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Bfto 24 FOR THE TEETH . QlJMfU BREATH ' / Kd ( t AfW dlHpNIleT ° H PEF ^ pUlVlEF v f ' QR ROWLAND'S ODONTO ,
ffURNITURE COX & Co ., FINSBURY SQUARE BUILDINGS , t CHISWELL ST ., LONDON , E . C . 1 COX et Go ' s . CATALOGUE . Showing the advantages of their Casli System , Forwarded Post Free . A Four-roomed House furnished complete , £ 10 o o A Six-roomed , including' Drawing-room , do . 26 6 6 A Sing le Parlour , do . 500 A Drawing-room , of Italian Walnut , do . 17 60 A Dining-rooom of . solid Mahogany do . 15 o o All articles warranted , and of thc best workmanship . A single article of Furniture at equall y low prices . The only house in the trade suppl ying the public direct from he workshops . Carriage paid to any Railway Station in the Kingdom .
JOHN GOSNEM , & CO . 'S J " CHEJiKY TOOTH PASTE" greatly excels all other preparations for the Teeth . " AGUA AMARELLA" restores the Human Hair to its pristine hue , no matter at what age . TOILET and NURSERY POWDER" beautifull y perfumed and guaranteed pure . / VSK FOR IOHN GOSNELL and CO . ' s . AND SEE THAT YOU HAVE NONEOTI 1 ER than their t ; i ; suiNiiAiticlcs . Sold by all respectable CHEMISTS and PERFUMERS . Wholesale , Angci Passage , 11 . 1 , Upper Thames-:, ! , London .
NOW READY . [ Roan , Gill Edges , Elastic Band , Price 2 . v ., Post Free 2 s . 2 d . THE COSMOPOLITAN MASONIC CALENDAR , DIARY , & POCKET-BOOK , FOR 1873 . CONTAINING Lists of Lodges ; ClinptcT . s , Cniiclnves , Grand Councils and Encampments , with the Names of Ollicers in England and SVales , Scotland , Ireland , France , Belgium , Germany , Italy , Denmark , Portugal , Sweden and Norway , Greece . Turkey . New Brunswick , Venezuela , Netherlands , British Columbia , I'eru , Canada , America , South America , etc . May le had of all Booksellers , Tillers , Janitors , Sentinels , Etjtterries , SV , Publishing Office , 198 , Fleet-street , E . C .
S . YARDLEY , ( p . STAIII . ISIII'll I . S ^ O ) j \ SHOP FRONT BUILDER , SHOP FITTER , AMI Air Tight Show Case Manufacturer , S , LOWER WOOD STREET , CI . EH K F . N WELL , LONDON , E . C . K \ eiv desniplinn nit ' itl ' m-:- m . inul ' aciured for Jewellers , Cutlers Stationers O . Ik es , Diapei ¦ - , Mii .-r . iiii-, IJanl . ^ Libraries , UutlUt-.-ie . ami I loners , l ' anev 'hades , N : r . Plans and MMimale- provided tYr yliop front ! - and internal littinu-, in Town nrniiy pan ol the ( Onniry . i ) ul ~' uic ) . ; i ! i )|) . s ( -. ilver jtlatei )^ JVoin 2-S ~ , Ditto , u itli aims and tittiin : < lonijikte , IK mi ( Vuia , liom . . Superior Jeweller * ' ditto , with extra illnminalim ; |> o \\ er , horn jCS . Ditto will ) aims arid hiiiihj > cinnpleie , hum fjni . 'i , hcni cc-, Bro . WILLIAMS . ^ MASONIC EMBLEMS Lithographic Artist / A Designed and Engraird EXGRAVER ON T— M ~& STONE , WOOD . WOOD . ^!&!& RM S ' ur X'KIJ-U . M . 48 , KINGS / ^^ \ CROSS RD , N . HHO . KENNING'S j NEW TRACING BOARDS , \ Mounted on Cloth for the pocket , Price 7 / 6 , '
A& m * , SCHWEITZER'SCOCOATINA , p ^ i |™ j § 5 ^ V ANTI-DYSPEPTIC COCOA OR CHOCOLATE POWDER . («( ilpt ill Guaranteed Pure Soluble Cocoa , without Sugar or any admixture . \ £ \ ^ r . O .:: ' ^ -Ay This unique pure prcpnr .-llion is pronounced hv the Facultv " the most nut . 'i ' . ii'us pcrlecllv digestible bever Vc \ 8 v " = Sl ^ V nw f " BRKAKFAST , LUNCHEON , or SUPPKR , and invaluable lor Invalids and Cliiidven . " \ p ^ TV ^ e ^ 5 ' It is made inslnuenusly with hoilinir waler or ir . ilk : heinit without sui ^ ar it suits all palates . ^^ 0 _ A ^ f ^> ^ In tin packels .-il is . 6 d ., 3 S ., 8 ; c . l ! v Chemists ami Crocers . ( Samples gratis . ) Yieehlered Cocontina a la YauiUe , at Same Prices . It is superior to the best Vanilla CUneolMe , much cheaper , perfe digxsliblc , anil made instantaneously . SOL 1 C PROPRIETORS : II . SCII WHITZF . R & Co ., 10 , ADAM-STRLKT ., AOKI . PIII , LONDON .
GEORGE REES MAI'LE and ROSEWOOD MOULDINGS , best in London GEORGE REES ' GILT MOULDINGS , cheapest in the Trade . pE 01 ^ " E ~ REl < : s " ' KJ 100 , 000 feet oi GIL'V ROOM BORDERING in stock , from id . per foot .
Q . EORGE REES ' VJ First-class ENGRAVINGS , from 2 s . each . Q . EORGE REES ' ^ CHROMOS , from thc Bcs Masters , at reduced prices . 57 , DRURY-L \ NK , W . C , opposite Drury-lane Theatr
SECOND EDITION . —NOW READY . Price One . Shilling , Post-free , Revised and Enlarged . Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , RY 13 RO . CHALMERS I . PATON . ( Past Master , No . .-50 ^ , England . ) r PHlS work is a perfect handbook of the principles of I'Vccmnsonry , founded on the Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminently practical and useful in the \ iudicalion and support of the Order . liro . Gl-: o . KKSSINI ; , iyS , Fleet-street , London , E . C . ' I'll I- ; London Restaurant , ( Next Door to the Prince of Wales ' s Thcalie ) CLAYTON SQUARE , LIVE RPO O L . BREAKFASTS , LUNCHEONS , DINNERS , TEAS , SUITERS , \ c . : Wines , Litjnetus , Spirits , Sec . I RoliKKT Wooi . Noi'iin , I'l ' oprirloig 1 COLLINS AND CAPELL ' HOSIERS AND OUTEIT'I'EK . S . French and Brussels Glove Importers , SHIRT AND COLLAR M . WUI . u TI ' KI . I . ' . S , KcigS , l ' otUli ; lIlU . ' . l ' ,, S , l . ' ! lll >! l . 'll ; IS , SCARF AND TIF . EMPORIUM . 6 , THE QUADRANT , LIME-STREET LIVERPOOL , ; Nca : the W-ishingior HoL-1 . j CHAIUNG ( J ROSS STATION ' TOILET - |§| - CLUB , j ( Continental Booking Dili . -, Entrance . ; ' 1 \ Clival Couu-uiugg- ar . d f ' a \' . i > g < if Time io the - - Biclhicn , desirous of dicssing - piomptly , previous lo ! troing to Lodge , Hall , Dinner , , ' . < . Private Dressing Rooms , ch . 'uge ( VI ., with cu rv . 'in . 'i ' ai'cc and appliance fin the Toilet . Evening dm--, taken 1 nc i-l i"i il ¦ - day 01 season in ] cifumcd boxes ( Uebviij i » i il :: ii ; , r . Laths , Ilosiciv , IVlft lnel \ , I lainiitsMii ;' , D . es ^ . Vuiw , I . ' ei 1 ... Opera i lats , Masonic Cii thing , Jewels , Swords , , Vc . I- ' ullei particulars | er po >( ( . ' . il . stamp . ) > .. !! . —Ladies' Departm cut attached . Roynl Polylcclmic . 'llu- KNI'llANTKI ) tll . l-. N , il , is sii .-. e- ail IViu-ilahiniim li : i- ' ^ now been n l > :-e-L nleil Id ; lime- ! . \ ev . : ¦ ' n e ; : i , il a new I , ! It I . * - I K 1 ' 'I ' "KI"I' in llie Ine . iiilaii . m s , , i -, In - lie . ' . ' iii-lier . I V ii-. at j , -in . l IJ (\ Ye . ] ii .-, ] .-, e eMepieilg bv . Mr . ( Ve-. n I i 1 IK 1 wn . i .. —I lie f IlKI'IAT l-: >; illl ; l iKlN , 1 , 1 . M ,-. M 11 1 . 1 : ., v Im lia-. iusl n inrneil , ' mini \ ie 1111 a . ' ll . e SHAH ' ami tlie I'i-::.- ' ! ' , N ;; j v . illi ( ii-i ; inal IVr .-i . ' ili . Mnsie , In Air . | . I .. Ki \ ,,.- . ' . > . ' I . I . | . I- > "I I ' K ; -. bi I ' l-. ile-.-. iir IIAM .-.-I-. ( i | ,. . „ , l .-, j | v , | r ,. ai 1 ; [•• i , ami ; I" io . A . llllissillll Is . j AIELLIN'S 'EXTRACT ' LIEiSfCTS (''( . JoiT ' lV )!! IXl'ANTS . ' 'J ! 1 K onlygrp . uiiu siilisiituir I ' or . Moilu-r ' s . Milk , ami lee in ¦ : :. : ... e , : ; . 1 . -, ] , . ]; . ; . \ , ' ,.,.. ; 11 ¦ -, as lIlC l . e ; l | -, ioil I . i ; - lie ., 1 . 1 .-. '„ . I l „ v . I .-- . SOLD AT ; , ; ,, Ci i . \ I ; | \(; CROSS . Opixisite AeismiV . Mein . ineiil . j j j , [
TRUTH MUST I ' RKVAII .. " - —Common Sense . Lamps , Ralhs , Cutlery , Brushes , Fenders and Tire Irons , Electroplate and Niekel-Silver Gooils . R . D . PARR , General House Furnishing Ironmonger , 43 , BLACKMAN STRl' . LT , BOROUGH . ^ "JFFERS nothing extraordinaty , hut REALLY i Ooor * i ^ vtwlcs nv lair ami rensonnhic i > rices . Vie does noi J keep an " Immense Stock , " but sullieienUv large for any person to [ select from . He does not sell " cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as any . A visit will , at all times , be very much appreciated . | NOW HEADY . ! Vol . V . of TPIE FREEMASON , From January to December , 1872 . Bound in cloth , with i richly embossed device on cover . Price 15 Shillings . The above forms a first-class Reference and Chronolog y of the lending events in iilasonry during the past year . OFFICE : Iq 8 , Fleet-street .
j TIIE ENTR'ACTE , i j \_ MUSlCALnml THEATRICAL REVIEW Price Cine i ' enny . L ' seil as a programme at the principal London ami I'ro \ incial Music Hails , The Entr ' acte enjoys an extensive circulation , and gels into the hands ol every tliealrical anil music-hall avlssle . It contains a splendid carloon even week . l- 'i | -. ~ l-iate medium I ' or advertisers . Subscribers can be supplied bv postal i . -S per quaiicr . Published e \ ei > Saturday , at 3 , llrvd ^ esstreet , Co ' . eut ( eaidcn , W . C . THIRD EDITION . — . | UST READV . I REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT ! UPON FREEMASONRY : OP ., The Freemason ' s Pocket Compendium //";/'' an Eml-lcr . mlictil Frontispiece . A Hand-Book of the Principles of Freemasonry , and Pocket Vade Mccuni and Guide to the various Ceremonies connected with Craft Masonry , so far as the same arc allowed to be communicable , in accordance with the piinriplcs of the Order . Priiv One Shilling , Post-free for Thirteen Slumps . Sold by Bro . CJI-O . Ki-NNI . NO , 19 S , Hcet-street , London , E . C-
: I ' Now Read y Post I'Yce 1 / 7 . j THE MARK MASONS' SONG j Dedicated by permission to the Ri ght Hon . the Earl j Percy , M . l ' ., , ^ o , lii ^ l . l Worshi pful Provincial Grand Mastei , 01 ' i- ' iccina .-ons for Nuitliumbei land Mint Worshi p ful Giand . Mail ; Mastei Mason of Enyland . Winds b y Bro . 'P . lAndrll Yeoman , Oihginal . Maik Lodye No . j ., composed b y liio . llciny P . ukev , Oii ^ innl Mark Loilire No . 1 . London , ( jcoige kc-i . ninj ; , 2 , ; ,, ainl 4 , Little Biitain , and njS , i lctt-st . Liveipool , 2 , . Monument Place . Gl . isgo'v ¦ o . S , lieulield-st . MADAME TUSSAQD'S EXHIBITION BAKER STREET . Now added , l- 'OR TRAIT MODELS ol the SlIAlIol PERSIA , . Mai . sh . il MncMahon , -M . 'Thiers , and the hue . CI la lies Dickens . 'Thcoii yinal autogr . ipli aud testimonial , wtitten aud piesciiieil l , y live Shall to Messrs . Tussaud , July , 3 , i . S ; , ; , is exhibited . Admission is . Cliildi .-n under ten , 6 d . Extra Rooms , Od . Open fiom fen .-1 . 111 . till ten pan .
1 ^ f ' ' THE NEW MASONIC CANDLES , Ionic , IJtirie ami Corinthian , ICmhlcinaliciill y Arranged J 07 II ( irsitipfvl Master , Senior and Junior Wardens . ds . pei set olV ; one-pound Caudles , i ' ackiip . r Cases ( id . each iiliti . L , i ' , ( i ; : Cii , , ' , Ei . \ AlAG'S . '•; . ' . .-. OXIC DEPOTS , . ' , . ; ..-. - 4 , LTT'TLI ' . BKTTA 1 N , AND iy « , l'LEE'l SI REE'T E . C . NOW READY , I ' licc . 2 s . ( 1 . 1 . ; Post Free , as . cS'd . second Eelilion , Revised and Enlarged A IT'LL COLOURED ILI . US'TRA'TED BOOK OF [ vlASONIC CLOTHING AND JEWELS , l- ' ioia ' . iaiter . " . I . iiig t ,, ; Ve , ; otV D .-ggie ( iuclusiie ; . I ' ublisbeil b y Bio . C ; -: oiioi- ; K I -. SNI NO , I <| 8 , I'leet-street , . ondoii , I- ; . ( . ' ., . - mil may be ha . ' , o ! all Booksellers and ' -. ' e . v-. Aeenie , by L ' . ' uiirg ; ad . dres :, { , ' . piin ! i ; - , ) iii : sr ollice .
MIIIE iimKammmunmamt ^ mmm a——«^^^^»*
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bfto 24 FOR THE TEETH . QlJMfU BREATH ' / Kd ( t AfW dlHpNIleT ° H PEF ^ pUlVlEF v f ' QR ROWLAND'S ODONTO ,
ffURNITURE COX & Co ., FINSBURY SQUARE BUILDINGS , t CHISWELL ST ., LONDON , E . C . 1 COX et Go ' s . CATALOGUE . Showing the advantages of their Casli System , Forwarded Post Free . A Four-roomed House furnished complete , £ 10 o o A Six-roomed , including' Drawing-room , do . 26 6 6 A Sing le Parlour , do . 500 A Drawing-room , of Italian Walnut , do . 17 60 A Dining-rooom of . solid Mahogany do . 15 o o All articles warranted , and of thc best workmanship . A single article of Furniture at equall y low prices . The only house in the trade suppl ying the public direct from he workshops . Carriage paid to any Railway Station in the Kingdom .
JOHN GOSNEM , & CO . 'S J " CHEJiKY TOOTH PASTE" greatly excels all other preparations for the Teeth . " AGUA AMARELLA" restores the Human Hair to its pristine hue , no matter at what age . TOILET and NURSERY POWDER" beautifull y perfumed and guaranteed pure . / VSK FOR IOHN GOSNELL and CO . ' s . AND SEE THAT YOU HAVE NONEOTI 1 ER than their t ; i ; suiNiiAiticlcs . Sold by all respectable CHEMISTS and PERFUMERS . Wholesale , Angci Passage , 11 . 1 , Upper Thames-:, ! , London .
NOW READY . [ Roan , Gill Edges , Elastic Band , Price 2 . v ., Post Free 2 s . 2 d . THE COSMOPOLITAN MASONIC CALENDAR , DIARY , & POCKET-BOOK , FOR 1873 . CONTAINING Lists of Lodges ; ClinptcT . s , Cniiclnves , Grand Councils and Encampments , with the Names of Ollicers in England and SVales , Scotland , Ireland , France , Belgium , Germany , Italy , Denmark , Portugal , Sweden and Norway , Greece . Turkey . New Brunswick , Venezuela , Netherlands , British Columbia , I'eru , Canada , America , South America , etc . May le had of all Booksellers , Tillers , Janitors , Sentinels , Etjtterries , SV , Publishing Office , 198 , Fleet-street , E . C .
S . YARDLEY , ( p . STAIII . ISIII'll I . S ^ O ) j \ SHOP FRONT BUILDER , SHOP FITTER , AMI Air Tight Show Case Manufacturer , S , LOWER WOOD STREET , CI . EH K F . N WELL , LONDON , E . C . K \ eiv desniplinn nit ' itl ' m-:- m . inul ' aciured for Jewellers , Cutlers Stationers O . Ik es , Diapei ¦ - , Mii .-r . iiii-, IJanl . ^ Libraries , UutlUt-.-ie . ami I loners , l ' anev 'hades , N : r . Plans and MMimale- provided tYr yliop front ! - and internal littinu-, in Town nrniiy pan ol the ( Onniry . i ) ul ~' uic ) . ; i ! i )|) . s ( -. ilver jtlatei )^ JVoin 2-S ~ , Ditto , u itli aims and tittiin : < lonijikte , IK mi ( Vuia , liom . . Superior Jeweller * ' ditto , with extra illnminalim ; |> o \\ er , horn jCS . Ditto will ) aims arid hiiiihj > cinnpleie , hum fjni . 'i , hcni cc-, Bro . WILLIAMS . ^ MASONIC EMBLEMS Lithographic Artist / A Designed and Engraird EXGRAVER ON T— M ~& STONE , WOOD . WOOD . ^!&!& RM S ' ur X'KIJ-U . M . 48 , KINGS / ^^ \ CROSS RD , N . HHO . KENNING'S j NEW TRACING BOARDS , \ Mounted on Cloth for the pocket , Price 7 / 6 , '
A& m * , SCHWEITZER'SCOCOATINA , p ^ i |™ j § 5 ^ V ANTI-DYSPEPTIC COCOA OR CHOCOLATE POWDER . («( ilpt ill Guaranteed Pure Soluble Cocoa , without Sugar or any admixture . \ £ \ ^ r . O .:: ' ^ -Ay This unique pure prcpnr .-llion is pronounced hv the Facultv " the most nut . 'i ' . ii'us pcrlecllv digestible bever Vc \ 8 v " = Sl ^ V nw f " BRKAKFAST , LUNCHEON , or SUPPKR , and invaluable lor Invalids and Cliiidven . " \ p ^ TV ^ e ^ 5 ' It is made inslnuenusly with hoilinir waler or ir . ilk : heinit without sui ^ ar it suits all palates . ^^ 0 _ A ^ f ^> ^ In tin packels .-il is . 6 d ., 3 S ., 8 ; c . l ! v Chemists ami Crocers . ( Samples gratis . ) Yieehlered Cocontina a la YauiUe , at Same Prices . It is superior to the best Vanilla CUneolMe , much cheaper , perfe digxsliblc , anil made instantaneously . SOL 1 C PROPRIETORS : II . SCII WHITZF . R & Co ., 10 , ADAM-STRLKT ., AOKI . PIII , LONDON .
GEORGE REES MAI'LE and ROSEWOOD MOULDINGS , best in London GEORGE REES ' GILT MOULDINGS , cheapest in the Trade . pE 01 ^ " E ~ REl < : s " ' KJ 100 , 000 feet oi GIL'V ROOM BORDERING in stock , from id . per foot .
Q . EORGE REES ' VJ First-class ENGRAVINGS , from 2 s . each . Q . EORGE REES ' ^ CHROMOS , from thc Bcs Masters , at reduced prices . 57 , DRURY-L \ NK , W . C , opposite Drury-lane Theatr
SECOND EDITION . —NOW READY . Price One . Shilling , Post-free , Revised and Enlarged . Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , RY 13 RO . CHALMERS I . PATON . ( Past Master , No . .-50 ^ , England . ) r PHlS work is a perfect handbook of the principles of I'Vccmnsonry , founded on the Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminently practical and useful in the \ iudicalion and support of the Order . liro . Gl-: o . KKSSINI ; , iyS , Fleet-street , London , E . C . ' I'll I- ; London Restaurant , ( Next Door to the Prince of Wales ' s Thcalie ) CLAYTON SQUARE , LIVE RPO O L . BREAKFASTS , LUNCHEONS , DINNERS , TEAS , SUITERS , \ c . : Wines , Litjnetus , Spirits , Sec . I RoliKKT Wooi . Noi'iin , I'l ' oprirloig 1 COLLINS AND CAPELL ' HOSIERS AND OUTEIT'I'EK . S . French and Brussels Glove Importers , SHIRT AND COLLAR M . WUI . u TI ' KI . I . ' . S , KcigS , l ' otUli ; lIlU . ' . l ' ,, S , l . ' ! lll >! l . 'll ; IS , SCARF AND TIF . EMPORIUM . 6 , THE QUADRANT , LIME-STREET LIVERPOOL , ; Nca : the W-ishingior HoL-1 . j CHAIUNG ( J ROSS STATION ' TOILET - |§| - CLUB , j ( Continental Booking Dili . -, Entrance . ; ' 1 \ Clival Couu-uiugg- ar . d f ' a \' . i > g < if Time io the - - Biclhicn , desirous of dicssing - piomptly , previous lo ! troing to Lodge , Hall , Dinner , , ' . < . Private Dressing Rooms , ch . 'uge ( VI ., with cu rv . 'in . 'i ' ai'cc and appliance fin the Toilet . Evening dm--, taken 1 nc i-l i"i il ¦ - day 01 season in ] cifumcd boxes ( Uebviij i » i il :: ii ; , r . Laths , Ilosiciv , IVlft lnel \ , I lainiitsMii ;' , D . es ^ . Vuiw , I . ' ei 1 ... Opera i lats , Masonic Cii thing , Jewels , Swords , , Vc . I- ' ullei particulars | er po >( ( . ' . il . stamp . ) > .. !! . —Ladies' Departm cut attached . Roynl Polylcclmic . 'llu- KNI'llANTKI ) tll . l-. N , il , is sii .-. e- ail IViu-ilahiniim li : i- ' ^ now been n l > :-e-L nleil Id ; lime- ! . \ ev . : ¦ ' n e ; : i , il a new I , ! It I . * - I K 1 ' 'I ' "KI"I' in llie Ine . iiilaii . m s , , i -, In - lie . ' . ' iii-lier . I V ii-. at j , -in . l IJ (\ Ye . ] ii .-, ] .-, e eMepieilg bv . Mr . ( Ve-. n I i 1 IK 1 wn . i .. —I lie f IlKI'IAT l-: >; illl ; l iKlN , 1 , 1 . M ,-. M 11 1 . 1 : ., v Im lia-. iusl n inrneil , ' mini \ ie 1111 a . ' ll . e SHAH ' ami tlie I'i-::.- ' ! ' , N ;; j v . illi ( ii-i ; inal IVr .-i . ' ili . Mnsie , In Air . | . I .. Ki \ ,,.- . ' . > . ' I . I . | . I- > "I I ' K ; -. bi I ' l-. ile-.-. iir IIAM .-.-I-. ( i | ,. . „ , l .-, j | v , | r ,. ai 1 ; [•• i , ami ; I" io . A . llllissillll Is . j AIELLIN'S 'EXTRACT ' LIEiSfCTS (''( . JoiT ' lV )!! IXl'ANTS . ' 'J ! 1 K onlygrp . uiiu siilisiituir I ' or . Moilu-r ' s . Milk , ami lee in ¦ : :. : ... e , : ; . 1 . -, ] , . ]; . ; . \ , ' ,.,.. ; 11 ¦ -, as lIlC l . e ; l | -, ioil I . i ; - lie ., 1 . 1 .-. '„ . I l „ v . I .-- . SOLD AT ; , ; ,, Ci i . \ I ; | \(; CROSS . Opixisite AeismiV . Mein . ineiil . j j j , [
TRUTH MUST I ' RKVAII .. " - —Common Sense . Lamps , Ralhs , Cutlery , Brushes , Fenders and Tire Irons , Electroplate and Niekel-Silver Gooils . R . D . PARR , General House Furnishing Ironmonger , 43 , BLACKMAN STRl' . LT , BOROUGH . ^ "JFFERS nothing extraordinaty , hut REALLY i Ooor * i ^ vtwlcs nv lair ami rensonnhic i > rices . Vie does noi J keep an " Immense Stock , " but sullieienUv large for any person to [ select from . He does not sell " cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as any . A visit will , at all times , be very much appreciated . | NOW HEADY . ! Vol . V . of TPIE FREEMASON , From January to December , 1872 . Bound in cloth , with i richly embossed device on cover . Price 15 Shillings . The above forms a first-class Reference and Chronolog y of the lending events in iilasonry during the past year . OFFICE : Iq 8 , Fleet-street .
j TIIE ENTR'ACTE , i j \_ MUSlCALnml THEATRICAL REVIEW Price Cine i ' enny . L ' seil as a programme at the principal London ami I'ro \ incial Music Hails , The Entr ' acte enjoys an extensive circulation , and gels into the hands ol every tliealrical anil music-hall avlssle . It contains a splendid carloon even week . l- 'i | -. ~ l-iate medium I ' or advertisers . Subscribers can be supplied bv postal i . -S per quaiicr . Published e \ ei > Saturday , at 3 , llrvd ^ esstreet , Co ' . eut ( eaidcn , W . C . THIRD EDITION . — . | UST READV . I REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT ! UPON FREEMASONRY : OP ., The Freemason ' s Pocket Compendium //";/'' an Eml-lcr . mlictil Frontispiece . A Hand-Book of the Principles of Freemasonry , and Pocket Vade Mccuni and Guide to the various Ceremonies connected with Craft Masonry , so far as the same arc allowed to be communicable , in accordance with the piinriplcs of the Order . Priiv One Shilling , Post-free for Thirteen Slumps . Sold by Bro . CJI-O . Ki-NNI . NO , 19 S , Hcet-street , London , E . C-
: I ' Now Read y Post I'Yce 1 / 7 . j THE MARK MASONS' SONG j Dedicated by permission to the Ri ght Hon . the Earl j Percy , M . l ' ., , ^ o , lii ^ l . l Worshi pful Provincial Grand Mastei , 01 ' i- ' iccina .-ons for Nuitliumbei land Mint Worshi p ful Giand . Mail ; Mastei Mason of Enyland . Winds b y Bro . 'P . lAndrll Yeoman , Oihginal . Maik Lodye No . j ., composed b y liio . llciny P . ukev , Oii ^ innl Mark Loilire No . 1 . London , ( jcoige kc-i . ninj ; , 2 , ; ,, ainl 4 , Little Biitain , and njS , i lctt-st . Liveipool , 2 , . Monument Place . Gl . isgo'v ¦ o . S , lieulield-st . MADAME TUSSAQD'S EXHIBITION BAKER STREET . Now added , l- 'OR TRAIT MODELS ol the SlIAlIol PERSIA , . Mai . sh . il MncMahon , -M . 'Thiers , and the hue . CI la lies Dickens . 'Thcoii yinal autogr . ipli aud testimonial , wtitten aud piesciiieil l , y live Shall to Messrs . Tussaud , July , 3 , i . S ; , ; , is exhibited . Admission is . Cliildi .-n under ten , 6 d . Extra Rooms , Od . Open fiom fen .-1 . 111 . till ten pan .
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