Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . WOOD GREEN , LONDON . OFFICE : —6 , FREEMASONS' HALL , W . C . PATRON : — HER _ MAJ £ STY THE QUEEN . THE SEVENTY-SIXTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL will be held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen--, ' street , London , on WEDNESDAY , nth MARCH , 1874 . The Most Hon . the MARHUESS or RIPON , K . G ., M . W . Grand Master and President , in the chair . BOARD OF STEWARDS : — PRESIDENT : —R . W . Bro . Captain W . Piatt , < GJ . W . TREASURER : —W . Bro . F . F . Hare , P . P . G . W ., Hants and Isle of Wight , and 150 Brethren ( representing Lodges in the Metropolis and in the ; Provinces . The Musical arrangements under the direction of Bro . W . Ganz , Grand Organist . * " ~ 1 The names of Brethren desirous of serving as Stewards can still be received , and will be gratefully welcomed . The Institution commenced the year with a balance in its favour of , £ 78 only for thc maintenance and education of 176 Boys in the ¦ establishment . The sole reliance being on Voluntary 'Contributions . The generous support of the Craft is earnestly solicited . Dinner will be on the Table at Six o ' clock . Brethren to appear in full Masonic Craft Clothing . Tickets , one Guniea each , may be obtained at the office as above . FREDERICK BINCKES , Secretary . Hon . Sec . Board of . Stewards .
THE MASONIC AND MILITARY ORDER 01 ' KNIGHTS OF THE KED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE . The EARL of BECTIVB , M . P ., M . III . G . Sov . Sir FREDERICK M . WILLIAMS , Bart ., M . P ., M . Em . G . V . The Annual Assembly of the General Grand Conclave will be holden at the "Regent" Masonic Hall , 68 , Regent-street , W ., on MONDAY , the and MARCH , at 5 . 30 p . m ., for the transaction of important business connected with the Order . The Festival will be held at 6 . 30 p . m . Tickets , One Guinea each , including wine ( the balance being payable out of the General Fund ) , can be obtained of the Stewards , care of the G . Recorder , as under . The musical arrangements are entrusted to Sir Knt . H . Parker , G . O ., assisted by eminent artists . By Order , WM . ROISERT WOODMAN , M . D ., Grand Recorder . O ri'icK . — 23 A , Great Queen-street , opposite Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C .
MORITZ , SHAW , & Co ., HAVE NOW IN STOCK Henry Clays Cabanas Y Carbajal Paz de China Partagas & Co . Bock & Co . Confederacion Sueza And all the choicest Brands of HABANA CIGARS , Imported direct at lowest Market Prices . THE "ROYAL ARCH" SMOKING MIXTURE , A compound of the Choicest Tobaccos , of delicate flavour , in 2 oz . and 40 Z . ornamented lead packages j 6 d . per oz ., 8 s . per lb ., free by post . MEERSCHAUM AND BRIAR PIPES , CIGAn HOLDERS , CIGARS , FUSEE BOXES , ETC ., Direct from Vienna and Paris . Price Lists on application to MORITZ , SHAW , & CO ., 46 , LIME-STREET , LIVERPOOL .
MASONIC ASSURANCE OFFICE , 9 , NEW BRIDGE-STREET , LONDON . JOSEPH RANKIN STEBBING , Esq ., P . G . D ., Chairman . This Company was the first to adopt the new and popular system of POSITIVE ASSURANCE . The policies being payable to bearer , render assignments , stamps , legacy duties , & c , unnecessary , and they have at all times an immediate purchasable value . See detailed prospectus . FREDERICK BIGG , P . M ., Manager .
BRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE ¦ " COMPANY . 4 , dueen-street-place , London , E . C . EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT . New business , 2 , 190 policies for £ 380 , 050 . New annual income , j _ 11 , 615 ryy death claims paid for , £ 29 , 005 . 16 claims for matured policies , £ 1 , 502 . Paid for surrenders , £ 1 , 701 . Laid by iu year , £ 41 , 043 . In force , 18 , 084 policies for £ 3 , 10 9 , 215 . Annual premium income , £ 97 , 402 . Paid for death claims in 18 years , under 1 , 366 policies , £ 218 , 965 . Accumulated fund increased to £ 314 , 116 .
Norwich and London ACCIDENT INSURANCE ASSOCIATION . ESTAULISHED 1856 . SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL £ 100 , 000 . For Insuring against ACCIDENTAL DEATH With Compensation for Personal Inj ' ury , Caused by Accidents CHIEF OFFICES—ST . GILES'S STREET , NORWICH . LONDON : 49 , MOORGATE-ST . Secretary . CHARLES R . OILMAN , Esq . London Manasrer : Mr . GEORGE POWELL .
MONEY , TIME AND LIFE ARE LOST IN THK EVENT OK ACCIDENTAL INJURY OR DEATH . Provide against these losses by a Policy of the Itoilfoag - fjnssmgcrs' Isstuwc tapng AGAINST ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS . ¦ r ile oldest and largest ACCIDENTAL ASSVHASCE COM ! 'AST \ H ON . A . KINNAIRD , M . P ., Chairman . Paid-up Capital & Reserve Fund £ 140 , 000 , ANNUAL INCOME , . £ 160 , 000 . £ 810 , 000 have been paid as Compensation . Bonus allowed to Insurers of Five Years' standing . Apply to the Clerks at Ihe Railway Stations , the Local Agents , o 64 , CORNHILL , anil 10 , REGENT STREET , LONDON WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary .
WINTER CLOTHING . P MOSES and SON'S STOCK of OVEK-* - '' COATS and WINTER CLOTHING generally for Adults and Juveniles surpasses in magnitude , variety , and excellence any hitherto offered to the public . The Bespoke or Order Department is furnished with an unequalled assortment of fabrics from the best manufacturers of the Home and Foreign Markets . P MOSES and SON beg to state that the XJ ' DEPARTMENTS for BOYS' CLOTHING in their establishments are quite distinct , vhich will be found a grca convenience , particularly by ladies accompanying " their sons . ] £ MOSES and SON forward PRICE LIST , * Patterns , Fashion Sheet , ami Rules for Self-Measure , gratis and post free . Country orders promptly and carefully executed . J £ MOSES and SON'S vast Stock is divided into distinct Departments , as follows : — Ready-made Clothing for Adults . Ready-Made Clothing for Juveniles . Ready-made Clothing for Sailors and Mechanics . Clothing made to Order . Hosiery and Drapery . Mantles , Shawls , and Ladies' Underclothing . Hats and Caps . Boots and Shoes . Outfits for Sea or Shore . J £ MOSES and SON beg to state that every atttcle in their Establishments is marked in plain figures , and that any atticle not approved of will ( if not worn or injured ) be exchanged , or the amount paid for it will be returned . 1 ? MOSES and SON'S Establishments are closed every Friday evening at sunset , till Saturday evening at sunset , when business is resumed until 11 o ' clock . The following are thc only addresses of E . MOSES and SON : — LONDON . Corner of Minories and Aldgate ( opposite Aldgate Ch u rcli ) New Oxford-street , corner of Hart-street . Corner of Tottenham-Court-road and Euston-road . COUNTRY BRANCH . Bradford , Yorkshire .
EPPS'SCOCOA . BREAKFAST . " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws whic govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and b a careful application of the line propcities of well selectey cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast tables wit a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us man h heavy doctors' bills . "—Civil Service Gazette . " We will now give an account of the process adopted by Messrs . James Epps and Co ., manufacturers of dietetic atticles , at their works in the Euston-road , London . "Cassell ' s Household Guide . Made simply with boiling water or milk . Each Packet is Labelled . JAMES EPPS & Co ., HOMOEOPATHIC CHEMISTS . 48 , Threadneedle-street , and 170 , PiccatfiUy . Works for Dietetic Preparations , Hustou-rcacr , mylon .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY ( Limited ) , 7 , Bank Buildings , Lothbury , E . C . General Accidents . I Personal Injuries . Railway Accidents . | Deaths by Accidents . . ' C . HARDING , Manager .
A / TONEY . —LOANS granted immediately frr > m £ 100 to ,, £ 2 , 000 at 5 percent ., repayable over Three , Four , or Five Years , on Personal Security and Life Policy effected with the WEST OF ENGLAND INSTANCE CO ., ( Established 1807 . ) Apply to the Superintendent of Agents , Bro . J . CROCKER , Neville Street , Newcastle . Agents Wanted .
YOUR ARMS , CRESTS , & MOTTO . FOUND ANU s . cl . Drawn in Pen and Ink for ... ... ... 4 ft Emblazoned in Heraldic Colours ... ... 7 o Crests Engraved on Spoons and Forks , per doz- 6 o Rings and Seals „ „ (> o SEALS , DIES , PRESSES , ENDORSING STAMPS , Stamping on Note Paper in Embossed Relief . Bro . JAMES B . SLY'S , 9 , RATHB 0 NE PLACE , OXFORD-ST . LONDON , V " .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . WOOD GREEN , LONDON . OFFICE : —6 , FREEMASONS' HALL , W . C . PATRON : — HER _ MAJ £ STY THE QUEEN . THE SEVENTY-SIXTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL will be held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen--, ' street , London , on WEDNESDAY , nth MARCH , 1874 . The Most Hon . the MARHUESS or RIPON , K . G ., M . W . Grand Master and President , in the chair . BOARD OF STEWARDS : — PRESIDENT : —R . W . Bro . Captain W . Piatt , < GJ . W . TREASURER : —W . Bro . F . F . Hare , P . P . G . W ., Hants and Isle of Wight , and 150 Brethren ( representing Lodges in the Metropolis and in the ; Provinces . The Musical arrangements under the direction of Bro . W . Ganz , Grand Organist . * " ~ 1 The names of Brethren desirous of serving as Stewards can still be received , and will be gratefully welcomed . The Institution commenced the year with a balance in its favour of , £ 78 only for thc maintenance and education of 176 Boys in the ¦ establishment . The sole reliance being on Voluntary 'Contributions . The generous support of the Craft is earnestly solicited . Dinner will be on the Table at Six o ' clock . Brethren to appear in full Masonic Craft Clothing . Tickets , one Guniea each , may be obtained at the office as above . FREDERICK BINCKES , Secretary . Hon . Sec . Board of . Stewards .
THE MASONIC AND MILITARY ORDER 01 ' KNIGHTS OF THE KED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE . The EARL of BECTIVB , M . P ., M . III . G . Sov . Sir FREDERICK M . WILLIAMS , Bart ., M . P ., M . Em . G . V . The Annual Assembly of the General Grand Conclave will be holden at the "Regent" Masonic Hall , 68 , Regent-street , W ., on MONDAY , the and MARCH , at 5 . 30 p . m ., for the transaction of important business connected with the Order . The Festival will be held at 6 . 30 p . m . Tickets , One Guinea each , including wine ( the balance being payable out of the General Fund ) , can be obtained of the Stewards , care of the G . Recorder , as under . The musical arrangements are entrusted to Sir Knt . H . Parker , G . O ., assisted by eminent artists . By Order , WM . ROISERT WOODMAN , M . D ., Grand Recorder . O ri'icK . — 23 A , Great Queen-street , opposite Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C .
MORITZ , SHAW , & Co ., HAVE NOW IN STOCK Henry Clays Cabanas Y Carbajal Paz de China Partagas & Co . Bock & Co . Confederacion Sueza And all the choicest Brands of HABANA CIGARS , Imported direct at lowest Market Prices . THE "ROYAL ARCH" SMOKING MIXTURE , A compound of the Choicest Tobaccos , of delicate flavour , in 2 oz . and 40 Z . ornamented lead packages j 6 d . per oz ., 8 s . per lb ., free by post . MEERSCHAUM AND BRIAR PIPES , CIGAn HOLDERS , CIGARS , FUSEE BOXES , ETC ., Direct from Vienna and Paris . Price Lists on application to MORITZ , SHAW , & CO ., 46 , LIME-STREET , LIVERPOOL .
MASONIC ASSURANCE OFFICE , 9 , NEW BRIDGE-STREET , LONDON . JOSEPH RANKIN STEBBING , Esq ., P . G . D ., Chairman . This Company was the first to adopt the new and popular system of POSITIVE ASSURANCE . The policies being payable to bearer , render assignments , stamps , legacy duties , & c , unnecessary , and they have at all times an immediate purchasable value . See detailed prospectus . FREDERICK BIGG , P . M ., Manager .
BRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE ¦ " COMPANY . 4 , dueen-street-place , London , E . C . EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT . New business , 2 , 190 policies for £ 380 , 050 . New annual income , j _ 11 , 615 ryy death claims paid for , £ 29 , 005 . 16 claims for matured policies , £ 1 , 502 . Paid for surrenders , £ 1 , 701 . Laid by iu year , £ 41 , 043 . In force , 18 , 084 policies for £ 3 , 10 9 , 215 . Annual premium income , £ 97 , 402 . Paid for death claims in 18 years , under 1 , 366 policies , £ 218 , 965 . Accumulated fund increased to £ 314 , 116 .
Norwich and London ACCIDENT INSURANCE ASSOCIATION . ESTAULISHED 1856 . SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL £ 100 , 000 . For Insuring against ACCIDENTAL DEATH With Compensation for Personal Inj ' ury , Caused by Accidents CHIEF OFFICES—ST . GILES'S STREET , NORWICH . LONDON : 49 , MOORGATE-ST . Secretary . CHARLES R . OILMAN , Esq . London Manasrer : Mr . GEORGE POWELL .
MONEY , TIME AND LIFE ARE LOST IN THK EVENT OK ACCIDENTAL INJURY OR DEATH . Provide against these losses by a Policy of the Itoilfoag - fjnssmgcrs' Isstuwc tapng AGAINST ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS . ¦ r ile oldest and largest ACCIDENTAL ASSVHASCE COM ! 'AST \ H ON . A . KINNAIRD , M . P ., Chairman . Paid-up Capital & Reserve Fund £ 140 , 000 , ANNUAL INCOME , . £ 160 , 000 . £ 810 , 000 have been paid as Compensation . Bonus allowed to Insurers of Five Years' standing . Apply to the Clerks at Ihe Railway Stations , the Local Agents , o 64 , CORNHILL , anil 10 , REGENT STREET , LONDON WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary .
WINTER CLOTHING . P MOSES and SON'S STOCK of OVEK-* - '' COATS and WINTER CLOTHING generally for Adults and Juveniles surpasses in magnitude , variety , and excellence any hitherto offered to the public . The Bespoke or Order Department is furnished with an unequalled assortment of fabrics from the best manufacturers of the Home and Foreign Markets . P MOSES and SON beg to state that the XJ ' DEPARTMENTS for BOYS' CLOTHING in their establishments are quite distinct , vhich will be found a grca convenience , particularly by ladies accompanying " their sons . ] £ MOSES and SON forward PRICE LIST , * Patterns , Fashion Sheet , ami Rules for Self-Measure , gratis and post free . Country orders promptly and carefully executed . J £ MOSES and SON'S vast Stock is divided into distinct Departments , as follows : — Ready-made Clothing for Adults . Ready-Made Clothing for Juveniles . Ready-made Clothing for Sailors and Mechanics . Clothing made to Order . Hosiery and Drapery . Mantles , Shawls , and Ladies' Underclothing . Hats and Caps . Boots and Shoes . Outfits for Sea or Shore . J £ MOSES and SON beg to state that every atttcle in their Establishments is marked in plain figures , and that any atticle not approved of will ( if not worn or injured ) be exchanged , or the amount paid for it will be returned . 1 ? MOSES and SON'S Establishments are closed every Friday evening at sunset , till Saturday evening at sunset , when business is resumed until 11 o ' clock . The following are thc only addresses of E . MOSES and SON : — LONDON . Corner of Minories and Aldgate ( opposite Aldgate Ch u rcli ) New Oxford-street , corner of Hart-street . Corner of Tottenham-Court-road and Euston-road . COUNTRY BRANCH . Bradford , Yorkshire .
EPPS'SCOCOA . BREAKFAST . " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws whic govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and b a careful application of the line propcities of well selectey cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast tables wit a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us man h heavy doctors' bills . "—Civil Service Gazette . " We will now give an account of the process adopted by Messrs . James Epps and Co ., manufacturers of dietetic atticles , at their works in the Euston-road , London . "Cassell ' s Household Guide . Made simply with boiling water or milk . Each Packet is Labelled . JAMES EPPS & Co ., HOMOEOPATHIC CHEMISTS . 48 , Threadneedle-street , and 170 , PiccatfiUy . Works for Dietetic Preparations , Hustou-rcacr , mylon .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY ( Limited ) , 7 , Bank Buildings , Lothbury , E . C . General Accidents . I Personal Injuries . Railway Accidents . | Deaths by Accidents . . ' C . HARDING , Manager .
A / TONEY . —LOANS granted immediately frr > m £ 100 to ,, £ 2 , 000 at 5 percent ., repayable over Three , Four , or Five Years , on Personal Security and Life Policy effected with the WEST OF ENGLAND INSTANCE CO ., ( Established 1807 . ) Apply to the Superintendent of Agents , Bro . J . CROCKER , Neville Street , Newcastle . Agents Wanted .
YOUR ARMS , CRESTS , & MOTTO . FOUND ANU s . cl . Drawn in Pen and Ink for ... ... ... 4 ft Emblazoned in Heraldic Colours ... ... 7 o Crests Engraved on Spoons and Forks , per doz- 6 o Rings and Seals „ „ (> o SEALS , DIES , PRESSES , ENDORSING STAMPS , Stamping on Note Paper in Embossed Relief . Bro . JAMES B . SLY'S , 9 , RATHB 0 NE PLACE , OXFORD-ST . LONDON , V " .