Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
R EPORTS OP MASONIC MEETINGS : — CraftMasonry 625 Scotland ¦ G 26 Piov . Grand Lodge of Warwickshire G 26 Masonic Episode in Real Life 627 Presentation to Bro . Wagstaff 628 Poetry 628
C ORRESPONDENCE : — Charity Jewel : 62 S Roman Catholic Attack on Freemasonry C 28 Spiritualism 628 Historical Notices of Scotch Lodges 629 Masonic Literatuie 630
Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire 631 Masonic Tidings 6 33 Obituary 6 33 Masonic Notes and Queries 6 33 Lodge Meetings for next week 6 33 Advertisements 623 624 6 34 6 35 63 C 6 37 6 38
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
BRADFORD . —Shakespere Lodge ( No . toiS ) . — The regular monthl y meeting ofthe members of this lodge was held on the 14 th May last , in the Freemasons' Hall , Salem-st ., under the presidency of Bro . G . Althorp , W . M ., assisted b y Bros . W . Longley , S . AV . ¦ G . AV . Monckman ,
J . W . ; W . Morgan , S . D . ; H . Harrison , I . G ; AV . H . Haley , Sec . ; and Harrison , Treasurer . There were present also—Bros . J . AVard , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Reg . ; T . Laycock , P . M . ; C . Bannister , P . M ., P . G . S . B . of E . ; AV . AVren , P . M . ; A . Nicholson , P . M . ; J . B . Hammond ,
H ; R . C . Latimer , Ferrand , Swithenbank , AV AVhaley , Milnes , S . Priestly , J . M . Parkinson , and others . The lodge was opened in the three degrees , and in pursuance of previous notice , Bro . J . M . Parkinson was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason , according to ancient
usage The lodge was lowered to the hrst degree , and after some discussion on the finances of the lodge , was closed in due form . The brethren afterwards adjourned to refreshment , and spent a very pleasant evening . The AV . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were
dul y honoured . The special toast of the evening however , was that of" Bro . J . Laycock , P . M ., on his return from a vovage to the Cape , in South Africa . " This toast was proposed by the W . M ., who referred to the circumstance of 15 m . Laycock having been two years Master of the
lodge , and to his having been a member , ami taking ait active part in its affairs from its foundation . Bro . Laycock , as the brethren all knew had been travelling abroad with an invalid brother , and in the name and on behalf of the members of the lodge he begged to render him a hearty welcome
on his safe return . Ihe toast was received with enthusiasm . Bro . Laycock thanked the brethren for the very cordial reception given to the toast and himself on his return from Cape Town . After referring in touching terms to his having left England months ago in company
with his brother , who had been recommended to ( ravel for the benefit of his health , and who had died very suddenly and unexpectedl y on his return voyage from Cape Town , he gave a very interesting account of his visit to various lod ges in the Colony , and his reception by the
brethren there . Amongst other places hro . Laycock went to Cape Town , Beaufort AVest , Bloemfontcin Potchefstroom , and Natal , all in South Africa . At Cape Town he visited the British and the Joppa Lodges , and at Bloemfontcin the Rising Sim ,
Lod ge , and a Dutch Lodge , called Unia . Bro . Laycock dwelt in very warm terms on the great kindness shown to him b y the brethren ol all these lodges . LANCASTER . —The Dnkv of Lancaster iMtlgc ( No . 1 , 3 53)—The brethren of this lodge held their regular meeting on the 17 th inst . in the Lodge
K-oum , Athenaeum . Present Bro . J . Bell , W . M ., Bro . AV . Heald , S . AV . ; Bro . Jos . Narrow J . W . ; Bit ) . John Acton , Hon . Sec , jiro . J . Conlon S . D . ; Bro . R . AVolfenden J . D . ; Nro . I , H . AVilliams J . G . ; and a goodly number of brethren , and visiting Bro . John Hatch , ^• M ., 281 . There were two raisings , two 1 'assings , and one initiation . Bro . P . M . J . Hatch gave the two raisings , and one passing ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
in his usual able and efficient manner . The brethren feeling so pleased , they passed a vote of thanks to Bro . P . M . Hatch , for his kindness and assistance . After further business had beed transacted , the lodge was closed with solemn prayer .
CLAPTON LODGE . ( No . 1365 . )—A very numerous body of the members and friends of this lodge assembled on the 17 th inst . at the AVhite Hart Tavern , Clapton . The Clapton Lodge has jmet with an immense amount of success since its consecration , two years ago , having been
presided over by two brethren of marked Masonic ability , who have been most ably assisted throughout by one of the most able and energetic Secretaries we have ever had the pleasure of meeting . An emergency meeting was held a few evenings previously for the purpose of
clearing oft" the business of the lodge , so that the ceremony of installation of the AV . M . elect should be the main feature of the meeting , and be conducted throughout without hurry or confusion . On this occasion the lodge was opened at four oclock by the AV . M . Bro . AVm .
Stephens , and the minutes of the last regular and emergency meetings were read and confirmed . Afterwards the ceremony of initiation was worked , the candidate being Mr . Thomas Thompson , who was duly inducted into Freemasonry , Bro . Stephens' working being excellent .
The AV . M . elect , Bro . R . C . Miles , was then presented by Bro . Taylor , the first AV . M . of the lodge , and in due time placed in the chair of K . S . Bro . Stephens' working Qf the ceremony was much appreciated and applauded . During the ceremony the Warden ' s chairs were filled b y
Bros . C . A . Cottebrune , Grand Pursuivant and J . L . Mather , P . M . 95 and 1 , 227 . The newlyinstalled W . M . then appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bro . Lutwyche , S . W . ; R . AVyatt , J . AV . In making this appointment the AV . M . stated that the rapid promotion of Bro .
AVyatt from Junior Deacon to J unior AVarden was owing to the generous self-abnegation of Bro . H . AV . Cattlin , who was in reality entitled to the Junior Warden ' s chair , but that brother being already J unior A \ arden in the Royal Standard , his mother lodge , had no desire to hold both
appointments at the same time , ami had very gracefully allowed Bro . AVyatt to become a Warden , ami consequently a member ol Grand Lodge , twelve months sooner than under other circumstances would have been the ease . Uro .
Richard Btiller , P . M . was loudl y applauded as the AV . M . placed the Secretary ' s collar for the third time round his neck , ami a similar token of approbation greeted liro . Cattlin on his resumption of his former office of Senior Deacon , liro .
Somers was appointed J . D . ; liro . Room , I . G ; liro . J . McDavitt , Organist ; liro . Paul , D . C ; Iiadkin , W . S . ; and Gilchrist , Tyler ; all appointments evidently being popular with the bulk of the brethren . AVhen ibv final charges and addresses had been delivered the lodge was
regularly closed down , and the brethren repaired to the banquelling hall , where a repast had been prepared by Bro . Harwood , the proprietor of the establishment . liro . Allies , the new W . M ., presided . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were received with enthusiasm . The health of
the retiring Alaster , Bro . Stephens , was the toast ofthe evening , and the AV . M ., in proposing it , did full justice to the many amiable qualifies and valued services of that brother , which he assured him were full y appreciated by his hrellnv 11 oi tile Clapton Lodge , as he would so . m have an
opportunity of judging . He then p lac < d on the breast of Bro . Stephens a very beautiful I ' a .-L Master ' s jewel in gold , and handed him a jewel case containing a costly brooch and earrings ; the case bore an inscription stating that the presentation was made in token of the respect and
esteem in which , Airs . Stephens was held b y her friends in Freemasonry . A surprise awaitetl Bro . Stephens , when a beautiful testimonial on vellum was presented to him in addition to those other substantial marks of regard . The
presentation of this testimonial was a secret known to very few in the lodge , and Bro . Stephens was certainly not one of them . His reply in return was manly , modest , and effective , and he assured the brethren what he had received that evening would be cherished as amongst his dearest
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
possessions . The . toast of " The Grand Offices was responded to by Bro . Cottebrune , and that of " The Masonic Charities " by Bro . R . AV . Little , P . G . Sec . Middlessex , and Secretary to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . Bro . Ale Davitt and other brethren deli ghted the company
with their musical exercitations . Amongst others present , besides those already named , were Bros . E . Coste , P . AL , 9 ; J . C . Golds Taith , 3 . AV ., and E . B . Grabham , I . G ., 19 ; AV . Y . La ing , P . M ., 4 J and 160 , S . C . ; A . J . Ireton , 83 ; C . Fox , 538 ; Greenwood , 749 ; G . AV .
AVatkinson , Si 3 ; H . Lloyd , W . M . ; and W . Christian , 1278 ; AV . T . Manger , S . AV ., 1314 ; J . Summers , S . AV ., 1348 ; AV . Baldwin , J . AV ., 1423 , 8 vx . AIILLO . M . —Whilwell Lodge ( No . 1390 . )—The regular communication of this lodtro was held
on luesday , the 16 th inst ., when there were present , the AV . M ., Bro . Thomas Dodgson , P . M . 991 ; , supported b y Bros . Alills , S . AV . ; Meredith J . W . : Crook , S . D . Myers AJeakin , J . D . ; Whiteside , AV . AI . 1398 , I . G . ; and other officers and brethren , amomrst whom was visitinsr Bro .
Dr . J . V . Worthmgton , AV . M ., Lodge of Harmony , No . 220 , Garston . The lodge was opened b y the AV . AI .. and the usual business disposed of , when the ballot was taken for Bro . John Hartely , as a joining member , and for Air . George Alills , a candidate for
admission , which in both cases proved favourable . The latter being in attendance was duly initiated into the order in a very impressive manner b y Bro . J . V . AVorthington , AV . AI . 220 , Bro . Casson , P . Org . 995 , acting in a most efficient manner as Organist . Several propositions for
joining and admission were afterwards received and hearty good wishes were expressed by brethren representing Lodges 220 , 280 , 993 , and others . The general business being disposed , of the lodge was duly closed in the usual form . IVY LODGE ( NO . 1441 ) . —The first meeting
of this new lodge tool : place at the AA'indsor Castle Tavern , Southwark-bridge-road , on Tuesday evening , the i 6 tb inst ., and was well attended b y brethren interested in every fresh undertaking in connection with the Order . The lodge was opened soon after 7 o ' clock by Bro .
Chas . Smith , the Worshipful Master , assistetl b y the following ollicers : —Bros . Geo . Alattoek , S . W . ; J . J . Canlle , J . AV . ; C . S . Jolly , See . ; Edward Thurkle , Tivas . ; C . E . Poupard , S . D . ; Louis CoiiK'Iissen , | . D . ; William Ashwi'II , I . G . ; ami Geo . Fox , P . M ., Tyler . Bro . lohn Noke ,
. S 7 , acted as Past Alaster . Tlie minutes taken at the const crating and installing meeting , in July last , having been read , were confirmed b y the brethren The balloting for the admission of Messrs . T . Cox , T . V . Kni g ht , Smyth , and Chas . Nott , resulted in favour of the
candidates , who were soon after separatel y introduced into the Order , ' . he ceremony being impressively worked . Bro . Robert F . irster , 34 S , was also admitted as a joining member ol the lodge . There being no ftirlher business to be transacted , the lodge was closed , according to prescribed rule , the brethren remaining lor a short time , at
th ,. ' invitation of the AV . M ., to hear the excellent p ianoforte p laying ot Bro . Smyth , one of the initiates , and the vocalisation of Bro . J- J- Cantle , J . W . uf thelodoe . AVALTIIAM ( Iii . KTs ) . — King Harold Lodge . — This prosperous lodge met at the Britannia Ilotel , New Town AValtiiam , Herts , on the 16 th inst . There was a full muster of members , and the
bu- iiiess of tiie I'venimy , \\' , 'i ; to raise iour brethren , u . licit Ci . 'enion > was tiliti . ntl > ' rendered by the W . AI ., ijiii . Edward 1 ' aiki . r , 1 ' iov . G . P . Herts ; llie names of the biethren being , Soul , imrie , Miller , and Malcolm ; also to elect the AV . M ., Treasurer , ami Ty ler for the ensuing year . Bro .
| ames Kerr jA ouiig , was elected W . A 1 . ; liro . [ allies Barwick , Treasurer , was re-elected ; and Bro . Sleednian , to lill the ollice of Tyler , owing to the resignation , through failing health , of liro , AV . Allison , for whom the King Harold Lodge entertained the highest respect . The AV . M
elect thanked the W . M . and brethren for tlu . honour they had conferred upon him in electing him to the chair . Bro . A ' oung has always been most energetic in his exertions for the benefit of this lodge and was one of its founders . Bro . Barwick has been Treasurer of the King Harold since its consecration in September , 1870 ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
R EPORTS OP MASONIC MEETINGS : — CraftMasonry 625 Scotland ¦ G 26 Piov . Grand Lodge of Warwickshire G 26 Masonic Episode in Real Life 627 Presentation to Bro . Wagstaff 628 Poetry 628
C ORRESPONDENCE : — Charity Jewel : 62 S Roman Catholic Attack on Freemasonry C 28 Spiritualism 628 Historical Notices of Scotch Lodges 629 Masonic Literatuie 630
Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire 631 Masonic Tidings 6 33 Obituary 6 33 Masonic Notes and Queries 6 33 Lodge Meetings for next week 6 33 Advertisements 623 624 6 34 6 35 63 C 6 37 6 38
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
BRADFORD . —Shakespere Lodge ( No . toiS ) . — The regular monthl y meeting ofthe members of this lodge was held on the 14 th May last , in the Freemasons' Hall , Salem-st ., under the presidency of Bro . G . Althorp , W . M ., assisted b y Bros . W . Longley , S . AV . ¦ G . AV . Monckman ,
J . W . ; W . Morgan , S . D . ; H . Harrison , I . G ; AV . H . Haley , Sec . ; and Harrison , Treasurer . There were present also—Bros . J . AVard , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Reg . ; T . Laycock , P . M . ; C . Bannister , P . M ., P . G . S . B . of E . ; AV . AVren , P . M . ; A . Nicholson , P . M . ; J . B . Hammond ,
H ; R . C . Latimer , Ferrand , Swithenbank , AV AVhaley , Milnes , S . Priestly , J . M . Parkinson , and others . The lodge was opened in the three degrees , and in pursuance of previous notice , Bro . J . M . Parkinson was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason , according to ancient
usage The lodge was lowered to the hrst degree , and after some discussion on the finances of the lodge , was closed in due form . The brethren afterwards adjourned to refreshment , and spent a very pleasant evening . The AV . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were
dul y honoured . The special toast of the evening however , was that of" Bro . J . Laycock , P . M ., on his return from a vovage to the Cape , in South Africa . " This toast was proposed by the W . M ., who referred to the circumstance of 15 m . Laycock having been two years Master of the
lodge , and to his having been a member , ami taking ait active part in its affairs from its foundation . Bro . Laycock , as the brethren all knew had been travelling abroad with an invalid brother , and in the name and on behalf of the members of the lodge he begged to render him a hearty welcome
on his safe return . Ihe toast was received with enthusiasm . Bro . Laycock thanked the brethren for the very cordial reception given to the toast and himself on his return from Cape Town . After referring in touching terms to his having left England months ago in company
with his brother , who had been recommended to ( ravel for the benefit of his health , and who had died very suddenly and unexpectedl y on his return voyage from Cape Town , he gave a very interesting account of his visit to various lod ges in the Colony , and his reception by the
brethren there . Amongst other places hro . Laycock went to Cape Town , Beaufort AVest , Bloemfontcin Potchefstroom , and Natal , all in South Africa . At Cape Town he visited the British and the Joppa Lodges , and at Bloemfontcin the Rising Sim ,
Lod ge , and a Dutch Lodge , called Unia . Bro . Laycock dwelt in very warm terms on the great kindness shown to him b y the brethren ol all these lodges . LANCASTER . —The Dnkv of Lancaster iMtlgc ( No . 1 , 3 53)—The brethren of this lodge held their regular meeting on the 17 th inst . in the Lodge
K-oum , Athenaeum . Present Bro . J . Bell , W . M ., Bro . AV . Heald , S . AV . ; Bro . Jos . Narrow J . W . ; Bit ) . John Acton , Hon . Sec , jiro . J . Conlon S . D . ; Bro . R . AVolfenden J . D . ; Nro . I , H . AVilliams J . G . ; and a goodly number of brethren , and visiting Bro . John Hatch , ^• M ., 281 . There were two raisings , two 1 'assings , and one initiation . Bro . P . M . J . Hatch gave the two raisings , and one passing ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
in his usual able and efficient manner . The brethren feeling so pleased , they passed a vote of thanks to Bro . P . M . Hatch , for his kindness and assistance . After further business had beed transacted , the lodge was closed with solemn prayer .
CLAPTON LODGE . ( No . 1365 . )—A very numerous body of the members and friends of this lodge assembled on the 17 th inst . at the AVhite Hart Tavern , Clapton . The Clapton Lodge has jmet with an immense amount of success since its consecration , two years ago , having been
presided over by two brethren of marked Masonic ability , who have been most ably assisted throughout by one of the most able and energetic Secretaries we have ever had the pleasure of meeting . An emergency meeting was held a few evenings previously for the purpose of
clearing oft" the business of the lodge , so that the ceremony of installation of the AV . M . elect should be the main feature of the meeting , and be conducted throughout without hurry or confusion . On this occasion the lodge was opened at four oclock by the AV . M . Bro . AVm .
Stephens , and the minutes of the last regular and emergency meetings were read and confirmed . Afterwards the ceremony of initiation was worked , the candidate being Mr . Thomas Thompson , who was duly inducted into Freemasonry , Bro . Stephens' working being excellent .
The AV . M . elect , Bro . R . C . Miles , was then presented by Bro . Taylor , the first AV . M . of the lodge , and in due time placed in the chair of K . S . Bro . Stephens' working Qf the ceremony was much appreciated and applauded . During the ceremony the Warden ' s chairs were filled b y
Bros . C . A . Cottebrune , Grand Pursuivant and J . L . Mather , P . M . 95 and 1 , 227 . The newlyinstalled W . M . then appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bro . Lutwyche , S . W . ; R . AVyatt , J . AV . In making this appointment the AV . M . stated that the rapid promotion of Bro .
AVyatt from Junior Deacon to J unior AVarden was owing to the generous self-abnegation of Bro . H . AV . Cattlin , who was in reality entitled to the Junior Warden ' s chair , but that brother being already J unior A \ arden in the Royal Standard , his mother lodge , had no desire to hold both
appointments at the same time , ami had very gracefully allowed Bro . AVyatt to become a Warden , ami consequently a member ol Grand Lodge , twelve months sooner than under other circumstances would have been the ease . Uro .
Richard Btiller , P . M . was loudl y applauded as the AV . M . placed the Secretary ' s collar for the third time round his neck , ami a similar token of approbation greeted liro . Cattlin on his resumption of his former office of Senior Deacon , liro .
Somers was appointed J . D . ; liro . Room , I . G ; liro . J . McDavitt , Organist ; liro . Paul , D . C ; Iiadkin , W . S . ; and Gilchrist , Tyler ; all appointments evidently being popular with the bulk of the brethren . AVhen ibv final charges and addresses had been delivered the lodge was
regularly closed down , and the brethren repaired to the banquelling hall , where a repast had been prepared by Bro . Harwood , the proprietor of the establishment . liro . Allies , the new W . M ., presided . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were received with enthusiasm . The health of
the retiring Alaster , Bro . Stephens , was the toast ofthe evening , and the AV . M ., in proposing it , did full justice to the many amiable qualifies and valued services of that brother , which he assured him were full y appreciated by his hrellnv 11 oi tile Clapton Lodge , as he would so . m have an
opportunity of judging . He then p lac < d on the breast of Bro . Stephens a very beautiful I ' a .-L Master ' s jewel in gold , and handed him a jewel case containing a costly brooch and earrings ; the case bore an inscription stating that the presentation was made in token of the respect and
esteem in which , Airs . Stephens was held b y her friends in Freemasonry . A surprise awaitetl Bro . Stephens , when a beautiful testimonial on vellum was presented to him in addition to those other substantial marks of regard . The
presentation of this testimonial was a secret known to very few in the lodge , and Bro . Stephens was certainly not one of them . His reply in return was manly , modest , and effective , and he assured the brethren what he had received that evening would be cherished as amongst his dearest
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
possessions . The . toast of " The Grand Offices was responded to by Bro . Cottebrune , and that of " The Masonic Charities " by Bro . R . AV . Little , P . G . Sec . Middlessex , and Secretary to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . Bro . Ale Davitt and other brethren deli ghted the company
with their musical exercitations . Amongst others present , besides those already named , were Bros . E . Coste , P . AL , 9 ; J . C . Golds Taith , 3 . AV ., and E . B . Grabham , I . G ., 19 ; AV . Y . La ing , P . M ., 4 J and 160 , S . C . ; A . J . Ireton , 83 ; C . Fox , 538 ; Greenwood , 749 ; G . AV .
AVatkinson , Si 3 ; H . Lloyd , W . M . ; and W . Christian , 1278 ; AV . T . Manger , S . AV ., 1314 ; J . Summers , S . AV ., 1348 ; AV . Baldwin , J . AV ., 1423 , 8 vx . AIILLO . M . —Whilwell Lodge ( No . 1390 . )—The regular communication of this lodtro was held
on luesday , the 16 th inst ., when there were present , the AV . M ., Bro . Thomas Dodgson , P . M . 991 ; , supported b y Bros . Alills , S . AV . ; Meredith J . W . : Crook , S . D . Myers AJeakin , J . D . ; Whiteside , AV . AI . 1398 , I . G . ; and other officers and brethren , amomrst whom was visitinsr Bro .
Dr . J . V . Worthmgton , AV . M ., Lodge of Harmony , No . 220 , Garston . The lodge was opened b y the AV . AI .. and the usual business disposed of , when the ballot was taken for Bro . John Hartely , as a joining member , and for Air . George Alills , a candidate for
admission , which in both cases proved favourable . The latter being in attendance was duly initiated into the order in a very impressive manner b y Bro . J . V . AVorthington , AV . AI . 220 , Bro . Casson , P . Org . 995 , acting in a most efficient manner as Organist . Several propositions for
joining and admission were afterwards received and hearty good wishes were expressed by brethren representing Lodges 220 , 280 , 993 , and others . The general business being disposed , of the lodge was duly closed in the usual form . IVY LODGE ( NO . 1441 ) . —The first meeting
of this new lodge tool : place at the AA'indsor Castle Tavern , Southwark-bridge-road , on Tuesday evening , the i 6 tb inst ., and was well attended b y brethren interested in every fresh undertaking in connection with the Order . The lodge was opened soon after 7 o ' clock by Bro .
Chas . Smith , the Worshipful Master , assistetl b y the following ollicers : —Bros . Geo . Alattoek , S . W . ; J . J . Canlle , J . AV . ; C . S . Jolly , See . ; Edward Thurkle , Tivas . ; C . E . Poupard , S . D . ; Louis CoiiK'Iissen , | . D . ; William Ashwi'II , I . G . ; ami Geo . Fox , P . M ., Tyler . Bro . lohn Noke ,
. S 7 , acted as Past Alaster . Tlie minutes taken at the const crating and installing meeting , in July last , having been read , were confirmed b y the brethren The balloting for the admission of Messrs . T . Cox , T . V . Kni g ht , Smyth , and Chas . Nott , resulted in favour of the
candidates , who were soon after separatel y introduced into the Order , ' . he ceremony being impressively worked . Bro . Robert F . irster , 34 S , was also admitted as a joining member ol the lodge . There being no ftirlher business to be transacted , the lodge was closed , according to prescribed rule , the brethren remaining lor a short time , at
th ,. ' invitation of the AV . M ., to hear the excellent p ianoforte p laying ot Bro . Smyth , one of the initiates , and the vocalisation of Bro . J- J- Cantle , J . W . uf thelodoe . AVALTIIAM ( Iii . KTs ) . — King Harold Lodge . — This prosperous lodge met at the Britannia Ilotel , New Town AValtiiam , Herts , on the 16 th inst . There was a full muster of members , and the
bu- iiiess of tiie I'venimy , \\' , 'i ; to raise iour brethren , u . licit Ci . 'enion > was tiliti . ntl > ' rendered by the W . AI ., ijiii . Edward 1 ' aiki . r , 1 ' iov . G . P . Herts ; llie names of the biethren being , Soul , imrie , Miller , and Malcolm ; also to elect the AV . M ., Treasurer , ami Ty ler for the ensuing year . Bro .
| ames Kerr jA ouiig , was elected W . A 1 . ; liro . [ allies Barwick , Treasurer , was re-elected ; and Bro . Sleednian , to lill the ollice of Tyler , owing to the resignation , through failing health , of liro , AV . Allison , for whom the King Harold Lodge entertained the highest respect . The AV . M
elect thanked the W . M . and brethren for tlu . honour they had conferred upon him in electing him to the chair . Bro . A ' oung has always been most energetic in his exertions for the benefit of this lodge and was one of its founders . Bro . Barwick has been Treasurer of the King Harold since its consecration in September , 1870 ,