bros . Adlard , Bellerby , and W . Hale on the committee of management . This was carried unanimously ; and Bro . John Symonds , II . G .
Warren , and A . 11 . Tattershall were chosen auditors . On the motion of Bro . Joseph Smith , seconded by Bro . S . Rawson , the Rev . C . J . Martyn , Past G . Chaplain , was elected Trustee in place of the late Bro . John Savage .
The Scrutineers of votes were afterwards appointed , and the election of 21 out of 32 widows was proceeded with , There being sufficient vacancies for all thc male candidates no election on the male fund was hel . l ; consequently these brethren were placed on the list : —
1 Hagan , Charles . 13 York , Hubert . 2 Rogers , John . 14 Mann , Charles . 3 Roads , Charles . is ; Car : utlnrs , James . 4 Greathead , William . 16 SchoficM , Robert . e . Noel , John . 17 Green , William . ' ( , Wood ' , John . 18 Miller , Thomas .
7 Nash , William Henry . 19 Cogan , Robert . 8 Irving , John . 20 Rose , John . 9 W ' aterson , John . 21 Johnson , John . 10 Dashwond , Henry'I ' . 22 Stewart , Robert . 11 Rodcn , Thomas . 23 Thaclahwaite , Robert . 12 Brown , William .
The following was declared to be the result of the election : — SuccEssruL . No on Voting Names . Votes . Paper .
j 6 Hoare , Henrietta •. 1009 17 Blackburn , Eliza W 1044 26 Burton , Jane 903 4 Gidncy , Lydia 7 6 3 25 Johnson , Harriet 7 ° 3 12 Cow . cn , Harriet 676 13 Keen , Mary , , ,,, „ , 684
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
20 Harvey , Honor O 54 32 Kcddell , Martha F 6 34 8 Rcdick , Maria 620 30 Brown , Sarah ( 119 11 Charlton , Sarah G 16 24 Govier , Elizabeth 615 21 Froud , Mary , 59 . 5 .
31 Wingficld , Frances 590 22 Rogers , Frances 552 1 Tidswell , Susannan 541 9 Edwards , Eleanor 539 29 Lundy , Charlotte 538 6 Wilkes , Elizabeth 513 14 Russell , Sarah 446
UNSUCCESSFUL . 7 Dark , Ann 443 28 Trotter , Ann 351 27 P * ckwood , Emily 273 3 Churchill , Elizabeth 203 2 Wrcyford , Elizabeth 195 23 Thompson , Julia 177
15 Shearer , Ann 86 10 Chipchase , Emily 44 5 Elliott , Isabella 24 19 Stansfield , Alice 18 Dows ? , Sarah . ( Withdrawn by Order of Committee ) Bro . W . Hale proposed and Bro . II . Garrod seconded a
vote of thanks to the scrutineers , which being carried Bro . S . Rawson responded . The result of thi election was then ordered to be advertised , with the names ot the successful candidates , and it was also ordered that the proceedings of the day be
printed and circulated among the lodges and Chapters . Bro . Garrod moved , and Bro . Adamson seconded a vote of thanks to Col . Creaton for presiding . This motion was carried unanimously , and Colonel Creaton having acknowledged the compliment , the brethren separated .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Berks And Bucks.
One of the largest Masonic gatherings that has ever taken place in this province was held at Reading , on 'Tuesday , the 16 th inst ., the Berks and Bucks Provincial Grand Lodge being convened at the Albert Mall , Friar-street , which had been suitably prepared for the purpose .
Members of the two lodges in that town , augmented by numerous arrivals from the lodges at Abingdon , Maidenhead , Newbury , Windsor , Aylesbury , Hig h Wycombe , Buckingham , Newport Pagnell , and visitors from other provinces , assembled at thc hall at one o'clock , and the officers of the Prowncial Grand Lodge entering thc hall in procession were received bv the general body of Masons
wuh the accustomed honours . 1 lie night Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master , Sir D . micl Guucli , But ., M . P ., presided , supported by his deputy , the Rev . J . S . Brownrigg , mid the Prov . Grind Officer .- " , among whom were Bros . Moxhay , Biggs , Wcightman , I lodges , R . Bradley , Williams , Woodliouse , Bulley , Brown , Winkfield , Powell , Key , Burns , Carter , Hurley , Botley ; Revs . Fraser
Campbell and A . Robins , and others well known in the province as " expert" Craltsmcn . 'The visitors included Bros . Mercer , IV . st Grand Master of China ; Gol . hiey , M . I' ., Deputy Grand Master fur Wilts ; Toomcr , Wilts ; Dewe , Hants ; Birch , Middlesex ; kc . We also noticed present Bros . Baker , Ballard , Powell , Clarke , Morland , Shepherd , Tonikins , Barrett , D'Almaiuc , Gooch , Palmer ,
Reeve , Policy , Glover , King , Nowcll , Westlield , rrascr , Huckoalc , Dent , Dunks , Mount , A . Welch , Parry , Baker , Albury , Blackwell , Stiansome , S . Bradley , Geo . Cosbuin , Cave , Flanagan , Major Stephens , Ferguson , Ilavcnor , Knight , Wi i-. ler , Jarman , Christian , Beal , Margrctt , Oades , Co ' . trv . 'l , Newman , Pollard , Balding , & c , in all rather more III in 100 .
The roll having been called , and the minutes of the P . G . Lodge I :-I I at A ylesbury last year read and confirmed , the Prov . G . . -. c . read the finance report , Bro . Chancellor , the'Treas ., U . itig absent in consequence of indisposition . The Pmv . G . Sec . also read the reports of the Charity Committee , and the lodges in thc province . The members now numbered 630 . 'There had been 89 initiations during the year , and the joining members numbered 39 . The balances in the lodges amounted to upwards of X ' 8 oo .
'The P . G . M . said it was hi g hly gratifying to know that there h-d been a steady increase during the past 12 month . ' :. 11 ; hoped that those lodges which had not yet given their i-uppoir to the Provincial Charity Fund would see the pv- 'juiety of doing so . Hitherto thc amount voted from thc Grand Lodge funds to the charity fund had been 20 guineas , ln : t as thc number of lodges had been latterly
increased thc demand upon thc charity fund was likely to become greater , and he therefore thought they might safely increase the grant to 25 guineas . He accordingl y proposed a motion to that effect . The D . G . M . said that as the primary object of their institution was charity there was no reason why they should hoard up their funds ; and he felt they would be perfectly
justified in augmenting the grant to the charity fund year by year as necessity may arise . He therefore seconded the motion , which was put by thc P . G . M . and adopted . Thc D . G . M . then moved that £ 73 10 s . be transferred from the charity fund in grants of five and seven guineas
c . - . ch to those lodges which had made substantial contribuliims t-i the fund . This proposal was seconded by Bro . Williams and carried . Bro . Chancellor was uannimously re-elected Treasurer , being proposed by the P . G . M . and seconded by the
D . G . M . 'The D . G . M . then proposed , and the P . G . M . seconded , a resolution having for its object the more effectual disposal
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Berks And Bucks.
of the votes for the Masonic institutions held by the various lodges , and also by individual members , and this was carried " 11 cm . cor .. " Bios . Winkfield , P . M . 591 ; Hodges , P . M . 795 ; and Powell , P . M . 943 , were then respectively invested with the Provincial Charity Jewel . Thc Provincial Grand Master then appointed and invested the Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year as follows : —
Bros . H . H . Hodges , P . M . 79 ? , Prov . S . G . W . ; R . C . Hurley , P . M . not , Prov . J . G . W . ; Rev . F . Campbell , 5 74 , Prov . G . Chaplain ; Rev . A . Robins , P . M . 771 . . Prov . G . Chaplain ; George Chancellor , P . M . nor , Prov . G . Treasurer ; H . Poynter , P . M . 948 , Prov . G . Registrar ; W . Biggs , P . M . 574 , Prov . G . Secretary ; josh . Blowers , P . M . 414 , Prov . G . S .
Deacon ; W . J . Powell , P . M . 943 , Prov . G . J . Deacon ; H . D . Gooch , P . M . 631 , Prov . G . Sup . of Wks . ; J . O . Carter , P . M . 209 , Prov . G . Dir . of Cer . ; John ' Palmer , P . M . 1501 , Prov . G . Asst . Dir . of Cer . ; John Reeve , W . M ! S 40 , Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; P . Glover , 574 , Prov . G . Organist ; W . King , P . M . 948 , Prov . G . Pursuivant ; C . Nowcll , 771 , Prov . G . Asst .
Pursuivant ; I ' . Wcslficld , Sec . 1501 ; D . W . Frazer , S . W . 1410 ; W . Huckoale , S . D . 1301 ; M . W . Dent , J . D . 1301 ; J . E . Danks , not ; R . C . Mount , 414 , Prov . G . Stewards ; and W . Hemmings , Prov . G . Tyler . The P . G . M . having expressed his thanks to Bros . Mercer and Goldncy for having honoured the gathering
with their presence , those gentlemen briefly addressed the brethren . Thc P . G . M . then announced that the next Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at Hi gh Wycombe ; and the business of the lodge was soon afterwards brought to a close .
•At three o ' clock the officers and brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet at the Queen's Hotel , the chair being occupied by the Provincial Grand Master , who , on the introduction of dessert , proposed the toast of " The Queen and thc Craft , " followed by that of " His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , Most Worshipful Grand Master of England , and thc rest of the Royal Family , " the P . G . M . expressing thc joy that all must feel through thc safe and happy return of His Royal Highness from his Indian tour .
The next toast was that of " The Most Worshi pful the Pro Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the ' Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of England , Past and Present . " The D . G . M . proposed " 'The I lealth of the Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master , Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., " which was received with the greatest
possible enthusiasm . 'The D . G . M . believed he was correct in saying that it was an established rule that thc busiest men were always most attentive to business , and this was certainly true in the ca « c of Sir Daniel Good ,, who was always engaged with business ot importance , and there were few men who transacted business matters more efficiently than Sir Daniel , and vet he found time to attend to
his duties as Grand Master of this Province , besides which he attended the meetings of the Grand Lodge of England with great regularity . ( Cheers . ) As a province they might certainly congratulate themselves on having at their head one who had distinguished himself , whether in the undertakings of every day business or in his duties as a Mason . ( Cheers . )
'The P . G . M ., in returning thanks , observed that it had given him great pleasure to see the Provincial Grand Lodge so largely attended . It was true he had a great many engagements to occupy his time and attention , but supported and encouraged as he was by the brethren of this province lie could not but discharge his Masonic duties to the best of his power and ability . ( Cheers . ) 'They
had heard from their able Secretary , Bro . Biggs , how the lodges were progressing , and also of the support given to the charities , and lie could only ask them to continue in the same course , and he hoped that when they assembled at Wycombe next year they would have as much reason to be pleased with the results as on this occasion . ( Cheers . ) The P . G . M . then proposed "The Health of his Deputy ,
Bro . the Rev . J . S . Brownrigg , " speaking of him as a zealous , active , anil good Mason , who had rendered him great assistance in fulfilling his duties as P . G . M ., ( Cheers . ) The P . G . M . also spoke in warm terms of the valuable services of the Rev . Sir John Warren Hayes , who for many years efficiently performed the duties of D . G . M . and whose name he associated with the toast .
'The D . G . M assured thc brethren it gave him sincere pleasure to be of service to them , and said he had the fullest authciily for stating that every lodge in the province was in a satisfactory state . ( Cheers . ) 'The Rev . Sir J . W . Hayes , Bart ., thanked the brethren for this renewed expression of their kind and fraternal feeling and attributed to the great and beneficial change that
had occurred with regard to Freemasonry in this province during the pet 10 years to the energy of Sir Daniel Gooch , and also to r ! ij circumstance that the Deputy Grand Master resided in thc Bucks Division of the province . He hoped the prosp-. rity which now characterised Masonry would not only continue , but increase year after year . ( Cheers . )
'The P . G . M . proposed " The Health of thc Visitors , " remarking that it gave him particular pleasure to couple with this toast "The Health cf Br . ' . Goldney , " who ably filled the position of Deputy Grand Master for the Province of Wiltshire—an office which he himself held for many years , during which he formed associations and
friendship upon which he looked back with a great amount of pleasure . ( Cheers . ) 13 ro . Goldncy , in thanking the brethren , said it not only delighted him to have been the guest of their esteemed Grand Master , but he was charmed w $ i all he had seen and heard that day , and he hoped Freemasonry would long