Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Births, Marriage and Deaths. Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article LIVERPOOL THEATRES, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY IN FRANCE. Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY IN FRANCE. Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OF THE SANDGATE LODGE, No. 1436. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOTICE . The Subscription to THE FREEMASON is noiv 1 os . per annum , post-free , payable
in advance . Vol . I ., bound in cloth 4 s . 6 d . Vol . II ., ditto 7 s . 6 d . Vol . III ., ditto 15 s . od . Vol . IV ., ditto 15 s . od . Vol . V ., ditto a s . oil . Reading Cases to hold 5 2 numbers ... 25 . 6 d . Ditto ditto 4 do . ... is . 6 d .
United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any pait of the United States for 12 S . per annum , payable in advance . The Freemason is published on Saturday Mornings in lime for the e-arly trains .
The price of the Freemason is T-wopence per week ; annual subscription , 10 s . ( payable in advance . ) All communications , letters , & c , to be addressed to the Editor , 198 , Fleet-street , E . C . The Editor will pay careful attention to all MSS . entrusted to him , but cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
NOTICE . All Communications , Advertisements , is ' c , intended for insertion hi the Number of the following Saturday , must reach the Office not later than 6 o ' clock on Wednesday evening .
Births, Marriage And Deaths.
Births , Marriage and Deaths .
BIRTH . Cooi'UR . —June 14 , at Oakhill-park , Old Swan , near Liver pool , the . wife of Bro . J . B . Cooper , of a son .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
W . W . AUSTIN . —Richmond , Indiana . —Addiess as follows : —The Gianil Secretary , Giand Lodere of IMILTland , Freemasons' Hall , Gieat Queen-street , London . — The Grand Secretary , Grand Lotleje of bcotland , Freemasons' flail , Edinburgh , Hie Grant ! Secretary , Giand Lodgeof Iielaml , Freemasons Mall , Dublin . Reports of Lo ges rj ; n and 1 . VJ 3 fraud over .
Liverpool Theatres, &C.
Week ending [ uly : ; . Cf OVAL ALEXANDRA' 1 l-li-A IKK , l . ime-slrcct . —I . essc *¦ * . Hro . E . . s .-ikcr . ( iaietv ( mupjnv .
ROYAL AMI' 111 'nihATKK , Great Chailotle-Micct . —Leasee Dm . H . Leslie-. ^' The I ' oor nl" l . iver | ioiil . " PKINe- 'IfOF \\ At . l .: S ~ Tlll .: A-rKK , " Clayt « n . «| iiiiVe ^ uJ ^; Mr . Se'l ' ton Parrv . Mr . 1 !\ ron's new drama , " Chained to the Oar . " T " HBATRiT " ROYAlT "\ vfliiam > o ~ ivsiiuarc . —Leasee , " llroT IK Frecce , Hurlcsnuc til" " The- Forty Thieves , " " 'tile Sylphide ' , '' and Miscellaneous Entertainment .
ST . JAMES'S HALL , Lime-street . —Proprietor , liro . S . Ilai ; uc . Special Artiste's and Pio ;; iamnie ' . ]\ JEW STAK MUSIC I 1 AI . I ., Wiiiiaxsun-j v-eve . —Manaecr , A * liro . Saultdets . Opera and Special Attraction ,.. pOTlJNDATHKATKK and ML'SIC 11 ALL — Proprietor , Mr . **¦*¦ D . 'Irannei :. . Miscellaneous Emcrfniimit'nts . ROYAL CIKcjrK ...-W'illia ,,, lirnwn-st . — I ' . c | ue-sliian and other Pevf ' onnaiu ' e-. TVTKW ' SOME'S Clitll'S , Wliileviupcl ; -Scenes of lhe Circle * - * and other Lnti'itaitmients .
The Freemason , SATURDAY , J 2 S , 187 s .
Freemasonry In France.
Uur brethren in France have recently sustained severe losses by the decease of several of . ir most distinguished confreres . The last Grand Master of French
Ftvcisonry , the Frere Babaud-Laribicre , Prefect the Pyu ' iuvs Orientates , died last month at rpignan , aged only 54 years . JJrothor Bab . md-Laiibiere was an advocate
repute , a clever contributor t , > s ..-v . ral journals , ¦ da politician of progressive views , lie had rved as a member of the i \ alioiiaI Assenioly
r some years , but retired afier lhe .- coup d ' ela , len he wrote a history of that body . After ¦ i fall of the Enij-ue he accepted the Prefec-
Freemasonry In France.
ture of the Department m which he died . Our deceased brother was an ardent and zealous Freemason , and attained the high position of Grand Master of the Grand Orient in 18 / O ,
upon the resignation of General Mellinet , the successor of Marshal Magnan . Soon after his election , and with his concurrence , the Grand Orient decided , by a majority of 168 votes , to
abolish the Grand Mastership , a course of procedure against which we protested at the time as one calculated to produce a severance of the
jurisdictional ties which link together the various recognised powers in Freemasonry . Upon relinquishing his office of Grand Master , Babaud Laribiere was elected President of the Council
of the Order , and continued to exercise the functions of that office down to September , 1872 , when his failing health , amongst other causes , induced him to retire from active
Masonic work . The respect in which the illustrious deceased was held was evidenced by the immense concourse of persons who attended
his obsequies at Confolens , the place of his birth , and whither his body had been convey ed for interment .
Funeral orations were pronounced at his tomb by the Mayor of Confolens , M . Lavillauroy , and his Masonic brethren , MM . Dussolier and Duclaud .
The Supreme Council of France has suffered an equally severe bereavement in the death of the Viscount de la Jonquiere , who hsd for a lengthened period well fulfilled the duties of
Grand Chancellor and Secretary-General of the Council . This distinguished brother was descended from aw ancient family , and many of his ancestors and connexions were renowned in
the annals of their country . Jonquiere , the intrepid leader of several voyages of discovery , D'Orvillers , the well-known admiral , and
Montcalm , the famous and heroic defender of Quebec against General Wolfe ' s victorious attack , were all related to the late viscount .
Bro . de la Jonqtuere was initiated in the lodge Clcmente Amitie of Paris on the 20 th October , 18 , 59 , * l Wlls ebcted Secretary General of the Supreme Council , 33 ° in 1 S 60 . He was also
Representative of the Supreme Council of Peru , and is described in the Munde Maroiuih / ue as havino- been the soul of Ecossismc in France .
His successor , liro . George Maurice Guiflrey , is however hailed by the Cltaine d'Union as a brother worthy to wear themantleof the lamented defunct .
\\ e may also notice the decease of Frere Guepin , of Nantes , a medical man of great merit , and formerly Prefect of the Loire Jnferieure : the
Frere Cauehois , of Paris , author of several Masonic works , and the Frere Tellier , of Saint Germainen-Laye , all of whose deaths are recorded with regret in the pages of our French exchanges .
The summer festival of the Lion and Lamb , Op- ' ) ami the Willum IVestuu , (; 66 ) lod ge * will ue helel on Tnursd . iy next , July 3 rd , at the Rosherville Hotel , ( J avesell . l , proprietors , Bros . H . J . and W . J . Roberts .
Up to two o ' clock on Saturday afternoon , the amount rec . ived at the ALiusion-huiis .-011 account ol the . Metropolitan Jl . j . spiul Sunday Fun . I was £ i 1 , 428 .
Consecration Of The Sandgate Lodge, No. 1436.
This Lodge , to be held at the Royal Kent Hotel , ¦ Sandgate , was inaugurated b y consecration on Tuesday , the 24 th inst . Amongst those present we recognised the
following : —Bro . George Adamson , P . M . P . P . G . D . C , 199 , 1208 : Rev . W . A . Hill M . A ., 'P . G . S . ; Captain Charles Coates , R . A W . M . { James Slack , P . M . 1070 ; H . C . Foster
P . M ., G . A . D . C ., 1208 ; S . G . Fairtlough , of the Greta Lodge ; E . Evans , 1096 , of the Lord Warden Lodge ; S . Davis , W . M . 125 ; W . Lucker , ' G . W . 125 ; G . Tomlin , P . M .. A . D C ,
12 , 5 ; Isherwood , W . M . 558 ; H . Day , R . A . ; R . W . Meckling , M . M . ; Bro . Stacy , R . A . ; Chap . Concord , Jas . Bennett , S . W ., Temple , jj ; 8 ; C . Fagg , F . C . ,- A . Clement , Sec . J 426 ;
R . Pledges , l . G . 266 ; William Knight , 700 ; W . Davies , M . M . ; R . J . Ferrell , M . M . 488 ; John Williams , M . M . 6 99 ; and other brethren . The brethren having entered the lodge-room in procession , Bro . Adamson ( the presiding officer ) took the chair , and appointed the Wardens , pro-tem .
The lodge was opened in the three degrees , after which , the Chaplain ( the Rev . W . A . Hill ) offered up a solemn prayer on the importance of the duties in which they were about to be engaged to the honour of God and the welfare of their fellow creatures , followed by a response chanted by the brethren . The presiding officer then addressed the brethren on the nature and
object of the meeting for which they had been called together . The Secretary then read the petition and warrant of constitution . The brethren having signified their approval of the same , the Chaplain then delivered an oration on the nature and principles of the institution . He further remarked on the close adherence to its
principles . He said : We are gathered together on the very day we celebrate the festival of St . John the Baptist . We are reminded , when we think of him , that he was remarkable for his faith and duty to all men , and at last died a martyr to his faith . Again , we look on St . John
the Evangelist as the Apostle of love—love , to be carried round the churches . To-day we are gathered together to dedicate a house—not a house of stone , but a spiritual one , which shall last till time shall be no more . We cannot think of this without deep interest , because we
think there is something connected with us that shall live for ever . 1 would urge upon all brethren the cultivation of the study of science , to search out its hidden mysteries which are veiled in allegory . I wish to say that religion has great tendencies to enlarge the mind , and
opens the heart to feelings of love . Masonry is the handmaiden of Christianity . We have been taught to look upon the Bible as the rule of our faith and practice ; never to take God ' s name in vain , and we must take the Divine word as our basis . May the Great Architect of the Universe
assist us to carry out the glorious precepts contained therein , then we shall pass through the scenes and conflicts of this world to a hi gher and happier sphere , and live with the blessed Morning Star that shall shine for ever . Masonry is the handmaiden of religion . As regards our
intelligence , all Masons are directed to make progress in everything that is good ; they are to exercise their intellectual faculties amongst those with whom they live . The study of astronomyis sublime . Gaze on those heavenly stars , learn their courses , and let us , from nature , go up to
nature s God ! If we study and follow up the arts and sciences our intellectual faculties will become fully developed . Let us take , and reflect on the words of the apostle of love , " Little , children , lo \ e one another , " and we shall be able 10 sympathise with a poor and
distressed brother ; to soothe the widow and orphan , and all those with whom we are connected . Masonry improves the intellectual faculties . May the Great Aicllitect of the Universe bless you with peace ond harmony , and
at last take you in the Grand Lodge above . After a short piayer by the Chaplain , the lodge was uncovered , and the t leiiieucs of consectaiioti , corn , wine , and oil , were carried round by P . M . ' s Slack . Sherwood , and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOTICE . The Subscription to THE FREEMASON is noiv 1 os . per annum , post-free , payable
in advance . Vol . I ., bound in cloth 4 s . 6 d . Vol . II ., ditto 7 s . 6 d . Vol . III ., ditto 15 s . od . Vol . IV ., ditto 15 s . od . Vol . V ., ditto a s . oil . Reading Cases to hold 5 2 numbers ... 25 . 6 d . Ditto ditto 4 do . ... is . 6 d .
United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any pait of the United States for 12 S . per annum , payable in advance . The Freemason is published on Saturday Mornings in lime for the e-arly trains .
The price of the Freemason is T-wopence per week ; annual subscription , 10 s . ( payable in advance . ) All communications , letters , & c , to be addressed to the Editor , 198 , Fleet-street , E . C . The Editor will pay careful attention to all MSS . entrusted to him , but cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
NOTICE . All Communications , Advertisements , is ' c , intended for insertion hi the Number of the following Saturday , must reach the Office not later than 6 o ' clock on Wednesday evening .
Births, Marriage And Deaths.
Births , Marriage and Deaths .
BIRTH . Cooi'UR . —June 14 , at Oakhill-park , Old Swan , near Liver pool , the . wife of Bro . J . B . Cooper , of a son .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
W . W . AUSTIN . —Richmond , Indiana . —Addiess as follows : —The Gianil Secretary , Giand Lodere of IMILTland , Freemasons' Hall , Gieat Queen-street , London . — The Grand Secretary , Grand Lotleje of bcotland , Freemasons' flail , Edinburgh , Hie Grant ! Secretary , Giand Lodgeof Iielaml , Freemasons Mall , Dublin . Reports of Lo ges rj ; n and 1 . VJ 3 fraud over .
Liverpool Theatres, &C.
Week ending [ uly : ; . Cf OVAL ALEXANDRA' 1 l-li-A IKK , l . ime-slrcct . —I . essc *¦ * . Hro . E . . s .-ikcr . ( iaietv ( mupjnv .
ROYAL AMI' 111 'nihATKK , Great Chailotle-Micct . —Leasee Dm . H . Leslie-. ^' The I ' oor nl" l . iver | ioiil . " PKINe- 'IfOF \\ At . l .: S ~ Tlll .: A-rKK , " Clayt « n . «| iiiiVe ^ uJ ^; Mr . Se'l ' ton Parrv . Mr . 1 !\ ron's new drama , " Chained to the Oar . " T " HBATRiT " ROYAlT "\ vfliiam > o ~ ivsiiuarc . —Leasee , " llroT IK Frecce , Hurlcsnuc til" " The- Forty Thieves , " " 'tile Sylphide ' , '' and Miscellaneous Entertainment .
ST . JAMES'S HALL , Lime-street . —Proprietor , liro . S . Ilai ; uc . Special Artiste's and Pio ;; iamnie ' . ]\ JEW STAK MUSIC I 1 AI . I ., Wiiiiaxsun-j v-eve . —Manaecr , A * liro . Saultdets . Opera and Special Attraction ,.. pOTlJNDATHKATKK and ML'SIC 11 ALL — Proprietor , Mr . **¦*¦ D . 'Irannei :. . Miscellaneous Emcrfniimit'nts . ROYAL CIKcjrK ...-W'illia ,,, lirnwn-st . — I ' . c | ue-sliian and other Pevf ' onnaiu ' e-. TVTKW ' SOME'S Clitll'S , Wliileviupcl ; -Scenes of lhe Circle * - * and other Lnti'itaitmients .
The Freemason , SATURDAY , J 2 S , 187 s .
Freemasonry In France.
Uur brethren in France have recently sustained severe losses by the decease of several of . ir most distinguished confreres . The last Grand Master of French
Ftvcisonry , the Frere Babaud-Laribicre , Prefect the Pyu ' iuvs Orientates , died last month at rpignan , aged only 54 years . JJrothor Bab . md-Laiibiere was an advocate
repute , a clever contributor t , > s ..-v . ral journals , ¦ da politician of progressive views , lie had rved as a member of the i \ alioiiaI Assenioly
r some years , but retired afier lhe .- coup d ' ela , len he wrote a history of that body . After ¦ i fall of the Enij-ue he accepted the Prefec-
Freemasonry In France.
ture of the Department m which he died . Our deceased brother was an ardent and zealous Freemason , and attained the high position of Grand Master of the Grand Orient in 18 / O ,
upon the resignation of General Mellinet , the successor of Marshal Magnan . Soon after his election , and with his concurrence , the Grand Orient decided , by a majority of 168 votes , to
abolish the Grand Mastership , a course of procedure against which we protested at the time as one calculated to produce a severance of the
jurisdictional ties which link together the various recognised powers in Freemasonry . Upon relinquishing his office of Grand Master , Babaud Laribiere was elected President of the Council
of the Order , and continued to exercise the functions of that office down to September , 1872 , when his failing health , amongst other causes , induced him to retire from active
Masonic work . The respect in which the illustrious deceased was held was evidenced by the immense concourse of persons who attended
his obsequies at Confolens , the place of his birth , and whither his body had been convey ed for interment .
Funeral orations were pronounced at his tomb by the Mayor of Confolens , M . Lavillauroy , and his Masonic brethren , MM . Dussolier and Duclaud .
The Supreme Council of France has suffered an equally severe bereavement in the death of the Viscount de la Jonquiere , who hsd for a lengthened period well fulfilled the duties of
Grand Chancellor and Secretary-General of the Council . This distinguished brother was descended from aw ancient family , and many of his ancestors and connexions were renowned in
the annals of their country . Jonquiere , the intrepid leader of several voyages of discovery , D'Orvillers , the well-known admiral , and
Montcalm , the famous and heroic defender of Quebec against General Wolfe ' s victorious attack , were all related to the late viscount .
Bro . de la Jonqtuere was initiated in the lodge Clcmente Amitie of Paris on the 20 th October , 18 , 59 , * l Wlls ebcted Secretary General of the Supreme Council , 33 ° in 1 S 60 . He was also
Representative of the Supreme Council of Peru , and is described in the Munde Maroiuih / ue as havino- been the soul of Ecossismc in France .
His successor , liro . George Maurice Guiflrey , is however hailed by the Cltaine d'Union as a brother worthy to wear themantleof the lamented defunct .
\\ e may also notice the decease of Frere Guepin , of Nantes , a medical man of great merit , and formerly Prefect of the Loire Jnferieure : the
Frere Cauehois , of Paris , author of several Masonic works , and the Frere Tellier , of Saint Germainen-Laye , all of whose deaths are recorded with regret in the pages of our French exchanges .
The summer festival of the Lion and Lamb , Op- ' ) ami the Willum IVestuu , (; 66 ) lod ge * will ue helel on Tnursd . iy next , July 3 rd , at the Rosherville Hotel , ( J avesell . l , proprietors , Bros . H . J . and W . J . Roberts .
Up to two o ' clock on Saturday afternoon , the amount rec . ived at the ALiusion-huiis .-011 account ol the . Metropolitan Jl . j . spiul Sunday Fun . I was £ i 1 , 428 .
Consecration Of The Sandgate Lodge, No. 1436.
This Lodge , to be held at the Royal Kent Hotel , ¦ Sandgate , was inaugurated b y consecration on Tuesday , the 24 th inst . Amongst those present we recognised the
following : —Bro . George Adamson , P . M . P . P . G . D . C , 199 , 1208 : Rev . W . A . Hill M . A ., 'P . G . S . ; Captain Charles Coates , R . A W . M . { James Slack , P . M . 1070 ; H . C . Foster
P . M ., G . A . D . C ., 1208 ; S . G . Fairtlough , of the Greta Lodge ; E . Evans , 1096 , of the Lord Warden Lodge ; S . Davis , W . M . 125 ; W . Lucker , ' G . W . 125 ; G . Tomlin , P . M .. A . D C ,
12 , 5 ; Isherwood , W . M . 558 ; H . Day , R . A . ; R . W . Meckling , M . M . ; Bro . Stacy , R . A . ; Chap . Concord , Jas . Bennett , S . W ., Temple , jj ; 8 ; C . Fagg , F . C . ,- A . Clement , Sec . J 426 ;
R . Pledges , l . G . 266 ; William Knight , 700 ; W . Davies , M . M . ; R . J . Ferrell , M . M . 488 ; John Williams , M . M . 6 99 ; and other brethren . The brethren having entered the lodge-room in procession , Bro . Adamson ( the presiding officer ) took the chair , and appointed the Wardens , pro-tem .
The lodge was opened in the three degrees , after which , the Chaplain ( the Rev . W . A . Hill ) offered up a solemn prayer on the importance of the duties in which they were about to be engaged to the honour of God and the welfare of their fellow creatures , followed by a response chanted by the brethren . The presiding officer then addressed the brethren on the nature and
object of the meeting for which they had been called together . The Secretary then read the petition and warrant of constitution . The brethren having signified their approval of the same , the Chaplain then delivered an oration on the nature and principles of the institution . He further remarked on the close adherence to its
principles . He said : We are gathered together on the very day we celebrate the festival of St . John the Baptist . We are reminded , when we think of him , that he was remarkable for his faith and duty to all men , and at last died a martyr to his faith . Again , we look on St . John
the Evangelist as the Apostle of love—love , to be carried round the churches . To-day we are gathered together to dedicate a house—not a house of stone , but a spiritual one , which shall last till time shall be no more . We cannot think of this without deep interest , because we
think there is something connected with us that shall live for ever . 1 would urge upon all brethren the cultivation of the study of science , to search out its hidden mysteries which are veiled in allegory . I wish to say that religion has great tendencies to enlarge the mind , and
opens the heart to feelings of love . Masonry is the handmaiden of Christianity . We have been taught to look upon the Bible as the rule of our faith and practice ; never to take God ' s name in vain , and we must take the Divine word as our basis . May the Great Architect of the Universe
assist us to carry out the glorious precepts contained therein , then we shall pass through the scenes and conflicts of this world to a hi gher and happier sphere , and live with the blessed Morning Star that shall shine for ever . Masonry is the handmaiden of religion . As regards our
intelligence , all Masons are directed to make progress in everything that is good ; they are to exercise their intellectual faculties amongst those with whom they live . The study of astronomyis sublime . Gaze on those heavenly stars , learn their courses , and let us , from nature , go up to
nature s God ! If we study and follow up the arts and sciences our intellectual faculties will become fully developed . Let us take , and reflect on the words of the apostle of love , " Little , children , lo \ e one another , " and we shall be able 10 sympathise with a poor and
distressed brother ; to soothe the widow and orphan , and all those with whom we are connected . Masonry improves the intellectual faculties . May the Great Aicllitect of the Universe bless you with peace ond harmony , and
at last take you in the Grand Lodge above . After a short piayer by the Chaplain , the lodge was uncovered , and the t leiiieucs of consectaiioti , corn , wine , and oil , were carried round by P . M . ' s Slack . Sherwood , and