Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC MEETINGS IN WEST LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Florence Nig htingale , F . M . H ., William-street , Woolwich Constitutional , Bedford Ho ., Shampton Belgs . Israel , Rising Sun Tav ., Globe Roael . Royal ' Arthur , Prince ' s Head , York-road , Battersea .
Beacontree , Reel Lion , Leytonstone . Excelsior , Commercial Dock Tav ., Rotherhithe . St . fohn of Wapping , Gun Hot ., High-st ., Wapping . Islington , 23 , Gresham-street . Metropolitan Chapter , Jamaica Coffee Ho ., Cornhiil . Mount Edgcumbe , 19 , Jermyn-st ., St . James's .
WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 31 . Lod ^ e 89 8 , Temperance in the East , 6 , Newby-pl ., Poplar . Chap- 435 ' M 011 "' Lebanon , Ship & Turtle , Leadenhall-st . LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Confidence , Greyhound Tav ., Milton-street , Cripplegate . Mt . Lebanon , Windsor Castle Tav ., Southwark-bdg .-rd . Pythagorean , Portland Hotel , London-street , Greenwich .
New Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton . La Tolerance , Horse and Groom , Winsley-st ., Oxford-st . Peckham , Maismore Arms , Park-road , Peckham . Stanhope , Thicket Hot ., Anerley . Finsbury Park , Finsbury Park Tav ., Seven Sisters ' -rd . Southwark , Southwark Park Tav ., Southwark Park .
Duke of Connaught , Havelock Tav ., Dalston , E . United Strength , Grafton Arms , Kentish-town . vVnittington , Black Bull Tav ., Holborn . Lewis , King ' s Arms Hot ., Wood Green . Royal Jubilee , 81 , Long Acre . Langthorne , Swan Hot ., Stratford .
THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 1 . Lodge 27 , Egyptian , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . „ 45 , Strcng Man , M . H ., Masons' Avenue . „ 192 , Lion and Lamb , Cannon-st . Hot . „ 227 , Ionic , Ship and Turtle , Lea lenhall-st .
„ 231 , St . Andrew ' s , 'F . M . H . „ 5 ^ 8 , La Tolerance , F . M . H . ,, sS 4 i Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . „ 822 , Victoria Rifles , F . M . H . „ 1351 , St . Clement Danes , 265 , Strand . „ 13 C 0 , Royal Arthur , Wimbledon Village Club . , ' 1445 , Prince Leopold , Lord Stanley Tav ., E . 11 1539 , Surrey M . H ., S . M . H .
Loor . ES OF INSTRUCTION . Union Waterloo , Chatham Arms , Thom as-st ., Woolwich . Egyptian , Hercules Tav ., Leadenhall-st . Fieleiity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., W . Fii . sbury , Jolly Anglers' Tav ., Bath-st ., City-road . Temperance in the East , Catherine-st ., Poplar , libury , 12 , Ponsonby-st ., Milbank .
Highgate , Bull and Gate , Kentish-town . The Great City , M . H ., Masons' Avenue . High Cross , Coach & Horses , High-road , Tottenham . Salisbury , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Southern Star , Crown Hot ., Blackfriars-rd . Great Northern , Berwick Arms , Berners-st ., Oxford-st . Prince Frederick William Chapter , St . John ' s Wooil .
FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 2 . Lodge 706 , Florence Nightingale , M . H ., Woolwich . „ 890 , Hornsey , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . „ 1627 , Royal Kensington , F . M . H . Chap . 3 , Fidelity .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Stability , Guildhall Tav ., Gresham-st . Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Belgrave , Constitution , Bedford-st ., Covent Garden . Unions Emulation ( for M . M . ' s ) , F . M . H . Temperance , Victoria Tav ., Victoria-road , Deptford . Clapton , White Hart , Clapton .
Metropolitan , Portugal Hot ., Fleet-st . St . Marylebone , British Stores Tav ., St . John ' s Wood . Westbourne , Lord's Hotel , St . John ' s Wood . United Pilgrims , Surrey M . H ., Camberwell New-road . St . James ' s , NewTanners'Arms , Grange-rd ., Bermondsey . Duke of Edinburgh , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar . Doric , Earl Grey Tav ., Mile-end-road . Burgoyne , Grafton Arms , Prince of Wales ' s-road , N . W .
St . Luke ' s , White Hart , King ' s-rd ., Chelsea . Chigwell , Prince ' s Hall , Buckhurst-hill . Burdett Coutts , Approach Tav ., Victoria Park . Royal Standard , The Castle , Holloway-rd . Ranelagh . Bell and Anchor , Hammersmith-rd . St . George ' s , Globe Tav ., Greenwich . William Preston , Feathers Tav ., Up . George-st ., Edgware-rd . Hervey , 99 , Fleet-street , at 8 . Pythagorean Chapter , Portland Ho ., London-st ., Greenwich .
Masonic Meetings In West Lancashire And Cheshire.
For the Week ending Saturday , November 3 , 1877 . MONDAY , OCTOBER 29 . Lodge . 148 , Lights , M . R ., Warrington .
TUESDAY , OCTOBER 30 . Chap . 721 , Grosvenor , M . R ., Chester . Merchants L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 31 . Loilge 730 , Ellesmere , Royal Oak , Chorley . THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 1 .
Lod ge 294 , Mariners , M . H ., Liverpool . . 1 1473 , Rootle , A . H ., Bootle . Chap . » -x . Bridgewater , M . H ., Runcorn . Harmonic L . of I ., Adelphi Mot ., Liverpool . St - John ' s elo „ M . H ., Lherpool . Duke of Edinburgh , do ., M . H ., Liverpool .
FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 2 . Lod ge 680 , Sefton , Adelphi Hot ., Liverpool . " l 37 si Architect , Didsbuiy Hot ., Didsbury . " 1387 , Chorlton , M . R ., Chorlton-cum-Hardy . II 1505 , Emulation , M . H ., Liverpool ( Installation ) . Hamer L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . For Masonic Meetings throughout Scotland see Scottish freemason , which cau be obtained at the Office of the f reemason .
f^ST^IJOHNTANN'S ¦ 3RELIANCESAFES, ^ rSl " , NEWGATE STREET , E . C . Safe 25 in . by 19 by - p RIC £ LISTS FREE B y p 0 ST . 18 , Carriage Paid .
CHATWOOD'SPATENTSAFE&LOCKCOMPANY. LIMITED , LANCASHIRE SAFE AND LOCK DEPOT . 120 , GANNON STREET , LONDON . fc SAMUEL CHATWOOD , Managing Director . CAUTION . —Pawnbrokers are respectfull y cautoined against the fraudulent representations which have been circulated in the trade * hat Chatwood ' s Patents for his Safe with " Solid Flange Lock Case and Tee Frame " have expired , such Patents being still in lull force , the exclusive license to use which Is vested in Chatvvood Patent Safe and Lock Company ( Limited ) , who alone can supply Safes under these Patents . CAUTION . —Chatwood Patent Safe and Lock Company ( Limited ) have never at any time authorised the Servants or Agents cf the Company to deal in Second-hand Safes , either real or falsely so-called . Pawnbrokers and others having purchased such are requested to communicate with SAMUEL CHATWOOD , Patentee , Bankers' Safe and L tV Engineer , 120 , Cannon Street , London , S . C .
LAMPLOUGH'S PYRETIC SALINE . ^ gggr & v TUT AVE IT IN YOUR HOUSES ; it gives in & tant relief in Headaches , Sea or Bilious Sickness , >< ££ 3 §\ yS ^ H ^ g ^ XX and quickly cures the worst form of Eruptive or Skin Complaints . The various diseases / y $ irt ^ 8 £ \ ItftKtir ll ^ VAA arising from Constipation , the Liver , or Blood Impurities , Inoculation , the results of breathing air H _ $ ^* If ^ V \\ ^•rnPWjS infected with FEVERS , MEASLES . or SMALL-POX , are frequently prevented and certainly cured Bw £ 4 wvg ] \^ ixl ^ i _ r & 7 **>' its usc * YstJJSKil ^ XKSSSSIX Sold hy all Chemists , and the Maker , in patent glasa-stoppered bottles ,, at 2 s . 6 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., 1 is . / and N ^ sS ^ s ?' * r The great reputation of this remedy having called forth spurious imitations , whose only merit ir is a transposition of the words of rry label and wrappers , without any of the health restoring pro - per ties , it is needful to observe my name and trade-murk as above , on a BUFF-COLOURED WRAPPER . without which the Saline cannot be genuine . —113 , HOLBORN HILL , LONDON , E . C .
TO WORSHIPFUL MASTERS . The attention of Worshipful Masters is specially directed to the following advertisement , with a suggestion from the Publisher that they should cause a proposition to be made that their Lodges should become subscribers to THE FOUR MASONIC PUBLICATIONS . It is doubtless desirable that every Mason should have a knowledge of the proceedings at the Quarterly Communications of Grand Lodge , and it is especially the duty of the Worshipful Master to be well posted up in such matters , and as vhere is no better means of obtaining such information than the columns of the Freemason , which gives verbatim reports of the Grand Lodge proceedings , and a full account of all the meetings of the Board of Benevolence , and the various Committees of our Great Masonic Charities , the Publisher feels justified in making this recommendation , with the full assurance that such an investment of a small portion of the lodge funds will be productive of beneficial results .
1 The Four Masonic Publications . THE FREEMASON . WEEKLY , TWOPENCE . ANNUALLY , ios . 6 d . THE MASONIC MAGAZINE , MONTHLY , SIXPENCE . ANNUALLY , ys . THE ROSICRUCIAN AND MASONIC RECORD , QUARTERLY , ONE SHILLING . ANNUALLY , 4 s . 4 6 . THE COSMOPOLITAN MASONIC POCKET BOOK , POST FREE , as . ad . ANNUALLY , TWO SHILLINGS . The above four Works sent post free to any part of England , Ireland or Scotland for 12 Months , for 245 . Address : PUBLISHER , 198 , Fleet Street , London .
4 il > THE \ Af \'PTTY ^ V | t ^ Itl l I ^SjwLLULK. MmCOMPANY SKVJ-I ^/ , t II K ^ Ssbg ^ * Make CLOCKS A SPECIALITY . 1 ItfJS ^ ssJ J ' 'IThey buy lar s elyand seU at eX $ l /@ WmM * i the smallest possible profits , ^ » 1 rT-Aw 2 g ' ,, s a Two Ycars' " | f KlVJ 1 | £ ranty 1000 Clocks of every III fi !§_ j — "_§ iH description to select from . A I ! [ ffP ^^ f & t I discount to brethren of 2 s . in ! i WTI ^ AU I' the pound j extra discount for l '« MC ?/?' > i { presentations . \} ijSffcCS-ww * , 6 , j ^^ -ST >/ M 1 , CULLUM STREET , ^~ h ^ =--s ^ v ^ r ? " FENCHURCH STREET , CITY , 4 ^ p- : " — , ]* LONDON . < 2 > ^^ - ^ 4 S BRO . G . P . WEHLKN—Estab-* CA , » lished 1859 .
S.YARDLEY &SONS , ( ESTABLISHED 1838 ) Shop Front Builders , SHOP FITTERS , AND Air Tight Show Case Manufacturers , WORKS—8 , LOWER WOOD STREET , EXMOUTH STREET , SHOW ROOMS-25 , MOUNT PLEASANT , CLERKENWELL . ^ Every description of fittings manufactured forjewellers , Cutlers , Stationers , Odices , Drapers , Museums , Banks , Libraries , Outfitterg and Hosiers , Fancy Trades , & c . Hans and Estimates provided lor shop fronts and internal fitings , inTown or any part of the Country . S . YARDLRV 8 C SONS respectfully solicit the patronage oi Architects and Surveyors , whose instructions shall receive special and faithful attention .
BRO . ADLARD'S JEWEL ATTACHER , 7 s . 6 d . If with Pockets , 6 d . each Pocket extra . 22 , 5 , HIGH HOLBORN , W . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Florence Nig htingale , F . M . H ., William-street , Woolwich Constitutional , Bedford Ho ., Shampton Belgs . Israel , Rising Sun Tav ., Globe Roael . Royal ' Arthur , Prince ' s Head , York-road , Battersea .
Beacontree , Reel Lion , Leytonstone . Excelsior , Commercial Dock Tav ., Rotherhithe . St . fohn of Wapping , Gun Hot ., High-st ., Wapping . Islington , 23 , Gresham-street . Metropolitan Chapter , Jamaica Coffee Ho ., Cornhiil . Mount Edgcumbe , 19 , Jermyn-st ., St . James's .
WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 31 . Lod ^ e 89 8 , Temperance in the East , 6 , Newby-pl ., Poplar . Chap- 435 ' M 011 "' Lebanon , Ship & Turtle , Leadenhall-st . LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Confidence , Greyhound Tav ., Milton-street , Cripplegate . Mt . Lebanon , Windsor Castle Tav ., Southwark-bdg .-rd . Pythagorean , Portland Hotel , London-street , Greenwich .
New Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton . La Tolerance , Horse and Groom , Winsley-st ., Oxford-st . Peckham , Maismore Arms , Park-road , Peckham . Stanhope , Thicket Hot ., Anerley . Finsbury Park , Finsbury Park Tav ., Seven Sisters ' -rd . Southwark , Southwark Park Tav ., Southwark Park .
Duke of Connaught , Havelock Tav ., Dalston , E . United Strength , Grafton Arms , Kentish-town . vVnittington , Black Bull Tav ., Holborn . Lewis , King ' s Arms Hot ., Wood Green . Royal Jubilee , 81 , Long Acre . Langthorne , Swan Hot ., Stratford .
THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 1 . Lodge 27 , Egyptian , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . „ 45 , Strcng Man , M . H ., Masons' Avenue . „ 192 , Lion and Lamb , Cannon-st . Hot . „ 227 , Ionic , Ship and Turtle , Lea lenhall-st .
„ 231 , St . Andrew ' s , 'F . M . H . „ 5 ^ 8 , La Tolerance , F . M . H . ,, sS 4 i Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . „ 822 , Victoria Rifles , F . M . H . „ 1351 , St . Clement Danes , 265 , Strand . „ 13 C 0 , Royal Arthur , Wimbledon Village Club . , ' 1445 , Prince Leopold , Lord Stanley Tav ., E . 11 1539 , Surrey M . H ., S . M . H .
Loor . ES OF INSTRUCTION . Union Waterloo , Chatham Arms , Thom as-st ., Woolwich . Egyptian , Hercules Tav ., Leadenhall-st . Fieleiity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., W . Fii . sbury , Jolly Anglers' Tav ., Bath-st ., City-road . Temperance in the East , Catherine-st ., Poplar , libury , 12 , Ponsonby-st ., Milbank .
Highgate , Bull and Gate , Kentish-town . The Great City , M . H ., Masons' Avenue . High Cross , Coach & Horses , High-road , Tottenham . Salisbury , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Southern Star , Crown Hot ., Blackfriars-rd . Great Northern , Berwick Arms , Berners-st ., Oxford-st . Prince Frederick William Chapter , St . John ' s Wooil .
FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 2 . Lodge 706 , Florence Nightingale , M . H ., Woolwich . „ 890 , Hornsey , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . „ 1627 , Royal Kensington , F . M . H . Chap . 3 , Fidelity .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Stability , Guildhall Tav ., Gresham-st . Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Belgrave , Constitution , Bedford-st ., Covent Garden . Unions Emulation ( for M . M . ' s ) , F . M . H . Temperance , Victoria Tav ., Victoria-road , Deptford . Clapton , White Hart , Clapton .
Metropolitan , Portugal Hot ., Fleet-st . St . Marylebone , British Stores Tav ., St . John ' s Wood . Westbourne , Lord's Hotel , St . John ' s Wood . United Pilgrims , Surrey M . H ., Camberwell New-road . St . James ' s , NewTanners'Arms , Grange-rd ., Bermondsey . Duke of Edinburgh , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar . Doric , Earl Grey Tav ., Mile-end-road . Burgoyne , Grafton Arms , Prince of Wales ' s-road , N . W .
St . Luke ' s , White Hart , King ' s-rd ., Chelsea . Chigwell , Prince ' s Hall , Buckhurst-hill . Burdett Coutts , Approach Tav ., Victoria Park . Royal Standard , The Castle , Holloway-rd . Ranelagh . Bell and Anchor , Hammersmith-rd . St . George ' s , Globe Tav ., Greenwich . William Preston , Feathers Tav ., Up . George-st ., Edgware-rd . Hervey , 99 , Fleet-street , at 8 . Pythagorean Chapter , Portland Ho ., London-st ., Greenwich .
Masonic Meetings In West Lancashire And Cheshire.
For the Week ending Saturday , November 3 , 1877 . MONDAY , OCTOBER 29 . Lodge . 148 , Lights , M . R ., Warrington .
TUESDAY , OCTOBER 30 . Chap . 721 , Grosvenor , M . R ., Chester . Merchants L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 31 . Loilge 730 , Ellesmere , Royal Oak , Chorley . THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 1 .
Lod ge 294 , Mariners , M . H ., Liverpool . . 1 1473 , Rootle , A . H ., Bootle . Chap . » -x . Bridgewater , M . H ., Runcorn . Harmonic L . of I ., Adelphi Mot ., Liverpool . St - John ' s elo „ M . H ., Lherpool . Duke of Edinburgh , do ., M . H ., Liverpool .
FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 2 . Lod ge 680 , Sefton , Adelphi Hot ., Liverpool . " l 37 si Architect , Didsbuiy Hot ., Didsbury . " 1387 , Chorlton , M . R ., Chorlton-cum-Hardy . II 1505 , Emulation , M . H ., Liverpool ( Installation ) . Hamer L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . For Masonic Meetings throughout Scotland see Scottish freemason , which cau be obtained at the Office of the f reemason .
f^ST^IJOHNTANN'S ¦ 3RELIANCESAFES, ^ rSl " , NEWGATE STREET , E . C . Safe 25 in . by 19 by - p RIC £ LISTS FREE B y p 0 ST . 18 , Carriage Paid .
CHATWOOD'SPATENTSAFE&LOCKCOMPANY. LIMITED , LANCASHIRE SAFE AND LOCK DEPOT . 120 , GANNON STREET , LONDON . fc SAMUEL CHATWOOD , Managing Director . CAUTION . —Pawnbrokers are respectfull y cautoined against the fraudulent representations which have been circulated in the trade * hat Chatwood ' s Patents for his Safe with " Solid Flange Lock Case and Tee Frame " have expired , such Patents being still in lull force , the exclusive license to use which Is vested in Chatvvood Patent Safe and Lock Company ( Limited ) , who alone can supply Safes under these Patents . CAUTION . —Chatwood Patent Safe and Lock Company ( Limited ) have never at any time authorised the Servants or Agents cf the Company to deal in Second-hand Safes , either real or falsely so-called . Pawnbrokers and others having purchased such are requested to communicate with SAMUEL CHATWOOD , Patentee , Bankers' Safe and L tV Engineer , 120 , Cannon Street , London , S . C .
LAMPLOUGH'S PYRETIC SALINE . ^ gggr & v TUT AVE IT IN YOUR HOUSES ; it gives in & tant relief in Headaches , Sea or Bilious Sickness , >< ££ 3 §\ yS ^ H ^ g ^ XX and quickly cures the worst form of Eruptive or Skin Complaints . The various diseases / y $ irt ^ 8 £ \ ItftKtir ll ^ VAA arising from Constipation , the Liver , or Blood Impurities , Inoculation , the results of breathing air H _ $ ^* If ^ V \\ ^•rnPWjS infected with FEVERS , MEASLES . or SMALL-POX , are frequently prevented and certainly cured Bw £ 4 wvg ] \^ ixl ^ i _ r & 7 **>' its usc * YstJJSKil ^ XKSSSSIX Sold hy all Chemists , and the Maker , in patent glasa-stoppered bottles ,, at 2 s . 6 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., 1 is . / and N ^ sS ^ s ?' * r The great reputation of this remedy having called forth spurious imitations , whose only merit ir is a transposition of the words of rry label and wrappers , without any of the health restoring pro - per ties , it is needful to observe my name and trade-murk as above , on a BUFF-COLOURED WRAPPER . without which the Saline cannot be genuine . —113 , HOLBORN HILL , LONDON , E . C .
TO WORSHIPFUL MASTERS . The attention of Worshipful Masters is specially directed to the following advertisement , with a suggestion from the Publisher that they should cause a proposition to be made that their Lodges should become subscribers to THE FOUR MASONIC PUBLICATIONS . It is doubtless desirable that every Mason should have a knowledge of the proceedings at the Quarterly Communications of Grand Lodge , and it is especially the duty of the Worshipful Master to be well posted up in such matters , and as vhere is no better means of obtaining such information than the columns of the Freemason , which gives verbatim reports of the Grand Lodge proceedings , and a full account of all the meetings of the Board of Benevolence , and the various Committees of our Great Masonic Charities , the Publisher feels justified in making this recommendation , with the full assurance that such an investment of a small portion of the lodge funds will be productive of beneficial results .
1 The Four Masonic Publications . THE FREEMASON . WEEKLY , TWOPENCE . ANNUALLY , ios . 6 d . THE MASONIC MAGAZINE , MONTHLY , SIXPENCE . ANNUALLY , ys . THE ROSICRUCIAN AND MASONIC RECORD , QUARTERLY , ONE SHILLING . ANNUALLY , 4 s . 4 6 . THE COSMOPOLITAN MASONIC POCKET BOOK , POST FREE , as . ad . ANNUALLY , TWO SHILLINGS . The above four Works sent post free to any part of England , Ireland or Scotland for 12 Months , for 245 . Address : PUBLISHER , 198 , Fleet Street , London .
4 il > THE \ Af \'PTTY ^ V | t ^ Itl l I ^SjwLLULK. MmCOMPANY SKVJ-I ^/ , t II K ^ Ssbg ^ * Make CLOCKS A SPECIALITY . 1 ItfJS ^ ssJ J ' 'IThey buy lar s elyand seU at eX $ l /@ WmM * i the smallest possible profits , ^ » 1 rT-Aw 2 g ' ,, s a Two Ycars' " | f KlVJ 1 | £ ranty 1000 Clocks of every III fi !§_ j — "_§ iH description to select from . A I ! [ ffP ^^ f & t I discount to brethren of 2 s . in ! i WTI ^ AU I' the pound j extra discount for l '« MC ?/?' > i { presentations . \} ijSffcCS-ww * , 6 , j ^^ -ST >/ M 1 , CULLUM STREET , ^~ h ^ =--s ^ v ^ r ? " FENCHURCH STREET , CITY , 4 ^ p- : " — , ]* LONDON . < 2 > ^^ - ^ 4 S BRO . G . P . WEHLKN—Estab-* CA , » lished 1859 .
S.YARDLEY &SONS , ( ESTABLISHED 1838 ) Shop Front Builders , SHOP FITTERS , AND Air Tight Show Case Manufacturers , WORKS—8 , LOWER WOOD STREET , EXMOUTH STREET , SHOW ROOMS-25 , MOUNT PLEASANT , CLERKENWELL . ^ Every description of fittings manufactured forjewellers , Cutlers , Stationers , Odices , Drapers , Museums , Banks , Libraries , Outfitterg and Hosiers , Fancy Trades , & c . Hans and Estimates provided lor shop fronts and internal fitings , inTown or any part of the Country . S . YARDLRV 8 C SONS respectfully solicit the patronage oi Architects and Surveyors , whose instructions shall receive special and faithful attention .
BRO . ADLARD'S JEWEL ATTACHER , 7 s . 6 d . If with Pockets , 6 d . each Pocket extra . 22 , 5 , HIGH HOLBORN , W . C .