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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MASON : G EMBLEMS . A BEAUTIFUL WORK OF ART in Photosrrnphy , for framing , representing a volume of the , Scripture , opened at Chapter 6 of the ist Book of King ' s , surrounded hy symbols of the Craft . Plain , is , fid . ; richly coloured , 3 s . To be had wholesale and retail of STEVENS SlliciiAitn-SON , Stationers and Steam Printers , 5 , Great Slucen-street , Lincoln's-inn-fields .
u'T'HE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS The Latge ^ t M : \ wm \ c MvrcrtMy \ w U \\ i WmUl . Published St . Louis , l \ Io ., hy George Frank Cinuley , Grnnd Secretary and Recorder of the four * Grand Bodies ol" Missouri . The Freemason contains tidings from every quarter of the world and will be found of great advantage to all Masons , especially those interested in American affairs . Terms $ 2 per annum , ainl to those who subscribe for the London Freemason the price will be $ 1 . 50 ¦ mnxney . Postage free . Subscriptions received at the Ofiice of the London " Freemason ' , igS , Fleet-street .
THE LONDON MIRROR Published every Saturday ; juice 41 ! . The object of Ibis journal is ' to set forth tbe claims of the many "U'li . ' . 'ious , Kihir . ilion . il , I ' cncvolent , . mil Prudential Institutions ol the Oniled Kingdom , and week by week to report Ijieir proceedings , whether as Meetings , . Sermons , Anniversaries , or Elections , so as lo present these National Institutions to the favour ofthe Public . Ollice , sO , Southampton-vow , Russell-suuare , London , W . C . "THE FREEMASON " Supplied hy rp DRISCOLL , Wholesale Newsagent , 87 , - ^ lg'irringalon-st ., E . C . South London Branch , 4 16 , W . indswcrth-road , S . W ., ci j ^ ht doors from tlie London Chalh ; im .-md Dmcr Hailwaj Station . Wholesale Publisher to the Trade .
CITY . pOTTLF & SON , 14 and 1 . 5 , Royal Exchange 1 City Agents for "THE FREEMASON " AND 'The Israelites found in the Anglo-Saxons , " Just published , price 2 s . 6 d . DUBLIN . Bro . CHARLES HEDGELONG , NKW AND SKCOND-11 AMD BOOKSELLER 26 , GRAITOX STRHHT , Duiil . IN ' . AGENT FOR " THE FREEMASON . " SWANSEA Agent for thc Freemason . "DRO . CHAS , MAGGS . 24 , Ox . foul-. st ., Swansea , A lar . ^ e stock of Aprons , jewels , Clothing ' , and every requisite for all Dcgoccs of | -Ycciuasonry . Agent for Kcnninjj ' s Masonic Note I'aper , Kn \ elopes , Hooks , Candles , IVrfumes , \ 'C . . ' . dvcitiseir . cnts received for "The Fieciviasovi . " THE BIRKBECK Is llie onlv Hull . ling Soviet v whose Annual Receipts cNiecds 6 A K ' M I I . I . 1 () N ! Ilo-. it !•• V :: u ) .. isc e llv . ise Jfr 1 ' it-i o ' . vo .,. o ; ., r M . iiitit , Wilh immediate p „ -. — ion . ir . d no Kent lo p . iv . Apply . it llie Olikcnl Ibe lill'Kllc . Fi ; I ' . Fll . ll ] NF , .-Otli-. TY , -D ec . 10 , Soulli . iuipt . m-buildic ' . g Fhar . icrv-Iane . Il , t-. r tit l-mchtise . 1 '/ ' / . ¦/ uf l . ttr . il Jt . r I ere Sl . iilincj j cr Mmill :, Willi immediate po-. cssioii , either lor I holding m Iiaoli niu : purpo-es apply . il tbe Ull ' iic ol tbe 111 KK . I 1 KI K l- 'K 1 ¦ : ! ' ! lill . I ) I . AM ) .. OFII'TY , 31 . 1 e : . 10 Suiill . ninpl . m-buildings , I hauccry-lane . Ibi ' . e l « hcreit ' Slur . cy -. rill , s . if t \ , i ! X " - ( t'cr cent Interest , Apply to llie llilicc ol Ihe 111 KKIiEl Is HANK . All sums under / Vo rcieo . able upon demand , t ' r . rreot accnunls opened similar lo Ordinary Hanker * . I licque Hooks supplied . Olliee hours fiom io lill . j daily , on Mondays Mom lotill o , and on . snlnidnis Irom io lill .- * . A small pamphlet , cnnlaining lull parlieulnts / uinv be ohlained glad-, or rent j ' ost-l : ce on appliialioa Io FKAXCIS U . WKNMIIOI-ig . Manager . C ANDLES , OILS , AND SOAI-S . r . Ol ' . l'KT S . MENDEY , ( L . vn : \ vi ni I ' . \ I i : su . \ ia . nn Cu . ' W ; -x and Tallow Cli-nuller , Oil and Soap Moi'chanl , i co , IV . M MI : ¦ ' : i-.. I in or , I ' . f ' . Spe . bg FalVo . .. la-ouie , Fl . u ; Vu and IVIne , 1 in pule Wax , Spcrm . uclli , ar . d Vtcsiiuc , Piss and . Moulds ol r . lino ! and hardened T . d . ' ov . . . ' genu . ::. ! :-.. "ego r I'm oili ;< ol / . r ( 'il . I > i > - CIHIMI lo . cash . dv . it e .. || - . 1 gi . . ¦ : I : ee in Loudon and suburb ... V . V : dce . V , Fcl . al and Lxpuil . W . FIGISS , So , CANNON-S'J KEET , LONDON , E . C , M . ' NUl ' . UITFKJ'K Ob THIS NEW 7 EGIS UMBRELLA , Combining iiHMvasctl shelter with hievca ^ ed stteu ^ th , a ; i elegant shajie , aiul ; i coincnicnt walking length . HIDING AND DRIVING WHIPS , & c .
BALL FAVOURS , NEWEST DESIGNS . AIASONIC JJKI ' 2 , . ; , . v 4 , i . ri'n . i ' . ' i ;« n'Ai . v , - ' iyS , licit-: l ; i il , London . ,, 1 . 1 , Monuiiivi l-p ' aee , 1 i ' . eii' . oiil . , fillANLII 1 : i : , , , ' , ' I . 1 . 1 ,, Aig \ le-eimi , idi .- gov :. 1 ( . It ; , i : aii ' o ' , ei- ' . 'ii .. l Ivliiihuggh .
City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , LONDON . T & fELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur Dramatic Entertainments Public Meetings , and Arbitrations . The large Hall is capable of seating upwards of Twelve Hundred people . SYDNEY SVENCER , Pi * opYietov The Alexandra Restaurant , 7 , CONDUIT-STREET , REGENT-STREET . Public and Private Dining Room ? . First-class Cooking and Wines . Open for Suppers after the Theatres . Bro . F . Hn . FREicn , Proprietor .
Caledonian Hotel , ROBF . RT STKEET , ADELPHI TERRACE , STRAND ( GENTLEMEN and Families visiting London will lintl every accommodation , combined with comfort and moderate charges , at the above Hotel . Beds from zs . ; Sitting Rooms from 3 s . ; Breakfasts from 2 s . Tabled'Hote 6 . 30 , 3 s . Gd . Every accommodation for Masonic Meetings and Banquets for the Craft , Arch and High Grades . A Spacious and Cheerful Coffee Room overlooking the Victoria FCnibanktnent . BRO . GEORGE STATES , Manager . THE ROEBUCK "GARDENS "AND GROUNDS Sec " IC pp mg Forest Reminiscences "—have ; Uways been historically associated with the adjacent Forest from time immemorial . Patronised b y the far famed "Hiding Forester , " Baron Suasso ; from here he hunted the stag for more th . in fifty years . Mall to dine , 500 persons . BaiKiucts , Dinners , Fetes , tec . From Fcnchurch or Uishopstr .-Ue . Ordinary every Sunday at ilalt-nast One . BUCKHURST MILL , X . li .
" CAUTION . GENERAL FUNERAL ESTABLISHWENT ( Established upwards of 3 ; vears . ; ? Bros . SINCLAIR & SON , R l '" t ; r . "islll . \ fi UN'IIKIHWKKK . S AND FUXEIUI . jilt FK . VTMEU . MBX , , «—^ jfe ^ . Si , Cily RK-III , Fiiislmrv Sepiaro , nppositc tlie Finsliury . SL-IUIIIIS , 10 . 0 , niu ! 24 , Si . iulignle-voad , Downhain-ro . 'ul , near the " Rosemary llianeh Uiidge , N . No ciiinectinn with any other establishment ofthe same name . ) Only at the above addresses . Kvery Funeral at slated charges—See Illustrated l ' rospectiis .
t LEA & PERKINS' SAUCE . TDK "WOHCKSTKHSHIKIi . " Pronounced by Connoisseurs " Tin ; ONLY ROOD SACCE . " Its use improves appetite and diges-V turn . Unrivalled [ or piquancy ami flavour . - !§§ $$ ASK FOR LEA & PERRINS SAUCE . ' ^ r * £ ? $ BKWAHK Of IMITATIONS irVi'sS' -to avoid which , see the names , Y | f ^; : LKA & I'KHKIXS , ^ -YYiY ^ bottles aud labels . ¦ TSfpf . 'j Agents—Citossi : iV Bi . ArKWKi . i ., London , and sold k - - . _ i : iiV i , y all Dealers in Sauces throughout the world . KENNING'S NEW BALLOT BOX . Y "r 'It ¦^"• ^^^ JfflH ^ , ' I 11 jrfY ' . wi f-. J S ^ ^ M ^ ^ JSBHIPrico Thirty Shillings l ) K . i :. \ Y \ V . \ U !) . . X i- ;\ V l . 'le'CO \' l . KV . SKI . F AID I ' OR IXYAMDS . 7 V / i' 7 V ( Y . ' . '/; . ' 1 ' /// ami M . K ' i > f Cure . IIllW TO Ivsi ; Sl'tH : l : V' . Sl'L ' l . l . Y . AVlTfl Safety ami Success , in all cases of Weakness , low spirits , despondency , languor , exhaustion , iniiscul . 'i " , dehilitv , loss ol strength , appetite , \ c . wrniou ' r . MKDICINK , or recourse to unqualified men am ! ethers \\ ho practice " 'I he Healing ; Ait" without leave or licence . full Jiriiiletl iils ' riniiinl-i , tliirinniK , C ' e ., J"C Inettli . h , jitut Je , e , hrti . *' . ;/;//> .. J ' runi •' r . ilAYWAHIJ , . M . H . C . S ., 1 .. S . A ., , Yc , 14 , York-siicci , PoiTinan-siiuaie , London , \ Y .
104 CHURCH SERMONS , li y KM 1 XF . NT CI-KilCiV . MFN . In'Two Volumes , Handsomel y Hound in Cloth , each , 4 / JifcKVK . s , SON , and Co ., Playhouse-yard London .
QHEAI'EST GAS JiATH £ 6 j / , s . od . ( : id \; inced 10 per cent . ) iV . -is CoiiMTiatorv UoiliTs . tias livens , ( Xo ' Cms hlsiile V , <; . SHKl'AY . SIiL'KY . 59 , Old IJailey . Factory i ; S llan inglou road . lgist lltixton . \ 1 EX . VA 1- " > " 1 : ii : l * i ic .. \ , 'V 1110 Di |) lom . 'i ol ' lUiiiuiu ; bciw . r the liiolicst ili'tiuctioii . :. : 1 i , 1 a wan I ,-. I lo Li 1 00 ' ' . 'MI'ANl ' s I ' .-ei ! AIT or Ali . v 1 . IV'jii ' ei- toe I v . ' ir . i ' oc , in li ' . u ,- , oi i ' ,, r i ,, \ . .. l-. i ' .- li . an . 11 Jiolti- v . i .: cl ) i ; . 'J sieuatiuc on tiie Ti . tdc . ' i . ii'L l . il . el .
I o ^ mmmi ^^ ^ ^ DISEASES QB Hjg LUNGS AMD AIR-VE 8 SEL & CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR / Opiates , Narcotics , and Squills are too often invoked to givcreliu . in Coughs , Colds , and all Pulmonary diseases . Instead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at the expense of enfeebling the digestive organs , and thus increasing that debility which lies at the root of the maladv , modern science points to CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR as the true remedy . SELECT TESTIMONIAL . Dr . Rooke , Scarborough , authorofthe " Anti-Lancet /* says : *' have repeatedly observed how very rapidly arid invariably it subdue ^ cough , pain , and irritation of the chest in cases of Pulmonary Consumption , and I can , with the greatest confidence , recommend it asa most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allays the local irritation , but improves digestion and strengthens the constitution . Hence it is used with the most signal success in Asthma , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , IniJuenza , Night Sweatsof Consumption , Quinsey . and all all ' ections ofthe throat and chest . Sold in bottles at is . gd ., 4 s . Gd ., and us . each , by all re » spectable Chemists , and wholesale by Jas . M . Crosby , Chemist Scarborough , * * * InvaiHlsshor . Idrtad Crosby ' s Prize Treatise on "Diseases of the Lungs ami Air-Vessels , " a coyy of which can be had Gratis o t all Chemists ,
^ 'Y ^ K Y 0 Ii :, ; fi' : ' ' ' Ai ! N 10 ATF , D C _ - ' / ' *' j 5 \ I CORN AND . IIVMON V ^ a &~ -i , ' ' rf-. USTKlis . ¦„„ iho host over invniitnl for trivinu' iiiiniodiato rnso , and rnmovinp those painful exerosconcos . I'l'ieo till , and Is . per box . Any ( Uieinist , not luiving l ! io ; n in Ptoek can ] iroeure lhem . Observe the Trade Mark- —1 I . Y—v . illioul , whicU none are genuine . He sure and ask iur You . vu'a .
JS ELECTRICITY LIFE ?—This question is treated upon in a little work , which mav he ohtained ( for three stamps ) from J . I .. CULVER INIACHKK , IQ 4 , Recent-street , W ' ., London , Entitled |\/ TJ ' , DICAL ELECTRICITY : ITS USE and ABUSE , HOW to CUKK RHEUMATIC NKRVOUS , . MUSCULAR , and FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS , lee , by SKLF-AIT'LICATION ( tor three stamps ) , through all booksellers . T-TOW to CURE Rheumatic , Nervous , Musrular . and l ' "U . \ CT 10 . \ 'AL DISORDERS , & c . bv SELI ' -APPLK'ATIOX . Read " . MEDICAL lT . ia : rRKTTY ; ITS USE A . ND ABUSE , three stamps . —| . I .. ri . 'I . VER . MACTIER 194 Regent Street , London , \ V .
| ust juiblislied , 1 ' reu liilitiou , fMJIDE TO HEALTH ; or ADVICE AND VT INSTKUl'TIONSIor ' 1111 : t'L'RK ot NEKVOUS , MEN T . \ l , nml I'llYSIt'Al . IllUllLITY , liiiligeslion , and all diseases of iliL- Nvrvnus Svstcm , resulting fiom exbaustion uf Nerve L ' owcr liv IIK . IIIi . VKY ' S . MI'I'll , < aYi . Sl . \ VSTi ; i ' < " 1 'IOXS l . u- the Development and Strengthen ing the lluiii . in 11 mlv , bow lo Acquire lleallh and Strength , Secure Long Lite , ami Avoid the humilities of Did Ai ; e . Illustr . iteil with IV ' -tiinoni . iU , with means of t ' ure used ill each case , 'llie n ; ini }> lilet will be sent lice by juist to any address on receipt « t tuo innni stamps . Address Dr . 11 . S . Ml'l'l I , S , llurton-nvseent , LonJjn , W . C .
QriNTHSCKXCEOb' JAMAICA GINGER and CAMO . MII . K . Wil . KIN . ' -ON'S rre )»; inLtlnt ] < if ( linger and Camomile has loiii ; bcrn d-. ' -iTvi-dlx known as an L-xitllcui dome > tic medicine . It is a nm-i eilii-ient StonLuhic lonif , and the l > c-t remedy for Klatn-Ifiu-v and di-. mder > avi .-iu' ; from imjiaiiL-ij di ^ e ^ timi , and is not a llei-led hv climate . Nn i '" . n \ i > pi . ' ;\ n in IntliaortvpiiwI elimak-s should lie \ vithont U . In oiie-eh , litli , ( jiiarter , and hall-pint bottles . SARSAPAR 1 LLA . WILKINSON'S KSSKNCE , OR FLUID KXTK . VCT til- ' KIT ) JA . MAll'A SAKSAl'AUH . I . A , | uesri'il'cil by llie l- ' aculty for I ' CUIIVIMI nit lli . ouii , D 1 . 1 u 1 . lrv , I . IVKII CoMriiiNis , and Ireeing the system Irom ellecls ol . Mercury . Kxclu ^ ixelv used ill India and the Colonies as a prevention lo Tro * pival . lipases . " . superior preparations that nia \ alua \ s be relied upon . "—Sir Asll . y Cooper . " " We are in every re-pert satisfied with it . "—Lancet . "We recommend \ ouis as tlie l . e .-t . "—Medical Keview . In ( Jiiarter , llall , and Pint Bottles . CAUTION ' . — gnuri '' Us and injm ions preparations are oilered lo llie public . See that lioltie and Lai , el Have the name anil Ad tlvcss , "T . Wilkinson , late Wilkinson , llridge , ami Co ., No . 270-Kie ; cnl-streel , London . "
Vy ' lIITAIORK ' S STOMACHIC D 1 NNKR 1 ILLS . No Pill is so ellu'aeious in proiiiotingdigestimgstrengtheniugthe Sloiu .-u'li , eonveting a , idil > , pre \ eiiting ,, i- leiiioiing lleadarhe tli . ldiii . ^ s . ' vc . ari .-iu lr . un a Costive Habit , Uebilitaled . Sloinach or Torpid Liver . ~ Tli .-i rcipiire novhan ,-. . -ol' iliel , aud those of tlie most delicate cou-ai union ran lake I hem wilh safety . Taken as an adjunct with Wilkinson ' s e ' alsaputilla with the givalest success .
LOMBARD 'EXCHANGE , LoMHAni ) STIIEET , LONUON , K . C . TI'KVS . C s . . 1 I ' . nliance 1 ' ee ... ... ... ,., ... 3 3 o Annual SubMiiption ... ... ... ,,. ... 3 i 0 Meinbe ' s residing and inrriing 011 business at : i disl . inie of lilti' mills and upu . i ' rds lo , m J . oialou , . ¦ Icr . h . 'oit ( ' -i . il :- ins , am 1 fieri . s Io Subscriber :, ( uo cutnince I ' ve ) 1 1 o IV 0 ,. ia :-. v . e . ; . u ; geied . wilt new-j .-gpi'rs , telegrams , and hooks 1 , 1 iilik'iiii . Il includes a I ' o-i-oilKC , I'osle Keslante , Telegra | , h-olliie , Keading and Wiiliug Koom , Kislauranl , Lava-Uirivs , . S : < g ; also copfnv . ' , mailiines lov the use of Subsevibers . liro . IOII . X II . YODXlillUSIlANI ) , l ' . M ., V . i .., l' . \ .. C „ l ' . l ' . J . G . W ., Sec , Manager ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MASON : G EMBLEMS . A BEAUTIFUL WORK OF ART in Photosrrnphy , for framing , representing a volume of the , Scripture , opened at Chapter 6 of the ist Book of King ' s , surrounded hy symbols of the Craft . Plain , is , fid . ; richly coloured , 3 s . To be had wholesale and retail of STEVENS SlliciiAitn-SON , Stationers and Steam Printers , 5 , Great Slucen-street , Lincoln's-inn-fields .
u'T'HE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS The Latge ^ t M : \ wm \ c MvrcrtMy \ w U \\ i WmUl . Published St . Louis , l \ Io ., hy George Frank Cinuley , Grnnd Secretary and Recorder of the four * Grand Bodies ol" Missouri . The Freemason contains tidings from every quarter of the world and will be found of great advantage to all Masons , especially those interested in American affairs . Terms $ 2 per annum , ainl to those who subscribe for the London Freemason the price will be $ 1 . 50 ¦ mnxney . Postage free . Subscriptions received at the Ofiice of the London " Freemason ' , igS , Fleet-street .
THE LONDON MIRROR Published every Saturday ; juice 41 ! . The object of Ibis journal is ' to set forth tbe claims of the many "U'li . ' . 'ious , Kihir . ilion . il , I ' cncvolent , . mil Prudential Institutions ol the Oniled Kingdom , and week by week to report Ijieir proceedings , whether as Meetings , . Sermons , Anniversaries , or Elections , so as lo present these National Institutions to the favour ofthe Public . Ollice , sO , Southampton-vow , Russell-suuare , London , W . C . "THE FREEMASON " Supplied hy rp DRISCOLL , Wholesale Newsagent , 87 , - ^ lg'irringalon-st ., E . C . South London Branch , 4 16 , W . indswcrth-road , S . W ., ci j ^ ht doors from tlie London Chalh ; im .-md Dmcr Hailwaj Station . Wholesale Publisher to the Trade .
CITY . pOTTLF & SON , 14 and 1 . 5 , Royal Exchange 1 City Agents for "THE FREEMASON " AND 'The Israelites found in the Anglo-Saxons , " Just published , price 2 s . 6 d . DUBLIN . Bro . CHARLES HEDGELONG , NKW AND SKCOND-11 AMD BOOKSELLER 26 , GRAITOX STRHHT , Duiil . IN ' . AGENT FOR " THE FREEMASON . " SWANSEA Agent for thc Freemason . "DRO . CHAS , MAGGS . 24 , Ox . foul-. st ., Swansea , A lar . ^ e stock of Aprons , jewels , Clothing ' , and every requisite for all Dcgoccs of | -Ycciuasonry . Agent for Kcnninjj ' s Masonic Note I'aper , Kn \ elopes , Hooks , Candles , IVrfumes , \ 'C . . ' . dvcitiseir . cnts received for "The Fieciviasovi . " THE BIRKBECK Is llie onlv Hull . ling Soviet v whose Annual Receipts cNiecds 6 A K ' M I I . I . 1 () N ! Ilo-. it !•• V :: u ) .. isc e llv . ise Jfr 1 ' it-i o ' . vo .,. o ; ., r M . iiitit , Wilh immediate p „ -. — ion . ir . d no Kent lo p . iv . Apply . it llie Olikcnl Ibe lill'Kllc . Fi ; I ' . Fll . ll ] NF , .-Otli-. TY , -D ec . 10 , Soulli . iuipt . m-buildic ' . g Fhar . icrv-Iane . Il , t-. r tit l-mchtise . 1 '/ ' / . ¦/ uf l . ttr . il Jt . r I ere Sl . iilincj j cr Mmill :, Willi immediate po-. cssioii , either lor I holding m Iiaoli niu : purpo-es apply . il tbe Ull ' iic ol tbe 111 KK . I 1 KI K l- 'K 1 ¦ : ! ' ! lill . I ) I . AM ) .. OFII'TY , 31 . 1 e : . 10 Suiill . ninpl . m-buildings , I hauccry-lane . Ibi ' . e l « hcreit ' Slur . cy -. rill , s . if t \ , i ! X " - ( t'cr cent Interest , Apply to llie llilicc ol Ihe 111 KKIiEl Is HANK . All sums under / Vo rcieo . able upon demand , t ' r . rreot accnunls opened similar lo Ordinary Hanker * . I licque Hooks supplied . Olliee hours fiom io lill . j daily , on Mondays Mom lotill o , and on . snlnidnis Irom io lill .- * . A small pamphlet , cnnlaining lull parlieulnts / uinv be ohlained glad-, or rent j ' ost-l : ce on appliialioa Io FKAXCIS U . WKNMIIOI-ig . Manager . C ANDLES , OILS , AND SOAI-S . r . Ol ' . l'KT S . MENDEY , ( L . vn : \ vi ni I ' . \ I i : su . \ ia . nn Cu . ' W ; -x and Tallow Cli-nuller , Oil and Soap Moi'chanl , i co , IV . M MI : ¦ ' : i-.. I in or , I ' . f ' . Spe . bg FalVo . .. la-ouie , Fl . u ; Vu and IVIne , 1 in pule Wax , Spcrm . uclli , ar . d Vtcsiiuc , Piss and . Moulds ol r . lino ! and hardened T . d . ' ov . . . ' genu . ::. ! :-.. "ego r I'm oili ;< ol / . r ( 'il . I > i > - CIHIMI lo . cash . dv . it e .. || - . 1 gi . . ¦ : I : ee in Loudon and suburb ... V . V : dce . V , Fcl . al and Lxpuil . W . FIGISS , So , CANNON-S'J KEET , LONDON , E . C , M . ' NUl ' . UITFKJ'K Ob THIS NEW 7 EGIS UMBRELLA , Combining iiHMvasctl shelter with hievca ^ ed stteu ^ th , a ; i elegant shajie , aiul ; i coincnicnt walking length . HIDING AND DRIVING WHIPS , & c .
BALL FAVOURS , NEWEST DESIGNS . AIASONIC JJKI ' 2 , . ; , . v 4 , i . ri'n . i ' . ' i ;« n'Ai . v , - ' iyS , licit-: l ; i il , London . ,, 1 . 1 , Monuiiivi l-p ' aee , 1 i ' . eii' . oiil . , fillANLII 1 : i : , , , ' , ' I . 1 . 1 ,, Aig \ le-eimi , idi .- gov :. 1 ( . It ; , i : aii ' o ' , ei- ' . 'ii .. l Ivliiihuggh .
City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , LONDON . T & fELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur Dramatic Entertainments Public Meetings , and Arbitrations . The large Hall is capable of seating upwards of Twelve Hundred people . SYDNEY SVENCER , Pi * opYietov The Alexandra Restaurant , 7 , CONDUIT-STREET , REGENT-STREET . Public and Private Dining Room ? . First-class Cooking and Wines . Open for Suppers after the Theatres . Bro . F . Hn . FREicn , Proprietor .
Caledonian Hotel , ROBF . RT STKEET , ADELPHI TERRACE , STRAND ( GENTLEMEN and Families visiting London will lintl every accommodation , combined with comfort and moderate charges , at the above Hotel . Beds from zs . ; Sitting Rooms from 3 s . ; Breakfasts from 2 s . Tabled'Hote 6 . 30 , 3 s . Gd . Every accommodation for Masonic Meetings and Banquets for the Craft , Arch and High Grades . A Spacious and Cheerful Coffee Room overlooking the Victoria FCnibanktnent . BRO . GEORGE STATES , Manager . THE ROEBUCK "GARDENS "AND GROUNDS Sec " IC pp mg Forest Reminiscences "—have ; Uways been historically associated with the adjacent Forest from time immemorial . Patronised b y the far famed "Hiding Forester , " Baron Suasso ; from here he hunted the stag for more th . in fifty years . Mall to dine , 500 persons . BaiKiucts , Dinners , Fetes , tec . From Fcnchurch or Uishopstr .-Ue . Ordinary every Sunday at ilalt-nast One . BUCKHURST MILL , X . li .
" CAUTION . GENERAL FUNERAL ESTABLISHWENT ( Established upwards of 3 ; vears . ; ? Bros . SINCLAIR & SON , R l '" t ; r . "islll . \ fi UN'IIKIHWKKK . S AND FUXEIUI . jilt FK . VTMEU . MBX , , «—^ jfe ^ . Si , Cily RK-III , Fiiislmrv Sepiaro , nppositc tlie Finsliury . SL-IUIIIIS , 10 . 0 , niu ! 24 , Si . iulignle-voad , Downhain-ro . 'ul , near the " Rosemary llianeh Uiidge , N . No ciiinectinn with any other establishment ofthe same name . ) Only at the above addresses . Kvery Funeral at slated charges—See Illustrated l ' rospectiis .
t LEA & PERKINS' SAUCE . TDK "WOHCKSTKHSHIKIi . " Pronounced by Connoisseurs " Tin ; ONLY ROOD SACCE . " Its use improves appetite and diges-V turn . Unrivalled [ or piquancy ami flavour . - !§§ $$ ASK FOR LEA & PERRINS SAUCE . ' ^ r * £ ? $ BKWAHK Of IMITATIONS irVi'sS' -to avoid which , see the names , Y | f ^; : LKA & I'KHKIXS , ^ -YYiY ^ bottles aud labels . ¦ TSfpf . 'j Agents—Citossi : iV Bi . ArKWKi . i ., London , and sold k - - . _ i : iiV i , y all Dealers in Sauces throughout the world . KENNING'S NEW BALLOT BOX . Y "r 'It ¦^"• ^^^ JfflH ^ , ' I 11 jrfY ' . wi f-. J S ^ ^ M ^ ^ JSBHIPrico Thirty Shillings l ) K . i :. \ Y \ V . \ U !) . . X i- ;\ V l . 'le'CO \' l . KV . SKI . F AID I ' OR IXYAMDS . 7 V / i' 7 V ( Y . ' . '/; . ' 1 ' /// ami M . K ' i > f Cure . IIllW TO Ivsi ; Sl'tH : l : V' . Sl'L ' l . l . Y . AVlTfl Safety ami Success , in all cases of Weakness , low spirits , despondency , languor , exhaustion , iniiscul . 'i " , dehilitv , loss ol strength , appetite , \ c . wrniou ' r . MKDICINK , or recourse to unqualified men am ! ethers \\ ho practice " 'I he Healing ; Ait" without leave or licence . full Jiriiiletl iils ' riniiinl-i , tliirinniK , C ' e ., J"C Inettli . h , jitut Je , e , hrti . *' . ;/;//> .. J ' runi •' r . ilAYWAHIJ , . M . H . C . S ., 1 .. S . A ., , Yc , 14 , York-siicci , PoiTinan-siiuaie , London , \ Y .
104 CHURCH SERMONS , li y KM 1 XF . NT CI-KilCiV . MFN . In'Two Volumes , Handsomel y Hound in Cloth , each , 4 / JifcKVK . s , SON , and Co ., Playhouse-yard London .
QHEAI'EST GAS JiATH £ 6 j / , s . od . ( : id \; inced 10 per cent . ) iV . -is CoiiMTiatorv UoiliTs . tias livens , ( Xo ' Cms hlsiile V , <; . SHKl'AY . SIiL'KY . 59 , Old IJailey . Factory i ; S llan inglou road . lgist lltixton . \ 1 EX . VA 1- " > " 1 : ii : l * i ic .. \ , 'V 1110 Di |) lom . 'i ol ' lUiiiuiu ; bciw . r the liiolicst ili'tiuctioii . :. : 1 i , 1 a wan I ,-. I lo Li 1 00 ' ' . 'MI'ANl ' s I ' .-ei ! AIT or Ali . v 1 . IV'jii ' ei- toe I v . ' ir . i ' oc , in li ' . u ,- , oi i ' ,, r i ,, \ . .. l-. i ' .- li . an . 11 Jiolti- v . i .: cl ) i ; . 'J sieuatiuc on tiie Ti . tdc . ' i . ii'L l . il . el .
I o ^ mmmi ^^ ^ ^ DISEASES QB Hjg LUNGS AMD AIR-VE 8 SEL & CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR / Opiates , Narcotics , and Squills are too often invoked to givcreliu . in Coughs , Colds , and all Pulmonary diseases . Instead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at the expense of enfeebling the digestive organs , and thus increasing that debility which lies at the root of the maladv , modern science points to CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR as the true remedy . SELECT TESTIMONIAL . Dr . Rooke , Scarborough , authorofthe " Anti-Lancet /* says : *' have repeatedly observed how very rapidly arid invariably it subdue ^ cough , pain , and irritation of the chest in cases of Pulmonary Consumption , and I can , with the greatest confidence , recommend it asa most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allays the local irritation , but improves digestion and strengthens the constitution . Hence it is used with the most signal success in Asthma , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , IniJuenza , Night Sweatsof Consumption , Quinsey . and all all ' ections ofthe throat and chest . Sold in bottles at is . gd ., 4 s . Gd ., and us . each , by all re » spectable Chemists , and wholesale by Jas . M . Crosby , Chemist Scarborough , * * * InvaiHlsshor . Idrtad Crosby ' s Prize Treatise on "Diseases of the Lungs ami Air-Vessels , " a coyy of which can be had Gratis o t all Chemists ,
^ 'Y ^ K Y 0 Ii :, ; fi' : ' ' ' Ai ! N 10 ATF , D C _ - ' / ' *' j 5 \ I CORN AND . IIVMON V ^ a &~ -i , ' ' rf-. USTKlis . ¦„„ iho host over invniitnl for trivinu' iiiiniodiato rnso , and rnmovinp those painful exerosconcos . I'l'ieo till , and Is . per box . Any ( Uieinist , not luiving l ! io ; n in Ptoek can ] iroeure lhem . Observe the Trade Mark- —1 I . Y—v . illioul , whicU none are genuine . He sure and ask iur You . vu'a .
JS ELECTRICITY LIFE ?—This question is treated upon in a little work , which mav he ohtained ( for three stamps ) from J . I .. CULVER INIACHKK , IQ 4 , Recent-street , W ' ., London , Entitled |\/ TJ ' , DICAL ELECTRICITY : ITS USE and ABUSE , HOW to CUKK RHEUMATIC NKRVOUS , . MUSCULAR , and FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS , lee , by SKLF-AIT'LICATION ( tor three stamps ) , through all booksellers . T-TOW to CURE Rheumatic , Nervous , Musrular . and l ' "U . \ CT 10 . \ 'AL DISORDERS , & c . bv SELI ' -APPLK'ATIOX . Read " . MEDICAL lT . ia : rRKTTY ; ITS USE A . ND ABUSE , three stamps . —| . I .. ri . 'I . VER . MACTIER 194 Regent Street , London , \ V .
| ust juiblislied , 1 ' reu liilitiou , fMJIDE TO HEALTH ; or ADVICE AND VT INSTKUl'TIONSIor ' 1111 : t'L'RK ot NEKVOUS , MEN T . \ l , nml I'llYSIt'Al . IllUllLITY , liiiligeslion , and all diseases of iliL- Nvrvnus Svstcm , resulting fiom exbaustion uf Nerve L ' owcr liv IIK . IIIi . VKY ' S . MI'I'll , < aYi . Sl . \ VSTi ; i ' < " 1 'IOXS l . u- the Development and Strengthen ing the lluiii . in 11 mlv , bow lo Acquire lleallh and Strength , Secure Long Lite , ami Avoid the humilities of Did Ai ; e . Illustr . iteil with IV ' -tiinoni . iU , with means of t ' ure used ill each case , 'llie n ; ini }> lilet will be sent lice by juist to any address on receipt « t tuo innni stamps . Address Dr . 11 . S . Ml'l'l I , S , llurton-nvseent , LonJjn , W . C .
QriNTHSCKXCEOb' JAMAICA GINGER and CAMO . MII . K . Wil . KIN . ' -ON'S rre )»; inLtlnt ] < if ( linger and Camomile has loiii ; bcrn d-. ' -iTvi-dlx known as an L-xitllcui dome > tic medicine . It is a nm-i eilii-ient StonLuhic lonif , and the l > c-t remedy for Klatn-Ifiu-v and di-. mder > avi .-iu' ; from imjiaiiL-ij di ^ e ^ timi , and is not a llei-led hv climate . Nn i '" . n \ i > pi . ' ;\ n in IntliaortvpiiwI elimak-s should lie \ vithont U . In oiie-eh , litli , ( jiiarter , and hall-pint bottles . SARSAPAR 1 LLA . WILKINSON'S KSSKNCE , OR FLUID KXTK . VCT til- ' KIT ) JA . MAll'A SAKSAl'AUH . I . A , | uesri'il'cil by llie l- ' aculty for I ' CUIIVIMI nit lli . ouii , D 1 . 1 u 1 . lrv , I . IVKII CoMriiiNis , and Ireeing the system Irom ellecls ol . Mercury . Kxclu ^ ixelv used ill India and the Colonies as a prevention lo Tro * pival . lipases . " . superior preparations that nia \ alua \ s be relied upon . "—Sir Asll . y Cooper . " " We are in every re-pert satisfied with it . "—Lancet . "We recommend \ ouis as tlie l . e .-t . "—Medical Keview . In ( Jiiarter , llall , and Pint Bottles . CAUTION ' . — gnuri '' Us and injm ions preparations are oilered lo llie public . See that lioltie and Lai , el Have the name anil Ad tlvcss , "T . Wilkinson , late Wilkinson , llridge , ami Co ., No . 270-Kie ; cnl-streel , London . "
Vy ' lIITAIORK ' S STOMACHIC D 1 NNKR 1 ILLS . No Pill is so ellu'aeious in proiiiotingdigestimgstrengtheniugthe Sloiu .-u'li , eonveting a , idil > , pre \ eiiting ,, i- leiiioiing lleadarhe tli . ldiii . ^ s . ' vc . ari .-iu lr . un a Costive Habit , Uebilitaled . Sloinach or Torpid Liver . ~ Tli .-i rcipiire novhan ,-. . -ol' iliel , aud those of tlie most delicate cou-ai union ran lake I hem wilh safety . Taken as an adjunct with Wilkinson ' s e ' alsaputilla with the givalest success .
LOMBARD 'EXCHANGE , LoMHAni ) STIIEET , LONUON , K . C . TI'KVS . C s . . 1 I ' . nliance 1 ' ee ... ... ... ,., ... 3 3 o Annual SubMiiption ... ... ... ,,. ... 3 i 0 Meinbe ' s residing and inrriing 011 business at : i disl . inie of lilti' mills and upu . i ' rds lo , m J . oialou , . ¦ Icr . h . 'oit ( ' -i . il :- ins , am 1 fieri . s Io Subscriber :, ( uo cutnince I ' ve ) 1 1 o IV 0 ,. ia :-. v . e . ; . u ; geied . wilt new-j .-gpi'rs , telegrams , and hooks 1 , 1 iilik'iiii . Il includes a I ' o-i-oilKC , I'osle Keslante , Telegra | , h-olliie , Keading and Wiiliug Koom , Kislauranl , Lava-Uirivs , . S : < g ; also copfnv . ' , mailiines lov the use of Subsevibers . liro . IOII . X II . YODXlillUSIlANI ) , l ' . M ., V . i .., l' . \ .. C „ l ' . l ' . J . G . W ., Sec , Manager ,