Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article TO OUR FOREIGN SUBSCRIBERS. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article THE HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Births, Marriages, and Deaths. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC NEWSPAPERS AND LITERATURE. Page 1 of 2 →
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NOTICE . The Subscription to THE FREEMASON is now i os . per annum , post-free , payable m advance . Vol . I ., bound in cloth 4 s . fid . Vol . fl ., ditto 7 s . fid . Vols III ., IV ., V . and VI [ each 15 s . od , Reading Cases to hold 52 . lumbers ... 25 . fid . Ditto ditto 4 do . ... is . fid . United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance . The Freemason is published on Saturday Mornings in time for thc early trains . The price of the Freemason is Twopence per week ; annual subscription , 10 s . ( payable in advance . ) All communication ' s , letters , & c , to be addressed to the Editor , 98 , Fleet-street , E . C . ' Tlie Edilorwill pay careful attention to all MSS . entrusted to him , but cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage tamps .
NOTICE . All Communications , Advertisements , & c , intended for insertion in the Number of the following Saturday , must reach the Office not later Chan 6 o clock on Wednesday evening .
To Our Foreign Subscribers.
The Publisher will be glad to receive remittances from -. he following , and begs to remind his friends that the subscription to THE FREEMASON is payable in advance . L s . d . „ s . d . V . \ V . S ., Timaru ... 1 4 o D . C , Timaru o ia o | . \\' ., Trinidad 1 4 a W . H ., Ncindo o 11 o U . V . ., Mauritius ... 2 3 4 1-. G ., Colcsbcre ; , New W . S . A . M ., llombay ... 6 18 8 South Wales 140 1 . II . A ., U . S . A . ... 140 A . H ., New Hampshire 1 4 o
S . I ! ., ' 1 he ( ape 1 ill o St . George's Lodge , Vic-A . S ., New Orleans ... 1 4 o toria 2 12 o | . C . II ., New Orleans ... o u o , ] as . Williamson , GUiral-, | . I I . C , Albany 100 tar 1 40 " l \ Cd , I ' oona 017 4 T . J ., Auckland 1 4 o A . F . do . A ., Kio de A . H . E ., Forbestown o 12 o Jaucrio o 13 o ] H . P ., Troy . ... 140 M " . | ., Timaru 012 o 1 * . , | . U , Norwich , Id . ) ., Timaru o 12 o U . S . A 1 40
Lodge ot Victoria ... o 17 4 H . F ., Timaru o 12 o A . S ., U . S . A 0120 W . H . W ., Timaru ... o 12 o Freemantle l . odjre ... 1 40 W . S ., Perth , Australia 14 * K . K . S ., Alloa o 12 o C . K ., Jamaica 2 19 o A . F . S ., Sue / . 1 08 l'htenix Lodge , Herbice 140 S . v ., Ilombav 1 14 8 I- H . D „ Portland ... 1 16 o I . K . I ) ., U . S . A . .. 012 o K . W ., Uright , Victoria 1 17 9 Id 11 . 11 ., Wellington ... 012 o A . U ., Salonica 228 St . Andrew ' s , Auckland 012 o J . F . C , Timaru 1 40
F . W . M ., Ilucnns Avres 1 1 ( 1 o W . u ., N . Z 140 K . Id , lk-rbice , llrilish . 1 . -.. Lagos 1 40 Guiana 1 16 o G . H . G ., Trinidad ... 1 40 II . II ., I ' ort Elizabeth ... 1 4 o G . I ) ., San Fernando ... 140 J . II . U „ Richmond , Ca- Wm . L . G . J , Trinidad 140 nada 1 16 o R . G ., Bengal 2 12 o S . J ., Ulenhcim ... 3 ry 6 S . II ., Port Elizabeth 140 U . ' ll . P ., Wood's Point 1 o o W . A . K ., San Fernando 1 4 0 F . P ., Svdnev , N , S . W . 1 4 0 T . 1 ) . II ., Ottawa ... 1 18 0 i
I I " , I .. , ' .., / - . . . . - C l .. h .. ' . -f ^ . l . — M-l _ 1 . ' ) ., Island ol Caracoa 1 16 o St . John ' s-Lodge , Mai-K . Id , Christiana ... 3 J o mesbury I 16 0 J . E ., Tacna , Peru ... 3 12 o P . U ., Cape of Good P . 11 ., . Manlcu'o I lav ... 1 16 o Hope ... ... 1 16 o J . A ., Sydney , N . _ . \ V . i 4 o E . !•' ., Rangoon 1 14 o A . V ., liinapore 2 12 o U . 11 ., San l ' ernando ... 1 4 o L / MJ ^_ True IhollivrH , * A . Y ., San Fernando . . . I 4 o Dinapore 2 12 o G . A ., San Fernando ... 1 4 o IL A . 1-d M ., Capc Coast r 16 o E . W ., Savanna Grande I 4 0
C . (' . 11 ., Cape toast ... 1 16 o C " . P ., Newfoundland ... 140 1 ) . M ., San l ' ernando 1 16 o K . C . IL , Halifax , Nova W . (* ., Waiknw 2 8 o Scotia 1 16 o W . 11 ., Port l * li / ..-ihetli 1 4 o Western Star Lodge , Ma-Id K . W ., Port Elizabeth 1 4 o dras — . I 14 8 1 . I-I . W ., Nassau , R . \ V „ Timaru , N . Z . ... 1 4 8 llahamas 16 o J . G . Le 1 ) ., Montreal 288 G . li . N ., Cape Coast S . * •' ., Ma / agon o 17 4 Castle 1 16 o VV . \ V ., Alexandrinu ... o 12 o
S . I ) ., Cape Coast Castle 1 16 o W . M ., Ottawa , Canada o 12 o J . I . M ., Flint liiver , P . O 1 4 o J . Ii . M ., Dalhousie Sq ., i \ I . T . K ., Cape Town 140 ' Calcutta o 17 4 S . M ., Wagira Wagga 1 iO o P . 11 ., Montego Hay , Ja-S . A ., Colesherg , N . S . maica ' ... 1 16 8 Wales 1 40 W . E ., Mount , Ida , N . Z . 1 16 o H . J . K ., Colesberg , New Cap . W ., _ asscnterre , St . South Wales r 4 o Kills 1 16 o T . W ., Montreal 140 S . S . I ., Montego Bay
| . C . IS ., Jullunder ... 1 14 8 Jamaica 1 16 o K . C . II ., Halifax , N . S . 1 ' 6 o \ V . H . I .., „ „ 1 j 6 o A . II . C , Nova Scotia 1 16 o W . G . L ., „ „ I 16 o Western Star Lodge , W . H . S ., „ „ 140 Madras 14 8 F . M ., Ilncnos Ayrcs ... 140 J . li ., Colesberg , N . S . las . Wicks , Morris , Co . Wales 1 40 Port Oram , U . S . A . ... 1 40 Ii . A ., ( Ju . ins . ili , Cape J . II ., Portland , Victoria 1 15 o Coast 1 40 A . H . C , Halifax , N . S . 1 16 o Hon Accord Lodge , South £ . J . S ., George Town 1 17 6 Africa ft o I . Si .. Costa Rica 1 16 o
Ii . C , Lagos , Africa ... 1 40 E . II ., Jamaica 1 4 9 ii . M . P ., Timaru ... 140 | . M . \ v \ , Jamaica ... 1 16 o R . C . K ., Colesburg , New j . T . P ., Montego Bar 2 8 o South Wales 1 40 H . L . D ., Montego Bar 3 8 o G . II . C , Idaho , U . S . A . 1 4 o | . G ., Montego Bay .. ' . a 8 o J . S ., Albury , N . S . W . 1 00 T . C , Curacoa 1 16 o K . W ., Timaru 1 40 G . R . N ., Cape Coast ... 2 8 o J . T . ( J ., Colesberg , New S . D ., Cape Coast 116 o South Wales 1 40 I . H . \ V „ Bahamas ... 1 16 o G . W ., Timaru .., ... 012 j . T . M ., Jamaica 1 10 0 G . 1 ) . li ., Cape Coast J 16 „
Post Office orders to be made payable to George Kenning , Chltf Ollicc , London . It is very necessary for our friends to advise us of all money orders they remit , more especially those from the United States of America , otherwise we cannot tell where to credit them . Several remain uncredited at the present time owing to no advice having been received ,
Published under the Patronage of H . R . H . the PRINCE OF WALES . K . G-, Patron of the Order-In Imperial Octavo , bound in gilt cloth , richly ornamented , price , £ 1 ns . 6 d ., HISTORY OF THE LODGE OF EDINBURGH ( MARY'S CHAPEL ) No- i . EMBRACING AN ACCOUNT OP THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF FREEMASONRY IN SCOTLAND . Bv BRO . DAVID MURRAY LYON . With Twenty-six Fac-similes of Ancient Statutes Minutes of various Lodges , Seals , and Orders , < Src ., and Authentic Portraits and Autographs of Sixty eminent Craftsmen of the past and present time-London : GEORGE KENNfNG , 198 , Fleet-street , E . C .
In the Press , will shortly be Published . Price 5 s ., Svo , handsomely bound . THE LIFE OF CONSTANTINE . Written in Greek , by EUSEBIUS PAMPILUS , ( Bishop of Ca ; sareain Palestine ) . Done into English from that edition , set forth by VAI . ESIUS , and printed in Paris in the year 16-jq . Pieface by Bros . R . Wentworth Little , Treas . Gen ., and the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , Past Grand Chaplain . With Engravings of Constantine ; the Duke of Sussex , P . G . Sov . ; Lord Rancliffe , P . G . Sov . ; Earl Beetive , M . P ., M . I . G . Sov . ; Sir Frederick Martin Williams , Bart ., M . P ., G . V ., & c ., & c . London : GEORGE KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street .
SECOND EDITION . —NOW READY . Price One Shilling , Post-free , Revised and Enlarged . Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , Bv BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . ( Past Master , No . 393 , England . ) n ^ HIS work is a perfect handbook of the - * - principles of Freemasonry , founded on thc Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminently practical and useful in the vindication and support of the Order . Office , 198 , Fleet-street .
REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEMASONRY : OR , The Freemasons' Pocket Compendium Willi an Emblematical Frontispiece . A Hand-Book of the Principles of Freemasonry , aud Pocket Vadc Mecum and Guide to thc various Ceremonies connected with Craft Masonrv , so far as the same arc allowed to be communicable , in accordance with thc principles of thc Order . Price One Shilling , Post-free for Thirteen Stamps . Sold hy Hro . Gio . KENNING , 19 Fleet-street , London , E . C
Second Edition , Now Ready , 1 / 6 . A MASONIC MUSICAL SERVICE . In the key of C . for A ., T ., T „ B . Opening and Closing Odes . Craft Ceremonies . Royal Arch Ceremony . Consecration Ceremony . Grace before and after Meat . COMPOSED BV DR . J . C . BAKER , NO . 241 . LONDON . —Geo . Kenning , 198 , Fleet-street ; and 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain . „ R . Spencer , 26 , Great Queen-street . LIVERPOOL . —Geo . Kenning , 2 , Mor . ument-place . MANCHESTER . —E . Henry & Co ., 59 , Deansgate . DUULIN . —C . Hedgelong , 26 , Grafton-street . GLASGOW . —Geo . * H _ enning , 145 , Argyle-street .
Now Ready Post Free 1 / 7 , THE MARK " MASONS' SONG , Dedicated by permission to the Right Hon . the Earl Percy , M . P ., 30 , Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons for Northumberland Most Worshipful Grand Mark Master Mason of England . Words by Bro . T . Burdett Yeoman , Original Mark Lodge No . 1 ., composed by Bro . Henry Parker , Original Mark LodgeNo . 1 . Office , 198 , Fleet-street .
Now Ready . THE NEW MARK TRACING BOARD , •{ Gin . by 23 m . Price 42 s . To be had at Bro . Kenning ' s Masonic Depots , Little Britain and Fleet-street , London .
PRIVATE DINNER PARTIES CAN HAVE THE BEST OF EVERYTHING . AT The Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , W . C . Apply to C . E . FRANCATELLI .
MADAME TUSSAUD'S EXHIBITION BAKER STREET . Now added , PORTRAIT MODELS oi the SHAH of PERSIA , Marshal MacMahon , M . Thiers , and the late Charles Dickens . The original autograph and testimonial written and presented by the Shah to Messrs . Tussaud , July 3 , 1873 , is exhibited . Admission is . Children under ten , Od . Extra Rooms , 6 d . Open from ten a . m . to ten p . m
The History Of Freemasonry.
FROM ITS ORIGIN TO THE PRESENT DAY . Drawn from the best sources and the most recent investigations . BY J . G . FINDEL , Second Edition , Revised , and Preface written by Bro . D . MURRAY LYON .
One vol ., 800 pages 8 vo ., with an Jndex . Cloth gilt . Price , 10 s . 6 d . " This book is a strictly historical one , from which all is excluded that is not based upon ascertained or probable fact . "—Builder . " Of its value to Freemasons , as a detailed history of their Brotherhood , it is not possible to speak too hig hly . "—
Public Opinion . " The author seems to have fairly exhausted the subject . "—The Alhenaeum . " The edition we are now considering is a second English edition , which had the great advantage of Bro . D JI . Lyon's able superintendence and editorship in its English dress . There can be no doubt but , that so far , Bro .
Findel ' s work is the most complete work on Freemasonry which has yet appeared , and that he deserves the greatest credit for his careful and accurate treatment of all evidence ou the subject , and for his honest desire after truth . Bro . Findel gives up in the view he has so clearly and consistently put forth our early Masonic history , the older theory of the Roman Colleges , & c , and limits the origin
of Freemasonry to about the twelfth century , and as then arising from the operative Masons , and specially the " Steinmeitzen" and " Bauhutten" of Germany . Bro . Findel gives us a good deal of evidence on this head , and one thing is clear from his work , that the German Freemasons were , at a very early period , organized into lodges with a Master over them , and with outward regulations and
inner ceremonies peculiar to thc Craft . Bro . Findel rejects all the views which have been from time to time put forward of a Templar or a Rosicrucian origin . Whether or no Bro , Findel's theory of the ;( late of the rise of Freemasonry be correct , matters very little : we do not ourselves profess to accept it ; but this wecan fairly say of Bro Findel ' s work , it is marked from first to last by the most remarkable
tokenof industry , ability , and care , of patient research , and of skilful criticism . We know of no work which so clearly sets before us our amount of knowledge up to the present time on the great question of Masonic Archaeology , and there can be little doubtthatwhatjPreston ' s work is to English Freemasonry , Findel ' s work is to cosmopolitan Freemasonry . Indeed no student in Masonry can now dispense with it , and it
is a perfect storehouse both of Masonic evidence and Masonic illustrations . We earnestly recommend all the lodges in this country to obtain a copy for the lodge library before the work is bought up for America ; and we believe that no Mason will rise from the perusal of its pages without a hig her idea both of the historical truth and intrinsic value of Freemasonry , and of fraternal regard and recognition to the latest and not the least well-informed or effective of our
Masonic historians . The present century has produced no such equal , in authority and usefulness , to the great work of our Bro . Findel , and we wish him and it , in all of fraternal sympathy and kindly intent , many earnest readers , and more grateful students . "—The Mnsonic
Magazine . "This volume is the history of Masonry par excellence Kvery interested Jperson may regard it , therefore , as the present text-book on the subject . "—Manchester Guardian Bro . GEORGE KENNING , 198 , FLEET STREET , LONDON , E . C .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
WVNN-BURBOUGUS . —( Calcutta ) . —The August issue of the " Masonic Magazine" is out of print—it wilt shortly be reprinted , when a copy shall be sent you . "FIAT JUSTITIA . "—Letter received , but too long . Will appear in an abbreviated form next week .
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
Births , Marriages , and Deaths .
DEATHS . SMITH . —At Liverpool on the 2 nd inst ., William Fergusson , son of Dr . Kellett Smith , aged 2 years . BitAsiEH . —On Feb . 17 th , at 37 , High-street , Margate , Mary Susannah Asworth ( Bebsie ) , fourth and dearly loved daughter of Bro . William Church Brasier , P . M ., and Treasurer of Union Lodge , No . 27 , aged 19 ,
The Freemason , S ATURDAY , F EBRUARY 28 , 1874 ;
Masonic Newspapers And Literature.
Bro . McCalla , in a very able article of his in the Philadelphia Keystone , makes use of the somewhat solemn exclamation , " Let there be Light . " He seems to look on the diffusion of Masonic Literature and the success ofthe Ma-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOTICE . The Subscription to THE FREEMASON is now i os . per annum , post-free , payable m advance . Vol . I ., bound in cloth 4 s . fid . Vol . fl ., ditto 7 s . fid . Vols III ., IV ., V . and VI [ each 15 s . od , Reading Cases to hold 52 . lumbers ... 25 . fid . Ditto ditto 4 do . ... is . fid . United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance . The Freemason is published on Saturday Mornings in time for thc early trains . The price of the Freemason is Twopence per week ; annual subscription , 10 s . ( payable in advance . ) All communication ' s , letters , & c , to be addressed to the Editor , 98 , Fleet-street , E . C . ' Tlie Edilorwill pay careful attention to all MSS . entrusted to him , but cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage tamps .
NOTICE . All Communications , Advertisements , & c , intended for insertion in the Number of the following Saturday , must reach the Office not later Chan 6 o clock on Wednesday evening .
To Our Foreign Subscribers.
The Publisher will be glad to receive remittances from -. he following , and begs to remind his friends that the subscription to THE FREEMASON is payable in advance . L s . d . „ s . d . V . \ V . S ., Timaru ... 1 4 o D . C , Timaru o ia o | . \\' ., Trinidad 1 4 a W . H ., Ncindo o 11 o U . V . ., Mauritius ... 2 3 4 1-. G ., Colcsbcre ; , New W . S . A . M ., llombay ... 6 18 8 South Wales 140 1 . II . A ., U . S . A . ... 140 A . H ., New Hampshire 1 4 o
S . I ! ., ' 1 he ( ape 1 ill o St . George's Lodge , Vic-A . S ., New Orleans ... 1 4 o toria 2 12 o | . C . II ., New Orleans ... o u o , ] as . Williamson , GUiral-, | . I I . C , Albany 100 tar 1 40 " l \ Cd , I ' oona 017 4 T . J ., Auckland 1 4 o A . F . do . A ., Kio de A . H . E ., Forbestown o 12 o Jaucrio o 13 o ] H . P ., Troy . ... 140 M " . | ., Timaru 012 o 1 * . , | . U , Norwich , Id . ) ., Timaru o 12 o U . S . A 1 40
Lodge ot Victoria ... o 17 4 H . F ., Timaru o 12 o A . S ., U . S . A 0120 W . H . W ., Timaru ... o 12 o Freemantle l . odjre ... 1 40 W . S ., Perth , Australia 14 * K . K . S ., Alloa o 12 o C . K ., Jamaica 2 19 o A . F . S ., Sue / . 1 08 l'htenix Lodge , Herbice 140 S . v ., Ilombav 1 14 8 I- H . D „ Portland ... 1 16 o I . K . I ) ., U . S . A . .. 012 o K . W ., Uright , Victoria 1 17 9 Id 11 . 11 ., Wellington ... 012 o A . U ., Salonica 228 St . Andrew ' s , Auckland 012 o J . F . C , Timaru 1 40
F . W . M ., Ilucnns Avres 1 1 ( 1 o W . u ., N . Z 140 K . Id , lk-rbice , llrilish . 1 . -.. Lagos 1 40 Guiana 1 16 o G . H . G ., Trinidad ... 1 40 II . II ., I ' ort Elizabeth ... 1 4 o G . I ) ., San Fernando ... 140 J . II . U „ Richmond , Ca- Wm . L . G . J , Trinidad 140 nada 1 16 o R . G ., Bengal 2 12 o S . J ., Ulenhcim ... 3 ry 6 S . II ., Port Elizabeth 140 U . ' ll . P ., Wood's Point 1 o o W . A . K ., San Fernando 1 4 0 F . P ., Svdnev , N , S . W . 1 4 0 T . 1 ) . II ., Ottawa ... 1 18 0 i
I I " , I .. , ' .., / - . . . . - C l .. h .. ' . -f ^ . l . — M-l _ 1 . ' ) ., Island ol Caracoa 1 16 o St . John ' s-Lodge , Mai-K . Id , Christiana ... 3 J o mesbury I 16 0 J . E ., Tacna , Peru ... 3 12 o P . U ., Cape of Good P . 11 ., . Manlcu'o I lav ... 1 16 o Hope ... ... 1 16 o J . A ., Sydney , N . _ . \ V . i 4 o E . !•' ., Rangoon 1 14 o A . V ., liinapore 2 12 o U . 11 ., San l ' ernando ... 1 4 o L / MJ ^_ True IhollivrH , * A . Y ., San Fernando . . . I 4 o Dinapore 2 12 o G . A ., San Fernando ... 1 4 o IL A . 1-d M ., Capc Coast r 16 o E . W ., Savanna Grande I 4 0
C . (' . 11 ., Cape toast ... 1 16 o C " . P ., Newfoundland ... 140 1 ) . M ., San l ' ernando 1 16 o K . C . IL , Halifax , Nova W . (* ., Waiknw 2 8 o Scotia 1 16 o W . 11 ., Port l * li / ..-ihetli 1 4 o Western Star Lodge , Ma-Id K . W ., Port Elizabeth 1 4 o dras — . I 14 8 1 . I-I . W ., Nassau , R . \ V „ Timaru , N . Z . ... 1 4 8 llahamas 16 o J . G . Le 1 ) ., Montreal 288 G . li . N ., Cape Coast S . * •' ., Ma / agon o 17 4 Castle 1 16 o VV . \ V ., Alexandrinu ... o 12 o
S . I ) ., Cape Coast Castle 1 16 o W . M ., Ottawa , Canada o 12 o J . I . M ., Flint liiver , P . O 1 4 o J . Ii . M ., Dalhousie Sq ., i \ I . T . K ., Cape Town 140 ' Calcutta o 17 4 S . M ., Wagira Wagga 1 iO o P . 11 ., Montego Hay , Ja-S . A ., Colesherg , N . S . maica ' ... 1 16 8 Wales 1 40 W . E ., Mount , Ida , N . Z . 1 16 o H . J . K ., Colesberg , New Cap . W ., _ asscnterre , St . South Wales r 4 o Kills 1 16 o T . W ., Montreal 140 S . S . I ., Montego Bay
| . C . IS ., Jullunder ... 1 14 8 Jamaica 1 16 o K . C . II ., Halifax , N . S . 1 ' 6 o \ V . H . I .., „ „ 1 j 6 o A . II . C , Nova Scotia 1 16 o W . G . L ., „ „ I 16 o Western Star Lodge , W . H . S ., „ „ 140 Madras 14 8 F . M ., Ilncnos Ayrcs ... 140 J . li ., Colesberg , N . S . las . Wicks , Morris , Co . Wales 1 40 Port Oram , U . S . A . ... 1 40 Ii . A ., ( Ju . ins . ili , Cape J . II ., Portland , Victoria 1 15 o Coast 1 40 A . H . C , Halifax , N . S . 1 16 o Hon Accord Lodge , South £ . J . S ., George Town 1 17 6 Africa ft o I . Si .. Costa Rica 1 16 o
Ii . C , Lagos , Africa ... 1 40 E . II ., Jamaica 1 4 9 ii . M . P ., Timaru ... 140 | . M . \ v \ , Jamaica ... 1 16 o R . C . K ., Colesburg , New j . T . P ., Montego Bar 2 8 o South Wales 1 40 H . L . D ., Montego Bar 3 8 o G . II . C , Idaho , U . S . A . 1 4 o | . G ., Montego Bay .. ' . a 8 o J . S ., Albury , N . S . W . 1 00 T . C , Curacoa 1 16 o K . W ., Timaru 1 40 G . R . N ., Cape Coast ... 2 8 o J . T . ( J ., Colesberg , New S . D ., Cape Coast 116 o South Wales 1 40 I . H . \ V „ Bahamas ... 1 16 o G . W ., Timaru .., ... 012 j . T . M ., Jamaica 1 10 0 G . 1 ) . li ., Cape Coast J 16 „
Post Office orders to be made payable to George Kenning , Chltf Ollicc , London . It is very necessary for our friends to advise us of all money orders they remit , more especially those from the United States of America , otherwise we cannot tell where to credit them . Several remain uncredited at the present time owing to no advice having been received ,
Published under the Patronage of H . R . H . the PRINCE OF WALES . K . G-, Patron of the Order-In Imperial Octavo , bound in gilt cloth , richly ornamented , price , £ 1 ns . 6 d ., HISTORY OF THE LODGE OF EDINBURGH ( MARY'S CHAPEL ) No- i . EMBRACING AN ACCOUNT OP THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF FREEMASONRY IN SCOTLAND . Bv BRO . DAVID MURRAY LYON . With Twenty-six Fac-similes of Ancient Statutes Minutes of various Lodges , Seals , and Orders , < Src ., and Authentic Portraits and Autographs of Sixty eminent Craftsmen of the past and present time-London : GEORGE KENNfNG , 198 , Fleet-street , E . C .
In the Press , will shortly be Published . Price 5 s ., Svo , handsomely bound . THE LIFE OF CONSTANTINE . Written in Greek , by EUSEBIUS PAMPILUS , ( Bishop of Ca ; sareain Palestine ) . Done into English from that edition , set forth by VAI . ESIUS , and printed in Paris in the year 16-jq . Pieface by Bros . R . Wentworth Little , Treas . Gen ., and the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , Past Grand Chaplain . With Engravings of Constantine ; the Duke of Sussex , P . G . Sov . ; Lord Rancliffe , P . G . Sov . ; Earl Beetive , M . P ., M . I . G . Sov . ; Sir Frederick Martin Williams , Bart ., M . P ., G . V ., & c ., & c . London : GEORGE KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street .
SECOND EDITION . —NOW READY . Price One Shilling , Post-free , Revised and Enlarged . Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , Bv BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . ( Past Master , No . 393 , England . ) n ^ HIS work is a perfect handbook of the - * - principles of Freemasonry , founded on thc Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminently practical and useful in the vindication and support of the Order . Office , 198 , Fleet-street .
REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEMASONRY : OR , The Freemasons' Pocket Compendium Willi an Emblematical Frontispiece . A Hand-Book of the Principles of Freemasonry , aud Pocket Vadc Mecum and Guide to thc various Ceremonies connected with Craft Masonrv , so far as the same arc allowed to be communicable , in accordance with thc principles of thc Order . Price One Shilling , Post-free for Thirteen Stamps . Sold hy Hro . Gio . KENNING , 19 Fleet-street , London , E . C
Second Edition , Now Ready , 1 / 6 . A MASONIC MUSICAL SERVICE . In the key of C . for A ., T ., T „ B . Opening and Closing Odes . Craft Ceremonies . Royal Arch Ceremony . Consecration Ceremony . Grace before and after Meat . COMPOSED BV DR . J . C . BAKER , NO . 241 . LONDON . —Geo . Kenning , 198 , Fleet-street ; and 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain . „ R . Spencer , 26 , Great Queen-street . LIVERPOOL . —Geo . Kenning , 2 , Mor . ument-place . MANCHESTER . —E . Henry & Co ., 59 , Deansgate . DUULIN . —C . Hedgelong , 26 , Grafton-street . GLASGOW . —Geo . * H _ enning , 145 , Argyle-street .
Now Ready Post Free 1 / 7 , THE MARK " MASONS' SONG , Dedicated by permission to the Right Hon . the Earl Percy , M . P ., 30 , Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons for Northumberland Most Worshipful Grand Mark Master Mason of England . Words by Bro . T . Burdett Yeoman , Original Mark Lodge No . 1 ., composed by Bro . Henry Parker , Original Mark LodgeNo . 1 . Office , 198 , Fleet-street .
Now Ready . THE NEW MARK TRACING BOARD , •{ Gin . by 23 m . Price 42 s . To be had at Bro . Kenning ' s Masonic Depots , Little Britain and Fleet-street , London .
PRIVATE DINNER PARTIES CAN HAVE THE BEST OF EVERYTHING . AT The Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , W . C . Apply to C . E . FRANCATELLI .
MADAME TUSSAUD'S EXHIBITION BAKER STREET . Now added , PORTRAIT MODELS oi the SHAH of PERSIA , Marshal MacMahon , M . Thiers , and the late Charles Dickens . The original autograph and testimonial written and presented by the Shah to Messrs . Tussaud , July 3 , 1873 , is exhibited . Admission is . Children under ten , Od . Extra Rooms , 6 d . Open from ten a . m . to ten p . m
The History Of Freemasonry.
FROM ITS ORIGIN TO THE PRESENT DAY . Drawn from the best sources and the most recent investigations . BY J . G . FINDEL , Second Edition , Revised , and Preface written by Bro . D . MURRAY LYON .
One vol ., 800 pages 8 vo ., with an Jndex . Cloth gilt . Price , 10 s . 6 d . " This book is a strictly historical one , from which all is excluded that is not based upon ascertained or probable fact . "—Builder . " Of its value to Freemasons , as a detailed history of their Brotherhood , it is not possible to speak too hig hly . "—
Public Opinion . " The author seems to have fairly exhausted the subject . "—The Alhenaeum . " The edition we are now considering is a second English edition , which had the great advantage of Bro . D JI . Lyon's able superintendence and editorship in its English dress . There can be no doubt but , that so far , Bro .
Findel ' s work is the most complete work on Freemasonry which has yet appeared , and that he deserves the greatest credit for his careful and accurate treatment of all evidence ou the subject , and for his honest desire after truth . Bro . Findel gives up in the view he has so clearly and consistently put forth our early Masonic history , the older theory of the Roman Colleges , & c , and limits the origin
of Freemasonry to about the twelfth century , and as then arising from the operative Masons , and specially the " Steinmeitzen" and " Bauhutten" of Germany . Bro . Findel gives us a good deal of evidence on this head , and one thing is clear from his work , that the German Freemasons were , at a very early period , organized into lodges with a Master over them , and with outward regulations and
inner ceremonies peculiar to thc Craft . Bro . Findel rejects all the views which have been from time to time put forward of a Templar or a Rosicrucian origin . Whether or no Bro , Findel's theory of the ;( late of the rise of Freemasonry be correct , matters very little : we do not ourselves profess to accept it ; but this wecan fairly say of Bro Findel ' s work , it is marked from first to last by the most remarkable
tokenof industry , ability , and care , of patient research , and of skilful criticism . We know of no work which so clearly sets before us our amount of knowledge up to the present time on the great question of Masonic Archaeology , and there can be little doubtthatwhatjPreston ' s work is to English Freemasonry , Findel ' s work is to cosmopolitan Freemasonry . Indeed no student in Masonry can now dispense with it , and it
is a perfect storehouse both of Masonic evidence and Masonic illustrations . We earnestly recommend all the lodges in this country to obtain a copy for the lodge library before the work is bought up for America ; and we believe that no Mason will rise from the perusal of its pages without a hig her idea both of the historical truth and intrinsic value of Freemasonry , and of fraternal regard and recognition to the latest and not the least well-informed or effective of our
Masonic historians . The present century has produced no such equal , in authority and usefulness , to the great work of our Bro . Findel , and we wish him and it , in all of fraternal sympathy and kindly intent , many earnest readers , and more grateful students . "—The Mnsonic
Magazine . "This volume is the history of Masonry par excellence Kvery interested Jperson may regard it , therefore , as the present text-book on the subject . "—Manchester Guardian Bro . GEORGE KENNING , 198 , FLEET STREET , LONDON , E . C .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
WVNN-BURBOUGUS . —( Calcutta ) . —The August issue of the " Masonic Magazine" is out of print—it wilt shortly be reprinted , when a copy shall be sent you . "FIAT JUSTITIA . "—Letter received , but too long . Will appear in an abbreviated form next week .
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
Births , Marriages , and Deaths .
DEATHS . SMITH . —At Liverpool on the 2 nd inst ., William Fergusson , son of Dr . Kellett Smith , aged 2 years . BitAsiEH . —On Feb . 17 th , at 37 , High-street , Margate , Mary Susannah Asworth ( Bebsie ) , fourth and dearly loved daughter of Bro . William Church Brasier , P . M ., and Treasurer of Union Lodge , No . 27 , aged 19 ,
The Freemason , S ATURDAY , F EBRUARY 28 , 1874 ;
Masonic Newspapers And Literature.
Bro . McCalla , in a very able article of his in the Philadelphia Keystone , makes use of the somewhat solemn exclamation , " Let there be Light . " He seems to look on the diffusion of Masonic Literature and the success ofthe Ma-