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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MASONIC EMBLEMS . A BEAUTIFUL WORK OF ART in Photo-XX graphy , for framing , representing a volume of the , Scrip ture , opened at Chapter 6 of the ist Book of Kings , surroun ded by symbols of the Craft . Plain , is . 6 d . ; richly coloured , 3 s . To be had wholesale and retail of STEVENS & RICIIAIIO . soN , Stationers and Steam Printers , 5 , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-inn-fields .
THE AUSTRALIAN j HANDBOOK AND ALMANAC , ; And Shippers' and Importers' Director }/ , \ FOR 1873 . Price One Shilling and Sixpence : Post free , j Two Shillings . ! PUBLISHERS : [ GORDON AND GOTCH , I iai , HOLBORN HlLL , E . C .
I rr ^ HE LONDON MIRROR f . - *¦ Published every Saturday j price 4 < 1 . t The object of this journal is to set fortli the claims of the many ¦ Religious , Educational , Benevolent , and Prudential Institutions of 1 the United Kingdom . and week by week to report their proceedings , I vrkether as Meetings , Sermons , Anniversaries , or Elections , so as to present these National Institutions to the favour of the Public . Office , tg , Southampton-row , Russell-souare , London , W . C .
"THE FREEMASON " Supplied by rn DRISCOLL , Wholesale Newsagent , 87 , - *¦ Farringdon-st ., E . C . South London Branch , 416 , Wandsworth-road , S . W eight doors from the London Chatham and Dover Raihvaj 1 Station . Wholesale Publisher to the Trade .
CITY . DOTTLE & SON , 14 and ij , Royal Exchange - *¦ City Agents for "THE FREEMASON " AND "The Israelites found in the Anglo-Saxons , " Just published , price 2 s . 6 d . DUBLIN . Bro . CHARLES HEDGELONG , NEW AND SECOND-HAND ^ BOOK . SELLER AGENT FOR " THE FREEMASON . "
SWANSEA Agent for the Freemason . JJRO . CHAS , MAGGS . 24 , Oxford-st ., Swansea , A large stock of Aprons , J ewels , Clothing , and every requisite for all Degrees of Freemasonry . Agent for Kenning ' s Masonic Note Paper , Envelopes , Books , Candles , Perfumes , & c . Advertisements rect »* ed for "The Freemason . "
THE BIRKBECK Is the only Building Society whose Annual Receipts exceeds ONE MILLION ! -Hnu to Purchase a House / or Two Guineas per Month , With immediate possession and no Rent to pav . Apply at the Ofliccof the B 1 RKBECK BUILDING SOCIETY , 29 & 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chancerv-Iane . \ V \ " ° ' '" I "'" " " " tot of Land for Five Shillings per Month , w "h immediate possession , either forUuildingorGarilening purposes , ^ P'A' at the Ollice of the BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND & OCIE 1 Y , 29 & 30 Southampton-buildings , Chancerv-Iane . llo-M to Invest Money with safety at £ 4 per cent Interest , ... Apply to the Office of the B 1 RKBECK BANK , nil sums under ^ 50 reparable upon demand . Current accounts opened similar to Ordinarv Bankers . Cheque Books supplied , utnee hours from 10 till 4 da ' ilv , on Mondays from to till 9 , and on Saturdays from 10 till 2 . A small pamphlet , containing full par"culars , may he obtained gratis , or sent Post-free on application to _^ _„__ FRANCIS RAVENSCROU-, Manager .
C ANDLES , OILS , AND SOAPS " . ROBERT S . MENDEY , » ,. ( LATE WITH PATESIIALI . AND CO . ) wax and Tallow Chandler , Oil and Soap Merchant , S |„ ., I , | r- ,, V . ' FB !< CHUI < CII-STKEST , E . C . Storm Ca . ndles—Masonic . Church and Perfumed—in pure Wax , liarS , ! - ' " . ' - ' i ? nd ^ l ™ "' ™ ' '" . ind Moulds of refined ami count , lall <» v . Sperm and superior burning Colza Oil . Dislor cash . Own carts deliver free in London and suburbs . Wholesale , Retail and Export .
W . FIGES , 8 ° , CANNON-STREET , LONDON , E . C , MANUFACTURER OF THE NEW ^ EGIS UMBRELLA , ° mbining increased shelter with increased strength , an e 'cgant shape , and a convenient walking length . J ^!^ DRIVING WHIPS , & c .
WELLINGTON HOUSE , 12 , COMMUTATION RO W , ( Opposite Wellington Monument ) , LIVERPOOL . BRO . J . ABRAHAMS , Proprietor . THE CELEBRATED 10 / 6 TROUSERS . Ready made or to Measure . Blue and Black Frock Coats , 35 s ., the best value in town . Black Dress Suits from 50 s . Fancy Silk Vests , 5 s . 6 d . INSPECTION INVITED .
THE LONDON RESTAURANT , NEXT TO PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE , LIVERPOOL . BREAKFASTS , LUNCHEONS , DINNERS , TEAS ' SUPPERS , & C . Wines , Liqueurs , Spirits , & c . CHARLES GOSDEN , Proprietor . Also of Masons' Hall Tavern , London , E . C .
COLLINS AND CAPELL HOSIERS AND OUTFITTERS . French and Brussels Glove Importers , SHIRT AND COLLAR MANUFACTURERS , Rugs , Portmanteaus , Umbrellas , SCARF AND TIE EMPORIUM . 6 , THE QUADRANT , LIME-STREET LIVERPOOL , » . ^ v .. wii - * v itsnington . jr 4 otcl .
CAUTION . GENERAL FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT ( Established upwards of 35 years . . ) ? Bros . SINCLAIR & SON , fl FUHVISIIIXO UxilKRTAKtlSS ANI 1 Fu \ EHAL II FE . UHKK . UEX , j ^ Kf c Sr City Road , Finsbury Square , opposite the Finsbury Schools , E . C , ami 24 , Sfiutligiile . vu . id , Downham-road , near the Rosemary Branch Bridge , N . No connection with any other establishment of the same name . ) Onlv at the above addresses , livery Funeral at stated charges—Sec Illustrated Prospectus .
M LEA & PERRINS ' SAUCE . W THE "WOKCESTEHSHIRE . " IlH Pronounced by Connoisseurs " THE ONLY OOOD ESJ SAUCE . " Its use impr o ves appetite and tliges-/ fflf'ljHk '' ' Unrivalled for piquancy and flavour . P 4 HIASK FOR LEA & PERR 1 NS SAUCE . tSwSfi BEWABK OF IMITATIONS , |/ : S : 5 ij | to avoid which , see the names , | uU §| li « H LEA & PERKINS , i SglsSljl on a " bottles and labels . iWllBIIH ! Rents—CHOSSE & BLACKWKU ., London , and sold by ^ lll ; ' 'I 11 SP * Dealers in Sauces throughout the world .
KENNING'S NEW BALLOT BOXPrice Thirty Shillings .
TESSELATED CARPETING , FOB Lodges , Chapters , Encampments , & c . Four Feet wide , 4 / 3 per Yard . MASONIC DEPOTS , 2 , 3 & 4 . LITTLE BRITAIN AND 10 . 8 , FLEET STREET E . C .
ELSTOB'S CELEBRATED Riding , Hunting and Lumbago Belts . Siz if waist anil I ' . O . O . for 20 s . to lie sent with order . Hie best lilting Killing Trousers anil Breeches Makeriu London or elsewhere . N . U . —Morning Trousers o £ Best West of England Wool . Established iSjo . ELSTOB , 44 , MADDOX-STREET , BOND STREET .
& 3 _ - « .= ^ 5 ^^ as- O DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND AIR-VESSELS . CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR . Opiates , Narcotics , and Squills arc too often invoked to give relief in Coughs , CoIds , and all Pulmonary diseases . Instead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at the expense of enfeebling the digestive organs , and thus increasing that , debility which lies at the root of the maladv , modern science points to CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR as the true remedy . SELECT TESTIMONIAL . Dr . Rooke , Scarboroufih , author of the "Anti-Lancet / ' says : " 1 have repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued cough , pain , and irritation of the chest in cases of Pulmonary Consumption , and I can , with the greatest confidence , recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allays the local irritation , but improves digestion and strengthens the constitution . Hence it is used with the most signal success in Asthma , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , Influenza , Night Sweats of Consumption , Quinsey , and all affections of the throat and chest . Sold in bottles at is . gd ., 4 s . 6 d ., and us . each , b y all re * spectable Chemists , and wholesale by Jas . M . Crosby , Chemist Scarborough . * V * Invalidsshor . Idrtsd Crosby ' s Prize Treatise on "Diseases the Lungs and Air-Vessels , " a copy of which can be had Gratis or all Chemists .
YOUNG'S ARNICATED CORN AND BUNION PLAISTERSare the best ever invented for giving immediate ease , and removing those painful excrescences . Plire 6 d . and is . per box . May be had of most chemists . Observe the trade mark . —HY—without which none are genuine be sure and ask lor YOUNG'S .
TS ELECTRICITY LIFE ?—This question ¦ ^ is treated upon a little work , which may be obtained l , for three stamps ) from | . L . PU 1 AERMACUEK , ii ) 4 , Retteut-street , W ' ., London , I ' . nlitk-d MEDICAL ELECTRICITY : ITS USE - LVX and ABUSE , HOW to CURE RHEUMATIC , NERVOUS , MUSCULAR , and FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS , & c ., by SELF-APPLICATION ( for three stamps ) , through all booksellers . HOW to CURE Rheumatic , Nervous , Muscular , and FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS , & c , !> r SELF-APPLICATION . Read " MEDICAL l .- ' l I . 'I'TRIC'IIV , IT ! -. r'SH AND Auuaii , three stamps . — | . L . PUI . VERMACHER 194 Regent Street , London , W .
( list published , Free Edition , flUIDE TO HEALTH ; or ADVICE AND VJ INSTRUCTIONS for THE CURE of NERVOUS , MEN . TAI ., ami PHYSICAL DEBILITV , Imliftestion , ami all diseases of the Nervous Svstem , resulting front exhaustion of Ncr \ c Power , llv DR . HENRY " SMITH , GIVES INSTRUCTIONS lor the Developincntand Stren Kthenitit ; the Unman llody , how to Acquire Health anil Strength , Secure l . one , Life , ami Avoid tile Infirmities of Old Age . Illustrated with Testimonials , with means of Cure \ ised in each case . The pamphlet will lie sent free by post to any address on receipt of two nennv stamps . Address , Dr . II . SMITH , 8 , Burton-crescent , London , W . C .
A K-OMATIC TINCTURE OF QUINOIDINK For the prevention of FEVER , AGUE , and Effects oi MALARIA . An Unfailing Remedy . Those who during the campaign in the Crimea , daily took at small quantity , passed unharmed through the Fever anil Dysentery , that thinned the ranks . In Half , ( Juartcr , and Pint lUttJcs . Prepared onlv bv THOMAS WILKINSON , 2 JO , Regent Street , London , \ V . May he had of " all leading Firms in India and Colonies .
WILKINSONS BRONCI-UO - THORACIC LOZENGES . Prepared from the receipt of an Eminent Physician ; experience has fully jnstitied their recommendation as the most speedy remedy in Ijritalion of the Throat , Catarrhal Coughs , Bronchitis , Incipient Consumption , Spilling of Blood , & t \ To public speakers and vucalisis they are invaluable , as they impart a clear and beautiful tone to the voice . I'Yee from opium * , ana of an agreeable taste In bottles < j one uniform size .
W l-HTMORE'S STOMACHIC and LIVER PILLS , composed of the Extracts of Dandelion , Turkey Rhubarb , and Jamaica Ginger . No Pill is so cflitacious in promoting Digestion , strengthening the Stomach , correcting Acidity , preiciiiiiii ; or removing Headache , Giddiness , & c , arising i ' nmi Cnsthejiess , Debilitated Stomach , or Toipid Liver . They recjuire no change of Diet , and tile most delicate niav take them ' v . ill ) safetv . Taken as an adjunct with \ V ! LKL \ SO . \ "S SARSAPAKILLA with the greatest success , In Mottle * , Small , Medium and Large . Prepared only by THOMAS WILKINSON , 270 , Regent Street , Lwndon , \ V . May he had ut a ? I leading ( inns in India and Colonies .
P ) INNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA . — ' The Best Jiemetly for ACIDITY of the TOMACII , HKARTBUKN , I-1 KADACI 1 K , ( JOUT AND INDIGESTION , and the best mild aperient for delicate constitutions , especially adapted for LAD 1 ICS , CU 1 LDKKN and INFANTS . D I N N K I ¦ O 1 { D Ai CO ., 172 , New lioiid Street , Loudon , and oi ail Chemists . £ ) HEAPEST GAS BATH < £ 6 IJ , . ~ odTiT ! ( advanced to per cent . ) Gas Oonservatorv Boilers . Gas Ovens , ( Nii ' tias Inside !) G . SHREWSBURY , j . ; , Old Bailey , Factory 9 8 , Ba . rrine . ton . road , East Brixton ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MASONIC EMBLEMS . A BEAUTIFUL WORK OF ART in Photo-XX graphy , for framing , representing a volume of the , Scrip ture , opened at Chapter 6 of the ist Book of Kings , surroun ded by symbols of the Craft . Plain , is . 6 d . ; richly coloured , 3 s . To be had wholesale and retail of STEVENS & RICIIAIIO . soN , Stationers and Steam Printers , 5 , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-inn-fields .
THE AUSTRALIAN j HANDBOOK AND ALMANAC , ; And Shippers' and Importers' Director }/ , \ FOR 1873 . Price One Shilling and Sixpence : Post free , j Two Shillings . ! PUBLISHERS : [ GORDON AND GOTCH , I iai , HOLBORN HlLL , E . C .
I rr ^ HE LONDON MIRROR f . - *¦ Published every Saturday j price 4 < 1 . t The object of this journal is to set fortli the claims of the many ¦ Religious , Educational , Benevolent , and Prudential Institutions of 1 the United Kingdom . and week by week to report their proceedings , I vrkether as Meetings , Sermons , Anniversaries , or Elections , so as to present these National Institutions to the favour of the Public . Office , tg , Southampton-row , Russell-souare , London , W . C .
"THE FREEMASON " Supplied by rn DRISCOLL , Wholesale Newsagent , 87 , - *¦ Farringdon-st ., E . C . South London Branch , 416 , Wandsworth-road , S . W eight doors from the London Chatham and Dover Raihvaj 1 Station . Wholesale Publisher to the Trade .
CITY . DOTTLE & SON , 14 and ij , Royal Exchange - *¦ City Agents for "THE FREEMASON " AND "The Israelites found in the Anglo-Saxons , " Just published , price 2 s . 6 d . DUBLIN . Bro . CHARLES HEDGELONG , NEW AND SECOND-HAND ^ BOOK . SELLER AGENT FOR " THE FREEMASON . "
SWANSEA Agent for the Freemason . JJRO . CHAS , MAGGS . 24 , Oxford-st ., Swansea , A large stock of Aprons , J ewels , Clothing , and every requisite for all Degrees of Freemasonry . Agent for Kenning ' s Masonic Note Paper , Envelopes , Books , Candles , Perfumes , & c . Advertisements rect »* ed for "The Freemason . "
THE BIRKBECK Is the only Building Society whose Annual Receipts exceeds ONE MILLION ! -Hnu to Purchase a House / or Two Guineas per Month , With immediate possession and no Rent to pav . Apply at the Ofliccof the B 1 RKBECK BUILDING SOCIETY , 29 & 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chancerv-Iane . \ V \ " ° ' '" I "'" " " " tot of Land for Five Shillings per Month , w "h immediate possession , either forUuildingorGarilening purposes , ^ P'A' at the Ollice of the BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND & OCIE 1 Y , 29 & 30 Southampton-buildings , Chancerv-Iane . llo-M to Invest Money with safety at £ 4 per cent Interest , ... Apply to the Office of the B 1 RKBECK BANK , nil sums under ^ 50 reparable upon demand . Current accounts opened similar to Ordinarv Bankers . Cheque Books supplied , utnee hours from 10 till 4 da ' ilv , on Mondays from to till 9 , and on Saturdays from 10 till 2 . A small pamphlet , containing full par"culars , may he obtained gratis , or sent Post-free on application to _^ _„__ FRANCIS RAVENSCROU-, Manager .
C ANDLES , OILS , AND SOAPS " . ROBERT S . MENDEY , » ,. ( LATE WITH PATESIIALI . AND CO . ) wax and Tallow Chandler , Oil and Soap Merchant , S |„ ., I , | r- ,, V . ' FB !< CHUI < CII-STKEST , E . C . Storm Ca . ndles—Masonic . Church and Perfumed—in pure Wax , liarS , ! - ' " . ' - ' i ? nd ^ l ™ "' ™ ' '" . ind Moulds of refined ami count , lall <» v . Sperm and superior burning Colza Oil . Dislor cash . Own carts deliver free in London and suburbs . Wholesale , Retail and Export .
W . FIGES , 8 ° , CANNON-STREET , LONDON , E . C , MANUFACTURER OF THE NEW ^ EGIS UMBRELLA , ° mbining increased shelter with increased strength , an e 'cgant shape , and a convenient walking length . J ^!^ DRIVING WHIPS , & c .
WELLINGTON HOUSE , 12 , COMMUTATION RO W , ( Opposite Wellington Monument ) , LIVERPOOL . BRO . J . ABRAHAMS , Proprietor . THE CELEBRATED 10 / 6 TROUSERS . Ready made or to Measure . Blue and Black Frock Coats , 35 s ., the best value in town . Black Dress Suits from 50 s . Fancy Silk Vests , 5 s . 6 d . INSPECTION INVITED .
THE LONDON RESTAURANT , NEXT TO PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE , LIVERPOOL . BREAKFASTS , LUNCHEONS , DINNERS , TEAS ' SUPPERS , & C . Wines , Liqueurs , Spirits , & c . CHARLES GOSDEN , Proprietor . Also of Masons' Hall Tavern , London , E . C .
COLLINS AND CAPELL HOSIERS AND OUTFITTERS . French and Brussels Glove Importers , SHIRT AND COLLAR MANUFACTURERS , Rugs , Portmanteaus , Umbrellas , SCARF AND TIE EMPORIUM . 6 , THE QUADRANT , LIME-STREET LIVERPOOL , » . ^ v .. wii - * v itsnington . jr 4 otcl .
CAUTION . GENERAL FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT ( Established upwards of 35 years . . ) ? Bros . SINCLAIR & SON , fl FUHVISIIIXO UxilKRTAKtlSS ANI 1 Fu \ EHAL II FE . UHKK . UEX , j ^ Kf c Sr City Road , Finsbury Square , opposite the Finsbury Schools , E . C , ami 24 , Sfiutligiile . vu . id , Downham-road , near the Rosemary Branch Bridge , N . No connection with any other establishment of the same name . ) Onlv at the above addresses , livery Funeral at stated charges—Sec Illustrated Prospectus .
M LEA & PERRINS ' SAUCE . W THE "WOKCESTEHSHIRE . " IlH Pronounced by Connoisseurs " THE ONLY OOOD ESJ SAUCE . " Its use impr o ves appetite and tliges-/ fflf'ljHk '' ' Unrivalled for piquancy and flavour . P 4 HIASK FOR LEA & PERR 1 NS SAUCE . tSwSfi BEWABK OF IMITATIONS , |/ : S : 5 ij | to avoid which , see the names , | uU §| li « H LEA & PERKINS , i SglsSljl on a " bottles and labels . iWllBIIH ! Rents—CHOSSE & BLACKWKU ., London , and sold by ^ lll ; ' 'I 11 SP * Dealers in Sauces throughout the world .
KENNING'S NEW BALLOT BOXPrice Thirty Shillings .
TESSELATED CARPETING , FOB Lodges , Chapters , Encampments , & c . Four Feet wide , 4 / 3 per Yard . MASONIC DEPOTS , 2 , 3 & 4 . LITTLE BRITAIN AND 10 . 8 , FLEET STREET E . C .
ELSTOB'S CELEBRATED Riding , Hunting and Lumbago Belts . Siz if waist anil I ' . O . O . for 20 s . to lie sent with order . Hie best lilting Killing Trousers anil Breeches Makeriu London or elsewhere . N . U . —Morning Trousers o £ Best West of England Wool . Established iSjo . ELSTOB , 44 , MADDOX-STREET , BOND STREET .
& 3 _ - « .= ^ 5 ^^ as- O DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND AIR-VESSELS . CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR . Opiates , Narcotics , and Squills arc too often invoked to give relief in Coughs , CoIds , and all Pulmonary diseases . Instead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at the expense of enfeebling the digestive organs , and thus increasing that , debility which lies at the root of the maladv , modern science points to CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR as the true remedy . SELECT TESTIMONIAL . Dr . Rooke , Scarboroufih , author of the "Anti-Lancet / ' says : " 1 have repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued cough , pain , and irritation of the chest in cases of Pulmonary Consumption , and I can , with the greatest confidence , recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allays the local irritation , but improves digestion and strengthens the constitution . Hence it is used with the most signal success in Asthma , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , Influenza , Night Sweats of Consumption , Quinsey , and all affections of the throat and chest . Sold in bottles at is . gd ., 4 s . 6 d ., and us . each , b y all re * spectable Chemists , and wholesale by Jas . M . Crosby , Chemist Scarborough . * V * Invalidsshor . Idrtsd Crosby ' s Prize Treatise on "Diseases the Lungs and Air-Vessels , " a copy of which can be had Gratis or all Chemists .
YOUNG'S ARNICATED CORN AND BUNION PLAISTERSare the best ever invented for giving immediate ease , and removing those painful excrescences . Plire 6 d . and is . per box . May be had of most chemists . Observe the trade mark . —HY—without which none are genuine be sure and ask lor YOUNG'S .
TS ELECTRICITY LIFE ?—This question ¦ ^ is treated upon a little work , which may be obtained l , for three stamps ) from | . L . PU 1 AERMACUEK , ii ) 4 , Retteut-street , W ' ., London , I ' . nlitk-d MEDICAL ELECTRICITY : ITS USE - LVX and ABUSE , HOW to CURE RHEUMATIC , NERVOUS , MUSCULAR , and FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS , & c ., by SELF-APPLICATION ( for three stamps ) , through all booksellers . HOW to CURE Rheumatic , Nervous , Muscular , and FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS , & c , !> r SELF-APPLICATION . Read " MEDICAL l .- ' l I . 'I'TRIC'IIV , IT ! -. r'SH AND Auuaii , three stamps . — | . L . PUI . VERMACHER 194 Regent Street , London , W .
( list published , Free Edition , flUIDE TO HEALTH ; or ADVICE AND VJ INSTRUCTIONS for THE CURE of NERVOUS , MEN . TAI ., ami PHYSICAL DEBILITV , Imliftestion , ami all diseases of the Nervous Svstem , resulting front exhaustion of Ncr \ c Power , llv DR . HENRY " SMITH , GIVES INSTRUCTIONS lor the Developincntand Stren Kthenitit ; the Unman llody , how to Acquire Health anil Strength , Secure l . one , Life , ami Avoid tile Infirmities of Old Age . Illustrated with Testimonials , with means of Cure \ ised in each case . The pamphlet will lie sent free by post to any address on receipt of two nennv stamps . Address , Dr . II . SMITH , 8 , Burton-crescent , London , W . C .
A K-OMATIC TINCTURE OF QUINOIDINK For the prevention of FEVER , AGUE , and Effects oi MALARIA . An Unfailing Remedy . Those who during the campaign in the Crimea , daily took at small quantity , passed unharmed through the Fever anil Dysentery , that thinned the ranks . In Half , ( Juartcr , and Pint lUttJcs . Prepared onlv bv THOMAS WILKINSON , 2 JO , Regent Street , London , \ V . May he had of " all leading Firms in India and Colonies .
WILKINSONS BRONCI-UO - THORACIC LOZENGES . Prepared from the receipt of an Eminent Physician ; experience has fully jnstitied their recommendation as the most speedy remedy in Ijritalion of the Throat , Catarrhal Coughs , Bronchitis , Incipient Consumption , Spilling of Blood , & t \ To public speakers and vucalisis they are invaluable , as they impart a clear and beautiful tone to the voice . I'Yee from opium * , ana of an agreeable taste In bottles < j one uniform size .
W l-HTMORE'S STOMACHIC and LIVER PILLS , composed of the Extracts of Dandelion , Turkey Rhubarb , and Jamaica Ginger . No Pill is so cflitacious in promoting Digestion , strengthening the Stomach , correcting Acidity , preiciiiiiii ; or removing Headache , Giddiness , & c , arising i ' nmi Cnsthejiess , Debilitated Stomach , or Toipid Liver . They recjuire no change of Diet , and tile most delicate niav take them ' v . ill ) safetv . Taken as an adjunct with \ V ! LKL \ SO . \ "S SARSAPAKILLA with the greatest success , In Mottle * , Small , Medium and Large . Prepared only by THOMAS WILKINSON , 270 , Regent Street , Lwndon , \ V . May he had ut a ? I leading ( inns in India and Colonies .
P ) INNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA . — ' The Best Jiemetly for ACIDITY of the TOMACII , HKARTBUKN , I-1 KADACI 1 K , ( JOUT AND INDIGESTION , and the best mild aperient for delicate constitutions , especially adapted for LAD 1 ICS , CU 1 LDKKN and INFANTS . D I N N K I ¦ O 1 { D Ai CO ., 172 , New lioiid Street , Loudon , and oi ail Chemists . £ ) HEAPEST GAS BATH < £ 6 IJ , . ~ odTiT ! ( advanced to per cent . ) Gas Oonservatorv Boilers . Gas Ovens , ( Nii ' tias Inside !) G . SHREWSBURY , j . ; , Old Bailey , Factory 9 8 , Ba . rrine . ton . road , East Brixton ,