Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
members , and the lodge was closed . The brethren then sat down to an excellent banquet , provided by Messrs . J . and R . Hale , and after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been duly honoured , the W . M . proposed " The Health of the Newly Initiated Brethren , " who briefly
responded . Bro . Bywater in proposing the health of the W . M ., congratulated the lodge on having so efficient a head , and spoke in the rrost eulogistic terms of the deeply impressive manner in which Bro . Grabham had performed the
ceremony of initiation . He considered that the lodge had commenced its career most successfully , and predicted continued success and prosperity . The toasts of "The Visitors and Officers" followed , and the brethren separated after spending a most enjoyable evening .
INSTRUCTION . LANGTHORNE LODGE OF INSTRUCTION ( No . 1421 ) . —A numerous gathering of brethren connected with this lodge of instruction took place in the lodge room , at the Swan Hotel , Stratford , E ., on Wednesday , the 10 th inst ., the occasion being the half-yearly working of the
Fifteen Sections , in accordance with the byelaws of the lodge , and which had been announced to be worked on this occasion by Bro . George W . Verry , P . M . 554 , assisted by several brethren from Yarborough and Doric Lodges . At 6 . 4 . 5 p . m . the lodge was opened by Bro . Verry , Bro .
Berry , J . W . 554 , acting as S . W ., and Bro . G . E . Slee , S . W . 14 . 21 , as J . W . The minutes of the preceding meeting having been read and duly confirmed , the lodge was opened in the second and third degrees , and resumed in the first degree . The Fifteen Sections were then worked : —
FIRST LECTURE . ist Section ... Bro . Graves . 2 nd „ < ,, Hollington .
3 rd „ „ Christian . 4 th „ „ Berry . 5 th „ „ Coles . 6 th „ „ Lattriell . 7 th „ „ Verry .
SECOND LECTURE . ist Section Bro . Webb . 2 nd „ „ Berry . 3 > „ Berry . 4-th „ „ Lattriell . 5 * „ „ Lattriell .
THIRD LECTURE . ist Section Bro . Wellington . 2 nd „ „ Webb . 3 rd , „ Berry . The working of the different sections was admirable throughout , and a thorough Masonic
treat was enjoyed by all present . A cordial vote of thanks was given to Bro . Verry , and the brethren who had so kindly volunteered their services , and they were also elected honorary members of the lodge . Several other brethren were also enrolled as members . The officers
were appointed for the ensuing week , after which the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren separated in perfect peace and harmony shortly after 10 o ' clock , p . m . Amongst the brethren present we noticed the following , viz : —Bros . George W . Verry , P . M . 5 ^ 4 , Graves , Hollington , Christian , Berry , Coates , Webb ,
Wallington , Dix , Wetherell , Crossthwaite , Willis , Smith , Watkinson , Cross , Wood , Lewis , Cull , Martin , Tucker , Bolton , Woolley , Walter , Robbins , Morley , Greenfield , C . E . Slee , S . W ., 1421 ; R . G . Owen , J . W . 1421 ; F . Y . Lattrielle , Hon . Preceptor ; and C . W . Ashdown , Hon . Secretary .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
CARNARVON . —Scgouliiim Chapter ( No . 606 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held in the Masonic Hall , Carnarvon Castle , on Thursday , the 18 th inst ., the anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo . Comps . P . Z . Worrall , Grosvenor Chapter , Hathaway , 606 , H . ; and Poole , 606 ,
J ., presided , and Bros . Owen Jones and Rev . J . R . Walters , M . M ., were duly exalted , in accordance with ancient custom . Sundry business connected with the chapter was then transacted , and a vote of thanks unanimously passed to Comp . Worrall , for his kindness in coming from Chester to preside at this meeting . The -
Royal Arch.
chapter was then closed in due form . The companions then adjourned to the Royal Sportsman Hotel , where an excellent banquet had been provided by Comp . Pugh . About 12 were present , amongst whom was the Janitor , Comp . Michael Dyer , one of the few' remaining
Waterloo men now alive , who wore his uniform and medals . Comp . Poole , J ., ( with the permission of the M . E . Z . ) , proposed " The Health of Comp . Dyer , " and slightly altered the words of Henry V ., at Agincourt , to suit the occasion : " He that outlived that hour , and came safe
home , Should stand on tiptoe when the day is named ; And rouse him at the name of Waterloo . He that outlived that day , and saw old age , Shall yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours ;
And say , to-morrow s named from Waterloo . " The veteran companion was in the act of returning thanks when the guns ot the Carnarvon Artillery ( Volunteers ) , began firing , carrying him dimly back in memory , as he said , to the thunderings at Waterloo . A pleasant evening
was spent , and the companions separated early . We may say that a visit to the Masonic Hall , Carnarvon Castle , ( by order from any of the companions or brethren of the Segontium Lodge , 606 ) , would be well worth the while of Freemasons travelling in North Wales .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
LEICESTER . —Fowke Lodge ( No . 19 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge took place on Thursday , May 28 th , at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , and was attended by the officers of the lodge , and a fair proportion of the members . Bro . A . K . Bairns , 523 , and Secretary of the
Arkwright Lodge , Matlock , which was consecrated on Wednesday last , was advanced to the degree of Mark Master . The ceremony of advancement was most efficiently performed by the W . M ., Bro . J . M . McAllister , who presided for the first time since his installation , and by
his excellent working proved his ability worthily to discharge the duties of his honourable position . The lecture of the degree was afterwards given by Bro . S . S . Partridge , P . M . Bro . C . Stretton , J . W ., and G . Steward of England , was unanimously chosen to represent this lodge at the
festival of the Mark Benevolent Fund . The resignations of Bros . R . Brewin , P . M ., and E . J . Crow , Mus . Baa , were received with regret , both having left the town . With regard to the former , notice of motion , to make him an honorary member , was given , he being one of
those first advanced on the introduction of the degree into this province , nearly twenty years ago . ERA LODGE OF MARK MASTERS ( NO . 176 ) . — By dispensation the first meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , June , 12 th , at the Bridge
House Hotel , Southwark . There were present Bros . J . T . Moss , W . M . Designate ; W . H . Dubois . S . W . ; J . Baxter Langley , J . W . ; T . W . Miller , Treas . ; F . Walters , P . G . P ., P . M . Sec . ; J . Hayward , J . O . ; W . Bell , S . D . ; W . Hammond , J . D . ; and others . The visitors were
Bros . George Kenning , W . M . No . 1 ; Rev . J . M . Vaughan , Charles Horsley , and several others . Bro . James Stevens opened the lodge , and advanced eight candidates to the Mark Master ' s Degree . Bros . R . Wentworth Little ., G . O ., J . Stevens ,
and H . C . Levander , were elected honorary members . The lodge was then closed . Banquet , dessert , and coffee were served . Bro . A . F . iLoos agreed to represent the lodge as its Steward in 1875 , at the Girls' School .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
PALESTINE SOVEREIGN CHAPTER ROSE CROIX of H . R . D . M . —An emergency meeting of the above chapter was held on Tuesday , the 23 rd inst ., at the Masonic Hall , 33 , Golden-square . There were present Bros . George Kenning , 30 ,
M . W . S . ; J ohn Hervey , 31 ° ; Robert Wentworth Little , 30 ; Levander , 30 ° , High Prelate , M . W . S . elect ; Fox , Holden , Vaughan , Moss , Cubitt , Hirsch , Colonel Peters , Leith Tomkins . Visitors , Bros . Fenn , Raynham Stewart and
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
others . The business of the evening included the perfecting of Bros . W . Winn , ' Herbert Dieketts , and Thomas Hastings Miller . Several brethren being proposed , and after some routine business , the Chapter was closed , the brethren adjourning to the ' ' Cafe Royal to dine . The usual
toasts were proposed , and a very enjoyable evening was spent by all present . The chapter was honoured by the presence of Bro . Cap . N . Phillips , 33 , and Bro . Montague , 33 ° , representing the Grand Council , and Bro . Hyde Pullen , 33 ° , who rendered his valuable services in the working of the chapter .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
LIVERPOOL . —Walton Conclave ( No . p /) - — An assembly of the Knights of this Conclave was held on the Sth inst ., at the St . Lawrence Schools , Croydon-street , Walton-road , Kirkdale , Em . Sir Knight J . C . Lunt , M . P . S ., occupied the throne , supported at their respective posts by .
Em . Sir Knight Jesse Banning , V . E . ; Rev . T . W . Richardson , H . P . ; W . E . Quayle , Rec . ; T . Ashmore , P . S ., acting as Prefect . The visitors were Em . Sir Knights J . T . Callow , M . P . S . 77 ; W . Cottrell , V . E . 77 ; A . Haynes , 6 ; J . Capell , S . B . KK ; and H . Burrows , 77 . The
conclave was opened by the M . P . S ., when the records and muster roll were read . The ballot was then taken for Bros . W . H . Beardwood , Lodge io 8 d , and M . Williamson , 1363 , for installation , and Sir Knight J . S . Hobbs , of the Skelmersdale Conclave No . 77 , for joining , all
of whom where duly elected . Bro . Dwelley , ( who had been previously elected ) and Bro . Williamson being present , were installed as Knights Companions of the Order , by the M . P . S ., the historical lecture being given by the High Prelate , Sir Knight the Rev . T . W . Richardson . Sir Knight Quayle gave the oration
in a very masterly manner . A resolution fixing the times of meeting having been passed , the conclave was closed , and the Knights adjourned to the refectory , where an excellent banquet was served . The customary toasts of loyalty and chivalry \ rere given , and a very enjoyable evening was spent .
MANCHESTER . — County Palatine Conclave ( No . 50 ) . —The installation meeting was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Saturday , May , 23 rd , and was well attended . The Conclave was opened by the M . P . S ., Sir Knight Thomas Hargraves , assisted by Sir Knights Duffield , V . E ., C .
Fitzgerald Matier , D . I . G ., South Lancashire ; T . Entwisle , P . S . No . 42 ; Capt . Watson , V . E . elect ; and others . After the confirmation of the minutes and tbe usual routine business , Bro . George Higgins was announced as a candidate , and admitted to the order by Sir Knight
Hargraves , M . P . S . The historical oration was impressively given by Sir Kni ght Entwisle . The throne was then assumed by Sir Knight Matier , who proceeded to open a college of Viceroys . Captain Watson was presented for consecration and regularly installed in the chair of Eusebfus . A senate of sovereigns was then formed , and
Sir Knig ht J ohn Duffield , who had been unanimously elected , was solemnly received and elevated to the chair of the Imperial Founder . The duties of High Prelate were most efficiently discharged by Sir Knight Entwisle . On . the conclave being resumed in the first grade , the newly installed officers were saluted with the
customary honours , and the M . P . S . proceeded to appoint as follows : —Sir Knights McDowell Smith , First G . ; George Mellor , Second G . ; Rev . J . Radley , H . Prelate , Thomas Hargraves , Recorder ; Hayhurst , Prefect ; Lancashire , Standard Bearer ; Heap , Herald ; J . E . Hall ,
First A . de C . ; G . Higgins , Second A . de C . ; Sly , Sentinel . A hearty and cordial vote of thanks was accorded by acclamation to Sir Knight Hargraves , who has ably discharged the duties of M . P . S ., and by his exertions raised the
conclave to its present high position . The Standard of the Order was then lowered and deposited on the altar , and the conclave closed in due form . The Sir Knights then proceeded to banquet , and partook ofthe bread of plenty and the cup of cheerfulness .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
members , and the lodge was closed . The brethren then sat down to an excellent banquet , provided by Messrs . J . and R . Hale , and after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been duly honoured , the W . M . proposed " The Health of the Newly Initiated Brethren , " who briefly
responded . Bro . Bywater in proposing the health of the W . M ., congratulated the lodge on having so efficient a head , and spoke in the rrost eulogistic terms of the deeply impressive manner in which Bro . Grabham had performed the
ceremony of initiation . He considered that the lodge had commenced its career most successfully , and predicted continued success and prosperity . The toasts of "The Visitors and Officers" followed , and the brethren separated after spending a most enjoyable evening .
INSTRUCTION . LANGTHORNE LODGE OF INSTRUCTION ( No . 1421 ) . —A numerous gathering of brethren connected with this lodge of instruction took place in the lodge room , at the Swan Hotel , Stratford , E ., on Wednesday , the 10 th inst ., the occasion being the half-yearly working of the
Fifteen Sections , in accordance with the byelaws of the lodge , and which had been announced to be worked on this occasion by Bro . George W . Verry , P . M . 554 , assisted by several brethren from Yarborough and Doric Lodges . At 6 . 4 . 5 p . m . the lodge was opened by Bro . Verry , Bro .
Berry , J . W . 554 , acting as S . W ., and Bro . G . E . Slee , S . W . 14 . 21 , as J . W . The minutes of the preceding meeting having been read and duly confirmed , the lodge was opened in the second and third degrees , and resumed in the first degree . The Fifteen Sections were then worked : —
FIRST LECTURE . ist Section ... Bro . Graves . 2 nd „ < ,, Hollington .
3 rd „ „ Christian . 4 th „ „ Berry . 5 th „ „ Coles . 6 th „ „ Lattriell . 7 th „ „ Verry .
SECOND LECTURE . ist Section Bro . Webb . 2 nd „ „ Berry . 3 > „ Berry . 4-th „ „ Lattriell . 5 * „ „ Lattriell .
THIRD LECTURE . ist Section Bro . Wellington . 2 nd „ „ Webb . 3 rd , „ Berry . The working of the different sections was admirable throughout , and a thorough Masonic
treat was enjoyed by all present . A cordial vote of thanks was given to Bro . Verry , and the brethren who had so kindly volunteered their services , and they were also elected honorary members of the lodge . Several other brethren were also enrolled as members . The officers
were appointed for the ensuing week , after which the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren separated in perfect peace and harmony shortly after 10 o ' clock , p . m . Amongst the brethren present we noticed the following , viz : —Bros . George W . Verry , P . M . 5 ^ 4 , Graves , Hollington , Christian , Berry , Coates , Webb ,
Wallington , Dix , Wetherell , Crossthwaite , Willis , Smith , Watkinson , Cross , Wood , Lewis , Cull , Martin , Tucker , Bolton , Woolley , Walter , Robbins , Morley , Greenfield , C . E . Slee , S . W ., 1421 ; R . G . Owen , J . W . 1421 ; F . Y . Lattrielle , Hon . Preceptor ; and C . W . Ashdown , Hon . Secretary .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
CARNARVON . —Scgouliiim Chapter ( No . 606 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held in the Masonic Hall , Carnarvon Castle , on Thursday , the 18 th inst ., the anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo . Comps . P . Z . Worrall , Grosvenor Chapter , Hathaway , 606 , H . ; and Poole , 606 ,
J ., presided , and Bros . Owen Jones and Rev . J . R . Walters , M . M ., were duly exalted , in accordance with ancient custom . Sundry business connected with the chapter was then transacted , and a vote of thanks unanimously passed to Comp . Worrall , for his kindness in coming from Chester to preside at this meeting . The -
Royal Arch.
chapter was then closed in due form . The companions then adjourned to the Royal Sportsman Hotel , where an excellent banquet had been provided by Comp . Pugh . About 12 were present , amongst whom was the Janitor , Comp . Michael Dyer , one of the few' remaining
Waterloo men now alive , who wore his uniform and medals . Comp . Poole , J ., ( with the permission of the M . E . Z . ) , proposed " The Health of Comp . Dyer , " and slightly altered the words of Henry V ., at Agincourt , to suit the occasion : " He that outlived that hour , and came safe
home , Should stand on tiptoe when the day is named ; And rouse him at the name of Waterloo . He that outlived that day , and saw old age , Shall yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours ;
And say , to-morrow s named from Waterloo . " The veteran companion was in the act of returning thanks when the guns ot the Carnarvon Artillery ( Volunteers ) , began firing , carrying him dimly back in memory , as he said , to the thunderings at Waterloo . A pleasant evening
was spent , and the companions separated early . We may say that a visit to the Masonic Hall , Carnarvon Castle , ( by order from any of the companions or brethren of the Segontium Lodge , 606 ) , would be well worth the while of Freemasons travelling in North Wales .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
LEICESTER . —Fowke Lodge ( No . 19 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge took place on Thursday , May 28 th , at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , and was attended by the officers of the lodge , and a fair proportion of the members . Bro . A . K . Bairns , 523 , and Secretary of the
Arkwright Lodge , Matlock , which was consecrated on Wednesday last , was advanced to the degree of Mark Master . The ceremony of advancement was most efficiently performed by the W . M ., Bro . J . M . McAllister , who presided for the first time since his installation , and by
his excellent working proved his ability worthily to discharge the duties of his honourable position . The lecture of the degree was afterwards given by Bro . S . S . Partridge , P . M . Bro . C . Stretton , J . W ., and G . Steward of England , was unanimously chosen to represent this lodge at the
festival of the Mark Benevolent Fund . The resignations of Bros . R . Brewin , P . M ., and E . J . Crow , Mus . Baa , were received with regret , both having left the town . With regard to the former , notice of motion , to make him an honorary member , was given , he being one of
those first advanced on the introduction of the degree into this province , nearly twenty years ago . ERA LODGE OF MARK MASTERS ( NO . 176 ) . — By dispensation the first meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , June , 12 th , at the Bridge
House Hotel , Southwark . There were present Bros . J . T . Moss , W . M . Designate ; W . H . Dubois . S . W . ; J . Baxter Langley , J . W . ; T . W . Miller , Treas . ; F . Walters , P . G . P ., P . M . Sec . ; J . Hayward , J . O . ; W . Bell , S . D . ; W . Hammond , J . D . ; and others . The visitors were
Bros . George Kenning , W . M . No . 1 ; Rev . J . M . Vaughan , Charles Horsley , and several others . Bro . James Stevens opened the lodge , and advanced eight candidates to the Mark Master ' s Degree . Bros . R . Wentworth Little ., G . O ., J . Stevens ,
and H . C . Levander , were elected honorary members . The lodge was then closed . Banquet , dessert , and coffee were served . Bro . A . F . iLoos agreed to represent the lodge as its Steward in 1875 , at the Girls' School .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
PALESTINE SOVEREIGN CHAPTER ROSE CROIX of H . R . D . M . —An emergency meeting of the above chapter was held on Tuesday , the 23 rd inst ., at the Masonic Hall , 33 , Golden-square . There were present Bros . George Kenning , 30 ,
M . W . S . ; J ohn Hervey , 31 ° ; Robert Wentworth Little , 30 ; Levander , 30 ° , High Prelate , M . W . S . elect ; Fox , Holden , Vaughan , Moss , Cubitt , Hirsch , Colonel Peters , Leith Tomkins . Visitors , Bros . Fenn , Raynham Stewart and
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
others . The business of the evening included the perfecting of Bros . W . Winn , ' Herbert Dieketts , and Thomas Hastings Miller . Several brethren being proposed , and after some routine business , the Chapter was closed , the brethren adjourning to the ' ' Cafe Royal to dine . The usual
toasts were proposed , and a very enjoyable evening was spent by all present . The chapter was honoured by the presence of Bro . Cap . N . Phillips , 33 , and Bro . Montague , 33 ° , representing the Grand Council , and Bro . Hyde Pullen , 33 ° , who rendered his valuable services in the working of the chapter .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
LIVERPOOL . —Walton Conclave ( No . p /) - — An assembly of the Knights of this Conclave was held on the Sth inst ., at the St . Lawrence Schools , Croydon-street , Walton-road , Kirkdale , Em . Sir Knight J . C . Lunt , M . P . S ., occupied the throne , supported at their respective posts by .
Em . Sir Knight Jesse Banning , V . E . ; Rev . T . W . Richardson , H . P . ; W . E . Quayle , Rec . ; T . Ashmore , P . S ., acting as Prefect . The visitors were Em . Sir Knights J . T . Callow , M . P . S . 77 ; W . Cottrell , V . E . 77 ; A . Haynes , 6 ; J . Capell , S . B . KK ; and H . Burrows , 77 . The
conclave was opened by the M . P . S ., when the records and muster roll were read . The ballot was then taken for Bros . W . H . Beardwood , Lodge io 8 d , and M . Williamson , 1363 , for installation , and Sir Knight J . S . Hobbs , of the Skelmersdale Conclave No . 77 , for joining , all
of whom where duly elected . Bro . Dwelley , ( who had been previously elected ) and Bro . Williamson being present , were installed as Knights Companions of the Order , by the M . P . S ., the historical lecture being given by the High Prelate , Sir Knight the Rev . T . W . Richardson . Sir Knight Quayle gave the oration
in a very masterly manner . A resolution fixing the times of meeting having been passed , the conclave was closed , and the Knights adjourned to the refectory , where an excellent banquet was served . The customary toasts of loyalty and chivalry \ rere given , and a very enjoyable evening was spent .
MANCHESTER . — County Palatine Conclave ( No . 50 ) . —The installation meeting was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Saturday , May , 23 rd , and was well attended . The Conclave was opened by the M . P . S ., Sir Knight Thomas Hargraves , assisted by Sir Knights Duffield , V . E ., C .
Fitzgerald Matier , D . I . G ., South Lancashire ; T . Entwisle , P . S . No . 42 ; Capt . Watson , V . E . elect ; and others . After the confirmation of the minutes and tbe usual routine business , Bro . George Higgins was announced as a candidate , and admitted to the order by Sir Knight
Hargraves , M . P . S . The historical oration was impressively given by Sir Kni ght Entwisle . The throne was then assumed by Sir Knight Matier , who proceeded to open a college of Viceroys . Captain Watson was presented for consecration and regularly installed in the chair of Eusebfus . A senate of sovereigns was then formed , and
Sir Knig ht J ohn Duffield , who had been unanimously elected , was solemnly received and elevated to the chair of the Imperial Founder . The duties of High Prelate were most efficiently discharged by Sir Knight Entwisle . On . the conclave being resumed in the first grade , the newly installed officers were saluted with the
customary honours , and the M . P . S . proceeded to appoint as follows : —Sir Knights McDowell Smith , First G . ; George Mellor , Second G . ; Rev . J . Radley , H . Prelate , Thomas Hargraves , Recorder ; Hayhurst , Prefect ; Lancashire , Standard Bearer ; Heap , Herald ; J . E . Hall ,
First A . de C . ; G . Higgins , Second A . de C . ; Sly , Sentinel . A hearty and cordial vote of thanks was accorded by acclamation to Sir Knight Hargraves , who has ably discharged the duties of M . P . S ., and by his exertions raised the
conclave to its present high position . The Standard of the Order was then lowered and deposited on the altar , and the conclave closed in due form . The Sir Knights then proceeded to banquet , and partook ofthe bread of plenty and the cup of cheerfulness .