Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
BRO . GEORGE KENNING , P . M ., P . Z ., Mk . M ., A . M ., K . T ., R . C . K ., R . O . S ., 30 . 2 , 3 , & 4 , Little Britain , LONDON , E . C . C 198 , Fleet-street , London . \ 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool . BRANCHES :- , + ^ Argyle-street , Glasgow . \ 6- , \ Hanovei-street , Edinburgh . MASOMTDEPOT . THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE WORLD OF J ewels Clothing , Ribbons , Tassels , Furniture , Banners , Books , Stationery , Tracing Boards , And every Requisite for all Degrees in Freemasonry . 2 3 & 4 LITTLE BRITAIN LONDON , E . C . 3 ) ricc fists nit application . NAVAL OTMILITARY WAREHOUSE . Swords , Laces , Braids , Cords , Embroidery , Belts , Shabraques , Chacos . Caps , Buttons , Epaulettes , Sashes , Medals , & c & c . 2 , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN LONDON , E C |) rirc fists on application . GEORGE ~ KENNING , 2 , 3 , & 4 , Little Britain , LONDON , E . C . / ' 198 , J ' 'l <; et-strect , London . R „ ..,. „„ . ) 2 , Mon . iment-plaee , Liverpool . ; 145 , Argyle-street , ( jlnsjjo *' . ( . 67 , Hanover-street , Edinbnrgh .
GEORGE KENNING , LATE J MOTT THEARLE . 198 , Fleet Street , E . G . WATCH & CLOCK MANUFACTURER GOLD SMITH AND JEWELLER . 3 If ) y ^^& v Ij ¦ « aj «| Mp ™ ^ S \ ii I L 0 N 00 N \ nlll ^ ' c s . . 1 Strong-Silver Watches from 1 o o Silver English Levers ( own make ) from 3 10 ci Ladies'Gold English Levers „ from 99 c Gent's Gold English Levers „ from 12 12 o Gold Watches from 2 12 o Good Sound 8-day Clocks , in neat cases from 010 o Good Sound 8-day Clocks , with alarum from 015 o Watches , Clocks , Jewellery , Medals , anil Jewels , suitable for Presentation , & c , made to order with dispatch . AU kinds of repairs done on the premises , at moderate prices , by experienced workmen . George Kennings' Ladies' Gold English Levers , unequalled £ 10 ios . Masonic Signet Kings , Scarf Pins , Lockets . Stud and Links . Masonic Charms of every degree in 9 ct ., ljct . and 18 c Gold . Watch Glasses 6 d . antl 1 / - Watch Keys Git . Ladies' Ears pierced 1 / - Mauufactory : 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain . OLD MASONIC BOOKS . The Sentimental and Masonic Magazine , 4 vols . 1792 , 3 : 111114 . Solomon ' s Temple Spiritualised , with an account of its destruction by Christopher Kelly . ISOJ Kdition . The Temple , an essay on tha forms ot" the Ark , the Tahernade , ami the Temple of Jerusalem . Jacob ' s Ladder , the Ascent to Heaven , plainly pointed out . lly the Rev . ( 1 . Oliver , I ) . I ) . A Mirror for the Johannite Masons , in a series of letters to the Right lion , thc Karl of Ahoync , Prov . Grand . Master for Northampton and Huntingdon . History of the Knights of Malta , or the Order of the Hospital of St . | ohn of Jerusalem £ 2 vols . ) liv Major Whitwor ' . ll I ' orter , 11 . li . The Achievements of the Kni ghts of Malta 2 vols ; lly A . Sutherland . Jerusalem , a Sketch of the City and Temple , from thc earliest times to the siege by Titus , lly Thomas I . ewin Ksq ., of Trinity College , Oxford . History of Freemasonry and the Grand Lodge of Scotland , lly Wir . A . Laurie . Constitutions of the Antient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , 1 . S 41 and 1 N 53 Editions . Collections of Masonic Son ^ s ( 1705 Edition . ) May be hail at Bro . George Kennin / s M . u . mie I . ibrm , iij 8 , fleet-street . Masonic U . iaki . ltov . ; ht , Sold and l-Arliaugcd .
TESSELATED CARPETING run Lodges , Chapters , Encampments , & c . Four IVi't wide , 4 / 3 per Yard . MASONIC DEPOTS , 2 , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN AND 198 , FLEET . STREET E . C . Second Edition , Now Heady , i / fi . MASONIC MUSICAL SERVICE . In the key of C . for A ., T ., T ., B . Opening and Closing Odes . Craft Ceremonies . Royal Arch Ceremony . Consecintiou Ceremony . Grace before ami after Meat . COMPOSED iii DR . J . C . BAKER , NO . 341 . LONDON- . —Geo . Kenning , 198 , Flccl-Micct ; and -, 3 , and 4 , Little Britain . „ H . Spencer , 2 C 1 , Great Qnecti-streit . l . l \ KH !\ xn ..--Geti . Kenning , 2 , Mov . ument-pWte . MAM-IIKSTKII . —h . Ileniy \ - Co ., 59 , Deansgatc . DUIH . IX . —C . lledgelong , 26 , Giaft-. m- ^ trcct GLASGOW . —Geo . Kenning , 14 J , Argj le-stieet . EuiNiiuiKiii . —Geo . Kenning , d ; , llanover-sticci .
Recently enlarged by the erection of three additional School-rooms , Students' Hal ! , Theological and Scientific Lecture Hall ( including Reading Room ) , Chemical Laboratory , Private Studies , Dining Halls , large Swimming rfath , Gymnasium , and spacious Dormitories , as well as separate Bedrooms .
RECTOR : BRO . REV . T . ABBOTT PETERS , M . A . VICE-PRINCIPAL : Rev . J . S . SKINNER , B . A . MASTERS : Rev . T . AUHOTT PETERS , M . A ., Divinity . Rev . J . S . SKINNER , B . A ., the Classics and Ancient History .
Mr . 11 . J . HENDERSON , M . A ., Junior Classics . Mr . T . IIYMERS J ACKSON , B . A ., Mathematics , Navigations and the English Language , History and Literature . Mr . E . CLEMENT , Ph . D ., The Natural Sciences ( Experimental and Mathematical ) , French and German .
Mr . J . ROCHFORT , CM ., English Subjects generally , and Junior Mathematics . Mr . G . CMFI ' ORD , Junior English and Junior Mathematics . Mr . FLOYD . C . E ., Land Surveying and Levelling with thc use of Theodolite , Mechanical Drawing . iMr . W . H . J ONES , Music ( Organand Piano ) and Singing .
Mr . R . NICIIOL , Librarian . Sergeant BRADY , Military Drill , Gymnastics , antl Swimming . There are in connection with the College
THREE ANNUAL EXHIBITIONS , open for general competition to all students , and tenable for three years . Special Classes are formed for preparing students for the Legal , Medical , Home , Colonial , and Indian Civil Service Examinations ; and for entrance to Woolwich , Coopershill , and the Universities of Oxford , Cambridge , London ,
Dublin , Durham , and Edinburgh . The Religious Teaching is based on strictl y Protestant Principles , in accordance with the Doctrines anil Liturgy of the Church of England . Students requiring a commercial education only , are exempt from the classical course , if desired . The year consists of two terms , during which there are
no holidays , the only vacations being at Midsummer and Christmas . The use of all class books , valuable library , stationery ( except mathematical instruments ) laundry , & c , is included in the terms . No Extras of tiny kind .
The High School—Students from io to 23 years of age . The Middle School—Students from 12 to 16 years of age . The Preparatory School—Students untler 12 years of age . Thc College is divided into three sections . In the
PREPARATORY SCHOOL ( entirely distinct , tut contiguous ) Boys are well grounded in thc elements of a sound English Education , with French and German ( also in Latin and Greek if for thc learned professions ) , and prepared for thc High or Middle School . In the High School the course of studv is a preparation for the Universities antl the
various competitive examinations ; while the Middle School trains pupils in such subjects as will qualify them for scientific and commercial pursuits . Alston College is pleasantly situated , about six miles from Preston , and half a mile from Longridgc Railway Station ; is in immediate proximity to beautiful mountain scenery , within half an horn ' s ride of the chief watering
dlaces on the western coast of Lancashire , and is considered by . Medical Profesois to he in one of the healthiest localities in England—a fact sufficiently proved by the ¦ cinarkably good health en joyed by the studen's and regularly confirmed by the half-yearly medical repoits . Extensive Cricket Grounds are attached to the College Farms , whilst a spacious covered Gymnasium and
Student's I Jail , available for recreation , drill , tec , adjoin . Reports of all examinations , together with the names of those students who have distinguished themselves at the College and the Universities , as Exhibitioners , Medalists and Prizemen , also the reports of thc late examinations , together with views of the College buildings , and all necessary infoimation , forwartled on application to the
Rector , or to Mil . GEORGE CLIFFORD , Secretary . References kindly permitted to Bro . Masons , and to thc late Examiners : Rev . T . II . Lindsay Leary , M . A ., D . C . L . ( Oxon ) , Assistant Examiner to I ler Majesty ' s Civil Service Lcmmissicn , Crawford Cottage , Epsom ; T . W . Eyre Evans , Esq ., LL . D . T . C . D ., Nightingale Villa , Lower
Norwood ; and other University Examiners ; Professoi I'agel , Liverpool ; R . Koutledge , Esq ., B . S . F . C . S ., Manchester ; also the Protestant Clergy , Nobility , and Pinfcssioual Gentlemen ( parents of present pupils ) in Lon ' on , , Va ichcster , Liverpool , Birmingham , Leeds , Bradford , l . ' ognor , Preston , Burnley , Chester , Lancaster , Boston
( Lincoln ) , Wigan , llarrowgnte , Accrington , llasliiigdcn , Kendal . Southpoit , Todmoiden , tec , and \ aiious other towns ; the Continent of Europe , the colonies , New York , and the United States , L . azil , Culm , tic . who can bear ample testimony to the merits and success of this College . Next term commence ! , the , th August , 1873 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
BRO . GEORGE KENNING , P . M ., P . Z ., Mk . M ., A . M ., K . T ., R . C . K ., R . O . S ., 30 . 2 , 3 , & 4 , Little Britain , LONDON , E . C . C 198 , Fleet-street , London . \ 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool . BRANCHES :- , + ^ Argyle-street , Glasgow . \ 6- , \ Hanovei-street , Edinburgh . MASOMTDEPOT . THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE WORLD OF J ewels Clothing , Ribbons , Tassels , Furniture , Banners , Books , Stationery , Tracing Boards , And every Requisite for all Degrees in Freemasonry . 2 3 & 4 LITTLE BRITAIN LONDON , E . C . 3 ) ricc fists nit application . NAVAL OTMILITARY WAREHOUSE . Swords , Laces , Braids , Cords , Embroidery , Belts , Shabraques , Chacos . Caps , Buttons , Epaulettes , Sashes , Medals , & c & c . 2 , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN LONDON , E C |) rirc fists on application . GEORGE ~ KENNING , 2 , 3 , & 4 , Little Britain , LONDON , E . C . / ' 198 , J ' 'l <; et-strect , London . R „ ..,. „„ . ) 2 , Mon . iment-plaee , Liverpool . ; 145 , Argyle-street , ( jlnsjjo *' . ( . 67 , Hanover-street , Edinbnrgh .
GEORGE KENNING , LATE J MOTT THEARLE . 198 , Fleet Street , E . G . WATCH & CLOCK MANUFACTURER GOLD SMITH AND JEWELLER . 3 If ) y ^^& v Ij ¦ « aj «| Mp ™ ^ S \ ii I L 0 N 00 N \ nlll ^ ' c s . . 1 Strong-Silver Watches from 1 o o Silver English Levers ( own make ) from 3 10 ci Ladies'Gold English Levers „ from 99 c Gent's Gold English Levers „ from 12 12 o Gold Watches from 2 12 o Good Sound 8-day Clocks , in neat cases from 010 o Good Sound 8-day Clocks , with alarum from 015 o Watches , Clocks , Jewellery , Medals , anil Jewels , suitable for Presentation , & c , made to order with dispatch . AU kinds of repairs done on the premises , at moderate prices , by experienced workmen . George Kennings' Ladies' Gold English Levers , unequalled £ 10 ios . Masonic Signet Kings , Scarf Pins , Lockets . Stud and Links . Masonic Charms of every degree in 9 ct ., ljct . and 18 c Gold . Watch Glasses 6 d . antl 1 / - Watch Keys Git . Ladies' Ears pierced 1 / - Mauufactory : 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain . OLD MASONIC BOOKS . The Sentimental and Masonic Magazine , 4 vols . 1792 , 3 : 111114 . Solomon ' s Temple Spiritualised , with an account of its destruction by Christopher Kelly . ISOJ Kdition . The Temple , an essay on tha forms ot" the Ark , the Tahernade , ami the Temple of Jerusalem . Jacob ' s Ladder , the Ascent to Heaven , plainly pointed out . lly the Rev . ( 1 . Oliver , I ) . I ) . A Mirror for the Johannite Masons , in a series of letters to the Right lion , thc Karl of Ahoync , Prov . Grand . Master for Northampton and Huntingdon . History of the Knights of Malta , or the Order of the Hospital of St . | ohn of Jerusalem £ 2 vols . ) liv Major Whitwor ' . ll I ' orter , 11 . li . The Achievements of the Kni ghts of Malta 2 vols ; lly A . Sutherland . Jerusalem , a Sketch of the City and Temple , from thc earliest times to the siege by Titus , lly Thomas I . ewin Ksq ., of Trinity College , Oxford . History of Freemasonry and the Grand Lodge of Scotland , lly Wir . A . Laurie . Constitutions of the Antient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , 1 . S 41 and 1 N 53 Editions . Collections of Masonic Son ^ s ( 1705 Edition . ) May be hail at Bro . George Kennin / s M . u . mie I . ibrm , iij 8 , fleet-street . Masonic U . iaki . ltov . ; ht , Sold and l-Arliaugcd .
TESSELATED CARPETING run Lodges , Chapters , Encampments , & c . Four IVi't wide , 4 / 3 per Yard . MASONIC DEPOTS , 2 , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN AND 198 , FLEET . STREET E . C . Second Edition , Now Heady , i / fi . MASONIC MUSICAL SERVICE . In the key of C . for A ., T ., T ., B . Opening and Closing Odes . Craft Ceremonies . Royal Arch Ceremony . Consecintiou Ceremony . Grace before ami after Meat . COMPOSED iii DR . J . C . BAKER , NO . 341 . LONDON- . —Geo . Kenning , 198 , Flccl-Micct ; and -, 3 , and 4 , Little Britain . „ H . Spencer , 2 C 1 , Great Qnecti-streit . l . l \ KH !\ xn ..--Geti . Kenning , 2 , Mov . ument-pWte . MAM-IIKSTKII . —h . Ileniy \ - Co ., 59 , Deansgatc . DUIH . IX . —C . lledgelong , 26 , Giaft-. m- ^ trcct GLASGOW . —Geo . Kenning , 14 J , Argj le-stieet . EuiNiiuiKiii . —Geo . Kenning , d ; , llanover-sticci .
Recently enlarged by the erection of three additional School-rooms , Students' Hal ! , Theological and Scientific Lecture Hall ( including Reading Room ) , Chemical Laboratory , Private Studies , Dining Halls , large Swimming rfath , Gymnasium , and spacious Dormitories , as well as separate Bedrooms .
RECTOR : BRO . REV . T . ABBOTT PETERS , M . A . VICE-PRINCIPAL : Rev . J . S . SKINNER , B . A . MASTERS : Rev . T . AUHOTT PETERS , M . A ., Divinity . Rev . J . S . SKINNER , B . A ., the Classics and Ancient History .
Mr . 11 . J . HENDERSON , M . A ., Junior Classics . Mr . T . IIYMERS J ACKSON , B . A ., Mathematics , Navigations and the English Language , History and Literature . Mr . E . CLEMENT , Ph . D ., The Natural Sciences ( Experimental and Mathematical ) , French and German .
Mr . J . ROCHFORT , CM ., English Subjects generally , and Junior Mathematics . Mr . G . CMFI ' ORD , Junior English and Junior Mathematics . Mr . FLOYD . C . E ., Land Surveying and Levelling with thc use of Theodolite , Mechanical Drawing . iMr . W . H . J ONES , Music ( Organand Piano ) and Singing .
Mr . R . NICIIOL , Librarian . Sergeant BRADY , Military Drill , Gymnastics , antl Swimming . There are in connection with the College
THREE ANNUAL EXHIBITIONS , open for general competition to all students , and tenable for three years . Special Classes are formed for preparing students for the Legal , Medical , Home , Colonial , and Indian Civil Service Examinations ; and for entrance to Woolwich , Coopershill , and the Universities of Oxford , Cambridge , London ,
Dublin , Durham , and Edinburgh . The Religious Teaching is based on strictl y Protestant Principles , in accordance with the Doctrines anil Liturgy of the Church of England . Students requiring a commercial education only , are exempt from the classical course , if desired . The year consists of two terms , during which there are
no holidays , the only vacations being at Midsummer and Christmas . The use of all class books , valuable library , stationery ( except mathematical instruments ) laundry , & c , is included in the terms . No Extras of tiny kind .
The High School—Students from io to 23 years of age . The Middle School—Students from 12 to 16 years of age . The Preparatory School—Students untler 12 years of age . Thc College is divided into three sections . In the
PREPARATORY SCHOOL ( entirely distinct , tut contiguous ) Boys are well grounded in thc elements of a sound English Education , with French and German ( also in Latin and Greek if for thc learned professions ) , and prepared for thc High or Middle School . In the High School the course of studv is a preparation for the Universities antl the
various competitive examinations ; while the Middle School trains pupils in such subjects as will qualify them for scientific and commercial pursuits . Alston College is pleasantly situated , about six miles from Preston , and half a mile from Longridgc Railway Station ; is in immediate proximity to beautiful mountain scenery , within half an horn ' s ride of the chief watering
dlaces on the western coast of Lancashire , and is considered by . Medical Profesois to he in one of the healthiest localities in England—a fact sufficiently proved by the ¦ cinarkably good health en joyed by the studen's and regularly confirmed by the half-yearly medical repoits . Extensive Cricket Grounds are attached to the College Farms , whilst a spacious covered Gymnasium and
Student's I Jail , available for recreation , drill , tec , adjoin . Reports of all examinations , together with the names of those students who have distinguished themselves at the College and the Universities , as Exhibitioners , Medalists and Prizemen , also the reports of thc late examinations , together with views of the College buildings , and all necessary infoimation , forwartled on application to the
Rector , or to Mil . GEORGE CLIFFORD , Secretary . References kindly permitted to Bro . Masons , and to thc late Examiners : Rev . T . II . Lindsay Leary , M . A ., D . C . L . ( Oxon ) , Assistant Examiner to I ler Majesty ' s Civil Service Lcmmissicn , Crawford Cottage , Epsom ; T . W . Eyre Evans , Esq ., LL . D . T . C . D ., Nightingale Villa , Lower
Norwood ; and other University Examiners ; Professoi I'agel , Liverpool ; R . Koutledge , Esq ., B . S . F . C . S ., Manchester ; also the Protestant Clergy , Nobility , and Pinfcssioual Gentlemen ( parents of present pupils ) in Lon ' on , , Va ichcster , Liverpool , Birmingham , Leeds , Bradford , l . ' ognor , Preston , Burnley , Chester , Lancaster , Boston
( Lincoln ) , Wigan , llarrowgnte , Accrington , llasliiigdcn , Kendal . Southpoit , Todmoiden , tec , and \ aiious other towns ; the Continent of Europe , the colonies , New York , and the United States , L . azil , Culm , tic . who can bear ample testimony to the merits and success of this College . Next term commence ! , the , th August , 1873 .