Article Reviews. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1
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Reviews .
FREEMASON'S CALENDAR AND POCKET BOOK FOR 1 SS 1 . Spencer's Masonic Depot , 23 a , Great Queen-street , W . C . We " have received this useful and valuable " aide memoirc " 0 E English Craft Masonry , and hasten to acknowledge it and commend it to the notice of all members of the Eno-lish Grand Lodge , and for the matter of that all
Freemasons , wherever dispersed , over the face of land or water , [ t seems to us to be admirably " got up" and carefully compiled , and abounding in information likely to be useful to those who use it from day to day , consult its pages , or are governed by its reminders . Among the improvements we note the distinction between the modern and ancient lodges being marked , —the ancient lodges being
all distinguished by a small dagger , —and we also observe the list of Grand Masters , both of the modern and ancient Grand Lodges . Such a handy little work is indispensable to the "Craft Mason , " wherever he be , however he fares , whithersoever he directs his steps , as it tells him of meetings to be holden , of duties to be performed , and if at home offers him the opportunity of many
a pleasant gathering ; if abroad , recalls to his mind the scenes he has witnessed , the genial hours he has spent , the friends he has made . Just now , too , as there are few spots on earth where Masons do not congregate—as a Craft lodge and cheerful chapters of the Royal Arch are extant in almost all the countries' of the world—it is well for us Craft Masons to be reminded year by year of the fact , wonderful as it really is , after all ,
that our kindly , and useful , 'and beneficent Order fs to be found North arid South , East and West , and holds out a fraternal hand of friendship , and offers a link of unbroken union , whenever the lodge meeting or chapter gathering be assembled , to all true brethren , all faithful sojourners , to every honest , every deserving , and every loyal Freemason . We congratulate the Calendar Committee and Bro . Spencer on the neat and effective appearance of the " Calendar . "
FREEMASONRY IN CHINA . By HERBERT A . GILES , W . M . Ionic Lodge , 17 S 1 , Amoy . This is a most remarkably interesting book . It has long been known that there are traces in China of Freemasonry . Bro . Giles quotes several statements of the Chinese ancient bodies , which have a " Masonic spiritualism " about them . At No . 33 , Golden-square is a figure of Confucius , wearing
a " square and an " apron , " and a very fine worked square of "Jude , " which must be very old indeed . We have always understood that the "Triad" Order was Masonic , but being a secret society now , and forbidden by the Government , and some say " political , " as favouring the "Ming Dynasty , " it has never yet been proved whether European Masonry has any connection or identity with it .
Bro . Giles evidently thinks not , but , we confess , we do not as yet see that his reasons are altogethe ' r good , nor his facts clear on that point . We should like the trial to be made , if possible , in order to ascertain if there be the slightest connection now , or if the "Triad Society , " which is Masonicin its organization , and even in its catechisms , ( as far as known ) , is a portion of the great world-wide Masonic Fraternity , or has drifted into what Oliver calls " spurious
Freemasonry . " The question is a most interesting one , per se , and in its relation to and bearing upon other complex and moot points . We recommend Bro . Giles's sketch to our readers . Bro . Giles refers us to two other works "Thian Ti Huwi , " by G . Schlegel , andlsome papers on "Chinese Secret Societies , " by W . A . Pickering , published recently in the journals of the branch of the Royal Asiatic Society . If any brother can aid us to obtain these works we shall be truly obliged . —Address , Editor Freemason , 19 S , Fleet-street , E . C .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
The number of Craft I ^ odges acting under the Grand Lodge of England is now iSSG . Bro . the Rev . P . Pinnington , P . M . Mariners Lodge , Liverpool , has been appointed Vicar of Bolton , Westmoreland .
Bro . Brackstone Baker , P . G . ID . ( late Sec . of the Great Western Railway of Canada ) , has met with a severe accident , which providentiall y was not a fatal one . On Friday afternoon , the 12 th inst ., in attempting to cross Bishopsgatc-street , he was knocked down b y the pole of one of the General Omnibus Company ' s vehicles proceeding on the wrong side of the way , and fell under the
horses legs . He was with difficulty extracted from this dangerous position by a policeman , and taken to the nearest police station , where his immediate requirements were attended to . It was found that one of his ribs was f ° k- ' " ' ' ' rece ' ' scalp wound on the back of his head , and severe contusions and bruises about the arms and legs . He was taken to his residence at Lee , and is
, we are happy to say , progressing favourably . . The installation meeting of the City of West * minster Lodge , No . 15 G 3 , was held on Thursday , the 25 th cu ' , Regent Masonic Hall , Air-street , W . Bro . J . E . p 11 ' W-M- c , ect > was du ' y installed in the chair of K . S . I'ull report in our next will appear . The Broad Arrow of Nov . 20 th contains the
following notice of the "Masonic Magazine : " "Among the many interesting papers in this month ' s " Masonic Magazine we specially notice one on Rabbinical proverbs and , avmgs . which are full of wisdom , as , for example , this one , 1 "y yesterday is thy past , thy to-day the future , thy fowl - r ' ¦? , a sccret - ' Rhythmical Sayings is another article wnicn will well repay perusal , while the continuation of the i ? P , ? " ancient mvsteries . and that on the sunnression
rnVl , lem P larsi " England—together with many others'" aire up an extremely good number . " MaJ ° r \ V W 1 ! ford . C . C ., is this year the took nf th . _ Lonners' Company , and the Livery dinner KK Cannon Street Hotel on Thursday last , under Isa-E- ? , ° i i , ' V ' PP ° rted b y the Wardens , Bros . IT . A . saacs and Alderman H . E . Knight . of fh 1 . 9 J Uar , % 7 , General Court of the Guardians next n ! ~ u ? " , an £ sy , um > wi " held on Thursday ° n « ner ^ - rZnd ' J the ^ ' Caledonian-road , N ., Ws and sev en g - c ' and ' ° clect fouftce " children-seven
Masonic And General Tidings.
The meetings of the Finsbury Lodge , No . 861 , are now held at the London Tavern , Fenchurch-street , having removed there from the Rosemary Branch Tavern , IToxton . We are asked to state that the meetings of the Royal Sussex Lodge , No . 342 , will in future be held at Freemasons' Hall , 79 , Commercial-road , Landport .
Bro . John Dodson , of Fetter-lane , is a candidate for the Common Council , Farringdon Without Ward . At a convocation of Royal Arch Masons , lield at the Burlington Hotel on Thursday , the iSth inst ., Comp . R . Pidcock was installed as M . E . Z . of the Harrington Chapter , No . 91 G , for the ensuing year , in succession to Comp . Dr . Bransby Roberts . Comp . T . Holman
was appointed H ., and Comp . G . A . Wallis , as J . The other officers are Comps . Cardwell , S . E . ; C Tomes , N . ; Rev . Faithfutt Davies , P . S . ; and Goldring , Janitor . The business of the chapter included the ceremony of exaltation . The companions afterwards dined together , and in addition to the officers already named there were present Comps . Trollope , P . Z . Derwent ; Jos . Farncombe , Z .
South Saxon ; J . H . C . Coles , Watts , Cooper , Bolton , C . W . Tomes , and others . The party was a small but very agreeable one . EBORACUM LODGE , NO . 1611 . —A very beautiful toast list was used in connection with the installation of Bro . J . T . Seller as W . M . at York , on the Sth inst . The square , printed in gold , occupies a very prominent position
on the frgjit and back , bearing the legends— " I will strive to live with love and care , " and " Upon ye levl . By ye square . " An excellent photograph of the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , Prov . G . M . North and East Yorkshire , surrounded by various emblems and ornamental capitals , occupies the front page . Inside , within a border , the corners of which are formed of views of the different bars or gateways of " ye ancient city , " is the toast list , with
poetical quotations appropriate to each , and all Masonic . The initials in the corner , " T . B . \ V ., " within the square and compasses , show the design to be from the facile pen and pencil of Bro . Whytehead . Bro . J . Derb y Allcroft , F . R . A . S ., treasurer of the Royal Hospital for Incurables , will preside at the twenty-sixth annual meeting at the Cannon-street Hotel on Friday .
We are glad to hear that there is a prospect of a new Mark Lodge being opened in Malton , near York . The Mark Masons in that town are likely soon to make application for a warrant . The " Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar , Diary , and Pocket Book for 1 SS 1 . " ( London : George Kenning , 19 S , Fleet-street . ) This useful vade-mecum , without which
a Mason ' s paraphernalia can hardly be said to be complete , has now entered the eleventh year of its publication . Each fresh issue sees some great improvement , which , however , having regard to its original merits , it must seriously have taxed the ingenuity of the compiler to introduce . The information it contains has been greatly extended , and a far higher degree of accuracy has been attained . This
latter feature is especially noticeable in the lists of lodges and chapters , in which are given , as far as it was possible to obtain them , not only the days on which the said lodges and chapters severally hold their meetings , but likewise the months in which those meetings take place . The names and addresses of the Dep . Prov . Grand Masters , Prov . Grand Sees ., and Prov . Grand Scribes , & c , are also
furnished , while the Mark Degree receives that greater share of attention which its increasing popularity fully justifies . The information respecting foreign Masonic organisations is far ampler than in former years ; in short , the "Cosmo . " keeps pace with the times , and is a credit both to its proprietor and its compiler . —Land and Water , November 20 th .
MANSION HOUSE HOSPITALITY . —Many have been the congratulatory comments and favourable expressions of opinion as to the excellent manner in which the late Lord Mayor , Bro . Alderman Sir Francis Wyatt Truscott , discharged the duties of his high and important office . His unceasing countenance and support of the benevolent
institutions of the City and metropolis , and his munificent hospitality at the Mansion House during his year of office , can be testified to in the fact that he entertained no less that 12 , 000 visitors at various banquets , dejetlners , & c , while more that 5000 other distinguished personages partook of his hospitality at reunions , conversaziones , or the like .
lhe installation meeting of the De Grey and Ripon Lodge , No . 905 , took place on Monday , 22 nd inst ., when Bro . G . W . F . King was installed W . M . by Bro . G . W . F . Loftus , W . M ., and P . P . G . VV . Norfolk . The W . M . afterwards initiated two gentlemen into the Order , and giving them the charge to the approbation of all present .
THE LONDON LAND COMPANY ( Limited ) . —The subscription list of the above Company , an advertisement of which appears in another column , will close on Tuesday , the 30 th inst .
Bro . Alderman Sir Francis Wyatt Truscott and Lady Truscott left London last Tuesday evening for Pau , where it is understood they will sojourn for about two months . THE I ^ IKUTKNANCY OV I ^ ONDON . —Her Majesty the Queen having been graciously pleased to order the issue of a new Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of London , for the purpose of filling up the vacancies caused
by death or otherwise , the late Lord Mayor , Bro . Sir Francis Wyatt Truscott , has nominated the following gentlemen , stating them alphabetically : —Messrs . James Chapman Amos , Edmond Kell y Bayley , J . P . ( ex-Sheriff ) , Edward Hegley Byas , Lionel Louis Cohen , John Crawford , J . P ., Charles IVIessenger Major , Samuel Ernest Palmer , Charles Henry Robarts ( the City Remembrancer ) , Frederick William Steward , George Wyatt Truscott , Philip Hickson Waterlow , and Charles Woolloton , J . P . ( ex-Sheriff . )
The new number of the " University College of Wales Magazine" is chiefly remarkable for a paper by Dr . Ethel , in which he points out incidentally some of the parallelisms of thought and expression to be found in the "Shahnama" of Firdusi , and in Shakespeare ' s "Romeo and Juliet . " Mr . VV . E . A . Axon writes of Dr . Johnson ' s visit to Gawenynog . Dr . Ethe ' s proposal for an Oriental department at the college is sympathetically discussed .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Bro . Edward Clarke , Q . C ., M . P ., was selected to propose , the toast of the evening at the Colston banquet of the Dolphin Society in Bristol . The learned gentleman was received with enthusiastic applause . The funeral of Bro . R . Stubington took place at Abney Park Cemetery last Wednesday . Bro . Alfred Dickinson is a candidate for the position of Common Councilman for the Ward of Farringdon Without .
Bro . G . C . Boor , Chairman of the library Committee , has issued invitations for a dinner at the Albion , on Friday , December 10 . Bro . E . Clarke Q . C ., M . P ., has been elected chairman and Bro . P . A . Nairne , of Camberwell-grove , Secretary , of the Dulwich and Camberwell Conservative Association just formed .
Bro . Alderman and Sheriff Fowler , M . P ., is announced to open a bazaar at the Pilgrim Fathers' Memorial Church , New Kent-road , on Tuesday . Bro . Joseph Clever , P . M ., was presented with a massive silver salver by the Amity Lodge at their last meeting .
Bro . Richardson , F . R . S ., delivered a lecture on Wednesday at a meeting of the Ascham Society . Mr . D . Grant , M . P ., occupied the chair . H . R . H . the DuJce of Edinburgh has been staying this week " with Bro . Tyssen Amhurst , M . P ., at Didlington Hall , Norfolk .
Bro . Lord Methuen , Grand Master of Wiltshire , had a large shooting party last week at Gresham Park , to meet his eldest son , Col . Methuen , who is home for a short holiday from Berlin . Bro . the Rev . T . B . Spencer , M . A ., W . M . 314 , will preaeh a sermon in St . James's Church , Prestonlane to-morrow ( Sunday ) , in aid of the Masonic Charities belonging to the Province of West Lancashire .
It is with regret we announce the death of Bro . R . Stubington , which sad event took place on Thursday , the iSth inst . He was one of the representatives of the Cripplegate Ward Without in the Court of Common Council , having been elected to that office within the last two years . Bro . Stubington was also a liveryman of the Loriners' Company .
A report of the Annual Festival of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement will appear in our next . The final meeting of the Board of Stewards of the Festival of the Girls' School held on the 16 th of April last will take place at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queenstreet , on Tuesday next at 4 o'clock . A national Preat Griory of the United Religious
and Military Orders of the Temple and of St . John of Jerusalem , will be held on Friday , the iothof jDecember , at Cannon-street Hotel , at four o ' clock prompt . At the conclusion of the business of the Great Priory , the Great Prior will hold , under the banner of the Faith ' and Fidelity Prcceptory , a priory of the Order of Malta . The banquet will take place at 6 . 30 , seats at which will be provided for
those only who intimate , not later than the 7 th proximo , their intention of being present . The Most Hon . the Marquis of Londonderry , K . P ., Grand Master of Durham , assisted by Sir Hedworth Williamson , Bart ., Deputy Grand Master , will consecrate the Stranton Lodge , No . 1 S 62 , on Saturday week , the nth proximo , at the Athcnaium , West Hartlepool . The
principal officers designate are Bros . J . W . Cameron , P . M . 7 64 , W . M . ; F . H . Bennett , P . " M . 531 , S . W . ; John Brown , 7 64 , J . W . Bro . Dr . Gourley , P . M ., Past S . G . W . Durham , is the Installing Master . The Athenceum states that Messrs . Macmillan
and Co . have in the press and will shortly publish , under the title of the " Life ' s Work in Ireland of a Landlord who tries to do his Duty , " acollection of papers bearing upon the Irish Land Question , which have been contributedduring the last twenty years to various newspapers and periodicals by Mr . W . Bence Jones , of Lisselan .
The facsimile reproduction of the " Bol < e of Saint Albans , " containing the treatises on hawking , hunting , and " cote armour , " attributed to Dame Juliana Berners , is now in the press . The introduction , from the competent hand of Mr . William Blades , will give a full historical account of this curious and interesting book .
THE CITY COMPANIES AND EDUCATION . —On Saturday , the 20 th inst ., after the public'distribution of certificates , awards , and prizes in the large theatre of the London University—at which a large company was present —Bro . Edward Clarke , Q . C ., M . P ., addressed the students . In the course of his speech the learned gentleman said that he considered himself reasonably entitled to be called the he fortunate
"first" Society of Artsof that university , 'as was enough to be first on the list at one of the first examinations held for those who did not belong to the University of Oxford . We had of late heard a good deal with regard to the inattention and neglect of the great City companies of the condition of the many educational establishments that they were supposed to administer . He could , however , point with pleasure to the fact that for the fourth time one
of the schools , namely , Bancroft ' s Hospital , Mile-endwhich was entirely under the direction of an important guild—had come out successful after the severe ordeal of the present examinations . ( Bro . Clarke's remarks were received with loud applause . ) This must be a source of pleasure to the members of the Drapers' Company , to whom has been entrusted the management of the school , and must also reflect considerable credit on the head master , as the boys leave the school at the early age of fifteen .
HOLLOWAY ' OINTMENT Axn PILLS combine both sanitive anil sanative powers in a high degree—by the former term is understood their ability to preserve health , by the latter their capability to restore health . With these remedies at hand , no invalid need lie at fault to guide himself or herself through the many trials to which every one is subjected during our long and oft-times inclement winter . Coughs , colds , ulcerated throats , whooping cough can be successfully treated by rubbing this Ointment on the chest , and by taking the Pills during damp , foggy weather , asthmatical sufferers will experience the utmost possible relief from the inunction of the Ointment , and all tender-chested persona will save endless misery by adopting this . treatment . — [ AUVT . ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reviews .
FREEMASON'S CALENDAR AND POCKET BOOK FOR 1 SS 1 . Spencer's Masonic Depot , 23 a , Great Queen-street , W . C . We " have received this useful and valuable " aide memoirc " 0 E English Craft Masonry , and hasten to acknowledge it and commend it to the notice of all members of the Eno-lish Grand Lodge , and for the matter of that all
Freemasons , wherever dispersed , over the face of land or water , [ t seems to us to be admirably " got up" and carefully compiled , and abounding in information likely to be useful to those who use it from day to day , consult its pages , or are governed by its reminders . Among the improvements we note the distinction between the modern and ancient lodges being marked , —the ancient lodges being
all distinguished by a small dagger , —and we also observe the list of Grand Masters , both of the modern and ancient Grand Lodges . Such a handy little work is indispensable to the "Craft Mason , " wherever he be , however he fares , whithersoever he directs his steps , as it tells him of meetings to be holden , of duties to be performed , and if at home offers him the opportunity of many
a pleasant gathering ; if abroad , recalls to his mind the scenes he has witnessed , the genial hours he has spent , the friends he has made . Just now , too , as there are few spots on earth where Masons do not congregate—as a Craft lodge and cheerful chapters of the Royal Arch are extant in almost all the countries' of the world—it is well for us Craft Masons to be reminded year by year of the fact , wonderful as it really is , after all ,
that our kindly , and useful , 'and beneficent Order fs to be found North arid South , East and West , and holds out a fraternal hand of friendship , and offers a link of unbroken union , whenever the lodge meeting or chapter gathering be assembled , to all true brethren , all faithful sojourners , to every honest , every deserving , and every loyal Freemason . We congratulate the Calendar Committee and Bro . Spencer on the neat and effective appearance of the " Calendar . "
FREEMASONRY IN CHINA . By HERBERT A . GILES , W . M . Ionic Lodge , 17 S 1 , Amoy . This is a most remarkably interesting book . It has long been known that there are traces in China of Freemasonry . Bro . Giles quotes several statements of the Chinese ancient bodies , which have a " Masonic spiritualism " about them . At No . 33 , Golden-square is a figure of Confucius , wearing
a " square and an " apron , " and a very fine worked square of "Jude , " which must be very old indeed . We have always understood that the "Triad" Order was Masonic , but being a secret society now , and forbidden by the Government , and some say " political , " as favouring the "Ming Dynasty , " it has never yet been proved whether European Masonry has any connection or identity with it .
Bro . Giles evidently thinks not , but , we confess , we do not as yet see that his reasons are altogethe ' r good , nor his facts clear on that point . We should like the trial to be made , if possible , in order to ascertain if there be the slightest connection now , or if the "Triad Society , " which is Masonicin its organization , and even in its catechisms , ( as far as known ) , is a portion of the great world-wide Masonic Fraternity , or has drifted into what Oliver calls " spurious
Freemasonry . " The question is a most interesting one , per se , and in its relation to and bearing upon other complex and moot points . We recommend Bro . Giles's sketch to our readers . Bro . Giles refers us to two other works "Thian Ti Huwi , " by G . Schlegel , andlsome papers on "Chinese Secret Societies , " by W . A . Pickering , published recently in the journals of the branch of the Royal Asiatic Society . If any brother can aid us to obtain these works we shall be truly obliged . —Address , Editor Freemason , 19 S , Fleet-street , E . C .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
The number of Craft I ^ odges acting under the Grand Lodge of England is now iSSG . Bro . the Rev . P . Pinnington , P . M . Mariners Lodge , Liverpool , has been appointed Vicar of Bolton , Westmoreland .
Bro . Brackstone Baker , P . G . ID . ( late Sec . of the Great Western Railway of Canada ) , has met with a severe accident , which providentiall y was not a fatal one . On Friday afternoon , the 12 th inst ., in attempting to cross Bishopsgatc-street , he was knocked down b y the pole of one of the General Omnibus Company ' s vehicles proceeding on the wrong side of the way , and fell under the
horses legs . He was with difficulty extracted from this dangerous position by a policeman , and taken to the nearest police station , where his immediate requirements were attended to . It was found that one of his ribs was f ° k- ' " ' ' ' rece ' ' scalp wound on the back of his head , and severe contusions and bruises about the arms and legs . He was taken to his residence at Lee , and is
, we are happy to say , progressing favourably . . The installation meeting of the City of West * minster Lodge , No . 15 G 3 , was held on Thursday , the 25 th cu ' , Regent Masonic Hall , Air-street , W . Bro . J . E . p 11 ' W-M- c , ect > was du ' y installed in the chair of K . S . I'ull report in our next will appear . The Broad Arrow of Nov . 20 th contains the
following notice of the "Masonic Magazine : " "Among the many interesting papers in this month ' s " Masonic Magazine we specially notice one on Rabbinical proverbs and , avmgs . which are full of wisdom , as , for example , this one , 1 "y yesterday is thy past , thy to-day the future , thy fowl - r ' ¦? , a sccret - ' Rhythmical Sayings is another article wnicn will well repay perusal , while the continuation of the i ? P , ? " ancient mvsteries . and that on the sunnression
rnVl , lem P larsi " England—together with many others'" aire up an extremely good number . " MaJ ° r \ V W 1 ! ford . C . C ., is this year the took nf th . _ Lonners' Company , and the Livery dinner KK Cannon Street Hotel on Thursday last , under Isa-E- ? , ° i i , ' V ' PP ° rted b y the Wardens , Bros . IT . A . saacs and Alderman H . E . Knight . of fh 1 . 9 J Uar , % 7 , General Court of the Guardians next n ! ~ u ? " , an £ sy , um > wi " held on Thursday ° n « ner ^ - rZnd ' J the ^ ' Caledonian-road , N ., Ws and sev en g - c ' and ' ° clect fouftce " children-seven
Masonic And General Tidings.
The meetings of the Finsbury Lodge , No . 861 , are now held at the London Tavern , Fenchurch-street , having removed there from the Rosemary Branch Tavern , IToxton . We are asked to state that the meetings of the Royal Sussex Lodge , No . 342 , will in future be held at Freemasons' Hall , 79 , Commercial-road , Landport .
Bro . John Dodson , of Fetter-lane , is a candidate for the Common Council , Farringdon Without Ward . At a convocation of Royal Arch Masons , lield at the Burlington Hotel on Thursday , the iSth inst ., Comp . R . Pidcock was installed as M . E . Z . of the Harrington Chapter , No . 91 G , for the ensuing year , in succession to Comp . Dr . Bransby Roberts . Comp . T . Holman
was appointed H ., and Comp . G . A . Wallis , as J . The other officers are Comps . Cardwell , S . E . ; C Tomes , N . ; Rev . Faithfutt Davies , P . S . ; and Goldring , Janitor . The business of the chapter included the ceremony of exaltation . The companions afterwards dined together , and in addition to the officers already named there were present Comps . Trollope , P . Z . Derwent ; Jos . Farncombe , Z .
South Saxon ; J . H . C . Coles , Watts , Cooper , Bolton , C . W . Tomes , and others . The party was a small but very agreeable one . EBORACUM LODGE , NO . 1611 . —A very beautiful toast list was used in connection with the installation of Bro . J . T . Seller as W . M . at York , on the Sth inst . The square , printed in gold , occupies a very prominent position
on the frgjit and back , bearing the legends— " I will strive to live with love and care , " and " Upon ye levl . By ye square . " An excellent photograph of the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , Prov . G . M . North and East Yorkshire , surrounded by various emblems and ornamental capitals , occupies the front page . Inside , within a border , the corners of which are formed of views of the different bars or gateways of " ye ancient city , " is the toast list , with
poetical quotations appropriate to each , and all Masonic . The initials in the corner , " T . B . \ V ., " within the square and compasses , show the design to be from the facile pen and pencil of Bro . Whytehead . Bro . J . Derb y Allcroft , F . R . A . S ., treasurer of the Royal Hospital for Incurables , will preside at the twenty-sixth annual meeting at the Cannon-street Hotel on Friday .
We are glad to hear that there is a prospect of a new Mark Lodge being opened in Malton , near York . The Mark Masons in that town are likely soon to make application for a warrant . The " Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar , Diary , and Pocket Book for 1 SS 1 . " ( London : George Kenning , 19 S , Fleet-street . ) This useful vade-mecum , without which
a Mason ' s paraphernalia can hardly be said to be complete , has now entered the eleventh year of its publication . Each fresh issue sees some great improvement , which , however , having regard to its original merits , it must seriously have taxed the ingenuity of the compiler to introduce . The information it contains has been greatly extended , and a far higher degree of accuracy has been attained . This
latter feature is especially noticeable in the lists of lodges and chapters , in which are given , as far as it was possible to obtain them , not only the days on which the said lodges and chapters severally hold their meetings , but likewise the months in which those meetings take place . The names and addresses of the Dep . Prov . Grand Masters , Prov . Grand Sees ., and Prov . Grand Scribes , & c , are also
furnished , while the Mark Degree receives that greater share of attention which its increasing popularity fully justifies . The information respecting foreign Masonic organisations is far ampler than in former years ; in short , the "Cosmo . " keeps pace with the times , and is a credit both to its proprietor and its compiler . —Land and Water , November 20 th .
MANSION HOUSE HOSPITALITY . —Many have been the congratulatory comments and favourable expressions of opinion as to the excellent manner in which the late Lord Mayor , Bro . Alderman Sir Francis Wyatt Truscott , discharged the duties of his high and important office . His unceasing countenance and support of the benevolent
institutions of the City and metropolis , and his munificent hospitality at the Mansion House during his year of office , can be testified to in the fact that he entertained no less that 12 , 000 visitors at various banquets , dejetlners , & c , while more that 5000 other distinguished personages partook of his hospitality at reunions , conversaziones , or the like .
lhe installation meeting of the De Grey and Ripon Lodge , No . 905 , took place on Monday , 22 nd inst ., when Bro . G . W . F . King was installed W . M . by Bro . G . W . F . Loftus , W . M ., and P . P . G . VV . Norfolk . The W . M . afterwards initiated two gentlemen into the Order , and giving them the charge to the approbation of all present .
THE LONDON LAND COMPANY ( Limited ) . —The subscription list of the above Company , an advertisement of which appears in another column , will close on Tuesday , the 30 th inst .
Bro . Alderman Sir Francis Wyatt Truscott and Lady Truscott left London last Tuesday evening for Pau , where it is understood they will sojourn for about two months . THE I ^ IKUTKNANCY OV I ^ ONDON . —Her Majesty the Queen having been graciously pleased to order the issue of a new Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of London , for the purpose of filling up the vacancies caused
by death or otherwise , the late Lord Mayor , Bro . Sir Francis Wyatt Truscott , has nominated the following gentlemen , stating them alphabetically : —Messrs . James Chapman Amos , Edmond Kell y Bayley , J . P . ( ex-Sheriff ) , Edward Hegley Byas , Lionel Louis Cohen , John Crawford , J . P ., Charles IVIessenger Major , Samuel Ernest Palmer , Charles Henry Robarts ( the City Remembrancer ) , Frederick William Steward , George Wyatt Truscott , Philip Hickson Waterlow , and Charles Woolloton , J . P . ( ex-Sheriff . )
The new number of the " University College of Wales Magazine" is chiefly remarkable for a paper by Dr . Ethel , in which he points out incidentally some of the parallelisms of thought and expression to be found in the "Shahnama" of Firdusi , and in Shakespeare ' s "Romeo and Juliet . " Mr . VV . E . A . Axon writes of Dr . Johnson ' s visit to Gawenynog . Dr . Ethe ' s proposal for an Oriental department at the college is sympathetically discussed .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Bro . Edward Clarke , Q . C ., M . P ., was selected to propose , the toast of the evening at the Colston banquet of the Dolphin Society in Bristol . The learned gentleman was received with enthusiastic applause . The funeral of Bro . R . Stubington took place at Abney Park Cemetery last Wednesday . Bro . Alfred Dickinson is a candidate for the position of Common Councilman for the Ward of Farringdon Without .
Bro . G . C . Boor , Chairman of the library Committee , has issued invitations for a dinner at the Albion , on Friday , December 10 . Bro . E . Clarke Q . C ., M . P ., has been elected chairman and Bro . P . A . Nairne , of Camberwell-grove , Secretary , of the Dulwich and Camberwell Conservative Association just formed .
Bro . Alderman and Sheriff Fowler , M . P ., is announced to open a bazaar at the Pilgrim Fathers' Memorial Church , New Kent-road , on Tuesday . Bro . Joseph Clever , P . M ., was presented with a massive silver salver by the Amity Lodge at their last meeting .
Bro . Richardson , F . R . S ., delivered a lecture on Wednesday at a meeting of the Ascham Society . Mr . D . Grant , M . P ., occupied the chair . H . R . H . the DuJce of Edinburgh has been staying this week " with Bro . Tyssen Amhurst , M . P ., at Didlington Hall , Norfolk .
Bro . Lord Methuen , Grand Master of Wiltshire , had a large shooting party last week at Gresham Park , to meet his eldest son , Col . Methuen , who is home for a short holiday from Berlin . Bro . the Rev . T . B . Spencer , M . A ., W . M . 314 , will preaeh a sermon in St . James's Church , Prestonlane to-morrow ( Sunday ) , in aid of the Masonic Charities belonging to the Province of West Lancashire .
It is with regret we announce the death of Bro . R . Stubington , which sad event took place on Thursday , the iSth inst . He was one of the representatives of the Cripplegate Ward Without in the Court of Common Council , having been elected to that office within the last two years . Bro . Stubington was also a liveryman of the Loriners' Company .
A report of the Annual Festival of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement will appear in our next . The final meeting of the Board of Stewards of the Festival of the Girls' School held on the 16 th of April last will take place at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queenstreet , on Tuesday next at 4 o'clock . A national Preat Griory of the United Religious
and Military Orders of the Temple and of St . John of Jerusalem , will be held on Friday , the iothof jDecember , at Cannon-street Hotel , at four o ' clock prompt . At the conclusion of the business of the Great Priory , the Great Prior will hold , under the banner of the Faith ' and Fidelity Prcceptory , a priory of the Order of Malta . The banquet will take place at 6 . 30 , seats at which will be provided for
those only who intimate , not later than the 7 th proximo , their intention of being present . The Most Hon . the Marquis of Londonderry , K . P ., Grand Master of Durham , assisted by Sir Hedworth Williamson , Bart ., Deputy Grand Master , will consecrate the Stranton Lodge , No . 1 S 62 , on Saturday week , the nth proximo , at the Athcnaium , West Hartlepool . The
principal officers designate are Bros . J . W . Cameron , P . M . 7 64 , W . M . ; F . H . Bennett , P . " M . 531 , S . W . ; John Brown , 7 64 , J . W . Bro . Dr . Gourley , P . M ., Past S . G . W . Durham , is the Installing Master . The Athenceum states that Messrs . Macmillan
and Co . have in the press and will shortly publish , under the title of the " Life ' s Work in Ireland of a Landlord who tries to do his Duty , " acollection of papers bearing upon the Irish Land Question , which have been contributedduring the last twenty years to various newspapers and periodicals by Mr . W . Bence Jones , of Lisselan .
The facsimile reproduction of the " Bol < e of Saint Albans , " containing the treatises on hawking , hunting , and " cote armour , " attributed to Dame Juliana Berners , is now in the press . The introduction , from the competent hand of Mr . William Blades , will give a full historical account of this curious and interesting book .
THE CITY COMPANIES AND EDUCATION . —On Saturday , the 20 th inst ., after the public'distribution of certificates , awards , and prizes in the large theatre of the London University—at which a large company was present —Bro . Edward Clarke , Q . C ., M . P ., addressed the students . In the course of his speech the learned gentleman said that he considered himself reasonably entitled to be called the he fortunate
"first" Society of Artsof that university , 'as was enough to be first on the list at one of the first examinations held for those who did not belong to the University of Oxford . We had of late heard a good deal with regard to the inattention and neglect of the great City companies of the condition of the many educational establishments that they were supposed to administer . He could , however , point with pleasure to the fact that for the fourth time one
of the schools , namely , Bancroft ' s Hospital , Mile-endwhich was entirely under the direction of an important guild—had come out successful after the severe ordeal of the present examinations . ( Bro . Clarke's remarks were received with loud applause . ) This must be a source of pleasure to the members of the Drapers' Company , to whom has been entrusted the management of the school , and must also reflect considerable credit on the head master , as the boys leave the school at the early age of fifteen .
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